Big Nice Bewb Sunday

Hello body surfers and welcome to big ol’ titteh Sunday. With so many of our friends in peril of being Irene’d good and hard, let’s all take a moment to tell them to STFU and keep bailing.

Your model for today was born in St. Joesph, Michigan not very long ago, and burst on to the scene as a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model this year. She has since modeled for Beach Bunny swimwear and Victoria’s Secret. She finds herself strangely attracted to big friendly dogs and has an insatiable need to view funny gifs. Please keep your hands to yourself and welcome Kate Upton:

She seems nice.

Look up history of the day yourself. I’m a busy dog.


[UPDATE: Rosetta]


  1. You get yourself wise and go to church.

  2. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    Ohai, pups.

  3. WTF are you booing about expired rodent?

    I’m going for quality and not quantitty.

  4. Hahahahaha.

    Blondes don’t do much for me. I do like her quantitties, though.

  5. Good job Pup!

  6. I don’t know if she could go running with those things. Her legs look a little spindly.

  7. Nicely done

    *gives pupster a soup bone*

  8. **gets out phone,,,,checks calendar**

    Nice looking girl, pupster. Have you humped her leg?

  9. DD#1 just checked in – apparently the storm passed over Philly last night, kicked some butt; kid slept through the whole thing, woke up this morning, going “What’s the big deal?”.

    Girl takes after her momma……

    Hope the Connecticut morons are doing OK – Scott, you be careful; it sounds like you are experiencing “the eye” right now, so you will probably be getting more wind and rain in a while when the backside (the more severe stuff, BTW) blows through.

    We’re heading out to take DD#3 to New York; will catch you guys when we can (I’m doing most of the driving, ‘cuz I love it). Stay safe!

  10. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday on Sunday. And some Rule 5 for the […]

  11. NIce job, pups.

  12. Be safe TiFW

  13. Kate Upton is fat.

    Good job Pup.

  14. Andy, did you get killed by hurricane Irene?

  15. Rosetta – WTF??!

  16. Is Wiser dead yet?

    I, for one, hope he survived……his hangover.

  17. Yes

  18. Carin are you sore today?

  19. So I take it Andy and fairy land Rose are alright

  20. Good point.

  21. SoHoS – You give Andy a hug while I beat the crap out of Rosetta – K?

  22. I will trade you this gif for a Henry update.

  23. Yes


  24. Rosetta – Who issued you an absence excuse for yesterday?

  25. Kate Upton is fat.

    Now, that’s just mean. Judging by some of Kate’s twitt pics, she’ll be out of Vouge and into Lane Bryant soon enough.

    *makes the wrist-bend drinky-drinky motion*

  26. I will trade you this gif for a Henry update.

    Henry is doing great. He just had breakfast and I’m entertaining his ass while Mrs Rosetta sleeps in.

    Lazy woman.

  27. Rosetta you made all the hostages cry yesterday with worry punk bitch

  28. ‘morning, wind-riders.

  29. Ahhh, time for the post breakfast diaper change. Don’t forget to change Henry as well.

  30. OMGosh, OMGosh…..Wiser didn’t die.

    Stupid hurricane.

    “Rosetta you made all the hostages cry yesterday with worry punk bitch”

    Amen and well said.

  31. Best Big Nice Bewb Sunday evar.

  32. Rosetta – Who issued you an absence excuse for yesterday?

    We ended up having a party yesterday so my planned boob time was spent going to the store, cleaning house and drinking booze.

    I was going to do BBF today but Pup beat me to it.

    Nice job, Pup!

  33. OMGosh, OMGosh…..Wiser didn’t die.

    Not dead, but damn, my toe hurts like a royal BITCH!!!

  34. I was going to do BBF today but Pup beat me to it.

    He should have beat your ass.

  35. Did I miss my invitation to the party!!?!?!?!??

    *re-checks email*
    *sees no invitation*
    *opens fresh bottle of vodka*

  36. Why is Ace dignifying that cumdumpster’s remarks with a response?

    Let it go, man. She’s not worth it.

  37. Why is Ace dignifying that cumdumpster’s remarks with a response?

    Agreed. She became meaningless to me a bunch of years ago with her non-stop over-the-top OMG!!11!1!1! outrage at every single thing on the planet. tiresome in the extreme.

    Actually, I lost interest in her as soon as I saw that she looks absolutely nothing like the woman she wants me to think she looks like. Strikes me as bit of an attention-whore.

  38. Hotspur – I would have just re=posted her bikini vlog and left it at that. She’s a delusional scrunt who sees a jihadi behind every bush.

  39. Good Morning cool kids.

    *looks at Scott with pleading eyes and empty cup*

  40. Good Morning cool kids.

    ‘morning, Cynabuns.

    *pours a new cup of coffee and adds just a bit of Kahlua

    here ya go, baby.

  41. Mornin Mud-crusted Morons and Gloaters!

    *sips coffee*

    *checks forecast – still above 100+*


  42. I think blog fights are fun to watch.

    Makes Ace step up his game.

  43. Best Big Nice Bewb Sunday evar.


  44. You look lovely this morning, Cyn.

    Doing something new with your hair?

  45. Hahahahaha

    Wiser, someone posited here yesterday that you were the one who originally referred to her as Atlas Jugs. I hope it’s true.

  46. If you don’t hear from me for a day, please consult this breakdown:

    Odds that something seriously bad happened – 1:989,870,566

    Odds that I’m drunk at a party – 989,870,565:989,870,566

  47. Cathy – When I got up, it was about 70, with winds out of the west at about 20-25 mph. Raining again now.

  48. Nice Bewb Sunday is a gonzo idea.

    Good doggie, Pupster.

  49. Chief, that sounds lovely.

    Love the smell of rain and wet earth.

  50. Wiser, someone posited here yesterday that you were the one who originally referred to her as Atlas Jugs. I hope it’s true.

    as much as I’d like to take credit for that, I don’t think that was me. Probably Eddiebear.

  51. Excellent Bewbage Pupster!

  52. Cathy – It’s OK. I could do without all of the organic debris flying around.

  53. vegetable garden I worked on all year is getting shithammered. Got one whole tomato so far this year and now, it’s gonna be destroyed.

    Already lost the top of one of the trees in my backyard.

    And the storm hasn’t even really hit us yet. Not supposed to be over us until around 2pm

  54. *wonders… Did Scott drink all that coffee yesterday?*

  55. adds just a bit of Kahlua

    Yum and Thank you!
    Cyn ♥s wiserbuns.

  56. Bummer, man.

    You need to seriously examine why God is punishing you like this.

  57. Sorry about your garden, Wiser.


  58. *wonders… Did Scott drink all that coffee yesterday?*

    knowing Scott….. yes.

  59. OK, network affiliate muthafuckas. If I wanted to watch wall-to-wall Hurricaneageddon coverage, I’d put it on the weather channel.

    How about the usual Sunday morning political crap, huh?

  60. organic debris flying

    Watching a bit of mention on this raw sewage issue…yikes!

    People are gonna be killing each other for antibiotics and clean water in those places.

  61. Hotspur – God is punishing Wiser because he chose to live among the Demo-zombies in Connect-the-cuts.

  62. >>Comment by Hotspur on August 28, 2011 10:48 am
    Bummer, man.
    You need to seriously examine why God is punishing you like this.<<

    HotSauce, why don't you take a stab at it and just tell him why…

  63. “How about the usual Sunday morning political crap, huh?”

    Sir, may I have another?

  64. Sorry to hear that wiser. So far it’s at the “I’ve been through worse Nor’easters” stage here, but we’re getting some pretty nice wind gusts now and the electricity has flirted with going out a couple of times.

  65. Has anyone heard from Scott & Laura?

  66. Yeah I don’t understand why Ace would spend so much time and effort on this faggoty sissy slap fight.

    This would have been the entirety of my response:

    “Your analysis is wrong. Shut the fuck up, cow”

  67. You need to seriously examine why God is punishing you like this.

    It’s because I touch myself, isn’t it?

  68. Sinful

  69. MCPO; yes:

    Comment by scott on August 28, 2011 8:26 am
    77% of our town is without power.

    I’m wanting to hear from Geoff soon here.

  70. Cyn – Thank you, darlin’!

    *slips a shot of Jameson into Cyn’s coffee*

  71. If I wanted to watch wall-to-wall Hurricaneageddon coverage, I’d put it on the weather channel.

    My favorite part:


    Anchor: “heh heh heh. great report, Stormy. Be safe out there, okay?”

  72. Just lost power.

  73. And now, here’s some more dramatic video of cars trying to drive through large puddles!!!

  74. YAY!!! Andy gets to use his generator!!!

  75. HotSauce, why don’t you take a stab at it and just tell him why…

    No, he has to examine his conscience.

  76. Carin are you sore today?

    My calves are a bit sore. No more than I usually get after my long runs.

  77. Screw the hurricane, my night cream didn’t perform as advertised.

  78. Welcome hon!
    Cyn ♥s MCPO

  79. Just lost power.

    we will at some point today, but our lines are underground, so we usually do okay at times like these.

    Just let the cat back in the house. He’s just sitting there, looking shell-shocked.

  80. OK, network affiliate muthafuckas. If I wanted to watch wall-to-wall Hurricaneageddon coverage, I’d put it on the weather channel.

    How about the usual Sunday morning political crap, huh?

    No shit. I fucking hate the way idiot journalists cover storms.

    I want to hear teh Krugman on This Week reviewing the movie Keynsians & Aliens, not watch some jackass stand in the rain.

  81. Cyn is going to be drunk preeeeetty early this morning.


  83. *slips a shot of Jameson into Cyn’s coffee*

    How’s that coffee tasting, Cyn? ‘nuther cup?

    *slips a rufie in into cyn’s coffee.

  84. (that was for your comment on the night cream, btw)

  85. Screw the hurricane, my night cream didn’t perform as advertised.

    Honey, they just don;t make night cream powerful enough for

    *points in general direction of mare’s face and does circle


  86. Mare – What was your night cream supposed to do??

  87. >>Comment by MCPO Airdale on August 28, 2011 11:03 am
    Mare – What was your night cream supposed to do??<<

    Um. Perform!


  88. Apparently someone fed Henry late-night Taco Bell.

    He’s like The Exorcist today, except out of his ass.

  89. He’s like The Exorcist today, except out of his ass.

    It’s soooo much funnier when it’s happening to someone else

  90. It’s soooo much funnier when it’s happening to someone else

    I bet.

    Did you get the Henry picture I sent you a couple of days ago?

  91. Apparently someone fed Henry late-night Taco Bell.

    Wasn’t me. I fed it to Floyd.

  92. What happened to Mrs. Rosetta? Why are you changing diapers?

  93. Did you get the Henry picture I sent you a couple of days ago?

    Don’t think so. You mailed it?

  94. People on facebook are pissing me off with the blinding stupidity. It’s up to you guys to distract me and save me from myself.

  95. What happened to Mrs. Rosetta? Why are you changing diapers?

    He’s the one with the most experience, having changed MCPO’s so often at the meat-ups.

  96. Way to go Roamy!

  97. How long till we start seeing headlines like these…..

    “Obama takes charge of Hurricane”

  98. It’s up to you guys to distract me and save me from myself.

    *holds up a shiny penny


    (that should keep her busy for a few hours…..)

  99. Oooo Ooooo! Ron Paul is going to be on FNS! Can’t wait!

    *guzzles coffee from wiser*

  100. I don’t think I brewed enough coffee. We might be out of power for a week or more.

  101. “Obama takes charge of Hurricane”

    Already had it on a crawl on Fox News.

  102. We might be out of power for a week or more.

    Oh, that sucks, dude.

    My invitation still stands.

  103. grainy campfire coffee is best anyway scott

  104. I don’t think I brewed enough coffee. We might be out of power for a week or more.

    bummer 😦

    I’ll mail you a cup.

  105. Scott – QUICK! Find a Dunkin Donuts!!!

  106. *drinks another cup of coffee for Scott*

    I got your back, man.

  107. Tried that already MCPO. The entire town is out and traveling isn’t easy.

  108. Scott – Electric stove? We have gas and an old, stove top, percolator coffee pot for times when the electricity goes out (usually when we get an ice storm).

  109. Did you see a lot of damage Scott?

  110. Store still has working coffee.
    What happened in NYC?

  111. Back when I was in the Nam, man, we had to drink our coffee any way we could get it, man.

    I remember one time, when me and my guys were hunkered down at Taint, just outside of Poon Tang, man, and we made coffee out of dirt and cold urine. And we were glad to have it, man.

  112. Man, Scott, that really sucks. Wish I could loan you and Laura my generator. If you were closer I would, but then if you were closer, my power would probably be out too.


  113. Lots of tree damage and closed roads.

  114. Back when I was in the Nam, man, we had to drink our coffee any way we could get it, man.

    Uhhhhh, OK.

  115. Wiser, you sound like this guy Andy at the ghetto bar. Every fucking night he tells us about his days in ‘Nam as a green beret. Then he hauls out this fucking photo he keeps on his cellphone of him supposedly on recon.


  116. Store still has working coffee.


    Scott-1, Irene-0

  117. Oh, and last night he told me for the first time that he went to SEAL school, but prefers to refer to himself as Green Beret because they’re better.

  118. Both U.S. route 130 and route 206 are closed in South Jersey, basically cutting off local traffic from Trenton to Camden.

  119. Every.Fucking.Night.

    My brother, who is a retired Marine, busts on those guys all the time..

  120. <i.Oh, and last night he told me for the first time that he went to SEAL school, but prefers to refer to himself as Green Beret because they’re better.


  121. Hotspur, your ghetto bar associate probably never left Ft. Dix during ‘Nam. . . if he ever served at all.

  122. I’ve made MRE instant coffee with a canteen cup and a bic lighter.

    I will have my coffee!

  123. HS – do you politely listen any more or has it gotten to the point where you tell him to STHU?

  124. Rosetta, when did you grow the hair and beard?

  125. HAHAHAHA! That almost needs a NSFW tag Hawtspur!


  127. I’ve made MRE instant coffee with a canteen cup and a bic lighter.

    when all else fails…..

  128. I usually tell him I’m trying to concentrate on the game.


    hey, fuck you man! My toe really hurts!!!!!

  130. I debated about it, Cyn.

  131. At least the bungee cord didn’t snap back in your face or something. That would have been awful. Funny, and awful.

  132. H/S – I can handle those jackasses for about 30 seconds. Then, I start asking them very specific questions. Their story usually falls apart after the third or fourth question. They should be shunned.

  133. Although, MJ’s picture is pretty damn close to reality

    wiserdaughter is upstairs playing around on her computer, wiserson is downstairs watching a movie, wiserbride is upstairs watching a movie and I’m inthe dining room chatting with you morons.


    brb. need more chamomile tea.

  134. That would have been awful. Funny, and awful.

    eh, it’s my own stupid fault for wearing sandals instead of sneakers.

    Probably wouldn’t have hurt so much if it hadn’t landed right on my bare toe.

  135. They should be shunned beaten mercilessly until they can no longer speak.


  136. Richard, can you view pictures on your phone?

    I tried to text the picture to your phone.

    If you didn’t get it I’ll try to resend it.

  137. Rosetta – Try my phone. . . I got it AFTER 1994.

  138. I tried to text the picture to your phone.

    No. I don’t have that capability.

    Ya see, it’s a phone.

  139. Yeah, I know, Chief. But sometimes he cracks me up.

    Friday night he was telling me all about how when he finished SEAL training he became a SEAL instructor, because SEALs don’t know how to do recon. All they know how to do is blow shit up in harbors.

    I lol’d in my pants.

  140. Rosetta – Try my phone. . . I got it AFTER 1994.

    Well, I refuse to pay $250+ a month for internet access on our phones so my kids can go on facebook.

    I’m funny like that.

  141. I get pictures on my phone…just sayin’

  142. Recently overheard at the Wiserbud household:

    “Sarah! Hello? Yeah, I’d like to make a person to person call at 596! Right 596.”

  143. Hotspur, MCPO, I used to do the skeptical questioning thing. Most of the time…. yeah, they were full of shit.

    But at my favorite ghetto bar in Indiana, the guy got a little peeved that a leg infantry guy (mechanized, at that) was questioning his bona fides.

    He brought in his DD214. And his citation for the Distinguished Service Cross.

    He was Roy P. Benavidez’s cousin, and earned his DSC in the same action that Roy earned his MoH.

    Shut me right the fuck up.

  144. “Apparently someone fed Henry late-night Taco Bell.
    He’s like The Exorcist today, except out of his ass”

    That’s what Mrs. MCPO says.

  145. I’ll carve the picture into a stone tablet and mail that to you.

    I assume you can receive mail.

  146. Wiser do you go Lieutenant Dan on your neighbors?

  147. “Sarah! Hello? Yeah, I’d like to make a person to person call at 596! Right 596.”

    It’s called “jobs”, h8er.

  148. Mare – An unkind cut from a poisoned blade!

  149. Thursday night he was telling me about the time his unit was sent to Detroit during the ’68 riots, and how he had a photo of himself standing in the rear of a Jeep armed with twin 60s.


  150. Recently overheard at the Wiserbud household:
    “Sarah! Hello? Yeah, I’d like to make a person to person call at 596! Right 596.”


  151. Hotspur, ask him if he knows an old SF friend of yours, Robin Sage.

  152. I assume you can receive mail.

    Only when Enis can get his stubborn ol’ mule tied up to the mail delivery cart

  153. “Mare – An unkind cut from a poisoned blade!”

    hahahaha…I’m sorry MCPO, I should have said “Fred Thompson’s wife.”

  154. “Sarah! Hello? Yeah, I’d like to make a person to person call at 596! Right 596.”


  155. I couldn’t think of anyone older than me.

  156. wiserbud?

  157. Wiser do you go Lieutenant Dan on your neighbors?

    Wiserbride won’t let me. She thinks it’s “stupid: and “dangerous” and that I might get “hurt” or “arrested.”

    silly wiserbride. Sometimes I wonder how I ever got through college without her protecting me from myself.

  158. wiserbud?

    Your magical technology confuses and frightens me…..

  159. Raining and blowing quite enthusiastically today.

  160. I couldn’t think of anyone older than me.

    heh heh heh.

    Neither could MCPO. But that’s only because he has those “episodes”

  161. Good point.

  162. “wiserbud?


    Wiserbride won’t let me. She thinks it’s “stupid: and “dangerous” and that I might get “hurt” or “arrested.”

    HA….silly woman indeed.

  163. ……….blowing quite enthusiastically today.

    Got yourself a hooker, huh?

    Well, that’s one way to ride out a hurricane rainstorm.

  164. Hahahahaha

    Brad, I had to Bing that.

    Ima do it.

  165. Hotspur in 3…2…1…..

  166. Good to see you Geoff!

  167. I’m very concerned about Scott and his coffee shortage. Should we do a telethon or a blogathon or something?

  168. Hotspur in 3…2…1…..

    How long did you think about that comment before you made it?

  169. Geoff survived!!

  170. “How long did you think about that comment before you made it?”

    Shut up, Fat head!

  171. I’m downloading Cowboys & Aliens.

    That is all.

  172. When you folks in New England start rioting can somebody find me an aluminum percolator? I managed to break the stem on mine.

  173. Watching NJ Gov Christie… tolls reinstated tomorrow morning.

    This strikes me as somewhat crass. Seems to me it’s only going to create massive traffic jams today while clean up crews are still trying to work. Unless maybe the toll isn’t very expensive?

  174. Geoff survived!!

    Barely. I was rudely awakened this morning by water dripping on my face (the place where I rent has roof problems), and then when I walked to work some yahoo splashed my entire aft side.

    Tragedy on par with wiserbud’s toe.

  175. This is laura.
    Scott keeps going outside.
    He’s driving me crazy.
    Pope out.

  176. Hahahahaha

  177. Shut up, Fat head!


  178. I wonder where Mare is going.

  179. Damn, she has one hell of a tan there.



    I wonder where Mare is going.

    I’m heading to Jewstin’s house, where else?

  181. When you folks in New England start rioting can somebody find me an aluminum percolator?

    yeah, joke all you want, but when the shit goes down, we New Englanders can bring the chaos like nobody else on the planet!

  182. Tragedy on par with wiserbud’s toe.

    Are you gonna lose a toenail? I’m probably gonna lose a toenail.

    don’t even try to compare your minor little inconveniences to my severe tragedy.

  183. Unless maybe the toll isn’t very expensive?


    You owe me half a cup of Kona coffee!

  184. Scott keeps going outside.

    Leave him be. He’s “analyzing the situation.”

  185. How did this actually get to court?

    *prays my kids don’t see this*

    *knows Rosetta’s in for a long court battle*

  186. Coffee supplies are OK. Working on the last hot thermos now
    . Future coffee will be warmed on the gas grill, like a freaking cave man.


    Is this an on-the-wagon day or an off-the-wagon day?

  188. Leave him be. He’s “analyzing the situation.”

    HA! (pictures him holding a cup of coffee, standing outside)

  189. Off, dummy.

  190. Mare, that’s the point. It didn’t “get” to court. The court threw it out.

  191. Is this an on-the-wagon day or an off-the-wagon day?

    He’s making word-sounds! It’s like he’s trying to communicate, but I don’t understand.

  192. Rosetta, you would improve your comments 100% by including a picture of Henry. You would sound 100% less stupid…don’t know why.

  193. Mare, do you like hockey?

  194. Hotspur, it was an appeals court that dismissed it.

    “Last week, at which point the court record stood about a foot tall, an Illinois appeals court dismissed the case,”

  195. Is this an on-the-wagon day or an off-the-wagon day?

    Funny you should ask that. I was just considering whether or not to make my first drink of the day.

    I believe….. yes, I believe it is past noon enough.


  196. Mare, do you like hockey?

    I’m telling Mom!!!!!

  197. Oh, sorry, Mare. Missed that.

  198. Rosetta, you would improve your comments 100% by including a picture of Henry. You would sound 100% less stupid…don’t know why.

  199. Mare, that looks like a suit where the process was the punishment. You’ll notice her ex husband was one of the plaintiff attorneys. Methinks he was just putting her through the wringer to make her life miserable.

  200. OK, workout and then on to some other stuff.

  201. “Methinks he was just putting her through the wringer to make her life miserable.”

    Oh yes, Methinks he is a prick.

  202. Still no power here. Meh, I’m running the house on gasoline.




  204. Meh, I’m running the house on gasoline.

    Why must you make Mother Gaia cry?

  205. hahahahahahahahahahaha

  206. ^ best comment EVER!!

  207. How’s that working out for you, Andy?

  208. Bitch had it coming.

  209. I updated this post like it was the neighborhood slut.

  210. Our generator runs on propane, which is much cheaper.


  212. ga. I don’t feel like doing anything today.

    I wonder why?

  213. L – R

    Pupster – Henry

  214. I updated this post like it was the neighborhood slut.

    That kid looks like Hermey (the dentist) from Rudolph the RnR.

  215. Meh, I’m running the house on gasoline.

    Whale blubber is more efficient. And it’s renewable.

  216. Our generator runs on propane, which is much cheaper.

    You pay a price in KWs generated, though.

  217. Is Hotspur’s comment existential?

  218. Speaking of whales, how did this asshole become vice president?

  219. I was all excited thinking Rosetta updated with a picture of Henry. What do we get? A picture of his sister in 6th grade.


  220. Whale blubber is more efficient.

    Stop making fun of Mare.

  221. Rosetta, how is baby Awesome doing?

    *don’t have time to scroll up, so someone tell me muthafockaaaaas*

  222. Are you saying, Hotpur, that a gas powered generator is more efficient?

    We’ve got some monster generator. We’ve only to use it a few times.

  223. Howdy folks. I see wiserpoot and geoff.. anybody heard from the Ws

    I have no idea what ther weather news is. Fuckin hot here.

  224. Dave, I sat by the phone all last night for your call.

    *sobs softly

  225. “….how did this asshole become vice president?”

    Asshole indeed! There is something horribly, horribly wrong about him.

  226. >> Dave, I sat by the phone all last night for your call.

    I called you four times. We traded recipes, tips for decorating, a couple of anecdotes and some jokes.

    You’re having blackouts again.

    Stop it.

  227. Speaking of whales, how did this asshole become vice president?

    So, global warming skeptics are as evil as Al Gore’s father?

    In a recent speech to the NAACP, Vice President Gore said his father lost his Senate seat because he supported civil rights legislation. Fellow black Americans, let me set history straight. Al Gore, Sr., together with the rest of the southern Democrats, voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    Wow. Al seems to have more daddy issues than President SCOAMF…

    Guess that’s what happens when you fail to achieve the one thing you were being groomed for for your entire life.

    “Daddy, I failed you. I’m sorry, daddy. Please still love me daddy, even though I am a complete fraud and a charlatan…” – Things that Al Gore Jr. Says, Vol. 3

  228. Al Gore is going to go down as one of the biggest chumps in the history of the world.

    AL Gore: Everyone should stop eating meat in order to save the planet.

    Everyone: Shut the fuck up you twelve-headed jackass.

  229. You’re having blackouts again.

    Oh, phew. I thought you were blowing me off.

    You shouldn’t have said such horrible stuff about Wiser. And, how are you SURE Mare’s such a whore?

  230. anybody heard from the Ws

    Scroll up.

    And your concern for Andy is noted.

  231. Rosetta, how is baby Awesome doing?

    Awesome. He’s a sleeping, eating and pooping machine.

  232. Like I’m going to read through all this bullshit.

    You tell me what I want to know or else.

    >> how are you SURE Mare’s such a whore.

    Hyperbole. I can’t be sure, but I’d bet a paycheck on it.

  233. And, how are you SURE Mare’s such a whore?

    Have you ever met her?

    Well, that’s actually an unfair question. NO one has ever met her. She does not exist.

    Mare is nothing more than a creation of Rosetta’s fevered imagination so he can allow his feminine side out without his lovely wife learning of his deep-rooted personality disorders.

    Notice how mare was not here while Rosie and his lovely wife were going through their final trimester?

  234. Carin, gasoline produces more horsepower, therefore the generator can produce more KWs. I think there is about a five percent drop with natural gas, and even more with propane.

  235. I wasn’t being critical though. Just pointing out the tradeoff. Natural gas is the best choice when you have it available.

  236. Comment by wiserbud on August 28, 2011 1:09 pm

    So true, Wiser.

    I’m not SUCH a whore.

  237. Like I’m going to read through all this bullshit.

    They are without power, but still alive. the worst of the storm is about to hit us, but it has calmed down quite a bit and shifted further west, so we may still experience some pretty strong winds, it will not be anywhere close to the cataclysmic destruction of biblical proportions that Fox News would like us to believe.

  238. Well, 5%? Or more? but I paid $1.60 a gallon for propane. It’s could only be 2/3rd as efficient and I’d still be ahead.

  239. Carin, did you see that the Pioneer Woman has a show on the Food Chanel?

  240. I’m going to have to wrestle Floyd today.

    He’s being a sumbitch.

  241. Oooh, what’s Floyd doing to rile you up?

  242. Well, 5%? Or more? but I paid $1.60 a gallon for propane. It’s could only be 2/3rd as efficient and I’d still be ahead.


  243. I think if Rosie had a female personality, he/she would be a TOTAL whore, so there’s that.

  244. I’m just not that into Pioneer Woman. Not enough new recipes on her blog and too many pictures. I know how to melt butter.

  245. I think if Rosie had a female personality, he/she would be a TOTAL whore, so there’s that.

    Yeah, but who would do “her”, other than xbrad and Bill Clinton?

  246. L to R: life, wiserbud

  247. Me neither, Carin, although I thought you checked out her site a lot. Maybe it was some other hostage douche.

  248. Does anyone give a shit if I take a nap? Didn’t think so.

  249. Tigers play at 2:10. I’ll be poating from the ghetto bar. Carin, come buy me a drink.

  250. L to R: life, wiserbud

    no shit, brother. no fucking shit.

    Although, I have been making strides in convincing people who were considering my old company’s products to get away from them as quickly as possible.

    which is nice.

    Hell, we may even get one of their best clients to switch to our system soon. Which would be fucking awesome!

    Still, it would be nice to get paid someday though……

  251. Thanks wisergoof. Glad it’s moved a bit west, the power situation will surely suck this week.

    Also glad to hear from Andy.

  252. nice bewbs, glad everyone survived, time for work

  253. Glad it’s moved a bit west, the power situation will surely suck this week.

    By the way, “a bit west” means “right over douchebag brother-in-law’s house.”


    Of course, any damage to his house will be taken care of by my father-in-law.

  254. Also also, glad to hear baby Henry is making poops. Goddam pyloric valve better do it’s job from here on out.

  255. Heyyyyyyy….

    I forgot.

    I filed an amended state return in March 2010, and the check came yesterday.

    Hello, $3,501 plus $193 interest.

  256. Afternoon Morons.
    I need to stop listening to the TV – everyone was getting us all worked up for a really awesome storm, and the total effect so far is that we have a puddle of water in the basement.

  257. >> Still, it would be nice to get paid someday though……

    No shit. It’s a good thing you got brass nuts or you’d have a bad headache by now.

  258. Also also, glad to hear baby Henry is making poops. Goddam pyloric valve better do it’s job from here on out.

    No shit!

    It’s certainly working today.

    It’s like a fucking brown fountain over here.

  259. Hello, $3,501 plus $193 interest.

    That will buy a lot of boxes of chardonnay.

  260. Me neither, Carin, although I thought you checked out her site a lot. Maybe it was some other hostage douche.

    I did for a bit. BUt, then, as I mentioned — it seems she’s into all sorts of other stuff and not posting recipes. So I rarely go there. My sister lovers. her.

  261. Oh, I forgot to tell you, Rosie.

    HotBride has a nine inch scar on her tummy from the same thing as Henry. It was a bit more invasive in those days. She said for me to tell you Henry will be just fine.

  262. *checks Rosetta’s poat update*

    What the fuck is that shit?

    *flash forward 7 years*

    L to R

    Rosetta, Henry

  263. ers play at 2:10. I’ll be poating from the ghetto bar. Carin, come buy me a drink.

    No can do. I’ve got a date with a stationary bike this afternoon. I took friday off, can’t take today off.

    I’ve got a half marathon in 7 weeks or so.

  264. I need to stop listening to the TV – everyone was getting us all worked up for a really awesome storm, and the total effect so far is that we have a puddle of water in the basement.

    Awwwww…… c’mere you. I’ll make up for your disappointment.

    By adding to it.

  265. My nephew has a big scar too. He’s 20.

  266. HotBride has a nine inch scar on her tummy from the same thing as Henry. It was a bit more invasive in those days. She said for me to tell you Henry will be just fine.

    No shit? It’s much more uncommon in women.

    Did she used to be a man?

  267. Oh my lord.I’ve got three kids fighting.

    HELP ME.

  268. What the fuck is that shit?

    Ginger Wookie.

  269. Ok. I’m tuning them out. It’s horrible.

  270. You’ve seen her. What do you think?

  271. Oh my lord.I’ve got three kids fighting.

    HELP ME.

    What are the other 8 kids doing?

  272. You’ve seen her. What do you think?

    She’s a hottie.

  273. Did she used to be a man?

    What makes you think “she” was a man as opposed to is?

  274. What are the other 8 kids doing?

    Car In = Kate plus 18

  275. Thanks Wiser, you’re such a big help. /sarc

    Oh well, at least the storm gave me an excuse to stock up on the alcomohols.

  276. What are the other 8 kids doing?

    You need another 4 kids, Rosie. You really don’t know the joy until you have a gaggle.

  277. Ginger Wookie.

    I was always more of a “Mary Ann Wookie” man….

  278. Oh well, at least the storm gave me an excuse to stock up on the alcomohols.

    be right over.

    I get much better looking the more you drink.


    With Mrs. Rosetta sleeping, Rosie has to find a way to do the dishes

  280. My first two, Rosie, are 13 months apart in age. So you’ve got another three months until it’s time to start the process again.

  281. Hahahahaha

    What an asshole.

    “I’m in charge here.”

  282. My first two, Rosie, are 13 months apart in age. So you’ve got another three months until it’s time to start the process again.

    The chances of that are zero.

    I think.

  283. >> I get much better looking the more you drink.

    Shit, I drank a lot last time I saw you.

    I don’t think I can drink enough to pull this off. I would dies.

  284. I’ve prolly dicked around with you dorks long enough; off to do mom stuff as the boys start school tomorrow.

    *does happy dance*


  285. Edward von Bearenstein, thank you for the nice get well card for Henry.

    He liked it so much that he shot poop on it.

  286. Haha. Lame. He pays people to help his image? He’s being ROBBED.

  287. “I’m in charge here.”

    Wow. He really does believe his own hype, huh?

    What a flaming douchebag.

    If he was so amazingly all-powerful, why didn’t he just issue an executive order against Irene? That would have solved everything!

    Cannot wait to hear the comparisons between Obama’s “hands-on approach” to this entire “crisis” and Bush’s “incompetent” handling of Katrina.

    *checks news for information about massive flooding… not really finding much……

  288. All I got are girly drinks Wiser.

    And dunno if Dad is yet willing to share his whiskey with you.

  289. Rosie: glad he received it

  290. The oldest of my three kid sisters is 13 months younger than me.

    When I was old enough to appreciate the ramifications of this, I told dad “shit, couldn’t you just rub it out for a few months? That’s what I did.”

  291. he chances of that are zero.

    I think.

    Yea, I thought that too.

    I don’t even know how I got pregnant that quickly. I was full time nursing – no supplements. Yet, it happened. The conversation with my husband went something like this :

    Me: You’re not going to believe this.


  292. All I got are girly drinks Wiser.

    works for me.

    Now mix me up one of those Fluffy Bunnies and keep ’em coming.


    President Niblick’s 2012 slogan

  294. as old enough to appreciate the ramifications of this, I told dad “shit, couldn’t you just rub it out for a few months? That’s what I did.”

    Yea, I suppose that’s why I can be such a hard-core (bitch) when giving advise to pregnant women.

    “Oh … you’re tired/em>? Huh? Uncomfortable? YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT TIRED IS.

    Lol. Not really. well maybe a little. Actually, i had to learn how to keep my energy up because I really had no other alternative. I couldn’t nap-EVER, because I had a one year old and/ or a two year old in addition to a newborn. That’s when I started working out a lot.


  296. Shit, I drank a lot last time I saw you.

    some need to drink before. some need to drink afterwards.

    Either way, there will be alcohol involved at some point.

  297. The conversation with my husband went something like this :

    Me: You’re not going to believe this.



    Did he immediately buy a woodchipper?

  298. Although I could often convince my firstborn (Ian) to cuddle up for a couch nap when I was pregnant with #2. After he was born, all hell broke lose. He cried – almost non-stop – until he was 18 months old.

    he’s still a pain in the ass.

  299. I got a facecumstain friend request from someone calling themselves “Ruinyour Selfesteem”. Is that one of you goobers of just some random creep?

  300. Mother of the Year ^^

  301. Sad Wiser – even my Limon rum and coke sounds more masculine than that.

  302. Hahahaha.

    Did he immediately buy a woodchipper?

    He was a bit incredulous, but also excited. He was never unhappy when I got knocked up.

    It was his fault, anyway.

  303. He pays people to help his image?

    Someone needs to pshop that picture and put an image of a golf tournament on the screen behind him.

  304. Sad Wiser – even my Limon rum and coke sounds more masculine than that.

    eww. too strong.

  305. does anyone else find it funny that whenever something serious is going down, the best image the Obama team can come up with is a picture of the Won watching it on TV?

  306. Observer-in-Chief.

    The only things missing in that picture is a glass of beer and a bowl of chips.

  307. owning the comments since March 2009

  308. The only thing better than a video of a golf tournament on the screen would be to have Obigboy watching a video of himself playing golf.

  309. I’m not kidding hotspur. Matt was colicky. He cried so much -started right around 3 weeks of age. People then thought I coddled him because I basically carried around all day. Either in a sling, and when he got bigger – on my back in a backpack.I’d do housework and cook dinner with him like that. The thing was, if I didn’t, he was just miserable. He’d cry and cry. I think he … well, we always theorized that life was just too intense for him. White noise, the vaccum cleaner – stuff like that was the only thing that would soothe him.

    I figured I’d carry him and give him what he needed until he no longer needed it. It took until he was about 18 months old and then he chilled. Sorta. Then only weird stuff bugged him. Textures. Pockets. Seams. I used to have to cut the tags off of EVERYTHING.

    Now he’s just a pain in the ass because he’s a teenager. My sister used to always tease me that he was my favorite, so obviously I haven’t held his early PITA-ness against him.

  310. Or a picture of the First lady boarding a plane and heading out of the country again.

    Or a teleprompter in front of him, so he knows what to say next, as he is so “large and in charge.”

  311. DAMMIT CAR IN!!!!!!

  312. sorry

  313. Heeeee

  314. I went to school with “Irish twins”, a brother and sister born 11 months apart and ended up in the same grade together. The brother HATED it. I think he would have preferred being held back a year.

  315. or a video of the ever-increasing debt clock, with him and his buddies laughing their asses off.

    Kind of a combination of this:

    and this:

  316. I used to have to cut the tags off of EVERYTHING.

    Boy 1 is still like this, he is 15 now and still can’t stand to wear a belt, makes him nauseous. I always thought it was related to his autism.

  317. Scenes of utter devastation: hurricane Irene hit New Jersey, and it hit hard. I strolled around the community and went on a 40 miles drive to survey. In my community, three tree branches fell down, utterly trampling the grass below. A neighbor had his car buried in leaves – almost 30-40 of the monstrous things. On the road, i could see stranded cars every where. All arranged neatly in parking lots. A road was shutdown because it was submerged under almost an inch of water. A riverside apartment community did not fare so well. A corner of it’s parking lot was under almost TWO inches of water. I drove over a bridge and saw people stoppig and looking below. I stopped and took a gander too. Below, in a low-lying area, a truck was partially submerged in water. You could hardly see any tire between the rim and the water. I don’t know if the state will ever recover.

  318. Scenes of utter devastation:


    I haven’t been this let-down by a huge blowhard since the last time Michael did a BBF post.


  320. Bump

  321. Scenes from Hurricane Irene:

    Two favorite places in my dog Tequila’s world are on my bed or at wiserbride’s side. wiserbride laying on our bed is like heaven to little Tiki.

    wiserbride and wiserdaughter are upstairs right now, laying on my bed, watching Sex in the City 2. Tequila is laying on the living room couch all alone.

    Too much estrogen there, even for him.

  322. New post, cocks.

  323. Glad to hear Irene isn’t all that, for the NE Cabal’s sake.

  324. Haven’t seen devastation like this since the Blizzard of Aught-Six:

  325. Godspeed FEMA, tushar. Godspeed.

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