Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Issac directed me to your model for today, and after reviewing her files , I’m sure she was born on a server farm and still resides in the same data center. Please *fax-machine-screech* Miss Hannah Soderberg.

Always look at the hands.


  1. Too perfect, stinks of AI and herring

  2. I guess Scott timed buying his boat purchase right or so this WSJ article suggests

    “It’s a Buyer’s Market for Boats, RVs and Other Pandemic Toys”

    Sales of recreational items went from pandemic boom to inflationary bust. Some sellers were braced for the downturn.

  3. Uncanny valley, Jimbro?

    Good morning and happy Friday!

  4. When I was at the car show the other day, it was hard not to notice it was all grey hairs there. The following generations do not really collect and restore things like that, if they have any hobbies at all. When that generation goes, the value of antiques and collectibles is going to crater. It has already started with things like antique clocks that nobody knows how to repair anymore. Rather sad. Our history and knowledge is going on the junk pile.

  5. Lumps, I notice that almost everywhere I go. Especially if it requires a bit of disposable income. Part of it is taste in entertainment I’m sure but I still can’t escape feeling that a lot of it is lack of fundage amongst the youngsters.

  6. Yeah, that is a huge part of it, of course. Dad has poured a lot of cash into that hobby over the years. And of course, you need a garage.

  7. Another interesting WSJ article

    If it’s paywalled here’s the part I liked best:

    “TXSE investors have a better solution: Reduce fees and create other incentives that make exchange-based trading more attractive, improving liquidity and prices for all investors. The Texas Stock Exchange also seeks to offer public companies and exchange-traded product sponsors more “predictability around listing standards and associated costs.”

    Ah, listing standards. Nasdaq has mandated boardroom diversity quotas for companies that list shares on its exchange. Starting this year, they must have a woman, “underrepresented minority” or “LGBTQ+” member—or publicly explain why they don’t. Boards of bigger companies must include at least two “diverse” directors by the end of next year.

    Nasdaq’s goal is to shame companies into adopting the political left’s values. The duopoly enjoy nearly carte blanche authority to regulate corporate governance of listing companies, subject to the approval of the SEC. Nasdaq’s diversity diktat has raised concerns about what next could be required. Net-zero climate commitments?

    The Texas exchange is also a form of political arbitrage. New York Democrats have long taken Wall Street for granted, imposing punishing taxes and regulation. Progressives in Albany recently threatened to revive a long-dormant stock transfer tax to pay for their migrant and mass transit messes. Go ahead, make the Texas exchange’s day.”

  8. On this day, sixteen years ago, Markie and his bride were married on a hilltop in WV, in the company of about 100 friends and family, and about a gazillion cicadas. It was easily 100 degrees, but our moms (both in their 80’s), who both attended the event, had a special reserved tent, with a couple of family to fan them and try to keep them cool. Global warming is a grift, a scam, pick your choice of bad word for corruption.

    Todays model is lovely, I had trouble locating her hands, I kept getting distracted. At this point I don’t care if it’s AI. I may be old, but I’m not dead.

    Speaking of dead, I’m not sure they aren’t going to just let sleepy Joe shit himself to death before November, just to get him out of the “race”.

  9. wakey wakey

  10. I keep thinking that if they really want him gone, the best crisis they can generate is to have one of their ‘domestic terrorist’ cutouts take him off the game board. Possibly at the same time as the cackling gnob gobbler to really clear the field and up the crisis potential, then totally-not-compromised Mike Johnson starts doing emergency shit.

  11. OK Car In, TOOL

    This is the short list, I’ll probably add some when I have time to review the longer list more closely. The order doesn’t have a lot to do with how much I like each song.





    Fourty six and Two

    Fear Inoculum




    Swamp Song

    The Pot

    Rosetta Stoned

  12. Happy anniversary Markie. My bride and I have been together as a couple for 16 years as well, the first decade we lived in sin^ and finally made it legal in 2018

    ^ seriously, we were sinning like it was a full time job. Home, work, gas station, grocery stores, you name it – giant sinfest.

  13. Pup this chick is holy moly perfect.

  14. I had a good laugh at the Biden poop piece.
    The left is so far gone I think they’d actually treat a hand puppet of Brandon as the real deal if they were told to.

  15. “Grocery stores” …????

  16. Thanks Jimbro, For our honeymoon we went home to the house we had been living in for a couple of years.

  17. One more note about the wedding, My wife proposed to me on Sadie Hawkins day in 08, by phone, at work, on the answering machine. The message was “I was wondering if you would marry me”. Click. I was out at one of the mines, so when I called her back, she had to put me on speakerphone so all of her co-workers could hear me say yes.

  18. Pup this chick is holy moly perfect.

    That’s because there is no chick.

  19. I had to look up “Sadie Hawkins Day” just to make sure I used the correct reference. I meant February 29. The Al Capp comic strip that inspired the name was originally had the date in November. Apparently, it’s a common thing to confuse the dates. I wasn’t around to read Lil Abner in 1937.

  20. Well, at least the fake chick had no visible dick.

  21. Happy Anniversary Markie and Mrs. Markie.

  22. Well, at least the fake chick had no visible dick.

    Easily remedied with the right set of prompts.


  24. Happy anniversary!

    Why does AI have trouble with hands?

  25. looks like lil abner is about to get her ass kicked.

    Or her carpet cleaned.

  26. Pup this chick is holy moly perfect.

    1. dude, she has 4 fingers and a thumb. It doesn’t get any more real!

      *comment box shivers and shakes

    2. Unsupervised learning. It’s not counting fingers, it’s learning that there are finger-shaped things at the end of arm-shaped things in pictures of people-shaped things. The fingers are in all sorts of positions, so it’s just making hand-shaped things with fingers in lots of positions it thinks are reasonable. The perceptron network can’t be ‘told’ how many fingers to add, and it may not even know how many it’s drawing, since an image-generator doesn’t learn concepts like “5”.

    3. I thought it was because the leftist nerds training the ai left the computer logged in to their tentacle porn tab.

    4. Thanks Jimbro,

      I can’t let Killdozer go just yet. I thought I had a Komatsu Performance Handbook, but I can only find the Caterpillar version. Anyway, the operating weight of a 355A crawlier type tractor is 97,807 pounds and it is 410hp at 2,000 rpm. The standard blade is 14′ wide.

    5. This one isn’t purely the product of unsupervised learning, can’t be. A lot of input from a human or humans, if only to filter the published images down to just those without anomalies.

    6. Thanks Jay,

      I meant 97,907 pounds, but what’s 100 pounds between friends.

    7. I wonder what will happen if Texas takes over part of the trading business and the lefties take over Austin completely

    8. it will be 29 years for us this year

    9. roamy, brotim? WTH is going on down there?

    10. yeah, how is this illegal? Shooting fireworks from a helicopter at a Lambourgini sounds like fun, not a federal crime!

    11. looks like lil abner is about to get her ass kicked

      That’s Daisy Mae!


    13. Good for you Jay.

      I check the S&P 500 index fund pretty regularly in Yahoo Finance, just cause it’s easy. Their headline this morning is “US economy smashes expectations with 272,000 jobs added in May”. When you click on the article, it says “US economy adds more jobs than expected in May as unemployment rate ticks higher”. OK, so which is it?

      I wonder how many of those jobs are second or third jobs for people, and how long it’s going to take for them to adjust the number downward. There is a reason people don’t trust these dickweeds, and it’s not our fault.

    14. Kohls is still around? haven’t shopped there in years since the last time they pissed me off. They pulled out of the GOP convention, because Orange Man Bad.

    15. Buzz’s bedtime story about Hillary.

    16. I saw that after looking up lil abner, jimbro. Oh well.

      Same artist as Andy Capp?

    17. Catherine Bach is/was the real life Daisy Duke. I thought it was Marilu Henner, but I was wrong.

    18. Man, there’s a ton of Sadie Hawkins stuff in L’il Abner. I sort of looked at the comic strip as a kid but the weird spelling threw me off and I went the easy route with the lasagna loving cat.

    19. Kohl’s is still huge in MI/IN. Pretty much your best bet for decent clothes and kid shoes in a lot of towns.

    20. Kohl’s made me think of Elder-Beerman, for some strange reason. I thought it was a great store and there was one close to home. Unfortunately, their last store closed in 2018. I think they were owned by the same outfit that owned Bon-Ton and a couple of others.

      And Buzz did not kill himself. I’ll bet Hilary is worse now than she was then.

    21. I an designing a road that has awful edge conditions requiring a sag and crest vertical curves. I have several constraints so it is juggling 5 balls in the air. I usually plug numbers in a spreadsheet and adjust. It is tedious and time consuming, so I thought Hey! try chat GPT. It is just as tedious and time consuming and utter garbage. I was initially impressed, it showed all the right formulas and calculations but the curve was 37,000′ long. I told it to use a 90′ long curve and it said impossible. I gave it a K value and Oh look that works, then I threw in ball number 3 it choked. Redid everything, it wrote a python script for me. I got it back to what I wanted then threw in ball 4. It quit talking. A wasted hour and I am back to the spreadsheet.

    22. I can’t see any company nowadays using “Mate-Bait” in an ad.

    23. They renamed it, but they haven’t changed the URL yet:

      I used to do experiments there in a former life.

    24. I guess “Yankee” is now offensive.

      To people in a state that borders fucking Canada.

    25. Given that they also sold off a beautiful old plane with “yankee” in it’s name, I have to assume that’s the reason. Wasn’t a problem for 40 years. Now it is.

    26. Our BBF girl looks like they created her before they had finished the nipples.exe subroutine.

    27. After review, there do appear to be a couple of pics that used the subroutine. But not some where it would be most expected.

    28. Jay, that wasn’t the legit pageant. Apparently it was some knockoff op meant to push The Message. Disregard the attention whores.

    29. Comment by Vmaximus on June 7, 2024 9:47 am

      I an designing a road that has awful edge conditions requiring a sag and crest vertical curves. I have several constraints so it is juggling…….

      You obviously don’t have enough diversity in your engineering firm. Bigot!!!!!!

    30. I wrote a genetic algorithm formula generator a while back that might have been more help, Vmax. I was just doing it to show how the method works, using a hairball of a function I pulled out of my ass to generate a set of data points that I later fuzzed with some RNG noise, then “evolving” functions to match that noisy data.

      After about 40M generations and 20+ hours of redlining the proc in my old laptop, I got my original function back, without having told it anything about it.

      “AI!” one might say. I say no, it’s randomly searching the “space” of functions that you can make from the building blocks I gave it and preserving the best of each generation. It doesn’t “know” anything, not even what the data it’s trying to fit actually is, it’s just rolling dice and then deleting things that didn’t get close enough.

    31. These aren’t that big, but at least they’re fake.

    32. It has already started with things like antique clocks that nobody knows how to repair anymore.

      Not only that but younger generations are not taught how to read a clock so they wouldn’t know what these antiques actually do.

    33. PG, I was going to quip that we have a diverse group of white males, but on thinking about we are rather diverse for an engineering firm.

    34. A lot of schools don’t even have analog clocks anymore.

    35. A lot of schools don’t even have analog clocks anymore.

      That’s because the fucking kids can’t read them.

    36. A lot of the teachers can’t either.

    37. I believe it.

      The whole “let’s make learning FUN” concept has been a dismal failure. The people who dreamed it up should be placed on gang bang poon bread and water rations. Then set on fire.

    38. Pretty scary stuff rural.

    39. If I had to guess, target 1 isn’t DC, it’s PNS.

    40. A nice tribute article.

      PNS? Pensacola? I’m confused.

    41. The best bang for their buck would be to do high altitude bursts to EMP the whole continent. From sea to shining sea.

      The cleanup would be so much easier and less messy.

    42. The DNC and the Administration will probably even help them, so long as they do it before election day.

    43. Pacific North South

    44. Well, if they take out the west coast commie states, can it be all bad?

      Another nice article by a lawyer/Army guy.

    45. Pensacola Naval Station. Easy target from the Caribbean. If you wanted to attack the US from those waters, that’d be my first guess. After that hits, you target the Port of Houston or Port of New Orleans.

    46. The cradle of Naval Aviation. Says so right here on my challenge coin. My grandfather flew amphibious biplanes there around 1920, and I went through AOCS there in early 80’s.

      The Russians sent their warship Admiral Gorshkov and task force with hypersonic nuclear-capable missles into the Carib. A 5-10 minute flight time to DC. Or Norfolk. They aren’t really limited much by geography.

    47. Maybe, but having the hypersonics doesn’t mean you don’t have shorter-range missiles. Hitting PNS is a blinding event, hitting a major port cripples trade.

      If anything, leaving DC untouched might be more damaging to the US than hitting it would be. The factions would be too busy fighting each other and not let the crisis go to waste to respond usefully. It’s not like a single one of them gives a flying fuck about a single drop of blood being spilled but their own.

    48. That said, an adversary might hit DC. It’s not as strategically important as a lot of bases and ports, but the narrative value would be substantial. Something like drawing blood from Xerxes being more valuable than slaying a hundred of his troops, because it shows him to be mortal.

    49. 31 years this august here.

      Tool Playlist:


      Third Eye




      Rosetta Stoned

      The Pot

      10,000 Days

      I mean, I love it all, but these are my must haves.

      Also – their cover of “No Quarter”. /chef’s kiss

    50. If Bannon ignored a congressional subpoena, why can’t Congress just vote to rescind that subpoena?

    51. Congrats Car In,

      Playlist duly copied and recorded. I have all of those saved except the cover and am listening to the longer list now to see what I missed the last time. I don’t have any good reason why I skipped over 10,00 days last time. My story is that I’m old and was tired when I made the short list, and I’m sticking to it.

      The garlic pickling experiment was today. I bought elephant garlic, why was I surprised that the cloves were pretty big. I looked through several recipes and tried one close to the amount of garlic I had, adding the ingredients I had on hand from a couple of recipes that were listed as optional. Ended up making a quart jar, it’s cooling in the sink now.

      I was concerned about pouring very hot pickling brine into a glass mason jar due to the risk of breaking by thermal shock. So I put it in a sink with hot tap water. So far, so good. I’ll report again in about a week about the taste.

      Any tips?

    52. Happy Anniversary Markie

    53. Thank you Oso.

    54. Both those playlists are about a week’s worth, amirite?

    55. No cat can last that long.

    56. My heartless corporation scheduled a 2 hour training zoom call. At 2PM. On a Friday.

    57. Jay, It’s easy listening music, compared to Korn or Nine Inch Nails.

      Pup, Those sons of bitches…

    58. easy listening, and LOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG!

    59. Head Like A Tool

    60. I shaved.

      I have a head like a egg.

    61. If I EVER schedule anything on a Friday afternoon it will involve pitchers of margaritas.

    62. WTFITS?

    63. They got me again. New X is Constance Gorton. Wouldn’t let me be Oso Loco. Next time I comment on a pro abort site, will someone please remind me not to call baby killers, baby killers? KTHXB

    64. OHAI Bradley. Nice to see you.

    65. Sup, Pups!
      It’s barely June, but it’s already hotter than Satan’s asscrack right here.

    66. Humidity? MFers said our temp is 100, but we have low humidity. 40% is not low. 🐸🐍🦎🐊🫏

    67. Douglas Murray is one of my favorite speakers. I would link a video, but there are too many great ones to choose from.

    68. Sup, Pups!

      Oh, you know…living the dream.

    69. Since I discovered the leak in my pressure tank and had it replaced, I’ve wet-vacc’d and dehumidified about 25+ gallons of water out of the basement. The carpeting is still soggy.

      It must have been leaking for weeks.

      Fortunately, most of the stuff stored down there at floor level was in plastic totes and containers.

    70. who’s the new guy with the bullwhips?

    71. I’m hoping that the Russkies realize that the majority of Americans who are truly their enemies are in DC.

      The rest of us are just going “WTF!” every time Congress votes to send Ukraine our money or weapons, Biden blows up a pipeline, or any NATO entity talks about sending troops to Ukraine. We are governed by homicidal suicidal nitwits.

    72. What pipeline did you end up in, Rural? After AOCS?

    73. Rural, I have been down the soggy carpet road before (not your mom) and I ended just ripping it out an putting down tile. I’m not sure you can ever get rid of the odor.

    74. NFO material, not pilot. Ended up BN in A6’s.

    75. X is fucking with my new account. I’m not there. FU Elon.

    76. Xbad! Hola!

    77. I’d rip it out too. Even if you can get the carpet dry, the pad will stink and the mold will keep growing.

    78. VMax!

    79. Which RAG?

    80. I agree, and tile or bare concrete is so much easier to clean and hygienic than carpet. I put down two types of tile in the house, ceramic and a much more expensive porcelain. I did the porcelain last, and the wife said that was a good thing, because she liked it so much that if I had put it down first, I would have to do the whole house with it.

    81. VA-42, the RAG at Oceana.

    82. My dad was skipper of VA-42. And VA-35 before that. And VA-85 before that.

    83. Small world. The end of the A6-E community. Now everyone goes through the strike fighter RAG VFA-106 and Super Hornets, I think.

      My dad was an WW2 Army draftee, and he had his fill of the military in the Pacific.

      My granddad, however, had been an early years navy pilot in their bi-wing seaplanes. I think some of the old brick buildings down by the bay at Pensacola had been seaplane hangers once upon a time. He was in an incident when his plane got flipped over upside down, and ended up with a medical discharge.

    84. Well, Dad got his wings in ’49. And VA-85 was still flying Skyraiders when he was CO. The CO and the XO both went down within a week of each other, so he became skipper for about 3 months as an O-4. His regular command tour was VA-35 in 66-67. VA-42 was the bonus command right after that.

      He retired in 78.

      I was born at Oceana, but grew up at Whidbey.

    85. Our lefty town made Fox News tonight. A State trooper was killed a few towns away. Instead of hoisting the thin blue line flag, our town flew the pride flag at half mast.

      The State Trooper was married with kids.

      Our tax dollars paid for it.

    86. The icing on the cake is that they didn’t want to use the Thin Blue Line flag because some folks find it offensive.

    87. Happy anniversary, Markie!

    88. Mr. RFH and I will celebrate 36 years next month.

    89. I thought that town sounded familiar

    90. Kind of surprised someone didn’t get offended at the pride flag being at half staff.

      This week’s fiasco with the oncology clinic – Dad has an appointment every Monday for them to check the pump, the chemo supply, and the port, make sure everything is kosher. Dad got awakened at 2:30 AM with the pump alarm going off. (why is it ALWAYS in the middle of the night?) Four phone calls to morons and idiots later, they tell stepmom how to mute the alarm. Chemo supply had run dry. Now if they had done what they were supposed to do on Monday, why did it run out? I asked Dad again to please let me find him another oncologist. He said no.

      Squishy hugs all around, and good night.

    91. Delicious eclairs remain popular.

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