Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Your model for today was born December 2nd, 1997 in Conway, Arkansas. She stands 5′ 5″ and measures 342436 and 138 lbs. Please safe-search Miss Nala Brooks.


  1. Holy Underboob!

  2. She seems to really enjoy serving up the roast beef IYKWIM

  3. Lumpy, I’m not afraid to admit it was me who suggested contacting your local university. How was I to know that they’d be useless? Look on the bright side, for at least 10 or 15 minutes, you diverted them from their primary DEI missions to look for hammerhead worm stuff. And just maybe, this will become a brainworm for the people involved in that conversation and serve as the spark for the renaissance of hammerhead worm research and ultimately eradication from our shores all because you created the spark that lit the fire of knowledge!

    Eh, what a bunch of bullcrap – they stopped thinking about your worms before they finished the pro forma kiss off email

  4. Yeah, I’m not sure when the whole Lent thing starts but she’s probably going to cause a crisis of faith for Leon.

  5. I didn’t notice this but Paula told me one of the Mexican Acrobatic Roof Crew stood our concrete garden gnome up next to the outdoor shitter. I stand it up every so often but because it’s on mulch or dirt it tends to lay down a lot. Someone had a sense of humor.

  6. I’ll tell you wut, she is no Sabrina

  7. Yesterday was the first day of peace after 2 weeks of constant barking by Rowan and it was wonderful. Porta potty and dumpster are still here but the deck boss said he was going to call for them to be removed so hopefully they’ll be gone today.

    The deck crew brought the dumpster and shitter as part of their site prep along with a big pile of lumber. The two days the roof crew were here they enjoyed having the outdoor shitter here which is fine by me. I’d rather they use that than take a dump in the woods behind the garage.

  8. We’re roughly 48 hours into Lent so you might be onto something there Pups

  9. Vivacious is a good adjective.

  10. wakey wakey

    She seems mouth

  11. I’m sorry Sobek that the duty fell on you.

  12. I dedicate this song to today’s model.

  13. She’s a poor man’s (fill in the blank).

    But she looks fun.

  14. I dunno, gang, something feels off on the smile on this one…

  15. Toothsome.

    First Friday of Lent, Pupster. I’m still too sick to be motivated to ill intent by this one.

  16. Comment by Car in on February 24, 2023 7:27 am
    more bs:


    I know Sobek is one of the good guys but after reading about his horrible day looking through a pedo’s phone, my first thought was (seriously), instead of wasting agents on white, fake, terrorism they should be concentrating on finding the pedos.

  17. Yea Mare – it makes sense why they don’t have the manpower to search a pedo’s phone for three years. THey have white supremacists to chase.

  18. more bs:

    wow, so he “knew” someone from Patriot Front, the FBI drama group posing to pin crimes on others. Sounds like they had a patsy all set up, and needed dirt. Good job on Kaltenbach. Too bad he isn’t a Marine right now, we need more like him, he’s got a good head on his shoulders.

    But that’s why they drummed him out, isn’t it?

  19. Nice model gif for today, thanks, Pupster!

  20. Team America? Wow, the FBI really has fallen

  21. The federal agents had essentially sidestepped the whole chain of command. They were working straight at the top with the General.”

    fire all of them, colonel on up. Burn it down.

  22. That is icky about all the pedos. Sorry you have to deal with that, Sobek, but I’m grateful that someone is out there, going after them. Twitter was a home for them for far too long, and I’m glad Elon’s crew is getting rid of them.

  23. would LOVE to know xbrad’s take on that story

  24. I’m glad I never got to that corner of twitter. Sorry you have to deal with that, Sobek

  25. there are 0 stories about USMC recruits, or on Paul Kaltenbach, on google. Just that one.

  26. This gal could give a grown assed man a hysterectomy with them chompers.

  27. Praying for Sobek. That kind of duty must be hard on the soul.

  28. Comment by mare on February 24, 2023 7:48 am

    my first thought was (seriously), instead of wasting agents on white, fake, terrorism they should be concentrating on finding the pedos.

    – – – – – – –

    They are the Praetorian Guard for all those pedos in DC. and the ones that support them. See Epstein’s guest list.

  29. Chiclets

  30. Deadly diversity hire

  31. Something icky about today’s “model”. Especially whorish and unwholesome-looking. Red hair and black eyebrows. Unhealthily fishbelly-pale. Big mouf. Looks like she brays when she laughs. Just. Ick.
    Would serve Pupster’s purposes however.
    /snob mode

  32. Comment by Brother Tim on February 24, 2023 9:26 am
    Praying for Sobek. That kind of duty must be hard on the soul.



  33. “Holy trailer parks, Batman!

    Correct, Old Chum!”

    Pupster, you done outdid yerself!!!

  34. She’d win a hot dog eating contest.

    8/10 would smash

  35. Love the coincidence video

    I’m waiting for the data but there’s something really strange going on with mortality in the US.

    It was rising, but generally in line with what you’d expect as boomers took the exit to deadville but then it increased outside of what would be considered normal. And it’s stayed there through the fake pandemic.

    *adjusts tinfoil banana hammock

  36. Shad Brooks took the vaxx under duress to walk freely in his native Australia. He’s father of 5 in his late 40s, and most of his income is from his yootoob channel. He had been in pretty good health for a nerd his age, but he’s got pericarditis now and has to have his staffers do sword demos.


  37. twitter: Savanna Hernandez is great

    I’m not approved press and I never will be and I refuse to ask pre-approved questions to the leaders we need to be holding accountable.

    My message to the incredible residents of East Palestine and Americans nationwide:

  38. Reading sobek’s comments front last night.

    I would not shed a tear if there was a task force formed to take out those pedo monsters.

    I remember a story from years ago of a young girl who was forced into an abandoned building and raped. The wheels of justice was slow to do anything about the perp, until one day perp was found ded in same building. It was said the men in her family did it but they couldn’t prove it and noone was talking.

  39. “We was all out fishing that day.”
    “No, didn’t catch nothin’, that’s how it goes sometimes.”

  40. Last night’s pool league update, because I know y’all are on pins and needles: close match on handicap – we needed 12 to their 14 but balls were not rolling our way and came up short with 9. I did ok though and nabbed 3 out of 5.

  41. Thanks mitch! Now Friday is complete!

  42. Something icky about today’s “model”. Especially whorish and unwholesome-looking. Red hair and black eyebrows. Unhealthily fishbelly-pale. Big mouf. Looks like she brays when she laughs. Just. Ick.
    Apt description from the female perspective. All those ideas were present in my mind as a nascent thought while I scrolled through the pictures but the power of T&A prevented it from becoming a coherent paragraph.

  43. Paula left for work at the same time I left to do a few errands in town this morning. She was running late and I was waiting for her to back out of the garage for a few minutes. Turns out her Jeep kept turning off because some back up sensor was covered with snow. She had to run in the house, grab a dishcloth and wipe off the back of her Jeep before it would allow her to back out. And it still shut off twice during that movement. Ain’t technology grand?

  44. Data analysts have noticed that a lot of countries have suddenly started putting mortality data, especially infant mortality data, behind walls. And the US simply stopped producing some classes of data at all.

  45. Did I or somebody else link the lead author of the Cochrane mask study here? I don’t feel like looking for it, I’ll just repost it. One ray of illumination on a very confused matter. Why did every organization push this BS?

  46. I have access to a mortality data set – the most accurate in the US. It’s updated weekly.

  47. When I was scrolling through radio stations I heard an NPR story discussing the “fear” abortionists now have about prescribing drugs for chemical abortions (I think that’s the term they used). Anyway, it was all yada yada yada until I heard them say that the Misoprostol used in abortions is an OFF LABEL USE. That stood out because of the story last night about cracking down on off label use of medications by physicians to specifically target Ivermectin had me primed for that terminology.

    I’m sure this will become a case of “It’s okay when we do it”

  48. During the height of the pandemic, I actually consulted my fundamentals of nursing textbook to prove to myself I wasn’t crazy. And yes, with footnoted references, there is no standard of care that uses light surgical masks for respiratory viruses. We have known this literally for longer than I have been alive.

  49. Would serve Pupster’s purposes however.

    Just because you’re right doesn’t mean you have to write it down.

    *ships another crate of slugs and hammerhead worms to CT*

  50. Well, okay, I consulted my text again and that’s not exactly what it says. It says the masks protect against viral transmission by small aerosolized breath droplets that can carry over a distance of about three feet, and protects against direct transmission by contact with mucous membranes.
    So, that’s something I guess. But that’s not how they say covid spreads, is it? I thought they said it’s ‘airborne’, which is a whole different thing than aerosolized droplets.

    And hospital isolation precautions distinguish between Contact (droplet precautions; mask, gown, gloves, possibly eye protection, etc) and Airborne (airborne precautions; N95 mask, gown, gloves, patient maintained in a negative-pressure room because otherwise the N95 mask is useless).

    So here’s the rub: If it’s actually a droplet disease like influenza, but they lied about the mode of transmission in order to scare people more, then surgical masking is actually useful.

    If they told the truth about transmission and it’s airborne, then masking is useless.

    But the study indicates masks had no effect anyway, so.

    The study, according to my most lib family member, has been debunked, “irresponsible,” “poorly conducted,” etc.

  51. MJ, have you noticed anything strange in the data? Are coincidences through the roof, or not?

  52. NM, just went up and found your comment again. I’m all over the place this morning like a golden retriever in a ball pit.

  53. It always seemed like a mix-and-match on terminology. They’d call it one thing but “mean” another and ignore that the term they used meant something else, except were trying to imply it meant both at once and ackshully they were right because…

    It is days like this I am reminded that, when considering the nature of Christ-like behavior, flipping tables and whipping people can, in fact, be a valid option.

  54. Terminology was maddening this whole time. In nursing, specific terms indicate for specific protocols. Then politics came and fucked everything up.

  55. n95, not n1, sheesh
    I fix

  56. I’m presenting this info to my most lib family member, not sure why I bother. The reply is almost certainly to be “Is this what your Tea Party people are lying to you about these days,” or whatever.
    I’m making the point that no tradesperson would ever use these little paper masks to protect themselves against sawdust or drywall dust, hardware stores sell N95 masks as the most basic protection for that. So if they don’t work for dust, then why would anybody trust them to protect against microscopic particles?

  57. Jimbro, I always wonder about those electronic “safety features” on new cars. Seems like they could make it impossible to flee carjackers or others with an intent to harm you. Isn’t there some kind of emergency override?

  58. Even if a virus is in a droplet, those droplets don’t stay droplets very long. As someone who has studied surface chemistry, I know that the smaller the droplet, the more extreme the radius of curvature, and so the higher the vapor pressure of the liquid. It’s old science … the Kelvin equation.

    In other words, smaller droplets evaporate faster. Then you have nothing but an airborne virus particle.

  59. Just noticed a couple of our maple trees have popped their flowerbud jackets already. Undoubtedly due to all this mild weather we have been having. Gonna be a hard freeze tonight. I wonder if this means there will be fewer maple helicopters all over the yard this Spring. We shall see.

  60. RC, this stuff is sooo interesting. The discussion of multiple routes of transmission for one bug, where the lines are far blurrier than we thought, is new to me and it makes me shake my head when I think about how in the hospital we used such crisp delineations between precautions.

  61. The scientist in the interview I linked also mentioned that we really don’t know what the means of transmission are and that it’s probably multiple routes.

  62. And let’s say your mask ‘stops’ a droplet by catching the droplet on the outside of the mask. Then what happens?

  63. I PR’d my thruster today.

    Whore moufs. Shut them.

  64. Over 70F here yesterday and the day before. I expect to see the redbud trees blooming soon. Even though the forecast says wintery mix tomorrow.

  65. If there is an emergency override it remains a mystery to my lovely wife. Seems like there ought to be. You have a good point, what’s to stop a nefarious sort from applying black tape over the sensor to immobilize the vehicle and their prey within it?

  66. you leave that there, and now we have to be quiet?

    Life isn’t fair

  67. PR?

  68. pretty sure it’s oso for kipping

  69. I had to look up PR too. I suspect “personal record.”
    Not Puerto Rican.

  70. Jimbro, and I can think of several scenarios where I would WANT to ram into something or someone. Emergency braking OFF, please.

  71. I can disable that stuff on my car. Not sure, I think there’s a control under the steering wheel or near the hood popper button thingy.

  72. I found that study and the interview here:

    Wonder what the reaction from the leftidiots at the NYT was at publication.

  73. I PR your mom’s thruster on the semi-regular.

  74. I don’t take orders from nobody.


  75. We doing a team competition thing for the open and you get extra points for PR’ing a lift in the official workout. After the workout, you had 5 min to get to a 1 rep heavy thruster (again, whore moufs shut). Previous record was 80. I did 97 in the workout then did an even 100 afterwards.

    /feels so strong.

  76. impressive!

  77. Thruster – not the kind your mom does:

  78. I honestly never thought I’d be able to get them that heavy.

  79. If I had a vehicle with those features, I’d want to know how to turn them off BEFORE some guys with pistols started tapping on my window. That is not the time to pull out the owners manual.

    Reminds me of the video where they showed that self-driving Teslas would be immobilized if a ring of white powder (e.g., salt, sugar, flour) was placed around it. It couldn’t bring itself to cross the line.

  80. MJ, have you noticed anything strange in the data? Are coincidences through the roof, or not?
    I’m looking at the top line numbers for the most part. But here are my observations so far but I could be wrong…

    The death rate increased at the beginning of the pandemic and basically continued at that rate afterward. The virus killed off the vulnerable. My thought was that the death rate would go back to normal afterward but it’s remained higher than expected. My hypothesis is that we’re seeing higher drug overdoses, suicides, etc – call them social deaths. I can’t really prove it out but there are clues.

    My guess is that it will take a few more years to understand.

    For one, it seems as though after the initial clean up that covid made among the vulnerable a whole lotta deaths were considered covid that weren’t. I think we can say that’s true. Why? Because of what I mentioned above. If covid was really a once in a lifetime pandemic, the data would show a spike and then a return to normal.

    Mortality data is generally very stable so this is confusing.

    The name of our mortality data set?


    It’s both the best and worst name for a product of all time.

  81. Oh man, I have 3 of their albums!

    The early stuff is the best, but some of the later ballads do stay with you.


    It’s both the best and worst name for a product of all time.

    Right up there with Thigh Master for sure.

  83. Alternatively, I’m pretty sure it was a movie starring Cynthia Rothrock.

  84. If covid was really a once in a lifetime pandemic, the data would show a spike and then a return to normal.

    That’s what big Death Master wants you to think.

  85. Well, if you follow a once in a lifetime pandemic with a global mass poisoning, it may take awhile to return to baseline.

  86. I so want to send this link to an old GF who had fallen for the prevailing temper tantrum hook-line-sinker …

  87. I bought a dongle for my car that plugs into the on board diagnostics port under the dash. BMW makes an app for your phone where you can go in and turn all of that “safety” fucking bullshit off, including seat belt warnings, door ajar warnings, proximity warnings, etc.

    I hate all of that shit.

  88. The CDC says that about 70% of all women in the U.S. who were pregnant between mid-December 2020 and mid-November 2022 were vaccinated.

    What the actual fuck?

    Women don’t drink, smoke, eat seafood, touch cat litter, take meds, or many other things but these dumb bitches would take an experimental “vaccine”?????????????

    I don’t get stupid people.

  89. She is absolute trash. Husband stealing trash. Thieving, lying trash:

  90. Yeah, about that bullshit in Ukraine:

  91. From what I gather, birth rates are plummeting, miscarriages are soaring, and young children are dropping from heart attacks and strokes.

    And all the usual suspects from big media and governmental health departments (and those likely to be beholden to them) are denying it, but they continue to hide data.

  92. My husband just lost a friend age 62, in excellent health, worked out his whole life, played football at Stanford, and got the vaccine in early 2022. His mother (age 84) thinks it was the vaccine and requested an autopsy. She is not vaccinated. Nor are his adult children. He got it because his girlfriend wanted him to get it.


  93. Psst! Wanna see something mind-bendingly stupid from where I live?

    What’s wrong with this picture…

  94. Comment by mare on February 24, 2023 2:51 pm

    She is absolute trash. Husband stealing trash. Thieving, lying trash
    – – – – – – – –

    But those WWI U-boats are not likely to recognize her.

  95. that’s more urban camouflage, isn’t it?

  96. good listing of AZ election fraud instances

  97. hahahahaha, good one, Rural.

  98. I dedicate this song to today’s model.

    Jesus. Angst, much?

  99. Your new avatar is bringing back memories of “Emily’s Dull Affect”

  100. I see that I remain the sole “Like” of this precious whore. Remember, this is BIG BOOB FRIDAY, not a frigging Mensa International Convention. She may be a slut but those titties stand out from the crowd!

  101. We got through the whole BBF day without anyone bringing up the obvious with today’s model.

    She doesn’t remind y’all, even a little, of another red-headed Arkansasian? Who made her orthodontist a millionaire?

  102. Pupster has introduced us to a shitpot full of beautiful family women. This is not one of them.

  103. ^^^ My fuckin phone always inserts a word that did not originate in my brain. Can y’all guess which one it is this time?

  104. “Pupster” ?

  105. women?

  106. I always forget to hit the Rate this buttons.

  107. But now that you mention it, she does have a Chelsea Clinton vibe to her face.

  108. I use “Likes” and “Rate This” as criteria for the tournament. 7 or 8 Likes or 9 and up on the MJwouldsmash scale is almost automatically a first round bye.


  110. Bill really did get around.

  111. Comment by Jimbro on February 24, 2023 5:37 pm
    I see that I remain the sole “Like” of this precious whore. Remember, this is BIG BOOB FRIDAY, not a frigging Mensa International Convention. She may be a slut but those titties


    Jimbro gives a heartfelt and compelling argument for today’s “model.”

    I’m liking this poat.

  112. I still feel nothing. Not even a twitch. I’d rather have a double cognac on the rocks.

  113. Comment by Pupster on February 24, 2023 6:02 pm


    LOL I didn’t want to sound bitchy toward our “precious whore.”

  114. This will help recruitment. And will absolutely not increase the sexual assault statistics for women in Basic.

  115. I think your “not” is misplaced between your two sentences

  116. Dan is freaking out over all the Mexicans we work with comparing incarceration times.

  117. We will absolutely totally be ready for war with China or Russia or both at once!

    My only hope is that the women in basic re-enact the soap-towel scene from FMJ so often that the bruised perverts flunk out.

  118. Daggo has 9 kids. 16 years incarcerated. 3 kids with each baby mama. He introduced Dan to Palmetto guns. Chucky is 505. Gang banging. 3 days in jail…this week. My immediate boss has multiple face tats.

  119. Ace linked this. Finally a superhero movie worth seeing.

  120. The book I just finished about the Russo-Finnish War, the “Winter War”, talks about the Finns concept of sisu a lot.

  121. Good night. I’m locked out of all accounts. Lucky you guys. Good night. Watching DU hockey. Western Michigan?

  122. Osita, weren’t you giving up green chile cheeseburgers for Lent?

    And SC mustard BBQ is not gross, hater.

  123. ever had that night when one more thing will set you off completely? I’m there.

    I’ll be over here cooling off. Grrrrrr

  124. you are not alone, jimbro, i hit the like too now

  125. The ginger has stolen my soul, so I hit the like button, but she ain’t gonna make it out of the first round in Best of BBF.

  126. Huntsville Times, Birmingham News, and Mobile Press-Register will cease printing after this Sunday. Get woke, go broke. Newspapers are doomed anyway, but the beginning of the end was the editorial supporting Hillary and that the mishandling of classified info on a private server was no big deal. That didn’t fly in a military town.

  127. wow, the crew at Project Veritas, not the board, put out a great video. try and catch it.

  128. Don’t ever ridicule panthers.

  129. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the […]

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