Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Your model for today was born December 21st, 1990 in Italy, she now lives in The United Kingdom. She stands 5‘ 3″ and measures 322332 and 125 lbs. Please have a nice breakfast with Miss Stella Cox.



  2. More than a handful

  3. Wholesome.

  4. I lol’d at the pic with Pup wandering across her field of dreams.

  5. Pup is best in show!!!

  6. Safe travels Oso

  7. Morning.

  8. Order Up reminds me of stopping at the Dairy Queen in Ocilla, Georgia on the way to my grandparents. I’d get a dip cone, vanilla soft-serve just like the video with a hard chocolate shell. I don’t even know if Dairy Queen has those any more, the one here is in a sketch part of town, and I have no reason to go through Ocilla.

  9. They used to have a cherry dip too at the DQ I went to as a pup. The last time I went to DQ the pricing was stupid expensive for food and ice cream so I haven’t been back in quite some time. Like $8 hot dog stupid.

  10. Today’s musical selection is sweet and if you don’t like it you have no soul. As I listen to it I wonder how the arrangement happened, you know, who wrote the horn parts? Who hired the orchestra? Who does that? The producer?

  11. There’s a food truck here that sells $8 hot dogs and higher. I don’t see how they stay in business, especially given the competition.

  12. Loved the music selection and am listening to the whole thing.

  13. Good morning hostages! We ran out of work so we have an unwanted day off. Well, sorta. I still have to run to the office for a few minutes and Scott has to go look at a job and figure it out. But after that, we get to come home and hopelessly fight the mosquito hordes for dominion.

    They’re winning, the fields and woods everywhere are still full of water. It’s horrible. Mufaku flood mosquitoes are the worst. Small, fast, painful.

    I’m going to wear DEET but what I really need is a suit of flaming armor.

  14. Speaking of $8 hot dogs, that video of Mitt Romney was cringe. I thought it was a parody.

  15. Dated a girl through in m 20s that looked a lot like her except she was flat as a pancake. Weird.

    Totally crazy, too.

    7/10 would smash.

  16. Oh God. It’s about to start raining again. I can’t believe I ever complained about the lack of rain just a few short weeks ago.

  17. We’ve been using a company to spray for mosquitos here and it seems to work.

    I’m sure the chemicals are fine. The 14 eyed frog out front told me.

  18. MJ, our land is swamp-and-swampy-woods adjacent. There’s no yard spray for this. I saw a cloud of mosquitoes take down an 8-point buck.

    I swear to you, this is true and I saw it.

  19. The screams….I can never forget the screams…

  20. So the FD-1023, the smoking gun in a haystack composed entirely of smoking guns, was released. Anybody think anything will come from it?

  21. Agree with Roamy, that todays music genre was a momentary respite back in time.

    A first to me, DailyMail has headline speculating impeachment for the dementia patient over the money laundering. Joe is gonna die soon. Hunter is gonna take the fall and Newsome will probably be the go to.

    Lumps asked last night if the tranny shit was the distraction from “real “ policy news. I think it’s a yes and no. To me culture war is political and holds almost equal weight. This is war good v evil, and there are multiple fronts

  22. wakey wakey

    Town 10 min away was hit with tennis ball size hail yesterday. Many friend have ruined cars, damage to their homes.

  23. What Romney clip?

  24. I have to believe they are pushing Joe out now. But they are going to make sure we get no scalps. It’s all about optics and demoralizing the enemy, to them.

  25. I’ve read a few articles about Joe’s lackluster 2024 campaign efforts in comparison with other’s in the same role. Yesterday was the announcement of his campaign headquarters being run out of Wilmington, DE which gives him a perfect excuse to spend even more time close to home.

    Also agree with lumps @ 0853

  26. Why do the perfect Hostage gifts always drop well before Christmas?

  27. I think they will gladly sacrifice Hunter…he’s a world class scumbag and everyone knows it. Joe has to die, the evidence is so overwhelming at this point and they can not allow him to be impeached.

    Joe is dead. Kamala will be allowed to run to build her bank account and Newsome will receive all the “real” support.

  28. Real breasts, no tattoos, no revolting piercings, no rainbow hair colors.

    This is the last young woman of taste and class on earth.

  29. Well, except for the fact that she wants us to see her naked.

  30. Stella is a very dirty girl. But yeah, she’s really pretty.

  31. Bitch gotta make a living!

  32. This is the last young woman of taste and class on earth.

    Oh, dear.

    *pats hotspur on the top of his head*

  33. Excellent physical specimen. Can’t say as to the rest, though.

    Had to add coolant to the BroTimMobile last night. Nearly overheated going to support group. Going to keep a close eye on it for a while. It’s behaved itself since the previous incident last year up until now, but it’s been stupid hot here recently.

  34. Doesn’t that disqualify her from BBF?

  35. So the FD-1023, the smoking gun in a haystack composed entirely of smoking guns, was released. Anybody think anything will come from it?
    I read it yesterday and thought…’I don’t know how you dodge this.’

    This would have led to Trump’s arrest, his entire family in jail, etc.

  36. The 9:17 comment, not the 9:19 one, I mean.

  37. But then I remember that we’re watching two different movies. The lefties will never see this. Ever. And if they do, they’ll just say it’s ok so as not to break to cognitive dissonance.

  38. She’s the perfect height and looks reasonably affordable.

    I am also strongly resisting the urge to go look for the rest of the french maid photoshoot. My resolve may fail.

  39. it’s maddening, MJ. If I go to the bar tonight I will find that the youngsters live in a completely different world than I do. And they get angry when facts get in their way.

    All rainbows, all the time.

  40. leon, do NOT look it up. seriously

  41. there will be many parallel threads

  42. Does she show her ladypenis or something? Because that would pretty much kill it for me.

  43. there is no ladypenis

  44. ’I don’t know how you dodge this.’

    *pats MJ on the top of his head*

  45. Her last name offers a hint to what she works with if you want a spoiler


    Soccer’s version of “Please clap”!

  47. Stella is a dirty dirty girl

  48. Like I said, affordable.

  49. My favorite part of the FBI document is that the spy tells the Ukrainian guy to fire Hunter Biden a few times and the Ukrainian guy always responds that Hunter is a dumb fuck, dumber than his dog.

    But that he has to keep him around for his connections and to grease the wheels.

  50. Today’s Pool League Report: I stayed home due to The Troubles. The teams were evenly matched so it was a race to 13. Alas the substitute they obtained isn’t a very good player and didn’t win any games. Overall my team got 8, so not even half-points. I would have made a big difference. Still, I think I made the right call.

  51. not a better way of demonstrating a corruption case, than that idiot go between.

    Supposedly tucker and hunter are buds. Heard that from other whistleblowers as an explanation as to why Tucker isn’t all in on this.

  52. So the FD-1023, the smoking gun in a haystack composed entirely of smoking guns, was released. Anybody think anything will come from it?

    twitter: Chuck has done every possible thing he can do about it

    Speaking of all hat no cattle

  53. And I wonder what lefties think when they read the FBI thing.

    As I was reading it, I told myself…you know, it’s not like he said he bribed the Bidens.

    And then the next line is …I bribed the Bidens.

    And then I thought, well maybe he means someone else.

    And then the next line is ‘the source pointed to a picture of Joe Biden with the check we sent him.’

    lol dude would be fucked in any other scenario

  54. I have never had guinciale, never even seen it. What is it like?

    used in carbonara, which i want to make, since now my wife has decided she can eat eggs. before i had to avoid egg forward dishes.

    Wondering if i can use my wonderful fatty bacon I just made.

  55. When I’m on twitter I read the accounts that I follow and it’s pretty much a conservative bubble. Every now and then I see a tweet by a liberal that gets linked to demonstrate their inanity. When I scroll down and read the rest of the lefty tweets I’m amazed at the way they process the same news we do in an entirely different way. That’s not groundbreaking news but I’m not exposed to their way of thinking all that often so it’s an eye opener.

  56. Of the 5 substitutes listed I’ve used 3 of them. Bacon of course. Salt pork goes in my baked beans and I get pancetta once in a while to add to my sauce when I make spaghetti and meatballs. If I could find lardo I’d buy it just to laugh every time I read the package label.

  57. You mentioned the RAGBRAI the other day. Are you in the midst of it now? I have heard of that event before, my ex wanted to do it at some point, no idea if she ever did.

  58. heh, bless your heart, Target. You want to sell only to lefties, we get it. But you’ll go broke

    ban Mark Levin, then reverse your decision.

    I do NOT shop at Target.

  59. Next week, starts this weekend, jimbro.

  60. Going to add one more thought. Joe is dead and Hunter will be lucky if he just goes to prison. The real PTB are probably pissed at the buffoonery of the Bidens in this area. And once dad is dead Hunter is the type that would snitch.

  61. I can’t ban target since I don’t go.

  62. That’s the really shocking thing. If Joe or Hunter had even a half-gram of self control, none of this ever goes public.

    This could just as easily have been an unseen horror under a Romney presidency, if only because Tagg is a better bagman.

  63. I haven’t shopped at Target since the whole bathroom thing but Paula and Ben shop there still. They are not as politically minded as I am obviously. It’s not like we have a lot of other options around here so I just keep my mouth shut about it.

  64. So, Miranda Lambert made the non-serious news feed the other day when she yelled at some people taking selfies (up front) during her set. The general consensus seems to be that young people basically can’t help themselves and that’s how they live their life now – which is sad.

    Being a concert goer myself- I fucking hate cell phones at concerts. Distracting. In a dark hall – you don’t see the stage, you see all the cell phone screens creating a sort of light pollution – if they are not outright blocking your view. Tool kicks you out of the show if you record anything – and I’m 100% behind that. If kids don’t want to see an act w/o taking video – they can stay home.

  65. (Spoiler, this is presently happening under a Romney senatorship)

  66. I won’t be able to do a music poat this Sunday.

  67. Q: are there any straight women on the US national soccer team?

  68. just buy your tickets, leon.

  69. I’m not s’posed to watch fit lesbians at play, Jay.

  70. CARin, you got another music poat in you? Do I need to call Mesablue?

  71. “But that he has to keep him around for his connections and to grease the wheels.”

    Not just that, but it was a protection racket. Don’t do what we say, and we bring the entire might of the US economy , government, and military down on you, directly or indirectly.

    Biden was using the US power to strongarm other countries and other companies, for fun and profit. Just the US Mafia in action.

  72. Of course Pups. When?

  73. Should have scrolled up further. This Sunday. Got it!


  74. Thanks for the safe travel wishes. I like Vegas. We’re going to watch the Aviators. Going bowling at our Casino. In n Out. South Point has a horse arena. I’m not sure if any competitors will be there. Dan just told me there’s a horseshow on Sunday. My Elly de la Cruz tee came in.

  75. did you see the picture of de la Cruz and Pete Rose, oso? shocking

  76. Charlie Hustle needs a new tailor.

  77. Just back from buying an assortment of medium and L/XL collars for the 8-month-old pups. They keep outgrowing the old ones. Have to get ones with metal snaps/clips because plastic ones just get chewed up. I think there would be a market for Kevlar(TM) dog collars. Also an assortment of squeaky toys and large bones to chew on. The 2-year-old pupper is sulking because he didn’t get all of them.

    Anyone have a better recommendation than split rings to attach dog tags to collars? I’m still searching for Donner’s license and rabies tag, which disappeared about a week ago.

  78. I guess it wasn’t the US Mafia, but the Biden Family Mafia, but they were using the threat of US muscle as their enforcers and collections. Our country wasn’t getting anything out of it.

  79. I like these cable keyrings for many things. Just have to make sure the hold is big enough for the coupler.

  80. Maybe with some Threadlocker. I’ve got those cable things on some of my vehicle keys, and they tend to unscrew themselves over time. Whammo, keys are all over the ground.

  81. mine never come undone. This batch is fun to get started, so maybe there is a gasket in there.

  82. The route for RAGBRAI is closing the exit to I35/80 that I use to get home on Tues until 5 pm Guess I’ll be here a little late.

    Means the bike riders are going right by work.

  83. I mean Wed, Tues they are in Ames.

  84. I’ve always used split rings and had luck with them. Some of them are soft metal and they’re not as bueño.

  85. I sent the RAGBRAI info to Paula and haven’t heard back. Must be a busy day at work for her. It might affect her triathlon schedule but I think she’d have fun doing it.

  86. I think the idea with the soft metal split rings is that they can break free if the tag gets caught in something. Ollie was sniffing around where Paula had a snack yesterday and got his dew claw stuck in a blanket and then proceeded to act like a bucking bronco until it shook off two rooms over. Rowan was licking dirty dishes in the dishwasher when he was a pup and caught a tag in the rack. He pulled the whole rack out of the dishwasher in his attempt to free himself.

  87. everyone has a blast. Towns get ready for it. The partiers love it, and there are events for the fitness people, including extra rides.


    ^Imgur video with sound

  89. Maybe a little locking carabiner clip, RC?

  90. Much like fireworks, does anyone look at their stupid concert videos?

    Enjoy the moment if you love it so much. Be present.

    Now that I’m a non-conformist, anti government, fight the power, conspiracy understander, hippy, I can say that kind of shit.

  91. I do, when I’m bragging to my friends

  92. Reds HOF weekend. Rose was funny. Saw pics with Elly and George Foster.

  93. Comedians lock out Wi-Fi. No pics. Jo Koy. Foo Fighters were awesome, but too many phones. 👋🏻 Carin. NGL I take food pics. I like Cincinnati chili. Gold Star. Skyline. Dan makes his own Cincy Chili. Makes no beans Texas chili for Frito Pie.

  94. We have a local restaurant. Urban Hotdog. Prices start at $8. The Doghouse is famous. Better Call Saul. Too dangerous to actually visit. Great neon from Route 66 days. Dan says it’s ok, but we won’t go there after dark for the cool dachshund neon.

  95. We had a place in my hometown adjacent to the bus station. Before we all got driver’s licenses my HS buddies and I would take the bus downtown after school 3 days a week, go to the Y for weight lifting and play hoops. On the way back to the bus station we’d stop at Tex Barry’s Chili Dogs and get two dogs with chili and onions, a little plate of fries and a coke. After eating we’d go our separate ways on different bus routes. Two hours later it was dinner time at home. Teenage metabolism.

  96. Jimbro, we are all in with the Skyline coney.

  97. Shohei and Babe Ruth have the same numbers at the same time in their baseball history.

  98. My Great grandmother was the first person to die from Cancer in the Hondo Valley. FF to Trinity and the Manhattan Project. Hondo Valley became a cancer cluster. I still believe we did the right thing. Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

  99. My Dad always claimed Hiroshima saved his life. He was sitting on a troop ship in Tokyo Bay at the surrender ceremony.

  100. Agreed. A few hundred Mexican vs 100 of thousands American troops…still the right decision. Personal. Mi familia

  101. RC, same for my father-in-law, he was getting ready to be shipped out. Probably the same for my uncle who already been through the Battle of the Bulge and was waiting to be moved to the Pacific theater.

  102. Since no one answered Carin

  103. Romney killed it.

  104. I sent the popsocket video to my kids. Good one.

  105. Dorothy’s enemies reacted promptly.

  106. […] Hostages has Big Boob Friday! […]

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