Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Your model for today was born December 25th, 1997 in Volgograd, Russian Federation. She stands 5′ 6″ and measures 352736 and 136 lbs. Please refer a dentist to Miss Natalia Tihomirova.


  1. Quite lovely from the neck down

  2. Really digging her choice of outfits and can’t help but wonder if she’s chilly

  3. Beasn is right on to wonder if PV is an organized take down of O’ Keefe given the number of bigwigs he’s taken down. Most recently Pfizer. You’re right that O’ Keefe is Project Veritas and given the timing of this it will neuter them as an organization for at least a year or two and perhaps even longer. By the time O’ Keefe creates something different the damage to our country will be potentially irreversible. I also wonder how this will affect their fundraising going forward. Will PV become the new version of Drudge Report catering to leftist masters and running stings on the GOP and freedom loving organizations? I hope not but that seems to be what inevitably happens.

  4. I think they’re trying to separate him from his team of lawyers and leave him vulnerable to new lawfare attacks.

    This BBF model looks dumber than a box of incredibly stupid hammers.

  5. This BBF model looks dumber than a box of incredibly stupid hammers.

    …yet I find the second-to-last photo somewhat endearing.

  6. You know, Russia is within its rights to attack us, if what Hersh said is true, which, of course. Biden and Nuland are fucking around and we’re all going to find out.

  7. Pup she’s awesome!! A true Balhaus Award contender.

  8. I looked up her bio… there’s a link to a Psychology Today article about her ; she she tested out at FSIQ 139 and given a prognosis of multiple lifetime hammers.

  9. “ Russia is within its rights to attack us, if what Hersh said is true “
    I’m sure the chances are very high that it’s true…
    But I’ll trow this out there:
    Russia can’t afford to go toe to toe with us, not even with a nuke exchange.
    It’s m guess that the military/industrial complex is very close to showing it’s hand by pushing this too far.
    This is ALL about hardware contracts.
    Billions in upgrade and replacement contracts.
    Not sure what an abrams costs but I’m sure there’s an invoice already on the way for 30 something new ones.
    We already learned in the ‘Stan’s that the chicoms and russkies can cut them in half in theater…

  10. And the elites have proven thru mass covid injection death rates that they don’t give a shit about killing us.

  11. Her aereola-ishness is refreshing

  12. Hmm..

    –Four months ago Project Veritas hired 56-year-old Barry Hinckley to serve as Chief Strategy Officer. Hinckley wrote an email to PV staff claiming he had “stood up to a bully” and had lost his job as a result.–

  13. PV board put out an announcement on Facebook how they’re committed to exposing fraud but nothing about James. The vast majority of the 2k plus comments are telling them they are not being transparent and if OKeefe goes, they follow OKeefe.

    FBI raid couldn’t take him out…killing him would be too obvious….so infiltrate and explode it from the inside.

  14. If my husband was a cute asian chick.

  15. Shot:


  16. Yeah, it’s best to hold onto your dollars regarding earthquake relief in that part of the world, unfortunately. Unless Samaritans Purse or American Red Cross are allowed in.

  17. Over 3000 comments on the PV facebook post…and climbing.

  18. dying

  19. That hungry Asian chick video is funny. I watch Korean cooking/asmr shows and it’s amazing the amount of food those little girls can eat. Someone needs to tell them to back off the western foods. Yikes.

  20. LOL…lumps!

  21. She’s much trashier in video than photograph.

    Well done. 7/10 and I can’t afford her services.

  22. Craft project for Pupster.

  23. Saw a newer PV video (like within the past couple of days) of one of their journalists getting manhandled while trying to ask Pfizer CEO questions, as he was walking somewhere. She objects, says wth I’m a journalist and he sneers and reply was, “no you’re not”. A little too smug/arrogant….

    Weird, the two rebel news journalists were not manhandled while doing same in Davos.

    If anyone needs to be held down and injected with his own boosters, it’s him.

  24. Fundraising email from Samaritan’s Purse says they were allowed to bring in a 52-bed mobile hospital, blankets, tarps, and solar lights to near the epicenter in Turkey.

    I don’t trust Catholic Relief Services as far as I could kick them, and I hate that.

  25. That’s good to know…about Samaritan’s Purse….roamy. I’m the same regarding Catholic Charities. Seems the devil has been overly busy stepping into gaping voids, everywhere.

  26. Yeah, I donate to individual components of Catholic Charities but not the overall fund.

  27. Anyone need to understand how bad this quake is just watch the vids of the ground rolling like waves on the ocean.

  28. So, yay me, I developed more kidneystones. I’ve heard 12 mm and 16 mm, which sound more like a socket set. Lithotripsy later today, so no breakfast and **warning drumroll** no coffee.

  29. lady we are playing against looks like MTG. probably won’t bring that up

  30. This dog’ll hunt.


    I watched with no sound on, still funny

  32. Good luck roamy!

  33. wakey wakey


  35. clown world:

  36. Leon goals.

  37. I’ll have to work on that for next winter.

  38. Seems like a recipe for bilateral shoulder dislocations

  39. He dropped the axes and tucked into a cannonball at the end.

    In Other News:

  40. Awesome business attire in the first pic.

  41. The outfit from the second pic is almost certainly in his wardrobe from the pre-color-revolution days.

  42. Other statements also site professional relationships that apparently soured between O’Keefe and others, including an instance where O’Keefe called Spencer Meads a “pussy.”


  43. Well, is he a pussy? I am open to that being true and only a real pussy of a man would whine about being called one.

  44. I volunteer to be sent to her Russian Front.

    Nice job, pupster!

  45. The other day Ukraine bombed/killed a couple of Polish farmers. They..and the media reported Russia did it. Just like they blamed Russia for bombing Nordstream. Until it leaked what we all suspected that we did it.

  46. That employee letter sounds too sus and whiney. You are seriously working at a place exposing powerful and dangerous people and you’re making up whiney complaints when you can just quit? But perhaps the reason you’re there is per the goals of another master.

  47. She’s much trashier in video than photograph.

    Pictures are mostly pre- babushka, gifs mostly post.

  48. I miss the “Meanwhile in Russia” YouTube channel.

  49. “” If my husband was a cute asian chick. “”
    HotSpot would hit it

  50. I would share my snacks with the cute asian chick.

  51. Before I read where she was from I knew it was Russia. They have a look.

  52. The cold nipple Russian look.

  53. […] Big Boob Friday? Hostages has that […]

  54. I could warm them.

  55. No cuts.

  56. Hope it went well, Roamie. Did you get the good drugs?

  57. Wait another decade or two of progressive woke government rule, and we’ll all have that cold nipple Russian look.

    I think it develops from knowing that everyone you encounter is filing a report about you to the KGB/Stasi/FBI.

    Eventually, you learn you can’t trust anyone. It’s that look.

    And it lasts for generations.

  58. M-hm. *writes something down in notepad*

  59. Hope it went well, Roamy.

  60. Climate Change causes erect nipples and high surveillance tyrannical governments.

  61. Holy moley ( i know it’s not a word) but she’s infested with ’em!
    Cute though. Nice job, Pup.

  62. “Climate Change causes erect nipples and high surveillance tyrannical governments.”

    John Kerry’s pet name for his wiener is “Nipples”? How did you obtain this information, I’m very afraid to ask?

  63. So the article about the WashU tranny services whistleblower? My sister-in-law is fired up. That is who mutilated her niece who has a history of behavior problems, depression, etc.
    Josh Hawley is supposedly getting involved.

  64. Trying to figure out where to go next week. The weather looks like it going to be crappy just about everywhere.

    Pittsburgh / Niagara Falls is currently in the lead.

  65. “Climate Change causes erect nipples and high surveillance tyrannical governments.”

    Global warming, by contrast, would make Michigan a tropical freshwater paradise. I say we go back to that.

  66. You guys should just go to Vegas.

  67. Vegas isn’t a place for someone who generally hates people.

  68. Kidney stone has been blasted, and hydrocodone/Tylenol is on the menu. Can’t seem to clear my head, so I’m using my cane so I don’t fall. I feel like I’m 80.

  69. The 80’s were awesome!!

  70. O wait
    I mean – speedy recovery Roamy!!

  71. Does the cane have a sword in it? Because if not, what are you even doing?

  72. Hope it passes quickly, Roamy.

  73. I have a sword-cane in storage somewhere…

  74. I suggested a sword-cane to Mr. RFH, and he said he had looked at them but didn’t like the hilts. That’s funny that he already thought of it.

  75. Pretty sure XBrad wrote about this battle.


    Read this article with a critical eye, seriously. What’s missing?
    What’s weird?

    When barely-clever 27-year olds write journalismo. It’s like a scavenger hunt for OBVIOUS SHIT.

    Q: What democrat politician currently getting his ass kissed by the press, declines to speak to the press? (This is a highly unnatural position for a newcomer who is looking to make their mark.)

    A: The one who is incapable of meaningful speech.

    A whole article about this guy, zero direct quotes. Oh, he “declined to be interviewed?” Riiight.

    Okay. Let’s look at the last few lines of the article.

    Mr. Fetterman is the only one who is dealing with recuperation as he enters the Senate for the first time. For now, that means living alone in a Washington apartment during the week, and driving four hours home to Braddock, Pa., most weekends to see his wife and three children.

    You meant to say, “riding four hours home.” This guy can’t communicate or put 2+2 together, he is not fucking DRIVING,

    Ms. Klobuchar said her sense is that Mr. Fetterman wants to be in the Senate, despite the additional challenges he faces.

    “If you’re not happy, you don’t show up at all these things,” she said. “He seems very active and wants to be involved in what’s going on. He seems glad to be there.”

    See the problem here? No direct quotes. And his colleague can only say he SEEMS like he’s glad to be there and involved. The way you would observe and interpret the body language of a nonverbal primate.

    We need to push these people to interview him, no ifs, ands, or buts. It has to be a constant din of WHY AREN’T YOU INTERVIEWING HIM.

  77. Dagmar enjoys reindeer pâté.

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