Follow Meme Into the Desert as Thirsty as You Are



The FUCK are you looking at?

Whatcha reading, Leon?

No thanks I don’t wear a watch

*muffled giggling*

[Southern Pennsylvania] all yunz’all


  1. Good morning ladies, gentlemen, fags, dykes & other assorted fruits. It’s going to be a great day!

  2. Huh, about 20 minutes ago we heard a boom sound, all the electricity went off and the generator started. No flames or smoke are visible from our power line. I reported it to CMP on their app. I may need to drive around to see if it’s only us or the neighborhood

  3. Hey, I just wanted some snacks.

  4. Cerberus is a dalmatian. It literally means “spotted one”.

  5. Thanks Roamy, and to anyone else I missed yesterday. Time does fly when you are having fun.

    Nice job Pup. I never made the obvious connection between Falling Down and Killdozer until this morning, when shit keeps going against you through malice or disinterest.

  6. Buck Throckmorton:

  7. Elon Musk, Very Interesting:

  8. Burden in my Hand is my favorite Soundgarden.

  9. I’ve been on a Stoner Grunge Thrash Dirty Swamp Punk Metal Blues Hair Yacht Rock kick lately.

  10. I would be interested to hear what your other Soundgarden favorites are Sobek, I like that song too. I saved Burden to my library early this morning, but it’s the only one I have on the puter. I bought an album on vinyl a long time ago but haven’t listened to it in decades (but still have a turntable).

  11. Raining whores and democrats at the boat. HotBride and I are below with the heater going. This is not what we paid for.

  12. Did Xbrad get drunk and wander into the wrong shithole dump last night?

  13. Silly rabbit, we have ALL paid for democrats and their whores.

    Hubby snuck out of the house this morning at quarter after five like a ninja. I heard the neighbor’s GermanShepherdAlarm go off, but it was just part of a dream to me.

    Gorgeous day for fishing. He caught his biggest bass yet this year.

  14. Lucky dog. I don’t like fishing in the rain, so I’m cooped up.

  15. Scott’s playing Grab-Bass to get out of fake vegetable gardening.

    Next week’s BBF is almost complete, I’m going to mow the lawn and then make perfect country-style ribs.

    I’d rather be fishing.

  16. I took your mom out to my garden and made her go face down for a while to help me clear out some weeds. Pokeweed’s starting to come up, hate that stuff.

  17. I am so sexiss,

    I’m having trouble letting this go,

  18. It’s raining cattle dogs here. The sun came out briefly and I thought I might mow the lawn but the rain quickly disabused me of that notion. The next clear day looks to be Tuesday. Fortunately I don’t give AF about having a shaggy lawn.

  19. This is surprisingly nice,

  20. Wakey wakey

  21. I’m doing that 30 days/ 30 albums thing on facedouche. Today’s album is Grace, by Jeff Buckley. I found this – which … amazing. He’s performing it live. I’m on day 14.

  22. I’m basically just listing the 30 most … influential albums on my life. Going sorta chronologically. Its been fun.

  23. My ignoring of Pink Floyd is merely standing on principal. Fuck those guys.

  24. It’s been unseasonably dry here so far this summer. We have

  25. That song was released in 1993 which is farther back in time than what Marty McFly traveled when he went to 1955 from 1985. Let that sink in.

  26. Pink Floyd is a fantastic band, the spectacular assholishness of one of its former members notwithstanding.

  27. At the end of the month can you post the list here Carin? I’m sure there’s some overlap for a lot of us. Others, not so much!

  28. Car In, Jeff has some good pipes, and range. Which one’s Pink?

    Now for something completely different, for the mechanically inclined and history buffs:

  29. I didn’t buy many albums, and I might lose credibility if I named them. I guess I’d need to define influential down to songs that hit the right spot at the right time.

  30. Xbrad stopped drinking. I was wrong about my suspension. It was about a comment I made on MTGs post about getting the Beagle torture in the Congressional Record. This AM, Elon posted a meme about Fauci calling us all beagles. All 3 of my accounts were reinstated within an hour.

  31. It pays to have influential friends.

  32. My musical influences started late. I bought myself a stereo system in 1975 to adorn my dorm room, and began buying albums. By the time I had to auction off the farm in 2012, I had probably 7 or 8 linear feet of albums. Let them all go for $200. They were a pain to move, and the ends of the album covers had been torn up by various felines.

    Before 1975, it was either what I could tune in on my AM/FM clock radio during my freshman year, which was mostly classical music on WCRB in Boston. It made studying into the wee hours tolerable.

    Before that, it was whatever came in on that pocket-sized transistor radio that could be carried around, usually with that loop on them drooped around my saddle horn. Or whatever music was played in between the weekly body counts from Vietnam on KDKA in the mornings when my dad listened to the news and weather before he went to work.

  33. This made me think of Lumps, I don’t know why. Regarding tomatoes.

  34. The most influential album of my lifetime has been Benny Goodman’s Legendary Carnegie Hall Concert. January 16, 1938.

    It introduced me to jazz and big band, and really opened my eyes to shit other than Rock and Roll.

    Then the Ring without Words by Loren Maazel and the Berlin Philharmonic. That really opened my eyes to classical music.

  35. Music reached its peak with this song:

    It’s all been downhill since then.

  36. It’s been 4 years, 8 days since I drank.

    I saw someone got a FB friend request from WP, and that kinda prompted me to check on you guys.

    Nice to see some familiar names, and good to see some new blood.

    Also, your mom’s a whore.

  37. Xbrad has a dog named Rufus. 🐻❤️🐾

  38. So, previously on Twitter/X my suspensions have always been about abortion. Woman posted that Republicans were coming after birth control by not bringing a federal abortion bill to the floor to a vote. I commented “I thought your side said abortion isn’t birth control and no woman would have an abortion as birth control.”

  39. Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders died in a plane crash. I think he was the pilot, though he was 90. He’s the one who took the famous Earthrise photo.

  40. I hope you’ll stick around Xbrad, I kind of like you on overwatch.

    Also my mother is completely holy.

    Ribs are slow cooking, about to turn and hit with some cherry wood before the final grill.

  41. Congratulations on being sober, XBrad! IIRC, Sean is close to 13 years.

    I should work on drinking less, but it’s a pretty stressful time on a couple of fronts at the moment.

  42. Pretty impressive that he could hang on to his pilot’s license to that age. The FAA is not known for leniency. But maybe if you were an astronaut.

  43. I enjoy listening to Neil Oliver. He’s been slowly waking up (not going woke).

  44. Xbrad, I was just kidding about being drunk. I knew you’d quit drinking. I too haven’t had a drop in 5 years in April.

    It’s good to see you back.

  45. They aren’t going to go peaceably.

  46. 🐻❤️🐴. 🐻❤️🚀🐥. We currently have 3 golfers in the top 5.

  47. Dr Pepper has displaced Pepsi as #2. Sean knows. I’m allergic to sucralose. Pepsi made all of their sugar free products sucralose. Aspartame is listed as a carcinogen in California. I may soon be skinny Minnie after this shit.

  48. “June 9 the US-Saudi “PetroDollar” agreement for Saudi to sell its oil for USD ends.

    Saudia has notified USG the agreement will NOT be renewed and they will no longer accept USD for their oil.”

    Seems like that would be important news to most Americans, and yet this is the first I’ve come across this.

  49. Long time coming. Shartpants is behind this.

  50. If even a modest proportion of the foreign-held dollars that were chasing Saudi oil return to the US, I suspect there’ll be a double-digit inflation spike.

  51. What does Scheffler pay if he wins?

  52. At least that much.

    Nothing else backs the $ at this point but the might of our woke, queer military that’s been ideologically and anti-meritocratically purged.

  53. I see a few meat canning sessions in my future.

  54. ..I spent 4.5 hours on the river and was home by 11.

    Summer hours may be in order.

    12-6 could be the new normal.

  55. did you catch anything Scott?

  56. I spent a lot of time scouting out new areas, and landed 4 bass and a pike. One bass was the years best.

    The water is warming and they are finally returning to their summer hangouts. I can’t find them in the Spring.

  57. Might be time to accelerate some acquisitions from the apocalypse wish-list.

  58. Work neighbor has a buddy with a jet boat. They launched in part of the river where outboards are a no go.

    They landed 25 in a day.

    It will get a lot better here soon.

  59. I have not fished freshwater in a lifetime. I do own 1/10th of the lake in my back yard, well maybe it is more of a pond, but it does have brim, sunfish, tilapia, small mouth and large mouth bass in it according to my neighbor. Maybe I ought to throw some peacocks in for fun.

  60. A quick DDG search brings up a Florida Sportsman article about exotic fish says peacocks do okay in south florida but do not breed well outside the area. We are USDA 10a & 10b here, I guess Miami is 11a the keys are 11b

  61. It’s been pretty impressive the run Scheffler has been on. However you have to wonder if he could have done it, if the LIV guys were still playing the PGA.

  62. Hi Therm,

    I am going to ask an old school (Rosetta) question of you.

    How many indians are you? I have half a war party circling me.


    Mr. RFH and I got up and left P.F. Chang’s when they only gave us a QR code and no menu. So call me a Luddite. I thought that was interesting about the drop in check averages.

  64. The restaurants around here that tried that crap backtracked pdq. One of them even put their stupid ipad on each table with the menu on it. That was scorned.

  65. My daughter loves me. She sent me a pic of an A-10 at the air show.

  66. good evening ladies!

    I went to possibly one of the most Midwest things ever tonight, the small town ‘homecoming’. Basically it’s a big party that every town around here does in the summer.

    tonight was in Worden, IL. Nice town (pop 1,000), great people. Band was decent, beer was cheap and the fried fish was awesome.

  67. one kinda sad thing about the homecoming in Worden, was that it was hosted by the American Legion.

    that post is about to dissolve because they now have less than 30 qualifying members.

    I was the youngest Legion member there, and I’m 57!

    they formed Son’s of the Legion and Daughters of the Legion so they can keep going as a social club.

  68. Roamie,

    I truly loved the A-10, but its day is done. Pulling the trigger on that gun was a ‘skygasm’.

    drones and GPS guided munitions are the future of CAS (close air support).

  69. my man crush Joe!

  70. Howdy Phat!

  71. Darren expedited Roderick’s payment.

  72. Pups linked to a Welcome Back Kotter video last night and, like the simple minded man I am, I went down the wormhole. Now I’ve got its theme song playing in my head dammit. I found out it ran for three seasons although it’s listed as running from ’75 to ’79 which feels like 4 years to me. Maybe they’re counting different than me.

    Anyway, it ran for 95 episodes which explains why I felt it was on longer than it actually was plus reruns on a few networks over the years. Three or four seasons of a show these days would be about a dozen episodes a season. I

    have no recall of the character “Beau”, the guy they brought in near the end to replace Travolta/Barbarino who was busy with movies. That probably correlates with the timing of my moving from junior high to high school and not giving a shit about watching the boob tube and my fledgling efforts in trying to see actual boobs.

  73. drones and GPS guided munitions are the future of CAS (close air support).

    If you had made that statement 4 or 5 years ago I would have disagreed with you despite your credentials! After seeing the Ukrainians and Russians blowing each other up with drones for the past couple of “seasons” in this war I am a believer now.

    Previous defenders of scrapping the A-10 described the F-35 as the heir apparent of CAS which seemed ridiculous given its track record of delays, the maintenance requirements in austere environments and expense.

    The current buzz is whether or not to form a separate “Drone Corps”. I’ve only seen the headlines and skimmed the articles so I don’t know whether they mean a new branch, a la Space Force, or a new MOS in each existing branch.

  74. Whichever one of you endorsed the new chipotle flavor of Tabasco sauce got me hooked on it too. Take a bow! I like regular Tabasco but it’s a little too spicy for regular use, a statement that causes the Hot Sauce Mafia to point and laugh, I know. Anyway, this stuff has more flavor than heat IMO. And it feels like I’ve been putting that sh^t on everything (a tag line stolen from Frank’s).

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