

  1. Okay, Sloth meme was great!

  2. Like VMax, I’m a saltwater fish fan. Growing up in SE MA our lakes and ponds were typically shallow with a few exceptions. My mother referred to lake fish as dirty when asked why we didn’t eat the fish we caught. “Scarred for life”! Plus the Atlantic-frickin’ Ocean and Buzzard’s Bay loaded with fish were RIGHT THERE!

  3. The “Numb” video feels unfinished. Lots of angst and isolation from peers and society without resolution. I was anticipating a few possible outcomes, the recognition of her unheralded genius as an artist by society, acceptance by either a small group of similar peers or a boy who might have a similar music video made about him or martyrdom to the forces of uncaring indifference running rampant in our society. Instead the viewer is left hanging. Please tell me there’s a Part II.

  4. Good morning!

    What sloth meme?

  5. “chestfed from your transmom” meme

    Sloth was a character in “The Goonies” movie which is a classic in this house.

  6. Adding Paula and her boys to my life also added a shitton of movies I hadn’t seen before but became favorites after (despite?) multiple viewings.

    Ben started watching Christmas movies before Halloween on repeat (Santa Clause, Home Alone, etc). I was in the same room for all the Harry Potter ones but they never quite grabbed me and pulled me in as a fan.

  7. In a development that will give solace to the Exercise-Is-Bad-For-You crowd, my lovely wife exited our bed during the night and didn’t return. When the dogs and I came down for the morning I learned she was up all night vomiting. She blamed the Chinese food we ate on Sunday night but in a move that would make Marcus Welby, MD himself blush, I diagnosed her with a GI bug of undetermined variety from all the lake water she swallowed during her triathlon ≈48° prior. She went upstairs back to bed in an effort to get some more sleep. Calling her PCP for some metronidazole is on the to do list.

  8. Ah, okay, I recognized he was from Goonies but didn’t remember his name.

    Scott and I are testing out a new scheme we are calling ‘Summer Hours’ at the biz. We are going to have two overlapping shifts, and take turns. Today he is taking the early shift and I am going in later and working later.

    I get to go get things done in the garden in the cool of the morning, or he gets to go fishing, is the idea.

    We shall see. Still will need to go in together in the morning on many days, I’m sure.

  9. Ugh, sorry for Paula. Hope she feels better soon!

  10. Putzing around reading articles and drinking coffee until it gets closer to 60 degrees outside. Feeling chilly.

    I’m so stoked. For one reason or another I’ve been thwarted from taking care of some things that really need to get done. This morning I attack!

  11. The lawn is on my agenda for this morning. Waiting a little bit longer to let the dew dry up and my neighbors to wake up.

  12. That’s another thing. If I went outside at 5:30 or 6:00 the neighbor’s GSD would wake up the whole neighborhood. They usually get up around 6:45 and THAT’S when he wakes up the whole neighborhood barking at the woods, lol. Whatever, we’re used to it.

    I’m gonna suit up and go bring all my plants and stuff out to the front flower border…in a few more minutes…

  13. When I see the title “The Goonies” (a movie that I’ve never seen) in type, I always first think of the movie “The Crazies.” I had never realized how many movies Timothy Oliphant had been in until I saw him in “Justified.”

    The Keystone Pipeline one is just a headshaker. So stupidly sad.

  14. My 4 GSD alarm clocks sleep in the house. Bonnie starts things off by whining. Once they go outside (usually around 5:30-6:30 am) there is only barking if there are intruder squirrels or rabbits and the like. The other day it was a female turkey lurking in a nearby tree that set them off.

    Besides, the neighbors are too far away to be bothered much, which is nice.

  15. I thought about catfish yesterday, but didn’t sat anything. I make an aluminum foil tent, add a piece of catfish, sliced onions, lemon juice and pepper, then seal it up and bake, each piece individually wrapped. Pretty tasty.

    Nice job as usual Jay, this video may give you a little closure Jimbro:

  16. RE: Ohio:

  17. Wakey wakey

    work has turned into a dumpster fire.

    I’m slowly getting my yard work accomplished. I have a lot to do still and, of course, maintaining everything. Who put in all these gardens at my house???

  18. jimbro talked about lake water yesterday. how’s that for foreshadowing?

  19. The Keystone Pipeline one is just a headshaker. So stupidly sad

    where would inflation be today with that? yeah that economy is amazeballs

  20. aerogarden light is reset after our power outage. time to do the big detour going to work that I’m doomed for months to follow. immediate boss said we could work from home, but no one else did. not testing that until this detour fills up with truck traffic into the plant

  21. Speaking only for myself as a member of the Exercise-is-Bad-for-You crowd, you realize, I hope, that it is only jealousy speaking. When the accumulation of old injuries and age catch up with you, the only exercise you get is grumbling and kvetching.

  22. She’s younger than me and my gray hairs outnumber her’s by about 100,000 to one. Fortunately she was and remains attracted to this older, refined (cough) gentleman (cough-cough).

    My weekly equivalent of workouts of daily stretching/qi gong and 3x/week dumbbell lifting is equal to about a day’s worth of effort for her.

  23. Construction on the Main Road (1A) is due to begin anytime. The signs are everywhere and they’ve done exploratory digs every 2 to 3 hundred feet in the middle of the road. The signs say 6 miles of construction and it starts right at one of the streets to turn into my little neighborhood. 6 miles would include the downtown which was ripped up and had new water pipes as one of Zero’s shovel ready projects. Maybe they’re just repaving it, it sure AF needs it.

  24. Make sure Paula gets checked out properly, parasitic causes can’t be ruled out.

    Sez the dude who had crypto a few years back.

  25. Fireflight video had some resolution. Never heard it before. Comments on the video were filled with people mentioning it as a source of strength during their trials in life. You gotta love that!

  26. This is my favorite Firelight.

  27. The comments are equally positive if you click through.

  28. If she doesn’t improve quickly I’ll nudge her to get it checked thoroughly. It’ll be easy to convince her, she’s got a few more events planned and if she’s unable to train because she’s suffering from the both-enders it will self motivate her.

  29. Time to transform into Lawnboy. Don’t ask about my superhero costume.

  30. My ex-SIL got giardia during one of her pregnancies.

    Talk about feeling miserable.

  31. In a jarring contrast, today YooToob wants you to “meet the drag community”.

    Also the .gov people are literally flying their freak flag and I get updates about Sodomy Month events on the regular. Pretty sure I got a lightly-edited paragraph of The Satanic Bible in an email today. I can’t quote it because BobAtNSA (who now goes by Roberta, I heard) but the Long March is into every part of government at this point. Trump will help bigly, but he’s not going to root this out, he’s the wrong guy for that.

  32. Giardia’s no joke. Les Stroud has had it a couple of times I think, at least once from an episode of Survivorman.

  33. Fireflight has a lot of good stuff. I think some people would reject them offhand if you referred to them as a Christian band, but they would be missing something good.

  34. Why is there a longhaired black dude dressed as Whitney Houston at a Juneteenth event?

  35. Because – Shut up, racist.

  36. Why is there a Juneteenth event?

    There. I shortened it for clarity.

  37. I’m just hoping for a Queers4Palestine vs Actual Muslims type of event where normie black folks get appropriately angry at the alphabet people for hijacking yet another event.

  38. A Few Black People: Hey, let’s suddenly in 2010 all start pretending we’ve ever heard of Juneteenth. Then let’s get the government to give us another day off.

    Most All Other Black People: Wut’s Juneteenth?

  39. Insty mentioned a “50 caliber twist pen” so I looked it up. Was disappointed to learn it was MADE from one, not something that FIRED one.

    I may be in a weird place right now.

  40. If Kamala Harris only half black, and she married a white guy, what race are her children?

  41. I’m not sure you could hold on to a pen that fired a .50cal.

  42. Kamala has no children. The kids are her husband’s from a prior marriage.

  43. I was about to mention the recoil issue. I have a barely-over-one-pound .38 that kicks like a dang mule because there’s no mass in the gun.

  44. We were driving home on Sunday, and the bridge over the Manistee River in Manistee, MI is still being rebuilt. It’s been over a year that the highway has been detoured for this project. (Really huge detour.)

    So I said to HotBride, “They built the Empire State Building in one year.”

    And she was like, “Stop at the next McDonalds. I have to do a wee wee.”

    (She’ll only pee at McDonald’s.)

  45. Yeah, I know, in retrospect a .50 pen-gun is a non-starter, but a body can dream.

    Probably couldn’t build one into my walking cane, either.

    (Good morning, Bob from NSA!)

  46. I have one of these because I think they are cute:

    About 4 inches long and shoots .22magnums – kicks like a fucking mule. Not fun to shoot.

  47. Building is for cultures in ascendance.

    Environmental impact statements and Human Wellness Departments for the road maintenance personnel (and the administrative staff, of course) are not parts of a culture that is ascending.

  48. There were .410 and 20 ga canes back in the day, Tim. I think they mostly stopped making them before the .50 rifle rounds were popularized.

  49. not parts of a culture that is ascending.


    Speaking of which –

  50. Longshoremen striking over use of automated machinery. In case you can’t be bothered to click my link.

  51. I have a sword-cane in storage somewhere. It’s not really intended for use as a weapon, and as I’ve said to others, if I have to use it as such I’m fucked already.

  52. Oh look, another TX court finds no evidence to disbar Sidney Powell for her election claims. Lawfare just ties up lawyers and people for years with outrageous charges (34 felonies, anyone?)

  53. Protesting automation? And that is how private unions wither and die. You would think they’ve learned that lesson by now.

  54. Stacking shipping containers isn’t a hard automation problem. Harder than automating a warehouse because of waves and weather, but not much harder. And no dockworkers means no dockworker injuries or fatalities (or salaries). I mean, it sucks for the workers, but I don’t see an out on this one.

  55. Hunter left the courtroom. He isn’t required to sit in the courtroom like Trump.

  56. not like a dockworker can lift a shipping container. And there isn’t room for multiple cranes and forklifts.

  57. Another day, another rabbit hole. I used to shoot competitive skeet, reload shotgun shells and therefore, buy a lot of lead. I remembered a big price spike in lead while I was shooting a lot, and memory mistakenly informed me that it was because of Chernobyl and all of the lead they dumped on the reactor, but the timing was off. Chernobyl happened before I got into shooting a lot, so I looked up lead prices over the years and 2007 was the big spike year, so what the heck happened in 2007? Wiki sort of gave me an answer, to wit:

    The price of lead rose sharply in early 2007, then collapsed to nearly their original starting price by the end of the next year.[102] Lead prices began to rise in early 2007 due to increased worldwide demand. Prices were about $1,200 per tonne of lead in the July, then rose to $2,220 per tonne by September and collapsed back down to $1,200 per tonne in the October of that year. Despite the bullish market condition, the price had collapsed by the July 2009 and was only worth about $1,400 per tonne of lead.[103] The lead and zinc markets became rather bearish for several months afterwards. Prices were hovering at between $1,770 and $2,175 per tonne[104] as the markets became more bullish and increased prices after China’s car scrapping scheme had caused a general upturn in lead, zinc, cadmium and aluminium production.[104][105] By the June 2010, prices stood at only $870 per tonne, and were back to about $2,200 in the July 2010.[105][106][107][108]

    I owe this all to you Bro Tim and Leon for mentioning canes that can be used as weapons, a nice stroll down memory lane. BTW, a 28 gauge IMO is the best small bird and game load. It’s just not as widely promoted to the public.

  58. What if it was a Pride flag?

  59. I’d think the main difficult thing in dock automation would be the water/rain issue. Radar is fantastic at seeing metal containers and reflective markers, but water is totally opaque/absorptive to it*. Optical is less troubled by it, but optical sucks for judging distance.

    *this is why microwave ovens work

  60. You make me as excited as a water molecule in a microwave, said the engineer…

  61. There was a cool website up a while back of a guy who used parts from two old microwaves and garage door opener to build his own rail-based synthetic aperture radar and take a several mm resolution image of his old VW bug.

  62. Comment by Hotspur on June 11, 2024 9:28 am

    I’m not sure you could hold on to a pen that fired a .50cal.

    . . . . . . . . .

    Well, your fingers might stay attached to it, but maybe not to your hand.

  63. Hunter guilty on all charges. Well, well, well.

  64. wow, Hunter found guilty on all counts.

    Time for the pardon.

  65. just gives the government all the power to keep enforcing those gun laws.

  66. $50 fine, time served

  67. Remember, they almost gave him a ridiculous plea deal, before the judge discovered it’s BS

  68. one less vote for Joe. Felons can’t vote.

    Who am I kidding, Hunter gets to vote.

  69. He’ll get a slap on the wrist – a fine and a few hours of bullshit “community service” reserved for the celebrities and well-heeled.

  70. Gotta wonder about how the sentencing will go. It’s up to the Judge. This is the judge didn’t accept the bullshit plea deal.

    Wait and see…

  71. Felons can’t vote.


  72. You’ve heard of “Superstraight”? Kamala’s daughter is “superwhite”:

  73. Never stick your dick in crazy.

  74. Depends on whether Jews are white this week.

  75. Well, 2nd gentleman is Jewish, don’t know if his babymomma is/was.

  76. don’t you love it when a meeting you have said one line in for months now is going over by an hour?

  77. Is that Al Yankovic in the photo Car In?

  78. Al Yankovic has actual talent. I will not stand for this mischaracterization

  79. The first block of The Five should be a riot tonight.

  80. (She’ll only pee at McDonald’s.)


    You should stop at a Buc-ee’s if you get a chance. Huge, immaculate restrooms.

  81. Dramatic French people are funny

  82. Al Yankovic is a legit musical genius and a poet.

    He out Devo’d Devo FFS.

  83. The Five is still on? Huh.

  84. No Buc-ees in the north, pepe


    Sometimes I clap like this just to annoy HotBride.

  86. “I was in shock. It was the most beautiful thing I ever heard. He sorta took that song, and resculpted it into something else, um…and…I hate him basically.”

    – Mark Mothersbaurgh, main composer of DEVO.

  87. Isn’t Kameltoe’s daughter a fashion model?

  88. HQ comments say Hunter will be out on bond and the sentencing will be delayed until after the election, then the pardon, “win” or lose.

  89. Well, technically a model is anyone willing to be photographed with the product, so yes.

    Companies used to use attractive people to model their products, but we’re more evolved now.

  90. I’m stuck in a mandatory training class with an instructor with an awful case of vocal fry. I tried muting it and just reading the closed captions but there’s some funny word substitutions.

  91. I’d take vocal fry over a lot of accents I hear nowadays, but I can sympathize.

  92. According to commercials nowadays, we’re a majority black society, all couples are black or mixed race, the stupid people are white, fat people are attractive and popular, men are always stupid and inept, kids are smarter than the parents, rainbows are everywhere.

    Kamala’s daughter will be on the next Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

    This is Miss Alabama:

  93. I used to chuckle at the “hand models”, but at least they made money at it. I can think of no body part of mine that would be worthy of modeling to anyone other than my wife.

    We should send this to the longshoremen:

  94. Don’t forget this one

    She celebrated by getting her squeakhole reamed

  95. So how soon does the collapse of the petrodollar give us $10/gal gasoline?


    Sometimes I clap like this just to annoy HotBride.

    Those are the same hands that took out Cornpop. And scrubbed up Ashleigh’s nether regions in the shower.

  97. good god now even political shows are covering Caitlin Clark. So freakin sick of Chicken Wing in the news.

  98. Well now I have a YUUUUUGE problem. The key for the locking lugnuts on the car is missing. The nearest mercedes dealership is 18 miles away and they can’t sell me the right key without the car there for them to match it. This tire will never make it that far. They may not even have the damn thing in stock. WTF?

  99. Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh unavailable for comment.

  100. can you buy the tire and have the dealer put it on?

  101. You’ve been following or at least aware of Caitlin Clark far longer than most people Jay. I hadn’t heard of her until the playoffs this year. I think she’s one of the reasons a lot more people are aware of the WNBA than they ever were before now. An organization trying to grow would leverage her popularity to get more fans interested in the league but so far it’s been criticism of her white heterosexual Christian ways.

  102. Mitchell, that’s one of the reasons I ditched the locking lugnuts long ago. I went with AAA Plus in 1996, I think it’s $124 a year now for me and the wife and our 2 cars. You get a free tow up to 100 miles, twice a year. I have used it several times. They even towed my truck out of my driveway to the repair shop. I don’t if it’s too late for you now, but it has been pretty good insurance for me, and I’m a cheap bastard.

  103. I meant to say I’m a thrifty fellow.

  104. You might be looking at an 18 mile tow.

  105. I’d work with the dealer, he wants your business, there will be some arrangement you can come to that gets him paid and you your tire.

  106. The key for the locking lugnuts on the car is missing.

    Is there a weld shop close by? Weld a same size nut on top of the locking nut, then remove it.

  107. Oooo! AAA! I’d completely forgotten about them! Yep, been a member for quite some time. Thanks for the suggestion Markie! That might just be the ticket.

  108. Glad if I helped, good luck.

  109. can they hammer an impact socket on top of the locking lug nut, and use an impact wrench to remove it?

  110. I think the most elegant solution would involve a cutting torch and a replacement stud, but that’s just the way I roll.

  111. I think the most elegant solution would involve a cutting torch and a replacement stud, but that’s just the way I roll.

    Not a good idea with aluminum rims, aluminum melts at 1220° F.

  112. Thanks Dave, I learn something every day. Yesterday, I learned that fish had cheeks.

  113. Ah, I have “Classic” – free up to 5 miles, $7 / mile after that. $92 for the tow then.

  114. I ditched locking lugnuts too. If they can’t get the wheels off they’re going to key the shit out of it or slash the tires.

  115. Or in the case of a ragtop, slash that too.

  116. LOL

    This is super sweet:

  117. Grr. This is gonna take all day tomorrow. Tow will be out sometime between 10:30 – 12:30 so I have to take an afternoon appointment at 2:00 to replace the tire. I’m sick of this car.

  118. We are putting up the rest of the first cutting tonight. The first third of it was 87 bales, so we’re likely looking at at least another 160 tonight. My hands already hurt and my face itches.

  119. That sucks Mitchell. It truly makes me sad. That said, at least it saved you 5 miles.

    Leon, do you do round bales or square, big or small? It’s hard work, but think of all that sweet, sweet hay. It’s June, so do you expect 2 or 3 cuttings this year? I’m all up in your business. My uncle raised a lot, but I think silage in the bale was just coming on strong about the time he retired.

  120. FNG transferred from a Club in Houston. He asked me “Are you okay?” I told him the Club was muggy. The humidity was getting to me. I did laugh at myself for telling the guy from Houston that the high humidity was making me ill. Humidity was 24% today.

  121. Markie, I’m not concerned about the cost, it’s just the irritation of the situation itself. Pumped up the tire again to go get the replacement for tomorrow and the Tire Guy remarked that he won’t allow locking nuts on his car. Lesson learned, I guess. This is the Last Straw with POS mercedes. Friday I’m going car shopping. Should have done it months ago.

  122. Squares at 50-60#. We’ll get a second cutting for sure, whether we get a third depends entirely on how dry August is. If we get enough rain, it’ll be long enough, but if it’s raining too often, we can’t get it dry enough for baling, especially after the summer heat goes away.

  123. This is equine-quality grass hay, so for the right folks it’s worth plenty, but we mostly grow it for our own consumption. We go through a bale a day, and the second cutting will almost certainly be higher quality, so we may sell most of the first cutting and just keep back what we need to make it to that.

  124. Most tire places have a tool that breaks the locking nut, the tool fits over the top and you bang it with a sledge hammer to destroy the key part and remove it with a regular wrench. Then you have to buy a new lug nut.

  125. that’s what I was thinking, pups

  126. ooof moving all the servers to new environment this weekend. odds of something going wrong, since we have processing on Sunday?

    my estimate: > 100%

  127. Huh, never heard of a locking nut cracker

    Nuts, yes. Crackers, sure. Locking nut crackers? Nope

  128. There’s dozens of videos about it.

    “Quick & Easy” is often claimed

  129. Leon, uncle raised a lot of clover and mixed hay and beef cattle, so he was big on silage, said that was the optimal feed to help cattle gain weight. You nailed it I think, moisture content is the key. We are at the tender mercy of mother nature, but she can be a harsh mistress.

  130. Our field was long enough for mowing in mid May, but there was no way it could have dried out enough to bale with the spring rains. The first cutting is usually a lot smaller, but we urea’d the piss into it in April or so.

  131. If someone can invent it, someone can figure a way around it.

    I don’t lock my house because if someone wants my shit, they’ll take it, and I don’t want to have to fix the fucking door they kicked in or the window they smashed.

  132. Well, cracking my nuts wasn’t offered as a solution. I’d remember if it was. Probably against Corporate Policy to do so. I suppose I could call and ask them if they want to try cracking my nuts. Thing is, my nuts are recessed into the wheel and aren’t all that readily accessible.

  133. Try a warm bath. My nuts are always more accessible after that.

  134. I don’t lock my house because if someone wants my shit, they’ll take it

    Also why Hotspur never zips his pants.

  135.  Friday I’m going car shopping.

    If you’re serious, don’t sink the money into a tire and tow.

    Call your bank / credit union to get pre-approved for what you’re willing to spend. Go online & do your vehicle search with reputable used dealers. Find what you want, contact them about what you want. Air up the tire, go check out the vehicle in person. If you’re cool with it, make the deal. Next day, air up the tire, go to the lender, get the check, add air if needed, then go hand the dealer the check, that tire is the dealers problem.

    That’s how I landed in my new(er) F-150, only without the headaches your Merc is giving you.

  136. Most tire places have a tool that breaks the locking nut, the tool fits over the top and you bang it with a sledge hammer to destroy the key part and remove it with a regular wrench.

    Interesting. I wonder how it works with cylindrical locking nuts, i.e. round, no hex. The ones that have an irregular shaped face groove in the face of the nut.

    (another one of Ford’s better brilliant ideas when all their vehicles come with aluminum rims requiring a 3/4″ drive breaker bar and a 4 foot long piece of pipe to achieve the proper torque spec preventing the wheel from falling off while driving, and hence the same tools to remove the wheel unless you happen to have am impact wrench meant for professional heavy diesel mechanics)

  137. I don’t lock my house because if someone wants my shit, they’ll take it

    Also why Hotspur never zips his pants.

    Would that be wanting his shit, or junk?

  138. Latest from the MSNBC and Merrick Garland, “SCOTUS is part of the illuminati”

  139. The Harbor Freight style are kind of a reverse easy out. They go over the round bolt head and dig in as you turn them. Best used with a big impact wrench.

  140. Dave, it’s not a slow leak on this thing and it’s getting worse so I can’t drive it very far at all. I lost over half the pressure just going around the corner to pick up the tire and a carton of milk. I have a commitment on Thursday so it has to be fixed tomorrow. I’ve looked at lots of cars online the last week or two, so I generally know what I want, what’s out there and my price point. Fortunately I have the cash on hand so I don’t have to deal with financing it.

  141. Good God, Pepe. Don’t get me started on “not really easy outs”! I think one worked one time for me, but I was probably trippin’ back in that day and could have removed the screw with my fingers if I wasn’t HAF.

  142. 2005 F-150 wheel torque specs. Torque to 90 ft/lb. drive 20 miles. Stop and re-torque to 90 ft/lb.

    Tell that to the non dealership tire replacement outlets. They hear it as “crank the impact wrench up to maximum torque. Tighten until wrench starts hammering. Continue hammering for no less than 1 minute.”

    I shattered the working end of a New Britain 1/2″ drive breaker bar trying to break lug nuts loose on that 2005. Insane! What if you have a flat while commuting? The tools the OEM provides you are useless.

    I guess that’s why I’m partial to my ’66. I can fix anything on it myself with no special tools. Only problem is although it will pass anything with wheels, It can’t pass a gas station.

  143. Off the team, maybe on the team. Nope off the team.

    USOC says no Caitlin this time at the Olympics.

    Her skanky white hetero ass needs to learn how to eat pussy first.

  144. New Britain is where we work. The Hardware City.

    It was the home of Stanley Tools as well.

  145. Just got home from seeing “Sight”, the latest from Angel Studios. It was pretty good. Chinese kid gets roughed up during the days of Mao, emigrates to America, becomes a world-famous eye surgeon. Some sweet and philosophical moments. Greg Kinnear co-stars, and he’s just as cute as ever. The nun is played by an actress I’ve seen in Star Trek TNG.

  146. Caitlin should emigrate to a country that wants to win gold, clearly we don’t. Maybe Hungary will take her in.

  147. 300 bales on our first cutting on like 3.5 acres. All that urea paid off.

  148. Mark Steyn’s second trial was supposed to begin today, but I haven’t seen an update on how it went. This one is against Ofcom booting him off the air for interviewing people who had been harmed by the vax.

  149. No one has been harmed by the vax, peasant.

    It is safe and effective.

  150. Turbo colorectal cancers in young people are about energy drinks. Totes not the vax we forced on them to attend school in person.

  151. Weird, because energy drinks have been around for a while, haven’t they?

  152. I don’t lock my doors, but I do close them.

  153. What’s the old saying? “Locks are to keep Honest People honest.” It also prevents crime of opportunity: “…and every lock that ain’t locked when no-one’s around?!”

  154. um, we’ve won 6 straight golds in women’s basketball. This isn’t about winning.

  155. Yeah, I realized that after I said it. It’s about racism, similar to the hazing they put Larry Bird through 40 years back, but gayer and bitchier.

  156. Dreamily, Esmeralda remembered Pamplona.

  157. And butchier.

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