Big Boob Friday

Hello, and welcome to another addition of Big Boob Friday.

Redheads, boobs, and girls in glasses make me happy happy happy . Sometimes music does, too.


If I could be serious for a moment, I want you guys to know that driving the boob bus on Fridays is the best job ever.

Your model for today was born in Columbia, South Carolina on January 23rd, 1992. At 5’1″ and 105 pounds, she measures 32-27-35 and wears a sporty GG cup which I’m guessing stands for great god almighty look at those things. Please stop gerrymandering your district long enough to welcome Miss Tessa Fowler!

Tessa Fowler

Doesn’t she look sweet?

*NSFW Audio she says teh eff word*





  1. Bow before the Boobmaster.

  2. *bows

  3. *looks up from polisci paper, scowls*

    How am I supposed to concentrate with those noisy things bouncing around all over the place?!

    *turns down volume*

  4. If you drove an eye-rawk at her high school, I bet you had a shot at her.

    … I never drove an eye-rawk. I had a Tercel.

  5. Judging by her Vine and Twitter feed, I’m guessing you just needed to score some alcohol.

  6. She was born in 1992. So, she graduated high school in 2010 (maybe). If you drove an Iroc at her high school, it had antique plates on it.

  7. 1992. Well, that changes things.

    Because I could be her father. Not literally, but like I’m old enough and stuff. Probably need one of those new Camaros and some Mike’s Hard Lemonade.

  8. Nice. Bondurant Iowa couple wins a 200 million dollar lottery, pays the town back by opening the town’s first grocery store.

  9. She seems nice.

  10. I just noticed something. She has no ass.

    Pass. I’ll save the Mike’s for a girl with a booty worth tappin’.

  11. Leon, my score for week one was 170. The other folks were 100 points less than that. Am I taking this too seriously?

  12. Seriously?! She is from right here, and I don’t know those…I mean her?

  13. My first week total was 124, but that’s because of white rice and cheese, both of which I know I tolerate well based on years of experimenting.

    It’s raining now. Going to make it tough to get the puppy out for a pee before I leave.

  14. Morning, children. Good job, Pupstah.

  15. So no, I don’t think you’re taking it too seriously.

  16. Oh goody, I have a 9am telecon now. Going to have to do it from here and hope it works out.

  17. *charges phone
    *puts on pants, grudgingly

  18. A friend had the band surgery/ gastric – first she ended up back in the hospital because they injured her spleen and that had tho be removed, then again back in the hospital for a week due to blood clots in her lungs.

    Shit. Isn’t it just easier to diet?

  19. Not everyone has your willpower.

  20. Most places make you get nutrition consults and try dieting first. Failing the diet part is an indication for surgery. Sometimes it’s just a hoop to jump through before they can justify the operation.

    And, good morning. Nice rack!

  21. Remember, people told to “diet” by their doctors are still told to eat the least-satiating, lowest nutritional-density foods imaginable, and to weigh, measure, and count everything. There’s a reason that Weight Watchers has a 95% long-term failure rate.

    The lap band has a higher success rate than “dieting”, and it lets the foot-chopping doctors do something that looks useful.

  22. A friend’s sister had that surgery. She got an infection and died after a year in the hospital. Truly horrible.

  23. *looks at Jimbro when he says “doctors” and does the eye-pointy thing*

    *because he’s a jerk*

  24. what? we got tits? it’s not even 8

  25. *and by “he” I mean me*

  26. All this semester I have been making a milkshake to bring to school twice a week because my classes go from morning to way past lunchtime with no time in between to eat.

    It is basically virgin eggnog but way less sweet. Some mornings it is like, six raw eggs in there when I’m feeling real hungry in the am and double up the recipe. It never makes me feel uncomfortably full. I just sip it during my classes. So delish and easy on the digestion.

    I am starting to just absolutely love these things and just made a small one for breakfast even though there is no class today. Wondering if I could be getting addicted to the teaspoon of honey, or the milk.

    A sugar regimen has a bad way of sneaking up on me. All this Easter candy lying around hasn’t helped either.

  27. I do something like that when I’m short on time, Laura. Usually coconut milk and 4-6 eggs with a bit of cinnamon and almond butter.

  28. Really? Cool. Now I don’t feel so bad. Although *I* haven’t added forty pounds of muscle to my frame in the last couple years, so. Might not be as okay for me as it is for you.

    Coconut milk is not so easy on the digestion. I love it, but it does not seem to love me back. 😦

  29. I get the feeling the diet is set up to fail, tho give them an excuse. “See?!!! I told you shorts don’t work for me.”

    And, I don’t believe I have an unusual amount of discipline. You simply have to want to lose weight more than you want that cookie.

    I just worry. She could die. Wouldn’t dieting – seriously- been better?

  30. Oh, I agree the standard “healthy” diet is FUBAR. It’s not too often I need to tell people to lose weight. Most of my nutrition worries are with kids having major spine surgery. Well not all of them. The kids with cerebral palsy who are tube fed and underweight. And the ones who should be tube fed but have parents that lovingly feed them little bits over an hour three times a day and are malnourished.

  31. Hate Swype. Not fixing anything.

  32. Coconut fat is a lot of medium-chain triglycerides, Laura. You have to slowly build up to metabolizing it well. I went too far too fast the first time and was running to the potty a lot. Now I eat my little fat bomb candies that are almost all coconut oil and I’m fine.

    And I’m with you entirely on diet over surgery, Car in, in case that’s not obvious. I would try almost anything before surgery for any reason.

  33. She’s now been, basically, really “sick” for a month. Rehab is going to be slow. If she had made herself a fraction as miserable on a strict healthy diet for that same time period …

  34. This is fascinating.

    The post, not your inane rantings about nutrition.

    *eats 95 donuts

  35. I got 10# of dextrose shipped to me yesterday so I can try carb-backloading. Made sticky rice with it last night. Felt extremely decadent.

  36. I lost .0037 pounds just reading this crap

  37. TJ has a very accurate scale.

  38. *aims coconut oil cannon at MJ.

  39. She has no ass.



  40. Anal’s not safe. I just like a good view for certain positions.

  41. This is the best sentence I’ve read in a loooong time:

    In 2012, during the trial of Russian band Pussy Riot, she (Alicia Silverstone) wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin asking that vegan meals be made available to all Russian prisoners.


  42. Beet soup and sauerkraut are vegan

  43. *puts on goggles, ties feet to floor, waits….hears coconut oil whistling through the air

  44. Can you call rotted cabbage sauerkraut?

    Oh, wait…

  45. Rotted cabbage will make you pretty sick. Fermented cabbage is sauerkraut.

  46. Nessie the wonderdog on point:

  47. Good morning, kool kids.

    Awesome boob job, Puppeh!

  48. Nessie is getting so big!

  49. Benny is closing in on 3 lb. Huge.


  51. We are looking at getting a dog. It’s in the early stages but we’ve been in touch with a woman who has a rescue dog down in NC. Star is a 1 1/2 yo Blue Heeler who is a big softie. The family who has her now has 2 small kids and on a video she rolled right over and let them scratch her belly. I’ve had a Red Heeler before who was mostly well behaved.

  52. I was an adult before this girl was born. This ain’t right.

  53. Agile, Scott and Lauraw can fill you in on teh Heelers.

    I’ll never get another dog that is not a Golden Retriever. Ever.

    Nessie is getting so big!

    She’s a monster, in many ways. 90lbs last week.

  54. I imagine watching her grow up next door would have gotten really awkward at a certain point.

  55. “I want to catalyze the emergence of a solution to the climate crisis as quickly as possible. Period.”

    I was wrong. This ^^^^^ is the funniest sentence I’ve read this week.

  56. It’s not her fault you are old, Tushar.

  57. That had to be written who’s never studied chemistry for even five minutes. Hilarious.

  58. I’ll give you three guesses.

  59. I suspect it’s a Chris Hayes excerpt, but it could be any number of people. Might even be zero.

  60. We are looking at getting a dog. It’s in the early stages but we’ve been in touch with a woman who has a rescue dog down in NC. Star is a 1 1/2 yo Blue Heeler who is a big softie. The family who has her now has 2 small kids and on a video she rolled right over and let them scratch her belly. I’ve had a Red Heeler before who was mostly well behaved.
    Come by for a visit.

  61. Blue heelers look like someone did a halfhearted job of spray painting them.

  62. I’d love to MJ but we only need to drive to NH or MA. They do a shuttle up the coast with different drivers. If it goes through. I’ll make a generous donation to the rescue society for gas purposes.


  64. Too bad.

    Oh, and to answer your question yesterday, the Russian bride is on her way! I gave a guy named Surgie Johnson my credit card number and all of my personal information. I’m sure it’s going to work out.

  65. I’ll link a few pictures of her when I get home. She’s so ugly she’s cute.

    Time for my 3rd case. I’ve had phenomenal luck today and all of my cases have gone fast. Any potential complicating factors have not happened. I’m thinking happy thoughts for the last one.

  66. Mazes Tov!

  67. Mazel !!!

    GD spellcheck!!!

  68. Didn’t you learn anything from your moving fiasco?

  69. Didn’t you learn anything from your moving fiasco?
    Who do you think set this up?

    BTW: I ended up getting part of money back. I’m good with that.

  70. Only part?? That’s whack.

  71. She seems nice boobs.

  72. I just made spicy mayo. You may alert the media.

  73. Great rack, but has she said anything that could be considered racist or homophobic since she was a toddler? We’re all supposed to hate anyone who did and stone them in the town square

  74. On. Topic.

    Also not especially SWF. But I reverse my earlier ruling on her hittability.

  75. I was researching whether she’d ever said or done anything that might require stoning that might have been captured on video, you see.

  76. She’d be cuter if she shifted some boobage to her tuckus.

  77. That was *cough*Pron-y*cough*


  79. Yeah, just a smidge. I will have to be careful that it doesn’t trigger me.

  80. *very deliberately does not look for more videos*

  81. Tigger Trigger!11ty!

  82. Burgers with spicy mayo for lunch.

  83. She has quite the rack, but she’s a little jiggly for my taste. Especially when she takes it all off and bounces around.

  84. I’m sure you watched several videos to ascertain whether that really disgusted you.

    Alternatively, you should try to get that job with the Buffalo Jills.

  85. I’m sure you watched several videos to ascertain whether that really disgusted you.
    You would be correct. Gotta make a sound judgement.

    I thought chicks were going back to the natural look down there. I guess she didn’t get the memo.

  86. MJ doesn’t want to die of suffocation.

  87. Not really. I’m 90% sure I’ll die just like this:

    Why the fuck did I waste all of this time exercising only to fucking die of a heart attack 3 feet from the finish line????

    Gurgle gurgle gurgle.

  88. I thought chicks were going back to the natural look down there.

    Man I hope not. Count me among the fans of neat grooming in that area. Plus it’s helped make crabs almost extinct.

  89. Time to pack up and go to the office.

  90. But I like crabs! They’re delicious!

    /that guy who just doesn’t get it

  91. Enjoy, Jimbro! Cattle dogs are the shizz. Female ACD in a northern clime…my advice to you is to get her eye pressures checked religiously, every vet visit. No one knows why, but the girls are susceptible to glaucoma up here.

  92. meh, not impressed.

  93. She’d be cuter if she shifted some boobage to her tuckus.

    Hello Beanses.

  94. I loved our Blue Heeler, Wallaby. Too bad he took a tour of the underside of the milk truck.

    He sure did like to chase cars.

  95. *hugs Jay*

  96. Dorkus got runned over once, too. Just his foot though. A tire rolled over his paw while he was trying to herd/subdue the Monte Carlo it was attached to. Then it stopped. Right on his paw. He flopped around, screaming, with his foot pinned, while I motioned for the driver to back up a little.

    Had him x-rayed, he was fine.

  97. …but in exchange for that annoying herding instinct, you get a dog that is totally keyed on to you and will not hunt.

    Which is nice, because it means you can actually take long walks with them off leash and not worry about him/her running off into the horizon after a scent or a deer.

  98. *hugs Jay too*

    sucks, man

  99. My dog got run over by a car once.

  100. Sorry Jay.

    It’s my biggest fear because I live around traffic now.

    My dog will just go wherever. As much as I make fun of her, I don’t know what I’d do without my vanity dog.

  101. Awesome answer!

  102. Hey, it’s been years (over 30? no way!), it’s ok!

  103. Your model for today was born in Columbia, South Carolina on January 23rd, 1992.

    So this chick is a month younger than my youngest daughter…….

    **kicks self in nuts**

  104. So this chick is a month younger than my youngest daughter…….
    **kicks self in nuts**
    At this point, aren’t you really just stepping on them?

  105. I used to have a Sheltie, sheep herder rather than cow herder, who circled every moving fucking thing he could find. One day he was circling the F250 of Doom while I was driving off. Same thing happened as LW described above. Ran over his paw. He was a three legged dog for about 6 wks and then recovered. No vet bills were incurred. I’m a cheap motherfucker like that.

  106. At this point, aren’t you really just stepping on them?

    I must have pretty good elasticity cause my shit’s still tight.

  107. MJ’s shit is tight too. Always packed.

  108. Damn straight.


  109. Holy shit I finished that paper and did the take home test, too.
    Now I can do chores before my Obamajob!! Oh frabjous day!

    Just kidding. I’m gonna go fuck off in the garden for an hour then take a nap.

  110. Stim -u- later, peeps.


    I hope we get her. My 10 year old has been jonesing for a dog big time for a few years. He’s been singing “Everything is awesome, Star’s coming to our house” or some such shit. Hate to disappoint the little guy.

  112. Haha, it’s Bubba’s twin! (Dorkus, that is)

  113. SWIDT?

    Alluded to pegging with the GND?

  114. Just trying to piece together the tightly packed shit and the assertion of straightness.

  115. Just trying to piece together the tightly packed shit and the assertion of straightness.
    There’s no need to overthink it. It was a joke. Let me try to translate for you:

    =if(comment_A4,iserror(“fudge_packed”, gay, straight))

  116. Heh.

  117. I was trying to be charitable and permit a scenario in which both your statements were true, rather than your assertion of straightness being the obvious, boldfaced lie that it is.

    But whatever, make your little psuedocode jokes.

  118. nice excel formula, MJ!

  119. Star is a cutie.


  121. This seems as good a thread as any to leave this in:

    A Word With The Creator Of The Autoblow 2

  122. What the hell is wrong with this country that we have to outsource high-quality innovation and manufacturing like that to China?

  123. Beasn family theatre:

    him – ‘Don’t be so pushy’

    me – ‘What are you talking about, I told her to be confident and smile, how is that pushy?’

    him – *makes that noise when he’s not convinced*

    me – ‘Do you want me to beat your ass?’

    him – ‘You want to get naked?’

    me – ‘No, I’m going to beat your ass.’

    him – ‘You want to beat my ass with your ass?’



    Mr. Beasn is a hostage.

  124. He’s in Japan, he just won’t admit it.

    Probably the tentacle pron industry’s issue.

  125. I wonder what happened with the Original Autoblow? Did it leave a trail of severed members behind?

  126. It plugs in… hunh.

  127. Maybe that’s why he’s in China.

  128. Mr. Beasn is a hostage.

    Without a doubt.

  129. Mr. Beasn knows how to sweet talk.

  130. Jimbro – the new doggie looks (IIRC) very much like AD’s dog, Beta.

  131. They all tend to look the same, just a matter of whether you go with the red or blue version. I’m getting essited to have a dog again. My ex-wife took all our dogs when we were divorced and since I really didn’t have time to care for them it was hard to argue for me keeping them. 7 years without a doggie is long enough.

  132. Comment by Jay in Ames on April 25, 2014 1:40 pm
    Awesome answer!

    Grandpa lost a leg in Vietnam, but I was born blessed so it evens out.

  133. Every time I peg the husband in the back of the head, I’m only trying to help him release his inner genius.

  134. Beasn, around here it’s safer to say “bop” than “peg”.

  135. It plugs in… hunh.

    That reminds me..

    I was at a client site in LI yesterday. While I was there, my co-worker was helping to fix on of the computers at the front desk. When he got done, the woman said “oh, and this other over here, it doesn’t even come on anymore.”

    So co-worker was looking ot over, opening and closing the CD door, checking all the connections in the back of the PC. I looked over and saw that the little green light on the monitor wasn’t on.

    I said “do you have the monitor turned on?”

    He clicks the button a few times and nothing. I said “Try plugging it in.:”

    Yep. That fixed it.

    When I told the woman that the problem was that it was unplugged, she said “Damn, I was hoping it would be something more complicated than that. I feel so stupid.”

    I said “Actually, the problem was a disruption in the power delivery interface caused by an incomplete integration between the AC transfer cable and the visual projection device.”

    She looked ta me like I was insane. And I laughed.

  136. Every time I peg the husband in the back of the head, I’m only trying to help him release his inner genius.

    Bigger hammer.

  137. Beasn, around here it’s safer to say “bop” than “peg”.

    I was going to say ‘Gibbs’ but wasn’t sure anyone would get it.

  138. “Damn, I was hoping it would be something more complicated than that. I feel so stupid.”


  139. Bigger hammer.

    Heh heh…

  140. Took me about 10 seconds and I got it.

  141. ^^ Creepy as hell ^^

  142. Where is Car in? I lifted heavy things today. I am buff, now.

  143. The reason I’m not on much:


  144. Man, that dog is ugly. Congrats, AD.

    *looks at old sleeping dog and squints eyes


  145. Awwwww puppydoggie!

  146. Adorable, AD. I just love this breed. Looks like you’ve got her on a stay.

    And OMG I love it when cattle pups sit sloppy on their tushy like that. Our little red girl was a stubby little tank when she was a puppy and she would sit slopped over to one cheek with that tiny little leg sticking straight out. Sooo cute!!

  147. Is that… is that a marijuana symbol on top of her HEAD??

  148. *squints*

    Maybe a peace sign…?

  149. It has since faded, cyn. It was looking like a skull and crossbones at one point. How cool who THAT have been?

    (That pic is 3 weeks old – she hasn’t stopped moving since.)

  150. Heh. Drug dog.

  151. *hold out a little bone*

    Kora… ‘eeeere.

  152. Cool pup AD.

    My red one had one ear flopped over as a pup and tried to find a teat on our 4 year old Border Collie who was not having any part of that. The dog’s ear came up and he learned to live without the teat.

  153. Dorkus, on the beach, probably at four or five years old:

    I don’t have an online pic of Ruby but she looked a lot like this red one in the back:

    Still miss that girl and think about her. These two dogs of the same breed could not have been more different in personality, behavior, and their likes and dislikes. Of course, we didn’t get Dorkus as a puppy. That may have been part of it too.

  154. Dorkus is a bit heavier now. Just like the rest of us.

  155. Back from the gym. I squatted 2.5 MJs.

  156. Did you peg him in the back of the head?

  157. No bentley mark for Kora? Do judges care about that?

  158. Still looks like a puppy at 4-5 years old… that face!

  159. Yeah, that’s the effect of a stubby snoot. Hard to believe Dorkus will be fifteen soon. He still runs and acts like a jackass.

  160. Jackasses are quite ageless 😉

  161. And here is a true baby picture of her:

    Baby Kora

    Her coloring is changing. She had a Bentley mark, then it went away, and now it is coming back. And, no, laura, a breed judge won’t deduct for not having one.

  162. No, but I’m sure his workout compared favorably to that of the two guidos I saw doing power curtseys in the squat rack next to me with the man-pon around the bar and 0.75 MJs loaded on it.

  163. Wow she was adorable!

  164. I squatted 2.5 MJs.

    Did you wipe?

  165. Is that… is that a marijuana symbol on top of her HEAD??

    It looks like an anchor. Arrrgh!

  166. And just for Laura, nobody else look:

    Red Dog Kindle

  167. Did you peg him in the back of the head?

    You’re doing it wrong.

  168. Is wiser on the radio tomorrow?

  169. Is wiser on the radio tomorrow?


    Been studying all day.

  170. Afternoon Hostages.

    Wiser, you sick fuck.

  171. Wiser, you sick fuck.

    heh heh heh….

  172. Even I could squat this one:



    awwww… sorry about that.

    Here, have some spaghetti.

  175. Even I could squat this one:


    One of the pics is a whole row of the women on stage. The caption says “Amanda Loy, forth from the right,…..”

    NO SHIT, REALLY?? Thanks for that. I’m not sure I could have picked her out of that line-up…..

  176. Jimbro, Blue Heelers can be very persuasive.

  177. I don’t think you’re sorry at all.

    And you AND MJ posting at the HQ on the same thread???

    Isn’t that one of the signs of the Apocalypse?

  178. It has been foretold.

  179. Isn’t that one of the signs of the Apocalypse?

    Being the huge media sensations that we are, we have outgrown this little hobby-blog…

  180. Jimbro, Blue Heelers can be very persuasive.

    I’ve seen mine talk in a complete sentence: she ran and got her favorite chase toy, brought it over to me and smacked me with it, then ran to the slider for the back yard, where I keep my outdoor shoes (muckers – rubberized mocs), and dropped the toy in the shoes, and barked at me. This was repeated until I relented and went and played with her.

  181. Aww. Kindle looks like a sweetie.

    Off to Obamajerb. I’ll be back later.


  182. Even I could squat this one:

    OMG. I am in love. I’d feel so TALL next to her.

  183. we have outgrown this little hobby-blog

    If your pants are too tight, just loosen the belt. No need to get all uptight….

  184. And of course I wiped. Only a curlbro leaves sweat on the equipment.

  185. Later, door knob sniffers and window lickers…

  186. *barfs all over MJ*

    I stand corrected.

    YOU sick fuck.

  187. Adds tennis balls, kong chew toys, cloth frisbees, pig ears and liver treats to list. Did I leave anything out?

  188. *barfs all over MJ*

    I stand corrected.

    YOU sick fuck.

    Just what in the hell is wrong with you, MJ???

  189. One of the commenters at the midget bodybuilder story calls himself “KimJongUndershorts” and lists his hometown as “Pyongyongyankmynuts”. Probably need to recruit him over here.

  190. I missed it. What’d MJ do? I wanna see what it takes to get labeled a sick fuck in this shithole dump.

  191. *pre-buys theater tickets for WolfCop*

  192. Really? Imagine the smell of the Spanxsuit as Huma peels it off of her. And the pee stains in front.

    Posted by: MJ at April 25, 2014 05:41 PM (oari7)

    He was describing Hillary.

    THAT’S what he did.

  193. THAT’S what he did.

    You know the only way to make him stop is to stick his nose in it, right?

  194. I stand corrected.
    YOU sick fuck.
    Oh, come on. It’s not that bad.

    I did think Spanxsuit was kind of funny, though. Hoping that one sticks.

  195. Dude, you called me sick for referencing spotting.

    Then you went and talked about the smell of Hillary’s nether regions.

  196. You know the only way to make him stop is to stick his nose in it, right?
    Ok, I give.

  197. I did think Spanxsuit was kind of funny, though. Hoping that one sticks.

    that was good, but using the word “gelatinous” to describe Hillary.



    Some dogs get big. Some don’t

  199. I feel bad for that.

    Here have a gif of a hot dancing chick to make up for it.

  200. What is the topic you are focusing on tomorrow? I’m too lazy to look it up from a few days ago.

  201. Here have a gif of a hot dancing chick to make up for it.


    I’m an idiot.

    So what’s the special for tomorrow?

  202. For Oso:

    (Marvel Comics 75th)

  203. Not clicking. No way, no how.

  204. What is the topic you are focusing on tomorrow?

    The trend that seems to have taken hold of the suppression of differing points of view, including the calling for the arrest of so-called “climate deniers”

    Remember, Libs demand tolerance for all points of view, except those they disagree with.

  205. That’s not a new trend. But with the proliferation of the internet and “alternative media”, the suppressors have to be more militant, and therefore more in the open, about it.

  206. Good afternoon bloated, gooey forms.

  207. Oh, right. That should be good. I’m still flabbergasted at the $55 thingy. It’s as subtle as a glory hole.

    I’ll be making leon/MJs drink. Don’t worry, it’s not a gay thing. I’m not sure on the name yet, but I kind of liked Possum Punch.

    1 oz vodka
    1 oz spiced rum
    2 oz fresh grapefruit
    1.5 oz earl grey tea

    I’ll probably make it as an ‘up’ drink, then garnish it with a grapefruit twist. I can’t remember if I mentioned to use the skin side of the twist and rub it around the rim (don’t worry, I won’t say rim because I know we would laugh). You want the oil, not the fruit to be the first thing you taste.

  208. Hmmmmm. Lauraw goes to work Scottw appears.

  209. Earl Grey?

    The Picard.

  210. What’s up, people who have been busy calling each other sick fucks?

  211. Hi Sean.

    It was mostly people calling me a sick fuck.

  212. I’m out of vodka, I need to get some so I can make that tomorrow.

  213. I worked all day. Then I had to fabricate a pellet tray, and then test drive it on a couple of steaks.

  214. Dinner tonight is a combined roast of cubed chicken breast, waxy potatoes, and sunchokes, tossed lightly in olive oil and seasoned with salt and peppah.

  215. Afternoon.

  216. Come on Jewstin, what’d ya build?

  217. I built two (2) of these:

  218. It was mostly people calling me a sick fuck.

    Well, then, here you go:

  219. I’m trying to figure out who the hell buys them and why. Those are heavy-duty cabinets. They’re built like tanks.

  220. Military?

    Bill Clinton?


  221. Prisons buy them, but these didn’t have the security kit.

  222. I’m still flabbergasted at the $55 thingy. It’s as subtle as a glory hole.

    It’s getting even better. The state is getting lower than expected revenue, meaning there may not be as much of a “surplus” to give away as they thought.

    So now the Dems are trying to figure out how to save it. They suggested lowering the rebate, but then realized that it’s not going to do what they want it to do (buy votes) if it’s less than $50.

    The other option being discussed is to lower the income level of the people who will recieve it.

    In other words, only give it back to those who more than likely didn;t pay into the system in the first place.

    In other words, solidifying the dem base to make sure they show up at the polls.

  223. It’s getting even better. The state is getting lower than expected revenue, meaning there may not be as much of a “surplus” to give away as they thought.
    So now the Dems are trying to figure out how to save it. They suggested lowering the rebate, but then realized that it’s not going to do what they want it to do (buy votes) if it’s less than $50.
    The other option being discussed is to lower the income level of the people who will recieve it.
    In other words, only give it back to those who more than likely didn;t pay into the system in the first place.
    In other words, solidifying the dem base to make sure they show up at the polls.
    This whole thing is going to go over like a fart in church.

  224. This whole thing is going to go over like a fart in church.

    You’d think, but Connecticut.

    We would elect Adam Lanza to office if he ran as a Dem.

    And if he was still alive.

  225. And if he was still alive.

    That’s never stopped ’em before.

  226. It’s a shame Lyndon LaRouche never ran for office in Connecticutt.

  227. Thread killah… my bad.

    This is impotent for all Hover Zoomers to read; you fixy now.

  228. Is it pizza night?

  229. Matter of fact, it is.

  230. Thread killah… my bad.

    This is impotent for all Hover Zoomers to read; you fixy now.

    So…MCPO has to get a new scooter?

  231. I don’t remember the last time I had pizza night. Might have been New Year’s 2011.

  232. Where is MCPO, anyway. I kind of miss that guy. In a manly way.

  233. Playing golf and posting pics of his granddaughter on Facebook.

  234. Dunno. Maybe they finally put him in a home.

  235. I blame Mare.

  236. I actually just got a new ecig from that company he recommended. I like it so far.

  237. Which one, Sean?

  238. I got this:

    Which I see they’ve knocked seven fiddy off since I ordered. Dammit.

  239. That’s the one that I have, but from a company called Joyetech. If you’re going to continue, consider:

    1. An XL battery, and
    B. An LR (low resistance) atomizer [this was an awesome change for me and has helped me cut WAY back on the smokes].

  240. I wonder why they don’t make e-Copenhagen.

  241. Maybe something about accidentally swallowing the batteries, but I could be way off on that.

  242. I’m going to invent e-chewing-tobacco, but with fewer hyphens.

  243. Less hyphens, more flavor.

  244. Now with 30% more gelatinous.

  245. They already invented it, but it kept giving the test users superpowers. Which sounds cool, but almost all of them used their new abilities for evil.

  246. I got a problem with those things. They don’t want you to break your addiction, they just want you addicted to their product.

    The quit success rate for nicotine gum, patch, and e-cig are horrible.

  247. The success rate period is horrible. Nicotine is pretty much the most addicting fucking thing on the planet.

  248. I know bcoch. I quit 2 years ago after 947 unsuccessful attempts.

  249. 947? You got out quick.

  250. Although, I have never tried heroin.

  251. Yeah, um, I didn’t start doing this to quit. I started doing it to not hack up a lung when I wake up every morning. So far, so good.

  252. I’m with Sean. I like my nicotine, but a less caustic delivery system would be nice.

  253. Sean, don’t get me wrong. I am all for that.

    It just pisses me off how they market it.

  254. *smokes ham and pickles eggs

  255. Worst vaporizer flavor: borscht.

  256. I smoked 19 lbs of meat over the last two days.

    * coughs *

  257. That’s a fair point, scott. I’m just not ready to give up all of my vices.

  258. Worst vaporizer flavor: pee-stained Spanxsuit

  259. I need BBF volunteers for the next two weeks.

    pupstersez at yahoo dot com

  260. Worst vaporizer flavor: Church fart.

  261. I can do next week.

  262. K. I have something for you.


  263. I could do another BBF.

  264. BBF should be a breakfast sandwich.

  265. K MJ’s got May 2nd and Jewstin’s got May 9th.

    Thanks guys.

  266. Link for Wiser. This was at AoS, so you probably saw it:

  267. I read Vox Day’s blog, so I’d been hearing about it from his side all week.

  268. Tried to read that link on AoSHQ about the Hugo clusterfuck earlier today

    Couldn’t make heads or tails out of it, since he writes like crap

  269. Larry’s a Mormon and erstwhile Republican who writes good Science Fiction, and he was nominated for a Hugo.

    This is the end of literature and possibly Western Democracy, according to many of the fuckwits who actually vote on Hugo awards.

    There’s your nutshell.

  270. They already invented it, but it kept giving the test users superpowers. Which sounds cool, but almost all of them used their new abilities for evil.

    The Army developed it as part of their “green infantry” initiative.

  271. Thank Leon for the nutshell!
    I’m not a SciFy fan but that is quite upsetting.
    Jerry Pournelle is pretty non-PC as well

    Back to the earlier comments about Amanda Loy, the bodybuilding dwarf..

    Here the most amazing dwarf story ever, the Ovitz family
    Plucked out of a transport at Auschwitz during the height of the 1944 killings (almost 460,000 Hungarian Jews murdered in just 56 days), they were personally saved by none other than Josef Mengele, who wanted to experiment on dwarf families. Totally unbelievable story..

  272. I haven’t run across much Niven, but Pournell is well-grounded and extremely bright. I read Chaos Manor often.

  273. I’ll admit that besides Sarah Hoyt, I don’t read the right-wing sci-fi bloggers. I don’t find them interesting, and I couldn’t give two shits about the Hugo Award controversy.

  274. “I read Chaos Manor often.”


  275. Vox is mostly amused by it, but I’m with you in not caring either way. I don’t read much fiction anymore in any event.

    But if I see any of you reading John Scalzi I’ll shake you like a polaroid.

  276. K. I have something for you.

  277. I read mostly classic literature or American writers
    I never could read SciFy very much
    Some of the writing is truly awful

  278. Punctuation

  279. Scam

  280. I ignore punctuation where possible

  281. I never could read SciFy very much
    Some of the writing is truly awful

    No sci-fi stories
    The writing is truly bad
    A spring flower dies.

  282. Comment by TexasJew on April 25, 2014 10:30 pm
    I ignore punctuation where possible

    You’ve never let a period stop you?

  283. I never got into reading sci-fi for some reason. I like sci-fi movies, but I just never delved into reading the stuff. I’m the same way about westerns, I guess.

  284. A lot of scifi gets wrapped up in crackpot ideas, See any of Heinlein’s more hedonistic works or the massive amounts of socialist crap floating around, or the transhumanist stuff. Meanwhile the mil-sci writers delve into technowank to cover for 2d characters and demand too much suspension of disbelief.

  285. I felt that ” Shane ” was very well written, as was ” True Grit”, but those were exceptions to the rule.
    I do agree that movies generally do a better job with both sci-fi and westerns in presenting the story than do the original novels and short stories.

  286. I got through some of the classics last year. I don’t have much interest beyond that.

  287. I’ve been reading a lot of British novelists and short story writers lately. Forster, Hardy, VS Pritchett.

    Oops.. this is like a Sunday book thread..

  288. I just bought all of the Monster hunters books today. I prefer space opera but apocalypse is a close second.

    Brinn’s uplift series was brilliant. As was kiln people.

  289. That’s one thing I really like about the Honor Harrington novels. Socialists and such are shown as the inherently flawed societal models they are.

  290. I think I read every Louis L’Amour book when I was in the desert. And they were identical, and pretty much all forgetable.

  291. I’m thinking about re-reading my Brian Lumley novels. I read them all about 20 years ago now, so I’m curious what it will be like to re-read them at this age.

  292. Another first!
    The first half-black humpback President since Millard Fillmore.

  293. My dad liked to read Louis Lamour in the john
    He said they were really perfect for that


  295. L’Amour’s best book was his autobiographical ” Education of a Wandering Man”. It was quite good.

    I thought of him last year when I was in his hometown, Jamestown, North Dakota at the library they named after him.

  296. I’ve been reading Discworld.

  297. I have not read diskworld. I will put it on my list Roamy. Niven’s Ringworld was brilliant.

  298. Did anybody accidentally vote for anybody else because of a confusing ballot today?

  299. I like all the ones with Sam Vimes – Guards! Guards!, Night Watch, Men at Arms, Thud! Street smart and a little too mouthy for his own good.

    There is another series by Terry Pratchett that I am trying to get Mini-me to read. It still takes place on Discworld but it focuses on a young witch and Scottish pixies.

  300. Not me Sean
    But I did have a annual review and a $1/hr raise.
    Happy, Happy, joy, joy

  301. Love the Discworld books. They’re great reading. Good stories, with enough hidden culture.

  302. Vmax, congratulations! Holding on to a good job in this economy is a major achievement, much less getting a raise. Nice!

  303. Good job, Vman. I remember when you were close to looking at freeway underpasses.

  304. Pournell & Niven have done some really good stuff. It’s a matter of taste, I suppose…


  306. Newest Teen Drug: Pulling pants up, speaking intelligently, being responsible.

    Random Addicted Teenager (face pixellated and voice computerized): When I speak well and look the part, I feel that people treat me differently. They treat me with respect. Then, when I follow it up with responsible behavior, it’s like I’m on top of the world. Flying.

    But, not *actually* flying, you understand. That is just a metaphor for how wonderful I feel about myself and the esteem that I earn from others by my good words and actions.

    I would hate for some person younger than I to believe he or she could actually fly, and possibly harm him or herself through this imaginative misapprehension.

    *buries head in hands*

    Oh God, I was doing it again. I am so sorry. I never thought it could go this far or get this bad.

  307. *City Council makes Burt’s Bee lip balm available for purchase only through the pharmacy and all purchases require ID and must be logged.

  308. Father: “What the hell is this?”

    [pulls out box full of beekeeping gear]

    Kid: “I-it’s not what you think. I-I’m holding it for a friend.”

    Father: “Don’t you lie to me! Where did you learn how to do this?!!”

    Kid: [welling up with tears] “I LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU, DAD!”

  309. Hahaha Would honey or the honeycomb be the gateway drug?

  310. Well, honeycomb’s big…

  311. yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s not small…

  312. Honeysuckle was my gateway drug.

  313. Honey Badger ripped my eyes out. I had to soothe them with honeydew.

  314. You people are silly!

  315. OK, Co-worker’s sister is married to a Mexican-Mexican. She’s expected to stay at home and take care of the 4 kids. He has total control over all credit cards and bank accts. He used part of their tax refund to buy a $1200 Rottweiler. Wife told him to choose between the puppy or her. Guess who moved back home with her Mom and Dad with the 4 kids tonight. He did give her the $5000 tax refund in cash.

  316. Co-worker expects her sister to be back with her hubby by Monday.

  317. Co-worker is really cute. She claims to be 4’11 1/2″ I was thinking 4’9″ tops. AP gave her a step stool as a joke. Her 9 mo old is almost as tall as she is. Baby daddy is the first white guy she ever dated. His family doesn’t want anything to do with their Mexican Grandchild.

  318. I’ve had late shifts the last 2 weeks. Next week, nothing but early shifts. I get to work with Drama Llama and The Beast. Yay, me!

  319. Earlier this week, the cafe crossed the Coke Zero line with Cherry Coke. Now, I’m afraid to buy soda at the cafe. I’ve had to drink water at work!!!! Water! I H8 water!

  320. Pet Peeve: If you have a rcpt, we take it back. I don’t have to touch, smell, or taste. If you say it is bad, we’ll fix it. Stop making me smell your nasty, out of fridge returns you bought at the other Club!!!!

  321. BTW, I H8 having cash in my drawer. I’m supposed to balance $300 a night. I’m cool. We have a night time accting asst that never does her pulls or loans correctly. I H8 her. I had over $6000 cash in my drawer tonight and couldn’t get her to do a pull. Yes, I will be reporting her to her supervisor. I work too close to glass windows and exits to have that much cash on hand.

  322. I still don’t think I’ve ever gotten a ruling on songwriter/hitsong/cover timeline theory. WTF?

  323. Well sometimes I derp you on a Saturday night
    Sunday morning you don’t look right
    You’ve been out painting the town
    Ah ah baby, been stepping around

  324. G’night, Sean.

  325. G’night morning people.

  326. I have lots of RL friends that are fucking hippies. Their RL Dad’s were with Chennault and some were in the early days of the CIA. Unsung heroes. Their kids are a bunch of liberal douchebags. One even lives in Belize with her foreign born hubby and family. She is always bitching about the US. Her Dad was a “Hero of the Hump” and helped establish the CIA in the Pac Theater. His daughter is an America hating fembot expat. I H8 people.

  327. I ❤ Martina. Seen her in concert. She bought into the anti-SeaWorld mockudrama. Bye Bye Martina. I don't care how good your new CD is…bye bye. /NSYNCd

  328. Just saw two fat and happy rabbits looking for eats in the woods across from my house. One saw me 25 feet away in the house and bolted. Turkeys are popping up along the edge of the woods, probably nesting near there. Groundhogs have been spotted. No skunks yet—probably holding out till we get our dog.

  329. They’re trying tho raise the minimum wage on servers in Michigan tho $10.10. This is such a bad idea, I almost want to see it passed. In the future, we can tell the kids about the good old days when there used to be affordable restaurants in Michigan.

    Severs will lose their jobs in mass, service will go waaaaay down as they try to control costs. There will be automatic teller restaurants and 1%er places.

  330. Morning, children. Blergh, 45 mph wind this morning. I hate wind.

  331. Kind of quiet this morning. Too quiet.

  332. **kicks Wordpuss in the jimmy for hiding the last three comments even after a refresh**

  333. NEW POAT

  334. Good morning. I just want you to know that I did my first real workout yesterday, Car in. It was fun, but I’m already sore.

    Only WA has the same min wage for tipped vs non tipped employees.

    It’s expensive to eat out.

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