Meme Machine

Halp halp

War Hammer

I would have throat-punched immediately


  1. Howdy doobies

  2. gold

  3. OK so apparently the exercises I have been doing- back extensions, crunches, etc. for lower back pain are NOT good for people over a certain age because they encourage certain things to happen to your spine that maybe one should avoid at that point. Found this guy and I like his channel. Some moves I had been doing for my shoulders were really aggravating my rotator cuffs, that’s how I found him and found out that those moves were just bad to do, period. That’s a different video, but here’s a good one for core strength if you are over…let’s say, 29, hehe.

  4. Grandson on the way for a visit today. It’s been since Christmas that we last saw him because his mother is batshit crazy and, as the society pages say, estranged from the boy’s father.

    Court Part 1 was this week and obviously it went well. She arrived without counsel yet has recently bought a Mustang and paid for a family trip to Disney. I’d imagine they’re being paid for on an installment plan.

  5. I saw a video from “DocJenFit” (pretty sure that was it) about low back training and the whole 5 minute video consisted of her setting up for a static back extension position in her living room, performing it and telling the viewer that duration of this exercise is associated with likelihood of future low back pain. It could have been a one minute video in a gym with the proper equipment. I mean, she’s easy on the eyes, but people got shit to do and there’s hundreds of videos about LBP out there.

  6. Just watched The Long Ryders – “I Had a Dream” video. Great song, okay video but it left me wondering why the band was playing in the guy’s garage while he was at work. Funny dream I guess!

  7. Yeah, that’s the kind of stuff this other guy recommends against. The shoulder stuff really resonated with me. Upright rows are great for encouraging impingement and pain.

  8. I’m not corporate, don’t know much about computers, but “you have exactly 10 seconds to get the fuck out of my house” made me laugh out loud.

    Nice set of memes, Pups. Niiiiiice.

  9. Mares eats oats and doe’s eats oats and little lambs eat ivy, a kidd will eat ivy too, how bout you….

    Glad you still exist Mare

  10. Good morning, Scumbags. 

  11. l feel like I need to find out where the closest tiddy bar is for the next time one of my male dogs has a birthday. Or maybe I shouldn’t discriminate for just the boys.

  12. I was in a strip bar in Dallas back in 83 and set at a table next to an old man, probably late 80’s, who was dressed in a suit and tie. I’d guess he spent $500 or better on the girls during the time we were there. We were beneficiaries of his largess due to proximity. I’m 64 and feel no need whatsoever to go to a strip club. If I had $500 to piss away I’d piss it away on something else.

  13. Knife discussion for Pepe

  14. I’m always hurt you guys don’t ask me what exercises you should be doing.

    Wakey wakey.


  16. I watched that clip three times. It got better each time.

  17. Another feel good clip

  18. They’re getting worried about the crazy far left protests. DEPLOY THE FEDS

  19. I’m sure CNN was notified before they even belted their khakis.

  20. I smoked some chicken and Polska and mowed the grass. Y’all haven’t been very chatty but I hope you are living your best lives or at least fishing off a bass boat with live slugs.

  21. It was a beautiful day here. Grandson was over for part of it. He was happy being here and seeing his dad … I was concerned because it’s been a few months and he’s almost at the stranger danger phase or so my wife says, I didn’t learn that in med school. I had dog monitor duty and chose to spend my time in purgatory on the porch with a stogie. Paula just went for an overnight shift with only a one hour nap – pray for Oso.

  22. After work I went apeshit in the garden and now I am tired and gross and my shower is going to feel amazing. Finally skinned the greenhouse today. Even if there’s frost in the forecast everything out there is hardy now. Second crop of japanese turnips sown outside. Sowed two humongous pots of scorzonera, now that I know I like them. Cleared some bolting plants out of the way. Moved some timbers. Raked a shittonne of stuff from over here to over there. Dragged humongous pots of soil from over there to over here. Planted my tree kale in its forever home. Dug up a bunch of stupid invasive shit. Etcetera and so forth, very productive and satisfying day.

    Then hubby sat me down and taught me how to tie a couple knots for fishing. I need to practice but I think I retained most of it in the three minute demo. He also wants to teach me how to back up a boat trailer but I think now he’s pushing it and needs to do baby steps.

  23. I am going to try and get out on the river for the first time in 30 years.

    The river is finally back in it’s banks.

  24. I walk and golfed 18 and shot the worst round in about 3 years. Didn’t even break 100. It’s pretty windy here, with wind at 15 mph with gust over 20. Planted 4 tomato plants and fenced the corner of the yard where they are planted. I did the fencing to kept the dog from messing with them. Mowed the yard and now am done.

  25. I took Salty for a consult for her second tongue, AKA ranula. Was given a strange word, marsupilazation as a treatment. Cutting a hole in it, turning inside out, and stitching shut. Still no price tag in thousands. I am guessing 5 mimumum.

  26. Deer entered Rowan’s property.

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