Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Your model for today was born on February 20th, 1996 in Bratislava, Slovakia. She stands 5′ 11″ and measures 362436 and 130 lbs. Please make a bacon cheeseburger for Miss Veronika Rajek AKA Veronica Matyashova / Veronika Maťašová .


  1. Harumph!

  2. And by harumph, I mean holy shit! She’s a knock out! Probably the most motorboatable boobs we’ve seen in a long while

  3. Wow – she certainly doesn’t have to dress to hide any flaws.

  4. Statuesque. 9/10 would climb.

  5. Total smoke show. Flawless. She’d turn Dylan Mulvaney straight.

  6. wakey wakey

  7. She looks far better as a brunette, but it hardly matters. The star of David is in almost every pic…I don’t know if I have ever seen that or a cross, or any religious icons in a bbf cheesecake shot before. I feel like Pups is trying to tell us something.

  8. She’s a witch.

  9. Are Jewish tits called He-broobs?

    Asking for a friend

  10. I’ve seen cross necklaces on a few of the BBF cheesecake models before and it always fills me with hope for their eventual salvation and, indirectly, mine.

  11. Jimbro, only if they’re Jewish tranny tits.

  12. Not bad. Not bad at all.

  13. Holy Hooters!

  14. I don’t believe in bumperstickerism but I want a Kill Your TV bumpersticker anyway.

  15. Anyone want to lay odds that the “thieves” at the Canada airport were working for the gold sellers and the “gold” was lead bricks that had to disappear before the buyer noticed?

  16. far to cynical leon.

    so probably spot on

  17. Second item on Ace’s sidebar is a vid about what happens to families after dad transitions. The comments are heartbreaking. It’s really about being selfish, self-centered, and leaving the family behind for these cads. That’s their true transition and self-affirmation.

  18. I’ve met three of these guys. One was an old guy who was basically just a crossdresser but claims he transitioned to be a female. He has kids who have known him as a man their whole lives. At one point he was complaining that they still call him Dad. He wants to be called Mom. At no point did anyone tell him how fucking shitty and self-absorbed that is.

  19. Well actually I’ve met more than three, but the others were not married with kids.


    They will never get satisfaction because the government does not want to open that box.

  21. Saw this poster on a random site and wondered how he’d be presenting all the BS we’re living through now

  22. “All vaccines being used in the UK have undergone robust clinical trials and have met the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) strict standards of safety, effectiveness and quality.”

    A trial lasting only a few months is not enough time to show safety, effectiveness, and quality and THEY KNOW THIS.

    The comments are amazing.

  23. Pr0n can wreck a man pretty badly. If there’s a single one of these crossdressing demoniacs that isn’t a porn addict, I’d be genuinely jaw-on-floor shocked.

    And not to lay any blame at all, I do wonder how many of the marriages were sexless before the guys got into porn. Doesn’t excuse the porn and definitely not the collapse into disastrous self absorption, but it does leave some men trying to “get it elsewhere”. Sexless marriages are shockingly common, something like 12-20% of all US married couples depending on definition (<1/mo in some, <3/mo in others) and sampling, and that's the ones willing to answer.

  24. Not recommended to play if you’re at work

  25. I have two friends who have /had husbands with zero interest in sex. So ….

    Another one – the husband is having “issues” and now doesn’t even want to try.

  26. With apologies to Richard Pryor, this bish so fine I’d suck Pupster’s dick just to get a shot.

  27. I know that happens too, rarer, but it happens. I assumed the women generally just lived with it, stepped out, or divorced when that happened. I know there are women addicted to porn, but other than hearing from the scant few in the Cath-o-sphere that (1) had a problem and are (2) willing to talk about it, I know very little about how they get started on it. I’m pretty sure the MTF mentally-ill population is mostly younger and unmarried and on the autism spectrum, not married women with kids insisting they now have 2 dads.

  28. Meh

    8/10 would smash

  29. This is how good the left is: they have us defending the idea of men and women.

    This is nothing more than 2+2=5, Winston.

  30. saw one of those “ladies” on the way to darts last night, “she” was coming from the gym. Leggings, tight sweater with G cup boobies, receding hairline and 5 oclock shadow. Sexy!

  31. the boobies were comical, combined with the man butt

  32. I’d rate this chick as “Virgin”.

  33. It’s really about being selfish, self-centered

    Spot on.

  34. “Virgin”

    Doctor Hymen is in the house!

  35. What is up with the hat that looks like it was made out of a pair of overalls, with the shoulder straps in loops hanging down. (Jimbro’s video at 0:12 and again at 1:22)

  36. Meh?
    You got a problem with Slavic Jewesses?

  37. twitter: It’s the Catalytic Converters fault it’s so easy to steal!

    Isn’t this the same logic stream as “she got raped because she was dressed sexy”?

  38. I have a cousin who was killed when a car fell on him.

    Yes, he was stealing cat converters. Natural selection in progress.


    Well that pretty well states that really well. Don’t want none, don’t start none.

    The bottom line is this: In the event that my wife, mother, sister, niece, or any female friend or acquaintance makes her way into the women’s restroom and I see you follow her in after, it’s my duty as a man to either stop you or, if for some reason I end up failing that, I will follow you into that room myself.

  40. wow, killed it early today

  41. I moved the li’l birbs today. I hadn’t considered the softness of the garden soil in my calculus, and it was a real hassle, but I got it done. I think the original plan of fencing the garden and butting the tractor/coop up to it might have been the better plan. The tractor should be fine on the yard after we finish in the garden, but I’ll want to fence the garden if I do this again next year.

    Soil’s doing well, our fertilizer bill for this year is only $450 thanks to the poo flinger.

  42. “Poo flinger” triggered the James Bond “Goldfinger” theme in my head. I didn’t ask to be like this.

  43. “Manure spreader” makes it sound dirty, so I use a euphemism.

  44. Today’s Pool League Report: final game of the season, we needed 12 games to their 14 but came up short with only 10. Personally I did ok nabbing 3 out of 5 and even beating their best player for the first time.

  45. You tried to beat off the competition, but failed.

    You get to keep your hetero card until next season.

  46. […] Hostages reminds us it is Big Boob Friday […]

  47. She needs more carbs.

  48. Something that might interest Pupster, and a few others. I got a puppy for Christmas. He is six months old now. A Samoyed named Oliver.

  49. Nice looking pup you got there Tushar!

  50. Tushar!!!! Do you still beat your wife?

  51. Why a white dog?


    (ohai, Tushar)

  52. Thanks Jimbro.
    I stopped a long time ago, Hotspur. The tables have turned. She beats me off now.
    Jay, he is a Samoyed, from Russia. This way, I can keep a close eye on what the Russkies are up to.

  53. Holy crap, she’s a knockout.
    She’s beautiful.
    That body.
    Those eyes.

    Wait, have I said too much?

  54. Oliver is adorable.

  55. WTF symbol is that on her bathing suit top?

    Could be I have to totally retract my earlier thoughts.

    Damn it.

  56. So, in lauraw’s bit she was talking about, they mentioned the narcisssim of trans people. So … I just went downa rabbit hole of a mom who became the dad, and her son became her daughter. I found the “dad’s” facebook page – and it’s validates that narcissism. It’s all selfies (and lib shit mems). But lots of and lots of selfies.

    The story started with how her husband was ok with it and they were going to stay married, but the current facebook indicates that she/he is in a relationship with probably someone in a similar condition.

  57. So, evidently Bootyfudge wants $20million bucks for female crash dummies.

    Which females will they model them after?

  58. How will they find one when they don’t know what one is?

  59. Or we could spend $5million to teach them to drive.

  60. Calm down Mare.

  61. I think they should just put lipstick on the crash test dummy, and say it identifies as female.

  62. Upon entering the establishment we were immediately greeted by the hostess, demanding we show identification. Normally this would turn me off, especially since we didn’t even have reservations, but this is a member’s only restaurant (?) so we obliged.
    Similar to a Cracker Barrel, you enter through their expansive gift shop. I purchased 200 rolls of toilet paper for $19.99 which will be great stocking stuffers and my husband got a 50lb bag of unsalted cashews he’s keeping for himself and the squirrels. Three hours later we were finally ready to be seated. You can order at the counter or on a kiosk. I opted for counter service while husband found the only semi-clean table in the brightly-lit dining area. A lot of patrons were waiting on their hand-crafted pizza but we were there for the most popular menu item: steamed hot dogs! They came out within 30 seconds, piping hot, and gently tucked into warm, soft buns. You are offered simple topping options like mustard and ketchup. I jazzed mine up with the gooey relish pumped out of a canister. Bon appetit! Your soft drink is included in the amazing price of $1.50 plus tax (no tip). The hot dog was everything I expected. Not quite home bbq caliber but much better than the wrinkly ones at the gas station. Snappy, salty, satisfying. We were impressed! Definitely will be back with friends and out of town guests if we can get them in 🤞
    Ambience: 5/10. Service: 6/10. Quality: 8/10. Price: 10/10.

    Hot dogs at Costco.

  63. As a tri-monthly (once about every 3 months) Costco shopper, I found that to be hilarious. Though I like their pepperoni pizza; never had their hot dogs. Just don’t go on the weekends or afternoons/evenings unless it’s Monday r Tuesday.

  64. Oliver is adorable.

  65. Saw my first DeSantis 2024 shirt out in the wild. Remke in Florence, KY. “Make America Florida” DeSantis 2024.

  66. if you like hot dogs, costco and sams are both good. And the pizza is pretty good too. Pretzels too.

  67. I gave up the hot dog combo for Lent, years ago. Dropped price to $1.38. Switched to Pepsi. I haven’t had a hot dog combo in 6+ years. Have any of the guys on this splitter blog ever read “Are you there God, it’s me Margaret?” Anything Judy Blume?

  68. I read Margaret like 35 years ago, and Then Again Maybe I Won’t not long after.

  69. Lumps, from yesterday:

    “Yeah, I felt out of place in Colorado, and there was that one lady who asked me if I was a citizen.”

    That is so weird to me. I grew up in Colorado, and I’m as Northern European as is physically possible. Went to elementary school with exactly one black kid (there were more by the time I graduated, but not a lot). But I still grew up thinking we’re all just people, skin color is only skin deep. The concept of racism or racial supremacy has always been totally alien to me. The idea that someone might not be an American because of how they look or how they spell their last name is totally alien. I had to reach adulthood before anyone told me that akshully, I’m totally racist because I’m white, believe in hard work and the rule of law.

    I’ve met you twice, Lumps, I know what you look like, and it makes no sense to me to think you would be anything other than American. After all, what does an American look like? We look like everything.

  70. CO is different. People of WalMart in CO, is different. CO is very Salt Lake City. Modern CO reminds me of our first Cactus League Spring Training. PHX is very divided by race. By money.

  71. Leon, I’d totally forgot about Then Again, Maybe I won’t. My sister was the Blume reader. I read everything.

  72. We were assigned rental car. We got the Honda equivalent of our Kicks. Woman next to us, was assigned a gun metal grey Kicks. My dream car. She didn’t understand the push button start. We wanted her car. 🤷🏼‍♀️. We weren’t allowed to switch. Bought a blanket to cover our luggage. No trunk.

  73. Have any of the guys on this splitter blog ever read “Are you there God, it’s me Margaret?” Anything Judy Blume?

    Probly. I used to read everything but don’t ask me what happened.

  74. She didn’t ask if “are you were a citizen” lumps, she asked “is the circus in town?” They talk funny out there.

  75. In retrospect, Margaret wrestling with Judaism vs Christianity was sort of bizarrely handled, but I’d chalk that up to neither parent giving a shit about religion except wrt social clubs.

    Ugh, Boomers.

  76. We have soccer tickets for tomorrow night. Ted Lasso influence. Buying MSL tickets resulted in a huge decrease in Reds tickets. Trying to get my mind around that…watch soccer, get cheap baseball tickets. Entering serious underpants gnome territory. Americas past time?

  77. We’re spreading fertilizer tonight. Lime, urea, and potash.

  78. Thanks for keeping us real and grounded.

  79. Just keepin’ shit real. Even if it’s synthetic.

  80. Wednesday afternoon is the day here to shop at Costco, all the Protestants are getting ready for Wednesday evening services. Can’t go too far into the evening, the panhandlers come out, and they are a little too aggressive for my liking.

  81. Hmmmm…. It just hit me.
    Given the trans movement, Pup will have his (oops, don’t know the correct pronoun, muh bad if it’s wrong) hands full going forward, making sure BBF models, (see, I didn’t violate pronoun protocol there, I’m hip), are “innies” or “outties” going forward.

    This one isn’t American, safe bet it’s an “innie”.
    And I finish the comment without violating the protocol, cuz I called it “it”. Sick world, I’m a happy guy!

  82. I’m sure I read everything the library had by Judy Blume, but I don’t remember being a fan of it. The one that haunts me is where she’s pudgy and the P.E. class at her school has them doing exercises to, “Give that chicken fat back to the chicken, go, you chicken fat, go!” 45 years and I still can’t erase that lyric, even though I have forgotten which book it’s from.

  83. Odysseus at the tottie site I go to has been fooled at least once by a dude dressed as Velma on a Cosplay Friday.

    Still more feminine than Mindy Kaling, I guess.

  84. That particular BBF glow-stick was snapped and shaken by MJ quite some time ago, to much chagrin across the channel. There is enough source material out there that it won’t happen again on my watch, rest assured.

  85. Sounds like Blubber Roamy.

  86. ^ Now that I’ve thought about it, that applies to Leon’s Monday Motivational, but there were always questions there, and the Wednesday gay day post (yeah, I know you lady hostages call it Wednesday beef, or something), cuz you just don’t know anymore….

  87. I don’t remember reading “Blubber.” Sounds real. At least JB is terfing for JK

  88. I should switch Monday back to megaliths and mushrooms.

  89. Leon, that sounds right.

    DNH, there’s been some on the twink side and definitely some playing for the other team, but AFAIK no women or trans HHD fodder.

  90. I remember reading Blubber

  91. I think I read everything in my elementary school library, it wasn’t that big. Worked my way through the junior high library fiction section in alphabetical order and got as far as “P”. The senior high school librarian knew my sister and gave me shit about it, so I only went there when I had to.

  92. That particular BBF glow-stick was snapped and shaken
    I’m seriously thinking I shouldn’t ask, cuz the place they send you to before deciding where to send you when you’ve broke the law, had a guy with breast implants. I don’t know anything about his case but I’m sure it was appealing to be sent to a women’s facility, which yeesh, that place is the worst of the experience, why prolong it? But I digress into thoughts I’d rather forget, was the creature of African ancestry?

  93. Pretty sure MJ posted a Thai tranny back in the day when the only country known for trannies was Thailand, well before it became a global phenomenon

  94. I should switch Monday back to megaliths and mushrooms.
    definitely NOT mushrooms.
    Seems to be to many of those going around in society right now. Don’t turn your work into something “High Times” wants to publish…. unless you need the cash.

  95. there’s been some on the twink side and definitely some playing for the other team, but AFAIK no women or trans HHD fodder.
    I know Roamy, I’m erring toward caution while being an equal opportunity H8R.
    Just giving a BOLO, because… these days….

  96. I made a mistake at work today. Was in a phone meeting with my program manager (PM) and two others. The PM is a Russian gal and she has been pissing me off lately. I’ve always been able to handle it professionally. However today she just set me off and the pissed off words just started coming out of my mouth. I apologized later, but I made her cry. I don’t feel too bad about it, just embarrassed
    and it will bother me that I didn’t keep my shit together. I know the other two fairly well and she is known to be a pain in the ass. There is a large number of people that refuse to work with her. I’m only there since I really like the work, but she makes it all most not worth it.

  97. Oh, I cover medicinal, edible, and poisonous ones, not the ones that let you grow huge and fight Koopa.

  98. Welcome to WW corporations Thermo. 15 years at JNJ watching non Americans try to emulate N.E. corridor Americans, then cry when a hillbilly hands them their ass…. another days work, but I have real time problems to deal with that don’t include wasting time on you.

  99. Before my time here, but monoliths peek my interest, not as much as fit humans with innies, but sounds interesting!
    That said, don’t misunderstand my wise assed bitching as complaining, that goes for all of ya. It’s sarcasm. Something Gen Zzzzzzz doesn’t seem to have a grip on.

  100. Serious question Leon, how long have you been featuring triptych s?

  101. I mean like calling them what they are in your text? I’m going somewhere with this please humor me.

  102. The first MMM was over 10 years ago per my binders.

  103. Oh, gosh, as far as first triptych, I’d guess there was one in year 1, but I couldn’t tell you when. I’ve been recycling images for a while so I don’t have the Year 1 folder anymore.

  104. Dave,
    I’m the one making sure problems get fixed and work gets done. My issue with her is when I explain the problem she has the attitude there should be some solution I haven’t thought of. Now that can be true, but not all problems have solutions. All I’m asking for is a little faith I’m not an idiot, but she doesn’t trust anyone. Lots of Russian paranoia.

  105. Interesting video on the last space X flight. That rocket made a big ass hole when it took off.

  106. OK so, I have thought for however long you’ve been writing the word “triptych” that you were calling attention to a particular muscle group, the pictures are almost always side-front-side so pup the super- genious think that (for example) the small dimple where the thigh transitions to butt was the “triptych” and you were just a big fan and also a nerd.

  107. I…

    I need a minute.

  108. *goes outside*

  109. *pets birbs*


  111. *inhales*

  112. *tears form in corners of eyes*


  114. *coughs*

  115. I was going to make a your mom’s triptych joke on Monday but imagine my surprise when Wikipedia showed me how to spell it and gave me the definition.

  116. I’m okay.

  117. Thank you for listening to My Pup Talk.

  118. *joins Leon, standing outdoors in the cleansing Spring breeze*

    *decides to start smoking again*

  119. I might pre-empt next Monday with chicken tractor pics.

  120. This is so reminiscent of the way kids misconstrue words and meanings.

  121. Odin and Nerdrotic both just plugged Nefarious on FNT and Gary name-checked Deace.

  122. My rental chickens are coming in about a week. I’m not posting any pictures because I know some of you are into that shit.

  123. I just thought they tripped on their dick

  124. It’s close to wall balls.

  125. A real journalist.

  126. That was the best Drew Carey show opener ever.

  127. blerg. Got home and the dogs are all hyped up. want to go outside. So I let a few out and now I gotta sit here awake until they decide they’ve had enough.

  128. Detectives examined Robert’s papers.

  129. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the […]

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