Hello Amishmen, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

I started singing this song during a conversation about weird MN traffic rules with Pupsterboy2, who just gave me the what-the-hell look and begged me to stop. It’s criminal. There ought to be a law.



Your model for today has previously been linked as a gif, but never featured until now that I found her name. She was born on May 19th, 1991 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and has appeared in Playboy and done some pretty extensive video and studio work. She seems like a good sport and has fun with her bags, and stands 5’3″ and 103lbs, 32DDD-23-31. Please stop ATMing long enough to welcome, Miss Lindsey Pelas!


This picture is a screen capture from an ambush interview by TMZ at LAX. I wanted to show this picture first because she’s cute as hell with minimal make-up right out of the gate, no glamor.









  1. glamorous

  2. She seems nice.

  3. That’s the new Carls’ Jr Burger Girl

  4. I’m not a huge fan of blondes but I’d like to gather her opinion on mayo or miracle whip.

  5. Pretty girl.

    Benny tore up the diaper pail.

  6. Pail is okay, but if he eats a diaper he’ll probably die.

  7. Star eats socks and underwear and so far she’s pulled through with the occasional vet visit.

  8. We had a scare last night when we let Rowan out for one last pee before crating him. Garage door opened and he tore out like he usually does everything. This time he ran smack dab into a skunk who ran away but gave a warning spray. There were several tense moments as we tried to figure out whether the skunk smell was on him or just in the dooryard. We dodged a major bullet….no stinky dog!

  9. I usually try to play nice on fri and save all my negative vibes for Veinday, but I just have to say that this girl’s face of exudes stupidity.

  10. That last sentence had a pretty good dose of stupid.

  11. Veinday



  12. I wonder if her lips are real.

  13. They do appear pleasingly plump

  14. Real full of butt fat, I’m sure.

    Sorry, they’re called lipids, right?

  15. Adipose

  16. That first pic is really good, though.

  17. Ok so this killed me:

    MJ: Here’s the drink of the week. It has lavender infused tequila.

    Wiser: Nice. Lavender infused tequila. When are you coming out of the closet?

    MJ: Dick.

  18. Perfectly reasonable response

    (I’m not saying by who though)

  19. Ok, wiser is funny, sometimes.

    Mostly an ass, though.

  20. Does the DoTW have pickle juice or cucumber in it?

  21. Jimbro, if you don’t have a bottle of skunk stink remover under your sink, you will regret it someday.

    Bubba has been nailed about 4 times, late at night each time.

    I think the skunks wait for the stores to close.

  22. We learned the hard way. First time was in winter, probably around 11 PM. Laura is bathing smelly dog in the tub with baking soda, tomato juice and whatever else we could find. He’s all lathered up when he escapes.

    He runs downstairs and starts shaking like wet dogs do. Skunk stinking foam goes flying, all over the walls and furniture.

    The house smelled like a tire fire for at least a month.

  23. Heh, and Bubba had a dog smile on the entire time, I’m sure.

    What an asshole.

  24. A bottle in the car too. One time he got nailed at a park.

    I drove him home with my head out the window.

  25. When it happens, it will be the best $5 you ever spent.

  26. I like Bubba. He’s a helluva dog.

  27. We met a guy who had a bad-ass cattle dog. When that dog got sprayed it would run down the skunk, kill it, and bring it home.

    A bigger asshole than Bubba.

  28. *looks up dooryard*


  29. Hillary’s campaign strategists:

    Strategist #1: “Hillary’s likability numbers are in the crapper, she’s just so stiff, awkward and it’s obvious she’s a bitch and insecure about her lack of accomplishments. I think we need to make her appear more friendly and warm.”

    Strategist #2: “I’ve got it!! Let’s just TELL people she’s funny and warm and friendly.”

    Strategist #3: “That is effing brilliant!!”

  30. Breitbart: Clinton planning to be more spontaneous

    Yeah, nothing spells sincerity like planned spontaneity.

  31. Did you see Carly make George Suckalotofpenis look stupid again? (I know, low bar):

  32. like when they told us the Barry’s lack of any type of accomplishments didn’t really matter because @adultintheroom.

    Crap, that worked for them.


  33. MJ, do you want my “lemon” mintade recipe? I mean if you’re gonna use random obscure ingredients and all.

  34. I don’t think the average person has any idea of the the complete fabricated pile of bullshit that is Hillary Clinton. Most people simply don’t operate that way and can’t comprehend that hers is a manufactured life. Her marriage. Her political career. Her fake grand motherliness. Her speeches and photo shoots. It’s just not genuine.

    And the only other person I can think of that is more manufactured than Hillary Clinton is Barack Hussein Obama. He’s the king of Manchuria.

  35. Dammit, we’re gonna need another Mare’s Musing, so we have room for 2!

  36. like when they told us the Barry’s lack of any type of accomplishments didn’t really matter because @adultintheroom.

    Even better? The @adultintheroom is Joe Freakin Biden!

  37. The more I read and hear about this pope, the more I think he’s a fucking asshole Marxist crapnoodle.

  38. When I think of Hillary Clinton level of “fake” I think of her and Bill “spontaneously” dancing on the beach in the Hamptons. Yeah, they do that all the time, just like regular couples (WTF does that?).



    FU media.

  39. This pope is a cock.

  40. Sure, leon.

  41. The Borgia popes were some awful folks in their personal lives. I don’t doubt that Francis is a much better man and far better Christian, but doggone he’s got that South American bullshit understanding of economics and nationalism wrapped pretty tightly around his noggin.

    I am starting to wonder which is worse/better for the Church.

  42. Comment by Mr Chumpo on September 18, 2015 11:15 am
    This pope is a cock.




  43. 10 fresh lemon balm leaves, 10 fresh stevia leaves, 15 mint leaves. Crush and steep in recently-boiled water for 30 minutes, then pour over ice.

  44. That is a much better take on the pope, Leon.

    Thank you

  45. That is a much better take on the pope, Leon.
    Thank you


    hjahahahaha…true but not as simply colorful.

  46. If I were a congressman I’d walk out on his ass-holiness.

  47. He’s going to come to the U.S. and lecture and finger wag, having just left one of the most wealthy treasuries on earth. Think of all the refugees St. Peter’s could house.

  48. Leon, my husband is reading a Joan of Arc book written by Mark Twain which he is really enjoying. Mark Twain said it’s his favorite of the books he’s written. She was really amazing.

  49. You should run for Congress, Spur.

  50. ^looks for book,


  51. Chumpo, It’s fiction based on his 14 year research.

  52. It continues to floor me just how many people look at the history of national socialism and think that the problem was the nationalism. That’s what most of Europe and the various offshoots of Europe continue to teach and believe.

    Asian countries see the world very differently, and we’re suffering for that.

  53. The weekly Weird Twitter column at The Federalist is hilarious:

    This baby is terrible at dodgeball.
    1:22 PM – 2 Sep 2013

  54. I just bought that book for my self and my daughter.

    I can’t believe that that title has escaped me all these years.

    Thank ye, Mare!

  55. What is that book, chumpo/mare?

  56. I’m not a fan of Pope Francis, but even I wouldn’t go out of my way to insult him when he visits.

  57. I guffawed.

    This baby is terrible at dodgeball.

    1:22 PM – 2 Sep 2013
    2,910 2,910 Retweets 3,940 3,940 favorites

  58. That was pretty fun to read the weirdtwitter stuff.

  59. xBrad, that story is behind a pay wall.

    I believe that the left, who love lots of what Francis has said, are going to push it to the limit to see what kind of shit they can stir up.

    In the end, they still hate religion, unless it has a hairy tyrant pedophile as it’s profit.

  60. This one Jay:

    0.99$ on the kindle or free at gutenberg

  61. Hotspur, you don’t know how to bypass the WSJ paywall?

    Google the title.

  62. I believe that the left, who love lots of what Francis has said, are going to push it to the limit to see what kind of shit they can stir up.

    Obama is the world’s biggest troll.

  63. Speaking of profits…

    Paula has a good friend who is Mormon. After my father’s recent death and attending a funeral at a Catholic church, she decided the boys needed some religion. She has taken them to church with the Mormons a few times and the older boy was asked a few questions that caused her to lose it.

    Mormon: (Asking about Jesus) You know, the prophet? Do you know what a prophet is?

    Boy: Yeah, when you’re making money!

    Mormon: The son of Mary?

    Boy: Like Mary had a little lamb?

    She tried to hold it together as long as she could but eventually lost it. She was raised a Baptist but church fell by the wayside when her bio mom died young. The boys have had zero religious education.

  64. Today’s BBF model has GREAT side boobs. We call this previous statement an understatement.

  65. Mormonism is a scam. Steer FAR away. They aren’t actually Christian, they just use the same lexicon backed by a different dictionary.

    And Joseph Smith was a con artist who was in it for the polygamy.

  66. Mormons think coffee drinkers are evil.

  67. How the cult survived and thrived with the proscription on coffee can only be explained by demonic influence.

    Coffee was made for us by God’s own hand, and Jesus’s first public miracle was creating wine from water at the wedding in Cana. Mormons eschew both. The devil’s at work there. Has to be.

  68. Okay, the coffee thing was hyperbole, but the wine thing is sincere theology.

  69. So I was sitting in my usual spot at the ghetto bar last night, when a liberal buddy shows me the stupid Texas kid’s “science” project. He asks me if I think that looks like a bomb. And I said “No, but it looks like a trigger. It’s just missing the C-4.”

    He said “Come on, man, are you serious? He’s just a kid.”

    So I said “Okay, think the White House will let him bring that fucking thing in without thorough inspection? You know, to make sure he didn’t slip the C-4 in after school?”

    He actually said I make a good point.

    Was I drunk?

  70. Yes.

  71. Was I Drunk?

    Is the pope a pinko?

  72. Yeah, I know all about the LDS. I never met a Mormon until my residency class which, in a statistical fluke, had 3 of 5 guys being Mormons. Between the 3 they had more kids than the rest of the residency combined. I was good friends with one who is now in practice out in Idaho. He used to laugh at me getting amped up on caffeine over the course of the day and once he told me about it I became aware of it too.

    I don’t think Paula will stick with it. Her brother has gone back to his Baptist church and she mentioned going there too. When they saw a Roman Catholic mass/funeral it was a little overwhelming for the uninitiated.

  73. He actually said I make a good point.
    Was I drunk?

    No, he was.

  74. Regular wedding: 15 mins.

    Catholic wedding: 1.5 hours.

  75. If you haven’t had enough doom and gloom today, there’s a Drew and the GOP review post at AOS.


  77. The divorce rate among mass-attending Catholics is like .5%.

    But yeah, the wedding ceremony is a little long.

  78. Fuq Drew. I like ace’s stuff but the rest can dine on a vessel of cock.

  79. From xbrad’s link (around the paywall)…a caption…

    “Dignity Washington, a group of LBGT Catholics in Washington, D.C., are excited about Pope Francis’ visit on September 22nd and are hoping his message of non-judgement continues as they seek acceptance from the church.”

    No doubt they and obama are hoping he puts his foot in his mouth (says what he really feels) again.

  80. SIX DAYS, PEOPLE!!! SIX DAYS!!1!1!!1!



    *runs from room screaming

  81. -LGBT

    Pick one. Or start practicing the phrases “same-sex attraction” and “my cross to bear”. We all have the latter, and I promise that yours is no heavier than you can carry your half of.

  82. Dangit, I need to quote all of wiserbud’s comment and then add “let it burn”.

    Stupid phone.

  83. Speaking of which…promoting anti-gospel leftists within the church and ignoring, blocking, and undermining those who hold to doctrine.

    “Pope Francis! You have appointed octogenarians Kasper, Sodano and Danneels to Synod but Hong Kong Cardinal John Tong Hong is too old and there are “no exceptions””…

    Cardinal Tong is 76.
    Now why could that be? Why..oh why?

    “Mr. Law said Hong Kong Catholics could contribute to discussions at the synod, expressing concerns about recent developments on same-sex unions around the world, particularly in the United States.”

    Hmmm, and the Pope did nothing when leftist Kasper dissed the African bishops participating in the Vatican summit on marriage (which the Pope tried to stack with leftists).
    “Referring especially to the topic of gays, Kasper said, “You can’t speak about this with Africans and people of Muslim countries. It’s not possible. It’s a taboo.”

    Seems ol’ Kasper needs a refresher course on the Bible.

  84. So Germany is propping up Greece and now per EU rules must clothe, house, feed and generally care for hundreds of thousands of refugees?

    The EU sounds like a great deal. pffffffttttt

  85. The EU is full of Mo supporters.

    So Germany is propping up Greece and now per EU rules must clothe, house, feed and generally care for hundreds of thousands of refugees?

    “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”

    They annihilated how many Jews and are now replacing them with 20 millions seeds to their destruction.

  86. Heh. Good one Ms Beasn

  87. Oh yeah Scott, thanks for the skunk remover advice. Ordered two bottles and its on the way. You’re right about the timing…always late night!

    My old dogs mixed it up with porcupines more than they got skunked. They had the whole yard to run in with an invisible fence.

  88. Germany is a scam.

    Alternatively, if you see a popular leader arise there while pushing a massive anti-immigrant, pro-German agenda in the next few years, don’t be surprised at all.

    If fate has any sense of irony, he might even be Jewish.

  89. Who’s left in Syria?

  90. HTF does being a gay activist make you qualified to be Secretary of the Army?

    F Obama and his nonsense.

  91. The Marines ran a trial of a mixed gender combat unit with predictable results. The civilians who won’t actually bleed or die are skeptical of their results.

  92. Mixed gender could mean almost anything nowadays. Dogs, goats, hamsters, you name it.

  93. Well, I managed to blow up my mail program by trying to move 6,600 old messages from one sent folder to another. 4 hours 36 minutes to restore HDD.

  94. smooth move, exlax.

  95. Pretty well sums it up.

  96. Mormons have magic underwear.

  97. I recommend that you start your day with a Dickens Cider.

  98. Hotspur, I have a present for you:


  99. Hahahaha

    Ewwwwwwww…… But xBrad would hit it, I bet.

  100. hahahaha…Yes.

  101. Hit it with a bat.

  102. I wouldn’t hit that with _______’s dick and _______ pushing.

    Fill in any two names at random, it’s still true.

  103. **douses Hotspur in gasoline**
    **burns him and that pic**

  104. It’s the idiotic expression on her face that offends me the most. Like she’s mental (which of course she is). If you read the accompanying caption you see that she’s crazy.

    And if she doesn’t want comments about her “figure” she should pay for a stylist and wear those things in pictures that are most flattering.

    Calvins are NOT her look.

  105. Imagine that thing coming at you in the morning in the semi-darkness.

  106. I bet she’s never had a Dickens Cider.

  107. Or a salad.

  108. She’s too rich to be that fat.

  109. She eats her emotions

    Whatever the fack that means

  110. I think it means she’s fat.

  111. That particular emotion is called buffet table euphoria

  112. But she’s a woman so she’s empowered by her fatness and therefore doesn’t care what others think when she posts cringe worthy pics (although she cries between bites of those specialty cup cakes at that swank bakery on the west side).

    EMPOWERED: a word used to mask the pain they are feeling from their bitterness.

    I don’t know what I’m saying.

  113. Her emotions must have a fuckload of carbs.

  114. Empowered is just a word you say on the way to wine and cat toys.

  115. Calvin Klein ought to sue her for besmirching his good name by placing his fine products on that…… body.

  116. Waiting for the dang climate to change. It’s 87, feels like 94, with no sun. All humidity.

    Front moving through tonight and it will drop to 60.

  117. Comment by leoncaruthers on September 18, 2015 6:15 pm
    Empowered is just a word you say on the way to wine and cat toys.


    That’s so true it’s hilarious.

    *hides wine bottles and cat toys**

  118. The ice age is coming, beasn, have no fear. The SGOD* will come and freeze away all that is.

    *Sweet Glacier Of Death

  119. Calvin Klein ought to sue her for besmirching his good name by placing his fine products on that…… body.


    Yep. I tried to link a pic of a gorgeous curvy gal wearing that exact set with a shirt over it but it kept cocking up.

    If interested google “calvin klein underwear women.”

  120. No.

  121. It’s a trap!

  122. *sees that there’s a conversation about something going on*

    *scrolls up to see what started it*


  123. Lena Dunham’s snatch is a trap. Don’t go near.

  124. Evening

  125. I think Jewstin is safe.

  126. I really hate it when my Tuesday lands on my Friday.

  127. Friday is my Monday every week, Jew.

  128. Guess Scott kilt it.

  129. Jewstin, I killed 5 chipmunks this week. No offense, little buddy.

  130. My cousins are dead? Which ones?

  131. Well, three for sure were Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.

  132. One of the others might have been Chip.

  133. ahahakljhdkljakladja

    You got burned.

  134. I think I met them back in ’84. Didn’t care for them much. All that singing and dancing.

  135. And drugs.

  136. Swirl a high glass with macadamia nut liquor or frangelico
    3oz dark rum
    1/4 dash vanilla
    1/4 dash Agnostura

    garnish w mar cherry.

    I call it a Sex Change.

  137. “Hey bartender! Let me have a Sex Change!!!”

  138. I’ll stick to bourbon on the rocks.

  139. live a little.

  140. 1/4 dash = 1/192 of an oz. or about 3 drops.

    Throw a cherry in a glass of rum.

  141. 3 drops? really?
    Damn. I’m good.

    nailed it.

    Scott. If you use more than 1/4 dash of either of those there’s gonna be problems.

    There’s Olde Tyme bars that are still on their first bottle of Bitters.

  142. Iced tea. You can live for me, Chumpster.

  143. Lots and lots of bourbon on the rocks.

  144. I rounded, Chumpo. If you want to make it right it’s 3.080572592 drops.

  145. Catholic weddings may be long, but a Baptist Service is two hours while a Catholic mass is one hour. In the long run we win.

    How is everyone tonight. I spent all morning getting thrown around on the grass. Now I’m sore and tired and I still have drawing homework.

  146. Dirty martini.

  147. CoAlex, I do not miss altar calls when the preacher wouldn’t give up until someone came forward.

  148. I never knew a dash was a real measurement.

    I always though it was the same as a smidgen.

  149. My son started a horseshoeing business. He went to a ranch in the boondocks last week to shoe a guy’s horses. Guy was drinking beer at 8:30 in the morning. Drank 15 cans before noon. He went to another place near Las Cruces on Wednesday. He got there around 1:00PM, and the woman came out in pajamas, smoking a cigar. The best part was her 6th grade daughter came out and was smoking a cigar too. He finished the horses and got out asap. My favorite story so far ….he went to a ranch and put shoes on 5 horses. They invited him into the house so they could get a check. He’s looking around and sees a series of holes in the sheetrock, all around the room about 2 to 3 feet above the floor. He asks what happened, and the guy says “when my granddaughter was 4, she got mad and got a knife from the kitchen and came after me. I locked myself in the bedroom, and she stabbed the wall for the next couple of hours. She finally got tired and we got the knife away from her…..”

  150. What I spent my afternoon watching.

    Armored Deed of Arms

  151. Sup Hostages.

    CA, good to see you banging around the Mothership.

  152. Beecoch, ya wanna Sex Change?

  153. Beecoch, ya wanna Sex Change?

    NO! The only titties I wanna see are actual female titties.

    Except for my buddy from high school’s wife who keeps posting graphic breastfeeding photos on Facebook. That I don’t want to see.

  154. Hola! I think some of Pepe Jr’s customers were in The Club. State Fair brings quite a bit of the weird into the Q

  155. Why not? Does she have nice titties?

  156. Why not? Does she have nice titties?

    No. Not an especially attractive woman.

  157. Some women are a little weird with the breast feeding.

    They want you to watch.

  158. No. Not an especially attractive woman.

    That’s a shame.

  159. That’s a shame.

    It is indeed a sad thing when you look at a tit/areola and think “Ew. Really?”

  160. There is no reason why I need to see your boobs if I am eating dinner at your house.

    There is no reason why I need to see them 2-3 times.

  161. There is no reason why I need to see your boobs if I am eating dinner at your house.
    There is no reason why I need to see them 2-3 times.

    Well, I mean, it kinda depends on who’s doing the showing and what they look like.

    I think I once saw a movie that started like that.

  162. The kid needs to be fed, I understand that.
    Why does it have to be fed right in front of me?

  163. Just look at her and say, “Thanks, the mashed potatoes did seem a little dry.”

  164. The kid needs to be fed, I understand that.
    Why does it have to be fed right in front of me?


  165. I’ve ceased to think of boobs as sexual.

  166. Retail workers get caught up in this shit all the time. I know better than to fall for it. I just explain to the complainer that women are allowed to breastfeed wherever and whenever they want. We are not able to say anything to breastfeeding moms. Pretty much the same way with dogs. We can’t even ask if it is a service dog.

  167. That’s obvious from the tuckers you post on Mondays, leon.

  168. Give her an Irish coffee and ask for a White Russian straight from the tap.

  169. You know what else is a natural part of life? Taking a shit. Am I allowed to take a shit in public? No? Then put your tit away. I’m trying to eat here.

  170. Am I allowed to take a shit in public?

    I don’t know. I mean, it is Florida…

  171. I don’t know. I mean, it is Florida…

    Even we have some standards. Not many, but some.

  172. That said, discretion seems like the right thing to do with them in public. I just mean that I see them all the damn time now and it’s never for my sake, so I’ve lost any sense of them as being for anything but the baby.

  173. Heh. I H8 it when Natives shit in The Club. Disgusting.

  174. My dick is natural too.

  175. Am I allowed to take a shit in public? No?


  176. Pepe that is the funnah. We should attach a film crew to your son’s company. barely cost anything these days.

  177. My dick is natural too.

    Hey, aren’t public schools teaching that masturbation is perfectly natural and a good thing? Why do we have to sexualize a natural urge and practice?

  178. Fuck it…

  179. Did anybody reluctantly admit that anybody else had been right about the Freemasons all along today?

  180. Pepe that is the funnah. We should attach a film crew to your son’s company. barely cost anything these days.

    This Fall, on Animal Planet…

  181. Ill admit it.

    I went to a masonic funeral for my grandfather when I was 17. It was trippy.

    cool, but trippy. I might have joined but there were no chix.

    Maybe when I’m an older gent.

  182. Today I had a 5th person recommend Elmer T Lee bourbon. I am now looking.

  183. Heh. A friend is filling in on a talk radio show tonight from 11pm-2am. I’m drinking and seriously considering calling in to mess with him.

    It would be really cool to hear someone you know hosting a radio show.

  184. Masons are the original conspiratorial secret society. Also if you join you can’t hire Catholics anymore.

  185. Messican funerals get the Catholic + graveside+filling the grave. Usually, we fill the grave using shovels. There were so few of us at my grandfather’s gravesite, one of my cousins used the loader. Then we went to Tinnie to buy booze. My mom was pissed, because it was “Porters” manning the trunk coolers. (Maiden name)

  186. I just dropped in to say:

    1 if you are mean to Lindsey I will fight you

    II made it to Ohio but the 13 hour drive turned out to be 16

    C get your face in there Leon, they were yours first

  187. Pupster, I don’t want milk up my nose.

  188. Heh. A friend is filling in on a talk radio show tonight from 11pm-2am. I’m drinking and seriously considering calling in to mess with him.

    It would be really cool to hear someone you know hosting a radio show.
    Way to troll Wiser and Wiserbud.

  189. How would I know if my employes were Catholics or not?

    The Q is moot, anyway as my group consists of 1099s.

  190. I remember that bit from a biography of Truman. He was about to join the Masons to get ahead in politics, but they told him he couldn’t hire Catholics so he walked.

    Still not sure if he joined the Klan or not.

  191. aso.

    I heard Michael “Kramer” Richards is a top level Mason.
    I once shot a commercial for The Shriners Hospital in LA. It was a really nice gig. We staged big group shot with a bunch of be-fezed guys and some very tender and extremely challenged kids. After about two hours the producer wrapped the shoot, which characteristically would roll for 7-10 hrs. The experienced producer intimated that the client didn’t want us over exerting ourselves and that we had shown real class in the presence of their cherished patients.
    That was a very human gesture I thought. later I saw the commercial and I was taken right back to that experience. It was dusty to say the least.

  192. Sounds awesome, Chumpster.

  193. Masons are the original conspiratorial secret society. Also if you join you can’t hire Catholics anymore.

    What do you mean “anymore”?

  194. Well, I guess if that was your policy, you can keep it.

    I won’t hire Episcopalians, because I’m still bitter about the divorce.

  195. **cough**TheJews**cough**


  197. You’d better hurry or you’ll have to take it up with the Grand Imam of Canterbury. They don’t like to give back their acquisitions.

  198. When men in blessed white tabards adorned with red crosses take the cathedral back from the invaders of Christendom, there won’t be any Anglicans left to contest the issue.

    Next stop, the Hagia Sophia.

    Okay, I know I’m dreaming, but it’s a good dream.

    *goes back to designing car factory without UAW thugs*

  199. I hope you’re designing a FLYING car factory without UAW thugs.

  200. Why do you think we don’t have flying cars in the first place?

  201. Because we shot J.R.

  202. Daisy excluded Randy’s parents.

  203. Good morning. Busy weekend ahead. I’m on call till Monday AM, Older boy has driver’s ed both days, 9-noon. We’re going to camp to host a birthday party for boy #2. Lot’s of running around in store.

  204. I hadn’t heard about this:

    The harpies at The View can DIAF.

  205. On the one hand, I like seeing The View lose, on the other, it’s just more speech control. At least this time it’s private and not government or quasi-government (campus) but I don’t want to live in a brittle world filled with people who can’t take a joke, even a bad one.

  206. I would think Joyless Behar might want to stay healthy for a while. My favorite tweet so far

    You can’t really blame Joy Behar for being ignorant to a #NursesStethoscope. Nurses don’t use them on the heartless.
    — Wonder Monkey (@WonderMonkey78) September 16, 2015

  207. Going to the gym for the first time in a month. It’s going to hurt.

  208. Comment by scott on September 18, 2015 10:46 pm
    My dick is natural too.



    True, having sex is natural but it should be done in private.

  209. Sex is a beautiful, natural, private act between a man and a woman, their three closest friends, a donkey, and a Portuguese midget.

  210. Uh oh, McCain and Miss Lindsey both support Fiorina?

    Something is not right here.

    I’m sticking with Cruz/Walker/Jindal.

  211. hahahaa….Alex

  212. Comment by scott on September 18, 2015 10:46 pm
    My dick is natural too.


    Scott decided against the implant.

  213. When I see Alex’s avatar I think it’s Beasnsnsn’s.

  214. Uh oh, McCain and Miss Lindsey both support Fiorina?

    LIV’s won’t hear about it. And Trump hasn’t actually attacked her yet. If he talks about what she did to HP, she’s toast.

  215. Trump’s war on women.

  216. Camp is still standing. Dock is coming out Sunday. After Labor Day weekend and when school starts its a pain in the ass coming here but it’s such a nice time of year to be here. It doesn’t help that Paula got home at 8 last night after work, driver’s ed and me being on call are added to the mix. WPP I guess.

  217. When I see Alex’s avatar I think it’s Beasnsnsn’s.

    You are not the only one. This comment got a double take.

    Comment by Colorado Alex on September 18, 2015 10:21 pm
    Why not? Does she have nice titties?

  218. Trump has none of the Cardinal Virtues. Should tell us everything we need to know.

  219. . This comment got a double take.
    Comment by Colorado Alex on September 18, 2015 10:21 pm
    Why not? Does she have nice tithes?



  220. Paula alerted me to The View thing about nurses. Belittling that woman by calling it a doctor’s stethoscope and her scrubs a costume were more than enough to rile her up. She was dropping F bombs over coffee this morning. Nurses use their stethoscope way more than doctors ever do and 9 times out of 10 a doctor will ask a nurse if he or she can borrow the nurse’s scope since they doesn’t have theirs.

  221. Okay Leon,
    I know there was strife at HP. I know she has many that hate her.
    I honestly don’t know what she did that was so bad. Can you inform me?

  222. “While at HP she fired a lot of people and ran the company into the ground. Do you want her to do the same to the US Government?!”


  223. Think Mitt Romney.

  224. New poat.

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