Monday Muscular Motivational

Happy Veteran’s Day (Observed), and thank you to all our veterans (observed).

I’m not feeling too big on words today. It’s been a rough week for every one of us, and tens of millions of strangers we’ve never met. We’ll get through this. The light of freedom — stretching backward in time, a torch carried forward by different peoples speaking all manner of tongues — has not been and cannot be extinguished, only dimmed for awhile.

We’ll get through this. We have to. Children yet unborn need the warning only our witness can provide. We owe it to them to bear that witness. We’ve already stolen more from them than they can ever earn, so we at least owe them that.

*removes glasses*
*massages bridge of nose*

Now, hot chicks in Lycra.

All oughtta bubblegum, guess that means it’s ass-kickin’ time.


  1. Better.

  2. *turns off all electronics

  3. Thanks Leon…for your words, and the asstastic photos up there.

    No day off for this veteran, got an office full of patients all day:

    *removes glasses*
    *massages bridge of nose*

  4. Thank you for your service, j1mbro. I hope at least one patient is a hot chick with big knockers that wants to know if it feels like a lump to you.

    For her sake, I hope it’s just a benign cyst or swollen lymph node.

  5. Windy and raining here, but at least it’s 50F.

  6. All oughtta bubblegum, guess that means it’s ass-kickin’ time.

    I guess leon found They Live on Netflix.

  7. 20 here. It’s coming your way!

  8. Yeah, we’re expecting frosts the rest of the week. I’ve got a little yard work left to do, unfortunately, and now I might have to consider whether it makes sense to build the second coop now or in Spring.

    Probably Spring, now that I think about it. I need to know how the area I’m going to use currently drains.

  9. Wakey wakey.

    Boys missed the bus. I’ve got a million excuses for why my wakeys are late.

  10. I have no thoughts to add, but I’m still inclined.

  11. Thank you Leon. 11 degrees here, but will probably dip a few degrees when the sun starts to come up.

  12. we’ve got a Faabbuulous-type gay guy at work, and I’m ready to slug him.


  13. Hostess employees are getting an 8% haircut as the company goes through bankruptcy proceedings. I’ll take that over sequestration.

  14. 11 degrees here, but will probably dip a few degrees when the sun starts to come up.

    I know that this happens, but I can never remember exactly why. My intuition is that sunlight hitting dewdrops causes them to evaporate and pulls heat out of the air, but that could be complete bullshit.

  15. I think the sun hits the upper atmosphere first, and causes it to expand, forcing the colder air down. It always happens between the time it starts to get light and when the sun is actually visible. No dew here to evaporate.

  16. That makes more sense. My supposition doesn’t work in the desert at all. Having never been in a desert at sunrise, though, I had no idea if it happened there.

  17. I think it’s just radiation.
    It continues until the sun hits the ground at a sufficient angle to reverse it.

  18. Imanass is replaying an interview with Broadwell from January.

    I’m not saying Petreaus did the right thing or that any of his actions were noble or justified, but I understand. She could be up there with the other gals today.

  19. Why did Petreaus resign? I thought your sex life was personal and had nothing to do with your job.

  20. It was the better or two options.

    When Obama wants you out, you leave.

  21. It depends on what your definition of the word is is.

  22. I thought your sex life was personal and had nothing to do with your job.

    It’s a required disclosure to the security people when you have a clearance, so they know to check whether it’s a threat. Failure to disclose it could result in loss of the clearance. For him, it was actually a job issue, at least in theory.

    Drive time.

  23. Florida seems to have shaped up nicely for some voter fraud. Philly too. That won’t get better.

  24. I think the security thingy went up when they found out she was accessing his emails.

    Then shit got real. They might have winked and looked away until that happened. Maybe I’m wrong, too.

  25. Voter fraud didn’t lose this election for us. Voters not voting lost this election for us. Fraud was small potatoes.

    I hope I’m not wrong.

  26. Voter fraud didn’t lose this election for us. Voters not voting lost this election for us. Fraud was small potatoes.
    I don’t think voter fraud was a big deal, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be an issue. Voter ID can only help conservatives. The bogus stats about 141% voter turnout and 100% voting for Obama in certain locations should be endlessly repeated.

  27. Oh I think it exists, MJ, and should be pursued. I’m absolutely positive that something went on in Philly, where the poll watchers were kicked out.

    Broward county going all in for Obama kinda stinks to high heaven, too.

  28. I didn’t say voter fraud lost the election, but pretending it’s not an issue is ridiculous.

    “The bogus stats about 141% voter turnout and 100% voting for Obama in certain locations should be endlessly repeated.”

    I think the actual voter fraud stats as they slowly emerge are enough.

    Thank you, Allen West.

  29. It’s good that Allen West is sticking to his guns. Sounds like something fishy went on there.

    Is there any news on that front today?

    And good morning, mare!

  30. 3….2….1……

  31. Good morning Jay.

  32. Allen West lost by over 2400 votes in the unofficial recount. Outside the margin for a full recount.

    There was one precinct where the recount showed he won by 195 and people freaked out thinking he won the whole thing.

    It’d be helpful too if people who assert that fraud is a problem (something on which we all agree) would acknowledge up front they don’t think it cost us the election, otherwise we wrongly assume they mean fraud cost us the election – which a lot of people are asserting and they’re wrong.

  33. Right on time.

  34. Ugh, I hadn’t heard that he lost the unofficial.

  35. He can still sue to force a recount, that’s his last option.

  36. I should have been clearer too, outside the margin for an automatic recount.

  37. Voice of Elmo might have had a sexual relationship with an underage boy. How effin’ creepy is that?

  38. I read that too, leon. Creepy X 100.

  39. which a lot of people are asserting and they’re wrong.
    Truthiness works well. Why not leave the impression of voter fraud to further a political goal?

  40. *tackles Dave*

  41. But I don’t wanna be a conspiracy theorist!

  42. Their strategy was ‘Kill Romney.’

    Ours was clear eyes and open hearts or whatever.

    I’m still bitter, though.

  43. *guzzles sugar water

  44. But I don’t wanna be a conspiracy theorist!

    Reptoids. It makes it all a lot easier to take. Underground, supersonic tunnel-trains run for our dinosaur overlords. It’s so much more fun than Rothschilds or Tri-lateral Commission.

  45. At first I thought Voice of Elmo was a nickname for someone. Then I googled it and…ew. I always knew there was something fucked up about Elmo.

  46. As instaGlenn said: what did Big Bird know and when did he know it?

  47. I’m distressed with MJ’s profound descent into cynicism. I think he needs to take inventory of his Good Things. Even when your heart sits in the dust, there will be reasons to smile and love life.

    Oh, by the way, Elmo from Sesame Street is a child molester.

  48. Toss up between first pic and last pic although an excellent all around MMM. Last pic for the win, because of….. athletic socks.

    (and pedi-elmo, ewwww, just sick)

    Everybody have a good day.

  49. Last pic for the win, because of….. athletic socks.

    I’m something of an enthusiast, so I tend to agree.

  50. *clicks Elmo link*


  51. Voters not voting lost this election for us.

    And how many early/absentee votes were “lost”, do you suppose? Given the enthusiasm that was obvious for all to see, it is still hard for me to believe that 3 million fewer votes were cast for Romney than McCain. This FELT like 1980 did.

    I’m still uncomfortable with the electronic (touchscreen) voting, as there is a lot of room for mistakes (and mischief) to take place.

    But it is what it is, and the people who voted for Obama – and the ones who couldn’t be bothered to vote for either candidate – are now going to have to live with the consequences of their choice.

    Thanks for the pep talk, Leon – I sure needed to hear that.

  52. I like Ben’s headline “Show me on the Elmo doll where Elmo touched you”.

    I mean, it’s creepy sick, but it’s funny. Ironical maybe. Yeah. that

  53. “Show me on the Elmo doll where Elmo touched you”


    *barfs again*

  54. The last chick stole my heart. I’ll be in my bunk.

  55. Heh. The accuser’s lawyers notified Sesame Street lawyers in August. This might have been nice to know when Big Bird became such a huge campaign issue.

  56. Big Bird has binders full of pedophiles!

    Thank Gaia we find Sesame Street.

  57. Um…
    Find = fund

  58. This supposedly happened when the “kid” was 16?

    That’s skirting the edge of “pedophilia” to me – in a lot of states, 16 is over the age of consent.

    Sounds more like somebody wants to get a payoff.

    Of course, if this happened with more than one “kid”, we’ll hear about it soon enough –

  59. Sounds more like somebody wants to get a payoff.

    When I was shopping yesterday, I saw that “victim #1” of Jerry Sandusky has a book on the shelves, now. Not judging, just noting.

  60. Lauraw, you funneh.

  61. There are decades worth of Elmo clips where he is interacting with young children.

    This is going to be something to see.

    *holds Aggie’s hair back*

  62. Don’t tickle me, Elmo.

  63. A copy of Final Cut Pro, a mess of Elmo with kids clips, and some spare time could a lovely video make.

    Perhaps the soundtrack could be Sammy Johns’ song “Chevy Van.”

  64. This Elmo poat is brought to you by the number 69.

  65. I have pondered the Petraus situation at great length and I’m fairly certain I have been able to identify its root cause: Women have vaginas. Men want in them.


  66. Children’s Television Workshop? Kind of creepy now…

  67. CB, unless your job involves a red puppet. Just sayin’

  68. Okay, then … most men.

  69. I have pondered the Petraus situation at great length and I’m fairly certain I have been able to identify its root cause: Women have vaginas. Men want in them.

    Some just plain want them. San Francisco will even pay for the surgery.

  70. *holds Aggie’s hair back*

    *gives Pupster a doggie treat*

  71. I’m distressed with MJ’s profound descent into cynicism.
    Meh. I’ll pull out of it. I’m just really pissed that one of my neighbors looked down on me for putting a sign in my yard, and then decided to tell me about it after drinking 1,932 cocktails.

    We don’t hang around this crowd very often and it seems they have a wildly different view of my wife and I than is reality.

  72. Can you clarify on that last sentence? I don’t know what you meant by that.

  73. If you burn their house down, it would serve as a warning to the rest of the neighbors.

    Sometimes you need to make an example of someone to get the message across.

  74. If you burn their house down, it would serve as a warning to the rest of the neighbors.



    sweet, cleansing fire…..

  75. I missed that I got tackled.


    *commences series of obviously fake complaints, including dangits and shuckydarns, which nobody is falling for one bit*

  76. Ya know what? The people who vote in this country seem to be fine with fiscal insanity, racial division, class envy, environmental idiocy and dependence on government. Get over it.

  77. There is some good funny in here

  78. looking at pupster’s avatar reminds me that my niece had that same pic on her phone for some reason.

    cracked me up.

  79. That’s a good one, scott.

  80. Moses the beagle has touched the hearts of millions.

    Pretty good legacy for a hound.

  81. Yeah, for a hound.

  82. Moses the beagle has touched the hearts of millions.

    Elmo the Muppet has touched…

  83. Flacco “I threw that pigskin and long and straight as Roethlisberger’s Mom’s cock.” HA HA HA

  84. as long and straight

  85. Laura?

  86. We don’t hang around this crowd very often and it seems they have a wildly different view of my wife and I than is reality.
    We’re not very social with our neighbors, but it’s mostly because we don’t have kids. I was asked why a young, hip, progressive couple like us would be republicans.

    I just thought that was silly. I guess it would be accurate if hip and progressive means working most of the time, eating boogers, and going to bed at 9:30 every night.

  87. Still raining. I should be asleep on a couch somewhere.

  88. I was asked why a young, hip, progressive couple like us would be republicans.

    Because fighting the Man is always hip, and they’re the Man.

  89. Heh. MJ and Mrs MJ don’t look like H8Rs. They have to many teeth to be Republicans.

  90. Hey George, how about a photoshop of that creepy picture of Jim Messina with Tickle Me Elmo on his hands?

  91. Ya know what? The people who vote in this country seem to be fine with fiscal insanity, racial division, class envy, environmental idiocy and dependence on government. Get over it.
    I hate that you are always right. I’m over it.

    These are reasons to smile and love life:

    1. My dog will almost roll over. Almost. ‘Nother week, maybe two.
    2. Wife is hot.
    3. Good friends and family.
    4. Healthy.
    5. Wife likes steak now.
    6. Our home!
    7. No snow.
    8. I don’t seem to be losing hair.
    9. I get to work from home.
    10. It’s been three years since we planted most of our trees/plants and they are starting to look quite beautiful.

  92. MJ does look a lot like your typical Democrat.

    Maybe he’s a plant?

  93. He probably broke Orca.

  94. I don’t even like okra. It tastes like shit unless you fry it.

  95. I don’t know what I look like to others. Most of the <35 crowd appears to be convinced that all such people that aren't obvious religious nuts are on their side, so I've had a few of them assume I was part of their cult. I guess my neo-nazi hairstyle and swastika armband aren't sending enough of a message.

  96. MJ, how do you know what shit tastes like?

  97. Okra is a practical joke the Confederates started to embarrass Yankee visitors. It’s not food.

  98. MJ, how do you know what shit tastes like?
    Your sister told me after you took her to prom.

  99. Most of the <35 crowd appears to be convinced that all such people that aren't obvious religious nuts are on their side.
    Yeah, this is what I was trying to get at. They seem to stereotype a lot.

  100. I must really suck. After 7 days I was told I am not working out.
    I am still processing this shit.

  101. Not too hard to disappear a lot of votes.

    As far as the votes McCain got, um…that was Palin. Had she not excited folks, it would have been a very embarrassing blow out for McRino. I’m thinking many put Romney in the McCain-demo-lite category.
    Young gal I worked with totally understands economics, totally doesn’t like redistribution, can’t stand her parasitic family who refuse to do for themselves…….she didn’t vote because she didn’t like either candidate.
    Well, we’ll see how that comes back to bite her, but that is why several people I know of, didn’t vote.

  102. Oh damn, Vmax. WTH? That’s awful.

  103. WTF Vmax? No way!

  104. Oh no, Vmax!
    You’re a new hire, Obama got re-elected, many companies are starting to slash and burn. First in, first out.

    I’m so sorry, hon.

  105. Sorry VMan.

  106. How is that possible?

  107. It was about billable hours I was taking too long on my projects. I documented where their computer crashing caused me to waste 10 hours of time out of 40. No wonder I was taking too long.

    Really? They said. We will look into that for the next guy.

  108. *counts back seven days….*

    vmax – bummer man… i’d wager that it really isn’t you –

  109. that truly sucks donkey balls, Vmax..

    Sorry, man.

    Any way we can punish them for you?

  110. John E on the Laura Ingraham show coming up streaming on kuik at 12:30 central.

  111. It still sucks Jam

  112. Heh Wiser!

  113. Heh Wiser!

    I’m serious.

    Any way we can at least make sure we are not buying product from them or supporting their business in any way?

  114. Good day, people who can relate to Garfield.

  115. No Wiser but thanks.

  116. I confess it’s odd to hear standard network radio feeds at the hourly news gushing about the miracle of fracking and rising domestic oil production, when about a week ago it was all about how fracking was going to poison the planet and oil was to be supplanted by green energy.

    But now we are in a one-party country. We are all Chicagoans now.

  117. Things that are useful to The Party are to be praised, Eric.

    Poland had better watch its back.

  118. Sorry Vmax. Ugh.

    Sending you all the good luck vibes I can spare.

  119. “Sending you all the good luck vibes I can spare.”

    Did you at least wash them first?

  120. Ugh. I just found a map that breaks down how the county voted by precinct. Romney lost mine by 40 votes.

  121. Greasy Jeebus. Again on the network news at the hour, more absolutely gushing (pun intended) stories on the domestic oil and gas boom. Saying gas prices will keep falling. Saying that more women than ever drive(!?!).

    CBS News: Pravda had nothing on us, comrades.

  122. Interesting, Romney lost mine by 183

  123. oh, it is gonna suck to be a roaming salesperson who stops at my house for the foreseeable future.

    Couple of young kids stop by just now, selling AT&T Uverse. We tried to install that 4 years ago and AT&T fucked that deal up worse than the Romney campaign’s GOTV efforts. So I am not and will never be interested in switching to UVerse.

    Seems they already stopped by this weekend and wiserbride tried to blow them off with “You got anything in writing for me to review?” and “I am not making any commitments to anything to someone who just randomly walks onto my property.” Obviously, that didn’t work.

    First they waste 3 minutes introducing themselves and asking me how my day was going and I just kept repeating “great. now what do you want?”

    When they finally got to their pitch, I explained to them we had no phone line, wasn’t goint spend $3k to install one, etc. They just kept trying to interrupting repeating “But we spoke to your wife…” over and over again, like that was going to make me listen to them.

    I finally said “I don’t care who you spoke to, it’s not going to happen.” and turned around and walked back into the house.

    I love how they walk onto our property and somehow imagine that they are within their rights to interrupt and dictate to me how the conversation will go.

  124. They just kept trying to interrupting repeating “But we spoke to your wife…” over and over again, like that was going to make me listen to them.

    I think this is some kind of technique that they’re teaching solicitors these days. It comes up a lot with people who call on the phone peddling contracting estimates. “We spoke to someone there back in January…”

  125. I think this is some kind of technique that they’re teaching solicitors these days.

    To bad they don;t realize that my wife and I actually talk about stuff and neither one of us makes a decision without clearing it with the other one.

    If wiserbride was honestly interested in what they were selling, she would have mentioned it to me., As it is, all she was trying to do was to get them off our lawn. They were just too dumb to see that.

    Well, if they didn’t get it before, I guaran-fucking-tee they got it now.

    My patience for that shit is at it’s lowest level ever.

  126. I don’t get any door-to-doors anymore, thank Heaven.

    It’s almost a shame, I’d be pleased as punch to pelt a liberal hippie petition clipboard artist with some cage-free organic eggs.

    Or perhaps just encourage them to walk out to the pasture with me and grab a handful of the good stuff, then offer them an even trade for what they’re trying to sell me.

  127. I’m not ringing his doorbell on meatless Monday.

  128. selling AT&T Uverse. We tried to install that 4 years ago and AT&T fucked that deal up worse than the Romney campaign’s GOTV efforts. So I am not and will never be interested in switching to UVerse.

    FIL left ATT to go Comcast, and then the switch back epically rogered his whole setup, from phones to internet. I had to sort out his home wireless. ATT now forces their proprietary NAT wireless router on you if you want Uverse, so all his wireless passwords were fucked and he had a double NAT hosing. I turned off the NAT function on his wireless Apple network which has two base stations for better coverage, and all is back to normal.

    You would think a fucking ATT tech could imagine the possibility of the problems that would happen if you install a whole new wireless network in someone’s house without dealing with the existing one.

    I mean, double NAT? What in the sweet fucking caresses of fucking syrupy fuckall are they, democrats? Unintended confuckingsequences.

  129. Oh, and Ed Morrissey is telling us to cave on illegal immigration. Because Hispanics will listen to our Seductive Message of Free Markets and Equality Before the Law if we do that.

    Hispanics are more equal than others, however.

  130. Okay, I’ll cave on illegal immigration if we repeal the minimum wage and birthright citizenship.

  131. *recalls good luck vibes for a good hose down*

  132. You would think a fucking ATT tech could imagine the possibility of the problems

    We use Vonage. I also have another VOIP phone wired up here for work.

    What are the chances, despite the repeated assurances, that UVerse would totally fuck that up?

    And then, suprisingly, not be able to fix it?

    “Guess you’ll have to switch to our phone service….” Yeah, no. that ain’t happening.

    Like I said, we do not have a phone line. When it became apparent to them that this was going to be a problem, I was told it would probably “ONLY” cost me $3k to run a line to my house.

    I told them that was not going to happen. If they wanted to sell me UVerse, they better figure out to get that line to my house for no charge.

    Amazingly, I never heard from anyone at ATT again, up until today. My order was

  133. quietly ignored until it just… no longer existed.

    Too bad the two reps who stopped by today weren’t made aware of that background.

    Well, too bad for them, anyway…..

  134. >> If wiserbride was honestly interested in what they were selling, she would have mentioned it to me done whatever the hell she wanted to do and told me about it later.


    also, sorry about the job thing vmax.

  135. Don’t know if I was clear, FIL went back to ATT and that became a mess from the first breath.

  136. We don’t get people coming by for the most part. Locked gate, and then 1.7 miles of dirt road. If people bother you, just go “deliverance” on them. Cross your eyes a little, and say “You sure are purty.” accompanied by your most psychotic, demented, inbred hillbilly laugh. People will run away. Doesn’t matter if the person is male or female. This works for extra elbow room on planes too.

  137. Ah, and Ed Morrissey is saying we also can’t have a solution without finding “more revenue.”

  138. Ed should start looking for more revenue in his colon. His head’s already up there, he may as well check.

  139. Oh, and Ed Morrissey is telling us to cave on illegal immigration.

    Have I ever mentioned how much I despise Ed Morrissey? He doesn’t give a flying fuck about conservatism or fixing this country. He has no moral center or courage. He cares about one thing: Ed Morrissey.

    Here’s the deal:

    The hard left elects Dems, even those that are not progressive enough, because they are Dems. Then, when they have them in office, they start to push them left. Over the years, those who have resisted that push have been removed and replaced by Dems who are more malleable. In this way, they have succeeded in teaching anyone who wishes to run for office on the Dem ticket to go further and further left if they plan on keeping their office.

    The hard Right, however, seems not to understand how this works. Nope, unless they are offered THE PERFECT CANDIDATE, they sit it out.

    And people like Ed continue to get a larger and larger voice.

  140. When politics becomes an argument not about liberty versus collectivism or the sovereignty of the individual before the State, but instead an argument about how many people of a certain skin color may be exempted from the law, or whether the proper amount of taxpayer money to spend on preventative orthopedic care is 5% more or less than the IPAB guidelines, then politics is no longer of any interest to me.

    We have just about arrived at this state.

  141. If only people like Morrissey would be honest and just declare they want to adopt Democrat positions in the hope of winning elections, and that this strategy is and must perforce be an abandonment of at least some conservative principles, it would contribute to clarity.

    Of course, given a choice between faux Democrat and the real thing… well, let’s not strain Ed’s brain with that one.

  142. Naturally it never occurs to any of these asshats that the solution to more revenue lies in something like a flat tax which would cause economic activity to go gangbusters. Alas, out tax policy is not about revenue, its about graft or punishment or favors to special interests.

    *reissues good luck vibes that are all clean, shiny and minty fresh*

  143. Ed Morrissey is telling us to cave on illegal immigration letting people cut in line.


    When our side is willing to cave on the “Rule of Law”, this country is done for.

    Honestly, do we stand for what is right, or don’t we?

  144. VMax, so sorry to hear about your job 😦


  145. The moochers won. Three generations of leftist control of the culture has accomplished their task. The vast majority don’t give a shit about liberty, individual freedom or the Constitution. They just want their free bread, American Idol and “fairness”.

  146. Ed Morrissey is telling us to cave on letting people cut in line.

    Some animals are indeed more equal than others.

    Ed and his ilk had better not expect any of their new-fangled Seductively Progressive Conservatism to hinge upon equality before the law, regardless of race. ‘Cause you’ve pretty much whored yourself out at that point. Reagan tried that and his successor Poppa Bush won even less of the Hispanic vote than Reagan did.

    Particularly hilarious was Eddie’s idea that the new line is “Secure the border and fix the visa situation! Then we cave on amnesty-by-any-other-name.”

    Yeah, that will work with Democrat voters. Yesiree.

  147. It’s possible that nationalism is breaking down.

    I’m wondering how people would identify themselves if suddenly dropped into France? Would they be an American first, or a mother, or gay, or black, or what?

    What if you dropped them into China? What about the ME?

  148. Re: Wiser’s AT&T pimps.

    Actual phone call on my cell last week.

    Them: This is *&%$#*!@ (didn’t catch the name) from Summerset Marketing in sumpn sumpn, New York. Is this John?

    Me: No

    Them: This isn’t John sumpn sumpn with four kids between the ages of 2 and 10. Our organization gives away free toys to children between the ages of 2 and 10.

    Me: No, this is Jim and I have two kids and they’re 20 and 23.

    Them: We give away other free stuff too. Aren’t you interested in free stuff?

    Me: Hell no. We pay our own fucking bills down here. We don’t accept free stuff from strangers. That’s just how we fucking roll in Texas.

    Them: ……………………………….

    Me: Click

  149. The Republican’s should run on a platform of exclusion. Then we could have that whole ‘forbidden fruit’ thing going.

  150. The Republican’s should run on a platform of exclusion.

    Groucho Marx’s famous dictum comes to mind.

  151. You aren’t bitter and clingy enough. You don’t hate taxes enough. You don’t love freedom enough for the GOP of today. Fuck you and your vote, we don’t want you, government cheese monkeys!

  152. In 4 years we wont need a platform.

  153. Elected Republicans don’t want smaller government. They just want slower growth of government.

  154. This is the hill upon which I have chosen to die. A hill made from the bodies of those who are not pure enough in conservative ideology.

  155. You, you smoke your own meat? Real conservatives pay other people to do that.

    *bludgeons ScottW*

    You, you play golf? Obama plays golf!

    *guts MCPO*

    My hill is getting higher and higher.

  156. You, you smoke your own meat? Real conservatives pay other people to do that.


    Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

  157. Elected Republicans don’t want smaller government. They just want slower growth of government.

    How is it that Dems seem to have successfully moved their party leaders inexorably leftward over the last 40 years, but we seem to be unable to move our party leaders to the right?

  158. A hill made from the bodies of those who are not pure enough in conservative ideology.

    heh heh heh…..

    let it burn, baby….

  159. You, you play the clarinet?

    *shoots wiserbud on general principals*

  160. Let’s not wring our panties into knots, gentlemen. No one is dying on any hill, unless you serve in Obama’s personal military. There is merely a calculation regarding how much time and money one is willing to devote to politics when the returns may be diminishing. If the Republicans wither away because the moiety of its sometime adherents find better value in sequestering themselves from gubmint as much as possible, so be it. In Clownifornia any effort on the GOP here is essentially wasted from the start.

  161. Because free school lunch. Because there are those who will vote democrat no matter what. Because war on women. Because squirrel.

    *bites head off squirrel, adds body to my hill*

  162. The fucks moiety?

    *digs up George Orwell, drags his rotten corpse to my hill, places it on decapitated squirrel*

  163. I think I’ve decided: Why not spend all of that sweet, sweet, Chinese money. If they collapse before us, how will they collect? As long as we’re not the slowest antelope in the herd we should be fine.


  164. * places endangered spider under Pupster’s hill *

    * calls EPA *

  165. You, you play the clarinet?

    *shoots wiserbud on general principals*


  166. Question marks. How do they work?

  167. moiety = larger part

    (does not include Rosetta’s dick)

  168. Pupster?

    Fucking Bingo.

  169. That’s a mighty fine hill of bodies you have there. Would be a shame if somethin’ happened to it.

  170. I think pupster feels strongly about this.

    I’m getting a vibe.

  171. Hey MJ, did you get any email today?

  172. *sticks Jay’s face in the blender*

    *wonders how a blender got on top of this hill*

    Seriously, we are a minority party now. We should embrace it by killing off all those big tent people.

    *shaves off eyebrows*

  173. Pupster is being facetious. He really has no problem with the new Republican agenda of more free shit, higher taxes, Obamacare, open borders and redistribution.

  174. I don’t know what I’m talking about. I wish I could do violence as funny as LW does it.

    I’m just mad as hell, and I hate everybody.

  175. *stabs MCPO in the spleen with a rusty dirt rake*

    At least I didn’t use a spoon.

  176. Wasn’t MCPO already on the pile?

  177. You, you smoke your own meat? Real conservatives pay other people to do that.

    If you haven’t anything nice to say about someone, come talk to me.

  178. I’m just mad as hell, and I hate everybody.
    If you haven’t anything nice to say about someone, come talk to me.

    I really screwed that up. I must work for the EPA.

  179. Rich Beeson has reached his highest level of incompetence. His name is becoming synonymous with epic failure and the inability to even credibly explain why he failed or recognize failure as what it is.

  180. Now that we are a minority party, we can go all outlaw and shit. Chicks like the bad boy, weak minds like to identify with the underdog and support hopeless causes.

    Conservative is the new goth.

  181. Conservative pick-up lines?

  182. Rich Beeson has reached his highest level of incompetence. His name is becoming synonymous with epic failure and the inability to even credibly explain why he failed or recognize failure as what it is.

    hand-selected by Team Romney.

    Nice background checking there, boys….

  183. I’m just mad as hell, and I hate everybody.
    Awwww. That’s so cute. My hate makes me feel good and always keeps me company, now.

    I’ve named him Mr. Sprinkles, the hate-clown.

  184. Conservative pick-up lines?

    fuck everyone.

  185. Hey, it can be the Rich Beeson/Steve Schmidt conservative hour on MSNBC!

  186. Hey girl, I think you should pay for your own contraception, until I get it outlawed.

  187. Let’s remove the deficit between us.

  188. I think pupster needs a snarling Moses pic, for his new avatar.

  189. MJ the rabid mouse.

  190. Hey girl, how about a long, respectful courtship that ends when I fall in love and ask your father for your hand in marriage?

  191. Do you believe in eugenics? Because your bewbs are totally killer, baby.

  192. hey girl, I’ll give you equal pay when you do equal work…

  193. Conservative pick-up lines?

    Is that a gun in your pocket, or have you just declared a war on women?

  194. As long as we’re not the slowest antelope in the herd we should be fine.

    I’ve started to think that this is the long-term strategy. Wait until China and Japan (our current largest creditor, IIRC) start to grey or fall into civil disarray/war, and then forget to make payments.

    This would be 11th dimensional chess, though, so it’s right up there with what I think is going to happen with our oil wealth, where we don’t drill it until we’re pretty sure no one else has any left. Not what we intended or even could have intended, but damned if it wouldn’t work.

  195. Conservative is the new goth.

    Could we please just be punks? I don’t wanna be Team Edward.

  196. Why didn’t I think of this sooner!

  197. Woah there! You got more curves than Art Laffer.

  198. Hey girl, need some quantitative easing?

  199. Hey girl, want to see something that’s really too big to fail?

  200. Ha ha ha haaa

  201. This would be 11th dimensional chess, though, so it’s right up there with what I think is going to happen with our oil wealth, where we don’t drill it until we’re pretty sure no one else has any left.
    I’ve thought about this too. It’s how you eat their dinner, then make your own later.

  202. hey girl, how should I wake you in the morning, with a phone call or by shoving you out of bed and making you cook me breakfast?

  203. *psssst*

    Like you’d call.

  204. Hey gurl, you must be a republican because you’re reforming my pants.

  205. Like you’d call.

    heh heh heh

  206. hey girl, how ’bout I show you why gays shouldn’t marry?

  207. Conservative pick up lines?

    I’ll trade you 3 lbs of this dehydrated soup mix that I bought in ’13 for 15 minutes of unihibited access to your vaj. And I promise that I’ll pull out in time.

  208. Hey darlin’, I may not look like much but wait until you see the size of my M2.

  209. hey girl, lean forward and I’ll show you some real stimulus…

  210. Jerky? Do I have any jerky? Maybe. But I don’t know that you wanna pay that price.

  211. Conservative is the new goth.
    Car in won’t have to change her music. That’s nice.

  212. hey girl, once you vote black, you never get your job back.

  213. Yes ma’am, I do happen to have a package of toilet paper. I stocked up on a shitload of it during the first Obamanation. What would you trade me for a 9-pack. And do you swallow?

  214. Did I say Tenth Amendment? I meant ten inches. It’s your right.

  215. Hahaha

  216. “I have not yet begun to fuck.”

    –John Paul Jones

  217. And do you swallow?

    Protein’s gonna get scarce. This is going to be an easier sell in the years to come. No pun intended.

  218. One if by land, two if by Hooters.

  219. Paula Broadwell was a promotional model for a machine gun manufacturer. I get it. I really do. He was defenseless against something like this.

  220. Colorado humor:


  222. No sweetie, you misheard me, I said an expert at fracking.

  223. *Drink*

  224. Give me libertines, or give me death.

  225. I am a firm believer in personal freedom, let’s start with your sweater puppies.

  226. Short film about the Obama administration

  227. BTW, can we send Bill Kristol to Island Go-Away-Forever?

  228. Rosetta’s car dealer

  229. That is the greatest piece of advertising ever created in the history of the entire field.

  230. Target is opening at 9pm on Thanksgiving. My former team would have to be there at 7pm after working the overnight on Wednesday to set up Black Friday.

  231. HA-ha.

    Yeah, those libtard millionaires are really, really interested in Making a Difference™.

  232. We’ll be seeing this sign a lot with the finances in our new banana republic.

  233. Wiser and the missus go shopping.

  234. George – I like the guy on the cell totally ignoring them.

  235. TROUT

  236. Rosetta was angry, even as a young man.

  237. How’s the young’un, MCPO?

  238. TROUT!!! Harper is an ass.

  239. Oso, I am scheduled to work all day on Thanksgiving through lunch and dinner. Instead of rotating us out on 4 hour shifts, so that everyone can enjoy some time with their family, like they said they would do, they let quite a few people off and the rest of us f*cked.

    If they do not let me shorten my shift, I’ll be calling off.

  240. Vmaximus?!?

  241. beasn, that sucks! We are on blackout at the Club for Wednesday and Friday. Target was on blackout as well. Surprised that WalMart doesn’t have an “All Hands” like Target and Sam’s does.

  242. Hey baby, how about we hook up my conservative elephant and your liberal ass?

  243. What is ‘blackout’ and ‘all hands’?

  244. I have a prize for beasn

  245. George – Deb had her first plane ride to see her Poppa Bob in Mass. She made the flights enjoyable by sleeping the entire way – both times!

  246. Blackout is no time off requests are approved and All Hands is everyone is scheduled for at least a 3 hour shift: no exceptions. Any call outs lose holiday pay if eligible.

  247. DD#3 just read a funny –

    I think that instead of abortion, we should take all of the kids whose moms don’t want them, raise them to be in the military, and 20 years later show up on their mom’s doorstep and tell them, “You know that abortion you wanted 20 years ago? Done.”

  248. George just gave me the diabeetus.

  249. >> What is ‘blackout’ and ‘all hands’?

    Don’t google this. Especially images.

  250. Oso, noone can ask off from Thanksgiving to New Years. The first year or two of being opened on Thanksgiving, everyone got a 4 hour shift. Now they’re pissing everyone off by giving some the day off and others entire 8 hours shifts in the middle of the day.
    Call outs will lose their holiday pay.

  251. Thought so. We have associates constantly calling Arkansas.

  252. I want Black Friday off!!

  253. I wish I could sleep on a plane, MCPO.

  254. beasn, you hearing any rumors about hours per week being cut on account of Robertscare?

  255. Heh. My Dad pretty much worked every holiday. Typhoon: had to report, Hurricane Camille: had to report, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter: had to report. We would spend Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc at the Naval Hospital. Unless he was in VN or at sea.

  256. Somebody check the utility closet for Cyn, Hotspur and Mare.

  257. GO, fact not rumors. No FT hires since last year. PT only. 25 hour shifts.

  258. Heh George.

  259. Hotspur last seen doing his lawn.

  260. No FT hires since last year. PT only. 25 hour shifts.

    Well, one way to solve “income inequality” is to make more people equally poor. So – WIN!

    The Nation Below Canada is going to get what it voted for, good and hard.

  261. George, what oso said. We are not hiring full timers anymore. The remaining full timers know their time will come . Many have already been culled. It started after Barkycare passed and managers were told in a meeting, that that was why.

    They’re also floating the idea of being open on Christmas. I’m thinking that will cause a mutiny.

  262. 25 hour shifts, oso? I think ours is 28 hours.

  263. Ours used to be 28 but the average hours worked kept creeping too close to 30 and they had to grandfather people in to full time because of average hours worked.

  264. Probably a good business plan, given our last election.

  265. And most wont complain I bet. Part time probably qualifies you for EBT.

    More government dependence, more democratic voters …win win

  266. They get EBT if they have kids. Part time cuts into the amount of EBT that they qualify for. Better to not work at all. Single cashiers without kids bitch about it all the time.

  267. How long ’til the labor statistics people say 25 hours = full time employment? Voila, unemployment numbers will go way down and Obama saves the economy!!!

  268. All of these part-timers going on Obamatax and EBT is going to crash the system much faster than Valerie Jarrett was expecting.

    Math is a stone cold bitch.

  269. I gotta see how hard it is to qualify for EBT. Paying for groceries is clearly for suckers.

  270. Did anybody tie up anybody else’s phone line with a bunch of blah-blah-blah today?

  271. Pepe, that is basically what they did with 30 hours.

  272. My EBT card will pay for mucho lobster bisque!

  273. Leon, you need kids or anchor babies if you aren’t a citizen.

  274. How long ’til the labor statistics people say 25 hours = full time employment? Voila, unemployment numbers will go way down and Obama saves the economy!!!

    But where will all of the “revenue” come from if people are only working 25 hrs/wk?

    *things that Obama voters don’t think about*

  275. You can buy them Leon. .50 cents on the dollar.

  276. TiFW, they’ll just raise minimum wage until it is “Fair”. D’uh/


    English. Spanish. Arabic. Needing instructions in a language other than English should be an auto-disqualify, no?

  278. On the flip side, I can work 80 hours a week and they consider me unemployed.

  279. You can buy them Leon. .50 cents on the dollar.

    I’m looking to see if I can get it without breaking the law.

  280. TiFW, they’ll just raise minimum wage until it is “Fair”. D’uh/

    Those mental midgets actually think that is gonna happen, too…..

    I’m getting to the point that I really hope that Texas decides to secede –

  281. Looks like they track IPs or something. I’ll finish the process next time I’m using a lib friend’s wifi.


  283. TiFW, they’ll just amnesty your illegals and turn Texas Blue.

  284. When is the H2 compound scheduled to open?

  285. English. Spanish. Arabic. Needing instructions in a language other than English should be an auto-disqualify, no?

    Your blatant and disgusting racism aside, I’m rather surprised that those are the only two other languages.

    But, really, you sicken me.

  286. The other immigrants learn English, Sean. The jihadists and messicans just fall into their respective ghettos and don’t bother.

  287. Dog killer got concussed yesterday. Lets see how the rapist does tonight.

  288. Btw, phat really might not want to wait much longer to retire.

    Reporting for doody.

  289. Scott, thanks for the PFM link. I’d lost it. Funnier than KSK.

  290. Oh bloody Norah. John French Kerry as DoD Secretary.

    If we’re going to get Lurch, maybe we can get Gomez Adams to head up DARPA and perfect explosive O gauge model troop trains.

  291. Kerry – The same Kerry that bore false witness against our brothers fighting in Vietnam?!

    Perfect selection to completely dismantle our military, give our technology to our enemies and despoil the honor of our warriors, past and present.

    Heckuva job, Barry!

  292. Why would Kerry want to leave the Senate for DoD?

  293. Long march through the institutions, b-rad.

  294. They were saying he was going to replace Hill at State. Today, suddenly it is Defense.

  295. Fantasy Fuckball (aka picks for Obastard’s cabinet and other appointments)

    Dennis Kucinich as Secretary of State
    Ralph Nader as Secretary of DoT
    Bob “Dominican Hookers” Menendez as DCI
    Jesse Jackson Cubed as head of EEOC
    Marion Barry as Secretary of Commerce
    Frances Fox Piven as newly established Secretary of Business

  296. Funny stuff there Oso.

    I keep forgetting that women in other parts of the country understand football.

  297. Why would Kerry want to leave the Senate for DoD?

    Pension double-dipping.

  298. John Kerry looks just like the bad guys in “They Live”

  299. Chiefs have the lead first time this season!!!! You may go back to your regular programming..

  300. Why doesn’t Barky make Jane Fonda for Defense?

  301. Scott, my dad was from Ohio. He considered Texans pikers when it came to football. Blah blah blah Canton Blah blah blah Massillon Blah blah blah PAUL BROWN!!! WOODY!!!!

  302. Cindy Sheehan.

  303. Even scarier is the thought of Susan Rice for Secretary of State…..

  304. Cindy Sheehan.

    Impossible. The democrats don’t remember her, so they won’t think of it.

  305. Even scarier is the thought of Susan Rice for Secretary of State…..

    That’s one way of keeping her on the plantation.

  306. Feminine football knowledge is pretty sexy in the Northeast.

  307. Maybe they could dig up Alger Hiss and make him DCI.

  308. The Chefs!

  309. great googley moogley!

  310. Too bad Elizabeth Warren got elected. She’d be good at the BIA.

  311. MCPO is Poppa Bob OK?

  312. Is Tim McVeigh dead? If he is, the administration thanks him for his vote. If not he’s probably being considered for Homeland Security.

  313. this whole Petraeus/Broadwell/Kelly thing keeps getting weirder and weirder.

  314. Dog killer got concussed yesterday. Lets see how the rapist does tonight.
    It took me a while to figure out that this was related to football. For a few minutes it seemed just really weird and funny.


  316. Scott – Poppa Bob is fine. It was the anniversary of Miss Julia’s Mom’s death. So, the annual pilgrimage and memorial celebrations were in order. Plus, Debra got to be snuggled by all of the relatives on her side of the family.

  317. Anthony Weiner got a job at the FBI?

  318. Wonders if this is a backdoor intro to Benghazi? Who knew what and when and why were Doherty and Woods abandoned?

  319. I hope to see the Obamabots defend torture. That might actually make losing enjoyable. Tolerable, maybe.

  320. this whole Petraeus/Broadwell/Kelly thing keeps getting weirder and weirder.

    Distraction. Why didn’t Barry send in a team to secure things? Why did they watch them die, lie, and go fundraise?

    I can’t wait to find a way to rub this in my dad’s face. He about went apoplectic over Bush’s RENDITION!!!!ELEVENTY!!
    Though he would make an excuse or call us all liars. Because that is what people are doing to make hardworking dear leader, look bad.

  321. Here’s a little diversion:

    It’s actually not all that difficult.

  322. beasn’s dad and my mom are intellectual twins. howdy, sis!

  323. So how long until Obama announces the appointment of Kevin Clash as the new Safe Schools Czar?

  324. BiW, he already has the freak from Chitown at education.

  325. So how long until Obama announces the appointment of Kevin Clash as the new Safe Schools Czar?

    Soon. Jimmy Savile is unavailable.

  326. Looks like the FBI is raiding Paula Broadwell’s home.

    Spokeswoman: FBI at home of woman who had affair with ex-CIA chief David Petraeus

  327. shiny petraeus broadwell sexy SQUIRREL!

  328. So let me get this straight.
    The FBI agent investigating Petrais is doing a Weiner sending shirtless pics to the other woman?

    Are there any grownups left in the government? Anyone? Anyone?

  329. GO, heh. Gary Glitter is out of jail though.

  330. Somewhere Bill Clinton is howling with laughter.

  331. Good’un, George!

  332. After 2 thoughts George, you are correct

  333. The undercover hot chick car assistant in Cars 2 is named Holly Shiftwell.

    /dad knowledge

  334. Sorry for murdering you all and piling up your bodies into a big hill on which I choose to die.

  335. I wonder if Ann Coulter’s mancrush on Chris Christie has finally run its course. I think it was her revulsion to donuts that killed it.

  336. Good puppeh!

  337. Hah, Pupster took over Car in’s title of comment matching the avatar.

  338. Car in needs to quit her job to hang out here more.

    Cyn, too.

  339. Mark Wahlberg as Marcus Luttrell? Well, Peter Berg is directing, and Taylor Kitsch is in it, as is Eric Bana. Maybe it won’t suck.

  340. J’ames, they were filming parts of it here in NM.

  341. Drink
    dlkiktijbn re

  342. Just had a twinge of curiosity, did a search, and watched some youtube vids of my old first ‘real’ boss talking about business. Her biz died three years ago.

    It buzzed along at a brisk pace and employed a lot of people here and in China. Made millions upon millions upon millions. Now the place is down to the original one lone owner/employee, twenty-seven years after she first hired me (I worked there off and on for ten years, starting at age 15).


  343. Lauraw, Dan’s first job was with Toys By Roy. Used to run errands for Roy outside of work. It was a huge mall chain in the west and southwest. Toys R Us, WalMart, and Target killed the business.

  344. The worst part about the election?

    The realization that we’re not that far away from going to Starbucks for handjobs and buying Brawndo. Because its got electrolytes!

    How do you crack wise when you’re surrounded by people incapable of getting the joke?

  345. We’re looking at massive private-sector layoffs and a 28-hour standard work week now, because Democrats want to force employers to do right by their full time employees.

    Meanwhile, public sector unions suck up overtime because they know that a few extra hours of work is pension gold. As the municipalities that pay them and promised these deals are going bankrupt.

    But, at least everybody’s intentions were good.

  346. But, at least everybody’s intentions were good.

    NOW yer gettin’ it….

  347. Imma go to bed. . .

  348. Lauraw, everything has to be “fair”. You are talking Math and responsibility to a generation that can’t comprehend.

  349. Road…paved…whatev…

  350. Just wait. Some dimbulb Dem will come up with a bill mandating full time employment instead of hiring part timers.

  351. Oso, this lady was nuts. Seems obvious she still is. But she was able to do quite well for herself anyway.

    I don’t remember now if I quit working for her three times, or four.

  352. It was nice to see how fat she got.

  353. …though she still looks kind of great, damn her.

  354. It was nice to see how fat she got.

    aaaaaaaah women.

  355. Full time, and $20 an hour. 6 weeks vacation, unlimited sick time, overtime at 20 hours, full health benefits.

    Did I miss anything?

  356. Did I miss anything?

    I want to be happy too.

    Can you mandate that?

  357. aaaaaaaah women.

    They never lose sight of what is important.

  358. Wishing fat on females is an art form…upper arm jiggly fat is the best.

  359. I want to be happy too.

    Can you mandate that?\

    They won’t have to. Prozac in the drinking water and legal marijuana will take care of that.

  360. Prozac in the drinking water and legal marijuana

    I’m allergic to marijuana and immune to prozac.

    What else ya got?

  361. “What else ya got?” Umm…former child stars in bedazzled bikinis?

  362. I nominate Leon to give Wiser his “happy ending.”

  363. aaaaaaaah women.

    They never lose sight of what is important.

    Oh PLEASE, let me enjoy this. She was hands-down, the absolute worst boss I ever had. Holy shit.

    Nuts, nutty, loco in de coco.

  364. I’m allergic to marijuana and immune to prozac.

    What else ya got?


  365. Umm…former child stars in bedazzled bikinis?

    okay. That’ll work.

    send her to me.

    Oh PLEASE, let me enjoy this.

    wouldn’t dare take it away from you.

    Doesn’t make it any less humorous.

    g’night, y’all.

  366. I feel badly about her business, that is separate from her. On a personal level I dislike her. Got nothing to do with the work part.

  367. I nominate Leon to give Wiser his “happy ending.”

    Always a giver. That’s what I like about you.

  368. I work with a lot of small business owners at Sam’s Club. Quite a few were waiting for the election to make decisions. It shouldn’t be our government that is killing their business. One of my former Target managers has forgotten more about retail than these youngsters will ever know. He was forcibly retired a few years ago. One of his trainees is my new front end supervisor at Sam’s.

  369. GMo, I have people use SNAP for lobster, NY Strip, etc to make sure they get everything they are “owed”

  370. Oso, my only small satisfaction will come from someday this will end and these people lacking self-sufficiency tools will be in for a major surprise.

    Course, I have young kids that will have to live thru it too, but depending on the timing they will be able to hunt, fish and garden.

  371. 1 person, $150-$200 a month. Damn right you can eat pretty good on that.

  372. My nemesis gets $800 a month. Her unmarried daughter and 3 grandkids live with her.

  373. Mark Walberg is a decent enough actor, as is his brother, Donnie.

  374. He isn’t tall enough. Just like Tom Cruise is no Reacher.

  375. BiW has me watching Arrow.

  376. He isn’t tall enough. Just like Tom Cruise is no Reacher.

    This, +1,234,567

  377. What, Jim Caviezel wasn’t available?

  378. Goodnight Everybody. Have SNAP caviar dreams and don’t let Elmo tickle you.

  379. I still have an hour and a half until tip off!!!

  380. I’ve been watching Arrow since its first episode, Connie. Pretty damn good show.

  381. I started watching On Demand. I really don’t watch episodic TV but so far I like it. Oliver Queen is still ghey. Marvel!!!!

  382. Augh…hour until tipoff and I’m fading fast. West coasters are already sleeping.

  383. I’m not sleeping. I’m dead.

  384. OK. GO is dead, Peej and Sean and ailing XB are sleeping.

  385. I’m here. Just not much to say.

  386. Kind of late for a bris, isn’t it?

  387. Just because I’m dead that doesn’t mean I’m not still full of piss and vinegar. And formaldehyde.

  388. They’re supposed to suction that stuff out before adding the formaldehyde, Eric. You should ask for your money back.

  389. You may not always have time for a wet dream, but you always have time for a Wet-Nap.

  390. Money? I got it free with thr NHS. They do very well handling dead people.

  391. In a little café just the other side of the border
    She was just sitting there givin’ me looks that made my derp water

  392. Can’t remember if I told you guys this: It’s not just public unions that are a problem. One of my clients in Bradenton (by Vmax’s house) was Tropicana. You can’t imagine the size of the coolers, juicers, etc. It’s a very interesting place, and smells quite nice because of the oranges.

    The company I work for installed a monitoring system in the plant to detect ammonia leaks, along with fire protection. The guy who is in charge of safety made well into the six figures and made sure that everyone knew about it. His contract paid him for 4 hours of overtime if he was called about a problem with the detection system. He wasn’t always required to come in, but was paid anyway. Two calls gave him 8 hours, even if he spent a total of 15 mins working. Theoretically he could be paid over 24 hours in a day.

    When they finally decided to pay us to fix the problem it turned out that the system had been inoperable for years. The guy was simply shutting the system down rather than actually trouble shooting the problems. It turns out he didn’t know how it worked at all.

    Not really a big deal except for the fact that the amount of ammonia on site could kill thousands of people in the surrounding neighborhoods.

    Big OJ.


  393. I forget what the name of the principle is, something about 20% of the people doing 80% of the work, but there oughtta be a lemma to that about making sure the safety guy is in the 20%.

  394. Hostess workers on strike.

    Twinkie the Kid => Big Twinkie.

  395. It’s just a small reason that OJ is $400 a gallon.

  396. That was an awesome job your company destroyed.

  397. I think I may have finally found the silver lining in a large part of Gen Y deciding to be lazy bastards:

    Less competition.

    They won’t be working any time soon, therefore it will be easier to make my way up.

  398. That was an awesome job your company destroyed.
    He was still there when I moved on to another role. They paid us both.

  399. The job should have existed, but clearly that dude shouldn’t be getting paid for it.

  400. He’s my hero.

  401. Unbelievable, MJ. As in, totally believable.


    wakey wakey.

  402. I don’t have the heart to tell everyone at work that they’re all going to become part time employees soon. the restaurant is owned by a guy who owns five – so it’s a small chain. So – affordable care ace!

    well over 200 employees.

    They’re all screwed.

    Unless you want all restaurant prices to go WAY up, it just doesn’t fit into the model.

  403. If everyone is limited to part time, they will have to hire more workers.

    Obama is creating jobs!

  404. Everyone will have to have two part-time jobs to get ahead. That won’t be a headache at all.

  405. Good morning, peeps.

  406. Or one part time job and food stamps.

  407. Oh look, Cyn decided to show up today.

  408. Huh. We could drop insurance benefits for everyone, move our 3000 techs to part time, hire more part time guys, and eventually save a ton of money by lowering our total burden rate.

    Of course we’ll pay the managers and executives more to offset the loss in benefits, but it may actually be worth while over all.

    Equality is a great idea to create bigger gaps between the haves and have nots.

  409. Hi Cyn.

    Dec 10-13th I’ll be in town, or close to it. I’ll shemale you.

  410. >> Of course we’ll pay the managers and executives more to offset the loss in benefits, but it may actually be worth while over all.

    I’m ok with this.

  411. Ha! Thanks for noticing Scott. I went up north for some R & R and few internets.
    Very cool, MJ; yes email me with the meatspace hook up details!

  412. I’m ok with this.

    Dave, you seem like a nice guy, why do you want people to hate you?

  413. Mostly cause of the money.

    Joe Stalin just emailed me from hell, he says “this is a way more fun way to purge generals than just putting a bullet in the back of their head at Lubyanka.”

  414. Today is Diwali, the biggest festival of teh brown people. Today, we make general merriment, and pray to our false God for health, wealth and happiness.

  415. A lot of the folks (where I work) already have two jobs. Or are working as close to over-time as they can. It’s good money, but so much is in the form of cash …

    Plus, many of the women have men who aren’t working. One – her sister’s boyfriend quit (he was a cook) for some bullshit reason, and now can’t support his family. Husbands not working, etc. Another is pregnant and her husband it laid off.

    It’s interesting, but not something I’m unfamiliar with. They’ve put their faith, though, in a false God. Obama’s not going to save them, and when they all get their hours cut, it’s going to be really bad.

    Elections have consequences.

  416. Tush is so thoughtful praying for our health wealth and happiness.
    Thank you Tush

  417. I had been thinking that the health care law was just really bad policy that would create the exact opposite situation that it intended, but I’m starting to wonder if the actual intent is to create a permanent underclass.

  418. you’re starting to wonder that?

  419. Vmax, I will certainly be praying for health, wealth and happiness for the all of you too.

  420. Happy Diwali, Tush

  421. Thanks, Cyn!

  422. My default position is that the government is so inept that they intend one thing, then get the opposite.

    If they intended to create a dependent class, they are succeeding. They are actually doing it right, by their standard. That would be a first.

  423. Expansion of government = expansion of Democrat voters

  424. Mj, luckily for the dems, it’s only the intentions that matter, not the results.

  425. You know, after two double shifts (and a morning shift today) I have NO patience for my kids and their stupid -ass antics this morning.

  426. Blerg.

  427. Expansion of government = expansion of Democrat voters
    I get it, but I thought dependency was created through the benevolence of the government, not through destroying the ability to survive on your own.

    *reads comment again.

    Oh, now I get it. Both accomplish the same end, so there is no difference. Eggs and omelets.

  428. bingo.

    Thus has it always been.

  429. I was behind a min-van yesterday that had vanity plates “DOUCME”. I figured it was a gynecologist.

  430. Is no one going to do a new poat for today?

    I nominate Laura, she loves Tuesdays.

  431. Speaking of Stalin:

    The Stalinist at Montclair State

    I know we have a lot of these people in the re-education camps ….er..universities, but the clapping for him really shows how far along the leftists are.

  432. If any of you would like me to send you shirtless pics of myself, please let me know.


  434. aw.. that kid is cute.

    a total suck up, but cute

  435. New poat, for your Pulitzer winning comments!

  436. I tend to believe that people who work in high government posts are so often corrupt in one way or another that it makes purges and discipline quite easy. Really, the admin probably has dirt on lots of people but just hasn’t activated any of it until now.

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