Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Your model for today was born February 1st, 1999 in Austria, and she currently works as a spokes model in South Korea. She stands 5′ 4″, weighs 139 lbs and sports some F cup große Brüste. Please introduce yourself to Miss Kady Mae.


  1. Daniel may have envisioned rocky peaks Sean but Jimbro is busy envisioning fleshy peaks on Kady Mae and … Dear Lord … the second Statue of Liberty pose … slow, deep breathing …

  2. The photo in profile where she’s holding her hair back to keep it out of the way of her doing something really accentuates her assets.

  3. I, for one, am not believing Kady Mae is a traditional name used in Austria. NTTAWWT but Helga or Ingrid might be more believable

  4. I’m currently in zero awareness mode of last night’s debate. A real Schrodinger’s Cat situation here. Is Brandon’s political future alive? Or are the buzzards closing in on his crawling, barely alive body as he crawls through the dessert?

  5. Howie Carr mentioned yesterday that if Brandon’s handlers wanted him gone all they had to do was substitute Tic Tacs for his usual amphetamines prior to the debate and let nature take its course.

  6. Bongino was openly hoping for Brandon to do “okay” so the calls to replace him wouldn’t be as loud in order to keep hm in the race.

  7. This is a neat concept

  8. I am enjoying not knowing about the debate. I tapped out a few minutes in and went to bed.

  9. They would be coming out swinging against him no matter how well he did. They know what he is like behind closed doors.

  10. Nice CNN panel. It’s hilarious that they are comparing Biden’s physical performance, to Trump’s content.

  11. I guess this wasn’t a ‘cheap fake’ this time? They all saw it, too, for fucking once?

  12. Comment by Jimbro on June 28, 2024 5:42 am

    Big Mike? HAHAHAHAHA!

  13. I’m with Bongino, we shouldn’t be celebrating this.

  14. But it is still a relief to be rid of this toxic, evil, nasty, corrupt piece of shit.

  15. Who is still in the running for MJ’s block of fat prize for predicting when Biden leaves? If FJB gets the boot as far as being a candidate for 2024 how does that work?

    New contest ought to be predicting who the Dems will nominate instead of Oatmeal Brain. Same prize package to the winner of course

  16. At least she’s all real.

  17. 5’4″? 11. Possibly a 12 with the Austrian Accent Bonus.

  18. 11. Possibly a 12 with the Austrian Accent Bonus.

    Is that in Imperial or metric units?

  19. You like your girls to sound like Schwartzenegger?

    *Imagines female voice saying “Come with me if you want to live.”*

    Okay, that actually kinda sorta works. Weird.

  20. Damn. She is ab-so-lute-ly built.

    And even if she’s a bit toothy, she sure knows how to smile.

    Wonder if she does that Ach Thuy?

    You’ve unearthed a gem, Pupster!!!

  21. Pretty nice, as is customary Pup. I had forgotten about the Collective Soul song, will be updating the library.

    I’d rotate her tires, if you know what I mean. Nice smile.

    My neighbor sent me a text late that said Biden was toast and talking Dem panic. I saw it on the first pee break in the wee hours. And the CNN panel was hilarious, they are admitting panic.

  22. celebrate? no. I’m just amazed that 40% of the country now see how feeble he is. and they still act like it’s trumps fault

  23. all last week they told us how sharp he was. scarborough?

  24. Either FJB is beyond pharmaceutical assistance or they purposely withheld the good drugs last night because his performance last night bore no resemblance to the SOTU which was a mere 4 or 5 months ago.

  25. wakey wakey

    I’m not celebrating. And I think what we should be HAMMERING is that THEY ALL FUCKING KNEW THIS. THEY HAVE BEEN HIDING THIS SHIT FOR THE LAST 4 YEARS.

    So no matter who they trot out to replace him, the democrats are liars. That is what we should go with.

  26. The corrupt democrat party. Period. What pig are they going to dress up next?

  27. Is that in Imperial or metric units?

    Freedom Units.

    Regarding last night: I’m going to try and pray for Joe to repent in these last days, before there’s not enough mind left to get right. I’ll likely fail at this, but I’m going to try.

  28. Who’s ready for the Newsom/Whitmer Dream Ticket after Kamalalaalalamommala is elevated to SCOTUS to replace the Wide Latina?

  29. Biden’s been a bad piece of work for a long time. Well before the mind rot.

  30. I told my local friends Whitmer was coming, but I think they’re writing it off as the ramblings of a crazy lady.

  31. Oh definitely. He’s been an absolute sack of shit his whole adult life, he’s surrounded himself with people just as bad (and destroyed his children in the process), and absolutely deserves some justice. I’m just going to pray he realizes that and does some contrition before it’s too late.

    He won’t, but that’s not my fault.

  32. This guy seems to be on the same track as Leon, of course YMMV:

  33. the smug “both guys are horrible” is overwhelming today. No credit at all to Trump.

  34. Anything interesting happen last night?

  35. This, this, and THIS! it’s their fault, they’ve been covering it up the whole time.

  36. same ole same ole, MJ

  37. When Biden said Trump had the “morals of an alleycat” all I could think of was “Who showered with their own daughter? Who sniffs kids? Who has taken money from foreign powers laundered through their family members?”

  38. Claire Bear knows unlikable. But I’d love to hear what Trump lied about.

  39. And the Supreme court is going to release the immunity ruling soon. I’ll bet the lib justices made roberts wait until today, just to stack the deck.

    Everything is a conspiracy.

  40. New contest ought to be predicting who the Dems will nominate instead of Oatmeal Brain.

    Too late.

    The delegates are already in place.

  41. Even if I were to concede the “both are awful” point, one of them wants my family safe and prosperous and one doesn’t. I only get to choose between these two, so…

  42. Death or resignation releases delegates, but they have to have put away Kamala before that happens. They can’t run her any more than they can run him.

    I continue to expect some sort of false flag when they are both in the same place.

  43. Too late.

    The delegates are already in place.

    Since when have those cocksuckers ever played by the rules?

    Also, today’s titsmodel is very, very tittiful.

  44. Death or resignation releases delegates, but they have to have put away Kamala before that happens.


    Now do you see why they orchestrated such an unprecedented early debate?

    As PG said, those cocksuckers never play by the rules.

  45. Ironically, he may be stuck on the ballot in Ohio, which would make that a particularly shrewd move on their part.

  46. and the GOP won’t hold them to any rules, spineless assholes. They had him off the ballot in Ohio, and they let him back on because fairness. Fuck it.

  47. heh, no way it was a shrewd move, leon. That would require forethought and planning, something the national GOP can’t do. But local GOP in states like Iowa and Florida can handle.

    Notice how I left Texas off.

  48. So he took off a whole week of doing his job as POTUS in order to “prepare” and get his pharma cocktail fine-tuned.

    So how long is it going to take for him to detox back to his normal drugged levels and theoretically go back to doing his job? (I know, I know, he isn’t the person really doing the job, and probably never has been.)

  49. This Michigan group on CNN last night is hilarious. One is convinced by the debate that Brandon is a great president.

  50. If I was Chi-na, I’d invade Taiwan this weekend.

  51. We didn’t send our best, Jay.

    I was here lamenting my poison-ivy inflated cankles.

  52. challenge accepted:

  53. Who is still in the running for MJ’s block of fat prize for predicting when Biden leaves? If FJB gets the boot as far as being a candidate for 2024 how does that work?

    New contest ought to be predicting who the Dems will nominate instead of Oatmeal Brain. Same prize package to the winner of course


    The only people still in the race are Jam (1/6/25) and BT (1/20/25).

    I won third place, which is a Richard Simmons face mask.

  54. Many, many men have already ‘gone through’ that rainbow warrior.

  55. Those weren’t men, they were fags. Don’t confuse males with men.

  56. Don’t the Dems have a real problem finding a replacement at this late date?

    Kamala seems like a non-starter. Hillary is shotgunning the Chardonnay, she’s so excited at stepping in, but something tells me she’s way past her expiration date. It sounds like 3 of the 4 “ISIS Gang” can’t even get reelected to their current spots.

    What would it look like if they tried to adopt Kennedy?

  57. Although judging by his hands he may be one of the few pole smokers who works for a living.

  58. The hands are completely incongruous with the upper arms. He’s like a toddler from elbow to shoulder.

  59. They won’t consider Heels Up. She’s as addle-brained as Brandon, but no advanced age to blame it on.

    Trump beat Cankles last go ’round. He’d beat her again. The people who would vote for her were going to vote for Shitpants anyway. Everyone else loathes her.

    I would love love love it if they adopted Kennedy.

  60.  He’s like a toddler from elbow to shoulder.

    True. Those are barrista arms.

    He probably fixes bikes.

  61. It’s only his right hand that you can see, and it is well-developed from doing reach-arounds.

  62. The conversation moved from replacing Brandon on the ticket to whether or not he’ll make it to the election.

    Second look at 25th?

  63. Second look at 25th?

    No. Then they’d be stuck with Heels Up.

    And any republican who would vote to invoke would be primaried into oblivion. (Or should be.)

  64. I imagine bringing Kennedy onboard the Democrat Party would create a multi-sided civil war within the party, and be VERY entertaining.

    But I can’t think of any other name that would likely perform well in the general election.

    Whitmer? Her candidacy would raise all the bad things about Covid and shutdowns and mandates back into public view. Her performance was one of the most egregious during that time. Does the Deep State really want that back in the headlines? Or are they hoping to lay low and memory-hole that?

  65. Just found out that there are 1000 trillionaires in the country and that Joe Biden had a 6 golf handicap when he was V.P. C’mon man.

    Also, may have a case of sympathetic toe rot coming on, will probably break out the sandals today.

  66. As much as it pains me to imagine it, it’s going to be The Wookie.

    HotBride has been predicting it for months, and she knows stuff.

  67. Does a republican have any say in a 25th action? I thought it was just the VP and the cabinet.

  68. I must say, the folks who said DJT was walking into a trap last night seem to have a slight amount of egg on their faces today. Among other substances of dubious provenance.

  69. No way it’s Big Mike.

  70. They thought they were forcing him into the molecule chamber, but he made the red lights go on outside it.

  71. big Mike doesn’t want it, according to Bongino

  72. In the interest of bringing good music to the masses …

  73. How about this idea: If I were a Dem operative I’d keep everyone talking about how much of a train wreck FJB is while working to steal the House and Senate with the usual cheats, take the loss of the WH and then make PDT’s life a living hell for at least the next two years.

  74. Does a republican have any say in a 25th action? I thought it was just the VP and the cabinet.

    I was having a senior moment.

  75. In any event, they would be sticking themselves with Heels Up, and they’re not doing that.

  76. HotBride and I talked about the “take the loss” scenario last night.

    But I don’t think the dems are wired that way. They simply cannot tolerate defeat, that’s why they cheat so much.

  77. yes, HS. If they were in 10 races, and won 9, they would only bitch about losing the 1. Jesse Kelly admires them for their winning attitude, and I have to agree. Wish we fought half as hard.

  78. “If the United States didn’t have a third-world election system devoid of voter identification and rife with mail-in-ballot fraud, the propaganda press would already be grudgingly admitting that Biden’s re-election hopes are as dead as a doornail.”

  79. Big Mike doesnt want it…..sez who? Cue the “reluctant but I’ll do it this one time jus like George Washington to “save” the Democracy” routine. Besides, we all know Obama has been running this shit show for sponge brain and as long as BM is ready to be the puppet…….but it would be interesting if once in “she” started to rebel, ya know to be the strong empowered women “she” (used loosely) represents

    As likely scenario as any other, but they really are kinda fucked. They HAVE to do something and whatever it is wont be pretty and will continue the destabilization.

    Spicy time begins soon

  80. Alex the chick is having a moment. Chevron overruled.

  81. bongino, over and over, tee roy. Don’t shoot the messenger!

  82. Bannon says it’s Big Mike, so we’ll see who’s right.

  83. Lawfare against the J6ers also thrown out. Jackson even voted with the majority!

  84. Money quote from Steven Hayward:

    Between these decisions and Biden’s collapse last night, everyone might want to do wellness checks on their liberal friends today.

  85. So if it’s Big Mike, do we require a DNA test instead of a drug test?

    XX or XY?

  86. From inside MY bubble …

  87. Also, may have a case of sympathetic toe rot coming on, will probably break out the sandals today.

    Dr hannah recommends soaking toe several times a day.

  88. Epsom Salt? Other?

  89. Gin, with a squeeze of lime

  90. Margarita, If I’m going to fall down, I want to do it properly.

  91. Is the rot infection or fungal?

    When I was a wee tot, my athletes foot was treated by twice daily footbaths in potassium permanganate solution.

  92. Ragnar induced by shoe

  93. BTW, ACB dissented on Fischer, and Jackson joined the conservatives.

  94. Jackson still thinks men can get pregnant, so blind squirrel applies.

  95. My buddy just sent me this deal on cigars

    $25 and free shipping is remarkable. Maine has lately added an excise tax on stogies shipping from out of state and a few of the places I usually order from are adding it and others are giving them the double barreled middle finger including this place

  96. potassium permanganate solution

    I am flabbergasted, in all my years of doctoring I’ve never heard of this! It just shows that having a H2 Platinum Membership is well worth the money.

  97. Amazon sells it as fish tank disinfectant

    Remember when Trump told Americans to inject fish tank disinfectant with a bleach chaser?

  98. My dinner eating neighbor was giving me shit last night about the old broom I keep on the porch, so I decided to get a new one, which raises the question, how do you get rid of an old broom? Well, if you know wifey, that’s not an easy answer, so I did some “research” on the web.

    I have already talked the “new house/old broom thing, so here are some new broom superstitions:

    It is told if you sweep your dust outwards towards the front door you will sweep your luck away.

    Before you start your sweeping job fill a bucket with warm water and basil leaves. Soak the broom in the bucket and sweep away. This is supposed to bring luck into the home. They say it is extra lucky if you do it nine days in a row. Yet others say you should dip your broom into cinnamon water. That should bring luck.

    Old superstition tells us you better not sweep over the feet of a person who is single. If you do that person will never marry. All hope is not gone. If that person remembers to immediately spit on the broom the “spell” is broken.

    Another strange old superstition was that if a single woman stepped over a broom lying on the floor, she would become pregnant out of wedlock.

    Finally getting closer to my research topic:

    Never burn up a broom; it will bring you bad luck.

    Always dispose of a broom as far away from your house as possible (In my case, it will be the county landfill).

  99. Potassium permanganate is commonly used in water softener style treatment of groundwater out in the country, for iron, hydrogen sulfide and some manganese removal.

  100. Wasn’t it the Wicked Witch of the West who set a broom on fire in order to terrorize the Scarecrow/Strawman?

    Didn’t work out well for her in the long run.

  101. Potassium permanganate is a relatively powerful oxidizer.

    I recollect using my Mom’s old university chemistry kit (full of small vials of different chemicals, circa 1945) to make gunpowder, and I vaguely recall potassium permanganate was a reasonable substitute in the charcoal-sulfur-oxidizer mixture. Or was that potassium perchlorate?

  102. *eats paste

  103. When I was a kid I remember my friend’s dad used to make brooms as a hobby. I remember asking him about it and he told me his father used to make brooms for a living and he wanted to continue the tradition.

  104. There was paste of some sort involved in assembling the brooms

  105. Bongino is covering Biden’s appearance in North Carolina and it looks like he’s staying in! Excellent news!

  106. Eat dirt, broom H8ters:

  107. Wow, Thomas Massie’s wife died yesterday. Very sad.

  108. Looks like Brandon is staying in! gonna win NC in Nov!

    Old man yells at cloud

  109. Infection, not fungal. hit my toe a million times Trail running.

  110. So, I’ve been running around a lot today and didn’t really have time – but that Joe/Jill after debate thing was real????

    I mean, if I ever thought something was a deepfake it was that.

  111. Ha ha haaaaaaaa

  112. el gato …

    I think option #3 is the one I’m going with. The folks that really own Biden are not Democrats, they’re Chinese communists.

    Batten down the hatches and seal the watertight doors. Send out the damage control parties.

  113. 6 week abortion ban in Iowa was held up by Iowa supreme court. It had been delayed by another court decision, allowing abortions up to 20 weeks. Now the 6 week ban will be enforced. This is the heartbeat bill, similar to Floridas.

  114. Let’s outline how bad Brandon lied about the border last night!

  115. Between these decisions and Biden’s collapse last night, everyone might want to do wellness checks on their liberal friends today.

    None of them checked on me for the last 3.5 years except to gloat. Fuck ’em.

  116. amen to that pupster


  118. Scott, do you have Bhatia?

  119. you should take Brandon, he’s got a 6 handicap, carrying hi s own bag!

  120. LIV Dan watched the debate with me. No eye rolls. I was actually able to be politically nerdy. He’s over it. The SCOTUS rulings today were 🔥We were able to have a conversation, but I can’t get him to read the HQ. Ace was en fuego.

  121. The Democrat reaction is a joke from Kimmel. Alfred might be old, but you don’t replace him with the Joker. DC lame Batman reference.

  122. Everytime a Republican introduces a bill that requires Drs to provide care for babies that survive abortion, Democrats vote against it. Yet Trump is lying?

  123. At least we beat Medicare.

  124. Were there any reports on how full Biden’s Depends were at the end?

  125. Someone in HQ comments says if you crank the audio at like the 66 minute mark Biden’s mic picks up the sound of a shart.

    I rate this as almost certainly true.

  126. Clinton’s interns gave blow jobs. Biden’s shop for Depends.

  127. “I rate this as almost certainly true”

    That explains why Biden agreed to stand instead of sitting.

    Reporter: And now the President seems to be lifting up.

  128. Trump missed the opportunity to furrow his eyebrows and sniff a couple times, then look around grimacing.

  129. Ic you look closely when he walked out Biden’s cuffs were tucked into his socks.

  130. First time a President wore jump boots with his trousers bloused.

  131. Yes I do, Oso.

  132. CoW was with his wife at the hospital this week. Drs had name tags with pronouns. He remembered me ranting earlier this year with another CoW. He asked me about the She/Her. I reminded him that we could be fired for having this conversation. Ososplained the pronoun BS.

  133. Thought so. We started watching him after your recommendation. We have Cam Young. Our Kim didn’t make the cut.

  134. He is 22 years old.

    I put $5 on him every week.

  135. RIP Martin Mull. I think I saw him first as Teri Garr’s asshole boss in Mr Mom.

  136. Todays gal has a rocking body, but (and I may be the only one who thinks this) she looks like she may boil a bunny.

  137. That’s a pretty common way to cook them, I don’t see a problem.

  138. oh man, that’s too bad. getting to the age where I’m losing all the actors

  139. today’s model smiles like she means it, not like she’s plotting something

  140. Fernwood Tonight. Boss on Roseanne

  141. (I may be the only one who thinks this) she looks like she may boil a bunny.


    She definitely looks crazy to me in a few pics.

  142. Substack author is conjecturing that Biden has vaccine brain. I dunno, I think it’s run-of-the-mill dementia.

  143. Don’t envy rich people.

  144. How come poster Jimbro’s avatar looks like he’s Former Iranian President Mahmood Ahmadinejad’s poorer second cousin Twice Removed?

    Either THAT… or… Ahmadinejad’s Jamie Farr’s (Now-Former-Disney Princess “KLINGER” from “M*A*S*H”) uglier Red-Headed StepChild Cousin, Four Times Removed….. (Talk About Criminal Recivitism!!!)

    Mehh… I don’t really care! I think they’re all wanting to be Disney Princesses!

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