So, Tell Me Again Who Is Smart

Ahh..the “Teh Wingnuts are Teh Stoopid” meme.

Oh well, fuck them. If they were so smart, why are things worse now than they were two years ago?

But lets remember another person mocked as stupid, lazy, and silly. This man only attended a small Midwestern College, not the eating clubs of the Northeast. Who was that man?

Yeah, I’ll take that over a fucked up Ivy League assfister who can’t even tie his own shoes.

Fuck the left. Fuck them so hard in a few weeks, they’ll feel it for weeks.


  1. Eddie and I are simpatico.

    Except all the ass fisting.

  2. Except all the ass fisting.

    What to I bring to the party? The Fist in Uranus!!!!

  3. Just so you know, EB, your poat is going to get pushed down. I been working on one on Juan Williams – one that actually took more than a 30-second YouTube search to fill – that I guess will poat at about four. Rather than being a dick and doing it now, I mean.

  4. Workroom cleaned. What should I do next?

  5. Carin, why didn’t you tell me about Roissy earlier? I’m hooked.

  6. Has anyone else besides me noticed that Brett Farve has not denied anything.

    He says stuff like, “I’m only focusing on the game,” but he has never said anything like, “this is ridiculous, it’s all bs, I never did that.”

  7. Juan Williams got screwed by teh Jooooooos!!!

  8. God, Rochelle Riley is a racist simp. I’m ready to go on a full-bore racist tirade against the 91%.

    I won’t do it here, though.

  9. Launched 213 years ago today:

  10. Jazz, what are you referring to?


  11. 91%?

    African American support for Obama.

  12. Thanks Eddie. I left you a comment at DPUD 🙂

  13. So, no tribute post for Bob Guccione?

    Maybe Rosie will do something in the BBF.

  14. Launched 213 years ago today:


  15. So, no tribute post for Bob Guccione?

    Maybe Rosie will do something in the BBF.

    Oh…. Dear…. GOD!!!!

  16. I ragged on Rochelle the other day on my blog.

  17. You know what has zero carbs? Pickles.

  18. Yo, EB, easy on the Ivy League slams. Not *all* of us are assfisters, just the ones that want to run the country into the ground, eh?

  19. ‘k. maybe someone can help me out. What the hell does that little yellow bird that walks back and forth on some web pages mean?

    Check this page and tell me you see it off to the right of the page.

    Is it something do do with Twitter?

  20. Funny, I saw no bird at all, Wiser.

  21. Funny, I saw no bird at all, Wiser.

    Really? I see it in the ad bar on the right. You may have to scroll down.

    Right now, It’s sweeping with a push broom.


  22. Well, on my window it shows an ad for a new Mitsubishi Outlander in lieu of the bird. The ad refuses to go away, so I don’t know if the bird is there to “sweep” to another ad or not, Wiser.

  23. Yo, EB, easy on the Ivy League slams. Not *all* of us are assfisters, just the ones that want to run the country into the ground, eh?

    Them and all the Haaaaaavaaaad Loyahs that Obama keeps appointing to save us all.

  24. *runs through poat in gorilla suit*

  25. I guess will poat at about four.

    * schedules hosefuckers poat for 4:08pm *

    POAT WAR!!!

  26. So is there any doubt now that NPR is just an earmark for lefties?

    When we start de-funding shit we can’t afford next year, liberal talk radio needs to be at the top of the list.

  27. * schedules hosefuckers poat for 4:08pm *

    POAT WAR!!!

    *will have popcorn ready by 4:09 PM*

  28. *re-reads poat again in slow motion

    *runs through poat in gorilla suit*

    Wow, I did not see that the first time!

  29. Thanks, Barney:

  30. So is there any doubt now that NPR is just an earmark for lefties?

    Never has been in my mind.

    If the left wants to listen to that shit, then let them pay for it.

  31. With all deference sir, I believe the EPA needs to be defunded with the most urgent haste.

  32. CRAP.

    my workout schedule is fracked today.

    I thought my son needed a drive at 4 – I could hit the gym from 4-5:15. Drive #1 daughter to soccer at 5:30. #2 daughter to cheer at 6:30.

    Now he tells me he doesn’t have to be there until 4:30. WHICH I’D KNOWN 45 MIN AGO I COULD HAVE GONE TO THE GYM AND BE THERE NOW.


  33. Most of those alphabets should be defuned

  34. Way to go, Carin.


    Paul Ryan, call your office.

  36. **paints penis to look like giant banana**

  37. I think I just ripped BiW’s title for “Most Verbose Hostage” from his grubby paws. To be fair, there’s a significant number of blockquotes, but still, I can’t wait for the bitching.

  38. NPR

    Ever listen to Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me? Garrison Keillor? Diane Reem? Bob Edwards? The Capitol Steps? And who is that old Jewish guy? Oh yeah, Daniel Schorr. Fucking asshole.

    I’d like to kick all of them in the nuts.

  39. I’d like to kick all of them in the nuts.

    You forgot Terry Gross’ Hot Air and Michael Friedman’s Whad’Ya Know, but other than that, a fine list.

    Watch out kicking Schorr in the nuts – you might get shit on your toes.

  40. Nina Totenberg
    Mara Liasson
    They used to have that stupid bitch who is on ABC now. What the fuck is her name? Daughter of some hillbilly shit stain senator.

    If congress doesn’t defund the CPB and NPR and PBS and NEA as Newt Buttfuck Gingrich promised, Ima be pissed.

  41. I forgot about Terri Gross. Fucking rugmunching scrunt. And yeah, that Whatdya Know crap is bullshit.

  42. Car Talk is good, but those guys could sell their shit to any network.

  43. They used to have that stupid bitch who is on ABC now. What the fuck is her name? Daughter of some hillbilly shit stain senator.

    Cocksmoker Roberts, but New Orleans is hardly hillbilly.

  44. We had a DJ who for years did a show on Sunday night called The Bone Conduction Music Show – wig singeing hip shaking soul music and industrial strength rhythm and blues. Guys name was Thayrone. He was on for about fifteen years.

    WEMU fired him because he wouldn’t play the NPR news feed during his show, and he occasionally made conservative comments.


    Now he has a talk show on every afternoon on a commercial talk radio station.

  45. Afternoon, racist, Nazi, Rethuglican slave owners!

  46. MCPO, you forgot “homophobic.”

    Carry on.

  47. Yo, Chief.

  48. Hey, if the Good Lord didn’t want you to shake your tail feather he never would have given you one in the first place.

  49. Excellent GOTV ad brought over AoSHQ. I LOVE Grieg, and In the Hall of the Mountain King could not be more aptly applied. I had goosebumps by the time this was over.

  50. Jazz,
    Didn’t you love Maxine steppin’ on her dick – right outa’ the box? Whoever was sitting two to her right was cracking-up as she tried to bail…

  51. Back from the endoscopy appt. for mom.

    Normal results, which is good, except it means we still don’t have any clue what is causing her to suffer from nausea all the time.

  52. Whoever was sitting two to her right was cracking-up as she tried to bail…

    I watched that intently. He knew she had no way out of it. I detest that venomous, haggard, ignorant, socialist scrunt.

  53. Somebody show their tits.

    Not you, Jazz.

  54. Somebody show their tits.

    Not you, Jazz.

    *buttons and tucks shirt back in*

  55. Jazz – Thanks! Reminded me of all I hate about those ignorant, reprehensible cowards and traitors.

  56. I can’t wait to hear the screeching. New poat in 3.

  57. Reminded me of all I hate about those ignorant, reprehensible cowards and traitors.

    I just sent it to my Democrat sister. We don’t talk. I didn’t even include any miscellaneous comments. Should be good.

  58. Normal results, which is good, except it means we still don’t have any clue what is causing her to suffer from nausea all the time.

    Might just be when she’s reminded she gave birth to you.

  59. New, really, really long poat.

  60. But, it IS the best poat evar.

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