Hello saucy wenches,  and welcome to Big Boob Friday.



Your model for today is an adult film star, she was born January 5th, 1980 in Panorama City, CA.  Standing 6 feet tall, 36F-30-34 and 165lbs, please stop making fish sticks great again long enough to welcome, Miss Alison Tyler!











  2. “Breast Wishes” Alison Tyler

    I approve of this robust message

  3. She seems big.

  4. She’s healthy.

    Always had a weakness for tall chicks.
    Had a female co-op at work once who was playing college basketball. Probably 6-1, long raven hair, legs went on forever, and she loved wearing heels.
    I was only about 20 years too old….

  5. She is very friendly.

  6. She likes animals which is nice!

  7. The blues room just opened up. There’s a girl in a plaid skirt making out with her dweeb boyfriend on the dance floor.

    Did you punch him and take her for yourself or just let this dweeb continue dweebing?

    As for Allison: same problem I have with the female volleyball players. I can look and admire but then I start to think about logistics and positions and I just figure I’m better off looking for a girl jockey or a gymnast.

  8. The heart wants what the heart wants.

  9. Why isn’t xbradtc’s blog updated address on this POS site?

  10. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve dated taller women and it mostly worked, but the tallest of them was 5’9″. 6′ just seems… gigantic.

  11. SS gift part 1 sent.

  12. Standing 6 feet tall, 36F-30-34 and 165lbs, please


    wakey wakey.

  13. She looks more like a buck eighty or 2 bills in the heavier shots.

  14. Although, 6′ tall is about the only way you’d ever be able to make out a waist on a double-hundo gal.

  15. Given enough latex and viagra, I’d hit it.

  16. “Was she a hefty gal? Rrrroomy?”

  17. Uh oh, better not visit TiFW’s basement.

  18. Mooooooooooooooooooo!

  19. Yay! Friday!

    /passes out

    wha…sorry…it’s just that with Trump and Mattis the schadenboners take up the blood sup…

    /passes out again

  20. @iowahawkblog 2h2 hours ago
    I hope Trump doesn’t run for re-election, because that way we can get Mad Dog 2020.

  21. When I heard the NPR report on Mattis being the new Sec of Defense nominee and their fears about Trump being more aggressive in the Middle East I thought, come Inauguration Day, there will be reports of drone strikes on wedding parties at least weekly.

  22. And a return to grim milestones of service members being killed by his risky gambits

  23. Secretary Mad Dog.

    Their heads must be exploding.

  24. This was tweeted by Kurt Schlicter:

  25. Hey, if the wedding parties getting hit are lefties, it might be an improvement.

  26. sidebar at AOS too, mare. Good article. Like listening to my dad talk.

  27. Mattis is very, very smart. And not the bullshit, “I got my ass carried across the graduation line by those invested in making an affirmative action dunce not making us look bad” kind of “smart.”

  28. MadDog 2020


  29. I will say it again because it gives me tingles in my pants, Gen Mattis went to my University.

    So Mattis and mare…suck it Harvard!


  31. Fuck this guy in particular

  32. Meh, he was always a lefty, so it wasn’t a surprise.

  33. I know, but he strikes me as an especially crappy businessman with that move.

  34. You know what lost Hillary the election? That stupid fucking logo and slogan, and because she’s a cunt.

    But mostly because she’s a cunt.

  35. I wonder how HS feels about Hillary. He’s so obscure about that!

  36. Bill Bennett on Trump’s picks..”these aren’t the most conservative picks since Reagan, they are the most conservative picks including Reagan’s.”

  37. At the eye doctor’s. I have $529 left over on my FSA and a spare pair of reading glasses should burn through most of that. The doctor is the son of an ortho guy up in Presque Isle. I used to do a remote clinic there when I first moved here. His son is an Optometrist who has 3 offices now!

  38. Bill Bennett on Trump’s picks..”these aren’t the most conservative picks since Reagan, they are the most conservative picks including Reagan’s.”

    Still not tired of winning.

  39. BTW, the single best Mattis quote ever?

    “Powerpoint makes us stupid.”

  40. FACT.

  41. Scott, last night I told my husband that Trump’s picks were more conservative than Reagan’s. That is certainly my belief so far.

  42. …So I’m in good company in my beliefs.

  43. I hope he doesn’t try to micromanage them. Turn em loose.

  44. New Bill Whittle video is freaking AWESOME!!!

  45. You know what is pathetic? Two guys sitting at a bar bitching about their boss.

  46. One more time: if anyone wants to be in a second grouping for SS, email me ASAP. You can be in both groupings if you want.

  47. I only do secret santa with your mom.

  48. I don’t do secret santa with Hillary.

    She’s a cunt.

  49. Oh, grouping…

    I read it as groping.

  50. Group grope.

  51. Yep, that’s a good one, wiser.


  52. Hillary lost because she’s bitch.

  53. Even die hard Dems couldn’t vote for Hillary. Too obnoxious (WHY AREN’T I 50 POINTS AHEAD), too bitchy, too corrupt, too married to Bill, too obvious a liar.

  54. And she’s the fricken devil.

  55. Totally. The Hillary people still don’t get it.

    The post mortem at Harvard was a master’s class for anyone running a campaign.

    Don’t be like Clinton 2016.

  56. Opens jar of pickles on Jimmy Kimmel to prove her health (har har har).

    2 weeks later passes out and gets chucked in a van like a side of beef on national TV.

    It totally sums up her life: corny, fake, a complete lie, and clueless about it.

  57. Bingo, MJ.

    Plus the lying in front of the caskets/families of those who died at Benghazi. My sister who is no political follower was furious about that incident.

  58. She lies a lot.

    More than a typical politician.

  59. Hillary’s campaign spokesman at Harvard was just as nasty as she is… They really don’t get it.

  60. If someone wants to listen to insane, shrill, whores they can come here or drive over to your mom’s.

  61. Greetings, dickweezers.

    Today’s gal is cute, but her head looks too small for her body.

  62. Pups that first link is precious. As in I love it so much precious.

  63. but her head looks too small for her body

    I will fight you.

  64. Today’s gal is cute, but her head looks too small for her body.

    You made it to her face?

  65. I will fight you.

    Fine. If that’s how it has to be, we can throw down. But tell me honestly that you can look at that animated Gif without thinking it’s some kind of Photoshop or perspective trick.

  66. Head isn’t that far out of proportion. I blame distortion due to proximity to a pair of powerful gravity wells.

  67. I got 10 on pups

  68. Sean is wrong here, but I’ll take $10 on him

  69. I’ve got 10 on Your Mom. According to the bathroom stalls she can handle three or even four men at a time with out trouble.

  70. Speaking of Your Mom….

  71. Sean is wrong here, but I’ll take $10 on him

  72. Trump apparently spoke by phone with Taiwan’s leader. This is a thumb in the eye of China.

  73. Trump apparently spoke by phone with Taiwan’s leader. This is a thumb in the eye of China.

    First time since 79. Fucking Carter.

  74. Evening.

  75. Howdy, jewstin

  76. Evening squirrel.

  77. Bcoch, I’d love it if he pushed to recognize Taiwan as a separate state, although I think Taiwan is hesitant to do that at this point.

  78. Bcoch, I’d love it if he pushed to recognize Taiwan as a separate state, although I think Taiwan is hesitant to do that at this point.

    Whole thing appears to be a bit of a tangled mess, but yeah, the Chinese could do with a political thumb to the eye.

  79. I don’t believe in China.

  80. I imagine that this will tie into any discussion over labeling China a currency manipulator as well as trade in general. It’s a threat that the US can leverage a lot of diplomatic power if it decides to recognize Taiwan.

  81. China’s a scam.

  82. Awww….that puppeh gif!!

  83. More people have seen Bigfoot than China.

  84. You never see China and Mare in the same place.

  85. Funniest thing I’ve seen all day is Bcoch welcoming lauraw to the HQ for her most excellent post and having NaCly tell him lauraw’s been a cob for awhile. 😂😂😂😂😂

  86. Taxes are a scam. Our property and personal property taxes came today.


  87. Mare is real.

    I believe!

  88. Mare died for our sins.

  89. She descended into Florida, and rose again on the third day and ascended into North Carolina.

  90. Bo knows mare.

  91. and having NaCly tell him lauraw’s been a cob for awhile.

    I don’t know when lauraw started commenting at Ace’s, but it was before I did, and I started in 2004ish.

  92. I don’t know when lauraw started commenting at Ace’s, but it was before I did, and I started in 2004ish.

    …and in my memory, she was one of the very few COBs that were first given the keys to AoSHQ. Like 2007? I got the keys sometime later (2009?) and by then she had already entered into near-retirement.

    Which is a real shame.

  93. I’m going to meet Mare.

    It’s on my bucket list.

  94. Roamy is going to meet MareJ first.

  95. It’ll have to be the last thing you do. And you better make sure you’ve lived a good life if you hope to meet her.

  96. Roamy will represent well.

  97. My favorite part of the Clinton camp taking an honest, realistic look at the campaign is when they talked about Khan, taxes, and Judge Curiel.

    They couldn’t find the wet spot on a hot chick rolled in flour.

  98. I’ve met RFH.

  99. I’ve met RFH.

    …and you, sir, are no RFH.

  100. I’ve only met BiW and XbradTC.
    I had the chance to meet Mare, but my body reacted to that with projectile vomiting.
    Perhaps that was a warning?
    I should have asked Anita to go.
    That would have been very cool.
    Nobody has met Anita or Mare, Well BiW has, but he’s been over here many times, and acted as our lawbitch as far as wills & stuff…

  101. I’ve only met BiW and XbradTC.
    I had the chance to meet Mare, but my body reacted to that with projectile vomiting.
    Perhaps that was a warning?
    I should have asked Anita to go.
    That would have been very cool.
    Nobody has met Anita or Mare, Well BiW has, but he’s been over here many times, and acted as our lawbitch as far as wills & stuff…


  102. Well, and Co Alex. We even fed him dinner.
    He ate it and did not die, as far as you know.
    Mr. Moon, I apologize…

  103. No apologies needed Chris. And it was a good dinner, and you and Anita were wonderful hosts. I just wish I hadn’t gotten completely and utterly lost trying to find your house.

  104. Funniest thing I’ve seen all day is Bcoch welcoming lauraw to the HQ for her most excellent post and having NaCly tell him lauraw’s been a cob for awhile.

    I mean, what the hell? Like I’m fucking new or something.

  105. Everyone welcome bcochran81!

    It’s been a long time since we’ve had someone delurk.

  106. The two-lane roads out here are long and unsigned. It takes a while to learn that you are headed in the wrong direction, and have a long way to go to get to the wrong place.
    I thought that you did exceptionally well!
    I was damned glad to meet you!
    That was really amusing…

  107. Thanks MJ. Just glad to be here. Hoping to fit in and have a good clean fun time.

  108. Hoping to fit in and have a good clean fun time.

    That’s nice, young man. Here’s a cup of hot cocoa and your very own bullwhip.

    Wait. You’ve already got 1..2..3..4..5..6..7 bullwhips?

    *eyes narrow*

    You’re from around here, aren’t you young man.

  109. *shifty eyes*

    What?…no…I mean…I kinda….WHO THE FUCK TALKED?????

  110. Bcoch,
    How are the two “Drunken Midgets” doing?
    They are such cuties…

  111. ChrisP, they’re doing pretty good. Getting big. 9 and 6. They’ll be 10 and 7 in April.

    Eldest is still running us ragged with all the dance stuff. Youngest decided she didn’t want to do dance. She played soccer this fall. Loved it and was actually pretty decent at it.

    Dad Brag moment: Eldest tested into the gifted program at school. Youngest has one more round of testing to complete. They both read out of control. Eldest is in 4th grade reading on like a 10th grade level. Youngest is in 1st reading on almost a 5th grade level. Between 4 quarters last year in Kindergarten and the first quarter this year, youngest has yet to get a B on her report card.

    And they’re as healthy as they can be. They’ll drive you absolutely batshit nuts sometimes, but I’m blessed beyond all measure with them and the wife.

  112. ChrisP, they’re doing pretty good. Getting big. 9 and 6. They’ll be 10 and 7 in April.

    …and they five years later they become . . . SATAN’S MINIONS!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH!!! /Sam Kinison

  113. They’re already well on their way.

    The wife hasn’t been feeling well. Stomach bug. She had a bad headache yesterday. She asked the youngest is she would brush her hair for her. My wife finds that relaxing. Youngest, “No. I don’t think so. I’d rather go play in my room.”

    A couple hours later the kids are getting ready for bed. “Mommy, will you do X for me?”

    “No. I asked for a simple thing and you said no, so now I’m saying no.”

    I’m snickering. Youngest has this shocked look on her face and then….
    “Mommy, can’t we just move past that already?”


  114. Dad Brag moment: Eldest tested into the gifted program at school. Youngest has one more round of testing to complete. They both read out of control. Eldest is in 4th grade reading on like a 10th grade level. Youngest is in 1st reading on almost a 5th grade level. Between 4 quarters last year in Kindergarten and the first quarter this year, youngest has yet to get a B on her report card.

    Ah, it’s nice to hear that your…uh…”specialness”…didn’t get passed on.

    *gives B’coch a banana sticker for his helmet*

  115. Thanks for the sticker.

    *kicks Sean in the balls*

    Don’t worry, you don’t need those.

  116. Joke’s on you, man. Those came off a couple years back during one of laura’s more, um, spirited attempts on my life.

  117. After your derp has let you down
    I know you’ll want to run around
    And follow the crowd into the night
    But after the disco
    All of the shine just faded away

  118. Morning.

  119. Good morning, Turds and Turdettes!

  120. Drill weekend. Baby’s been up since 550am. I expect an early nap. So far we’ve read books, done the dishes, and I’m roasting potatoes for 11sies. Because my child is a hobbit.

  121. Wakey wakey and welcome to the H2 Bcock!

    look around. Get to know the regulars.

  122. Work was horrible last night. I don’t know from what rock those people crawled out. Ugh.

    I dont’ even want to relive to explain.

  123. Apparently the potatoes will also be part of 2nd breakfast.

  124. Banana sticker, heh. When he was 2 or 3, Rocketboy gave me a hug and put a banana sticker on my back at the same time. My co-workers let me walk around with it on the whole day before telling me.

  125. after the better part of taking it in the ass from team obama vis a vis foreign affairs:

    “Ivanka Trump joins a meeting
    with the Japanese prime minister.
    Why it matters

    Rather than inviting State Department officials to staff his meeting with Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, Mr. Trump invited his daughter Ivanka. The meeting alarmed diplomats, who worried that Mr. Trump lacked preparation after a long record of criticizing Japan. It also blurred the line between Mr. Trump’s businesses, which Ms. Trump helps run, and the U.S. government, with which she has no role.”
    from the NYT – melting down about trump talking to foreign dignitaries
    i wonder if they remember teh wons world tour and blame america first fest™

    as most know, i’m not a trump fan – but if he continues to club obama’s policies and the scumbag shit-suckers of the state department like a bunch of baby seals, i might become a convert

  126. Pretty good read

  127. Ivanka is smarter than 10 of Obama’s cabinet put together. Remember the former bus driver who mysteriously became a spokesman? “Hey, dude, that was like 2 years ago!”

  128. It snowed in Hawaii. Darn that global warming.

  129. That was a good read, Scott. Smug obliviousness sums up Obama pretty well.

  130. I’m snickering. Youngest has this shocked look on her face and then….
    “Mommy, can’t we just move past that already?”


    The new guy made me laugh with that one.

  131. He let environmentalists destroy the democratic party.

    That’s pretty funny.

  132. I’ve been reading wsj articles this morning and that one was great. Kim Strassel (sp?) had a good one too.

  133. Tucker Carlson is awesome.
    They should give Megyn Kelly’s slot to him, and employ a couple of strong ladies to push Megyn all the way upto CNN studios.

  134. Twitter Hall of Fame

  135. #1 son is helping out a friend. Friend is guiding a guy and his grandson on an elk hunt. Grandson is 5 years old. When they arrived last night, the kid got out of the truck and started running around in circles screaming. He’s a wee bit hyper. He kept up this activity all evening.

  136. Kept the elk awake all night. It’ll make them tired and easier to sneak up on today.

  137. Hahahah, stupid Muslims with their child brides.

  138. Saturday Angel Edition

  139. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the […]

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