Hello  story-time friends, and welcome to Big Bathykolpian Friday.


Bathykolpian (adj) bath-ee-kuhl-pee-anDeep bosomed.




Your model for today was born January 20, 1988, somewhere in Florida.  She stands 5′ 6″, 46G-34-47 and weighs a wholbunch.  Please wash your face and welcome Miss Athena Blaze AKA Miss Voluptuis!



  1. The musical selection today is a fun band, two sisters from Atlanta. I’m a sucker for steel guitar.

  2. She got enough butt to cover the rest of the remaining Mondays in calendar year 2018. Uncertain of the butt mushroom status however.

  3. At guitar lessons last night Ben was working on a Dire Straits riff from Money For Nothing. Still needs work to even approach Mark Knopfler’s skill level.

  4. I was just telling somone about Larkin Poe.

    wakey wakey.

    She looks like she might be riding the amigo at the grocery story by the time she hits 50. NTTAWWT

  5. I thought I had a gas leak just now. It was just oschi fARTING. Omg, was that bad. It’s lingering too. ugh.

  6. What day is MRI day Carin? It’s been a crazy week and I read something about a meniscal tear possibly? Didn’t he have a repair at the same time as the cruciate reconstruction? How far along in the season are they? Things must be wrapping up soon.

  7. He hasn’t been able to play basically at all. MRI is next wednesday. Doc appointment following wednesday. Yes, he had everything repaired. I guess we’ll find out what is wrong then.

  8. That sucks for him. Between surgeries and recovery this has been going on over a year, close to 2 years maybe. Do not like that aspect of sports medicine.

  9. Yea, it really really does suck.

  10. What the? This gal is the 2018 motorboating champion.

  11. It’s sorta interesting – unrelated to anything. I work with a lot of twenty somethings. Now I’ve worked with some of them for 6 years. Many of them went from the brash “YOUTH IS HOT” mode … used to getting guys attention merely because they were still young, and “fit” enough (through youth) to carry it off. Some used to joke that I was old, and make a ton of age jokes. They didn’t want to work out because … why should they? No need, apparently.

    Now …they’re getting older. Putting on weight. Not looking as fresh. It’s just interesting. Time is a bitch, man.

  12. And, many of them are pretty narcissistic. Although that appears to be epidemic today.

  13. Car in, they’ve been fed a diet of BS about how “every body is beautiful” and that people should “care about what’s on the inside” (never mind that their personalities are often horrible or nonexistant).

  14. I worked with one of the spine fellows at a Boston hospital we used to do a 3 month rotation at and one day while shooting the shit waiting for a case to begin we were looking at the nurses walk by us. He told me that he knew he was getting old because he was now looking at women solely because they were young yet didn’t have the same level of attractiveness he would have been looking for when he was younger and single.

  15. I had been receiving through amazon (not even sure how and why) Women’s Health, Shape and some other bullshit magazine.* They ALWAYS featured overweight models in workout stuff. One article was a fattie talking about how she’s given up diets and is finally happy with herself. She’s single of course. And almost every recipe is vegetarian.

    *Have cancelled the mags that I wasn’t even paying for (????).

  16. He was about 8 years older than me but his words stuck with me and I had a similar revelation when I was older

  17. Meaty.
    But time will not be much of a friend to her.

  18. My “free” subscriptions may have come with something I purchased.

  19. Amazon sends me weekly emails about all the “free” shit included with my prime membership and there’s a ton of digital magazines that I’ve never even attempted to look for

  20. Oso, are you staying in a condo? Hotel? VRBO?

    Have a great trip!

  21. He told me that he knew he was getting old because he was now looking at women solely because they were young yet didn’t have the same level of attractiveness he would have been looking for when he was younger and

    Pay and I had a discussion about this the other night. There are definitely two types of men in this regard. There are men for whom older women become non-existent (which is actually a bugaboo of a friend of mine). She actually claims men look right through her. And then there are men who notice women of all sorts of ages.

  22. We saw Larkin Poe at a Keith Urban concert. They were really good.

  23. Wait, they have concerts on the ranch?

  24. Can’t wait for pictures of Car in in her dreadlocks hat.

    Yeah, I said it. Now she has to post them.

  25. It’s a kick ass hat.

  26. Quit dicking around and get raping.

  27. Pay and I had a discussion about this the other night. There are definitely two types of men in this regard. There are men for whom older women become non-existent (which is actually a bugaboo of a friend of mine). She actually claims men look right through her. And then there are men who notice women of all sorts of ages.

    I’ve dated older women, and they can be sexy, but I want kids so any woman over 32-33 might be nice to look at, but I’m not interested. I suspect a lot of guys are the same way. Plus, older means more likely to be established in their lives and careers, and thus it’s harder to actually make a shared life.

  28. 0/10. Would not smash. No offense Pupster.

  29. Zombie Rosetta would 10/10 smash her.

  30. you might not smash, but she would smash you! Just sayin

  31. Yes, smash her huge boobs in your face. Death by boobage.

  32. subtitle: Hello diabetes my old friend?

  33. J’Ames, a friend is the tour manager for Keith Urban. He sent us tickets when they were in ABQ.

  34. another fine boob job by the friday crew!!!!

  35. holy shit

  36. Lauraw, would you not say our two mascot children convey our sentiments about this model?

  37. *awards pup 3 of these*

  38. her eyebrows have their own gig goin’ on

  39. Good morning.

    She’s monstrous. Three more plates of cheese fries and she’s Tess Munster.

  40. “And then there are men who notice women of all sorts of ages.”

    8 to 80 —- blind, crippled, or crazy

  41. And, many of them are pretty narcissistic. Although that appears to be epidemic today.
    It’s breathtaking.

    But they were raised by Gen Xers.

  42. Hahaha!

    Five years ago, my partner cheated on me and got pregnant. We got past the infidelity, and I have raised her son as my own since the moment he was born. At what age is it appropriate to tell him that his social father and his biological father are not the same person? The biological father is not in the picture and seems to have no interest in being a parent. I think our son should be told eventually, but I think 4 is much too young. My partner disagrees. I would appreciate your advice.

    —Dedicated Dad

  43. It’s breathtaking.

    But they were raised by Gen Xers.

    A lot of them were raised by older Boomers who pampered them and told them how special they were.

  44. Secret Santa suggestion

  45. 4? WTF is wrong with people?

  46. To start with, she’s a cheating whore and he’s a wimp who stayed with her.

    If she’s pushing to tell the kid now, my suspicion is that she wants to undermine the “father”-son bond so it’s easier to leave later.

  47. Huh. So there’s a Sta-Puft Marshmallow Girl

  48. Five years ago, my partner cheated on me and got pregnant. We got past the infidelity, and I have raised her son as my own since the moment he was born. At what age is it appropriate to tell him that his social father and his biological father are not the same person? The biological father is not in the picture and seems to have no interest in being a parent. I think our son should be told eventually, but I think 4 is much too young. My partner disagrees. I would appreciate your advice.

    1) He’s a literal cuckhold, and she’s still making demands after he stayed and is raising another man’s son. She’s demonic.

    2) He’s 4, for Heaven’s sake. Tell him when he needs to know his medical history.

  49. 4? WTF is wrong with people?

    I’d bet that she is cheating on him again, and wants absolution in her own mind for being a shitty partner.

  50. If she’s pushing to tell the kid now, my suspicion is that she wants to undermine the “father”-son bond so it’s easier to leave later.

    She’s still banging the other guy, and wants to prepare the son to go live with his “real” dad.

  51. Pups is probably right.

  52. that guy is a fucking moron and deserves what he’ll get.
    the funniest shit will be when the feminist divorce court judge forces him to pay child support until the kid is 26….

  53. There were two other girls from Mini-me’s class on the pilgrimage. I thank God every day that Mini-me is the way she is.

  54. Roamy, how awful were the other girls?

  55. Erin is a mix of good and bad. She takes too many selfie, but she has a confidence I completely lacked (which held me back in ways.) But she is who she is, with the good and bad. She is very different from a lot of her friends because she has a lot more common sense than most of them. She can cook and bake and paint her room. She’ll do repairs on her clothes (sewing). She also has the good sense to avoid bad habits – smoking, drinking, drugs. I do know she has had a beer /etc before, but it’s pretty rare, and she’s not a fan. The joke with her friend Brian is that he usually used to finish all her beers anyway. She’s a work in progress, but the arc of history is pointing upwards. You know, as Obama used to say.

  56. Erin loved her Trip to Italy. She still talks about everything she saw, etc. It wasn’t about selfies while she was there.

  57. I live where stereotypes abound. Every day provides an opportunity to fight that part of my soul which thinks there are swaths of humanity that need to go away. What’s keeping us here is the relatively low cost of living near the ocean and one of our daughters lives here. If we elect a governor with the power to push a state income tax, slam corporations with taxes, and pushes for free medicare (illegal or not) and AND free education for all (illegal or not), I might as well move back to Hawaii. Which in fact, I might.

    This D candidate (Gillium) is a trained follower of Soros and is a straight up dummy, socialist.

  58. The gal running for gov here in michigan has never done anything outside of college, then working in politics. She was in the state house very young (thanks to her politically connected family). She is your typical bs progressive – money for schools, etc. One of her big commercials is all about fighting the insurance companies for her sick mom – her dad was CEO of Michigan Blue Cross for years.

  59. And the limp dick republicans haven’t brought up any of this. I had to do some research.

  60. This is a great political ad:

  61. Bill Whittle has it right: all you can do is point and laugh. They should be made to feel ashamed of their views, because all they fight with is emotion.

    NPC: Trump Fans Stamp Leftists with Devastating Brand

  62. The other girls weren’t that bad, but they were definitely instagramming, snapchatting, and primping. One thinks she is going to Harvard on a full scholarship. I don’t think she’s all that bright, but she’s black, so yeah, she’ll probably be admitted easily.

  63. Today’s model appears to be somewhat fond of food.

  64. Today’s model looks like she might be fond of penis.

  65. I listened to a great story recently.

    Guy has 2 kids with his wife. Everything is great and they don’t want anymore so he gets snipped.

    Then, 9 years later, she magically gets pregnant.

    Apparently the snip reversed itself.

    I remain skeptical and positive that the baby will resemble the tennis instructor.

    Do you?

  66. Today’s model looks like she might be fond of penis.


    What’s your point?

  67. I’ve heard of it happening. It’s an injury, so the body might try to heal it, and vessel formation is a fractal process, so sometimes you get more than one tube from A to B, and the doc could have missed one.

    But that’s not the way to bet.

  68. Even non fat girls are fond of the penis. Just ask Carin.

    JUST KIDDING (you see Carin has a lot of children…)

  69. MJ is fond of penis too. So what?

  70. My wife’s boyfriend tells me I need to relax and stop worrying about paying all of his bills. He’s totally ok with only picking up his phone bill and car payment.

    Win for me!***

    ***millinial soy boys

  71. LOL

  72. Mare is fond of penis and cake but mostly cake.

  73. And penis.

  74. “Huh. So there’s a Sta-Puft Marshmallow Girl”

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..almost spit the coffee on that one. Well done BC, Well done.

  75. Right Angle: Midterm Elections: Best Case vs. Worst Case

    Discussion on best/worst. Pretty good.

  76. Columbus is full of soy boys and beardos. It’s all skinny jeans and thick-rimmed glasses and girls with lots of tattoos.

  77. Rental car saved us over $130 in fuel.

    After fuel savings, it only cost us $158 to put 1260 miles on a brand new Nissan Rogue.

    Rental cars kick ass.

  78. Hey Leon, how does that blind spot warning thing work?

    How does it know to ignore things like buildings and guardrails?

  79. Relative motion. Stationary objects you’re passing should all be moving at an appropriate speed relative to the car with math to account for motion parallax. An object moving outside what that math suggests is likely itself mobile independent of your driving past it, so it makes an educated guess that it’s a potential threat.

  80. This is why you have to vote

    Cancel these idiots out.

  81. That’s doesn’t really sound comforting.

  82. Pretty cool. I am glad I don’t have it, too easy to get lazy.

  83. Chub chub has a pretty face. She needs to keep the make-up to a minimum.

  84. That’s doesn’t really sound comforting.

    You think the way your brain does it is any better?

  85. You think the way your brain does it is any better?

    Judging by many of the drivers on the roads around here, their brains don’t do it at all.

  86. LOL! Suck it Bell and Knightly.

    “3) “Pinocchio”

    “Pinocchio” is a transphobic river of bigoted filth gushing down a mountain of sexism and racism. My daughter watched “Pinocchio” and I immediately disowned her. The damage was done. There was nothing I could do. Notice how Pinocchio spends the whole film pining to become “a real boy.” A more progressive and enlightened movie would send Pinocchio out on a quest to become a polyamorous lesbian or an androgynous genderqueer asexual. Instead, Pinocchio is assigned his gender by his deranged puppet master and he never once questions it or even considers whether the very idea of “real boyhood” might in fact be a primitive philosophical artifact of a backward and binary age. The film skips that question entirely, and yet we are supposed to let our children watch it? I would rather die.”

  87. Your brain is probably reapplying some heuristic shortcut calculation that might go back as far as the primate/rodent split for how to run in a group. It’s shocking that it works as well as it does.

  88. … some heuristic shortcut calculation that might go back as far as the primate/rodent split …

    That would explain my fondness for cheese

  89. No, that’s explained by the opiate analogues in milk.

  90. Mr. Chemistry, some people swear by cleaning with vinegar and baking soda….to de-stink and de-stain old pet urine on wood floors. What say you?

  91. When rodents run in a group, do any of them look over their shoulders while merging with the others and scream, “Let me in, YOU COCK!” because if they do, you may have a valid point.

  92. Opiate analogues in milk explain my presence here at Big Bathykoplian Friday

  93. Rodents run over each other. I put my hand in the mouse tank, at a pet shop, once. Little fuckers started climbing up my arm, climbing over each other, feets in eyes. Had to give them a flick when I got bit.

  94. When rodents run in a group, do any of them look over their shoulders while merging with the others and scream, “Let me in, YOU COCK!” because if they do, you may have a valid point.

    Yes. I saw it in a nature documentary narrated by David Attenborough. Had to cover Possum’s ears. Rodents are foulmouthed li’l motherfuckers.

  95. Mr. Chemistry, some people swear by cleaning with vinegar and baking soda….to de-stink and de-stain old pet urine on wood floors. What say you?

    Nature’s Miracle. Test under some furniture to make sure it won’t hurt the finish. The enzymes break up the stink molecules.

  96. Second rec for Nature’s Miracle. Great brand. We used their skunk stuff for Dorkus and it was amazing. I haven’t tried their anti-urine product, but that explains why my house smells like pee.

  97. You think the way your brain does it is any better

    1) yes and 2) given the “failure” of computers in my everyday life (system crashes/freezes in computers, sensors going nutty in my car) I’ll give a hard pass to that.

  98. Something killed or maimed a squirrel in my garden. There’s just a fluffy tail lying there in a path. TBH, it’s kinda funny.

    Possible signs of a struggle nearby. Branch torn off of a tall bushy flowerstalk, like maybe he tried to jump on it for cover, but it couldn’t support his weight.

  99. Keeping my eye peeled for any tailless tree rats.

  100. Nature’s Miracle does not work on cat pee. I tried. Nothing does.

  101. Did you get the cat pee formula? That’s all I use. Worked great on my carpets at the old place.

  102. Repeated carpet shampooing is what I do for accidents. I bought a carpet cleaner last winter and I heart it.
    I’m about over cats. We could go down to one, and I’d be super happy.

  103. Test under some furniture to make sure it won’t hurt the finish.

    We’re redoing the floors. Wanted to try something on the worst/biggest stains before or between passes.

    When my kids were little and wet the bed – as in missing the bed pad – I’d make a paste out of baking soda, smear it on wet spot, let it dry, and vacuum it off. No stain nor smell left behind.

  104. – after soaking up any extra fluid with papertowels –

  105. If you’re redoing the floors anyhow, yeah, a baking-soda paste is worth trying. Cheaper than NM.

  106. Are mini primates still hot around here? That seemed like an obsession that could have lasted months but I’ve seen little traction of the topic.

  107. What is mj talking about? Anyone?

  108. LOL. Heitkamp ran a newspaper ad apologizing to the sexual assault victims she outed. It breaks FEC rules because it doesn’t say who paid for the ad, and the paper said it was paid for by the campaign. Keep diggin’, Heidi.

  109. I think MJ is talking about his luv for pygmy marmoset porn…

  110. Yay ME. OSHA accepted my response (and check) for our inspection failure. Earned my pay for the week.

  111. DuoLingo just announced that they had gender parity in their software engineer hiring over the past year.

    DuoLingo was nice while it lasted. I guess I’ll have to find new language learning software soon.

  112. I’m going to need to buckle down and push through the Russian course, as well as the Italian course.

  113. Good job, TTroy. It sounded like that could have wrecked the company.

  114. Comment by car in on October 19, 2018 2:49 pm
    What is mj talking about? Anyone?

    Who’s MJ? Is that the name of your new puppy?

  115. When rodents run in a group, do any of them look over their shoulders while merging with the others and scream, “Let me in, YOU COCK!” because if they do, you may have a valid point.



  116. MJ, so apparently pygmy marmosets are awfully bitey, preferring to attack the face; and, being monkeys, also they are very susceptible to all our human diseases. They crap everywhere, have to be with someone 24/7 because they cannot be left alone at all, they can’t be brought out in public, and they have a bitchy personality. Our human cold sore virus (herpes1) will straight out kill them.

    I’m getting three, I’ll let you know how it goes.

  117. MJ, don’t be a dolt, when do pygmy marmosets EVER go out of style? CoAlex probably has one living in his beard. (His real beard not his friend who prevents people from thinking he’s gay)

  118. While Oso is in Kauai would someone put together a manual in PDF form so I can study the meanings of the abbreviations Oso uses.

    Thank you in advance.

  119. Sorry mare, not enough storage space here for that PDF.

  120. HA!

  121. I literally have no idea what Oso is saying sometimes. But I want to know.

  122. My mind just skims over them most of the time.

  123. I’m getting three, I’ll let you know how it goes. s1 besides your mom?

    Pink eye, too.

  124. Following Oso is like following Robin Williams, if your not on frequency to begin with forget about it… It’s like a stream of conciousness thing…

    PS. Those little monkeys have evil written all over them. If they were great pets everyone would already have one. But, being small, one could probably graft a set wings on em so I can see why the hunchback would want them.

  125. It’s all skinny jeans and thick-rimmed glasses and girls with lots of tattoos.

    It’s a toofer


  127. Our old friend Skinbad had a sugar glider when I visited him a long time ago. It seemed cool but kind of fragile and mostly boring.

  128. Came across an accident on I-91 today.

    An older guy driving a nice Mercedes pulled over into the breakdown lane and opened the driver side door, right into the path of an oncoming box truck.

    Unbelievable amount of damage

    Lucky guy. He was about 3 seconds away from being splattered.

  129. Pupster, I know where it all goes wrong: I’m a chubby, mid-thirties, lumpy-faced geek.

  130. The Mercedes probably had a defective computer warning system

  131. Husband started ripping up the floor in the kitchen at the new place. There are screws…long screws every 1 1/2 – 2 inches the entire length of the kitchen. Four rows down…two across. W.T.F.? Perhaps there was a creak in the floor and someone lost their damn mind trying to fix it. It had to take them some time to do that.

    Not sure how we’re gonna get those out as there is schmutz clogging the tops. Oh, and nails. Long nails, too.

  132. Pupster, I know where it all goes wrong: I’m a chubby, mid-thirties, lumpy-faced geek.

    I know a guy who fits that description. He was quite obese at one point and lost a lot of weight, but still a tad chunky. He found his wife on one of those dating sites. If he, with all his other faults can find a wife, you most certainly can.

  133. I was 35 when I met Laura.

  134. CoAlex, I think you’re adorable, and I wish I knew a young single lady who wasn’t a flaming liberal or well on her way to being the crazy cat lady so I could introduce you.

  135. Mare, we are staying on the Coconut Coast. I forget where. We prefer Kapaa and Lihue to Princeville and Poipu. Dan likes to relax with the locals. We go to Mass at Immaculate Conception. Bought our Mega tickets. 🤣🤣🤣👋🏻

  136. Possible contender for leon or pupster.

  137. 44 when I met Paula.

  138. Vegans need to be single.

  139. Prikker has an Aussie

  140. Filthy vegan,


  141. Oso, you would love the priest who went on the pilgrimage. He wore a cassock on the day we walked the Via Dolorosa, and he blessed all our religious souvenirs using the pre-1962 ritual.

  142. I love him already❤️❤️❤️

  143. If Mare is around, my total for the trip was 58 miles including 298 flights of stairs according to the Fitbit.

  144. Roamy, you would love going to Mass in HI. Even if the Homily is garbage, the views are amazing. We still need to go to Molokai.

  145. Scott I have driven in 46 of the 48 contiguous states, I-91 in CT is the second worst highway in America. Even worse than the Cross Bronx Expressway.

  146. roamy, you should see if he knows any of the songs from “Going My Way.”

  147. Oso, one of these days. It’s on the bucket list.

    Sean, he’s in his early 30’s. He was a C-17 crew chief before deciding to become a priest. He likes it old school.

  148. Our new priest is old school as well.

  149. Just got a text from my mom expecting me to thank her for tying me to the clothesline. She takes credit for saving my life due to her abuse. Dan and I are laughing. It is a sober drunk text by someone feeling guilty.

  150. I’m not Catholic, but if I was, I’d want a priest like that.

  151. Sean, not too late to become an old school Catholic. Conversos are the best Catholics

  152. Converso at work hasn’t seen Gosnell. Pro-choice friend watched Gosnell. Became Pro-Life. Reached out to converso friend for validation.

  153. My dad was one. Then he met some Protestant hussy and they got married and had a couple of heathen kids, and he stopped going to church.

  154. Oso, I saw elsewhere that the Gosnell jury started out all pro-choice and were all pro-life after the trial.

    Mr. RFH and I are going to see it tomorrow or Sunday.

  155. Sean, Dan calls me his heathen bride. I’m a cultural Catholic. Roamy, they didn’t want any pro-lifers on the jury. No taint. They all became pro-life after testimony. Reason why the left is fighting this film

  156. Roamy, thanks, but at this point my hopes have diminished. Meh, I’ll focus on buying my farm and to hell with the rest.

  157. Coalex needs an attitude adjustment.

    Which may be some sort of drink/ shot

  158. No adjustment needed. I’m a realist and an asshole and I know it.

  159. I got that feeling, that bad feeling that you don’t know
    I don’t even know her but I hope that she comforts you tonight Nobody here that keeps you in the shade and ever owned you
    Some sentimental tears or someone else’s derp that drips away

  160. Weekend Memes

  161. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the […]

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