Big Cos Boob Play Friday

Greetings woodchuck chuckers, and welcome to another addition of Big Boob Friday. It is I, your seldom seen, often heard, never listened to, but always smelled host, Pupster.

Capital Em Capital Jay has relinquished the reins to this weekly poat of awesome in order spend more time raising awareness of the insidious disease Gynecomastia. Godspeed, little warrior.

Carin mentioned this band in my happy thread last weekend, I like a lot of their songs but I honestly didn’t know who they were.



Your model for today was born in Reno, Nevada on August 5, 1989. She is a cosplay celebrity, promotional model and fan convention interview correspondent. Please stop living in your mom’s basement long enough to welcome Miss Jessica Nigri!


One of the reasons I picked Miss Nigri was for my good friend and resident motivator, Leon. Leon likes to play Skyrim, and so does Jessica.


Jessica Nigri Fan Page February


No quiz today kids. Buh-bye.


  1. This is my 69th poat.

  2. Coffee with a side of boobs

    Thanks Pupster!

    Gifs later, early case today (more on that later, it may be on TV eventually)

  3. I really can’t recommend highly enough installing an ap like hover zoom, it opens links in a thumbnail without having to click on them and navigate away from the page.

  4. She seems nice.


  6. Hey, that’s my sister!!!

  7. Cosplay? That makes this kinda relevant:

  8. Yea!!!! Chevelle.

    Love them.

    Their new album is nice. “One Ocean” is very moody. Singer is showing off his skillz. I like that.

  9. Let’s talk about exercise

    *goes to a meeting*

  10. Thanks Pupster. Between this and 10 hours of sleep and no appointments today, Things are lookin’ good.

    Now I should probably put on pants and go get coffee or something.

  11. I would talk about exercise, but I’m kinda sore today.

    But I beat the coach yesterday at the Wod. She hates when I do that. I’ve only done it twice.

  12. Jay, your video depicted men in a sexist and derogatory manner and contained numerous visual triggers and microagressions.

  13. Hey, that’s my sister!!!

  14. Between this and 10 hours of sleep and no appointments today, Things are lookin’ good.


    *runs around in circles*

  15. So, you liked it, leon?

  16. Morning, children.

  17. Some lady threw a shoe at Hillary! Get ready for another round of ‘what happened to the civillity in politics?’ stories.

  18. That dailymail sure is a right winger hangout, isn’t it?

  19. So, you liked it, leon?

    What’s not to like? This poat has everything…boobs, drama, boobs, robust hindquarters, boobs, fantasy role play, boobs, me being mean to MJ, boobs, and music that cArIN likes.

  20. Those sophisticated Europeans can’t get enough stories about how ‘effed up things are in the colonies. Consequently, they report the stories our brave democratic overlord editors won’t touch.

  21. That’s probably the truth, pupster. Well done!

  22. In other Hillary! news:

    That article is just full of awesome. The name of the group organizing the protest, “The Difference Matters”.

  23. Good morning cool kids.

  24. Home for lunch.


  25. Also, nice job bunk, Pups.

  26. *claps little furry paws together rapidly*

    Thanks babe.

  27. Is Dave still in a “meeting”?

  28. My God I love that picture so much. I may create a new online identity just so I can use it as my avatar. Help me with the username.


  29. Nice job fagface.

  30. Ha ha

    I saw that Cakebaby yesterday and LOLOL’d for about 30 hours.

  31. That article is just full of awesome. The name of the group organizing the protest, “The Difference Matters”.

    See, this is why I am not convinced that Hillary is inevitable.

    In theory, maybe so, but in reality, she’s going to have to give public speeches and actually campaign. And she is going to come across horribly.

  32. Oh, hi Wiser.

    If you watch the video of the shoe throwing, you get an idea of what Hillary!’s voice sounds like in a candid moment.

    “What was that? A bat? Was that a bat?”


  33. If you watch the video of the shoe throwing, you get an idea of what Hillary!’s voice sounds like in a candid moment.

    And people wonder why Bill avoids being near her whenever he can.

  34. Can’t watch the video, but is it worse than Palin?

  35. *side note:

    I personally don’t dislike Palin’s voice. Others have voiced an opinion of displeasure when hearing it.

  36. I just put myself thru it, Jay. DOn’T dO IT. It’s as shrill and painful as you know it will be.

  37. I like the way Sarah sounds when she speaks, but I can see how the accent and nasally tone could grate on nerves.


  39. Reflexes like a cat.

  40. Grace under fire.

  41. …and then I’ll outlaw blow jobs by executive order!


  42. The first comment on that Hillary image is awesome:

    ‘Filthy Republicanses!’

    I could hear Gollum’s voice.

  43. Just updated Hover Zoom… BOOM!

  44. ‘Filthy Republicanses!’

    yeah.. Leftists would never so crass as to throw something at a politician.

  45. … BOOM!

    I know, right?


  46. Now, now, wiser; there’s no way you can say for sure that it wasn’t disgruntled Repubes who were tossing stuff.

  47. I know, right?


    Greatest invention EVAH for browsing, um, recipes.

  48. Wiser, the ‘Filthy Republicanses’ comment was a barb aimed at Hillary. Because she looks like Gollum in that photo.

    Sheesh, why do I have to explain all this?

  49. Wish they had a Hover Zoom for IE – I keep getting some weird “Mixit DJ” pop-up whenever I try to install Chrome.


  50. Sheesh, why do I have to explain all this?

    am I the only one who didn’t get that?

  51. Okay, I think I’ve figured out how to reconcile these two things – that is a very cool feature!

  52. Yes.

  53. The new phone books boobs are here, the new phone books boobs are here!

  54. Teresa, try Iron – it’s a Chrome copy without all the Google monitoring.

  55. am I the only one who didn’t get that?

    As far as I can tell, pretty much “yes.”

  56. Libs toss shoes so they can toss off later.

  57. 85% of public pensions on track to go bankrupt:

    According to the report, 85 percent of all plans are on track to go bankrupt within 30 years unless their average rate of return increases to 9 percent. Barring something truly miraculous, that’s unlikely to happen: Bridgewater expects the rate to be closer to 4 percent, and even the unrealistically optimistic estimates given by pension funds themselves rarely exceed 8 percent.

  58. …and then I’ll outlaw blow jobs by executive order!

    Like she’s been within a mile of a BJ in 40 years. Unless Huma is packing.

    With Anthony, this wouldn’t surprise me. In fact, it would explain a lot.

  59. This guy turned his sheep gay so the muslims in the neighborhood wouldn’t sex them.

  60. If I was a meme creator kind of guy, that Hillary! pic would be a new one.

  61. HAHAHA…

    BLM has to get that evil old rancher and his cattle off of that land to save the Desert Tortise!

    Why then, this?


  62. Heh. I would upvote the shit outta that, Pups.

  63. Tortoise


  64. This guy turned his sheep gay

  65. Wow. I’ve been pretty prolific today. Good thing I’ve got lots of billable hours this week.

  66. Looks like it’s just you and me, Puppy.

  67. That reminds me of that old creepy dancing baby.

  68. It kinda did me too, ‘Spur.

  69. I’m here. I’m just not funneh.

  70. Well, you look funneh.

  71. I’m not here at all. In fact, this comment isn’t even here.

  72. Anybody seen Jazz?

  73. Pupster???

  74. Anybody seen Jazz?

  75. Whoa – remember that article from many, many years back called “Who Becomes a Nazi?”

    I guess it’s just a coincidence that this website originates from Germany:

    As a communicator myself, I’d like nothing better than for thousands of middle-class white people to die in an extreme weather event—preferably one with global warming’s fingerprints on it—live on cable news. Tomorrow.

  76. On second thought… Jazz who?

  77. Sriracha factory is deemed a nuisance

  78. On second thought… Jazz who?

    Flying Gay Thor – I’m flattered!

  79. The farm bill that sailed through Congress? Guess what else got tacked on while no one was looking?

    These people are shameless moneygrubbers.

  80. Work week concluded. Spanish studied. Time for one last meal on the road and then sleeping until plane time.

  81. Good evening, hatebagging teamongers.

  82. Afternoon.

  83. Hey, Jewstin

  84. Today I built a second helping of fuck-all.

  85. Sounds like Erik Erickson might be a tad miffed with his staff

  86. Hi, Jazz. I like your nun-chucks.

  87. Actually, I built a shitload of stuff this week. I have six open travelers for 21 cabinets and a service kit. I can finish none of it because fabrication and welding are apparently doing fuck-all.

  88. They must be focused on the Masters, Jewstin.

  89. Probably. I bet they watch the matches and make snide comments about the golfers’ attire.

  90. I said NO SPRINKLES!

  91. I hear the Paint Drying Network is showing some compelling counter-programming this weekend.

  92. Hi, Jazz. I like your nun-chucks.

    And I thought the stylish costume would be what grabbed you.

  93. I knew I smelled the stank of Harry Ried on the BLM scuffle:
    From the WaPo on 8 April ’14:

    “The Senate confirmed Neil Kornze to run the Bureau of Land Management, where he currently works as its principal deputy director. Previously, the native Nevadan worked on public lands issues in Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) office.”

  94. …and then I’ll outlaw blow jobs by executive order!

  95. I hate rap music, but this is funny. (stolen from BCoch’s FB post)

  96. Well, that’s one way to kill a poat.

  97. Remember kids; rap kills.

  98. I think everyone was offended by your hatred of rap music.

  99. Well, everyone except Jewstin.

  100. The hand gestures were hilarious. So were the comments.

  101. I was watching that clip of the tubby strip club guy getting beat down by Greta this morning, and I noticed he had this little verbal tic, like he would make this little “blah” sound at the end of each sentence. I couldn’t put my finger on what it reminded me of until just now:

    You’ll have to use your imagination–I couldn’t find a clip of him talking.

  102. Watched video. Suffers cognitive dissonance.

  103. I don’t know who the tubby strip club guy is.


  104. Probably a Tushar link.

  105. Yes, Cyn. That’s the one. flah.

  106. Not falling for it

  107. OK, NASA *is* blowing some of my tax money on some cool shit.

  108. trust me

  109. Worked as a lobbyist for strip clubs, scott. Did not actually take his clothes off for money.

    (That we know of.)

  110. The strip club lobby is a total scam.

  111. Mare knows.

  112. That’s why I don’t pay the cover until I get into the main club.

  113. * puts chrisp on the list *

  114. Did anybody tell anybody else that they wished they would get a haircut so people could see their pretty eyes today?

  115. Okay, here’s the next chapter of copy and paste:

    Today I got to do one of the coolest cases I’ve done in a long time. My patient was a young adult I’ve followed for 10+ years and, for a variety of reasons, has one leg shorter then the other. About 4 years ago I lengthened her femur using an old school method of distraction over an intramedullary nail. She still had to use a 6 cm external shoe lift which was clunky and she hated. Today I put in a relatively new device in her tibia called a PRECICE nail. This is an all inside nail with a gear inside turned by an external magnet she holds over the leg 3 times a day for a few minutes. The nail expands .33 mm each time for 1 mm per day. So, in 6 weeks she’ll be out to length. The old method required pins sticking out of the skin and the patient or parent has to turn a screwdriver 4 times a day (.25 x 4 for 1 mm/day). Pins can get infected, they’re bulky, kids don’t like them, etc.This is one of the jetpacks I’ve been waiting for.

  116. Than.

  117. Jimbro, that is so cool!!! Did you have to go through the FDA?

  118. That is cool Jimbro.

    Can it make Leon taller?

  119. It’s been approved by the FDA for this Oso. It was good timing on her part because she came back for a long term visit about a week after I saw the nail at a meeting. I get to say I’m the first guy in Maine to do one of these.

  120. Jimbro, Google Sheridan Bautista. My cousin’s little girl. Had electromagnetic surgery before her cancer came back.

  121. JB, I call you JB because it reminds me of a Spanish expression of kindness, “joto boy”, I admire that you heal people. Especially kids and young people. That has to be a fulfilling thing. I remember asking my kids’ pediatrician when they were babies why he chose pediatrics as a specialization, shit.. 24 years ago. He said “I like working with patients who want to get well.”

    Good job JB

  122. Awesome!!!

  123. They are being marketed for what’s being called cosmetic lengthening. When you go the cosmetic route you pay full freight. Plus you need both legs done unless you live on a hill side.

  124. I know a Mexican Mennonite who lives in Canada (I call him a Mennomexinadian) who had polio as a kid in Mexico that resulted in a short leg. He went to Canada to get his leg lengthened. He said it was the most painful thing he’s ever done. He said he’s glad he did it, but that it hurt horribly.

  125. Okay, here’s the next chapter of copy and paste:
    Today I got to do one of the coolest cases I’ve done in a long time. My patient was a young adult I’ve followed for 10+ years and, for a variety of reasons, has one leg shorter then the other. About 4 years ago I lengthened her femur using an old school method of distraction over an intramedullary nail. She still had to use a 6 cm external shoe lift which was clunky and she hated. Today I put in a relatively new device in her tibia called a PRECICE nail. This is an all inside nail with a gear inside turned by an external magnet she holds over the leg 3 times a day for a few minutes. The nail expands .33 mm each time for 1 mm per day. So, in 6 weeks she’ll be out to length. The old method required pins sticking out of the skin and the patient or parent has to turn a screwdriver 4 times a day (.25 x 4 for 1 mm/day). Pins can get infected, they’re bulky, kids don’t like them, etc.This is one of the jetpacks I’ve been waiting for.


  126. I call you JB because it reminds me of a Spanish expression of kindness, “joto boy”


  127. Okay, here’s the next chapter of copy and paste:
    Today I got to do one of the coolest cases I’ve done in a long time. My patient was a young adult I’ve followed for 10+ years and, for a variety of reasons, has one leg shorter then the other. About 4 years ago I lengthened her femur using an old school method of distraction over an intramedullary nail. She still had to use a 6 cm external shoe lift which was clunky and she hated. Today I put in a relatively new device in her tibia called a PRECICE nail. This is an all inside nail with a gear inside turned by an external magnet she holds over the leg 3 times a day for a few minutes. The nail expands .33 mm each time for 1 mm per day. So, in 6 weeks she’ll be out to length. The old method required pins sticking out of the skin and the patient or parent has to turn a screwdriver 4 times a day (.25 x 4 for 1 mm/day). Pins can get infected, they’re bulky, kids don’t like them, etc.This is one of the jetpacks I’ve been waiting for.

  128. j/k about the JB

    A friend of mine, little younger than me had horribly clubbed feet. Walking was a nightmare even after many operations to try to help. He was 5’2″. His doc convinced him the best course of action to relieve his pain before he got to my age was to let him amputate below the knees and go with prosthetic legs. That was a hard row, but he did it. He walks like a champ now.

    Also he’s 6’0″ now. Which made me laugh first time I saw him. He decided to “upgrade”.

    When I first saw him I tapped his leg and said “Lewtenant Dan, yew got new laigs!”

  129. Oso, Sheridan had what is called a Repiphysis implant. Our tumor guy has done 2 of them for osteogenic sarcoma. They work by using a spring which is held from expanding by a polymer which encases the spring. When it’s time to grow longer a coil is placed over the leg and it focuses electromagnetic energy onto the polymer which allows the spring to expand. You can only do it for 3 to 4 cycles of 20 seconds each or it creates enough heat to damage tissue.

  130. Thanks, Jimbro. I just knew that she needed FDA approval and it was better than having to do more surgeries.

  131. Can it make Leon taller?

    Why the fuck would I want to be taller?

  132. Dave, a few years back I did a below knee amp on an older teen with a pretty deformed foot that had been operated on by three different surgeons (including me). He had one of his infant vaccinations injected directly in the sciatic nerve which destroyed the part of the nerve supplying the lower leg and foot. For years the emphasis was on keeping the foot. One day I mentioned amputation as an option and that went down like a fart at a funeral. Planted a seed in the kid’s head and he asked for it a year later. He’s so much better off now.

  133. Jetpack FTW. That is cool shit, and even cooler that you got to be the first one there to do one. You, sir, are a fucking rock star.

  134. One of the problems with making someone’s femurs and tibias longer is the inability to reach their shoes to tie them. Then we charge double to lengthen their arms.

  135. *blushes*

    *scuffs foot*

    (It was funny because my partner likes to be cutting edge and he’s got a candidate for one too—-beat him to the punch!)

  136. Okay, here’s the next chapter of copy and paste:
    Today I got to do one of the coolest cases I’ve done in a long time. My patient was a young adult I’ve followed for 10+ years and, for a variety of reasons, has one leg shorter then the other. About 4 years ago I lengthened her femur using an old school method of distraction over an intramedullary nail. She still had to use a 6 cm external shoe lift which was clunky and she hated. Today I put in a relatively new device in her tibia called a PRECICE nail. This is an all inside nail with a gear inside turned by an external magnet she holds over the leg 3 times a day for a few minutes. The nail expands .33 mm each time for 1 mm per day. So, in 6 weeks she’ll be out to length. The old method required pins sticking out of the skin and the patient or parent has to turn a screwdriver 4 times a day (.25 x 4 for 1 mm/day). Pins can get infected, they’re bulky, kids don’t like them, etc.This is one of the jetpacks I’ve been waiting for.

    Can dave get a refund for not getting the jetpack option in his knee?

  137. JB, my friend is better off now too. Can’t imagine, two legs. But he was miserable before and he’s not now. Climbs stairs like a champ.

  138. Jimbro, you never have to worry about what you do having value. You rock!

  139. Then we charge double to lengthen their arms.

    I thought I smelled a scam in there!

  140. Sup Horde.

    Anyone planning a poat for tomorrow or am I clear to go?

  141. I have a very important post in the works so you just sit down on the bench poat boy.

    Ok I’m lyin I haven’t posted here since the last Bush administration.

  142. Dammit.

    I called you degenerates “Horde”.

    *puts down bottle of booze*

    Some habits are hard to break.

  143. I’m planning a flight and a nap tomorrow.

  144. We’re more of a mob.

  145. Quite seriously Oso, it’s high on my list of reasons for keeping on with it. Some days I get tired of all the BS but (I know this sounds corny) making a difference for a kid by doing something the right way or getting them to the right person is pretty gratifying. My parents wanted a priest but settled for a kid’s bone doctor. If I chose another branch of medicine I’m pretty sure I’d be selling real estate by now.

  146. Jimbro, I’ve added you to my daily Prayers list.

  147. I think I’ve watched 30 minutes of TV since Monday. I think I’m ready to cut the cable.

  148. No, you’re a towel horde!

  149. Some days I get tired of all the BS but (I know this sounds corny) making a difference for a kid by doing something the right way or getting them to the right person is pretty gratifying.


    Thank you for doing what you do. There is a special place in heaven for people who want to work with and help kids.

  150. Not that that’s a guarantee you’ll get there, mind you; I have seen some of the shit you link.


  151. My corps commander in Desert Storm, Fred Franks, had his foot mangled in Cambodia. After a year or two of trying to recover, and the Army about to force him to take a medical retirement, he opted for amputation. He was one of the very first people to remain on active duty as an amputee.

    We had a soldier in my company lose a leg in a shooting accident, and Franks came in, and told him if he wanted to stay in, Franks would make it happen.

  152. I aspire to work with kids, too. I wanna own a rug factory in Pakistan.

  153. Laura says tiny hands make the best shirts.

  154. They tie the smallest knots, for sure.

  155. My Mom is alive thanks to advances made on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. VA Drs in NM, are no longer the jokes that my Dad had to deal with. Although, I did help a woman with a totally King Pin prosthetic hand. She was Vietnamese and her hand looked like it came off a white mannequin. I was mesmerized. $20 centavos.

  156. He was one of the very first people to remain on active duty as an amputee.

    That’s amazing.

    I can’t even imagine how agonizing the decision would be to voluntarily remove part of your body, kid or adult. Then again, with that kind of pain, maybe the decision is incredibly simple.

  157. They are being marketed for what’s being called cosmetic lengthening.

    That’ll be big in Japan.

  158. That’ll be big in Japan.

    Just wait until they can turn your arms into tentacles.

  159. Well, they can grow a vagina now.

  160. And, Jimbro, those are some amazing things you’re doing.

  161. >>Well, they can grow a vagina now.

    Think of all the improvements in Fleshlights in the future. Not just ‘feels like real’, it IS real.

  162. I was an asshole as a kid. SYWM. Had a teacher that I called Mrs Weeble Wobble. Got all the other kids in Middle School calling her that. Nothing “Cosmetic” about bone lengthening.

  163. Just hear me out here–Tentacles where every sucker is a vagina.

    We’re gonna be rich.

  164. Think of all the improvements in Fleshlights in the future. Not just ‘feels like real’, it IS real.

    That is pure marketing genius. I think you just won the internets!

  165. Just hear me out here–Tentacles where every sucker is a vagina.

    We’re gonna be rich.

  166. Oooooooooooookay, I think I’ll come back when there’s a new thread…

  167. Just putting this out there. On my sidebar on FB, I get to see words played on Words with Friends. Sean has words like “Launder” and whatever. RL friends are like “Sky” and “Dog”.

  168. Just hear me out here–Tentacles where every sucker is a vagina

    Any fears I had about boring dreams just evaporated. G’night.

  169. Oooooooooooookay, I think I’ll come back when there’s a new thread…

    Ha ha seriously yes. It’s like we’ve fallen into a weirdness hole in the internet. Or one of those scary super-deep initials-only subreddits. *shudders*

  170. Happy trails, Leon.

  171. *Starts Real Vag for Lonely Men LLC with all the Hostagettes. Funds meetups in Tahiti in perpetuity.

  172. Oso, big in Japan refers to an article I read years ago about Asians having elective surgery to become taller. I wasn’t referring to people like your teacher.

  173. Funds meetups in Tahiti in perpetuity.

    *grins, wipes away happy tears*

  174. Lippy, my hubby has a tee that says “My Wiener is Huge in Japan” with a silhouette of a Dachshund and the Rising Sun. Rayciss.

  175. >> Well, they can grow a vagina now.


  176. I am so glad this blog isn’t as penis-obsessed as vag-obsessed- running the gauntlet of wang day in and day out would get pretty tedious. The womens here have constitutions of iron.

  177. HAHAHA I think DiT has been tagged by the fake vag link in every form of social media that exists.

  178. *hands Cyn and Oso tropical drinks*

    *gives all the guys t-shirts like Mr. Loco has*

  179. >> Well, they can grow a vagina now.


    dave, have you bought something new lately?

  180. I’ve been craving apple pie for days. I just had an apple. Not the same. I still want pie.

  181. Thanks, Lippy!

  182. Apple Cider+Fireball Whiskey=Apple Pie. 3 to 1 ratio.

  183. >>>Oooooooooooookay, I think I’ll come back when there’s a new thread…

    Tomorrow. 717am.




    Well okay, but you didn’t say we couldn’t sing about it.

  185. curls into a ball and cries softly with the laundry all around me

  186. *hands Cyn and Oso tropical drinks*

    *gives all the guys t-shirts like Mr. Loco has*

    Lipstick for President

  187. Wow, now there’s a big ol’ flashback. VH1.

  188. Tushar would want me to link this. I’m pretty sure. Everyone but Dave should click this.

  189. Lipstick for President

    *forms super-PAC, loots all the money to fund lavish meet-ups*

  190. >>>*forms super-PAC, loots all the money to fund lavish meet-ups*

    *sends in resume*

  191. SONOFA

  192. Checks Messican and Female on resume. College drop out laps law school grad like a lame horse/

  193. *laughs maniacally that my reverse psychology worked*

  194. >>loots all the money to fund lavish meet-ups*

    Belly laugh – thank you!

  195. >>>Checks Messican and Female on resume. College drop out laps law school grad like a lame horse/

    *executes War On Womyn*

    I make more money and can donate more.


  196. gots to sleeps..

    nite kids

  197. Don’t forget your lab grown vagina, DiT!!!

  198. Talk faster ya Morons!

  199. I just polished off more than half a bottle of Laphroaig 10 year. Which means i am drunk as a skunk. So you all can kiss my brown ass.

  200. oso

  201. Good man, Tushar. I was always a big fan of Laphroaig. I liked Lagavulin, too.

  202. Jizz, you are still up? Did I just call you jizz? I means Jozz. Sorry about that.

  203. Sassy.

  204. These Islay single malts. They are not oppressively strong, and they don’t get you drunk in half a glass. They give you a steady but high buzz. And you are all ugly and have moobs.

  205. Jazz, pretty nice. I’m not the bluegrass nerd. That would be HS and Andy. I like your links, though.

  206. आता मला दारु चढली आहे आणी मी मराठीत बोलणार आहे. तुमच्या नानाची टांग!

  207. I liked single malt Scotch, but my limited budget meant I didn’t drink much of it. Val-U-Rite vodka gets you just as drunk. Crunk, even.

  208. Sean, pl. disregard my comments. They are not for you. I am a guy who gets drunk maybe 4 times a year. And today is that day.
    Stay away from alcohole. It mkaes you drunk.

  209. Just as long as it doesn’t make you brown.

  210. Tush, why today?

  211. Tush, I don’t mind if you get drunk. Just because I had to change my life doesn’t mean anybody else has to change theirs. In fact, enjoy! Just drink plenty of water, man.

    oso, check out what I got the other day:

  212. Oso, My friend came over, and we drank some drunks. And then we ayte chicken biryani

  213. Xbrad, you are cordially invited to kiss my ass.

  214. Sean, that is awesome!!!

  215. Tush, ok. Just making sure it wasn’t any kind of “Anniversary” drinking.

  216. Sean, I didn’t watch the DrewM Ferguson link, until you talked about it. I thought it was his “American” link, so I didn’t watch. It was awesome. I was already a fan. BIG FAN now.

  217. Oso, you should try chicken biryani. Are there any indian restaurnts in new mexeico?

  218. Yes, quite a few. Is it spicy?

  219. It is spicy. But they will make it mild for americans

  220. When I say mild, what I mean is, it will set you on fire, but it won’t kill you. Real spicy Indian food will kill you and cremate you in one shot.

  221. i want some fucking apple pie

  222. I just checked the menu at the Indian restaurant that supplanted my favorite Italian restaurant. They have ghost peppers on menu and heat indexes. Chicken Biryani had 3 peppers on the 5 pepper index. Sounds yum!!!

  223. Jazz, in NM, you can get green chile apple pie.

  224. Oso, you are messican. You can probably eat the three pepper entree and survive. Gringos will die at two peppers.

  225. My gringo hubby can eat spicier food than I can. We’ve avoided Dot Indian food, because all my ghey Vegan friends eat Dot Indian food.

  226. So, my favorite Chinese restaurant has a new owner. Old owner contracted a Mainland China marriage. She has family in SF. She refused to move to NM. 2nd pregnancy became NM or SF? He sold to a cousin in NM. So far, OK. Chef doesn’t know that our “Extra, Spicy Hot” isn’t regular hot yet. I may have to break out the Mandarin.

  227. This Bundy Ranch deal has me wearing tin foil and hearing black helicopters.

  228. I just got bit by a spider. My arm is twice its normal size. Yay for the Popeye reaction.

  229. Just remember, oso, with great power comes great responsibility.

  230. No power, just grotesquely swollen lower arm.

  231. We have 2 new employees. One has lots of retail experience. The other is a total Cholita. Everyone h8s the chola. I despise the retail queen. RQ is untrainable. Knows everything and takes 0 responsibility. Chola Bitch is all attitude and tats. Learns quickly. Members see tats and piercings and are “Uh HUH”. RQ is a total fucking retard and I spend all my time cleaning up after her.

  232. The Bundy ranch thing is making me crazy, too. I can see it ending like Waco or Ruby Ridge. I wish I knew more about the family’s claim to the property and how the feds claim title to the land.

  233. These are the times I find the ban on citizenry owning weapons of war to be too restrictive. If the fucking army is going to outfit the cops with weapons of war to deploy against us (APCs and automatic weapons), then we should be able to defend ourselves against them equally.

  234. Jazz, family has grazed there since the 1870s. BLM came into existence in 1946. Clenis decided that the desert tortoise was endangered in 1993. Increased cattle fees on ranchers at that time. All other ranchers in the area caved. Bundy refuses to cede state grazing and historical rights to Feds. Searchlight gets a crony in position. Moves to confiscate and kill Bundy cattle. Desert tortoise in Fed control deemed euthanistic worthy. Bundy grazing rights are in negotiation with Chinese Solar companies that have links to Searchlight.

  235. Jazz, you should see some of the videos from the Bundy Standoff. Feds cut off cell tower reception today.

  236. So, I used to think that my iPod thought I was a drunk, due to song selections while on shuffle. Walking to work today and I got 2 Judy Garlands, a Cher, and a couple of Elton’s. Now, I think my iPod thinks I’m ghey.

  237. I guess I don’t understand the ownership stuff. I don’t understand why the property isn’t just the Bundy’s, and, if it was theirs, how the feds got it away from them. Why the hell would they need a license to graze their own property?

  238. Time for sat phones.

  239. Seriously, this is one of those times I wouldn’t mind seeing the militias amp some shit up.

  240. Jazz, open range grazing. Traditional grazing lands. In 1946 the BLM was established. Clinton went after historical grazing lands and confiscated lots of open range to the Feds. Bundy and lots of law abiding ranchers became scofflaws at that time.

  241. True Story. Apaches were nomadic. Fuckers rarely stayed in one place. Mi familia homesteaded in the Hondo Valley. Had water rights since the 1850s. Mescalero built a hotel/casino. Wanted water rights. Fucking Feds granted water rights to a Rez that didn’t exist when my family settled in the valle.

  242. From the mountain tops down to the sunny street,
    A different derp is playing a different kind of beat.
    It’s like a mystery that never ends,
    I see you crying and I want to kill your friends.

  243. There is a teacher that I’ve been dealing with since I started working for Sam’s. Dumbest sentient being on the fucking planet. I had to talk with her today, about a parking lot event tomorrow. I bet she fucks it up again. Have I mentioned that she is the dumbest fucking person I’ve ever encountered in RL and that includes the two deaf mutes from Mexico that don’t know ASL?

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