Big Berb Friday!!!!!ONE!!!!!!!!

Herro. I’m speaking Chinese now and going to meet our new overlords next month. I’m going to bring a picture of Wiser and me and tell everyone that I know Bill Clinton. I’m also going to eat lizard dusted pig face with a light, foamy spider leg reduction with a big bottle of grapefruit Shasta. It’s what they like, according to a book I’ve been reading about Chinese culture, “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.


I wrote this song for Victoria LeGrand a few years ago during a drug fueled… You know I’m going to admit something here; I didn’t really write all of the songs that I’ve claimed to. But this isn’t like the time I posted a super hot trans dude and fooled you idiots into thinking he was a girl. These lies were for the simple pleasure of making you weirdos lust after she cock. No wait…that was still the tranny. These lies were about artistic expression. Big titties and veiny wiener art. Nope, still tranny. Welp, looking back on all of my lies, I guess I’m just a liar. A Brazilian barely legal butt licking frottage obsessed liar.



Today’s model does not have a penis, does not top, and will not slap you in the face with her girl meat if you’re into that sort of thing. I swear to god with my hand on a stack of giant, lady boner bibles that Ann Denise does not have a ding-a-ling. Swearsies.













I’m going to FL for the weekend so there’s no telling what kind of condition I’ll be in for SES. Wish me luck, cock gobblers.


**This post brought to you by Josh Duggar of reality TV fame.


  1. Good luck cock gobbler!

  2. I bet they numb your eyes before an ultrasound VMan. Still a creepy concept.

  3. She seems nice. And sturdy.

  4. That Emma Sulcowiz rape video is shocking, and I am not surprised she skipped the playboy and brazzers phases and directly went into rape videos.

    But if she thinks that this video will convince people that this is exactly how her encounter with that german guy went, she is wrong.

    Also, she is fat, and her rapist friend is double fat.

  5. Wakey wakey

  6. That mom who killed two of her kids and stuck them in the fridge, argued in court yesterday that the dads were deadbeat and never there for their children.

    *blink blink

  7. I’m going to try to fix my internet this morning

  8. I’m sure there’s been a few “ripped from the headlines” Law and Order type shows done on that that tell her version of the story. This latest attempt by her to retell it says more about her state of mind than anything else.

    Idee fixe

  9. Oh, I don’t doubt that the dads sucked.

  10. workie workie

  11. Stupid wordpress keeps logging me out

  12. China cyberattack sand Obama in the White House. What could go wrong?

  13. This chart is an eye opener. Republicans mostly engage in professions that are useful to society. Democrats mostly indulge in useless stuff (with few exceptions like pediatricians, carpenters and architects.

  14. Well, she really was there for the kids. And she made sure they were around forever.

  15. As a group, doctors are in the middle, though pediatricians lean left and urologists right.

    Once again, the Republicans are a bunch of dicks.

  16. Heh, IT has 76 democrats for every 26 republicans. Pretty accurate. Probably weighted to the GOP side, from my observations.

  17. Most people don’t know that back in 1912, Hellmann’s Mayonnaise was manufactured in England. In fact, the Titanic was carrying 12,000 jars of the condiment scheduled for delivery in Vera Cruz, Mexico, which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after its stop in New York.

    This would have been the largest single shipment of mayonnaise ever delivered to Mexico.

    But as we know, the great ship did not make it to New York. The ship hit an iceberg and sank.

    The people of Mexico, who were crazy about mayonnaise and were eagerly awaiting its delivery, were disconsolate at the loss. Their anguish was so great, that they declared a National Day of Mourning.

    The National Day of Mourning occurs each year on May 5 and is known, of course, as –

    Sinko De Mayo.

    WHAT??? You expected something educational from me?

    You Need a Shot of Tequila.


  19. If repubs are dicjs, by that logic dems are a bunch of babies

  20. I’d think a Urologist would hang left

  21. Episcopal Priest

    These are mostly women, thus the leaning dem.

  22. That last pic flatters her figure.


  23. Happy Made Up Bullshit holiday.

  24. Is there a holiday today?

  25. This should come standard not extra:

  26. There’s a pride parade in Detroit this weekend.

    The type of pride and why it’s worth parading it as though it is an accomplishment is left as an exercise for the reader.

    Hint: it’s not White Pride.

  27. Mj knows trannies

  28. Hotspur?

  29. Comment by jam2 on June 5, 2015 8:56 am

    Mj knows trannies

    And trannies know MJ. And charge him double.

  30. MJ, don’t eat any bird’s nest soup. It’s basically viagra and low-dose steroids in a bowl. You’ll make bad decisions in the Red Light district.

  31. Tomorrow is the African American Festival in Ann Arbor.

    More made up bullshit.

  32. Urrrrr, I’ve had bird’s nest soup. When I was in Hong Kong.

  33. Tomorrow is the African American Festival in Ann Arbor.

    More made up bullshit.

    Will they invite a token black dude, or will it just be the white trustafarians?

  34. Ann Arbor has plenty of black people. They all got into the U by quota.

  35. That’s not fair, some got in with the same scores as the other students. The problem is most of them didn’t, and the effect is that you assume the black kid in your class is dumb.

  36. In December, Obama will negotiate a multi-country climate agreement in Paris. We already know from Obama’s joint announcement with China that he will commit the United States to a huge reduction in carbon emissions of 26%-28% from 2005 levels, but he will let China, already a much larger carbon emitter, continue to expand its carbon emissions until 2030.


    He’s insane and the R’s that vote for the trade bill are too.

  37. I just told a potential client, who I did not have a great feeling about how working with them would turn out, that we are too busy for their project.

    In a way, we are too busy, but more importantly, after the hell bitch from a few years ago, Ima listen to my gut.

  38. Dodged a bullet.

  39. Today is one of my carpenter’s 20th anniversary with the company. That’s quite an accomplishment in construction.

    We’re going to get him a watch, and all go out for steaks on Tuesday.

  40. Hotspur, you are a good man and you are fortunate to have good people working for you

  41. That is a lengthy tenure for any job these days.

  42. I very much doubt I have another 8 years to give to my current employer.

  43. I’d hit it.

  44. Notice how in non of the pictures can you get a clear view of the tuckable regions. In fact, in several she seems to be deliberately concealing them.

    Suspicious, if you ask me.

  45. Comment by Cyn on June 5, 2015 11:03 am
    I’d hit it.


  46. So much win in this post, you deserve atrophy.

  47. He’s not lifting, he’s getting atrophy.

  48. I’d risk it.

  49. Quick

  50. I applaud chumpo’s strategic typos.

  51. If I make it to 20, I get another week of vacation. Only 9 years left!

    Then I can not use that vacation too!

  52. As opposed to Cankles, who hasn’t driven in 20 years.

  53. Four tickets since ’97, the last two of which got dismissed. The NYT is a fucking disgrace.

  54. I have 161 hours of PTO. I’m planning to use all of it this year. Better that than a lump-sum payout.

  55. My wife has had traffic tickets. This makes me unfit for office.


  56. It astonishes me that the media can keep a straight face when they perform the rectal examination of all republican candidates, but ignore the democrats, or only post positive things.

    It’s bullcrap. And the left says there is no bias.

  57. I agree.

  58. Of course you do.

  59. How can I not?

  60. It’s in the rules.

  61. It’s a good thing today’s model has such ample front bumpers. Otherwise she might have broken her nose when she fell into the wall.

  62. A squirrel just ran by my office window.

    I couldn’t tell if it was Jewstin.

  63. Was it chasing a pig?

  64. No, Hillary isn’t in town.

  65. Supersleuth Laura!!

  66. It just popped into my head. I seem to remember Ace posting about it too but can’t find his post.

  67. Rubio got a Speeding Ticket

    Iran’s about to get the bomb.
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Terrorists taking over the Middle East
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Hillary and Bill been takin’ bribes
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Ten years from now they’ll be takin’ ‘em still.
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Baltimore’s on fire and there’s more cities to come
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    In Chicago, young black men are killing each other.
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    The country is going bankrupt
    (‘cause Rubio got a speeding ticket?)

    While the Obamas spend more millions on vacation
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Taxes takin’ my whole damn check,

    Junkies makin’ me a nervous wreck,

    The price of food is goin’ up,

    An’ as if all that shit wasn’t enough

    Iran’s about to get the bomb
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Terrorists taking over the Middle East.
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Was all that money The Clinton’s took over the years…
    (while Rubio was getting speeding tickets)

    In return for political favors?
    (Hm! Rubio got a speeding ticket!)

    Y’know I jus’ ’bout had my fill
    (of Rubio getting a speeding ticket)

    I think I’ll just go and cast my vote ,

    Airmail special

    (to Rubio, who got a speeding ticket)

    – Wiserbud Scott Heron

  68. From Lauraw’s link:

    Mrs. Clinton was at the Chatham House to receive an award for her role in promoting international diplomacy.

    And also for Being Outstanding in the Field of Excellence

  69. Drudge is down. I don’t know what to do with my hands.

  70. You could always go here:


  71. Cette page ne ​​se charge pas , soit!!!


  72. Do NOT read the comments on Cyn’s link.

    Thar be monsters, ye have been WARNED.

  73. I have nothing against pron, but you couldn’t pay me enough to get me to watch that lying attention-whore’s video.

    Her parents must be so proud.

    They ought to sue Columbia University.

  74. No way I’d ever hire that lying attention-whore for any job except maybe used car salesman figuring fudging facts isn’t frowned upon.

  75. Her parents must be so proud.

    My guess is that they are, and I’ll bet one of Chumpo’s mom’s donuts that they are academics.

  76. 7 tix in 2011
    So Rubios lady is a shitty driver then?

    Le Shock.

    The Yellow Journal NYT is failing.

    Rejoice and be glad. If it takes Liberal Jock Sniffers like Soros to prop up the American Socialist Narrative, change is nigh.

  77. No way I’d ever hire that lying attention-whore for any job

    oh, she’ll spend the rest of her life in academia, where she will be feted as a hero to women everywhere as she falsely accuses random men of raping her occasionally, just to keep her name in the press.

    She will accomplish exactly nothing in her life and eventually be elected to the Senate to represent New York State

  78. She should change her name to Julia.

  79. The only reason Julia wasn’t named Hillary is because it was too obvious. So was Chelsea.

  80. What about Caitlyn?

  81. Apparently, NOAA hired her as a statistician.

  82. After viewing further analyses, let me repeat my prediction: Cankles will be the Democrat candidate. She’s not going away and no one can make her go away, even though a mess of Dems can’t stand her. The only way she leaves is if she’s beaten in the convention or she drops out and she will not drop out. Ever. The Dems have an addiction to the Clintons and there ain’t no cure.

    If we get Jeb, we ultimately get President Pantsuit. Wall Street is happy with her because she won’t upset the status quo despite her ridiculous rhetoric. She knows who butters the bread.

  83. She will accomplish exactly nothing in her life and eventually be elected to the Senate to represent New York State

    But will she beat Chelsea?

  84. I think we should all panic

  85. Panicking won’t help. Plan for life after the crash.

  86. Mare must be packing.

  87. Plan for life after the crash.

    *begins hoarding chocolate-covered espresso beans

  88. huh?

  89. I got almost 6000 rounds.

    * hopes the new currency is ammo *

  90. The new currency will be bottlecaps, but ammo will be a close second.

  91. I’ve been preparing by playing Fallout.

  92. Unfortunately, we won’t be lucky enough to get that apocalypse.

  93. I’ve invested in football gear, leather chaps, and go-karts.

  94. Peppercorns, a copper still, and glass bottles.

    High proof moonshine is money, medicine, and fuel.

  95. Peppercorns killed it.

  96. I like peppercorns.

    I gots to go to my kindergarteners moving on ceremony. I’m taking a flask.

    Check ya later

  97. What are the peppercorns for?

  98. They store for very long periods, are highly portable, and spices are going to be at a premium if the supply chain fails. I’d suggest salt as well.

  99. Ok, I thought they related to the still and bottles.

  100. the spice must flow…


  101. Yeah, that was an unintended mashup.

    Peppercorns are one of those things that most prepper sites suggest very highly, so it’s usually the first thing I think of. The still is the post-crash job site.

  102. Ain’t nuttin’ gonna flow if this ol’ Republic falls into civil war or worse.

  103. “Comment by wiserbud on June 5, 2015 1:12 pm

    Rubio got a Speeding Ticket

    Iran’s about to get the bomb.
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Terrorists taking over the Middle East
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Hillary and Bill been takin’ bribes
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Ten years from now they’ll be takin’ ‘em still.
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Baltimore’s on fire and there’s more cities to come
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    In Chicago, young black men are killing each other.
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    The country is going bankrupt
    (‘cause Rubio got a speeding ticket?)

    While the Obamas spend more millions on vacation
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Taxes takin’ my whole damn check,

    Junkies makin’ me a nervous wreck,

    The price of food is goin’ up,

    An’ as if all that shit wasn’t enough

    Iran’s about to get the bomb
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Terrorists taking over the Middle East.
    (but Rubio got a speeding ticket)

    Was all that money The Clinton’s took over the years…
    (while Rubio was getting speeding tickets)

    In return for political favors?
    (Hm! Rubio got a speeding ticket!)

    Y’know I jus’ ’bout had my fill
    (of Rubio getting a speeding ticket)

    I think I’ll just go and cast my vote ,

    Airmail special

    (to Rubio, who got a speeding ticket)

    – Wiserbud Scott Heron”

    i concur

  104. How many are true for you?

  105. Time to go finish mounding. Ultimately decided that “all mounds” is going to take so long to finish that I won’t actually garden this year, so I’m doing one row of mounds and tilling the rest. Planning to add mounds every season as I’m able.

  106. Taters are growing very well so far, so I have that going for me.


  107. “Comment by scott on June 5, 2015 3:22 pm

    I got almost 6000 rounds.

    * hopes the new currency is ammo *”

    since the mentally challenged younger cuomo has assumed the throne here in new york, i have to go to PA to get ammo…. i may be a customer of yours in the future.

  108. Salt is likely more precious than peppercorns.

  109. The people in Detroit are sitting on a GOLD MINE, then!

  110. Peppercorns are optional. Salt is essential.

  111. I’m sure everyone who preps is stockpiling salt therefore peppercorns will be a precious commodity.

    Leon Logic Solutions

  112. But, is it paleo?

  113. Jam, I got most of it online.

  114. Salt can be harder to store, that’s the trick. Peppercorns just need to be as dry as beans or rice. Salt needs to airtight or it turns to blocks.

    Also more people will think of salt, it’s true. You can extract it from mammal blood.

  115. I am excited for the first taters, they are amazing. Laura said it will only be a few more weeks.

  116. re: wiserbubs nys senatorial prediction-

    when chucklehead scummer promotes himself to chief reach-around guy for billary clittons cabinet, mattress girl will then be appointed to the vaunted office of Senatorial Overlord… either way your prediction is most likely accurate

  117. scott, all on line ammo purchases for nys delivery have to go through an ffl….

    cuomo sucks fetid testicles of many varieties…

  118. for Beasn:

  119. If you are ever in the Newington area let me know. Hoffman has really good prices, you can stock up there.

    Well……..I can stock up there and accidentally put it in the wrong car.

  120. Why can’t you purchase from them?

  121. So now we’ve devolved into asking pig muppets about feminist theory, on cable network news shows?

    No offense, MJ.

  122. Now that I think about it, feminist theory is best served by a square foot of pink velcro with a fist shoved inside of it.

  123. I like to occasionally give The Nod™.

    And then smirk knowingly.

  124. Greetings, hootenanners.

  125. Hopefully, everyone is drinking and shopping on eBay.

  126. Wait, what? Is Ms. Piggy literally on CNN or something?

  127. I have three mounds now. Going to till the other 85% of the garden area in the morning, then plant seeds. Gonna go buy some flats of marigolds and other stuff after the dirt’s churned.

  128. Well the eyeball ultrasound was a nothingburger.
    Look up, click. Look left, click, Look right, click. Look down, click.
    Thank you, that will be $200.

  129. Scott, you bloody genius!! Thank you for inspiring me to Ebay! I cleaned up this week.

  130. Speaking of eyeballs, where the heck is Dave in Pool?

  131. How’s yer dog’s condition, V?

  132. Doing well Chumpo
    Zeke is terrified o the cone
    Gabe doesn’t think it’s funny when I call him cone head.

  133. Jay, that was a good list. ny number was 16, as I don’t run up stairs and I don’t FB.

  134. That’s good, V. The wind just got septic I’m guessing. I wasn’t kidding about Bactine. It has a really good active that will wipe shit out.

  135. wound.

    Septic Wind is a necessary ingredient in a crop dust or a covered wagon.

  136. heh


    If I wanted to torture myself, I bet I could remember doing at least half of these in my teens and late 20s.

  138. Vman, glad the doggehs are well. Glad your ultrasound was a nothingburger. Still plotting the demise of “Señor Sinko de Mayo”

  139. Leon, oh my gosh, I missed so many cute guy approaches in school, it was ridiculous. By the time I figured out I was being hit on, it was too late.

  140. I know I missed a few of those in high school. Life could have been very different.

  141. Scott Davis. My sister later worked with his mom. I was his crush for 3 years in HS. I thought the really cute football player “Really” needed tutoring.

  142. College. So many of those in college and I was oblivious and dating the woman who would become my ex wife.

    I’m a goddamn moron.

  143. I had a few in college as well. I met Dan at the right time. He had classes with my friends and roomies, but our paths didn’t really cross until after college.

  144. I don’t care if it embeds, this is fun.

  145. Hola assorted weirdos.

  146. “Comment by scott on June 5, 2015 6:20 pm

    Why can’t you purchase from them?”

    it’s tracked by name / drivers license and at some (undetermined) point you are axed ” why so much ammo vile hater of socialist ideals…? we must now inspect your home. we noticed you sent Freedom Works some money….

  147. Girl Whose Name I Can’t Remember: “God, your eyes are the most beautiful color I’ve ever seen.”

    Me: “MOAR DRINK!!!”

  148. Sold! Staffordshire dogs are outta here.

  149. “Comment by scott on June 5, 2015 6:19 pm

    If you are ever in the Newington area let me know”

    i’m in the area a few times per annum… i would at least like to say “hey”…
    wiser has my contact info

  150. Maybe now that One Kings Lane ad will quit popping up on my Facebook.


  152. That was pretty good, Roamy, but I still prefer this guy’s three dance videos:

  153. Holy crap, Jam. I kinda wondered about that when I went on a shopping spree last year. I didn’t get any visits, but I am probably on a watch list.

  154. If I wanted to torture myself, I bet I could remember doing at least half of these in my teens and late 20s.

    Same here. I had to stop reading at ten.

    I had a realization the other day that the girl at the anime club in college, who used to come outside and hang out with the rest of us and put my head in her lap when I was lying on the bench… yeah, I’m a moron.

  155. I’m still getting the pop ups on Twitter and FB, XB.

  156. And I’m pretty sure that #16 was Chad.

  157. And I’m pretty sure that #16 was Chad.

    Chad would have been a little more profane.

  158. Anyone else here who saw the Emma Sulkowiz video and realized that Bruce jenner is a completely normal and well adjusted person in comparison?

  159. CoAlex, for me it was the really cute guy that would ask me what time it was. Aftet the 3rd or 4th time, I pointed to the clock on the wall I was leaning against. I didn’t realize he was trying to start a conversation. I thought he was too dumb to see the wall clock.

  160. He was BLIND Oso. Geebus.

  161. Emma Suckawiz.

  162. XB, he was adorable. Then again, he was soccer. Didn’t know until later. Would’ve been a deal breaker anyhoo.

  163. I have not picked a preference for the 2016 presidential race, but I listened to Rick Perry’s speech.

    It was Reaganesque and exciting, I am keeping an eye on him. I was impressed.

  164. Scott, looks like you are sold out on Coach planners. I hope you made a neat bundle.

  165. At this time my top pick is Scott Walker, followed by, in no specific order, Cruz, Perry and a bit reluctantly, Rubio. I have nothing against Fiorina, I am just looking at people who have a chance to succeed through the primary. I was ok with Rand Paul until he made sure that I am not ok with him.

  166. I did well with those.

  167. Evening Hostages. How goes it?

  168. Dan was at Twin Peaks with Mike & Tim. Tim made the mistake of showing interest in server’s life. Tatted chick with Daddy issues spent her shift crying on Tim’s shoulder. Dan told me she hooked up with Ricoh last time they were there.

  169. I still tease Mr. RFH about not catching on freshman year that I was trying to get him to kiss me. I gave up and dated someone else for a year. Spring of sophomore year, he got a clue.

  170. Anyone else here who saw the Emma Sulkowiz video and realized that Bruce jenner is a completely normal and well adjusted person in comparison?

    Kinda figured that out before the video, Tush.

  171. I like Walker as well Tush, and the rest of your list. I like Fiorina she is plucky. I like Plucky.

    It might be long but listen to Perry, it is impressive.

  172. I was a Perry guy 4 years ago. I’m a big fan of governors for president. So Perry, Walker and Jindal are my current favorites.

  173. Roamy, it took me a month to realize that Dan wasn’t just being nice

  174. Did anybody drive out to the desert to burn down anybody else’s home for making them aware of the Mattress Girl sex video that Tushar mentioned a few minutes ago today?

  175. Did anybody drive out to the desert to burn down anybody else’s home for making them aware of the Mattress Girl sex video that Tushar mentioned a few minutes ago today?

    *raises hand*

  176. XB with the video last night. Sidebar at the HQ

  177. Sorry, I’ll let gate security know you’re coming next time.

  178. What next time?

  179. plus one, Sean.

  180. BTW, I thoroughly enjoyed hearing Michelle Malkin say a swear on the new AoSHQ podcast.

  181. I thoroughly enjoyed her calling Ace “grandpa” within the first 30 seconds of the podcast.

  182. Dan was at Twin Peaks with Mike & Tim. Tim made the mistake of showing interest in server’s life. Tatted chick with Daddy issues spent her shift crying on Tim’s shoulder. Dan told me she hooked up with Ricoh last time they were there.

    Heh, when I was at a strip club in Portland, the dancer came up to me outside in the smoking area, ran her hand up my crotch, and asked if I wanted a lap dance. She seemed genuinely shocked when I told her ‘no’. I ended up talking to her for about two hours, and she fit every stereotype of messed up daddy-issues alcoholic you can think of.

  183. CoAlex, this girl was messed up. Found out her dad wasn’t her dad. Bio dad has 2 daughters. He wants them all to be a family. Her mom thought it was time to tell her that her dad wasn’t her bio. She was crying on Tim’s shoulder. Daddy issues.

  184. I’m watching the original Footloose.

    It’s as bad as I remembered it was. But Lori Singer was pretty cute.

  185. Oso, this girl was an alcoholic, daddy ran off when she was young, had a kid living with her ex-BF out in Arizona, etc.

  186. Music is pretty good. I used to make the night crew listen to Footloose Fridays. They hated me

  187. Brittany Griner files for annulment, and her “wife” is pregnant. Whatever could be the reason?

  188. CoAlex, sad times we live in. One of my half-sisters changed her settings on FB. I can’t cyberstalk her anymore. She really looks like my niece.

  189. CoAlex, they’ve called each other out on domestic violence calls. Restraining issues.

  190. Dan told their server that she needs to talk to his wife. Really? Really? Ok, I can see that, but REALLY?

  191. Haha! Oso the therapist.

  192. TMI dept. Back in the day, you would measure under the boob, and at the boob, and derive bra size that way. If you were 34 at the rib cage and 38 at the breast, the bra size would be 34D. Easy peasy. WTF is a G cup? DDD is a sister size? Udders are us called.

  193. Brittany Griner files for annulment, and her “wife” is pregnant. Whatever could be the reason?

    Well, you see, CoLex, when a sperm fertilizes an egg…

  194. Oso, tell Dan to bring the girl home so you can help her in private.

  195. CoAlex, I don’t know how to talk to young girls. I try to build self-esteem, without being judgmental. They are so lost. I have a 50/50 success rate at Sam’s. I walk the tight-rope of betrayal between the guys and the girls. The sexting just needs to stop. Dan and I compare notes.

  196. CoAlex, hahaha. Don’t give Dan any ideas.

  197. Well, you see, CoLex, when a sperm fertilizes an egg…

    “Whose sperm?” is the question.

  198. When Dan was a manager, his employees were having a competition to see how many girls they could bang. I worked with the girls they were trying to bang. I was trying to build self-esteem and thwart the guys without betraying Dan’s trust.

  199. Hi. So has anyone caused a trigger warning tonight?

  200. GO, the Josh Duggar story was close.

  201. Betrayal of trust. All around in that case.

  202. “Whose sperm?” is the question.

    You can’t really dust for sperm.

  203. Oso, I haven’t been following the Duggars. What happened? I know there was some stuff that happened with one of the sons, correct?

  204. Dust For Sperm was a cover band for Tears For Fears.

  205. Yes. One of the boys molested sisters and a friend. Doesn’t sound like any penetration. Lena Dunham with the penetration gets crickets. Gay, anti-christian sheriff releases info on minor on minor crime that was sealed…OMG ELEVENTY!!!! Not saying that I support Duggar. Sealed files should stay sealed. Victims are re-victimized.

  206. As beasn says, in the meantime, Duggar’s have no political clout:SHUN!!! Pedo Island habitué Billy Jeff: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  207. Sends out Jimbro beacon….

  208. I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t really mind a three day weekend at slightly less felonious 18-21 island.

  209. WTF is Sever’s?

  210. Pretty sure Pedo Island was 12-17

  211. FYI: free wifi doesn’t recognize Ace or HQ. (McDonalds, Sam’s, Rudy’s)

  212. FIFA was going to put the World Cup on Pedo Island but they couldn’t find enough locals to kill while constructing the stadium.

  213. GO will you be in SF for Indian Market or Spanish markets?

  214. Pedo Island is a misnomer. It’s actually a peninsula.

  215. Heh, when I was at a strip club in Portland, the dancer came up to me outside in the smoking area, ran her hand up my crotch, and asked if I wanted a lap dance. She seemed genuinely shocked when I told her ‘no’. I ended up talking to her for about two hours, and she fit every stereotype of messed up daddy-issues alcoholic you can think of.

    This is why have to have Father’s Day. Otherwise how can celebrate the cause of all of the Clothing Removal Technicians and Training Film Actresses bad life choices.

  216. When does that happen, Oso?

  217. As to the Duggars, why does having a clown car for a vag make you a political force to be reckoned with, and endorsement to seek and a celebrity?

  218. Josh Duggar/Kate Gosselin 2016

  219. [i]As to the Duggars, why does having a clown car for a vag make you a political force to be reckoned with, and endorsement to seek and a celebrity?[/i]

    I gathered that it has more to do with the homeschooling/very conservative lifestyle that they practice.

  220. Training film. Heh. Been a while since I heard that term.

  221. Ah, Oso. Not in town for those events.

  222. Every time I derp my hair
    Thoughts of you get in my eyes
    You’re a sinner, I don’t care
    I just want your creamy thighs

  223. Good morning. Coffee is hot and ready.

  224. has mj been arrested in FL yet?

  225. bahlerg.


  227. Wakey

  228. People were using a selfie stick to take pictures last night. I thought that was all just a big joke.

  229. When see somebody using a selfie stick I want to push them down, take their stick and beat them with it.

  230. Surprise Saturday night off. I’m so excited. I work until 4.

  231. Buffson #1 HS graduation this afternoon. He’s not enthused.

  232. Are you enthused?

  233. Not really. Beats sitting on a soccer field I guess.

  234. I’m not really that gaga over graduation either. At this point, they haven’t really done much yet. Especially given all the hoopla and accolades given. It’s a bit much for me.

  235. This thing is constantly logging me out.

  236. Selfie sticks take great group pictures.

  237. Congrats to Buffson #1. What does he want to do next?

  238. Buffalone, does Buffson know what he wants to do now? Job? College? Trade school? Male stripper?

  239. He’s going to get some work experience this summer while we figure out the next steps. Our state of residency is in limbo until we figure out the next contract with my company.

  240. I think mare just admitted she has a selfie stick. Which is weird since we haven’t seen a picture of her that was taken w/in the last decade.

  241. He could always be an estate sale / eBay entrprenuer.

  242. Comment by mare on June 6, 2015 8:53 am
    Selfie sticks take great group pictures.

    Three feet deep in your colon.

    But who wants a picture of that?

  243. Pretty much.

  244. Heh.

  245. I agree with Ashe Schow. NYT’s hit piece against Rubio and Mrs Rubio’s driving record is a good thing. It underscores how utterly scandal free the GOP field is compared to that money grubbing horrid harridan whose only shameless claim to presidency is her wrinkly vagina.

  246. Good call, Buff. Work exp and 20 to 30 units at a Community College should be more often promoted to 18 year olds. Make some $, meet some party girls, go to university with a whole new perspective.

    Win, win, win.

  247. Big congrats to Buffson#1

  248. Something Nuu

    Tis that time

  249. African American Festival

    What up, bros and hoes?

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