Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.





Your model for today was born on February 1st, 1995 in Zolochiv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine. She stands 5′ 7″ and measures 362540 and 130 lbs. Please follow along with Miss Josephine Jackson aka Josephine / Josephine B / Josephine Bells / Josephine C / Josephine Bee / Jozephine Jackson / Julia Senyuk.



  1. She has a large … forehead

  2. Probably means she has a big brain

  3. Watch your wallet around a woman with that many aliases

  4. Sorry for the low resolution pixelated gifs, one of the software tools that I use to make gifs from MP4s stopped working for some reason and I had to use a screen recorder instead of a converter.

  5. We’ll take low resolution pixelated gifs and we’ll like them dammit

  6. Last video is titled “Josephine Jackson – I Had Sex With More Than 20 Guys”.

    To be clear, that’s an estimate and it was sequentially not simultaneously

  7. A brief internet search confirms my suspicions that Josephine is quite the thespian.

    And by thespian I mean cum dumpster.

  8. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what kind off BBF model you’re going to get.

  9. I’d annex her Crimea.


    Look around you: has liberalism delivered on its own terms, on its promise of neutrality between world views? How’s the liberty of the church faring amid lockdowns and renewed threats to force American nuns to pay for abortifacients? Why are churches told they can no longer run adoption services if they refuse to follow the liberal view on sexuality? Why was a Catholic priest expelled from a Glasgow university campus because he held a prayer meeting protest on the day of a Pride march? This is not a sign of neutrality, but one world view crushing another.

  11. Very confusing.

    9/10 would smash? 6/10 would smash?

  12. Confusing is an apt description

    Neck down gives you the 9/10

    Above the collarbones yields your 6/10

  13. I’m giving her a 7.5 / 10.

  14. wakey wakey

  15. This Gojira album is really different. Came out today.

  16. Entering their rap/country phase?

  17. I really appreciate how they intermixed Frank Zappa covers with Tibetan Death Yodeling.

  18. No. Lots more … harmonic tones, clean vocals.

  19. This should have been on the put down post, but it took a while to dredge ignoring reevaluate in my brain.

  20. WTF? I hate this tablet. Not having a stroke.

    ” dredge it out of the sludge in my brain. “

  21. Nice tatas but kind of a butter face, imho.

    Hitting the road soon, gonna be a long day and bad weather, ugh. Still, I got flight hardware, bbq, and a good cup of coffee. Life is good.

  22. 7.5? your grading system is different than mine. Solid 10 here.

  23. 2nd pfizer dose yesterday. I got ripped off, no sick day, no laser vision, NOTHING! Not even improved wifi. Voices in my head are the same volume as yesterday.


  24. Antifa killing Ted Wheeler would be really interesting. It would be hard to pretend it’s not real.


  26. Nyet. She does have a butterface with cray cray written on it in sperm.

  27. Which is why I’m telling her my name is “Xbrad”

  28. Antifa killing Ted Wheeler would be really interesting. It would be hard to pretend it’s not real.

    They’re gonna find that it’s hard to dismount this tiger after riding it so long.

    (Much like your mom found out last night!)

  29. Sometimes ideas kill, right?

    Ideas like electing Andrew Cuomo or Gretchen Whitmer.

  30. Time for the weekend

    Suns out, guns out!

  31. you guys cray cray. She might be, but it’s worth a chance.

  32. I saw the thing on Twitter and people are saying it looks fake as hell and cringy, so I don’t know what anyone is worried about.

  33. what thing?

  34. Threat to Ted wheeler.

  35. Second time through new Gojira. It is awesome.

    Don’t judge me. I’ve got nothing else to do.

    I’m hoping today I have more energy to do something. I’m not sick at all, just lacking in ooomph.

  36. I was oomphless for a couple of weeks after I had it.

  37. I expect my oomph to return quicker, because I was barely sick.


    The D.C. conservative scene is a veritable cornucopia of pear-shaped men. Here are the supposed intellectual elite of the American right—men who know their C.S. Lewis and are, ostensibly, fighting the abolition of men and manliness—without chests to speak of. The chest was Lewis’s metonym for thumos, Plato’s “spiritedness.” Spiritedness guards the intellect as it seeks to transform appetite into philosophic eros, the hunger that draws the great-souled upward to the truth. Thumos, chest, mediates between the head and stomach. A lot of things fell into place with the heavy lift of graduate school. I’m grateful for what my teachers taught me in the classroom, but maybe just as valuable a part of my M.A. was what I learned beforehand in the gym, the discipline of mind and body, the pursuit of excellence, the virtue of self-mastery.

  39. There’s soy in the water there. Just being near the beltway changes people.

  40. Comment by leoncaruthers on April 30, 2021 9:35 am
    There’s soy in the water there. Just being near the beltway changes people.

    You have the urge to wear salmon shorts and boat shoes, grow a five-day scruff of a “beard” and take pictures of yourself posing with a lit cigar and some overpriced whiskey.

  41. If only it stopped at that…

    The only men I know down there who seem able to maintain their chests are service-disabled veterans.

  42. And half of those are women.

  43. What should I talk about today?

  44. metonym for thumos
    *lights up a Padron 1964 Anniversary Series cigar and pours a generous dram of Pappy VanWinkle*

  45. The ideal workout for your new Gojira album?
    The new season of Lapeer Creek?

  46. Jimbro is a skilled surgeon with a lifetime of accomplishments and a loving family. He’s earned that whisky and cigar.

  47. I suppose I can take some solace in the knowledge that even my chestless self can still pull my head far enough outta my ass to not fall blindly into the kind of sophistry ConInc. seems prone to.

    Which, if I can do that, doesn’t exactly speak well to those jacktasters.

  48. If you can pray a Rosary and say a decade for our posterity, that’s manlier than most of the pear-shaped men.

  49. the new gojira is awesome. It’s going to be great for running.

  50. I disagree. It was obviously written for a vigorous workout of burpees and wallballs.

  51. Pepe, that was hysterical. I never saw that before.

  52. For CoAlex

  53. Very nice. Looks like Armored Combat League, which means she knows how to play rough.

  54. I wish I could link the “grief burpees” gif here, but I’ve only ever seen it on facedouche.

  55. see if this works:

  56. Ba haa haaa haaaa haaaaaa ….

    I feel that so much.

  57. I was doing roughly the reverse of that by the end of one of my Aikido classes once before a long break for Thanksgiving. I think I did 150 total back-breakfalls that day.

  58. I will never not laugh at that. And cry along with him.

  59. So, my grandson told our daughter that if he could shower in the dark he would because he hates even looking at his penis.

    I think this may be crossing over into epic level bullshit.

  60. WTF has he been reading/watching/listening to?

  61. Get that kid away from the internet, now. Intervention is needed.

  62. God knows. From what I can surmise the public schools are infected with this insanity – faculty AND students. And it’s engulfed the internet.

    I told her to take him dress shopping.

    (I know. I’m going to hell.)

  63. Yea, I hate to say it but social media and internet garbage has infected his brain.

  64. What is his dad like? Masculine, or a beta?

  65. Comment by Colorado Alex In Exile on April 30, 2021 8:50 am
    Which is why I’m telling her my name is “Xbrad”



  66. Comment by Hotspur on April 30, 2021 11:33 am
    So, my grandson told our daughter that if he could shower in the dark he would because he hates even looking at his penis.


    That is a serious mental illness. Unfortunately, it’s incredibly difficult to find any psychologists that could or would treat him.

    It’s sick what the parents have done to this kid.

  67. Comment by Colorado Alex In Exile on April 30, 2021 11:41 am
    What is his dad like? Masculine, or a beta?


    Something is wrong with dad and or both parents.

    Yes, I know this is your kid, Hotspur, but they fucked up.

  68. Hating your penis at that age is a “social construct.”

    Unless you’re Hotspur’s age and it just doesn’t work anymore. I can see the hate then.

  69. heh, been there

  70. probably there now. At the moment, I can run about a quarter mile, then walk. got a ways to go from here!

  71. I hate seeing mine, but only because that means it’s not currently having any fun.

  72. His dad is a pretty manly guy (painting contractor) but our daughter has been pretty permissive and overly protective of him since birth. I always told her: little kids – little problems, big kids – big problems. But she never seemed to grasp my meaning.

    Son-in-law was never able to assert himself as a strong husband/father, so he mainly acquiesced to her, so as not to cause strife. So we watched as our grandson got spoiled by his doting mother. Occasionally HotBride would speak up, but to no avail.

  73. I’ve got two other real granddaughters. I wasn’t expecting a third.

  74. You said you’d never tell another soul about that time it didn’t work.


  75. A father is the primary example of manhood in a child’s life. Unfortunately it sounds like your son-in-law set the example that men are second-class to women, and is taking that lesson to heart.

  76. Yep.

    When we were kids and did stupid shit our dads just smacked us around.

  77. A father is the primary example of manhood in a child’s life. Unfortunately it sounds like your son-in-law set the example that men are second-class to women, and is taking that lesson to heart.


    This is exactly what happened with my sister’s kid. He’s gay, 30 and still living at home. Works 20 hours a week at an Amazon shipping facility.

  78. When we were kids and did stupid shit our dads just smacked us around.

    It’s not just that. It’s about seeing men with self-respect and see them treated with some respect by others. Growing up watching your dad be cowed by mom can’t be good for a young boy’s psychology. Even worse is that he sees it throughout society. So he doesn’t even have friends’ dads, male teachers, or others to look up to.

  79. Boys being too close to Mommy and who don’t hang out Daddy, end up on the feminine side.

    Seriously, though, I’m sorry Hotspur. You and Hotbride were watching a trainwreck.

  80. There has to be someone you can take him to, although probably not in Ann Arbor.

  81. Meh. Kids can go sideways under perfect conditions. Kids can turn out excellent under awful conditions.

    My sister’s two oldest boys are great, middle girls great, youngest daughter thinks she is a boy.

  82. I think this may be crossing over into epic level bullshit.
    All boys love their gentlemen’s sausages. Either he’s really a girl or he’s lying about it.

  83. grandson told our daughter that if he could shower in the dark he would because he hates even looking at his penis.

    Take him out shooting and then share an adult beverage. You can do that because grandpa. Figure out where the poison is coming from.

    I’ve mentioned it before but my sisnlaw’s niece fell for the bullshit. Smart kid, a bit tomboyish, got more awkward after puberty, which sucks for most kids. She saved her money and had her breasts removed at 28, because her parents refused to participate in any mutilation.
    Damn shame what the culture/schools is doing to young people.

  84. Well, he’s a boy, so he’s lying*, possibly first to himself before others.

    *in the sense of saying things that are manifestly false

  85. FUUUU… fat fingers…she got them removed at 18!!

  86. I remember 18yo boobies.

    The destruction of 18yo boobies is a crime against all mankind. The doctors involved should be dragged to death behind a diesel tractor.

  87. That’s horrifying, beasn.

  88. Meh. Kids can go sideways under perfect conditions. Kids can turn out excellent under awful conditions.


    Kids wanting to be the opposite sex has exploded in the last 3 years. I think the number is something like 1000%.

    This is not just “meh” this is social pressure or the parents are not discouraging the crazy,

  89. On 8chan, of all places, I once read a sort of “unified theory of magic” that concluded that the only real magic (leaving off the many things that we now know as science, like calendars and chemistry) was something that had only been named in the last 30 years: memes.

    The idea that you achieve immortality by building the pyramid was a meme, likely one of the earliest really “parasitic” memes because it was a net detriment to the individual doing the work in any material sense. All religions were memes, but the good ones were a form of memetic hygiene that protected you from parasitic memes like Ba’al worship. The trans thing is a virus of sorts, new to the human population, and the younger population is almost entirely without protection against it. It’s burning through potential hosts right now, using social media as a transmission vector.

  90. Calm down Mare.

  91. There’s some truth. The trans thing, though, is kin to a number of older ones, long since extirpated…mostly. Problem is, it’s like real germs, with no exposure and no inoculation, defenses grow weak. In this sense Post-Modernism is an immune deficiency condition. (Yes, I just called Post-Modernism AIDS. Prove me wrong.) It makes it possible for things a healthy system/mind would reject with little effort to overwhelm the victim to catastrophic result.

  92. The trans thing is a virus of sorts, new to the human population, and the younger population is almost entirely without protection against it. It’s burning through potential hosts right now, using social media as a transmission vector.


    And the research says that it’s hitting girls more. Don’t know why. I’m sure I read why, I just can’t remember.

  93. Women in general and girls in particular tend to be more receptive to social pressure to conform and social media trends in particular.

    Not a sexist slam, just an observation. There’s a reason “Karen” is the stereotype rather than “Ken”.

  94. One of the particularly weird things about Biden’s stupid speech was the “school for 3 and 4-year-olds.”

    Yikes. I understand that in most households 2 people work but in my wildest dreams, I can’t imagine having my child away from me at 3 or 4 years old. I’d move to a different location, house, whatever to be able to stay home until they were older.

    My kids didn’t go to preschool. I didn’t understand the purpose other than daycare so I never considered sending them.

  95. I have to do a weight workout and I’m stalling.


    Alright, doing this. See you when I’m pumped up. And not like Hotspur’s penis pump.

  96. Sending kids that young to preschool is a way of damaging their mental defenses. It kills their psychic immune system and makes them more vulnerable to dangerous memes.

  97. Twilight in Paris (and America?)

  98. Human beings are tribal, but wired for it in different ways. Women are more likely to try and fit into the group, using psychological warfare and intragroup politics to secure their position, whereas men will generally challenge other men for dominant positions, but once the hierarchy is established they’ll accept it. Women therefore are much more sensitive to group dynamics and popular opinions.

  99. All boys love their gentlemen’s sausages. Either he’s really a girl or he’s lying about it.


  100. There has to be someone you can take him to, although probably not in Ann Arbor.

    If only. Unfortunately he’s not our boy. If he was, I’d take him to a dress store, then make him mow the lawn and weed the flower beds wearing it.

    I think his gender dysphoria would last maybe the weekend.

  101. For Leon

  102. I have photographs of my jacked doppelganger.

  103. I’ve never heard it called that.


    (Imgur video with sound)


    (Imgur video)

  106. color the water is in a fire sprinkler pipe?

    (Imgur video)

  107. Well, I was excited to watch Tom Clancy’s Without Remorse on Prime, but they decided to have the Lt Commander be a woman who is the world’s shittiest actress and get this, SHE is leading a group of SEALS. The Lt commander is James Grier’s daughter. EYE ROLL. She’s got a close cropped head and looks like a man except for her high pitched voice.
    Why do the lefties have to ruin everything?

  108. Imgur Videos with sound:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Kind of makes you wonder what happens to people that makes them get so sideways.

  109. If you ever watched Parks and Rec – they had a funny deal where this news guy was an absolute moron and basically repeated what the guest said. They used this actor to be a news person in WR. Ummm nope, all we can think of is his silliness on Parks and Rec.

    I know a show is weak when dialog I would write would be ten times better.

  110. On the upside, the main character has a nice body and they show it a lot.

  111. My OPs manager was telling me a story this morning, one of our installers called in and said he couldn’t taste anything and was going to go get tested. When pressed for details he said he was drinking a Watermelon Red Bull (Pup exclaims “WTF does watermelon taste like?”) but also a jalapeno slim jim for breakfast and got a hint of pepper but no beef jerky. I guess a gas station breakfast is better than nothing?

  112. That discussion evolved into “Are you going to get the shot?” question, apparently the owner wants to start having company get togethers again, but only if everyone is vaccinated. 75% of respondents said nope, so no picnic again this year.

  113. I’m still being pressured to quit my life and take care of my mom. I’m the bad guy. Dan is always supportive. He has my back.

  114. We have a new cucumber jalapeño infused tequila.

  115. I didn’t lose my sense of smell and taste until I was feeling better, maybe 4-5 days after exposure. I’m guessing our installer is already over it and didn’t know he had it. Young guy, very fit, likes to party.

  116. From a book in reading, published in 1949:

    “In the near future technology was going to create abundance and everyone would have enough of everything. There’d be inequality but not starvation or great need. People would eat. Well, when they ate, what then? The Eden of liberty, plenty, and love, the dream of the French Revolution coming to pass. But the French had been too optimistic and thought that when the decrepit old civilizations were busted nothing could stop us from entering the early paradise. But it wasn’t so simple. We were facing the greatest crisis in history.”

    A character then asks (paraphrased), “Bread’s almost free now in America. What will happen when the struggle for bread is over? Will goods free man or enslave him?”

  117. Dan wants to keep my anger about new chicks at work off FB. WIG wearing bitch made him uncomfortable with her eye fuck,RBF is already in my sites. Dan is old. These young girls with daddy issues, piss me off.

  118. I’ve been trying different brands and qualities of tequila, I just don’t have a good palate for it. Bartender was pouring me $10 shots of Avion reposado, but $4 Herradura silver tasted the same to me.

  119. It’s an interesting set of questions, I think. What does a person do once he’s fed? To what does he direct his attention and energy?

    For most of all of us here, we can name something that is either constructive or else nondestructive but fulfilling. Planting gardens, blacksmithing, getting proficient with firearms, improving physical fitness.

    But what if, instead, we named something like “I want to be in charge. I want to change society in some way. I want to tinker with the people around me.”

    Same impulse, I think – your belly is full, so you focus on what interests you, and some people are interested in painting while others are interested in social engineering. If your belly is full, there’s really nothing to curb the impulse to dedicate yourself completely to that interest, whether it’s ultimately a constructive, neutral or destructive interest.

  120. We’re having a rainy, sort of chilly day today so I went with my standard t-shirt under a flannel shirt outfit with long pants. The flannel shirt is close to 20 years old, I have a few of the same vintage from LL Bean among about 10 flannel shirts. After 20 years of wearing and washing them they’re a little threadbare. My elbow felt a little weird today and I had no idea why. Paula worked an 8 hour shift today and walked in to the living room. I put my arms up for a hug and she spotted a hole in the elbow region of my shirt (mystery solved). She then proceeded to put her fingers in the hole and rip my sleeve wide open.

    “Rough day at work honey?”

  121. So Joe can give an hour speech but a few sentences are too much? What’s going on?

  122. Didn’t finish Without Remorse. It’s so bad I was bored and didn’t care who lived or died. Much like real life.

  123. I’ve heard there’s good tequila brands that can be enjoyed similar to a good whiskey but my tolerance for tequila is low. I blame an event at my college graduation party that involved the worm at the bottom of a 1/3 full bottle of tequila

  124. Dan is old. These young girls with daddy issues, piss me off.


    Apparently I need to quit my job and go work at Sam’s Club.

  125. Same impulse, I think – your belly is full, so you focus on what interests you, and some people are interested in painting while others are interested in social engineering. If your belly is full, there’s really nothing to curb the impulse to dedicate yourself completely to that interest, whether it’s ultimately a constructive, neutral or destructive interest


    If I remember correctly, when rats were placed in crowded environments with easy access to food, they showed signs of psychological breakdown. Some spent all day grooming themselves, while others fought, and others fucked nonstop.

    Humans aren’t meant to live easy lives. Young men without purpose or challenge will quickly devolve into violence and chaos. Women will turn to petty politics and psychological games. Hardship is needed for healthy growth, the way muscle and bone are strengthened by the stress of heavy weight, or the heart and lungs by vigorous exercise.

  126. Pupster, I’ve realized I’ve got no taste for tequila either. I stick to gin, whiskey, or cognac these days.

    Hennesy gets a lot of hate, but that’s some good stuff.

  127. Mares quackers don’t seem quiescent.

  128. But what if, instead, we named something like “I want to be in charge. I want to change society in some way. I want to tinker with the people around me.”

    This impulse must be stamped out with extreme prejudice.

    Of course, now that I’ve said so, I’m the one that has such a desire. I promise that when the deed is done, I’ll surrender quietly and take the punishment due.

  129. so frank Lantz is tuckers nemesis as enemy of the gop

  130. Looks like T-Roy had an eventful day.

  131. We are carrying medium grade sipping tequila. Not Don Julio, but not hornitos.

  132. My eating disorder therapy not only included “Group with losers”, but I had to replace all mirrors with clown show mirrors, no tape measures, and no scales. It has been over 30 years and Dan had to buy in. He keeps a scale in the garage, but I don’t know where it is. Body dismorphia. Same mental illness, different coin.

  133. Will, that video is crazy intense. Wow. I can’t believe it cuts off when it does.

  134. Ridicule:


  135. 30 years is a long time, Oso. That’s a heck of a thing to carry around with you.

  136. Everyone has weight to carry. Figurative or literal.

  137. Humans aren’t meant to live easy lives.


    They should try living on a ranch. Every damn day is a fight….


  139. Desmond emulated rebellious punks.

  140. Away to Meme

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