Big Boob Friday

Greetings my friends, and welcome to Big Boob Friday, calm your tits edition.

Mrs. Pupster is having elbow surgery today, so good thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

Rather than linking some music, I thought I’d embed a video that made me happy.



I ask for high fives from people all the time. Doesn’t always work as well for me.

Your model for today is a former astronaut who perfected a modern lobotomy procedure for house-cats. Born in Japan on January 15th, 1991 and measuring 5′ 2″ and 101 lbs, 38-23-35. Please stop reading the news long enough to welcome, Miss Rui Kiriyama.


rui 1


rui 3

rui 4


Check it out Leon, robust Japanese hindquarters!

rui 6

rui 8

rui 7

Drink of the week is Soy Milk.


  1. Inscrutable boobs.

  2. I see-eth the gifs but nae the bewbeths

  3. I can see-eth the bewbeths now. And they’re spectacular.

  4. Good luck for Mrs Pupster today!

  5. Thanks.

  6. I think wordpuss is having some server problems today. Sometimes the pictures don’t show. I uploaded them to my media folder so it is not a hotlink problem. If you close the page and open it again the pictures appear.

  7. Yeah, I went to “Like” the post and it said My Grav (My Gravatar I’m guessing) and then disappears when I hit refresh. It’s a shame because those bewbs deserve to be widely admired.

  8. Michelle Obama hates white p(eople)otatoes

  9. I’m going to try and upload from Pupster to H2 media folder to see if that helps.

  10. Who know anything about purple martins? i don’t see any dudes. Just chicks hanging out at my martin house.

    single moms?

    what kind of whore house am I running?

  11. Waitaminute!

    Cats don’t need lobotomies.

  12. Morning, children. Good job, Pups. Thoughts and prayers for Mrs. Pupster. Hopefully she’ll be back to making you sammiches and vaccuuming in no time. 😉

  13. Who’s going to make pupster sammiches today?



    Bush got his pitch right in the strike zone. Obama? Not so much.

  15. Don’t mess with the Maine Potato Board!

  16. Check it out Leon, robust Japanese hindquarters!

    *single tear*
    *mouth quivers gently*

    I never thought… it’s beautiful.

  17. She seems nice.

    Prayers for Mrs. Pupster (and the surgical team) ♥♥♥

  18. Day 2 of allergy tablets. I blame the Maine Potato Board.

  19. This is an awesome post.

    And someone gave me a random high five about a month ago. I was walking home from the gym and it totally made my day.

    Thank you blonde stranger.

  20. I really hope Mrs Pupster falls in love with a Dr does well today.

  21. *offers MJ a high five

    *leaves him hanging

    Ha ha! /Nelson

  22. Gabe linked this at the mothership. Have fun looking for Car in’s house:

  23. *high fives James on the ass

    Good game, buddy!

  24. Heh, nice pepe.

  25. One of the traditions at Texas A&M when Mr. TiFW and I were students was for everyone to smile and say “Howdy” to anyone they might pass by on campus. Made for a pretty friendly place.

    Don’t know when the tradition faded away, but we noticed students weren’t doing it anymore the last time we visited the campus. I read that some students are trying to revive the tradition, though.

  26. Everybody waves at oncoming cars from the other car in rural Iowa. Urban, not so much.

  27. I’m pretty sure both Mrs. Pupster and her mom are already in love with this Doctor. They keep coming back for more work on shoulders, elbows, knees. He is a striking fellow.

  28. august asiatic assets pupster

  29. Good morning, fairy tail things.

    Quick healing and happy thoughts for Mrs. Pups.

  30. Good morning, fairy tail things.

    I’m a Dwarf.

  31. Also, a big happy congratulations to:

    Comment by Jimbro on May 30, 2014 6:39 am
    Yeah, I went to “Like” the post and it said My Grav (My Gravatar I’m guessing) and then disappears when I hit refresh. It’s a shame because those bewbs deserve to be widely admired.

    This comment was officially number 1000000 on this here POS blog. Your faaaabulous prizes are on their way to your home right now!!!

  32. Good morning, fairy tail things… and Leon.


  33. Everybody waves at oncoming cars from the other car in rural Iowa. Urban, not so much.

    That happens in rural Texas too. I mean real rural, like places where they know you are a visitor because the don't recognize your car.

  34. Shinseki summoned to the White House? Looks like xbrad’s call is spot on! Friday afternoon is for bad news!

  35. Yeah, Scott’s second stay at the hospital, he had these young nurses that were freaking gorgeous.

    “These nurses are so much better than the ones last time. They are so smart and nice.”


  36. Good morning, fairy tail things.

    I’m a hunchback.


  37. Good morning, fairy tail things… and Leon.

    I was agreeing with you.

  38. Me too.

  39. Me too ‘er two ‘er three


  40. This comment was officially number 1000000 on this here POS blog. Your faaaabulous prizes are on their way to your home right now!!!
    Why couldn’t it have been one of the 4th grade concert live blog comments?

    That would have summed up this POS perfectly.

  41. Welp, the surgeon just left to scrub up. We had a nice talk per-surgery. Went a little something like this:

  42. Power is out all over the neighborhood for no discernible reason. It’s like we’re living in the Stone Age right now. Thank goodness for cell phones….

  43. L to R

    Mrs. Pupster, Versed

  44. Happy Birthday, Michael.

  45. Best wishes to sweet Mrs. Pupster, Pup.

  46. Where is Car in? Johnny Marr performed How Soon is Now? on Jimmy Fallon’s show.

    It’s pretty good.

  47. Thanks for the link, asseth hateth.

    fucketh Morrissey.

  48. I missed something cause, work but it sounds like Mrs. Pups is having surgery.

    Minor surgery means it’s happening to somebody besides you. Hope everything goes well


  50. So, yeah, Shinseki out. He’s expendable because he’s not really political.

  51. left/right: Laura, me

  52. Good luck to PupsBride. She’s a blast, so I hope she’s back on her feet in no time.

  53. So, as I said yesterday, the press got it’s pound of flesh for the current news cycle, and now Obama can go back to tilting at windmills.

    (That’s not exactly what I said, but, you know.)

  54. Hotspur, you are correct. The Shinseki resignation will be used to deflect calls for a DoJ criminal investigation (and it’s pretty fucking clear the secret wait lists were all about protecting bonuses).

  55. Are Mrs Pupsters elbows going to be bigger after the surgery?

  56. They’ll be less sharp and pointy. Pupster couldn’t stand them like they were.

  57. This BBF need a pointyelbowectomy. Stat!

  58. Apparently Lurch got his talking points for the week; like a good little automaton, so he’s spewing them out.

    This made me LOL, though – the John Kerry Action Figure, complete with 3 disposable Purple Hearts and a Botox maintenance kit:

  59. Sanding didn’t work.

  60. That’s the same thing that idiot Jen Psaki said yesterday.

    It’s like they’re not even trying to hide it.

  61. oooooooooooooo…… interesting………..

  62. There is a lot of blocking and tackling to foreign policy,” he said. “To change sports metaphors, or, if you want to stick to baseball, that a lot of what you want to do is to advance the ball on human rights, advance the ball on national security, advance the ball on energy independence, to put the ball in play.”

    Is it just me, or does advance the ball equate to a football metaphor?

    Sharpest bulb in the drawer.’s-take-john-f-kerry-search-credit-complicated-world

  63. Wiser, it might be interesting, but what story is even left to tell?

    Even if he’s alive, he’s caught, and the cancer is still killing him.

  64. Who’s idea is it to be more arrogant. It’s like the left only knows how to troll these days.

  65. Even if he’s alive, he’s caught, and the cancer is still killing him.

    Oh ye of little imagination…..

  66. pupster sneaks away:

  67. best wishes for a successful procedure and speedy recovery to Pupster’s bitch.

  68. Whose…

  69. ….a lot of what you want to do is to advance the ball on human rights, advance the ball on national security, advance the ball on energy independence….

    Well, sure – only problem is that Sir Golfsalot hasn’t “advanced the ball” on ANY of those things; if anything, he’s taken the ball and run the other way with it.

  70. Short rant:

    all over facebook are things (probably from pinterst) about using old pallets to make things. Furniture, etc.

    My one problem – they USE those pallets often until they are pretty trashed. Not to mention, they are made very coarsely, with really big thick, ugly nails.

    All these people with these beautiful ideas … all posting/asking if they know where they can get some pallets.


    We use them at work. We use them until they are firewood.


  71. This is why Mrs. Pupster doesn’t like to be away from home for too long:

  72. Happy Birthday, Michael.

    Thanks Cyn. It means a lot to me when somebody remembers. You are the best. So kind and sweet and caring. I want you to know that I do not believe a word of those vile things that Teresa says about you behind your back. She’s just jealous, in my opinion.

  73. If I had known I was in the running for 1,000,000 comment I would’ve used more dog whistles like goatfucker, blumpy, twatwaffle and so on. As it stands I’m proud the word bewb made it.

    So I’ve prepared a little speech to commemorate the occasion:

    *consults contents of pockets*

    Ahem, there’s been a little mix up at the STD Clinic, I really need to go.

    Thank you, you’ve been wonderful!

    (I blame Mare)

  74. Don’t go Jimbro. I need to know your take on the flutists last night.

    I’m dying to know.

  75. This is my favorite Obama response today:

    Other than dying while waiting for an appointment the care at the VA is excellent.

  76. flautists

  77. Oh ye of little imagination…..

    I can imagine things, but the story ended so well that I think anything else would be a mistake. Walter realized that he’d become a monster due to his pride, said he was sorry to Skyler, and gave what little was left of himself to try and rescue Jesse. If he survives that, what’s he do, even if he manages to evade/escape capture? Why would he make more meth, and who in their right mind or even not-so-right mind would do business with him? And sans blue meth and Walter’s damnable pride, what’s the show even about?

  78. My auto cucumber says flutists.

  79. Breaking Bad would have been a completely different show if Walt had made black-market anabolic steroids instead of meth.


  80. *writes show proposal for AMC, working title Breaking Juice*

  81. *calls Strip-O-Gram and changes Michael’s surprise birthday gift from “Naughty Nurse” to “Village People Special”*

    Might want to put covers on all the couches, dear – those boyz come equipped with several bottles of oils and lubes.

  82. Cucumbers and flutists belong together.

    No kids playing flute, piccolo or fife. The 5th graders were a bit better than the 4th graders as could be expected. The best part of it was the brevity of the whole event. I was home drinking a beer an hour and a half from the time I departed home.

  83. No kids playing flute, piccolo or fife. The 5th graders were a bit better than the 4th graders as could be expected. The best part of it was the brevity of the whole event. I was home drinking a beer an hour and a half from the time I departed home.
    But what about the horn section? Any stand outs?

  84. What about the clarinets?


  86. There were a few up and comers in the brass and reed divisions. Most will give up playing in a year or two like I did. But reading music and playing an instrument as a kid gives you insight on that stuff for life.

  87. Sadly, no tuba

  88. Tuba versus Sousaphone: which is better?


  89. They finally broke Carney – he’s leaving the White House.

  90. OMG, I still have some Sudafed in my desk… that expired in 2011.

    *takes it anyhow*

  91. Meetup activity:

  92. Carney’s departure means suddenly no one is talking about Shinseki. All the press likes to talk about is the press.

  93. Follow-up:

  94. Jay Carney will be changing his name back to BloodThorn and resuming his old job:

  95. He’s such a Tuba Fucker.

  96. Things are going great, just ask the government.

  97. Lobbyist in 3..2..1…….

  98. Carney’s gonna take Gregory’s job on Meet The Press.

  99. Forget the tuba, Carney is more of a rusty trombone man.


  101. Batshit lefties are strangely silent on FB this afternoon.

  102. Dear Jesus,

    Please let Jen Psaki get promoted to press secretary.



  103. I don’t want to get in to theo-logical discussion or nuttin’, but I don’t think you’re supposed to pray for schadenfreude.

  104. My Jesus has a sense of humor.


    That said, there’s a portrait of a laughing Jesus in the cafeteria at the school attached to my church. He photobombs all the time.

  106. What do you think, leon? Would Jesus play the fucking tuba or the fucking flute.

  107. My Jesus cuts the grass.

  108. Is your Jesus personal? A personal Jesus?

  109. I’d guess flute. Easier to make from wood.

  110. Leon, he’s god. He can make a fucking wooden tuba.

  111. True, but then he’d have to play a tuba.

  112. He could make it sound like a flute. He’s god.

  113. See? This is exactly the theological discussion I didn’t want to have.

    I’m pretty sure you’re agreeing with the Arian heresy in some way.

  114. Just so you know, I would make that tuba RAWK!!!!

  115. I bet wiser could sell a tuba that sounds like a flute to anyone of the Holy Trinity.

  116. And he appears. Fuck yeah.

  117. And he appears. Fuck yeah.

    *tousle’s MJ’s hair

    What’s happening, l’il fella?

  118. Jesus plays the banjo. Just so you know.

  119. Jesus plays the banjo. Just so you know.

    Badly. Trust me.

    Because he never practices! I keep telling him over and over, “if you want to get better on that thing, you need to practice!”

    But does he listen to me? Of course not. Hey, what do I know, amirite?

  120. Doing well, big guy.

    Thanks for asking. How you been? Still pissed that leon is just figuring out the whole YOU thing so late in life.

    It’s ok, you can tell me.

  121. Still pissed that leon is just figuring out the whole YOU thing so late in life.

    Naaaaaah, I never get pissed at those who refuse to believe. All part oft hat “free will” thing, which I’m kinda proud of., just so ya know.

    I was a bit surprised, though, that it took him so long to get through the reading. I honestly that thought his lips were gonna fall off from all the work he was giving them.

    It was like watching a fish out of water, gasping for oxygen.


    Not my best work. I’m much better with toast.

  123. Christ on a cracker!

  124. I’m much better with on toast.

  125. I was a bit surprised, though, that it took him so long to get through the reading. I honestly that thought his lips were gonna fall off from all the work he was giving them.

    I’m not casting blame or anything, but it wasn’t by choice that I’m a slow reader.

  126. I’m not casting blame or anything, but it wasn’t by choice that I’m a slow reader.

    hey, you decide to repeatedly see how long you can hold your breath when you were growing up, you have to expect side effects.

    That whole “free will” thing again…..

  127. Hotspur, that painting should be in the Isabella Stewart Gardner museum. It would improve the place.

  128. Well, time to saddle up and ride, my chillen.

    Yet another weekend of work in front of me.

    Bless y’all! God… OUT!

  129. I thought God was ever-present.

  130. omnipresent

  131. Great news! FWPD has finally nabbed the “Doggie Door Bandit” (not to be confused with Rosetta, who is a completely different kind of “Doggie Door” buggerer)

    Hit a bunch of houses in the neighborhood just a few blocks south of ours:

  132. Omnicient, omnipotent, omnivorous…..

    Oh, wait.

  133. I don’t get this whole resignation thing. You do a bad job in my company I don’t wait around for you to resign. I fire your fucking ass.

    Obama is a fairy.

  134. Thanks to everyone for the nice thoughts and prayers, Mrs. Pupster is home and resting comfortably after the procedure. She’ll be in a splint / cast deal for 10 days or so

    Hey God, thanks for the mercy, pal. If you send me the list of H2 folks who offered up prayers, same email as always, I promise I’ll stop masturbating in about 10 days or so.

  135. This is for Carin. No one else look.

  136. Pupster won’t be getting sammiches made anytime soon.

    Should we send a care package? Quizno’s gift card?

  137. There are businesses near me that put out pallets on the curb sometimes. They will be gone by 10am.

  138. I know! Let’s send him mare!

  139. Around here the stacks of pallets we see on the side of freighter warehouses or stacked by the dumpster of large retailers are abundant, in pretty good shape, and usually free for the taking.

  140. One time, Scott’s old work received an international shipment that was shipped on strange pallets. Fellas in the warehouse gave them a good once-over and found out they were mahogany. Mahogany is apparently a crap wood in other parts of the world.

    Those pallets were taken apart and turned into lovely objects.

  141. Stuff shipped from the south Pacific used to come on teak pallets. They used teak for dunnage lumber as well. That shit is like gold here. But I don’t think they do it anymore.

  142. I know! Let’s send him mare!

    Well, she was a whore, but I’m not sure we couldn’t pool our money and afford a higher-quality hooker.

  143. You do a bad job in my company I don’t wait around for you to resign. I fire your fucking ass.

    In other parts of the world, you do a bad job – especially in a government situation – your family just never hears from you again.

    Don’t think it hasn’t crossed Jarrett’s mind.

  144. I’m pretty sure Pups is the reason mare left.

  145. Hotspur could speak to this better than I could, but it seems to me you could get rough cut lumber a whole lot cheaper in the size and condition you want, rather than spend the time an energy to find, transport, pull apart and cobble together anything from a used pallet. The make them pretty tough, they are hard to pull apart without breakage, and most of the joists will be useless for anything but building another pallet.

  146. I fucking hated having to stack pallets when I was working in a warehouse.

  147. I’ve had that same thought, Pupster. Why not just go to the people who supply the pallet builders?

  148. Hmmm…. seeing some good press for Longmire in the news lately. S3 starts in a couple days. I kinda skipped S2, might have to go back and watch it.

  149. Sawyer blog.

  150. The new book just came out, xbrad.

  151. Thanks to everyone for the nice thoughts and prayers, Mrs. Pupster is home and resting comfortably after the procedure. She’ll be in a splint / cast deal for 10 days or so

    Hey God, thanks for the mercy, pal. If you send me the list of H2 folks who offered up prayers, same email as always, I promise I’ll stop masturbating in about 10 days or so.
    This should be in the comment hall of fame.

  152. Glad to hear the Mrs is doing well Pupster. Must be a day for procedures.

    The eldest drunken midget had her tonsils and adenoids removed earlier today.

    She came out of the anesthesia PISSED..THE..FUCK..OFF.

    That was one angry 7 yr old.

  153. Hm. A lot of the pallet projects do not involve disassembling the pallet, but repurposing them whole. Those make more sense, but then you’ve got this thing that looks like it’s made of pallets.

  154. I’m not the reason Mare left. I asked her to come back.

  155. Almost time to go to Obamerjerb.

  156. You should become the head of the VA.

  157. “Jesus Plays Banjo in Heaven’s String Band” should be a song.

  158. I liked Longmire S2. I’m excited for season three.

  159. I should turn pallets into a sculpture. I’ll call it, Pallet Athena.

  160. Anything with a vagina and a pallet would be considered art of the highest order.

  161. Splintery vagina.

  162. L to R: massive douchebag, massive douchebag.

  163. Greetings, foompers.

  164. Hahahahaha, Shinseki, one of the few generals to stand up to George W Bush.

    Brian Williams, just now.

  165. NPR reported that Obama chose Shinseki as an in your face move to the Bush administration. They repeated that a few times and also got around to mentioning he was qualified for the job once.

    #Bush’s Fault

  166. *debriefs*

  167. Drove to Tucson this morning with the sun at my left shoulder.

    Drove from Tucson this afternoon with the sun at my left shoulder.

    My left shoulder is owwwwie.

  168. The eldest drunken midget had her tonsils and adenoids removed earlier today.
    She came out of the anesthesia PISSED..THE..FUCK..OFF.
    That was one angry 7 yr old.

    I remember when one of our girls was getting her wisdom teeth out, the nurse telling us about the different moods of some folks coming out of anesthesia.

    I can’t remember if she was telling me that they wake up the same way they go under or not. (Maybe I just imagined that)

    DD#3 needed “relaxing” beforehand; she didn’t really care what they were doing by the time they came to put her under….

  169. Cyn, try wearing clothes next time.

  170. NPR reported that Obama chose Shinseki as an in your face move to the Bush administration

    Well, I guess Obama showed him, didn’t he?

    I swear, the man still acts like a petulant child.

  171. That’s a novel approach, Xbrad. I’ll give it a whirl.

  172. Shinseki, one of the few generals to stand up to George W Bush.

    Had a Democrat been in the WH, this would have been an outrageous affront to the concept of civilian leadership of the military, but you knew that.

  173. I kicked ass for 14 hours straight.

    Almost a double.

  174. Why not 15?

  175. “I kicked ass for 14 hours straight.

    I’ll have a double.”


  176. Maybe tomorrow.

  177. Public TV has a good special on D-Day airing right now.

  178. Oh God, a paleo post at the HQ. It’s spreading…

  179. HQ sidebar also discovered Colin Furz.

  180. Colin killed it. Probably with a fireball.

  181. Googleman’s hairs have been cut for his year-end dance and I still have clippers out… anyone? anyone?

  182. Did anybody get a judge to declare anybody else incompetent today?

  183. funny link. Not freaky.

  184. HA That was funny Tushar!

  185. Again, funny. Not freaky. May be a tad NSFW. But you should not be working on Friday night.

  186. *gives everybody the “no-click-wave-off” when Tushar isn’t looking*

  187. Did the twins make you a cake or something special for your birthday Tush?

  188. This would have made a lovely birthday gift.

  189. Cyn, I was working. 😦
    I got a hug and b’day wishes from wife and kids in the morning.
    I turned 41. There isn’t much to celebrate.

  190. But you should not be working on Friday night.

    If you can figure out a way for me to get paid some other way, I’m all ears.

    Some other legal way, I mean.


    you fuckers decide if this is funny or freaky

  192. I turned 41. There isn’t much to celebrate.

    Of course there is! It’s the only way that you have a chance to turn 42.


  194. That was both funny and freaky.

  195. I liked 41.

  196. I worked a double, and drank 3.

    Even Steven.

  197. That only equals five.

    Not even Steven.

  198. i am at zero Indians right now.

  199. I want a drink but I’m trapped under a puppy.

  200. Just got done wita a new CAD/CAM file and caanges to 3 more. Start cutting parts in tae morning.

    NOTE: ” I-I ” key started typing a’s on my pos computer. Please substitute as necessary.

  201. i am at zero Indians right now.

    *slides C arin a Diet Dr Pepper*

  202. Cyn, keep a scarf in your car to drape over your shoulder or chest as necessary. It sucks and is so annoying when the sun hits you when driving, eh?

    I used to commute east in the morning and west in the evening — the sun would be just at the perfect angle to glare in my eyes both ways.

    Debriefed and drinking a beer.

  203. *slides C arin a Diet Dr Pepper*


    *pours glass of wine

    Hey, it’s Paleo.

  204. Water would be better than either.

  205. I can’t even get up to get water. Benny is sleeping on my chest.

  206. Water won’t help me sleep after working until 10 at night.

    besides I drank a fukkssize amount of water at work.I make a big mason jar with water, mint, lemon, and cucumbers in it. yummy.

  207. Hotel I stay at in Fairfax makes a big block of ice with strawberries an cucumber chunks and puts it in the lobby water cooler.

  208. *pours glass of wine


    But you enjoy it, please.

  209. Eh, sean, I was just joshing. If I was really committed to my healthy lifestyle, I wouldn’t drink at all. But I LOVE IT.

    It doe help me fall asleep. it’s hard to go from waiting tables to bed.

    soda really does tear me up, though.

    I’ve done strawberry, berries in water too. Yum.

  210. DDP. Tastes more like regular.

  211. Wine is drunk, so it’s nighty night time.

    Indian count: 1.5

    I think i’ll be good to walk to my room with no problems .

  212. I’ve recently started adding just a little pomegranate-blueberry juice to unsweetened iced tea. Good stuff.

  213. I never liked dr . pepper, diet or otherwise. Mountain dew either. Yuck.

    If I’m forced to drink soda, Sunkist Orange, or ruby red squirt.

  214. Squirt.

  215. I’ve been known to enjoy a Squirt now and again.

  216. Yoohoo!

  217. I bought the top-of-the-line Breville juicer recently. It is intimidating. Dang thing looks like a spacecraft. I’m gonna be making some first class juice here any day now. Just got to figure out how to work the darn thing.

  218. I like Diet Mountain Dew, but the logo is too close to regular and the only difference is the color of the cap. I was in a hurry and passed out from the too quick sugar elevation. Good times.


    Again, funny. Not freaky. May be a tad NSFW. But you should not be working on Friday night.

    Almost all the subtitles are wrong. The first time he gives is 5:35. I don’t think donkey balls are actually NSFW.

  220. *Gives Michael the “oh hot pool boy, come over here look*

  221. The Googleman is off to his dance.


  222. Thanks for the tip on the scarf, Lipstick. On the bright side, I did remember to roll up my sleeve to help get rid of the farmer’s tan line.

  223. I keep a towel in the car to ward off sunburn. A scarf would be more feminine.

  224. The Googleman is off to his dance.


    He farted on his way out the door?

  225. Ya know that big white thin dish towels that were always used to try the glasses and the china? I have two of those in my car and hang them to block the sun on that side of the car that’s getting blasted by the sun.

  226. The Googleman is off to his dance.


    House smells better since he left?

  227. Thankfully no, Shawn.

    I am sooo glad he went. He’s a bit on the shy side. It was just about a last minute decision to go, day before yesterday. He picked out a deep blue shirt and a very cool tie.

  228. Ha Ha

    Oh youse guys!

  229. I can’t stand pop anymore. All of it is too sweet and gross-tasting. Club soda with some lemon or lime is about as much as I can stand.

  230. Dad’s been telling the donkey balls joke for as long as I can remember, except he places it in Mexico. He does the accent, too “When I leeeft the donkey’s etc.”

    You’re welcome, Cyn. I also get cold easily so there are several coats and a suit jacket in the back seat of the Escape. Also a cowboy hat for fun and a big brimmed floppy hat to put on and pull down over the left side of my face for when the sun is baking it and making horror! faint spots appear.

  231. Sean,
    How is the Mom? Getting around okay?
    Doing PT?
    Anita is doing pretty well, but she just can’t trust the hip anymore.
    She is afraid, and the Physical Therapist and Orthopod have really not given her any reassurance that it will not dislocate again.

  232. Great idea on the dish towels! I’m going to do that — thanks Cyn.

  233. I really hope all the H2 familia gets well, feels better, manages their pain, and finds the humor in life on a daily basis.

  234. Mom is doing well, but she forgot to take any Aleve before going to bed last night, so she was sore today. She’s not doing PT yet. Just walking around the house with her walker. I’m amazed by how resilient and positive she’s been.

    Sorry to hear that Anita’s hip is a source of anxiety for her. What happened here last weekend couldn’t have helped with that, assuming you mentioned it to her.

  235. Great for Sean-Mom!

  236. ABQ moved Pride to this wknd. RL friend is trying to get me to party with him tomorrow. Told me to “Call in gay”. This is actually a “Thing”. Target and Sam’s won’t do anything to gay employees that call in on Pride Day.

  237. It may sound strange, but my parents’ involvement in Al-Anon has actually helped them with this. The concept of personal powerlessness has made it easier for her to accept things.

  238. Good on Sean-parents.

  239. Glad to hear Sean-Mom is getting around. I missed exactly what they did in her surgery.

    A friend has 2 artificial hips and he said that one brand has a problem with tiny shavings of metal coming off because of the friction. They gave him a blood test to check that.

    Wish Anita had her confidence back. It’s down-heartening for you both, I’m sure.

  240. I guess I should’ve known by the way
    You parked your car sideways that it wouldn’t last
    See, you’re the kinda person that believes in makin’ out once
    Derp ’em and leave ’em fast

  241. Morning, children. Sleep is a scam.

  242. New poat.

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