Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Your model for today was born June 15th, 1996 in Charlotte, North Carolina. She stands 5‘ 5” and measures 342434 and 123 lbs. Please welcome the flawless Miss Keilah Kang.


  1. Kang rhymes with Wang

  2. Not halfway through the year and I think we have seen the bearer of the BBF crown

  3. Her first picture almost made me think she was AI generated. In the future hot women will have to worry not only about their social media presence and having simps pay for their affection but also about the rise of computer generated “women” displacing them. The fake women will be obese betas living in their parents basements here and abroad.

  4. That waist is unreal. I’m in accord with Jimbro’s 5:04am comment.

  5. Second, I realized during said trip that I don’t know when the last time was I saw a Grateful Dead sticker on a vehicle. It’s odd. Used to see ’em on the regular, now poof, like some hippie rapture or something.
    Good point BroTim. Now that you mention it I’ve also seen very few of what used to be the standard bumper sticker on college students cars. I’m seeing fewer bumper stickers overall. Even the stereotypical Prius covered with every liberal sticker imaginable has become a rare site. Maybe I just need to get out more …

  6. Don’t even see Phish stickers anymore (Phish being the band that sort of inherited GD’s mantle).

  7. Further research on the Tittyweb Jenkins reveals that she keeps her clothes, however skimpy they might be, on when the camera is around. Even her Fappening entry is PG-13.

  8. Phish as well. About the only time I hear Phish is when someone mentions a store in Lincolnville owned by the (ex?) wife of the Phish drummer

  9. Kang? She doesn’t look Klingon.

  10. Pup
    Yet again another finalist.

  11. From Insty last night,

    “AI-Enabled Drone Attempts To Kill Its Human Operator In Air Force Simulation.”

    “We were training it in simulation to identify and target a SAM threat. And then the operator would say yes, kill that threat. The system started realising that while they did identify the threat at times the human operator would tell it not to kill that threat, but it got its points by killing that threat. So what did it do? It killed the operator. It killed the operator because that person was keeping it from accomplishing its objective.”

    He went on: “We trained the system – ‘Hey don’t kill the operator – that’s bad. You’re gonna lose points if you do that’. So what does it start doing? It starts destroying the communication tower that the operator uses to communicate with the drone to stop it from killing the target.”

    This example, seemingly plucked from a science fiction thriller, mean that: “You can’t have a conversation about artificial intelligence, intelligence, machine learning, autonomy if you’re not going to talk about ethics and AI” said Hamilton.

    Kill your toaster.

  12. She doesn’t appear real, but I’m sure if she was walking down the beach several guys would have the back of their heads slapped for staring and drooling.

  13. For Lumpy

    Found it when you mentioned it a few+ days ago and I’m closing tabs before a restart to update my computer

  14. She doesn’t appear real
    Hence my AI comment, there’s a couple of other pictures along the way that look too perfect.

    Which reminds me of the old line of “I spent my youth looking for the perfect woman but, alas, when I found her I discovered she was searching for the perfect man” or words to that effect.

  15. Ooooooh yeah. Champeeyonship material right there.

    /repeatedly stamps “APPROVED”

  16. wakey wakey

    watching “What is a Woman” right now. The first chick doesn’t have a chance against Matt.

  17. Oh, well she’s not a woman. Apparently. WTF is it then?

  18. 10/10 would smash

    Could probably afford her at this point in my life…for a weekend.

  19. The coming explosion in AI porn will render OF girls impoverished. Just gotta figure out how to make sure they have the right number of fingers first.

  20. Buy your last car before 2026.

  21. Funny you guys mention it, I saw a light-blue Subaru with the rear end covered in lefty bumperstickers and dem politico crap two-tree days ago. She was ‘nestoring’ in the left lane of a two-lane highway, pissing everybody off.

    I did things to irritate her, and got traffic moving.

  22. Wow! I just remembered that light blue is my ‘crazy person’ car color. Holy shit, it’s almost always true!

  23. Thanks Jimbro! I’m taking the oil from another supplier right now. I wonder if the whole seed is better.

  24. I gotta get the planters and soil together for mine this weekend.

  25. I have Saturday set aside all day for gardening.

  26. I’ll try to get some stuff done today … set myself up for success.

  27. heh, first time watching What is a Woman?

    Also, twitter is still shadowbanning, and Elon admits it.

  28. Lefty loon sees the error of his side, finally:

    Matt Taibbi
    There are no possible legitimate grounds for suppression of “What is a Woman?” by
    . The movie contains no threats, no trick editing, and no hate speech — its satirical point is made using the statements of trans activists. If this can be suppressed, anything can.

  29. do i have to have a twitter account to see this pos movie?

  30. Apparently not. And Musk promoted it, which is…going to make some danger hair heads explode.

  31. If only that were literal.

  32. The tits are strong with this one.

  33. have to search for what is a woman, or go to realdailywire

  34. I signed up for Matt Taibbi’s substack and just dropped it yesterday. He posts frequently but the majority are for subscribers only. There’s a few that have regular subscribers only posts but I’ve come to recognize them and just delete when I read the tagline. I’m not opposed to paying for content, it’s just that I have a hard enough time keeping up with what I pay for already without adding to it.

  35. I was in Missoula last week, super hippy college town, and saw a Karl Marx bumper sticker.

  36. Just read a headline from the NY Post: AB boycott has led to $27B loss

    Impressive. I looked up the Enron loss and saw two amounts when skimming through the results, $60B and $74B … how long before it’s another Enron or close to’s equivalent?

    They’ll be teaching this one in business schools in the coming years. The only question is what the lesson will be. I’d like to think it’d be *go woke get broke* but somehow I doubt it.

  37. Could someone explain substack for me like you are speaking to a 5 year old? Asking for a friend.

  38. It’s an online newspaper where you pay per author instead of subscribing to the whole paper. The paper (substack) gets a cut to pay their infrastructure costs and make a profit on the endeavor, but the authors get the majority of the fee.

  39. Pool League Report: we went up against the second-ranked team and needed nine games for the win. We started out strong with four quick victories but petered out and only got one more for the night. Personally I got two out of five. Apologies, I have dishonored the House of Hot Sausages.

    *Attempts seppuku with the hump scraper, but it is too dull to break skin.*

  40. “Kill your toaster.”

    Crap, I just ordered a new oven and discovered it can “talk to my phone”…

  41. So far the toaster is pretty benign, the worst it does is lie about what time it is because the clock runs fast for some reason.

  42. Thank you, Leon.

  43. Hot damn, straight-to-the-Finals gorgeous. Gingham never looked so good.


  44. Mitchell, If you kill yourself you are unable to improve.

    I fully expect your next update to be jolly good.

  45. My latest “connected” thing I got is called SensorPush and it’s for monitoring temperature and humidity. I didn’t get the Wi-Fi base that lets you what’s going on when you’re out of Bluetooth range.

    I suspect that the ChiComs have great insight into local temperature and humidity worldwide courtesy of those little gizmos. I know, it’s a far fetched conspiracy theory but there’s only so many times the spy balloon trick will work.

  46. Carin, when was the last time someone ordered a Harvey Wallbanger at your restaurant bar?

    I came across it when reading about how Chartreuse is in low supply because the monks who make it announced they were keeping production at the same level which prompted everyone to go out and buy what was on the shelves regardless of whether they wanted any.

    Chartreuse is not in it but one of the substitutes is and it made me laugh because I remember people saying Harvey Wallbanger in the 70’s.

  47. There’s always room for losers in the lib world

    If you read the story you’ll see she’s teaching at the TH Chan School of Public Health. My alma mater is now the Chan Medical School after a huge donation by the same family. Mixed feelings about that

  48. It’s been a while. I don’t think where I work even stocks Galliano, but maybe? That’s one of those drinks that if ordered, they come up to me to ask what’s in it. lol

  49. Libs defending Biden on facedouche are hilarious and pathetic. This is their genius comment. Replies are funny.

  50. After years of watching womynx infest and destroy men-only space, I’ve got only yawns for lesbian bars going under.

    “We tried to tell you” cannot be shouted loudly enough at this point.

  51. tripping over a sandbag that hadn’t just been placed there. It was there the entire time. They act as if the sandbag was put there by Maga insurrectionists.

  52. I think it’s hilarious. It’s a truth moment.

  53. If I were in the facist camp that actually runs the junta, and I wanted Joe gone, I can think of worse plans than giving the man tripping hazards to avoid when I know he’s going to be on camera. Maybe they have a mole or an insider threat.

  54. I bet Seth makes a lot on his substack.

  55. It’s just amazing that leftest can watch in real time the degradation of Joe Biden and still say “I’m with Joe”. Full throated endorsements. how do they ignore his weekly 3+ day weekends back in Delaware, his lack of interviews, his inability to talk or walk or respond. It really angers me.

  56. Last time I ordered a Harvey Wallbanger they were out of Galliano so I ordered a Your Mombanger instead.

    It’s my favorite drink now.

  57. I never heard of the tequila version: Freddy Fuddpucker and can’t imagine ordering one.

  58. I made a highball with tangerine juice, white vermouth, and floral-infused vodka last week that was pretty good.

  59. I’m interested to try a lot of liqueurs based on their history and composition but not 750 mL interested. My tolerance for anything above the ABV of most beers is close to nil and as a result I’m more likely to research one and say, “Huh” before forgetting about it entirely. Probably better for my health lol

  60. Comment by Car in on June 2, 2023 12:09 pm
    Libs defending Biden on facedouche are hilarious and pathetic. This is their genius comment. Replies are funny.

    This is so ridiculous. He falls a lot. He slurs his words a lot. He forgets words a lot. He makes shit up a lot. This isn’t theory. The dumbass has serious mental and physical decline if not outright dementia.

  61. I only want a little bit of the flavor and stretch the alcohol into carbonated water to the point where most of my ‘cocktails’ probably have the same ABV as strong beer. Usually takes me an hour to drink them, too, so I rarely get more than a slight buzz and some modestly warm skin.

  62. Interesting…the political bumper sticker of all kinds (with the exception of .mil and 2a expressions) IS down overall from my perspective now that I think about it. And I clock about 4000 miles a month (according to google) driving.

    The question is “why”? My immediate speculation is the political environment has gotten openly hostile and folks don’t want to be targeted.

    My brain candy for the week is UFO stuff….Rogan had guy on….if half the shit is true…..I’m going there cause all my other tin foil hat theories have come true.

    The metal like “orbs” over high activity conflict zones and major nuke weapon sites…..

  63. well I don’t have political bumper stickers because i like my vehicles unkeyed. But that has always been the case, not the last couple of years.


    Some quit, but I think a lot more need to be fired. Post haste.

  65. Scientific fact check

    Let’s get a consensus, people!

  66. No pride emails today. I has a sad.

  67. Brandon hit his head gettting out of helicopter one, today.

  68. Imgur is SO PROUD I’m declaring a meme semi-arid desert this week.

    I’m going to pick up my new pistol right now and look for rainbow hoge grips while I’m there.

  69. Ace comments are speculating that the WiaW throttling may have been Musk on a molehunt or a check for more censorship code still at work. I’d rate that not impossible.

  70. The headline made me nervous but it’s ‘Merican Pride

  71. dang, another pizza place closed in Ankeny. I liked this one, too.

  72. I couldn’t find any rainbow grips, but I didn’t hold the door for some angry looking lesbians so I think it all evens out.

  73. Pretty sure the only happy lesbians are the ones doing it for money on camera.

    For pupster only.

  75. We still have Suburus with Leftist bumper stickers. Deadheads. Bernie and I’m with her BS. We don’t do bumper stickers because same reasons as J’ames.

  76. Hotbride now drives a Lesbaru. No bumper stickers yet.

    I saw one on the way to the boat yesterday plastered with those dopey fucking coexist and tolerance stickers.

    Yeah, they’ll tolerate you and let you coexist – until they don’t.

    Maybe they’ll behead you last.

  77. Those guys with the crescent are gonna toss y’all from rooftops, lefties.

    Then they’ll come to me and mine and ask us to pay the book people tax and remind us they have a bounty on you types.

  78. Our lefties have lots of pro-abort stickers. Love=love. Local Catholic radio bumper stickers are guaranteed to get you keyed.

  79. Dan is making a quick French onion soup. It’s 80+ degrees outside. We have all of the ingredients. 35 years ago, I made my Tio’s French Onion soup recipe. Took all day. Oxtail. 3 types of onion. Blah blah blah.

  80. Good God, Pupster! And she’s in your neck of the woods. If she wins the year ender we’ll know favors were called in, lucky dog.

  81. Yesterday someone here mentioned kicking off Pride month.
    Here’s my take, FWIW. Pride month comes without a tangible definition of what to be proud of, lots of rainbows, but that’s Jesse Jackson’s realm, probably a fudge packer.
    I’m proud of being white and the source of all the B on B violence in places that are at a minimum a couple hour drive from where I’m at. I’m proud I have the power to cause mayhem thousands of miles away. I’m blessed to be white. This is my month to be proud of what I am, and I thank the left for giving me this month to revel in my glory!

  82. Dan is making a quick French onion soup.
    God, I haven’t done that since about a year before V passed. And I’m hungry, dammit!

  83. Big hugs. Quick soup has very few ingredients.

  84. I typically do Alton Brown’s Onion soup. Not exactly quick, but not an all day project, worst part is never planning ahead to make proper croutons, so I always have to fall back on the store bought ones, yuck!

  85. I guess I never had it as a kid except as a meatloaf ingredient, so I have no taste for it. I’d sooner have beef stew or chili.

  86. *yawn*

  87. From almost the first things I did today, it was a day of being consistently thwarted in all attempts. Universe hates me today.
    Hoping some Even Steven energy helps me and I wake up to glory and success tomorrow.

  88. Hoping the Even Steven energy helps. Wondering who Even Steven has for The Memorial. We took Im and Kim is killing us

  89. I made the mistake of naming the chickens on a cursed day, so they’ll probably all be slaughtered by weasels, raccoons, and bears by the morning.
    In other news, we are getting a splendid thunderstorm and I wasn’t struck by lightning yet, so I have that going for me, which is nice.

  90. In other news, we are getting a splendid thunderstorm and I wasn’t struck by lightning yet, so I have that going for me, which is nice.

    Not so sure. Have you looked in the mirror to see your hair lately? 😉

  91. Now that the chickens have names you can put the yearbook together.

  92. Got some long shots, Cantlay and Rahm.

  93. We have Cantlay. Took Im. Dan thought we took a Kim. We have Scottie and Jason Day. His home course. I can’t remember our golfer that didn’t make the cut.

  94. Really torn here.

  95. I’d rather randos on the street shame her than the government step in and take the kid away.

  96. Sup, y’all.

  97. Dana exaggerated Robert’s prowess.

  98. […] BIG BOOB FRIDAY! FROM The Hostages […]

  99. Oi!!!!

  100. Much bettah now

  101. One guy is launching with his whale and his dog. Guy in next boat is launching with his dog.

    The dogs don’t seem to like one another.

  102. Now whale, dog guy is pulling his boat back out.

  103. Now he’s put it back in.

  104. And away they go.

  105. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the […]

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