BBF Semi-Finals V Redhead Edition

Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.  Your models today did not make the cut for most comments, most likes, or Pups Picks.  However, after reviewing the 12 other models nominated, I determined the polling methods must be off as there was not a single ginger on-board.  This is the redhead edition, the last round before all winners go head to head in one final big boob grudge match.


#1 Melissa Archer


Your model for today was born in Dallas, Texas on December 2nd, 1979.  She measures 5’5″, 34-24-36 and 120lbs.  She is a soap opera actress and has huge chest pillows, red hair and the crazy eyes.  Yep, I dig her.  Please catch me before you welcome, Miss Melissa Archer!

ma gif

Melissa Archer



#2 Francesca Dellera


Your subject(s) today is an actress and model, born in Rome, Italy on October 2nd, 1965. She measures 34-25-35 and stands 5’6″ tall. Please maintain eye contact and welcome, Miss Francesca Dellera!

Francessca Dellera


#3 Dylan Hardy

Our subject today is a Glamour Model from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, Wales, UK, Britain, England.  She stands 5’6″, has a 30F upper-midsection and probably smells like bacon and purple lilacs.  Please don’t kill the fantasy and welcome, Miss Dylan Hardy!


Dylan Hardy


#4 Sarah Rafferty


Our subject for today is an actress, born December 6th, 1972 in Greenwich, Connecticut. Please give Mare an intervention before you welcome,  Sarah Rafferty!

Sarah Rafferty

Sarah Rafferty




  1. On the clock at 630.

  2. Good morning!

  3. Morning. Last day of training for me today on a new integrated security, video and access control software. Another certificate on the “yay me” wall.

  4. *tosses Pups a cookie*

  5. I clicked on the old original post. Have you guys read some of our old comments? You guys are pretty funny.

    We go from fisting (MJ), to your mom jokes (Pepe), to pickle brine (Scott) and of course Hotspur’s usual…Hahahaha nothing changes and I love it.

  6. By the way, Pups, these posts are really good. Thanks.

  7. “Three signs you need to reevaluate your life choices.” Hahhhaaaahhh

  8. Thanks Mare.

  9. Lolol

  10. I’ve always admired the agility of English Bulldogs.

  11. I figured out how to program my coffee maker last night. Best wakey wakey ever.

  12. I read a couple of interesting articles. I will link them below for those who are interested in the tedious details.

    But the bottom line is: there are some liberals whose mushy brains have enough neural activity left to recognize that harping too much on identity politics has yielded them the bumper crop of electoral failure.
    And they are vaguly, timidly trying to walk on eggshells trying to state their case.

    Thankfully, so far, it seems like they will be dismissed (as racists, unsurprisingly ) and democrats will continue shoving thorny sticks of defeat up their own collective asses.

  13. Carin what kind of coffeemaker did you buy?

  14. I got one of those ninja things.

  15. One of the big reasons Obama won was because he was able to turn out blacks in very large numbers. Black voters have shown that they would turn out like that only for a black candidate. They did not get off their asses to vote for Hillary.

    That is why I think Cory Booker is the candidate we should worry about the most. Anyone else, Warren, Biden, Clinton, or even some young new fresh faced 65 year old… would be easy to defeat. Booker won’t be easy to beat, not because he is brilliant in some way, but simply because who will turn out for him.

    It is important that Trump brings some visible changes to the economies of the rust belt. He can’t afford those voters to revert back to Dems.

  16. I think it was this one, but I didn’t get a “tumbler” – whatever that is. But the machine is the same. I used kohls cash and 30% discount thing.

  17. It makes really good coffee. Tells you when you have hardwater buildup and need to clean it (told me yesterday). That frothed milk thing is the bomb. I really like it – I used to ONLY drink from a percolator. But I really like this.

    It makes several different smaller sizes too. Lots of settings for strength.

  18. Car in, that coffee maker seems really nice. I wish I could get something like that. But my wife has declared war on buying new stuff. There just isn’t space in the kitchen anymore.

  19. Jebus, you’d need to add on to the kitchen to fit that thing!

  20. I see I wasn’t the only one torn between Ms. Archer and Ms. Rafferty.

  21. Does the light still blink on your VCR too, Car in?

  22. I think that Trump will try and change things, but the GOP Congress will fail to pass anything, and things will remain the same. People will get disgusted, and a Dem will win in 2020.

  23. It seems to make a good cup of Folgers. I’m very easy to please.

  24. I’ve only had it a few weeks and really never thought about programming it to make coffee. Last night I just had the thought.

  25. I am due for a new coffee maker, mine is old and too much of it is made of plastic. OTOH, it works and makes pots of coffee.

  26. It’s only got a slightly larger footprint that a regular coffee maker. I have room in my kitchen.

  27. The arm /frother folds in.

  28. In the afternoon I make a cup and froth some milk with vanilla and sweetner – it’s delish.

  29. Somebody get Jay this tshirt.

  30. It would be cool if the arm came out automatically, while making the movie robot sound.

  31. I want your coffee maker. I want a he frother! Shut your whore mouths!

  32. It is super awesome Mare. Just saying.

    I may go froth some milk right now.

  33. Ha ha! The liberals can postpone their gloating. News of the eminent demise of white poeple is greatly exaggerated.

    In short, mixed race kids are counted as minority, not white. But there are a large number of mixed race people (mainly white+hispanic, but also white+Asian etc) who are counted as minority, but are not likely to join NAACP.

  34. The “white hispanics” might join La Raza.

  35. Leon, sure, some of them mght. But the way census is done, it is considered that mixed white+hispanics are natural La Raza constituency. Whereas a good chunk of them are likely to become deplorable.

  36. True enough. By demographic markers I should be a good little liberal vegan atheist still living in Ann Arbor and shopping at Whole Foods on my University-affiliated salary, but I turned out exceptionally deplorable and irredeemable.

    So there’s hope.

  37. Comment by Car in on January 13, 2017 9:11 am
    In the afternoon I make a cup and froth some milk with vanilla and sweetner – it’s delish.


    I like a coffee around 2:30 or 3:00pm. There is this cold brewed coffee brand STOKE green bottle (unsweetened) and it’s so good and smooth I don’t need cream. I’ve tried other brands and they are not as good.

    Also, COCK!



    Fine. I hope Melania spends her whole time as first lady dressed in off the rack, and by the way, making it look haute couture. She could probably make a gunny sack look good.

    These people are assholes. Ass. Holes.

  39. High fashion has always been a scam.

    She should just have a personal seamstress make her things from patterns at Joanne’s.

  40. I love that they’re doing that Mare. LOVE it. The quotes in the original article are the best.

    “For all these designers, their clothes are commodities, certainly, but they also have an artful point of view that is distinctly personal. That is part of what distinguishes their brands. Fashion does not have to be partisan to be political. It can be concerned with the public affairs of a country, worried about the state of its citizens — engaged.”


    “”Like other creative individuals, Theallet sees fashion as a way of expressing her views about beauty and the way women are perceived in society. Fashion is her tool for communicating her world vision. In the same way that a poet’s words or a musician’s lyrics are a deeply personal reflection of the person who wrote them, a fashion designer’s work can be equally as intimate. In many ways, it’s why we are drawn to them. We feel a one-to-one connection.”


    It’s funny, because their elitism shows through. What THEY do is meaningful and a part of them. Their work is an expression of who we are. The rest of us are just little worker ants.

  41. Arrogant insensitive twats. Their unawareness brings a smile to my face.

  42. So there is this snowflake outfit that is openly calling for the “non-peaceful” transition of power at the inauguration. I also read that the “Bikers for Trump” have secured a permit to have a demonstration at the inauguration. It is my sincere hope that the Bikers for Trump demonstrate “how to beat the shit out of a commie prog” extensively and on film for my viewing entertainment.

  43. I used to froth your mom’s milk.

    I’m not sure I even know what that means.

  44. I dunno TT. The Bikers from Trump will have to deal with “Crossdressers against trump” and “art history majors against Trump”.

    It’s sure to be a tough battle.

  45. I hope their motorcycles drown out the “feminist ” caterwauling.

  46. Those art history majors are kinda skeery……Its the wymyns studies majors that present a problem…..but Im thinking Biker Bitches for Trump can cover it…..That’d be a cool fight to watch….biker bitches against wymyns studies lesbians….

  47. >>It is my sincere hope that the Bikers for Trump demonstrate “how to beat the shit out of a commie prog” extensively and on film for my viewing entertainment.

    Well, they are indeed asking for a non-peaceful transition of power. Let’s give it to them.

  48. Do you think that instagram photo of Modonna’s mons with a nike tattoo is really her? The whole just do it tat is supposed to get women to the D.C. March. (Instead of its actual purpose, to get any guy stupid enough to put his dick there to get an STD check.)

  49. Even Peirs Morgan gagged.

  50. TT, that is exactly what the media and the left would love to see. Chaos Day One.

    Not okay with me.

  51. Every time a “feminist” tries to speak, I hope they rev up thier cycles.

  52. I also hope the bikes yell, “hey, get me a sandwich while your up!”

  53. You’re

  54. Now that HotBride has left the coop, she makes me a sammich everyday. She makes great sammiches.

  55. Rant on: I have a busy day with 4 cases. The first two kids were 3 years old and the first case was pretty involved. The last two kids are older and less intense. The actual surgical time where I’m working is less than half the time I spend here on an OR day. There’s a lot of set up, cleaning, and general grab ass wasted time. There’s also MAFAT (mandatory anesthesia fuck around time). In the midst of all this I’m now told there’s an emergency laparotomy that needs to go in my room which will further screw this pooch. I now have to campaign for that case to go in another room saddled by the guilt that if it’s truly someone dying I’m whining so my patients aren’t delayed and I can go home before the streetlights come on. Rant off.

  56. Nice boobs Pup. I’ll vote later when I can actually see more definition on my computer screen and not my phone

  57. >>Now that HotBride has left the coop

    It is always liberating to escape the confines of a coop. You just can’t spread your wings and fly free while in a coop.

  58. Well, I like chicks that smile, so it’s either Sarah or Melissa.
    I’m going with Melissa, based on her obvious enthusiasm for forceful disrobement.

  59. Gotta vote for Donna, because… Donna. You don’t vote against Donna.

    Mare, I agree re: Melania and fashion designers. She should make it a point to look good in things that a middle class woman can afford to buy, just to stick it in the eyes of those designers.

  60. Headed to Tractor Supply for horse food. Anyone need anything?

  61. It’s Sarah. Come on!

  62. Anyone need anything?

    Hello Kitty duct tape.

  63. Leon, a couple of pairs of those gloves vets use to do anal exams.

    Asking for a friend. *cough…John Kerry…cough*

  64. Just a couple of days back MJ and another hostage (either Leon or Jay I think) were debating whether we as a country have reached peak stupid, or whether we have just begun to stupid.

    Below is an evidence supporting the latter argument.


  66. Below is an evidence supporting the latter argument.

    Why can’t she just do some semi-tasteful soft-core porn like other actresses whose careers are over?

  67. Heh.

    Found this while looking at the entry for Ms.Rafferty:

    Comment by terribletroy on October 14, 2016 9:47 pm
    MOTHERFUCKER!!! Fucking NBC is reporting the Obama is planning a cyber strike against russia for…..”interfering in our election”. You know what this is right? This is the defense if Trump wins..”the russians did it”. Not to mention WTF is NBC doing running the story before……its almost like they’re trying to start shit.

  68. >>Why can’t she just do some semi-tasteful soft-core porn like other actresses whose careers are over?

    No one wants to see a puffy face.

  69. Face?

  70. well if she wears a burkha…. but do you really think the rest of her is appealing?

  71. I made Scott a chicken & shrimp paella today.

    *staggers under the weight of all these gold stars*

  72. Paella! I just love it! I hate that I cannot have rice anymore.
    How would a Paella with grated cauliflower instead of rice taste?

  73. More evidence that stupid is still on the rise and has far to go:

  74. I remember when we were told not to say things like “guys and gals” and “actors and actresses” and “stewards and stewardesses” because it was sexist to distinguish between men and women. Now, per Tushar’s link, we’re sexist for saying “you guys” because it is “Generalizing a group of people to be masculine.”

    Just can’t win.

  75. @`TiFW. What do I know? Im just a dumb ass former security guard with a GED

  76. I hear that cauliflower rice is pretty good, Tushar, but I haven’t tried it.

  77. Laura, i have made chicken fried rice with cauliflower instead of rice. Works pretty well. But I am not sure it can hold its integrity in Paella.

  78. Geoff, you created quite a stir on IB with that questionable image.

  79. BTW, Laura. Will you get offended if I make Paella in anything other than a Paella pan? I don’t want to get Schneidred.

  80. POMPEO: Senator Harris, I haven’t had a chance to read those materials with respect to climate change. I do know the agency’s role there. Its role is to collect foreign intelligence, to understand threats to the world. That would certainly include threats from poor governance, regional instability, threats from all sources, and deliver that information to policymakers. And to the extent that changes in climatic activity are part of that, we’ll deliver that information to you all and the president.

    His answer is mostly okay, except for “world”. “America and it’s interests” is all I care about, and all the Agency should care about on behalf of the citizens.

  81. Is it really Paella if its not made in a Paella pan?

  82. From FB

    “My favorite quote from today’s confirmation hearing for General Mattis? When asked about protections for LBGTQ troops by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand:

    “Frankly, senator, I’ve never cared much about two consenting adults and who they go to bed with, I’m concerned with their lethality.””

  83. This recipe looks like a winner:

  84. THis truly is heaven. “Choose from these redheads”. Yes, please

  85. I think if you start with some fried diced chourico, Tushar, and flavor the cauliflower rice with that you can’t go wrong.

    I didn’t get to be traditional with paella today. I started prepping last night. Pulled my teensy vial of saffron out of the cupboard but got bummed when I realized I was out of white rice. So I substituted zatarain’s jambalaya rice (added peas). Scott loves the zatarain’s anyway.

    Easier and still delish.

  86. Been wanting to try that al Pastor recipe, laura.

  87. Geoff, you created quite a stir on IB with that questionable image.

    Since it shook skinbad and Sobek loose from the woodwork, I have no regrets.

  88. Why is the major qualification to become a democrat woman politician, that you be a vapid cunt?

    Kamala (is that a fucking name?) Harris is a vapid cunt.

  89. Hotspur, that loathsome creature has the same ethnicity as me, regrettably.

  90. It is cute that some liberals have started turning to guns. They want to be prepared when Trump starts sending armed thugs to confiscate their organc vegan tofu salads, or whatever it is they hold sacred. They want to be prepared if a civil war breaks out.

    If a civil war breaks out, I am not sure how can they last against armed conservatives. Conservatives didn’t buy their guns yesterday. They have been owning, miantaining and using guns forever. Even a blue stater like me has taken the pains to learn how to operate a handgun. How do these pansies hope to last against the biggest armed population in the world is beyond me.

  91. A guy who just bought a shiny pink LBGTGlock is no match for a guy who’s successfully hunted a deer with basically anything.

  92. OTOH, leftwingers have a long history of IEDs for terrorism, starting with their intellectual forebears, the Anarchists.

  93. I am happy that General Mattis got the necessary waiver from both houses to become Secretary of Defense.

    I am just a bit miffeed that the waiver did not include a provision to rename the position as Secretary of Attack as long as Mattis occupies it.

  94. Well it did used to be called the War Department, but that was too icky.

  95. Defense is the job of the militia. War is the responsibility of the Federal Goverment, to be used in defense of our foreign trade interests.


  96. Well, Tush, at least she’s easy on the eyes.

    Most democrat woman politicians make babies cry, and make boners disappear.

    I think the vast majority of men on Viagra, are married to democrats.

  97. I saw a study a while back that suggested that a prospective female partner with a 0.7 WHR was statistically equivalent to a low-dose viagra.


  98. Why can’t the Clinton people just go away?

    I hear there’s 72 virgins in it for them.

  99. I think its wonderful that people are buying firearms.

    Maybe they’ll start to think of things differently and won’t be such massive pussies.

  100. I watched a movie last night that had to have had democrats heads exploding – London Has Fallen. Full of muzzies killing people and blowing shit up.

    And a Mitch Rapp type protecting the president.

    It was fun to watch.

  101. such massive pussies.

    Oh, hi MJ.



  103. Melissa and Sarah are neck and neck, y’all vote early and often.

  104. Hi Pupster!

    Did you get a piece of paper stating your access control expertise?

  105. Your mom is correlated to my junk, leon.

  106. I ain’t votin fer no sucubus! Red heads are evul and frum de delbil

  107. I’ve always loved carbonara, but I’ve never tried to make it myself until tonight.

    I never knew the sauce had raw eggs in it. Parmesan? Cream? Bacon grease? Sure.

    Raw eggs, cooked by hot pasta? I did not know that. Tasted good, but I didn’t tell anybody else. I added chunks of pan fried chicken.

    I’m unsophisticated.

  108. Did you get a piece of paper stating your access control expertise?

    I did…but it’s a Tyco product so I still can’t get a job.

  109. Well that makes sense. They’re Johnson Controls now, anyway.

  110. Carbonara is God’s assurance that all will be well.

  111. And boobs. God had a hand it that as well.


    Maybe that was the devil.

  112. Johnson Controls now

    *shakes fist at Johnson*

  113. As much as I hated working at Tyco, at least they had their shit together.

    The place I’m at now is a total clusterfuck. But they have a private plane which makes it all ok.

  114. >>*shakes fist at Johnson*

    *shakes johnson at fist*

    Wait, that sounds weird.

  115. Just had a lunch date with a girl that I met online and have been chatting with for the past couple of weeks. We seemed to hit it off. Tentative plans to meet late next week.

  116. MJ, you get to fly in a private plane? Cool.
    At least one Hostage is competing with Al Gore in screwing Gaia over.

  117. The place I’m at now is a total clusterfuck. But they have a private plane which makes it all ok.

    I think we may be one of your dealers.

  118. I think we may be one of your dealers.

    Well, smoking crack would explain the dysfunction in MJ’s workplace.

  119. Give us her contact info., CO. We’ll tell her how awesome you are.


  120. They’re all so sweet and Midwestern.

    I said fuck and everyone called their sister.

  121. MJ, they thought you were making a request.

  122. Just had a lunch date with a girl that I met online and have been chatting with for the past couple of weeks. We seemed to hit it off. Tentative plans to meet late next week.

  123. I was.

  124. I’ve lived here all my life and never known a sister humper.

    I had some cousins that messed around, but they also haven’t made eye contact in 25 years.

  125. I had some cousins that messed around, but they also haven’t made eye contact in 25 years.

    So what you’re saying is that they got married?

  126. Not to each other. Ain’t legal.

  127. Leons family tree:

  128. Not to each other. Ain’t legal.

    #lovewins h8er.

  129. So Alex…how were her assets? You can talk about. We’re the only ones here.


  131. She’s cute. She’s maybe 5’1″, blonde, likes to row on a crew three times a week and do pilates as well.

    Also, she’s conservative.

  132. Showed my wife that image, Pupster.

    “Good thing you don’t leave the house!”

  133. Greetings, humpers of cousins.

  134. “She’s cute. She’s maybe 5’1″, blonde, likes to row on a crew three times a week and do pilates as well.

    Also, she’s conservative.”

    Are sure she’s not make believe?

  135. “likes to row on a crew three times a week and do pirates as well.”

    un huhn

  136. “Good thing you don’t leave the house!”


  137. Are sure she’s not make believe?

    She’s real. I touched her and everything.

    She might be a dude, however. That’s always a risk at this point in a potential relationship. Maybe I should browse past MMMs and see if her picture is there.

  138. >>She’s real. I touched her and everything.
    >>She might be a dude, however.

    Why do you think Trump grabs them by the pussy?

  139. 2nd date.

  140. Send me pics. I’ll run them through the MMM algorithm and get you a diagnosis. Guaranteed 70% accurate. Unless “she” is Asian. Those bring it down to a coinflip.

  141. Even dogs have more sense than CNN reporters

  142. Toss up between Melissa and Sarah. The other two didn’t look very happy. In the end I punched my chad for Melissa Archer.

  143. I voted for Ms. Hardy. I can’t remember the last time my candidate won anything.

  144. NSFW! But mild by my usual standards.

  145. If you are like me and hate the beep beep boop editor.

    I should send this guy a dozen roses.

  146. HS London Has Fallen is lots of fun. Better than the first movie in the series. It was fun, too. Just not as fun.

  147. I loved D’onofrio’s mountain man character in the new Mag 7. Watched in a theater full of feather indians made it that much better.

  148. I don’t know what any of that means.

  149. I’m sorry Roamy, I thought you knew that trick.

    WP Admin, Posts, Add New gives you the old poat writer. If they take that away I’m moving us all to .

  150. Scott, it makes sense if you’ve watched the new Mag 7. Kind of. Oso’d/

  151. Pupster, it was easy to find until I cleared my cache. Then it was the new setup.

  152. 2017, you had me hoping for a good year, you son of a bitch.

    Mr. RFH’s sister successfully fought breast cancer in 2004, was given the all-clear after chemo, surgery, and 5 years of clean scans. Been having backaches for months, tried yoga, chiropracters, and a new mattress to make it better. I guess no one thought to do an MRI. It’s now in her spine. Hoping and praying the biopsy will show it’s a type they can treat. Prayers and good thoughts are much appreciated, though please don’t say anything on Facedouche yet.

  153. If you are like me and hate the beep beep boop editor.

    Did not know that, and so grateful you mentioned it. I wrote to WordPress when the stupid new editor came out and said, “When are you going to add editing tools to the HTML editor?” And the PR chick said, “We’re planning on doing that soon.” But over a year later they’ve done nothing.

    I’m totally going back to the old editor now. Thanks again.

  154. I think it’s actually over two years later.

  155. In case anyone is interested in what Indian music sounds like, I am linking the background score of the closing credits for the third Matrix movie.

    Although there is a western drum beat, the musical style is still distinctly Indian.

    The words, in Sanskrit, are some of the oldest hymns on the planet.

  156. Wassup fuckers. Anyone else get embarrassed by their elected representatives or was that just Scott?

  157. Done, roamy.

    Fuck cancer.


    So sorry Roamy. Prayers.

  159. The anti-cop painting is coming down.

    I’d be less offended by the painting if it were actually good art. Despite the disdain on the right for artists (much of it deserved), the older ones I know spent a lot of time learning about composition, perspective, color theory, and the use of a variety of techniques to create specific effects. This painting contains none of that. It’s amateurish nonsense.

  160. It’s amateurish nonsense.

    You just described much of politics.

  161. This painting contains none of that. It’s amateurish nonsense.

    TBF, it was a high school project.

  162. Wassup fuckers. Anyone else get embarrassed by their elected representatives or was that just Scott?

    Two words: Kamala. Harris.

  163. I was waiting for someone to say they were triggered by the anti-cop painting or it wasn’t kosher because of the pigs or was unfair to Native Americans or some such.

  164. Sean, if you Californicators start feeling ashamed about your politicians individually, it will become a full time job.

  165. Sorry to see the artist was from a Catholic high school. I can’t imagine my daughter’s art teacher thinking that was worthwhile.

    Mr. RFH framed Mini-me’s watercolor of Acadia National Park’s Anemone Cave. I like looking at it, very peaceful and good memories associated with it.

  166. I didn’t vote for the stupid scrunt. In fact, I left that space on the ballot blank. If anybody wants to talk about rigged elections, point them our way: Our election system is set up so that the top two finishers in the primary get to move on to the general. Period.

    You can see how in a state as blue as this one is how that kind of limits one’s choices in a contest for, say, United States Senator.

  167. Corrine Brown. Represented my hometown for like 20 years. I’m firmly of the opinion that she was the stupidest, most illiterate person in Congress. Gladly she’s finally gone. And likely headed to jail! Buahahahahaha.

  168. Connecticut is trying desperately to catch up with California for promoting the hollowest heads for national office. We’re on your heels, California! If Dick Blumenthal blows his nose too hard one day, we’re gonna have your crown!

  169. The biggest threat of 2020 comes from my state. Sooner or later, democrats will realize that black voters will turn out only for a black candidate, and no one will be able to stop Cory Booker.

    My only hope is that the hispanics will assert themselves and insist that it is their turn. If the dems cannot refuse that, then some idiot like Grijalva, Villairaigosa or one of the Castro assholes will become nominee, lose big time, and there will be a permanent rft within the party. Nominate a hispanis, and blacks won’t turn out, and vice versa.

  170. Go ahead, try and top this shit:

  171. Prayers for your SIL, Roamy.

  172. Roamy,
    I’m so very sorry.

    Washington also does open primary and “Top Two” go to the general election ballot.
    Of course we are 100% mail-in, so democrat fraud is assumed.

    Anybody streaming “Orphan Black” on Amazon?
    Anita watches that on her Surface, while on the treadmill.
    Looks interesting, although she said the first two episodes were kinda blah, but it got better quickly…

  173. The last time the Dems mobilized a broad coalition (before TFG, I mean) they nominated a Hispenis.

  174. Prayers for Jam & Roamy. Cancer sucks

  175. Chris Hemsworth is in NM on vacay, and he’s not even here for a movie. Thor sightings!!! Cyn can you hear me???

  176. The words, in Sanskrit, are some of the oldest hymns on the planet.

    I like it.

  177. We can’t pick MaryAnn up until 9AM. 5 counselors came out to play with her at dropoff last week. I’ll let you guys know how her report card went. Blah blah blah she is so sweet. Had an appetite. Played with her friends

  178. TBF, it was a high school project.

    Ah, ok. That makes a lot more sense.

  179. Don’t eat Raymond’s pierogi.

  180. Never liked pirogi anyhow.

  181. There is a European grocery store here that sells all kinds of pierogi. I bought some that had sauerkraut. Not recommended. Also bought dessert pierogi with cherries but haven’t tried those yet.

  182. Never heard of pierogi until one of my med school classmates used to wax poetically about his grandmother’s pierogis.

    His last name was Hojnoski (aka “The Hojjer”) and he was an interesting guy. Just saw him last November and he’s still larger than life.

  183. Cool map:

  184. Morning.

  185. Hola, ardilla. Como estás?

  186. We watched Orphan Black, ChrisP. The lead actress really does a fantastic job.

  187. morning

  188. the county map is interesting also

  189. prayers for your sil roamy

  190. long day yesterday shuttling dad back and forth.
    the new doc wants to do a laparoscopic exploration next friday to visually confirm CT and MRI imaging.

    if he likes what he sees he will then schedule surgery followed up with a new chemo regimen.

    i’m trying to stay hopeful. his cancer type has a zero five year…. interestingly one of the trials i’m trying to get him in is with a drug that i work on.

  191. There was a NASA town hall on Thursday. Bolden said his first two years, he thought he sucked as administrator. Wow, and I thought he didn’t have a clue.

    Robert Lightfoot is rumored to be acting administrator, and I’m good with that, though I guess I’m always suspicious of anyone who wants to be a manager.

  192. I’m always suspicious of anyone who wants to be a manager.

    Same here. I consider such a desire to be somewhat pathological.

  193. I made the mistake of buying a Kindle book that’s a sequel to the one I just finished. I really should have held off until I’d finished.

  194. And yes, it’s too late to return it.

  195. Foosball Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  196. HotBride made me watch a movie about Frida Kahlo last night.

    The things I do for that woman.

  197. I say no to pretty much every movie anymore, but I never ask her to watch any, either.

    She rented the remake of Magnificent Seven. I told her I’d stay in the room conditional on watching the original later on. I did the same thing with Fright Night. The remake is never better.

  198. Frida Kahlo art has a special showing at The Dali in St Pete. Haven’t been fired up to see it.

  199. wakey wakey. ugh.

  200. I rented Weird Science and The Peanuts Movie. Pretty sure Mr. RFH will watch at least the first one.

  201. HotBride made me watch a movie about Frida Kahlo last night.

  202. Leon, it’s a trade off. If I want us to watch movies like London Has Fallen, I have to reciprocate.

    Otherwise we’d be in separate rooms.

    I had a marriage like that once.


  203. I don’t know what to do while I wait for football.

    I could clean the house but I don’t want to.

    Our landlady finally had a plumber come out and fix the leaky bathtub fixture, she didn’t tell us that instead of repairing the old two faucet deal he was installing a single control and new shower head. I pay the water bill and was a bit chagrined that the new faucet is not flow adjustable, it’s either on or off, and the new shower head is low-flow 2 gallons per minute, which is like showering in a mist. He also took my old fixture which I had jailbroke out to circus elephant gallons per minute.

    I have a couple of my old cheap shower heads for just such an occasion, I buy them and pull the water throttles out and keep them around. I’ve got good pressure and volume now, but it feels a bit fire-hosey since I can’t adjust the flow.

    It took me longer to write this than to do it.

  204. Penelope and I watch most movies together. I can’t stand the British stuff she likes, so she watches those alone.

  205. I’m working until football starts.

  206. If London has Fallen is the one with Gerard Butler I’m shocked any of you liked it. It was such an embarrassing mess with the worst, inappropriate, dumb dialog. My husband and I stopped watching it when Gerard says to the President of the United States, “I’m thirsty as fuck.”

  207. And we only lasted that long because we assumed, “It can only get better, right?”

  208. I’m drinking this Green Superfood by Amazing Grass and like Scott always says, “Its a scam!” However, I think the placebo effect has kicked in.

    I’m an advocate of the “If it’s only in your head, it still counts.”

    Except for politics, unlike the left, I’m a realist in that regard.

  209. The typical Hostages working through a typical challenge in his/her life.

  210. Mare, you pay attention to dialogue in splodey movies?

  211. MaryAnn is sweet, likes being cuddled, played with Jake and Lucy. A Lab mix was being dropped off for swim camp while we were waiting to pick up MaryAnn. He was going crazy, he was so excited. His owner was a little embarrassed when he tried to go straight to the swimming pool on his own. He was heading down the hallway like he owned the place.

  212. It is somewhat widely recognized that as men age, their ears continue to grow and the dicks shrink. Both theoretically are linked to lack of use. I would have much preferred for that to be the other way around.

  213. I am packing furniture until football starts.

    This shipment has been in my garage since the beginning of December.

  214. SpaceX launch in 8 minutes

  215. This will be a 5-6 comment series, stay tuned:
    (Well, it’s not that exciting just some people are kind of different.)

    A new building across the street from us is now finished and people are moving in. The neighbors in our building have been really nice, mind their own business (except a Mrs. kravitz like lady two doors down, she gets a pass because she is the neighborhood watch lady), are friendly and by all appearances normal.

    Yesterday while my husband and I were loading kayaks onto our truck in front of our place a new neighbor lady comes over, we introduce ourselves and she asks where we like to kayak. I told her about a few spots, then she immediately starts telling me about another new neighbor who closed just two hours ago….

  216. *looks for broom and dustpan*

    *finds loaded revolver*

    Please, do go on, Mare.

  217. Fine, no stories for you guys.

  218. *checks cylinder*

    *snaps it closed like those action heros do in the movies*

    *cleans it with a feather duster*

    *wonders where that french maid outfit went*

  219. Still two hours until kickoff. Maybe I can find Last of the Mohicans streaming somewhere.

  220. Send your story to my email Mare. I’ll giffitize it and make it the weekend poat.

    It will be fun, more fun than cleaning house.

  221. pupstersez at g mail

  222. That would be a hoot.

    “Do it Mare”

    *said like a college freshman egging on tequila shots

  223. I assembled a pot roast for football dinner. It’ll be a 2 day meal since there’s football both days. Brilliant.

  224. No email yet. I guess I’ll just have to poat the first 1/5 and let someone else finish it. (*hopes it is lauraw*)

    Weekend Storytime with Mare

  225. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the […]

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