MMM 136: Walking around, picking up sticks.

No. I don’t know what that means either.


Pupster photobomb.

White yoga.

Deadlift prep?

Back bicep pose.

High dress slit.

I know the right side is a repeat. Left side is new.

Summer outfit.

Monday has an ass. You have a foot. Do what comes naturally.


  1. Nice selection Leon

  2. wakey wakey

  3. This is one of those days when Scott and Wiser are right. Faceplant friend tagged every one of his friends (over 100), including me, on a status, so now I get a message whenever someone else comments. It’s almost like checking the “notify me of new posts” (which are comments, not poats) here or a “reply all” avalanche at work.

  4. I heard that Car in is answering phone calls today, #cananyoneconfirm?

  5. That’s a negative, J’ames.

    I can confirm that.

  6. Bird pool party.

  7. *ring-ring*


    This is United States calling, are we reaching*click*

    She keeps hanging up, there must be someone there besides your wife to answer.

  8. Is there anybody out there?

  9. Morning, children. Nice job, Leon.

    The boy is going back to college today. Penelope is sad.

  10. She obviously has a drinking problem…

  11. “Hello?”


  12. Monday is very Mondayish today.

  13. Eh, it’s only really a problem if you don’t like watching that or you’re the mop guy.

    Or you do her laundry.

  14. ..or if you are buying the champagne.

  15. Mernin’

    So after our feckless asshole of a governor, stabs the local police in the back, and brings in the State police, who are ordered to just watch the looters loot, which escalates the looting………..he calls in the National Guard last night.

    You can’t blame cops for being over-militarized for wearing riot gear during a riot.

  16. Outside agitators = community organizers

    It would be interesting to see how this story started getting legs.

  17. The boy is going back to college today. Penelope is sad.

    I feel her pain. Give her a hug.

    Son told the husband him and his girlfriend broke up. I’m afraid he didn’t want to work very hard to make it work. Though they do live an hour and a half apart.

    The beasnette was finally able to move into her apartment this weekend. I’ll be going down to help her organize her stuff.

  18. Pups, a lot of people looting are thugs from outside. Same with the ‘activists’ and other ‘protesters’. Many protesting police being in riot gear.
    But many Ferguson residents are calling the local radio to say, they’re appalled at how the police are being treated and scared the thugs are coming too close to their homes – and they are standing outside their homes with guns, ready to use them – at thugs, not police.

  19. Good morning.


  20. I just can’t wrap my head around so many fools saying the police can’t protect themselves with riot gear during a riot.

    Unfortunately they are getting much of their information from idiots like Earplugs, who doesn’t know how to google ‘rubber bullets’ and mistakes them for ear plugs.

  21. I love that beagle, Cyn. He’s a good boy.

  22. ..or if you are buying the champagne.

    I’d never be that guy so it didn’t occur to me. That guy is pretty much a perpetual chump.

  23. Giggles:

  24. Went to tango on Saturday night. One of the dancers was a swim coach for a local high school. She had a swimmer’s body and a little black dress. Verrrrry nice.

  25. It would be interesting to see how this story started getting legs.

    It certainly didn’t help when the JEF took some time out of his vacation to open his fat mouth over a local issue again…and blaming the police for detaining – not arresting – journalists from businesses who wanted them gone.

    Or the governor blaming the cops for releasing the video and saying it besmirched the poor dead child. Um, hey dumbass, they had to release it.

  26. I wonder if elephants breathe through their mouth. Horses don’t. One time I saw a guy pinch a mule’s nose shut after about minute it started to collapse from lack of oxygen, weird. Mountain lions kill big stuff like big deer or elk by cutting off their air.

  27. roamy, set your Facebook account to review tags and approve before they can be posted on your page. That eliminates the issue you described.

  28. Mark Steyn strikes out on this one.

  29. The police didn’t do themselves any favors by firing tear gas at what was obviously a TV news crew.

  30. I mean, if you’re going to fire tear gas at the press, at least make sure you target Chris Hayes.

  31. I’m not suggesting that the cops in Ferguson didn’t act stupidly. Because they have. And I am generally opposed to the militarization of the cops. But when people are acting like animals rioting all over the fucking place, then the cops should be in riot gear.

    Steyn’s comparisons of police killings to other countries is weapons grade bullshit irrelevant. The other countries aren’t populated with Obama’s sons.

  32. And color me shocked – the “eye witnesses” lied about how Brown was shot.

  33. Or maybe the cops were using rubber u-turning bullets. Those are illegal for civilians to possess.

  34. Yeah, more and more, it’s looking like a righteous shoot.

    But Holder’s still going to try him for infringing civil rights.

  35. Or maybe the cops were using rubber u-turning bullets.

    I saw those, in that movie with Tom Selleck and Gene Simmons of KISS.

    Scary stuff indeed! There were mechanical spiders in that too.

  36. That 3rd autopsy will CERTAINLY clear the good boy’s name!

  37. There were mechanical spiders in that too.


  38. Yeah, more and more, it’s looking like a righteous shoot.

    I’ve been keeping my thoughts to myself here, waiting for the proverbial smoke to clear, as it were, but I have to agree with Hotspur.

    When the default reaction to incidents like this tends to be rioting and looting, it’s hard to blame the police for a) being prepared and b) assuming the worst-case scenario.

    The part that really pisses me off are the people that are coming from outside that community with the sole purpose of continuing the violence. It looked almost for a moment that things were going to calm down there a few nights back, and … well.. we simply can’t have that.

    And it is quite obvious, based on the businesses that are being targeted, that this has nothing to do with Micheal Brown anymore.

  39. When the default reaction to incidents like this tends to be rioting and looting, it’s hard to blame the police for a) being prepared and b) assuming the worst-case scenario.

    That’s true. It was almost a given.


    It’s more a matter of technique and style. Radley Balko had a good post on this a few days ago:

    You can still have plenty of police presence, and not look like an occupying army.

  40. The Ferguson situation is further proof that these fucking people are looking for any excuse to go all jungle jive. ANY EXCUSE, and they’re out of control.

    Walking in the middle of the street obstructing traffic is a tactic I see used by young blacks all of the time here in my town. They’re just begging for a confrontation so they can go ape shit.

    It’s fucked up.

  41. I wonder why that one bidness decided to note that it was “black owned”, almost as if that might serve as some sort of talisman.

    Are they suggesting something racial/rayciss about the looters?

  42. Aw crap. Racism killed it.

  43. It was bound to happen.

  44. Nah, the Ferguson PD shot it in the back.

  45. Leon did a pretty good job hiding the panty bulge on these guys today.

  46. The article Xbrad linked at 1131 is really good. He talks a lot about how the us against them mentality of the protestors is escalated when police show up in military / riot gear, but the same is true of the police when they gear up and mount the APC’s. Somebody is getting an ass whoopin.

  47. I love the hair extensions.

  48. I listened to a talk radio guy this morning for a few moments who suggested that the police should release (or should HAVE released) all the evidence that they have to the public and should have done it on day-one.

    This guy used to be my favorite morning talker and I’m hoping that maybe I missed the part where he said he was going to play devil’s advocate.

  49. Didn’t Holder tell the police NOT to release anything? DOJ had all of this evidence from the beginning, too – but to release it would have gone against Holder’s pet theory that whitey is bad, especially if whitey is a cop.

  50. Brown had marijuana in his system.

    Probably had glaucoma.

  51. Poor kid. I bet he could barely see what was going on.

  52. Yeah, no wonder he was walking in the middle of the street.

  53. … but to release it would have gone against Holder’s pet theory that whitey is bad…

    Probably. And IIRC, the NAACP probably also had this info since they urged from the very beginning for calm and to wait for the facts to come out. This tells me that the shoot was righteous from the beginning.

    Wouldn’t have mattered: white cop shoot on black “teen” = mayhem, regardless, and shut up that’s why.

  54. So, would it be OK if the cop was black and the unarmed teen had disrespected him?

    I’m not tracking here, must be my privilege.

  55. Comment by Hotspur on August 18, 2014 12:52 pm

    Brown had marijuana in his system.

    Probably had glaucoma.

    Comment by leoncaruthers on August 18, 2014 12:55 pm

    Poor kid. I bet he could barely see what was going on.

    You racists are funny.

  56. Oh my, the replacement for Walsh in the MT Senate race is a peach!

  57. So, would it be OK if the cop was black and the unarmed teen had disrespected him?

    Black cop wouldn’t have fired. He would have understood the community better and let that poor innocent toddler continue on to his volunteer work at the local soup kitchen

  58. Hot Air links, Jay? Seriously??

    At least wait until it gets to Ace’s….


  59. Sidebar, my impatient friend, sidebar.

    So it’s technically already on AOS.

  60. So it’s technically already on AOS.

    well….. okay…. I’ll let it slide…..

    this time.

  61. Looks the the GOP might just take the Baucus seat.


  62. I just got one of those creepy robot calls where the robot is programmed to converse based on the callee’s responses. I hate those fucking things.

  63. There’s still time for the GOP to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in Montana, Leon.

    Give them time….

  64. Maybe.

    Still an uphill battle. The biggest cities by population in MT are college towns. Not exactly bastions of conservatism.

    Then there’s the Indian population, which overwhelmingly votes D.

    This woman could actually get more votes than Baucus ever did. She seems to be perfectly in line with the current thought leaders on the left. And being a screeching loon only makes her even more attractive to the left.

  65. There was no sarcasm in my comment, I know MT is crazypants.

  66. Oh my, the replacement for Walsh in the MT Senate race is a peach!

    Why are we/Republicans revealing that we know this??

    We really suck at poker three-dimensional chess.

  67. Did it ask you not to cuss so much? Because if I were programming one of those things I would make it reply to cussing in a funny way.

  68. I hate those fucking things.

    You need to try to screw them up.

    “Hello, is Hotspur there?”

    “Chestnuts Mongolian broomstick lightbulb.”



  69. Hahahahaha

    Ima do that next time.

  70. Pupster, I went to Rodizio Grill on your recco.
    I thank you for the awesome suggestion.
    The food was kickass. Never before have so many animals coexisted peacefully in my belly.

  71. “Chestnuts Mongolian broomstick lightbulb.”

    Interactive Robot: Greetings, [sir]! As a member of the [mentally ill] community, I am sure you are aware of [chair furry staples cloudmass] and share our concerns about how [fencepost broken arm blue] could affect your future…

  72. I hope nobody has installed the update.

  73. Thanks Spur – just sent that to Googleman.

  74. We might want to go here on Friday, relatively close to MJ’s hotel:

  75. He’s right by Twelve Oaks, so there are lots of options, but all are going to mean a wait on a Friday night.

  76. What hotel is he saying at?

  77. Baronette Ren in Novi.

  78. And this is slightly closer to Carin.

  79. Well, that whore hasn’t even said she’s coming.

  80. She’s probably working a double. If you just want to meet at the ghetto bar that could also work. How’s the food there?

  81. The food’s not bad actually.

    It doesn’t matter to me where we go. I just wanted to take the opportunity to call Carin a whore.

  82. Glad you enjoyed it Tushar.

  83. 94th anniversary of this cluster fuck:

  84. If my neighbor’s dogs weren’t unleashed boxers and I were free-ranging, maybe.

  85. Hello,

    Thank you for choosing adobe services.
    Please see your attached invoice.

    Adobe Billing Department
    Adobe Systems Incorporated
    21 Hickory Drive

    Yeah, Ima open that zip file right up.

  86. Comment by Hotspur on August 18, 2014 12:52 pm
    Brown had marijuana in his system.


    *pauses to catch breath*


    Watch the libertarian scum declare that he couldn’t have charged the cops, since marijuana obviously makes you calm and peaceful and is wonderful and WARONDRUGS/RON PAUL/etc!

  87. Why do we know already about the grass, but all other tests remain pending? Hmmm???

  88. Marijuana is a quick and easy presumptive test via urine sample. Takes about a minute.

  89. If there was no ethanol or caffeine, I’ll be shocked.

  90. The strategy here is to slowly leak the obvious contradictions to the narrative to keep Obama’s sons stoked up.

    Maybe tomorrow they’ll reveal the injuries to the cop.

  91. Cop’s probably got a broken wrist and collarbone based on the story I’ve heard of their interaction. Maybe some bruised ribs.

  92. *wonders how you get a urine sample from a corpse*

  93. *wonders why Dave would wonder this*


  95. Bladders never fully void, Dave.

  96. Dave, you drain the bladder.

  97. Pupster, 502 on your link.

  98. Well, first you say it, then you do it, Dave.

    Guess that would be the old #2 though. Coulda scared the piss outta him!

  99. Pupster, 502 on your link.

  100. Maybe they use the old hand in a pan of cold water trick.

  101. The police didn’t do themselves any favors by firing tear gas at what was obviously a TV news crew.

    Then maybe TV news crews shouldn’t stand in the middle of a riot, hmm? And the way these f*ckers are misreporting or not reporting, they need a few cannisters up their keesters.

    As mentioned above, DoJ stuck their nose in and told the police to bury that video for awhile. F*ck ’em. As to releasing all information…why? There may be a trial and you need to keep some of that quiet.

  102. Neither side in a trial can present “secret” evidence. That only happens on TV.

  103. *waves from beasnette’s apartment*

    The kitchen is kind of blech, but it’s not a bad place. Newish leather sofa, nice bedroom furniture still smells new.

    Got most of her stuff unpacked and put away. Need to go shopping and would have, but residence life called 2 last minute meetings that pretty much screwed up the entire afternoon. They announced they are allowing early move-in for north county (Ferguson, Florissant areas) students. Move in for everyone else is this weekend.

  104. Hotspur, I didn’t say secret evidence. Both sides get the same info, right? If all of it is released beforehand, wouldn’t that taint a potential jury?

  105. Many police departments are experts at selectively releasing information that influences a potential jury pool.

  106. One of the witnesses said the officer grabbed the poor child around the neck. Pathologist said they found no evidence of trauma – other than the bullet holes.

  107. xbrad, I don’t know what this PD selectively released. My understanding is, they should have and would have released the video sooner had someone, not from around here, kept their nose out of it.

  108. Beasn, I didn’t say THIS police department was good at it. This one seems worse than most in PR matters.

  109. I almost wished I were my daughter RIGHT NOW!

    I’m not sure she realizes how good she has it. She’s a worry wart. Oh well, it makes me happy she won’t have to worry about going into debt. Yet.

    She was supposed to have 3 weeks of training for this job. They gave her 3 days.

  110. xbrad, not making excuses for them, but the city is kind of shittier than most, and they don’t pay their police very much.

    After the first day, surrounding cities sent their officers to help. Until the governor told them to stand down and sent the state patrol and told them to stand there and do nothing… more and more refuse from around the nation saw an opportunity. Gangbangers from north city, Chicago, and as far as CA are here. Many ‘protesters’ from other cities are coming too and jamming up their streets.

  111. Ferguson was actually having a renaissance of sorts and businesses were moving back in. Twenty years ago, it was a scarier place. There are some parts that are still bad that many blacks don’t want to go in.

  112. Who the hell loots a Dollar General? Did they steal shitty lawn decorations from the garden department?

  113. Twenty years ago, it was a scarier place.

    This recent crap is going to set it back forty years. Sad really.

  114. Even a rat won’t shit in it’s own nest.


    Well, except for those that took part in the Boston Tea Party, no.

  116. Rocketboy’s roommate is from Florissant.

  117. It’s because of violent scumbags like Michael Brown and his idiot parents and supporters that decent people have to arm themselves

    That’s the only sad thing about this. imho.

  118. >>Rocket boy’s roommate is from Florissant.

    As long he is not a 290 lb, 6’4″ child, all is good.

  119. Rocketboy is 6’3″ and towers over his roommate. Mutt and Jeff.

    Decided to add a link for those who don’t know Mutt and Jeff.


    Honest, I’m not dead!

  121. The government wants $47,000 back. Fuck, they probably piss that away in one hour giving away Obamaphones.

  122. They’ve probably spent more than $47,000 already on lawyers to recoup it.

  123. Greetings, case of the Mondays havers.

  124. “You don’t know Mutt”

    I know Mutt and Jeff. It’s on my GoComics stream. Which I haven’t checked in a while.

  125. I know Muff.

  126. Headway was made in the quest to claim space in my office to be. Now I get to eat dinner.

  127. No curfew!!!! FREE JORDANS, BITCHES!!

  128. No curfew!!!! FREE JORDANS, BITCHES!!

    Yeah, I’m waiting to see the effect of President Lightbringer’s speech on Ferguson.

    I’m betting a good rise in gun and ammo sales.

  129. I don’t think I could even explain tonight’s dinner to most residents of Ferguson.

    I made the coconut-flour jalapeno cheddar biscuit dough but dropped the peppers and swapped the cheddar for muenster, then made one giant loaf out of it. So I’m eating that and drinking beef bone broth that I froze back in February as a beverage.

    And yes, even I think this is weird, but it’s what I had handy.

  130. And yes, it’s also weird that that is what I had handy.

  131. Interesting coincidence:

    Trayvon just went to the store to get some candy and iced tea. Just an innocent young child picking up some refreshments.

    But wait….. the candy and iced tea he bought were key ingredients in Drank, a popular drug in the thug community.

    But to this day, we hear idiots in the MSM saying that little Trayvon was just buying candy and tea. Just like innocent young college-bound angels do all the time.

    Now we have the innocent 18-year-old Gentle Giant™ in Ferguson stealing cigars. Specifically, Swisher sweets, which are popular in the thug community for the making of blunts, a popular pot delivery system.

    Why would an 18-year-old “child” steal cigars if not to make blunts with them? Does anyone honestly believe that this kid just happened to be a cigar aficionado? And if so, Swisher Sweets? Not exactly the smoke of choice for the true cigar lover.

    I find it funny that the fact that Brown stole cigars is not being discussed as much as Grayson’s ingredients.

    A bit of a harder sell there, I’d imagine.

  132. I’m betting a good rise in gun and ammo sales.

    There are a lot of these:

  133. I grew up with a kid named Ryan Reilly.

    I checked. Not the same guy.

  134. Yeah, I’m waiting to see the effect of President Lightbringer’s speech on Ferguson.

    There’s a small part of me that hopes for a major eruption.

  135. I don’t hope the situation to get worse, but 0bama touched it, and we know he’s Fecal Midas, so there’s basically zero chance it will or can get better now.

  136. he’s Fecal Midas

    Precisely. And then maybe, just maybe, some will smarten up and see that he’s the one stirring the pot. More awake people will be the result.

  137. >>>>There’s a small part of me that hopes for a major eruption.

  138. *waves hands

    And your dreams will come true

  139. Fucking auto correct.

    Grayson’s = Trayvon’s

  140. I lived through the 1967 Detroit riots. They started the night I got married.

    This rioting is lame.

    Burn the fucking thing down already.

  141. Heh; the retired detective that was on with Greta a few moments ago said it was like a volcano ready to erupt.

    Nailed it.

  142. *subscribes to Hotspur’s newsletter again*

  143. This rioting is lame.

    Burn the fucking thing down already.

    Message fully endorsed by Animosity International.

  144. I really need to write some shit there…..

  145. Why would an 18-year-old “child” steal cigars if not to make blunts with them? Does anyone honestly believe that this kid just happened to be a cigar aficionado? And if so, Swisher Sweets? Not exactly the smoke of choice for the true cigar lover.

    This is highly likely. But I do know one dude–a black guy–who smokes Swisher Sweets sans weed. Sometimes, and I’m not saying it’s necessarily this time, a cigar is just a cigar.

  146. Me too. World’s caught fire since we last added any content.

  147. I’ve smoked Swisher Sweets on their own, but I’m so square carpenters use me for angle references.

  148. Sean M has major white guilt issues. . .

  149. TITS shirt and towel have arrived!

  150. Leon is so square, he’s cubic.

  151. Sometimes, and I’m not saying it’s necessarily this time, a cigar is just a cigar.

    Stuff Jefferson Said??

  152. What can I say, Chief? I was young, and the Klan seemed exciting and a way to further my political career.

    Oh, wait. That was Robert Byrd.

  153. Quartic.

  154. Most of my cigar purchases in high school and college were before camping trips and always came from behind the counter of a convenience store called Curtis Farms. They were smoked the way the way they were meant to be smoked. My first hand rolled cigar was in med school purchased from a real cigar shop.

  155. Never liked the smell of cigarettes or cigars, but I had a co-worker that smoked a pipe. I liked the apple and Captain Black tobaccos.

  156. During the Detroit riots we had fucking tanks patrolling the streets. You couldn’t buy gas in cans. National Guard was standing on every street corner. Nothing like the current assfuckery in STL.

  157. >>Leon is so square, he is cubic.


  158. Leon?

  159. No, I wear shirts.

  160. Leon, after I upped my deadlift weight to 135, I felt a bit of effort. Also, my shoulders pained a bit for a couple of hours. I hope this is not out of the ordinary.

  161. The dickholes at the hotel just emailed. Pool will be closed until 9/8.

  162. Hotspurt – soon.

  163. Pool will be closed until 9/8.

    DiT and Roamy’$ neu toulle harde$t hit.

    ($YUUM!!! I $pilled beer on my keyboard and nouu the $ and the double uu and the ek$ don’t uuork anymore. It’$ not funny, Tu$har!

  164. It’$ like typing uuith a fat lip.

  165. Ha ha ha! It feels funny to me.

  166. I’m $ure it doe$.

  167. I’m not bullshitting. Unfortunately.

  168. Wait – are you guys SERIOUS or you screwing with me again?!

  169. I’ve registered and paid my fee for Calc III. I’m committed, I guess, to this. God help me.

  170. Damn. Damn damn damn. And I was soooooo looking forward to wearing my new fatkini.

  171. Please forward this to me.

    Tomorrow… Look Out.

  172. Leon, after I upped my deadlift weight to 135, I felt a bit of effort. Also, my shoulders pained a bit for a couple of hours. I hope this is not out of the ordinary.

    Normal. Should pass.


    I have this album. I play it without irony.

  173. *sings*

    Cyn’s gonna cut a bitch!

  174. 6 AM until now.

    Almost a double.

    I have to get up in about 8 hours and do it again tomorrow.

    Living the dream. Living the dream.

  175. I’ve registered and paid my fee for Calc III. I’m committed, I guess, to this. God help me.

    Going back to college? Finishing or starting anew?

  176. Chumpo, some ascii codes for you


    Press down the ALT key, and type out the number using the numeric keys on the right of your keyboard

  177. Cyn, I just sent you an email to your cocks account.

  178. I did Calc III during a six-week summer session. You got this, Alex.

  179. If you have health insurance, is there any benefit at all to buying a personal injury coverage rider on your auto insurance too? Asking for a friend.

    *I bought a car for the first time in 8 years a few weeks ago and I’m supposed to sign the decline thingy*

  180. Hotspur, Cyn does not check out the cocks frequently anymore.

  181. Tanks, Hawtspur.

  182. Isn’t she about to be single? She might start.

  183. wwwwwwel well well. Look who found a crappy old keyboard under the dessssssk,

    I like this one better. Real keys.

    What the blunt has been going on up in here? I go to the lake for some dice and come back to martial law in St Loonis.

    I blame Rossetta, who needed someone to score him some Swishers

  184. Yes Dave there is: if you have any sort of deductible or co-pay on your HIC coverage, the Auto MedPay pays first and will address those deductibles or co-pays. For the typically nominal charge, it’s worth it.

  185. Cyn does not check out the cocks frequently anymore.

    I think I may have forgotten how.

    *scrolls up to view MMM poat*

    Nope – that didn’t help a bit.

  186. Thanx Tush. (you sadistic bastard)

  187. Yo, Chumpo – have a beer and try not to spill it on your keyboard.

  188. I’ll try Kitty.
    *slips in previously spilled beer and knocks monitor off desk onto head, Stands up and bashes head into desk, spills new beer on new old keyboard*


  189. BAHAHAHAHAHA… the email Hotspur forwarded to me about the damn pool: you can click to read it as a webpage. When you first click, the address bar reads “dick.guest-touch…”.


    Yes, exactly.

  190. Let me sing you the song on my people. . .

  191. Nice one MC3PO. I hadn’t heard that one in a while. Is that you on the electric banjo or on the tiny piano?

  192. MJ says it’s like riding a bike.

  193. MCPO is a tiny pianist.

  194. Sean plays the penny whistle!

  195. Speaking of the Dropkick Murphys, I nominate this for H2 Theme Song.

    We could have a singalong at a meatup.

  196. Thanks everyone. It’s an online class, since I travel enough at work that attending class would be problematic. I’m trying to get a few more math classes knocked out before next summer so I can start looking towards grad school in either statistics or economics.

  197. I’m pre-math.

  198. I’m post-math. Working toward post-English.

  199. I just had to help wiserson’s gf with her stats homework.

    I haven’t done stats in 30+ years.

    But I nailed it. Felt really good.

    I miss stats.

  200. I’m pre-meth.

  201. I’ve always thought this was a good Hostage song.

  202. Btw, who’s got two thumbs, a TITS t-shirt and a TITS flask?

    This guy…..

  203. But I nailed it. Felt really good.

    But how did you do with the homework? :p

  204. Speaking of the Dropkick Murphys, I nominate this for H2 Theme Song.

    I vote no. Too Red Sox-y.

  205. Who likes old books? Is it Oso?

  206. >>>But how did you do with the homework? :p

    Heh heh heh…

    She’s cute and funny, but totally not my type.

    She’s about 3 inches shorter than me, but her legs are easily an inch longer.

    It’s a weird look on such an awkward girl.

  207. He nailed the homework.

  208. She’s cute and funny, but totally not my type.

    You prefer old and bitter?

  209. and only 3 decades younger.

  210. I like books, period. (Second the Sean vote)

  211. >>>You prefer old and bitter?




    *shrugs shoulders

    (Personal to Scott: you mention this comment and I will kill you…)

  212. >>>He nailed the homework.

    See, this is why Scott and me are friends. He “gets” it.

    It’s all about solving the puzzle.

  213. If I mention that, you are dead.

  214. All this Irish musak is giving me an angry inch,

  215. >>>If I mention that, you are dead.

    She is the one with the licence.

  216. I have to be at work in 7 hours,

    Later taters.

  217. G’night, Scott

  218. Got an 18 hour day ahead of myself tomorrow as well.

    C’mon, chillens

  219. *Throws baseball at J’ames. Hits Phat*

  220. OMG y’all!!!! Slublog has never seen Trading Places!!!

  221. Somebody that knows him needs to tell him what’s what. What’s next, no Coming to America.

  222. Finally tried on my TITS stuff. My tank top is too small dammit and the v-neck shirt is pushing it. They do run on the small side it seems.

  223. Gimme a sec and I’ll offer up a pix.

  224. **thud**

  225. Cyn, try taking off your bra and see if that helps.

  226. Huh. Was listening to an old comedy skit that referenced Joe Isuzu. I wondered whatever happened to Isuzu – turns out they quit manufacturing for the US in 2009 except for commercial vehicles.

  227. And open your shades a little more.

    //rustles in the bushes a bit

  228. Did anybody catch anybody else siphoning gas out of their tank today?

  229. For Leon

  230. Cyn, try taking off your bra and see if that helps.

    *bobbles head*

    Oh! Okay!

  231. I love old books. Old maps too.

    Evening. Cripes, what a schedule, Scott.

  232. Tight.

  233. Hi Lipstick!

    *slides over an Absolut on the rocks with an umbrella*

  234. Cyn’s order came in


  236. Got it!

  237. The boxers are really comfy; I may keep those, and the tank shirt, to sleep in.

  238. Excellent!

  239. Pepe, ElgIntensity has a youtube channel that’s occasionally worth watching.

  240. Cyn, everyone knows that nicotine withdrawal causes boobage increasage.

  241. Wait – you mean I can expect the girls to get BIGGER?! Gah!

  242. HA! One of the pics I took I must have zoomed in on the mirror a bit much, trying to get the shirt logo. Ooof. That was a bit much on the boobage. Yeah um noooooo.

  243. The TITS logo really did come out well and the back with The List looks killer; looked good on all the stuff I bought.
    *raises glass to Mr. Chumpo*

  244. Shit. I had to spend money on NepLex stuff, so I could only get the one TITS shirt.

  245. Thanks for the drink, Cynnie-poo! Those boxers look comfy.

    I just ordered my stuff yesterday.

  246. The store isn’t going anywhere anytime soon so you (or anyone) can always get something down the road.

  247. Holy Smokes Cyn, nice TITS!!

  248. I ordered both tops in a medium – they seriously run small. If there’s any question on the size you’ve ordered, order the next size NOW so it will get to you in time and send the other back as a return. CafePress has that 30-day money back guarantee.

  249. Cyn, my point was, I’ll either only be able to wear the shirt to one TITS event, or be smelly at a couple.

  250. 😀

    A TITS logo on each side of the shirt and I’m in serious trouble. Or I’ll be making killer tips.

  251. Wear your “The Hostages” blue one Friday and TITS on Saturday. Sunday we’re all hung over so we’re not really going to care what you wear, right?!

  252. Gotta also wear one of the shirts Cathy made for my blog.

  253. There ya go. All set.

  254. Speaking of Cathy, I got her final “decline” on attending TITS. Darn it.

  255. No pants, of course.

  256. Seriously, I’m not bringing any pants.

  257. Me either.

    And apparently not a swimsuit either. Grrrrr. (Still waiting to hear back on this bullshit)

  258. Yeah, I’m starting to get annoyed by that.

  259. You guys should protest in downtown Tempe. No Pool! No Peace!

  260. Is there a Qwik Trip we can loot?

  261. I’ve already started saving up bottles and rags.

  262. Rosetta is pretty much our version of Al Sharpton, right?

  263. Except for hair, skin color, and speaking cogently and succinctly, yep – they’re like identical twins.

  264. Rubber fist we much.

  265. Holy fucking shit.

  266. MJ~!

  267. Needs a bigger rock.

  268. **tap**tap**tap**

    Is this thing on?

  269. it’s night time, XB


    It was dead up until about 45 minutes ago, right about the time I was eating my dinner. Everybody and their bossy but kinda slow uncle showed up right about then.

  271. Sean, do you use the community microwave?

  272. I’m groovin’ to the 1812 Overture. Which, you always hear the cannon part around the 4th of July.

    But it’s funny, the music has absolutely nothing to do with the US. It’s the celebration of the defense of Moscow against Napoleon.

  273. Anyone get driven home in a police car in MO?

  274. Is it wrong that I laughed at Hayes getting pelted by the angelic urban yutes?

  275. Where in the world is MJ today?

  276. I use the office microwave sometimes, but tonight I had a sammich.

  277. I tried to use one of the break room microwaves once…once. I take cold lunch in my Stitch lunchbox.

  278. If it’s looking scummy, I’ll swab it out with Lysol wipes.

  279. Maintenance cleans both micros every day. I have issues. I tried to heat a breakfast sammich once. Couldn’t do it. Dan usually preps my free breakfast foods when we are traveling. Brings to room.

  280. I’m watching Joss Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing. It’s annoying that they try to put it in a modern setting but keep the dialogue absolutely the same. It’s even worse when they try to keep the “cadence”.

  281. I keep my micro at home pretty fucking spotless.

    But I’ve also used the microwave in a Super8 Motel without even thinking about it

  282. >> Yes Dave there is: if you have any sort of deductible or co-pay on your HIC coverage, the Auto MedPay pays first and will address those deductibles or co-pays. For the typically nominal charge, it’s worth it.

    Thanks honey.

  283. Still in KC. Leave for Charlotte tomorrow then off to Detroit.

  284. I actually liked that movie, CA. Don’t know why, though.

    Have you seen Patrick Stewart in “MacBeth”? I liked that one, too.

  285. There…are…FOUR…lights!!!

  286. Sorry. Different Patrick Stewart performance.

    I also enjoyed him in “Facepalm.”

  287. If it doesn’t have Buffy or Kaylee being cute and perky, I ain’t watching.

  288. Buffy sucks.

  289. Faith swallows.

  290. Colex gets it.

  291. Now I’m ready to close my eyes
    Yes now I’m ready to close my mind
    Now I’m ready to feel your hands
    Lose my derp on the burning sand

  292. Morning.

    Woke up waaay early, yay (?) for me.

  293. Cyn’s pics of the TITS gear show the logos coming out larger than they appear on the Cafe Press site. Which, IMO, is good.

    Everyone can now rest easily since Ms. Lippy’s fashion view has been revealed to the world.

  294. It feels like fall now. Cool nights, warm sunny days in the 70’s. Fall is my favorite season but it’s way too early. NY Post had a story last week about the polar vortex making an early return. Prior to last winter I never heard of a polar vortex.

    Morning Lipstick.

  295. Watching the commercials for the Infiniti vehicle back up cameras/warning system makes me wonder if the people depicted in the ads are idiots. While the concept is a good idea and will eventually come down in price and become standard equipment, the actors on the commercial seem mystified that a vehicle is approaching them as they back up into traffic.

  296. the actors on the commercial seem mystified that a vehicle is approaching them as they back up into traffic.

    A lot of drivers seem mystified that other people are on the road with them. Irritated that we are using their road, even.

  297. Steals a pack of Swisher Sweets…

    *bumrushes Jay*

  298. Morning Jimbro, J’Ames.

    Are cars going to end up doing too much for us? Though it gives me the giggles when thieves are thwarted by a stick shift.

  299. Morning, Lipstick.

    Do gunmetal shoes go with khaki pants?

  300. If Jimbro rushes me with a Swisher Sweet, does that make it blunt force trauma?

    *runs before I’m beaten to death for a bad pun

  301. I’m standing here slack jawed at the awesomeness of that pun.

    (insert golf clap link)

  302. oso is gonna kill me later.

  303. Well, that speech by Sir Shanks-a-lot sure calmed everyone the fuck down, didn’t it.

  304. He’s known for his calming influence. I know he sure cures my low blood pressure, with his speeches!

    It’s a MIRACLE!

  305. wakey

  306. I’m just glad obama came back to DC to … what did he come back for?

    I know he partied at Sam Kass’s house last night.

  307. Car in, are you free Friday night or no?

  308. Morning, children.

  309. Other than knowing he returned to DC and delivered some platitudes I have no idea Car in. Pretty sure most of the country knows about as much. O needed to check the box to show concern.

  310. Nope. I have to work. Between people taking vacations, and me needing friday money … plus I work a long double on saturday.

  311. Jimbro, there is also speculation that he did it to exchange Wee One 1 for Wee One 2.

  312. Okay, well, that simplifies the planning a little. I was thinking Novi or Northville might be a little closer for you.

    Ann Arbor won’t be unreasonable, then, and MJ can actually experience the Ghetto Bar.

  313. How is the Ghetto Bar, leon?

  314. Ghetto. Well, as Ghetto as a bar in Ann Arbor abutting a neighborhood full of middle-class ethnic diversity can be.

  315. There are several nice niche grocers within sight of it. I might go early so I can shop for spices.

  316. Do I need to do another “topical” poat or is someone else game?

  317. What – their Royal Majesties can’t handle more than one kid at a time?

    Try having 3 daughters in various stages of adolescence under one roof, you pikers.

  318. Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.

  319. And a rainy day. Yay skywater.

  320. Leon: do it.

  321. Gonna be a few minutes, work is busy today and I just finished prepping my crock pot o’ goodness for the week.

  322. Done. And it’s deeply awful.

  323. For some reason the new wordpuss interface isn’t putting a link at the bottom of this poat.

  324. Topical Tuesday

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