This Post Has No Content/Puppah poat


A picture, such as this, will have to wait.   Elsie must be HELD constantly at this point, and Moose pretty much wants to sniff her all over and over and over. Drooling while he does it.


Not just yet


Here she is.   Snuggled up to my leg when I put her on the ground.



She is TINY.    Sweet as can be. Snuggles right in really deep.




  1. *likes own post.

  2. Honestly, moosed stared at her for about 20 minutes straight with exactly that look up there. I think he’s trying to figure out what it is and how he can play with it.

  3. He wonders if it squeaks when he bites down.

    (It does)

    The end of the 49ers game was a joy to watch.

    Heh. I saw that too.

  4. Dawwww!

  5. Elsie? Why was I not consulted on this?

    That’s a cow name.

  6. Elsie looks like she needs ear scritches.

  7. *acts casual*

    *stuffs Elsie in pocket*

    *casually checks watch and heads for the door*

  8. You know what a female moose is called?

    A cow.

    Thus, Elsie.

    Erin isn’t on board. But I think it’s cute.

  9. Erin’s not-boyfriend suggested Betsy.


    Bessie would be cute, but that was the name of our minivan.

  10. She’s dog.


  12. Natasha



  13. Tosh.0

  14. This poat beats the shit out of tuckers.

  15. Know what’s great about the last play of the 49ers game?

    That guy smacking some sense into Kaepernick?

    His dad was born in Cuba.

  16. O M G I love her so much!!! So, snuggly. ❤️ Moose


  18. I once rode a Newfie out of a trench during the battle of Dunkirk.

    True Story.

  19. I was looking for Wiser and Cuffy here.

  20. Roamy, Iowahawk and Schlichter had the best tweets.

  21. Cute puppeh, C arin! Give her a snuggle for me.

    I got a new friend yesterday, too, and I’m open to suggestions on a name for ‘im. PepeLP has chimed in thus far with “Walt,” which is a reference from an old comedy I’ve never seen. Help me out here, Hotsnausages.

  22. What a cutie. Penelope squeeeeeed, 🙂

  23. She’s been playing a little bit. I just got back from the store buying “supplies”. Apparently they’ve been mixing goat milk in with her food.

    Guess where you find powdered goat milk at walmart.

    Go ahead. guess.

  24. Guess where you find powdered goat milk at walmart.

    Muzzie sex aids?

  25. Elsie is adorable, BTW (so is Moose, in a much more super-size package).

    Moose isn’t full-size yet, right?

  26. Guess where you find powdered goat milk at walmart.

    The Baby department with the formula?

  27. Guess where you find powdered goat milk at walmart.

    The Goat Supplies aisle. Duh.

  28. Walt or Franz.

  29. Guess where you find powdered goat milk at walmart.

    The Occult section.

  30. Dan is getting a new iPad mini. I get his used one. SQUUEEEE. I love online shopping. (except for the douche at Best Buy that didn’t pull my Star Trek Beyond blu-ray in time. I work at a place that does Pick Up. I know how that 💩 works!!! Oh well, got 3 out of 4 movies I wanted.

  31. Dan is getting a new iPad mini. I get his used one. SQUUEEEE.

    Did Cari n ever get an iPad?

  32. Ethnic Foods

    or the curtain department at the San Diego WalMart.

  33. Help me out here, Hotsnausages.

  34. I got a new friend yesterday, too, and I’m open to suggestions on a name for ‘im. PepeLP has chimed in thus far with “Walt,” which is a reference from an old comedy I’ve never seen. Help me out here, Hotsnausages.



    1. I’ve wanted some kind of statue or bust for years, and that came up when I was searching.

    2. It’s creepily awesome.

    3. I’ve wanted to learn a skill for a while, and phrenology is a growth industry!

    4. I needed something to put my hat on.

  36. Dexter

  37. Guess where you find powdered goat milk at walmart.

    Next to the free-range iguana milk?

  38. Angels cap or Cubs cap?


  40. Carin, you lucky pup! And that pup is a lucky pup.

  41. oooo…same page

  42. Could someone tell me what happened at the end of the 49er/Dolphin game? Your links are making me happy but I don’t get the whole picture. Couldn’t watch the game today and haven’t seen highlights.

  43. Next to the powdered cow milk?

  44. Angels cap or Cubs cap?

    Neither. It’s an actual hat, not a cap.

  45. Mare, check out Scott on Twitter!!!

  46. Long story short, player that stopped Commie Colin from getting game winning TD is 2nd Gen Cuban American.

  47. Miami went up by 7 with about 2 minutes to go.

    Niners get the ball, Kaepernick drives them down the field.

    They were on the 4 yard line with just a few seconds left.

    QB sneak.

    Kaepernick got clobbered on the two yard line. Game over.

  48. Sporting a Trilby now, Sean?

  49. Nope, tom. Tweed walking hat. I got it for winter-ish weather.

    I may be a douche, but I’m not a doooooooouuuuuuche.

  50. 8 yd line

    Here is the final play

  51. Up until that play, it was a pretty epic drive.

  52. Thank you, that absolutely made my day!!!

  53. He’s got a beard now, oso, it’s not a “cap”. Hipsters don’t call it that.

  54. Shut your whore mouth, J’Ames.

    *vapes angrily*

  55. He wears a derby.

  56. So Sean, tell us about your plans to start an organic taco truck.

  57. Very funny, Colex. You know damn well that it’s a macrobiotic falafel truck.

  58. In addition to my cold, Dan made chili so hot I have hiccups.

  59. I don’t like macrobes in my food.

  60. Are these free range cage free cruelty free locally sourced gluten free organic non-GMO falafels? What about the cultural appropriation, are they authentic?

  61. CarIn, you should name the puppy Squirrel… 🙂

  62. We use only Fair-Trade chickpeas from Sustainable Urban Gardens tended by at-risk LGBTQA youth of Color, who are paid a Living Wage. It is Certified EVERYTHING-free.

    As for the Cultural Appropriation issue, my cooperative partner was born nine months after an orgy broke out during a photoshoot for a Benetton ad, so we have our bases covered.

  63. CHICK-PEAS? Don’t you mean ‘patronizing misogynist slur’ peas???

    I DEMAND you start calling them ‘garbanzos’ immediately, prepare a long, self-debasing apology, be fired from your job, lose your home, and be pelted with juicy garbage every day for the rest of your worthless, woman-hating life!!

    OR ELSE!!

  64. powdered goat milk is next to the powdered buttermilk.


    and no I never got an ipad.

    /angry face

  65. squirrel has been suggested, but what a horrible name for a cute little puppy.

  66. Car in,
    They have goats milk in cans at any supermarket, even Safeway.
    We used to feed it to tiny kittens with an eyedropper.
    They became *large* cats…

  67. boy, this puppy likes to snuggle. It’s very young, though, and really needs it.

  68. I got canned goats milk and powdered.

    I read about it today and it’s apparently really good for all dogs. Clears up all sorts of issues.

  69. That’s what Big Goat wants you to think.

  70. I DEMAND you start calling them ‘garbanzos’ immediately, prepare a long, self-debasing apology, be fired from your job, lose your home, and be pelted with juicy garbage every day for the rest of your worthless, woman-hating life!!

    *looks around*

    Listen, between you, me, and the wall, I’m just doing this to meet girls who wear glasses and are down with casual sex. I can’t keep all the “certified-this” and “whatever-free” and “wherever-sourced” shit straight. Honestly, I just buy this stuff in bulk and hope nobody notices. They haven’t so far. And the fucking pronouns. Trying to stay ahead of that is killing me. I mean, it shifts from hour to hour like some kind of fucking angry kaleidoscope.

    I’m in over my head here.

  71. I don’t know what you hipster douches with goat Brie cheese in your pants are talking about but I heard kapernick got his pussy whipped, Fidel loving ass kicked, so whatever!

  72. really good for all dogs. Clears up all sorts of issues.

    Is it effective for social anxiety, obesity, E.D., persistent halitosis, low self-esteem, continuous fatigue and crippling depression?

    I’m asking for a friend.

  73. Try to keep up, mare. We have powdered goat milk in our pants. But don’t tell oso. She’d get pissed if she knew we were shoplifting from Walmart.

  74. You’re friends with Louie Anderson, Pups? Neat.

  75. Awwww, so cute!

  76. Hey hey, TiFW–how you feeling lately?

  77. Haha, Cheffies hit the upright, but it went through for the win.

  78. This is our decision to live fast and derp young.
    We’ve got the vision, now let’s have some fun.
    Yeah it’s overwhelming, but what else can we do?
    Get jobs in offices and wake up for the morning commute?

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