Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Your model for today was born September 16th, 1989 in The Russian Federation. She stands 5′ 5″ and measures 362937 and 130 lbs. Please sing and dance along with Miss Kira Shine.


  1. I could take a shine to Miss Shine

  2. pedestrian

  3. Good morning! Friday and we don’t have to work Saturday, unlike usual. Nice. Nice, nice.

    T-storms tonight will be welcome, rain barrels are empty.

  4. N8 thinks she can’t drive.

  5. Prediction is 90 by 2 pm, no rain until Sunday week.

    Remember to keep your chainsaw out of the dirt and exercise your valves and audio equipment regularly.

    And Good Morning!

  6. Our cheap outdoor single propane burner is putting out a sooty flame and not really heating so well anymore. I can still use it for boiling a small pot of pasta but it was unable to get a really big seafood boil going the other day. We had to pull out the big burner which is a beast and unsuitable for every day cookery.

    We keep the little guy out in all weather -under the eaves, so it doesn’t get rained on unless the rain is sideways- and never think about it. I just ordered a new one and holy crap. That $12 purchase from about 10+ years ago is now $40. Exact same model.

    I mean, but, dang. Gonna take better care of this one.

  7. Understanding the frustration Lumps. I live near the coast and the salt air here is potent. Metal left outside rusts at least 5 times faster than it did in the WV hills. I’m going to have to dig deep soon and put up a bigger storage building. I keep a lot of stuff on a covered carport, but it doesn’t seem to help that much.

  8. Massive rainstorm yesterday. Garden weeds asploded. I’ve got a bunch of little chores this weekend.

  9. At least they’re real.

  10. Completely off topic and unrelated to Teh Boobs. When we moved here dad built a house in the burbs about 5 minutes from the gulf. He dreamed of building a house in the country, and over the years bought several 5-10 acre properties east of town only to flip them later. Professionally I have done several infill developments, the first I did was a house on 5 acres on Siesta Key that went from the gulf to the bay. We put condos on it and someone made millions. Rinse repeat, the common factor is Condos and millions.

    To tie this all up with a bow, I am currently working on a property that very well could have dad’s first property, if not it is a neighbor. 5 acres, house, barn, corral for the horses, sitting in the heart of Lakewood Ranch, yes putting condos on it.

  11. wakey wakey

  12. A somewhat funny related story. Dad eventually built his dream house in the country. I was living in NYC and would come to visit over the holidays. When I decided the big city was not for me, I asked if I could stay for a week or so until I could find a place to live he said yes, and the next day (I am sure he talked to mom about it) he came to me with a proposal. I could stay in his dream home for free if I paid the electric and mowed. I accepted and within the week they took off in their RV.

    For 3 years.

  13. Brings new meaning to “working the pole”

  14. Currently waiting for the Safelite van to pull up. Service time is between 0800 & 1200 which isn’t too awful of a hangout time. The crack has been there for months but I need to get it inspected and it’s too big of a crack to pass.

  15. “”

    Okay, so who’s the bint in the middle?

  16. Your mom’s crack is too big to fail.

  17. So today is all about poles and cracks.

  18. Car inspections – lol.

    Sorry. I shouldn’t laugh. It isn’t your fault.

  19. Apparently the completely illegitimate G7 conference agreed to “loan” the Ukes another $50B using frozen Russian assets as collateral.

    Keep poking the bear, assholes.

  20. When I think things are bad here, I just remind myself we’re not Canada.

    Somehow I prefer our senile warmonger to their commie transsexual.

  21. I think the chances are greater that the commie transexual was elected by the will of the people, not through subterfuge. This makes him more legitimate than sundown poopy pants.

  22. Parliamentary systems seem designed to give you a garbage chief executive.

  23. I thought this article from Powerline was kinda interesting:

    It made me think about Jerry West, who I understand was a pretty good businessman. Not many pro athletes could say that, but it puts him in the company of Arnold Palmer and Michael Jordan.

  24. That is not art at the mothership. I could draw better than that blindfolded.

  25. I don’t know what drugs they are giving Biden, but there’s a recent clip where he doesn’t blink for 30 seconds.

  26. Really disappointed that NASA raised a pride flag at Ames, kind of surprised if it had to happen, it wasn’t Goddard or HQ. In the meantime, SpaceX launches again.

  27. From Stephen Kruiser over at PJ Media:

    The good news is that you can completely curate your online experience. That’s why I am very pro-screen time. I check Instagram more than anything else throughout the day. Here is what occupies most of my Instagram feed: food, beer, comedy, Catholic stuff, guns, attractive women, and attractive women with guns. 

  28. Don’t know if you saw this Roamy, from Stephen Green at PJ Media:

  29. It’s the same thing with my customer, Roamy. While the corps back down from the Pride Month crap (Disney excepted), all the .govs are all in. I get some new notice of a Department LGBTQ+WTFBBQ event or town hall meeting every few days.

    .coms suffer market consequences for failing to serve customers. .gov never does (well, until outright collapse), so I don’t know how this gets unwound from the agencies and departments.

  30. My next door neighbor put me on alert that his alma mater NC State Wolfpack is playing my alma mater Kentucky Wildcats tomorrow. More info here:

  31. Real boobs and a nice smile.

    Definitely a good day’s work, pupster!

  32. Anybody have an A&W Root Beer stand in their vicinity?

  33. Worth noting: no one has “snaccidents” with real food. Only with industrial products engineered for that exact purpose.

  34. Re: today’s model

    If I ever graduate to full-blown supervillain, this is what I want my girlfriend to look like.

  35. Worth noting: no one has “snaccidents” with real food. Only with industrial products engineered for that exact purpose.

    I chewed through 4 chicken thighs yesterday that I was supposed to have for dinner tonight.

  36. I’d let her buy me a drink or two

  37. Pupster, I’ve been out of the loop a while, but I wanted to say I’m still very impressed by your dedication to putting in the work (and it IS work) of weekly BBFs.

  38. I chewed through 4 chicken thighs yesterday that I was supposed to have for dinner tonight.

    Sounds like a regular meal. How’s that an accident?

  39. There is an A&W stand just outside Middlebury Vermont on Route 7. It’s only open seasonally, but they do hire girls to deliver your food to you in your car on a tray. Sometimes they are on roller blades or skates. It’s always busy during the summer.

  40. Ever heard “fortune favors the bold”? It’s attributed to Pliny the Elder. He died in the eruption of Mt Vesuvius right after he’s supposed to have said it.

    So, pretty sure it’s BS.

  41. Rural, I have fond memories of A&W, there was one in Corbin, KY near my grandparents places. Me and mom used to go there together when I was a kid. They had the tray thing that hung on your partially opened window, frosty mugs and a quart to go were our standbys. They had good food too. Me and mom always split something, usually a footlong hot dog.

    Their website says that the closest one to me now is a little over 4 hours away, so.

  42. My eldest boy is visiting and we went out to dinner last night. He ordered some wings with hot sauce. I think it was rated around 700,000 scoville units.

    On the side he got other hot sauce … something listed at 1,000,000 scoville units they made him sign a waiver for.

    He tried the really hot stuff and had no real trouble with it in smaller doses. Way out of my pitiful league. I like the basic sweet BBQ sauce at about 80 scoville units.

    Today we’re waiting around for the chimney sweeps to show up.

  43. I drink about 4 or 5 sodas a year and, coincidentally, just bought a 4pk of some root beer.

  44. BBF … she looks reeeally good in that white turtleneck.

  45. Sounds like we are on the same page, I can handle a little spicy, but the really hot has no value for me. I like Sweet Baby Ray’s, doctored with some Teriyaki, Worcestershire, Soy and lemon pepper.

    And I hardly ever drink a soda, my dentist said during my last visit that whatever I was doing, I should keep on doing it. No soda is part of it, so good on you Jimbro.

  46. A million Scoville units sounds like Scotch Bonnet or Carolina Reaper. Not my fave.

    Also reminds me of Rosetta telling the Thai place, “Make it hot like you hate me.”

  47. Thanks for the nice comment Xbrad, it does take up some time but fortune favors the bold and if you love your job you’ll never work a day in your life.

    “every triangle is a love triangle if you love triangles”
    ― pythagoras

  48. A&W used to have fast food restaurants in Ohio, not like the old drive-ins and the food was disappointing. No more frosty glass mugs either, fountain root beer in a waxed paper cup.

  49. Sad Pup.

    Sleepy Joe was the inspiration for the bold statement by Pliny, It’s a fact, Jack.

  50. Didn’t forget about you Car In, I downloaded and saved the Tool cover of “No Quarter” just now, nice!

  51. Sitting in the bleachers at Fenway Park with my friends during college we drank draft beer served in waxed paper cups. The tradition after drinking it was to crumple the cup up over and over until it was a dense, golf ball sized projectile and throw it at unsuspecting fans in the lower seats. Yes, the team sucked then which is why we could decide to see a game on a whim and buy tickets at the park for less than ten bucks.

  52. Happy Flag Day fags btw

  53. Happy PDT Birthday Day too, to all who celebrate the holiday

  54. every triangle is a love triangle if you love triangles”
    ― pythagora


    that reminded me of DiT’s running gag of attributing all quotes to Jefferson.


    This guy sorta looks like MJ, but with a deep voice

  56. I loved geometry, I was good at geometry.

    I was greatly saddened to learn that the job prospects for a geometer have not improved much since Pythagoras’s time.

  57. Surveyors make dam good money.

  58. And nowadays a lot of the grunt work is done by GPS and laser.

  59. Okay, so who’s the bint in the middle?

    The lady is Giorgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of Italy. They call her “far-right.” Ooooooooo scary

  60. I was greatly saddened to learn that the job prospects for a geometer have not improved much since Pythagoras’s time.

    How many of us have had their childhood dreams dashed by reality? I wanted to be a cowboy astronaut, but it didn’t work out.

    And BTW, the myth of surveyors making a lot of money is a bit of malarkey. Between the professional license fees, the continuing education, etc. it werent all that great. Plus, a survey grade, sub-centimeter quality GPS unit would run about 100k when I retired. I doubt the prices have gotten much better. They are not cheap for a reason. My last full time employer wanted me to be registered to practice in 5 states, each with their own fees and continuing education requirements, which could rarely be accomplished online, and never for free. I was already registered in two, so I knew the routine.

  61. Realty licenses are by state, too. We’re right on the border, so getting both is almost a necessity unless you’re really good at getting leads or listings.

    Anecdata says no one’s moving to Michigan from another state, at least not within an hour’s drive of me, other than the one SDA guy buying a flippable house near Andrews U to be near his kid at the school, with a plan to fix it up and then sell it after the kid graduated.

  62. We have a A&W a few miles away. Combination with Long John Silvers. Bluebell has an A&W Rootbeer float ice cream. Pretty good.

  63. I remember A&W in Minnesota back when I was visiting grandparents there back in the day. It was quite the treat for me back then. The mass market stuff now doesn’t hold a candle to that stuff.

  64. “Didn’t forget about you Car In, I downloaded and saved the Tool cover of “No Quarter” just now, nice!”

    Oh good. I just love that one. The band likes to perform on Halloween in costume and they performed that dressed up as Led Zep.

  65. As an employer I pay all of my guys’ licensing and registration fees, and pay for their continuing education credits.

    Oh, and I buy the equipment that is needed to do our jobs.

  66. I made ginger ale and root beer at home. Ginger ale was fantastic, root beer needs depth.

  67. Sonic is the only drive in around these parts now. Used to be A&W in every town. Now it’s Casey’s

  68. Since Tool made a cover now, are they washed up?

  69. I ate enough foot long chili dogs at A&W when I was a kid to feed an army.

    There’s an A&W in the town where HotBride and I had the inn, about ten miles north of here, where we keep the boat.

    I won’t go there though because I don’t want to spoil teenage memories.

  70. Good for you Hot, I never had an employer that did that, but they did provide some other good perks. My argument is that surveyors are typically not a sketchy bunch, they have business costs just like everybody else. Are there bad apples? Yes. Do they represent the profession as a whole? No. Although the professional associations have their own interest in the mix, they generally have made the practice better for the public, which is an honorable goal. Hell, I knew an old surveyor who traveled on horseback into his late 80’s, but it took a lawsuit to get him to quit.

  71. The lady is Giorgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of Italy. They call her “far-right.”

    . . . . . . . .

    I’ve listened to her speeches on Eeewtube and thought she said a lot of the right things. So far, I haven’t heard anything about her that I didn’t like. We should clone an American version of her.

  72. Who had “counterfeit titanium” on their bingo cards?

    Pretty sure I saw them play at a 4H fair back in the 90s.

  73. When we were in Roswell for my mom’s funeral, A&W had a BOGO combo. Last time we ate there. Culver’s has a pretty good Sugar free Root Beer, A&W does not. This AM, a coyote had the Condo exit blocked. I was 4 minutes late to work. He wouldn’t move. He was eating bugs.

  74. time to run over a coyote

  75. According to Wiki, Tools last studio album was released in 2019, Fear Inoculum. They released Opiate, a video album, in 2022. I don’t think they are done, but what do you care, you aren’t old, like me.

  76. When I first read your comment Oso, I immediately thought you were talking about a human smuggler, then the bug thing confused me. It’s true, take my word as a raciss.

  77. OOO, the 20 ribeyes for $40 truck is back!

  78. Sorry, I thought your argument was that surveyors don’t make a good living because they have licensing fees and equipment coats.

    Around here they do, which was in reference to Leon’s comment about earning a living using his geometry skills, since he lives nearby.

  79. We have those, too. Dan would run over a pedestrian, before he’d hurt a coyote. Urban coyotes have no fear of people or cars. This MFer was staring us down. J’ames, are yours edible? My cousins did that once…once. Garbage beef.

  80. I definitely didn’t mean to imply they are a sketchy bunch.

  81. No worries, I was talking about the costs, that was it.

  82. Surveying land never occurred to me as a career path. I don’t think I could have gotten away with not going to college, but I’m second-guessing 30 years after the fact.

    I was also a little pussy back then and wanted to work indoors because I didn’t know better.

  83. I worked the mirrors on a surveying crew in college. Owned by my roommates dad. I also flagged trucks for his sand and gravel company. Working outside was great. What wasn’t great…killer cows, Mexican land grant terrorists, bears, and escaped convicts. Bill has been gone since 2010. One of his SILs has the survey company. His oldest daughter has the Sand & Gravel company. He was determined to teach me to drive. I took out a tree and a culvert. I nearly started a forest fire burning brush on his property. I didn’t rake the base of the trees before starting the fires. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  84. The guys who mark the utilities seem to have a pretty good gig…if you don’t mind working in traffic…Charlotte has some of the worst drivers I’ve ever seen.

    Metal detector on a stick, spray paint can on a stick, boots, hi-vis vest and a white truck with yellow flashers.

  85. Leon, I don’t think you missed much. In my day, you could gain professional registration (license) without a college education, which is not true any more. You still had to pass the tests (2 of them, around 8 hours each) to do so. Working outside in the 1970’s is why I call climate change bullshit. I remember a two week stretch in about 78 where the reported temperature was over 100. And working inside does not make you a pussy, but there are other things that do.

    Anyway, I need to calm TF down, can’t let the OCD take over. Time to get tits over the stove.

  86. I thought I wanted to work outside, until winter hit.

  87. We’ve had some issues with what’s supposed to be pure metal, paid for 99.999% and got 72%.

    The melting point and viscosity data were all effed up until we figured it out.

  88. One of the national labs got a bad batch of molybdenum powder that had iron in it, and that seriously effed things up.

  89. Architectural registration boards did the same thing. First it was seven years experience, then pass the exam. Then you could count a college degree toward four of those years. Then you HAD to have a college degree Then it HAD to be a degree in Architecture. Then it HAD to be a masters in Architecture.

    I don’t know what they teach them though. I guess how to drink lattes, and quote Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, snd Frank Lloyd Wright, because they sure as hell don’t know much else.

  90. If you wondered why a lot of people are converting Amish sheds into houses, now you know.

  91. But they’re way smarter than the principals they work for.

  92. whoa, that sounds like fun to find, roamy

  93. We have a thing every year at tis time where alewives swim in from the big lake snd flop around dying on the surface. Fishing sucks because of all of the free easy food floating around.

    Too bad I quit drinking because there isn’t much else to do.

  94. do you still get fish flies every year?

  95. Climax Molybdenum used to have a research lab here in Ann Arbor. I knew a lot of guys that worked there.

  96. Yeah, the fish flies start here in a week or so.

  97. Another free easy feast for the fishies.

  98. On the rivers though it puts the trout in a feeding frenzy, so if tou have hex flies in your box you can clean up. (Hexagenia Limbata is the correct term.)

  99. I went out on a date with a chick in high school who had hex flies in her box.

  100. I’ve never seen an alewife alive. Just dead, washed up on the beach.

  101. Snooch flies

  102. This place is a few miles from the development my parents lived in

    I stopped and wandered around the park a bunch of times but never hit it right for watching the fish run. Just as well, my mom said during the run the lots were full, there were cars lining the side road and backed up onto Rt 44

  103. Ben is learning a lot at his new job as a gate agent for American. He’s been verbally attacked 3 or 4 times for flight delays due to weather or maintenance issues. Today they got an Aer Lingus flight diverted to BIA because someone died somewhere over the Atlantic. All this bullshit and insider information is going to set him up well for his future career.

  104. Too dark?

  105. Now that’s a clever strategy.

  106. Fixt my bad grammar. My excuse is that it’s been a long week, I’m tired, and I’ve been around the summer interns WAY too much.

  107. I saw Climax Molybdenum open for the Moody Blues at the Blue Steel Arena.

  108. Basking in the H2 Grammy love. Mare, Sohos, and Beasn. Hope I’m not forgetting anyone.

  109. There is a town in Michigan named Climax. It’s near Leon.

    Hell is near me.

  110. Paradise is in the UP. But it’s only Paradise about five months of the year.

    The rest of the year it’s as cold and barren as Megan Markle’s womb.

  111. Oh, she has kids. Are they transed yet?

  112. Eh, Climax is roughly the midpoint from me to AA. Every time I’d go back to school, I’d come across it before I was expecting it. Prematurely, if you will.

  113. I got married in Hell. On a golf course.

  114. The little “+” to add content is gone for me.

    Wordpuss fucking with us?

  115. I love you guys. The Claw is limiting my chats

  116. I grieve that I live in a time where there is such a thing as “tik tok influencer”.

  117. Leon, that was gold.

  118. It’s probably common to climax in Paradise, but has anyone climaxed in Hell?,

  119. Biden looks like caca in that video. His reelection efforts include courting “influencers” to promote him. Didn’t quite work out they way they wanted, eh?

  120. It’s probably common to climax in Paradise, but has anyone climaxed in Hell?

    Not me. We went back to Ann Arbor after the wedding.

  121. President Biden reporting for doody.

  122. I have been binge watching Clarkson’s Farm on Amazon

    Good stuff.

  123. Hoping to be an H2 grandma one of these days. Rocketboy and wife just celebrated their 4th anniversary.

  124. And Mini-me is dating a nice Catholic boy, but I haven’t met him yet, and it’s way too soon to tell how that might turn out.

  125. Harsh reaction to robbery attempt:

  126. Disasters endangered Ron’s property.

  127. Comment by leoncaruthers on June 14, 2024 8:59 pm

    It’s probably common to climax in Paradise, but has anyone climaxed in Hell?

    Not me. We went back to Ann Arbor after the wedding.

    . . . . . . .

    So a different level of Hell?

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