I Won’t Meme Down

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Meme Girls

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The Great Reset

Where might you be?




The above amalgam makes a healthy society grow despite the Dunning-Kruger Crew.

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As For Meme

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Types of Pain

Block Diagram for pain mechanism | Download Scientific Diagram

Ever stop to consider how many types of pain there are?

Pain in the neck.

Pain in the tuchas.

Pain mechanisms and analgesics pathways #Pain #Pathways # ...
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Nobody Told Meme

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Siamese Dream

I have a dream…

But the dream is a nightmare. You are here, and you can’t wake up. Critical race theory is a night terror and you’re pinned the bed hoping your limbs start working again. The color of your skin trumps the content of your character.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how to challenge bad ideas and although it’s a cliche, we need to start countering bad ideas with good ones. Many of us face the woke stasi at work and because we’re decent people we keep our heads down. We let them have their struggle sessions and go back to doing our jobs – you know, what we’re there for.

But the cold hard truth is that they’ll never stop. Ever.

Recently I wrote a letter to my boss letting her know that I won’t be attending any more ‘voluntary’ sessions and you know what happened? Nothing. She told me I didn’t have to – and then we had a meeting on racial microagressions the following month. I felt good for a moment but the SJW train just keeps rolling on.

And that got me thinking. If the JEDIs (they don’t like SJW anymore – JEDI is way cooler) are ok presenting politics at work why aren’t we? Are we afraid we’ll suffer some negative consequences for proposing alternate points of view? Probably.

We need to get over that fear. They’re using it to their advantage, creating a culture where bad ideas can’t be criticized.

It’s not enough to opt out or write a SWL (strongly worded letter). We need to propose struggle sessions that take apart critical race theory, show microagressions are simply the result of demand outstripping supply, and that power dynamics aren’t the root of all interactions.

Shorter MJ: post modernism and neomarxim can suck my dick.

Counterweight is an organization started by Helen Pluckrose to counter the bad ideas presented as ‘science’. The resources are good and can provide an answer to the question, ‘where do I start?’

Note: the struggle sessions aren’t being pushed by my boss but she’s complicit because she ‘asks’ her employees to attend. I give her the benefit of the doubt – she has no idea what she’s talking about and doesn’t realize she looks like a fucking idiot, as do all of the leadership, when they push this stuff.

My next steps are to find out who identifies and creates/buys the struggle session content and have them work on opposing points of view. If he or she balks, I’ll fire them as soon as I can. I expect my project to take 6 months. I’ll give you regular updates.

Shortest MJ: War.