
The Official Hostages Birthday Calendar

01/06 = Janteenth, anniversary of the 2021 “Insurrection”

01/12 = MCPO Airdale

01/18 = Will

01/24 = Vmaximus


02/02 = jam2

02/13 = Brother Cavil

02/18 = Russ in Winterset

02/19 = Cranky

02/22 = Michael

02/24 = Herr Morgenholz


03/01 = Mr. Chumpo

03/10 = Hotspur

03/11 = BrewFan – 2009

03/14 = TexasJew | Steak & BJ Day

03/24 = Sean M – 2009


04/06 = NiceDeb

04/16 = Pupster, AprilWine’s evil twin | AprilWine

04/23 = Uniball

04/25 = PajamaMomma


05/02 = MJ

05/08 = Pendejo Grande | GMLand | Robert

05/11 = Scottw – 2011

05/25 = Cathy

05/27 = Tushar


06/10 = lauraw – 2009

06/17 = Rosetta – 2011

06/21 = Phat


07/01 = Jimbro

07/08 = Sohos

07/15 = bcochran81

07/16 = Rich

07/20 = EddieBear| TeaFran

07/24 = PattyAnn


08/09 = Mare – 2009

08/12 = Revvy | George Orwell

08/15 = Jay in Ames | Lipstick

08/30 = Clintbird – 2009


09/02 = DaveInTexas

09/04 = Beasn

09/11 = Osoloco | Colorado Alex

09/25 = Jewstin | Tushar Twins

09/30 = Roamy | Anita


10/11 = agile dog

10/14 = Catman

10/15 = Jazz

10/18= Teresa in Fort Worth

10/20 = Cyn – 2011

10/24 = ChrisP

10/25 = xbradtc

10/28 = geoff

10/31 = Sox


11/07 = Andy

11/11 = Mrs. Peel

11/14 = Tom Swifty

11/15 = LC Aggie Sith

11/20 = wiserbud

11/27 = mesablue


12/02 = BiW

12/04 = Car in

12/15 = leoncaruthers

12/22 = Cuffy

12/31 = Mr. Science (fka mundane)



  2. HA HA, someone lost my day. Monkey.

  3. GMLand / 05-08

  4. HM-2/24

  5. Oso-9/11

  6. Comments Temporarily Disabled due to Teh Spaaam.

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