Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.





Your model for today was born February 10th, 1988 in Okinawa, Japan.  She stands 5 foot even and measures 473335 and 95 lbs.  Please welcome back Miss Fuko Love AKA P-chan.



  1. Horrible genetic defect?

  2. -gross-

  3. But this is so old school H2 it made me laugh.

  4. Yeah, she does have the “Rosetta Approved” look to her

  5. “The average rate on a 30-year fixed mortgage fell to 2.98%, mortgage-finance giant Freddie Mac said Thursday, its lowest level in almost 50 years of record keeping. It is the third consecutive week and the seventh time this year that rates on America’s most popular home loan have hit a fresh low.”

    -from the WSJ Markets newsletter. That’s crazy low. I’ve been fortunate to live in an era with relatively low mortgage rates.

  6. Puny Human – “Can’t Clap With A Drink In Your Hand”

    Good tune.

    The lyrics are unintelligible but the music rawks so it gets dos pulgares arriba

  7. I eagerly await MJs scoring and smash assessment.

    As for me and my house, we will take a zero on this one.

  8. As for me and my house,




  9. Yah Jimbro I tried to find the lyrics but I guess you’d have to buy the album to figure it out. It is a good song.

  10. Heh. Well, we were due.

  11. Revolting. Great job Pupster!

    3/10 would smash and then go out for pad thai.

  12. I bet Miss Fuko could do things with ping pong balls that would leave you utterly gobsmacked

  13. Mortgage rates may be at record lows, but Fuko is obvioysly experiencing high rates of inflation.

  14. udderly

    My bad

  15. Wonder what’s going on here? I mean, aside from the obvious “rounding up troublemakers”?

  16. This poor, cursed creature. At least some deformities are marketable.

  17. wakey wakey

  18. yikes

    that third link gif is a bit jarring first thing, eh

    Anyway, good morning you filthy swine.

    At noon I will be completing a 36 hour fast. I had a 24 hour fast two days ago. Only a sandwich in between the two fasts.

    Think I’ll break this one with chard from the garden and a couple eggs.

    I must say, fasting is shit for a good night’s sleep. Both fasted nights sucked.

  19. I like to imagine it was the kid’s parents. lol


  20. RE roamy’s comment from last night.

    Agree. Trump needs to wake up. This is a fight for survival, not an election.

    I also don’t think he’s actually losing but that doesn’t matter.

  21. Yeah, “Use your words” was hilarious. She must work at a preschool.

  22. Why fasting? Just trying it out?

  23. Head of DHS was in Portland, I heard. Checking on federal buildings.

  24. Yeah, I’ve done it before with good results. It’s good to detox, resensitize to insulin, etc.

  25. Being a latin type individual, I have that whole genetic issue with diabetes on both sides of my family. I’m not always as nice to my pancreas as I should be. This is like Christmas for my pancreas.

  26. You know, I’m not convinced that wasn’t staged. They loaded him into a minivan.

  27. On Pancreamas do you decorate a glass of water or just sit around with your super lethargic dueling hamster (she’s fasting in solidarity) side eyeing each other licking your chops?

  28. I saw Pancreas Christmas open for Stroke Rehab at Cobo Hall in 76.

  29. I read somewhere that the DOJ people are in unmarked cars arresting the shit out of rioters.

    No idea if that’s true.

  30. They loaded him into a minivan.
    It was originally tweeted by a rabid leftist so maybe

  31. DOJ people in unmarked cars are the new black helicopters

  32. black helicopters are racist.

    Please dude, the preferred nomenclature is POC helicopters.

  33. If you listen to podcasts, Ted Cruz Verdict is really good. Cruz, besides being very smart and intelligent is very articulate and easy to listen to. The host is Michael Knowles who is also very intelligent and lets the guest speak. Good questions, on point.

    On one episode Cruz discusses SCJ John Roberts and is surprisingly honest. They were friends, however, Cruz does not hold back about Robert’s pathetic votes lately. Says he is betraying his oath.

    DC is pretty chummy which I loathe. Shitty behaviour is excused because everyone hangs together. Cruz was honest which is rare.

    Although I don’t know what to think of him saying Senator Lee would be a great SCJ.

  34. Federal judge hopefully won’t be letting the rioters go free without bail.

    I have no meetings today. Mr. RFH says if you abuse your employees less, it feels like a reward.

  35. Also, pretty sure there’s some gravitational distortion around today’s model.

  36. I don’t know who “model” gif is, but I wish to subscribe to his newsletter.

  37. Video looks like it’s staged. They walk up, he puts his hands behind his back and they walk away. No cuffs or restraints? No military or government vehicle? No rifles?

  38. Notre Dame is “thrilled” to hire Pete Buttigieg as a faculty fellow. I have no words.

  39. Angela Davis being in the news today reminds me that there was an Angela Y. Davis Lounge room in my dorm at UM.

    No security cameras at the time. I could have done something about that mural. I’m ashamed.

  40. Satan corrupts because he cannot create.

  41. Nice melons, but the tits are gross.

  42. Not at all what I was hoping for on BBF.

  43. Not every week is a winner in the BBF tit lottery

    She’s serving her role as a yardstick of comparison

    A rather endowed stick

  44. I’ll use my words.

    Fuck Black Lives Matter.

  45. Everybody’s always talking about the liver. The liver this, the liver that. It’s a celebrity visceral organ and everybody wants to detox with the liver. Nobody talks about pancreas, and it’s a damn shame it’s not more popular.

    (Stop trying to make dueling rodents happen, MJ. I’m telling you, first thing I do is drop it and step on it.)

    Anyway, Pancreamas is over.

    I don’t know how a 33 hour fast differs qualitatively from a 36 hour fast, but because I am at home and surrounded by wonderful foods, I caved and am enjoying my breakfast.

  46. You don’t gain superpowers until hour 47, Laura.

  47. (Stop trying to make dueling rodents happen, MJ. I’m telling you, first thing I do is drop it and step on it.)
    You have insulted my honor, I dare say.

    *releases sprinkles and tells him to run north, killing all humpbacks. Trust no one. Call if you need something.

  48. Describing today’s BBF model as weighing 95lbs, I can only assume they mean the weight of each breast

  49. Laura when you fast, is it water only? What are you doing?

  50. I tend to sleep better when I fast. Combined with a 12-hour sudafed leads to some weird dreams, however.

    Whenever I break a fast longer than about 14-15 hours, my soft and hard palates get really sensitive. It makes it feel like I’m eating ground glass.

  51. When Laura fast, she really fast.

  52. Describing today’s BBF model as weighing 95lbs, I can only assume they mean the weight of each breast

    So she’s catching up with you?

  53. Mostly. Water, black coffee, ACV in water with a little regular salt and potassium salt, water with a squeeze of lime, water with a tablespoon of kimchi juice, etc. I used to use broth but I ditched broth because all these sources are saying broth is a food that will break your fast. Bummer, I liked broth.

  54. I’m a big fan of Good Girl Moonshine (not sure if that’s allowed) fill a mason jar with ice, add 3tbs ACV, grate some fresh ginger, 3 doonks of pure stevia…fill with water. SOOOO freaking refreshing and amazing.
    You have iron will. I don’t think I’m capable of NOT having anything but liquid.
    I did the whole lemon cleanse for 12 days, yeeeeeeeeeeeeears ago (before kids) and my dad did it for 30.
    Gah, I like to chew way too much
    The body probably really digs fasts. Not like early man had food EVERY single day…probably, maybe?

  55. There are some studies which suggest that fasting is when the body does “clean-up” of damaged cells and such. Also, resetting your hormonal sensitivity to things like sugars.

  56. That gal’s back must be killing her!

  57. T-shirt wars have begun

    Just out of curiosity I looked on amazon for Goya shirts. Top selections support Goya, lower choices are all about the boycott and mixed in with those are images of the painter Goya.

  58. That gal’s back must be killing her!

    In her “profession” she spends a lot of her time horizontal. So, maybe not.

  59. Looks like the Detroit post office is still a cesspool of useless pieces of dog shit.

    Yet again, a Priority Mail parcel which is scheduled for delivery in four days, takes a day to go from Burlington NC to Detroit, as soon as it hits Detroit the delivery status changes to “Arriving Late”. Last time it took five days for the package to go from Detroit to Ann Arbor – 33 miles. Looks like that’s the situation this time.

    We’re truly at a point where there is absolutely no accountability in government. Disband the post office and let private businesses compete.

    Unless I’m actually expecting something I check my mailbox only once a week. Everything in it is shit. First stop after the mailbox is the trash bin.

  60. Detroit PO is where mail goes to die.

  61. In her “profession” she spends a lot of her time horizontal. So, maybe not.

    But when she lies on her back she probably has trouble breathing.

  62. When I get the mail I stand by the recycle bin and over half goes in. When Paula gets it she isn’t sure what I want and brings all the crap home

  63. I’m curious…do we HAVE to have mailboxes? I probably get 3 items a month that are of any interest to me…yet I’m forced to get all sorts of bullshit in my mailbox every day. All my bills are online, I don’t have any magazine subscriptions.
    What would happen if I got rid of my mailbox?

  64. I seriously can’t believe I got Lauraw to type out ‘dueling rodents’.

    Ok, so what type of dueling small animal would you like? I thought we settled on a little monkey.

  65. Dueling Tardigrades

  66. What would happen if I got rid of my mailbox?

    Your lazy ass union letter carrier would set it on your porch.

  67. Actually, all of the first class mail is supposed to go back marked Undeliverable. The second class and bulk shit would go in the trash.

    Later in the month seven BLM thugs would show up, rape you , then burn your house down around your kids while you watch.

  68. Comment by Jimbro on July 17, 2020 11:35 am
    Dueling Tardigrades

    Can’t. Setting up dueling ‘tards gets you in trouble with the authorities. Something about abuse and the county department of developmental disabilities, blah blah blah.

  69. *removes mailbox

  70. We had to get a mailing address for the vacant land in Kazoo to get a construction loan (still the biggest mistake I’ve made that didn’t involve a wedding), there’s never been a mailbox there, so somewhere there’s probably a giant pile o’ junk mail.

  71. For a different Goya purchase try the Mojo Corillo it is really great. The Cubans use a sour orange version called naranja agria that is even better IMHO

  72. Your lazy ass union letter carrier would set it on your porch.

    I doubt they’d walk it up my steep driveway

  73. She’s gonna stay on til she can see if Biden wins the election

  74. My hope is that she dies of a broken heart on on Nov 5 over the landslide re-election victory of GEOTUS.

  75. First week of October. MORT.

    Who else wants to guess?

  76. Leon, I’ve been thinking something similar. Imagine you’re a good progressive, waking up on November 6 hungover and miserable at the thought that you have four more years of Trump, only to see the news on Twitter that RBG has passed away in her sleep…

  77. Man, I really screwed up by not going into psychiatry. I could be getting PAID to listen to the lamentations.

  78. At this point, I really hope she holds on and does appearances. Her dying might be a rallying point for the servants of Moloch to gin up some morale in the troops.

  79. I think the same way Leon.

  80. If she dies in November and Sotomayor kicks off in January after a bunuelos overdose, 2021 is gonna be lit AF.

  81. OTOH, I read a rumor that Alito was considering retirement too.

  82. Trump’s second term would offer the chance to appoint 2 or 3 justices


  83. Speaking of which, one of my friends recently let it slip that one of our friends was in counseling once a week for six weeks after the Nov. 2016 election.

    That made me snortle in my Speedo.

  84. ne of our friends was in counseling once a week for six weeks after the Nov. 2016 election.
    my word people are weak

  85. I’m amazed at the number of women who are open about being in therapy and on medications.

  86. There are legit traumas and conditions that require therapy.

    It’s possible that the leftist brainwashing most modern women undergo and the cognitive dissonance it causes them constitutes sufficient trauma to warrant expert care.

  87. If some chick wants to pay me $250 an hour to sit there and listen to her whine, and occasionally ask her how that makes her feel, I think I could do it.

  88. There are legit traumas and conditions that require therapy.

    Absolutely. Not liking your president isn’t one of them.
    Note: I am not a licensed therapist and cannot legally diagnose TDS.

  89. Amazing how many restaurants around these parts now have eat in patios now that Newsom has banned all indoor activities.
    I mean, sure your table is in a former parking stall, but hey, people are getting creative.

  90. The drugs really work – if your goal is to feel less, not more.

    That seems to be where we headed in general. Not feeling anything uncomfortable and by no means should you ever confront your fears.

    The opposite would actually make people better but I don’t think that’s what people really want.

  91. RBG would remain on the court even in hospice.

  92. “Three bouts with cancer in three years would be a lot for anyone to take but at age 87 it’s pretty remarkable she’s still able to carry on with a demanding job and do it “full steam.” Clearly the latter half of the letter is aimed at reassuring everyone she’s not in danger of resigning before the election. A lot of progressives see themselves as fighting for the cause but few are fighting the battle as personally as RBG. She really has proven to be a tough lady and I wish her a speedy recovery.”

    This is why Republicans lose all the time.

    Hot Air is basically a center left to left blog now.

  93. Hot air is still one?


  94. The opposite would actually make people better but I don’t think that’s what people really want.

    Exactly. My parents cure for a fear of water was learning to swim, not avoiding the pool

  95. To be fair, her fight with cancer is impressive. I don’t think most people would stay with their jobs through it.

  96. I’m starting to think that the cancer just needs a bad performance review and an improvement plan.

  97. Why in the hell would Trump give Chris Wallace an interview?

  98. Her cancer needs a PIP. I like your idea to have her hold on until after the election.

    We actually need 3 justices to offset Roberts and the weak sister that’ll slip through.

  99. My dueling hamster, Sprinkles, eats a huge helping of fish sticks before a big duel.

    Superstitious? Yep.

  100. Magnanimity.

  101. My dueling hamster, Sprinkles, eats a huge helping of fish sticks before a big duel.

    Fish sticks. We haven’t done them, have we? Right. Fish sticks. How to defend yourself against a hamster armed with a fish stick. Now you, come at me with this fish stick. Catch! Now, it’s quite simple to defend yourself against a hamster armed with a fish stick. First of all you force him to drop the fish stick; then, second, you eat the fish stick, thus disarming him. You have now rendered him ‘elpless.

  102. Hell, I should do an on-line “vent to me” service. I’d make bank and have no end of anecdotes to torture my friends and acquaintances with.

  103. Jaw dropping awesomeness Sir Pupsalot!!!!

  104. Fish sticks. What are you, some gay fish?

  105. Sprinkles is a fucking funny name.

  106. Sprinkles had a retarded sister name Drizzles.

  107. “He didn’t try 2 kick that baby he tried 2 jump over the baby on to her and made a mistake…as y’all can see the baby ran from under the girl fighting while he was coming down,” the mom reportedly said on Facebook.

    This woman needs a bullet in the head just like her son.

  108. I messed up the South Park punchline. Leon, I saw that. I can’t believe she blamed the toddler for getting kicked in the head. Shameless.

  109. Black Toddler’s Lives Matter

    All the participants were black, local news story, soon forgotten.

    If it were a white chick getting beat up it would obviously be her fault.

    White guy kicking a black toddler? Stores must burn after looting!

  110. Turns out homeless dudes don’t clean up their act if they’re homed

    Wonder if there’s anything else going on here? A real mystery …

  111. Yeah, I get so sick of people saying homeless people don’t want to be homeless.
    Bullshit. My nephew (when he’s not incarcerated) lives in the San Diego riverbed with all the other homeless druggies…and loves it. He tells us he doesn’t want to live where there’s rules and he can come and go as he pleases. No work obligation. He can drink and do drugs and recycle cans and steal people’s shit for money.

    Not sure about where you guys live, but the big thing that happens out here now is the homeless steal your entire recycling trash can now. Can’t even be bothered to open the lid and take out the stuff that can be recycled. They just take the entire thing. Watch them on their bmx style bikes pulling a big ole blue recycling can down the street.

  112. That’s way out of proportion to what we have around here. There’s some regulars holding cardboard signs at intersections with traffic lights and a few well known camps. Well known in the sense that they make the news every so often when someone gets murdered or OD’s and everyone acts concerned for a few days while the Bangor PD rousts them. They’re back before too long. A lot of our bums are migratory. Maine is tough to hang around outdoors in February.

  113. The trolley brought all the nasty meth head homeless to my neck of the woods…it’s nice in February

  114. Ours are getting extremely aggressive. No one has cash. In spite of the videos showing APD rousting and bullying the homeless, our city is infested with them. We had to change churches, because it was no longer safe for us to attend our parish. We really didn’t have an issue in my zip code, until they built a bus hub by us. Next to the police substation.

  115. Our hobos started panhandling downtown until the liberal restaurant goers no longer found it amusing. Then the hobos started getting verbally abusive bordering on physical assault when the beautiful people wouldn’t give them money. Now they all live in a tent city down by the river.

  116. Those are bums.

    Hobos work.

  117. Fish sticks. We haven’t done them, have we? Right. Fish sticks. How to defend yourself against a hamster armed with a fish stick. Now you, come at me with this fish stick. Catch! Now, it’s quite simple to defend yourself against a hamster armed with a fish stick. First of all you force him to drop the fish stick; then, second, you eat the fish stick, thus disarming him. You have now rendered him ‘elpless.
    Geoff, my good man, you don’t know shit about dueling hamsters.

    First, my homey Sprinkles eats fish sticks before a duel because he’s a bit superstitious. It’s his big game meal.

    Second, he prefers a Colt Single Action Army pistol. I have no idea how one would duel with a fish stick. It’s literally impossible.

    Gun>Fish Stick.

    Even disarmed, without his Colt, he’s a formidable opponent. He’s been trained in all of the fighting styles on this list: All of them. He actually wrote the article which is why everything matches so perfectly – it’s not just a coincidence, which would also be a perfectly acceptable argument.

  118. Scott is correct. Hobos work. Hobos are respectful. My Buckeye grandmother would make sammiches and provide odd jobs for Hobos.



  121. Damn, Imgur is all in on anti Trump and pro Covid shit.

  122. Imgur is Twitter demographics but lower verbal reasoning ability.


  124. NSFW – antidote to the horrific boobs pictured above.

  125. I just got a quote request from somebody that needs to move on Monday or Tuesday.


    Sucks to be them.

  126. Wow, there’s some real characters commenting at imgur

  127. How does america trust Biden more on Covid? People taking polls are stupid.

  128. Leon, you need to invent a construction equipment video game. Kids could run virtual backhoes, loaders, etc. After a little while, they could probably run the actual equipment. Learning valuable skills while playing.

  129. isn’t there a bob the builder game?

  130. Pepe, those exist. As does Farming Simulator. Sadly, the latter is mostly focused on giant clear-cut agribusiness.

  131. How I imagine Laura’s fasting
    View at

  132. hhhhmmm, I see someone else that wants to meditate in a closet……..but against his will

  133. Get ready for a whole weekend of John Lewis stories. He passed away at 80.

  134. That’s weird – some other Civil Rights dude, Reverend C.T. Vivian, died as well.

  135. Danger! Electrocution remains possible!

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