Can you feel it?

Can you feel it?

According to this story linked at Drudge, the Dems (spit) represent the richest and the poorest districts in the nation. 

The Democratic-controlled House is now an unusual combination of the richest and poorest districts, the best and least educated, and the best and the worst insured. The analysis found that Democrats have attracted educated, affluent whites who had tended previously to vote Republican.

Which begs the question, ” Who do the Reps (diapproving sigh) represent? 

 Republicans have tended to appeal to affluent voters since the Roosevelt era in the 1930s and 1940s but recently have appealed more to Southern and rural voters, who often have lower incomes.

“The story is really education,” says David Wasserman of the non-partisan Cook Political Report.He says “educated, wine-drinking Democrats” and poorer minority voters are an effective coalition because both groups are increasing in numbers. Even so, Wasserman expects Democrats to lose up to two dozen seats in the 2010 congressional elections, especially in poorer, white districts.

So obviously, since 1 plus 1 equals 3, Reps now represent the uneducated racist of the south. 

Silly me, I thought the correct answer would be:

rich + poor = Dems

Americans – Dems = everyone else that matters

everyone else that matters = the Middle Class

the Middle Class = Reps

Math is hard.

Rich’s younger self would like a word with all u h8ters:



  1. rich + poor = Dems
    Americans – Dems = everyone else that matters
    everyone else that matters = the Middle Class
    the Middle Class = Reps

    Rich, you’re forgetting, facts don’t matter.

    Good post Rich.

  2. This is the best poat evah!!!

    and fist!

  3. Second

  4. you beat me to my own poat.

    DAMN YOU MARE!!!!!!

  5. This now satisfies my post qouta for the year.

  6. Now Rich won’t be able to quit you, Mare.

  7. Too early for math!! So is the middle class the hog or the dog?
    *still scratching sleep out of my eyes while reaching for another slug of coffee*

  8. “So is the middle class the hog or the dog?”

    Sorry, no symbolic intent. It’s just a dog humpiing a hog which is funny kindah. I don’t do symbolism.

    *flips everyone the bird

  9. Symbolism does you, Rich.

    And I fear we’re the hog.

    There’s no question that Hillary is a dog.

  10. If only Dick Cheney/John Bolton were the dog and democraps were the hog.

  11. So, my sister finally did something right. She was at a church sale and found a book on military slang from the Civil War to present. It is amazing how many terms have lasted for 150 years.

    Just ask MCPO.

  12. Yea, I live in a pretty affluent and well educated area and I am dumbfounded by the number of affluent business owners here who are D.

    I call it the “I Got Mine Club”.

    It is almost as if a sense of entitlement and arrogance is now the final stage in self actualization and the final rung of success.

    As someone who is still building his business I find these people repulsive.

  13. The story is really education,”

    The story is really fucking bullshit. If you supposedly got yourself an education yet think like a Libtard™, wipe that smile off your face because not only did you get fucked but you caught the herp as well. Keep it to yourself, dumbass.

  14. >> Anyone have a question for Joe Piscopo?

    Did he do most of his own writing on the Sinatra gags? It was good stuff.

  15. I left my question for Joe on the last thread.

  16. The Dems like to complain about the gap between the rich and the poor, and the shrinking middle class. Of course, through their policies, that appears to be by design to lock in their constituency. Reminds me of every banana republic and dictatorship in history.

  17. Hey, that was good math rich, I actually understood it.

  18. It is almost as if a sense of entitlement and arrogance is now the final stage in self actualization and the final rung of success.

    I’d wager most of these “affluent whites” are nothing more than weak, politically correct, silver spoon babies with a case of white guilt and a need to distance themselves from the picture the media has painted of lower class whites.

  19. “Hey, that was good math rich, I actually understood it.”

    I’m sure Michael will be by any second now to critique my calculations based on proper Luthren mathematical doctrine.

  20. Compos,
    I think you are right. I have suspected the same thing and it has been confirmed to me in conversation, although I tend to give the benefit of doubt.

    It all comes down to being in vogue with them, being popular, like back in High School.

    The cool rich kids would never be a Republican.

    My wife especially hates that type. She grew up dirt poor, had to raise chickens and rabbits for food. She especially has a difficult time with these people.

  21. checks watch.

    hasn’t been 6 hours yet.

  22. Excellent update BiW. Fits my mood perfectly.

  23. The high end Dems are of two types, rentseekers, who want lawmakers to craft legislation that protects their businesses unfairly, and “the Goodists” who want to feel good about helping others, without, you know, actually helping others.

    I suspect the majority of the upper income Dems are goodists, especially since so many of them are in academia.

  24. Excellent update BiW. Fits my mood perfectly.

    I could have addressed it to Bats, but I thought like Rahm: “Why waste a good bird flip?”

  25. So, since I have a dog humping a hog, does this count as the hunky hump day poat?

  26. Here’s my $0.02 on this topic:

    Every one who considers themselves to be a victim in this country tends towards being a dem. Blacks, Jews(?), Hispanics, Homos, Goths, Single Women, ??? who am I leaving out.

    Every one who considers it their calling in life to get richer than six foot up a bull’s ass by being an advocate for these oppressed people or serving them some way also tends towards being a dem. Race hustlers, trial lawyers, teachers, professors, govt employees, Kennedys, etc.

    If you don’t consider yourself as having been victimized nor do you want to exploit the system in order to help those victims, then you tend Republican.

  27. And it has built in bacon, Rich. So, it’s full of WIN!!

    Though I think I’ll pass on any slices from that particular slab…

  28. Good post.

    Should have used calculus though.

  29. So, since I have a dog humping a hog, does this count as the hunky hump day poat?

    AbsoFuckingLutely Not.

  30. So, since I have a dog humping a hog, does this count as the hunky hump day poat?

    That depends. Are the dog and the hog both dudes?

  31. “Should have used calculus though.”

    *sighs, drops head on desk.

  32. U-haul has the best scam going.

    $650.00 to rent a $2000.00 trailer for less than a week.


  33. I’m lucky I can count to 21. Let’s leave the calculus out of this, huh?

  34. I’m lucky I can count to 21. Let’s leave the calculus out of this, huh?

    The reason b-rad can count to 21.

  35. Link fail, PJ.

    **takes a small bite of the burritohead**

    **needs a little hotsauce**

  36. I can see the link

  37. try it now


  38. Mesa,
    Old and soft?

    Shit, I think you are older than me.

    I will admit that I have grown soft though, which sucks.

    Better than most not as good as some.

  39. “No hotlinking, please” you dirty bandwidth pirate!

    {smacks PJ on fanny}

  40. The reason b-rad can count to 21 is “NO HOTLINKING PLEASE”?

  41. “fanny” is such a ghey word. fanny fanny fanny

  42. I’ve seen PJ’s fanny.

    It’s more of a FANNY.

  43. You’ll all be pleased to know that HHD is up.


    *Shakes fist

  44. Old and soft?

    Not me.

  45. The reason b-rad can count to 21 is:

    the same reason Uniball can count to 22.

  46. I have to agree, in a generation, the middle class will disappear from this country. It will be just like Ecuador.

  47. Dick:

    Plus, once ya guy em out

    How ghey is that?

  48. Dick:

    Plus, once ya guy em out

    How ghey is that?

    What do you want on your tombstone, AD?

  49. Pupperoni and extra cheese, please.

  50. “No hotlinking, please” you dirty bandwidth pirate!

    oh for frick’s sake. It’s a guy with an extra finger

  51. Guess that was a thread killing comment.

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