Meme Something

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Clap For The Wolf Meme

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Stacey Abrams is So Hot

Stacey Abrams photoshopped to appeal to suburban women

You know what I find really odd about the Stacey Abrams phenomenon? Nothing. I find nothing odd or interesting about it.

She’s a person that claimed, without evidence, that she won the 2018 gubernatorial election in Georgia and along with her media allies, spread the claim far and wide in the run up to the 2020 presidential election.

They lied repeatedly for political gain and no one cared. I did a bit of research about her claim and only USA Today had the courage to run a fact check rating the claim ‘partly false’. They were so brave that they fact checked an anonymous Twitter account and made sure that even though there was actually no evidence of fraud or cheating in 2018 and that she’s been lying for 2 years about it, to give her a 500 word tongue bath for registering 800K new voters. As if that matters. Something is true or not. It isn’t ‘partly false’ because you go girl! or whatever. It’s either a lie or it isn’t.

The sad reality is that her story is totally normal now. She’s a loser that lies without hesitation because she can. Everyone around her lies to keep the lie rolling, and normal people that question the lie are called out for not lying enough or squinting hard enough to see that the lie is ok because she’s…you know. And you have to treat…you know…people differently because those other people that treat…you know people equally are probably racist.

The same narrative is used for almost everything now. It’s all the same. It’s all lies. Happy Monday!

Stacey Abrams summed up in one picture

Memey McMemepost

Democrat Underground/Daily Kos have teamed together for the greatest Trump takedown of all time! Stay tuned!


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Right Up The Equinox

Apparently there’s a difference between equinoxi and solstici. Who the heck knew that? I do know the difference between shit and Shinola of course.


It’s not like you can win money on Jeopardy with information like that, right?

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MMM – Motivational Music Monday



I found this over the weekend and it is most excellent. No, I’m serious this time. LISTEN MUTHAFOCKERS. You need to give it a minute. I don’t know who this Samuel Pipes is, but he’s got some pipes. Get it? his name is Pipes?


Whatever. Tough crowd this morning.


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Apropos Of Nothing

There are certain words and phrases we occasionally encounter when reading that we sort of know their meaning. We might have looked up them up once in the distant past, know a root word or understood by intuition the intended meaning within the context it was used. “Apropos of nothing” is one of those phrases for me. I don’t think I’ve ever uttered those words in conversation. I may have imagined myself saying them somewhere in the English countryside before politely asking someone to please pass the Grey Poupon mustard. Well, after a lifetime of waiting for the moment, I finally wrote the words in an email to someone where I linked a story about the use of poppy seed oil to increase fertility. I’d never heard of that technique before and was still processing the concept in my head when I wrote a friendly email and just had to share the story. Which is what prompted the “apropos of nothing” lead in to the link.

So what’s it mean? Stolen from the world wide web I give you this definition:

Without reference to anything. // Without any apparent reason or purpose.

Does that sound like anything we all know and love? A certain blog? Rhymes with “The Sausages“? I’m sure you all have similar words you run across that you have the same feeling about.

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