Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday .

Your model for today was born November 17th, 1999 in Lutsk, Ukraine. She stands 5′ 8″ and measures 322434 and not many pounds. Please depilate Miss Solomiya Maievska.

DANGIT! Let me see if the nannies at imgur will let me sneak it into a gif:


  1. Bitch got some narrow hips

  2. H2: Putting The Slutske in Lutske Since 2009

  3. Her short curly haircut appeals to me the most. Reminds me of my former nurse minus the huge boobs, lingerie and posing for the camera

  4. Did our model have some other short curly hairs in need of depilation Pups?

    I’m not an aesthetician but I’d be willing to lend a hand IYKWIM

  5. I’ve seen the Azo logo on a box in our bathroom so its use is also endorsed by Amateur Triathletes in the Nursing Profession.

    The combination of a lot of training miles on a bicycle seat and a clammy chamois can add up to trouble if you’re not careful I guess.

  6. Now I’ve gone down the rabbit hole of why it turns your pee orange. Azo has phenazopyridine hydrochloride which acts as an analgesic but is a dye as well. When I saw the brand name Pyridium I had an Aha moment since I’ve seen that on med lists before.

    Another dye used as a urinary antiseptic (not antibiotic) is methylene blue (MB). MB has lately gotten some buzz about it’s potential neuroprotective effect.

    Blue pee vs. Orange pee

    (That paper is super long and detailed but it serves as a springboard for the topic if you’re at all interested)

  7. Clammy Chamois is Mare’s nickname from boarding school.

  8. I was thinking her eyebrows need work almost continually but you tweeze in your lane Jimbro.

  9. Methylene blue I knew about, not the other.

    I’d be willing to give her more pounds.

  10. 2nd look at more funding for Ukraine?

  11. I drank deep of the methylene blue koolaid when TauRX was doing their Phase III Alzheimer’s trials. They had developed a pro-drug for MB, and were convinced that the MB it produced would dissolve tau tangles in neurons. They convinced me, but when I talked to a guy at UCSF, he said it wasn’t working. Turns out he was right – LMTX (their pro-drug) failed its Phase III trials in 2017. They’re still at it, but I haven’t seen any promising results in the intervening six years.

  12. I’ve seen MB + PBM discussed as well

    PBM is, I think, photobiomodulation in the form of infrared light of a certain wavelength

  13. Eyebrows you say? I must confess that I was thinking of hair removal closer to the lips myself.

  14. Oh, my.

  15. Is Ukraine packed with giant natural titty girls?

  16. 10/10 would smash

  17. Wakey wakey

  18. Is Ukraine packed with giant natural titty girls?

    Why do you think people keep invading it? Same thing with Poland.

  19. Another flash flood warning. Our shop has flooded three times this summer. Only once did our part of the warehouse take it bad, thank goodness. But we spent half a day last time trying vainly to protect our neighbor’s shop until the landlord’s guys came and cleared it up with the huge squeegee brooms to push the water out. It just started raining again a few hours ago and there’s already 1″ in the rain gauge.

    There was a water rescue down the street from us this past week. Pond flooded the road and some dingdong in a minivan tried to drive through it. The pond is still over the road, and now this. Our basement floor is still wet from last week’s deluge.

    Basta! Uncle! Mommy!

    MAAAAAAARRRRREEE!!! *shakes fists at clouds*

  20. Gonna be 80F and sunny here all weekend.

    Plan is to get the last of the pumpkins out of the garden and clean it up so I can fence the tractor birds in it for the off season. Going to let them do all my garden cleanup for next year.

  21. Do you have an emergency pump, Lumps? I got one when our septic was backed up and I keep finding reasons to be happy about it.

  22. Aloha Avery Bawdy 🙂

  23. Bullwhip count. Mandatory.

  24. The black lingerie with peignoir pic is my favorite, the one above the one that’s blocked.

  25. Looks like Dianne Feinstein has been shipped off to her afterlife. Betting window on how bad her replacement is opens in 15 minutes.

  26. Anyone have Feinstein in the Deadpool?

  27. We have one at the other end of the cellar and have never needed it. It’s seeping in at the floor level in two places and gets only up to about an inch or two before it runs in one thin line along the edge of the wall, to the sump hole.

    So we just wet vac it here and there. The basement has been dead dry the whole time I have lived here (about 26 years), until about 5 years ago when it started doing this after heavy rains just in late winter. Now it’s happening in Summer too…I think our drainage system around the foundation has finally started to really get silted up, ~75 years was a good run though.

    I think we need to throw a french drain in the front yard. There’s a storm drain in the road right in front of the house we could pipe to, maybe 50 feet away or less. A hard pipe from two of the front facing gutters would probably help too.

  28. *lays fruit on the ground and waits patiently*

  29. Newsome will gift us with another woman of color in the Feinstein slot. Maybe….Angela Davis?

  30. Is she live, or is she mammorex? Either way, she’s all tits!! She must have great balance.

    Nice job, pupster!

  31. Not sure what access you may have to it, but you might consider having a drainage guy come out and see if he can run a camera through your foundation drains. They might be able to jet ’em out.

  32. The orange stuff I have experience with, effective for post surg urinary tract. Still get a short sting/burn cessation upon starting, but then pretty quick numbing cessation. It’ll stain yer skivvies if you have any drippage…

  33. Our only access is the sump hole, which is the start of the main drain pipe from the system that runs all around (and maybe also under ) the house. It gathers everything and empties way out in the yard behind my garden. If that is partially clogged it would certainly back up the whole system. Hmmm, would be wonderful if that were the solution, thanks for the input!

  34. My mom is playing some spongbob shitpants speech right now, so I have to turn up the metal. We know the words are bullshit but he also sounds like absolute crap. Feinstien’s death should make them all nervous.

  35. And oh yea – another 7,000 UAW workers striking.

    Here’s a fun fact I found out this morning: “The big picture: Fain was elected earlier this year as the president of the UAW by a razor-thin margin — 50.2% to 49.8% — by only 14% of the UAW’s about 1 million active and retired members.”

  36. The grifter population of DC is temporarily minus one.

  37. UAW prez is even less ‘elected’ than the USA prez, then.

  38. Technically, this makes Turtle majority leader until there’s a replacement.

    Get HYPED!

  39. I will bet Pelosi’s daughter will get it.

  40. Is it by appt in CA or is there a special (ed) election?

  41. Newsome appoints.

    Here’s the list:

    Karen Bass
    Barbara Lee
    Adam Schiff
    Katie Porter
    Nancy Pelosi’s daughter
    Gavin Newsome

  42. Pelosi’s daughter would be a pretty blatant payoff/patronage situation. I’d take that as a signal that he doesn’t expect to be in the presidential race next year.

    Not saying he won’t do it, just saying that’s what I’d take from it given the timing.

  43. What are the odds they’ll have an extended funeral, a la John McStain, to distract from everything else including the invasion, impeachment hearings and, as an added bonus, get to blame the heartless GOP for the government shutdown that forced the staff surrounding DiFi’s coffin as it lies in state at the Rotunda to work for no money?

  44. My troll keeps going on about how the UAW pres is democratically elected. Yea. You get a choice of connected lefty A or connected lefty B.

    The guy who heads it right now won because he ran on a platform of cleaning up the corruption – since the last two pres are actually in prison. The other was more connected to the toadies, I believe.

  45. I saw: Gavin appoints Kamala, then he is appointed VP. After a few months, Biden steps down, and Gavin is pres.

  46. McCain’s extended funeral was really just a giant FU to Trump, correct? I’ve successfully erased most of that from my memory bank and forget all the details.

  47. Plausible scenario Pepe. Nowhere but up is possible for Kamala and Senator is sort of a lateral move and would pass muster with the people who give a crap about it.

  48. Step 1 I buy, step 2 I’m not as sure about. Elevating Gavin to VP after emptying the slot might not fly.

    Besides, they could just insist the Harris can do both jobs.

  49. Actually, that’s the Harris power play.

    1) Hint that you’d take the job
    2) begome senate-ho
    3) refuse to step down as VP, vote twice to break ties

  50. I’m not sure they could even stop her from doing #3 without an impeachment or 25th amendment proceeding.

  51. With Harris it’s nowhere but heels up.

  52. Language

  53. It’s dead, Jimbro.

  54. If the Left thinks they have a problem now with people who don’t believe Biden was properly elected, just wait until they play appointment games and we end up with someone in the Oval Office that was never even voted on.

    I have a hard time believing that even they are that stupid.

  55. It would be a good test of their level of control, though, so I can’t say it’s impossible.

  56. True. A real sign of the times.

  57. And the times are pretty stupid.

  58. That tumbling video was awesome, Jimbro! Funny and not what I expected to happen.

  59. The murder of Two packs of sugar has been solved after 25 years. Apparently the guy that ordered the hit has been arrested, everyone else involved are now dead.
    Wasn’t Tupak one of those “original gansta” (amish) rappers, i.e. cop killer rappers? Why does anyone give a f..k 25 years later?

  60. Many of us here are in relationships or marriages, and are well aware of what a minefield they can be, as well as how rewarding.

    I came across this verrrrrry lonnng U-tube that I thought was really pretty great. Thought it was worth passing along. (I’m just hoping it wasn’t here that I first came across it. Sorry to the original poster if it was. I checked back a few days, and didn’t see it.)

    My perspective is of someone who married, divorced (and I was foolish enough to handle my own divorce pro se) after 22 years and four kids, and has tried several times to find someone who could put up with me.

  61. Why would Cameltoe go back to the Senate? RFK Jr takes more votes from Trump than Biden. Except in NM. We have Dominion to steal votes from RFK JR. Northern NM loves Kennedys. Especially RFK.

  62. I soul mated at 24, 37 years ago. You lost me with a you tube lawyer arguing for some stupid bullshit.
    I’ll STUF now!

  63. Bless your heart.

  64. Where’s Biden? Breaking news, Border patrol agent in Az in life threatening situation. The border is secure, right?
    Then define “secure”!

  65. Securely controlled by the Messican cartels paying their inside men in the .gov.

  66. Think Steve Schmidt is an asshole? Here, let me reset your expectations: youtube: “Jan 6th Was Worse Than 9/11” – HEATED Argument with Lincoln Project Founder

    He worked on a republican presidential campaign, always remember that

  67. dykes eschew rigid phalluses

    ( I warned you … )

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