Big Boob Friday

Hello Kitties, and welcome to another addition of Big Boob Friday, dog gif addition.



Back in the days of milkbones and honey, I produced BBF’s with content, as I had leisure time to burn. Now not so much, you’ll look at boobs and like it.

I don’t know a lot about your model for today, she lives in England and likes to show off her boobs. Rumor has it she stands 5′ 6″ and measures 32G- 27-37 and has not been fitted with bolt-ons. Please stop pushing amnesty long enough to welcome, Miss Gracie Finlan!






  1. I’m still tired.

  2. Nice sweater puppies, puppeh!

  3. I own more than half these songs and recognize nearly every one of them.

    That reminds me of the best soundtrack I ever got as a gift. Someone gave me the soundtrack to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Except they had never released one.

    They had designed the album cover, the CD sleeve, and the cover of the CD. Hilarious!

  4. Morning, children. Good job, Pups.

  5. Leftover meatloaf for breffis and then back for more snoozes.

  6. Leftover hamburger patties with salsa. Then work at 9.

    Nice model today Pup.

  7. Leftover raw eggs warmed up in the microwave until they curdle, and dry out a bit.

  8. I want the red lace set. Nice job, Pupster.

  9. Haha, best one yet, pupster!

  10. gummnunnem.

    Look what I looked up last night:

  11. Did not see that one coming!

  12. The Empty Chair

  13. Yes, i revisted the nobel award thing a few months back and laughed and laughed and laughed.

    And then the seething hatred started up again.

  14. Hahahahahahahaha.

    His international vision of bringing hamburgers and pool together between fundraisers.


  15. Yeah, I need to find something to do before this twitching gets any worse.

  16. No weiner pics.

    I promise to only post half-weiner pics.

  17. weird

  18. Has anyone been paying attention to toilet paper? I usually
    hoard stock up when the price is right.

    Charmin has reduced the width of the roll and has also gone back to the smaller sized ‘regular’ rolls while claiming it absorbs twice as much…and charging the inflated price for the ‘twice as much’.

    Er, absorption isn’t what is needed on the backside.

    Farking scam. I should have been keeping track of square footage too.

  19. I usually just scoot across the yard on my butt.

    Neighbors hate that.

  20. I used to plan it so I mostly pooped at the office.

    Won’t be able to do that any more.


  22. *continues to poop during work hours*
    *now has to buy his own toilet paper*

  23. I should probably re-enforce the gate on the deck today. Benny is still small enough to sneak through it, so I can’t just leave him in the yard with occasional supervision.

  24. Leon, have you considered that everything that is happening is just a huge ruse to get you to work from home; orchestrated by your coworkers?

  25. Our old office was a remodeled Victorian era house, the bathroom was in a common hall right across from my office door. One of my cow orkers had an as-soon-as-I-arrive-in-the-morning routine where he ate a bowl of oatmeal, poured a cup of coffee, grabbed a magazine and proceeded to make the whole building smell like ass. You could pretty much set your watch by it.

    New office has a shared bathroom outside of the fallout zone.

  26. orchestrated by your coworkers dog?

  27. OMG Pupster, what a jerk. I’d arrange a blanket party.

  28. Leon, have you considered that everything that is happening is just a huge ruse to get you to work from home; orchestrated by your coworkers?

    Knowing that I’ve wanted to work from home for years, I have actually been accused by my coworkers of orchestrating the sale of the business as soon as I could plausibly work outside of it.

  29. Plus — and you wouldn’t know this because you’ve never hung out with me — I’m hilarious and fun to be around. They’re really going to miss me.

  30. Seriously. ^^^^^^^^ = fun guy.


  32. I’d arrange a blanket party.

    I don’t think I could stop if I started swinging the sock.

    Not a euphemism.

  33. How was your commute today, MJ?

  34. I don’t think I could stop if I started swinging the sock.

    Heh. That’s why I don’t go out for drinks with the coworkers. Alcohol loosens the tongue.

  35. Yeowza she’s a hawtie. Nice work, Puppeh.

  36. She looks a little to English for my tastes, but I’m otherwise pleased.

  37. Manjaw.

  38. Leon?

  39. She looks a little to English for my tastes

    What, her teeth are straight.

    also, too

  40. That link rawks, wiser. Forbidden!

  41. except for the tat on the left hip, she’s pretty much perfect.

    I would enjoy disappointing her greatly.

  42. works for me.

    try this one:

  43. Trampolines are like friends: if you aren’t careful they can really hurt you.

  44. >> I want the red lace set. Nice job, Pupster.


  45. Also sometimes you can jump on them.

  46. She has very nice mammalian protruberances…

  47. Friends are like trampolines. Your parents will never let you have one.

  48. Friends are like trampolines. Guaranteed they are going to cause your insurance rates to skyrocket.

  49. Friends are like trampolines, after a while you get tired of them and they just rot away out there in the back yard.

  50. That reminds me, anyone know where I can find nice looking sign that says “enter this home uninvited and you will never be found”?

    I’m asking for a friend.

  51. Friends are like trampolines, especially when you rip a hole in one and get your foot caught in there.

    So alike. So very much the same problem. I hate that.

  52. *makes note to never visit Pupster*

  53. Friends are like trampolines, they will last longer if you take off your shoes before jumping up and down on them.

  54. Friends are like trampolines, after a while you get tired of them and they just rot away out there in the back yard.


    dammit. I was trying to come up with one with that concept and I just couldn’t get there.

    Nicely done, dawg.

  55. heh heh heh.. new, timely header

  56. Header is GREAT!!

  57. Friends are like trampolines. You break just one and you’ll never have another one again.

  58. Friends are like trampolines: you always worry when you see your twelve year old on a thirty-year old one.

  59. HEADER!!!!! Hahahahahaha.

  60. Someone tell me that these header pics are being saved. And if they are, can we put them up on twitter or something ’cause this shit is funny.

  61. This is amusing, as is Alex’s response.

  62. We really need a listicle site or something to put the 10 most hilarious bear is loose photo ops.

  63. Someone tell me that these header pics are being saved.

    I have them all, and I have been tweeting them daily for about a week or so.

  64. You’re on twitter? Huh.

  65. Friends are like trampolines. It’s really disturbing when you catch your mom on one.

  66. You’re on twitter? Huh.

    Got more followers than my daughter, which drives her crazy.

  67. Friends are like trampolines. Your parents never let you play with them in the living room.

  68. Friends are like trampolines. If you don’t stretch them very tightly across a rail they will let you down.

  69. Friends are like trampolines. That’s how I broke my arm.

  70. Friends are like trampolines. Getting replacement parts is a pain in the ass.

  71. Friends are like trampolines. There is an extremely high probability that Xbrad has jerked off on one.

  72. Friends are like trampolines. A concussion and broken teeth.

  73. Friends are like trampolies. If you jump on one too soon after eating you’re going to throw up.

  74. So what’s everyone doing? Trampoline thing?

  75. There is a photo of Matt Iglesias on AoS.

    Does anyone else think Iglesias looks like a fatter, older, uglier bizzaro version of MJ?

  76. Trampolines are like your mom, except I’ve never been on a trampoline.

  77. Friends are like trampolines. They are really tough to clean off after the dog pees on them.

  78. Friends are like trampolines. The really good ones are always ready for a little bouncy-bouncy.

  79. Does anyone else think Iglesias looks like a fatter, older, uglier bizzaro version of MJ?


    That’s gotta be about the meanest thing anyone has ever said about another Hostage ever.

  80. Hold on, Wiser.
    One, check out that photo before calling me mean.
    Two, I am complimenting MJ by saying he is not fat, ugly, old and bizarre.

    At least not as much as Iglesias.

    How is that mean?

  81. MJ would never wear that tie, so I don’t see it.

    Also he’s not nearly as much of a douchebag.

  82. any comparison to Matty is insulting on it’s face.

  83. Does anyone else think Iglesias looks like a fatter, older, uglier bizzaro version of MJ?

  84. Yglesias’ name offends me, as it’s clear that he has nothing to do with the Church.

  85. I don’t generally watch TV during the day, but we are at my BILs house today, so I’m trapped watching reruns of America’s Next Top Model with his girlfriend this morning.

    Somebody shoot me now…..


  87. Ok, I am sorry.
    I was going by facial features.
    I did not know resemblance is primarily judged on level of douchebagginess.

  88. *snicker….

    thanks for that, Xbrad.

    (deducts one humor point)

  89. I did not know resemblance is primarily judged on level of douchebagginess.

    It’s an easy mistake to make.

    It’s the reason I don’t think Tina Fey looks anything like Sarah Palin, for instance.

    But it is why Chelsea Clinton looks identical to Web Hubbel.

  90. wait.. I take that back, xbrad.

    For some reason, HoverHand occasionally pops up the previous image when I hold the mouse over a tinyurl. I actually have to copy and paste the url into a new tab to see the correct image, which I did not do with yours.

    And I thought you linked the original “friends are like trampolines” image that got this silly thing rolling.

    So here’s your humor point back. I know cherish every single one of them dearly.

  91. Geez. You guys are touchy. My uncle, when he was younger, looked like Saddam Hussein, and we used to routinely call him Saddam. He used to have a huge laugh over that.

  92. We are a thin-skinned lot here. We learned it by the leadership of president jug-handle-ears.

  93. For some reason, HoverHand occasionally pops up the previous image when I hold the mouse over a tinyurl.

    I thought hover hand was what beta males did when having their pictures taken with hot chicks.

  94. But it is why Chelsea Clinton looks identical to Web Hubbel.

    Now that you mention it, I’ve never seen them in the same room together.

  95. It’s sad that she’s never met her father.

  96. Did Jug-ears ever make it to his news conference?

  97. The burger joint where Licorice Dick dithered yesterday has renamed the sandwich he ordered the My Pet Goatburger.

  98. Friends are like trampolines. If you got enough cash, you can get as many as you want off of Craigslist

  99. I was just kidding. I could really care less if Matt Yglesias looks like the melted, slow witted, version of me.


  100. Licorice Dick has been referring to himself as the bear.

  101. Tushar is like a trampoline. You play with him a lot the first summer, then the next you wonder if you can still take him back.

  102. I was just kidding. I could really care less if Matt Yglesias looks like the melted, slow witted, version of me.

    But he probably drinks like you do.

  103. But he probably drinks like you do.

    I doubt it. Matty probably drinks cocktails that other people told him were good so he can signal that he’s sophisticated. He lacks both the creativity and the intellectual curiosity to actually experiment and invent anything, even a drink.

    Unless you meant quantity. You might be right about that.

  104. Friends are like a bowling alley. It’s more fun when you toss them your balls.

  105. Friends are like golf. When you want to cover a lot of ground, you pull out your wood.

  106. “Friends are like trampolines. FUCK SALT!!” – Tourettes Guy

  107. I have no idea what is going on.

    Hover hand hover zoom thumbnail zoom are apps that open up preview thumbnails when you hold the mouse over a compatible link. It is really the only way to browse.

    Friends are like zombie possums, every once in a while they come back to kill your family and burn your house down.

  108. The LGBT crowd is like chess. Most are just pawns but the queens can do just about anything.

  109. Friends are like H2. Playing it requires no skill, and you’re embarrassed to admit it’s fun.

  110. Well, I screwed that up. Let’s try again.

    Candyland is like H2. Playing it requires no skill, and you’re embarrassed to admit it’s fun.

    See what I said about requiring no skill?

  111. If I had a post like this I’d shave it’s butt and teach it to play Candyland.

    That seem wrong. Huh.

  112. It’s about time I started using brackets again to make italics.

  113. Hover hand hover zoom thumbnail zoom are apps that open up preview thumbnails when you hold the mouse over a compatible link.

    My version is funnier.

  114. Friends are like model trains. You play with them in your basement and make them go in circles.

    This may be why I have so few of them.

  115. This may be why I have so few of them.

    Well, that and the fact that you’ve been dead for almost 65 years.

  116. Playing it requires no skill,

    You’ve obviously never played with Joe Biden. You cannot imagine how annoying it is when he randomly jumps up and yells “KING ME!”

  117. True enough. You have no idea how hard it is to throw a dinner party in a coffin.

  118. Friends are like trampolines.
    One broken leg, and everyone tells you to be careful and not jump on them.

    **rolls eyes**

  119. >>True enough. You have no idea how hard it is to throw a dinner party in a coffin.

    Unless you befriend maggots

  120. Unless you befriend maggots

    Well, he was a Socialist……

  121. *scratches wiser and Tushar off of coffin dinner party guest list*

  122. I am deeply moved and inspired by this video for Elizabeth Warren.

    It’s beautiful.

  123. looks pretty monochromatic, dave.

  124. As one commenter said, Dave, those Onion pieces get more realistic every day….

  125. From the HQ, a chuckle:

  126. I am deeply moved and inspired by this video for Elizabeth Warren.

    These people truly are insane.

    In what universe is Elizabeth Warren even close to being qualified to be sitting on her local city council, much less the leader of the free world.

    Let’s see, we elected a guy with minimal experience for two terms and look how well that worked out. Now let’s elect someone with NO experience! That should go even better!

    Liz, I am begging you… run. It will be sheer awesomesauce to see you get absolutely destroyed outside of your liberal little cocoon of Mass.

  127. Is xbrad here?

    Seriously, xbrad? A “favorite?” Can’t actually go all the way and commit to a retweet?

  128. Sorry, dude. Got interrupted, and now can’t find it.

  129. Sorry, dude. Got interrupted, and now can’t find it.

    Check your favorites……

  130. heh heh heh.

    yeah… better.


  131. I was waiting for the collection to be featured at the MOMMA.

  132. I was waiting for the collection to be featured at the MOMMA.

    Museum of Modern Moron Art?

  133. Let’s go with that, rather than it being a typo.

  134. *favorite

  135. *favorite


    asshole. And yeah, I saw what you did on twitter.

  136. A gnu poat on a Friday? Madness.

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