Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Your model for today was born September 22nd, 2002 in Romania. She stands 5′ 2″ and measures 352938 and 120 lbs. Please explicitly invite into your home Miss Blackwidof AKA Andreea Maresof.


  1. I’m calling BS on her age.

  2. Very motorboatable. Well done.

  3. I wouldn’t mind a little prestidigitation with this finely freckled female

  4. I agree with n8, she’s unusually developed for a 2 year old and I’m sure that somehow violates a lot of terms of service and codes of morality

    Hopefully 22 SEPT 2022 was merely a case of the typos

  5. Romanian redhead with righteous rack! Better hope her top doesn’t lose a plug door in flight or she’s going to have a Boing event.

    Massive job, pupster!!!

  6. Whoops. Heheheh. Yeah. 2002. I fix.

  7. 2002 … phew

    It’s now safe for me to resume the daydream where I’m struggling with hypoxia when pinned under her massive rack

  8. All four of her grandparents were Commies. She owes me reparations.

  9. she’s going to have a Boing event

    I think it’s Boeing but, in her case, Boing is far more applicable

  10. The grandchildren of commies generally hate communism in ways that would make Reagan blush.

    And it’s always nice when the BBF model is a nice Christian girl.

  11. “Wicked Game” reminded me of this mashup.

  12. Holy Toledo!

  13. The grandchildren of commies generally hate communism in ways that would make Reagan blush.

    Yeah, We visited Prague, Bratislava, and Budapest a few years ago.

    Those people absolutely hate the fucking commies. First they had to endure the goddamn Nazis, then Roosevelt gave them to the fucking commies. The hatred amongst the over-40 population is strong.


  15. A couple few years ago during the summer of mostly peaceful riots I bought an ACAB shirt that changed up the acronym to All Communists Are Bastards. I was wearing it while mowing and there’s a strip of grass I cut near my neighbor. He saw me and hailed me to come and talk with him.

    After he saw what the shirt said he told me he had taken a trip to Russia to see the sights and one day wore his CCCP shirt which was met with dirty looks of disapproval from seemingly every Russian he met. He bought another t-shirt to wear over it.

  16. The term PAWG comes to mind

  17. Your neighbor sounds like a dipshit, but at least he is capable of learning.

  18. Speaking of dipshits, where is MJ these days?

  19. So Fanni’s fanny survives, and Swing Dick’s swing dick swings no more.

    The chickenshit judge should have tossed the whole damned stinking mess. What Fanni Willis did was corrupt as all hell, and she should have been removed from office.

    But she black.

    And she a woman.

  20. He is a dipshit. My previous neighbors were a different kind of dipshits and sold the house because his medical condition greatly compromised his health. Every now and then I look for his obituary but haven’t seen it yet.

    Anyway, the house went for big bucks at the peak of the housing market and I wondered who could afford it. I eventually figured out he was an Orthodontist and she was a retired teacher who had previously been a neighbor one street over. They must have met after her husband died. She’s a retired public school teacher who had 2 of 2 kids who were gay, what’re the odds?

    My old neighbor was a Vietnam vet and at least flew an American flag on the house. This guy alternates between Pride, Ukrainian and Biden flags. So yeah, dipshit.

  21. I’m sure the appeals are already written Hotspur

  22. And a democrat, so laws don’t apply.

  23. Today’s girl is …… ample.

  24. Affirmative Action gets you into office, and Affirmative Action keeps you there no matter how crooked you turn out to be.

  25. Oh, today’s gal is an 11/10 based on height bonus.

  26. The chickenshit judge should have tossed the whole damned stinking mess. What Fanni Willis did was corrupt as all hell, and she should have been removed from office.

    This is the risk of elected judges. Right is sometimes insufficiently popular, and this fucker is on the ballot.

  27. “Quit driving the car you stole or we will revoke your driver’s license.”

  28. She’s cute, but those hips are on a timer and may as well be shouting ‘aloha snackbar’ as they are gonna ‘splode soon.

  29. Bif, nice to meet you.

    How many bullwhips do you have shoved up your ass right now?

  30. She’s cute, but those hips are on a timer and may as well be shouting ‘aloha snackbar’ as they are gonna ‘splode soon.

    If you don’t smell the flower when it is in bloom, you’ll never smell it at all.

  31. Hey, hey Hotspur!

    If i tell how many, it would peak Bootyjudge’s interest. One of them is a taser and has an intermittent short too

  32. Must admit, i’ve been lurking for a while. Feel like it’s time to get honest and poat a little bit.

  33. Wakey wakey

  34. Is the ducking box back?

  35. What box?

  36. Welcome to the looneybin, Bif! Come for the boobage, stay for the gardening tips…

  37. Is the taser remote activated? Bluetooth?Anything up to date? Stand alone tasers are so 90s….

  38. Important Poat Update, must credit Pupster

  39. I’ve never wanted to be a windowsill more in my entire life.

  40. I was thinking about being a cigarette filter

  41. Hola Bif, c’mon in and have a seat and tell us a little bit about yourself.

  42. No, not there, that tiny chair is MJ’s

  43. Neighbor’s house (not the one I mentioned above) was for sale for a few months for an outrageous asking price. After a few months the sign came down and we wondered what was up. Today a new sign from a different realtor is up and the asking price is 60k lower than before.

    I took the virtual tour because that’s what nosy neighbors do and most of the outdoor shots … show my property. Whoever tours it will likely be disappointed by the actual lot size and location.

  44. This putrid cunt teaches psychology at two prestigious left coast schools.

  45. I’ll give her huge points for no tats and no piercings, but the smoking is a no-go.

  46. There’s a piece of RE listed near us for like 380k as 8 acres of vacant land. There are multiple buildings on it, including a house, but they are purportedly unfit for use/habitation.

    So it stays listed at 40k+/acre and no one even sees it unless they are looking for land… and no one would pay that for a wooded lot here, even to build a trailer park. Which it’s not zoned for anyhow.

    So it’s sat on the market for 10 months now.

  47. No such thing as unfit for use/habitation.

    Anything can be fixed. You should go look at them and judge for yourself.

  48. I’ve looked at the outside. Even if they were in decent shape inside, it’s still overpriced. Less so than selling it as land, but overpriced for the area.

  49. ^ I had that picture in the poat but it seemed incongruous with the others, I thought it would be a combo-breaker.

  50. I believe poets would compose odes to those thighs

  51. Leon, check your caruthers mail

  52. Replied.

  53. This putrid cunt
    I really thought we’d heard the last from her. The grift must not have been as lucrative as originally planned.

    If it had actually worked she would have never paid for her nightly glass of chardonnay at the slut bar again.

  54. Classic BBF material.
    IMO she’s more attractive as a blond. Not that her choice in hair dye would make anyone turn away.

    Rural property doesn’t have much velocity. Took me almost 3 years to sell my Vermont farm at about 50% of asking. I was able to sell my Alexandria townhouse over one weekend for 105% of asking, with 6 offers to choose from.

  55. Great advice from the geniuses in Canuckistan.

  56. One of them is a taser and has an intermittent short too

    LOL, welcome, Bif!

  57. Intermittent Shorting is probably the next fitness/diet trend.

  58. Speaking of which, after a week of aggressively eating as many eggs as I can stand every day, I think I’ve brought the total # in the kitchen down to 105 or so from 115.

    I haven’t collected today’s yet, though, and yesterday we had 14.

    On the plus side, my fingernails are hard enough to turn screws and peel bark off a white pine.

  59. I may have underestimated how many I started with.

  60. That’s what Bif said when he was counting bullwhips.

  61. Bullwhip count is critical. Take fewer out than you put in and you can end up in toxic shock.

  62. Such great wisdom comes from vast experience. Vaaaaaast

  63. Is substack down? I’m getting a 504 on every try.

  64. I can get to it.

  65. OK it’s back. Was down for a bit, no matter whose page I tried.

  66. Had to leave the funeral after Mass. My cousin and her hubbys family were really happy to see us. Racing weather to get through the canyon before snow. Did encounter high winds and rain/snow. I’m nosy. All of Ft Sumner was shut down. First responders at school. Crime scene tape. SWAT. Can’t find out anything. Get on I40 in Santa Rosa. Find out a state trooper was killed West of Tucumcari this AM. No hitchhiker messages on all the travel message boards. Apparently, whatever’s going on in Ft Sumner doesn’t matter.

  67. Howdy, Bif.

  68. I’m guessing she’s a dirty dirty girl.

  69. Just drawn that way.

    I can fix her.

  70. “Wicked Game” reminded me of this mashup.

    Thanks for that Roamie it was excellent. Spotify had popped up a different cover version of the song, but I liked the Larkin Poe version just a leetle better because I’m a sucker for hot chicks and slide guitars.

  71. Dan was one of 3 Anglos at the funeral. 30% of the funeral was in Spanish. The priest did a great job, but his English was sketch.

  72. I read somewhere that Klanned Parenthood has spent $16 million on election ads so far, and I think it’s all here. There’s a special election later this month, and the ads for the pro-abort candidate are sometimes back-to-back-to-back. All feature a woman who went out of state to get an abortion, and the candidate commiserating that when she needed an abortion, it was readily available. It really is a sacrament for them.

  73. Don’t ever reuse passwords.

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