Up On Cripple Meme

If you didn’t get the above meme.


  1. This post has that “fallin’ off the bone” quality to it Jay!

  2. (which is a complement in my country)

  3. I had a bunch of those For Rectal Use Only stickers at some point. Same as small googlie eye stickers. The problem is that they’re funny a couple of times and then when you’re waiting for the next opportunity to deploy them you forget you have them entirely.

  4. The light had a special quality to it this morning when I first woke up. Everything looked like it had an orange-ish hue to it which I’m sure is entirely explained by unique atmospheric conditions and not a portent for Election 2024.

  5. I don’t know about you but a single wet wipe is insufficient to clean my fingers after eating something messy. Unless there’s a pile of them to use I view it as the rule for firearms that goes “a handgun is only good to fight your way to a rifle”. A single wet wipe will let me get to a sink with running water, soap and a towel of some sort.

  6. Paula’s experiment with overnight shifts is drawing to a close soon, mid to late May. If she had nothing else going on it would work well in terms of # of shifts, pay differential. bonuses the hospital offers to get coverage, etc. But between everything else she does it eventually wears her down. Every few years she tries it with the same result which I remind her of each time she does it. Being the stand up guy I am I never mention it when she opts to go back to day shift. I really deserve an award for that.

  7. Wakey Wakey

    /looks in junk drawer for an award for jimbro

  8. On a whim I picked up some Elote Corn Dip last week and I finally had some last night. It was just okay. I know I’ve heard of elote before and when I looked up a recipe for it this morning I got “Mexican street corn”. I have not been to Mexico and cannot confirm whether their streets are paved with corn or not but I do know Mexican street corn was a foodie thing a while back. The first recipe I came across looked like it would taste better than the store bought stuff but I am not sure we have the cheese that’s mentioned (Cotija)


  9. *pins assortment of strings, electrical caps and dried out superglue tubes to shirt and beams*

  10. *ponders why the doc never thinks his hands are clean enough

    *wipes hands on pants

  11. should I have a list of supplements I take for my doctor? no one has asked before and she keeps pushing vaccines. all of them.

  12. The doctor doesn’t know what any of them are for, Jay. Don’t waste your time unless she’s trying to put you on a blood thinner and you’re already taking something that does that. A lot of them do.

  13. Jimbro, to forbear from saying “I told you so” demonstrates the kind of maturity and love that make a wonderful spouse.

    *adds little glitter star to pile of junk pinned to your shirt*

  14. I generally tell them that I take fish oil and leave the rest out. Unless you’re on a prescription medication from them there’s no interactions for them to be concerned with. Hell, you can search for interactions on the world wide web on your own without them getting involved.

  15. If you really felt like wasting your time you could send this to her office. But that would identify you as a subversive.


  16. Tell her you take earwig oil.

  17. I do feel like doing that. My old doctor used to work with my aunt in my hometown, so when he denied me ivermectin when I couldn’t “get” paxlovid I didn’t make a deal out of it (I didn’t want it, but they said it was unavailable, and my wife just got a prescription for it. She took it, because her doctor told her to, and she had just had stomach band surgery and was listening to everything. Turns out it made her sick, so she only took one dose). Kind of like that family friend thing.

    With her I have no such attachment. But I get lectured on the boosters, and my one word answer NO doesn’t seem to prevent such interactions. Now we are going on about RSV vaccine (NO). I don’t mind being the “crazy” one.

  18. heh, nice list laura

    So what’s the difference between the polio vaccine since 2000 that Siri listed, and the ones we took on the sugar cube in the 70’s?

  19. She’s just a pushy salespig for pharma, following a script. She oinks the required words to every single client and occasionally a food pellet drops down the chute. It’s all most of them are anymore.

  20. I don’t know, haven’t researched it Jay.

  21. i hate new doctors, that last article just depressed me.

    All those years of something that actually eradicated polio (my grandmother had polio as a child, she wore shoes with extended soles her whole life, one leg was shorter than the other because of it). It was safe, it was cheap, it worked. Now Big Pharma decides that we need something better.

  22. My new PCP is a PA and my interactions with her are minimal, typically a once a year “physical” devoted to not much other than checking the box to say we did it. I get offered the vaccines and a simple “No thanks” ends the algorithm without further discussion.

    • OPV is safe and effective. However, in extremely rare cases (at a rate of approximately 1 in 2.7 million doses) the weakened vaccine-virus in OPV can cause vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP). The extremely low risk of VAPP is accepted by public health programmes given the strong protection OPV otherwise provides.
    • In places where not enough children are immunized against polio, the weakened vaccine-virus can pass through the community and, in rare instances over time, genetically revert to a form that can cause paralysis. This is known as variant poliovirus, or cVDPV, which is now the most prevalent form of polio.
  23. so big pharma is actually causing new polio cases. Nice work, Pfizer and Bill Gates.

  24. The most prevalent form of polio is the one caused by the current polio vaccine. Fantastic. Thanks for looking that up, Jay. Holy shit.

  25. when they tell you that they are on the side of history, the right side, and you are wrong:

  26. great memes, Jay, but my favorite was about the grocery store.

  27. When I went for my cataract surgery a few weeks ago the nurses were astonished every time they asked me what medications I was taking. I would say none, and some of them would go on to say something like “Oh my. You’re very healthy then.” Like that was something

    I would just think to myself, “No, I’m not getting on that treadmill.”

    Before my parents died they were at the doctor’s office at lease once every week. For years.

    It used to drive me crazy because I could see it was a racket. Especially up north where the doctors were sponging off medicare.

    It’s pretty fucked up, and I’m not falling for it.

  28. Language warning about magic dong club

  29. Triplets born to a white male-black female married couple.

    I think that’s like a 6 sigma event right there.

  30. For Kamala: that Venn diagram is a point.

  31. Scott brought up a valid point last night. Why doesn’t Noem say, “Obama ate a dog.”?

  32. Gutfeld bashed her, Crowder bashed her, Deace bashed her.


  33. Just go for the gusto and say “0bama ate a dick”.

  34. they all say “killed a puppy”, “couldn’t train her”

    All false. Gutfeld actually said “well, if the dog killed livestock and tried to attack a person I could understand it”. All of which happened.

  35. The point is to get Tim Scott in the slot, I suspect.

    Melanated Pence.

  36. Magic penis is funny.

  37. Thursday is Sessanta day! 

    Sobek might know.

  38. CFIAC

  39. heh, columbia gave in, and they occupied another building.

  40. they are now assaulting students at columbia. charges should be sought.

  41. I don’t think the university system has much time left. Even forgiving all the loans won’t keep students going into war zones.

  42. This guy gets it. He describes the Noem situation. Yes, i agree she is done in the VP race, but it isn’t deserved.


  43. The US Navy had its hands full around Guadalcanal. Not the least of which was the technical superiority of the Japanese torpedoes. They had a much longer range than the American ones.

  44. I agree, it isn’t deserved. I’ve never shot a dog, I’ve never needed to. But it’s not just on farms and ranches, dogs are shot in rural areas for reasons other than going after the chickens or lambs. They’ll also run deer down, especially if they can form a pack with other domestic dogs. Property owners in northern Michigan will shoot a dog caught running deer in a heartbeat.

    This is all right out of the Alinsky playbook. If she really did have a chance at the vp slot, they would have eventually found something to otherize and attack her for.

    Look what they did to Palin.

    It was really really really dumb of her to write (brag) about it. She may as well have swatted a wasp nest while wearing shorts and a tank top.

  45. That’s the thing, it’s from a book. Probably describing life on a farm. Its not like it was during a campaign speech.

  46. I remember checking out the book “Guadalcanal Diary” when I was in elementary school. I don’t think I read much of it but looked at the pictures. I always thought Guadalcanal was a really weird name for an island in the Pacific Ocean. It’s an island that’s a canal!

  47. Columbia wants more, and more, and more.

  48. Great point.

  49. OSO! Look what’s going on in New Mexico!

  50. Columbia wants more, and more, and more.

    Of course they do. The administrators are just too chickenshit to publicly admit it. They agree with the protesters.

    The left have a real dilemma on their hands. They don’t want to lose the jews, and they’re too skeered to stick up to the muzzies.

    The children want their riots, and they’re going to have them.

  51. Children? The vast majority are older than your average Marine Corps recruit standing on the yellow footprints at Parris Island. They are adults.

    And I hope this haunts them the rest of their lives, ruins their careers, and limits their opportunities, in material ways.

  52. They are adults.

    Sarcasm, man. I think you know what I meant.

  53. Surprised to see the cops show up. Riley Gaines and a TPUSA speaker were held hostage on campus. Not allowed to leave.

  54. Lujan knows it’s a shit sandwich she doesn’t want to eat

  55. “One out of three Biden voters are as dumb as the other two”

  56. Columbia students take over building, now they want food

  57. true dat, jimbro!

    Just wall off the cities, let them rule! Columbia is in New York, they already made a movie about it.

  58. students who took over the hall will now be suspended

  59. The next leader meeting: “Next time, lets take over the food court area.”

  60. Saying they “face expulsion” is an empty threat. “…are summarily expelled (check your emails) and have [x minutes] to vacate the campus. Their belongings will be transported to the campus police for pickup, or shipped back to their address of record…” is actual expulsion. They want to look tough but they are going to protect donor kids and rich foreigners and only expel the grubbies who got swept up in the excitement.

  61. Has anybody told these kids that they are working for the Iranian mullahs? Do you think they would even know what that means?

  62. Of the 16 people arrested at the SUB this AM, 5 were current students. 4 were former students. The Dean of Students gets to determine what will happen to the students. Dean of Students is married to my AG cousin. Dan dropped the C yoU Next Tuesday when the reporter said the decision will rest with Nacho. My Uncle was part of the UNM anti Viet Nam protest where they burnt down the ROTC building. UNM…commies in training for over 50 years.

  63. Columbia students take over building, now they want food

    2/10 would hit…….and then choke to death.

  64. This pup is like a cross between my red ACD girl (one eye masked and sweet temperament) and my blue ACD boy (overall coloring). The heart, it tugs. You never forget your first loves. Cattle dogs are so different.

  65. “face expulsion” is an empty threat

    Definitely. Sounds good on the surface but it won’t stick. They’re hoping to wrap up the school year ASAP so everyone can move on to the next Soros-funded riot off campus. Give ’em all A grades for equity, send them home and pray there’s some other controversy in the fall that does not involve Jew killing

  66. “What’s a mullah?”

  67. Lumps – no.

  68. Also – the left is so in love with making all sorts of comparisons to that stupid Handmaidens tale —- when the ONE religion that bears the closest resemblance is Islam.

  69. That puppeh is too cute. I want him ❤️

  70. Cattle dog puppies are super cute. They are born white, like their dingo ancestors, then the colors come later. Dorkus was 2 years old when we adopted him, but our red gal was 8 weeks at adoption and oh my gawd, cutest. CUTEST PUPPY.

  71. It’s so funny to look at their puppy pictures compared with them now. We didn’t get to see Star or Lola as puppies because they were fully grown when they were adopted by us.

    Paula follows an ACD rescue page on facedouche and every now and then shows me a cute puppy picture from it. As much as it pains us to say no, we are full up with cattle dogs.

    In fact, at least once a week after he’s counter surfed human food, P will tell Ollie she just got off the phone with the the Bangor Humane Society and they had an opening for a blue cattle dog

  72. Neither of our ACDs were counter surfers. However, Dorkus became a kitchen-trash-dumping hound sometime before middle age and in response we moved the kitchen trash can to just outside the kitchen door, on the enclosed porch. It’s pretty hard to retrain a supersmart dog to not attack the trash can, after he’s had a taste of raw chicken trimmings and every other stinky thing dogs love that’s in there.

  73. Otto is a genius at opening doors and he loves the garbage. We have a lock on it but if its not engaged there is 0% chance he doesn’t notice.

  74. We are not ready to have another dog. I watch Dachshund reels on FB.

  75. The Cowboys for Trump guy is pretty close to family. He’s on his way to NY. He got fucked by local judges/Fed BS

  76. HHD poat is in the hopper for tomorrow.

    I want to go on a fine rant about our healthcare system, but I’m too tired to do that right now. Suffice to say that they knew my dad had a tumor from a CT done April 19, but we won’t find out until May 2 what it is and how to treat it. They are yanking his chain, and I don’t like it.

  77. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼For Roma

  78. Did Edwin receive permission?

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