Hello and welcome to another addition of Big Boob Friday.

Acoustic boob:

Electric boob:

Your model for today is from Moscow, she takes her clothes off and has sex on video for money (I assume) and stands 5’8″, 123 lbs, 39-26-38. Please stop hitting the reset button long enough to welcome, Miss Marina Visconti!




Marina Visconti






  1. Awesome. I thought I had to do BBF today.

    Buffaloser, you rule.

  2. And she’s fugly.

  3. If you can do the next 3 weeks I’d appreciate it.

  4. Ok, sure. I can do that.

  5. I think she’s kinda pretty. Of course, I’ve seen her at her work.

  6. wakey wakey

    So glad they are okay.
    Give them a beating from “Uncle Chris”.
    Take the cell-phones.
    They are either driving, or on the phone…

    Nope. Just bad driving. Took the corner too fast, wet pavement, loose gravel. I’ve TOLD her that she takes turns too fast. OVER AND OVER.

    That turn – you don’t see it until you get over the hill and then it’s there immediately. Somewhat of a blind turn.


    And it’s one of the ways she goes home all the time.

  7. She knows that she basically has nothing to drive now. ANd that she has to pay her brother back. And take some sort of advanced driving course for people who suck at driving.

    I’m going to start teacher her sister how to drive NOW.

  8. I’m glad everybody is OK cArin. Buff Boy2 is so cautious it makes him a not so good driver (indecisive), I hope he gets better with more practice, he’s still on his permit.

  9. Serious Butterface.

  10. Hannah could use more caution.

  11. So, what am I going to do today instead of crossfit?

  12. Hoop house is progressing nicely. I got all the PVC cut at the store, and it just went right into the ground nicely (the guy at the store said I couldn’t get it to bend – SHOWED HIM). Of course, I ended up spending most of yesterday cleaning out the garden and the chicken coop.

    A couple beds still have a lot of organic matter on them, so I covered them with tarps so it can bake nice and good for a month or so. I can’t safely plant until late may anyway.

    Hopefully today I can get the seeds in and everything ready to go! it’s still cold, but it should be ok.

  13. She seems nice, Buff. I remember that Ren and Stimpy episode.

    Glad the kids are okay, Carin.



  16. Loved Ren and Stimpy!! I remember that episode as well.

    One of my favorite episodes was when Stimpy (you eeediot!) had his idiot relative Sven over to the house.

    “My collection of infectious diseases! Violated! My dinosaur droppings! Painted like Easter Eggs!”

    Damn, that all brings me back to my apartment in Hartford, when I was in college the first time.

  17. “rare incurable diseases” sorry

  18. I’ll just leave this here for everyone except MJ.

  19. I, for one, am disappointed in Hannah. But I am glad she is okay.

    I wonder if humans will even be allowed to drive cars in (checks watch) 17 years.

  20. Love it when someone turns me onto a song/artist I’m not familiar with and it resonates, hits that tuning fork deep within just right. Thanks, buffalone. Had heard Born to Rise, but not any of their other stuff.

    Mornin’ all.

  21. She is endowed with certain inalienable rights. Two in fact.

  22. She looks like she might be mentally disabled. But I know that’s a turn-on for some of you.

  23. She is endowed with certain inalienable rights.

    Hotspur of all people should know that the proper word is “unalienable,” but “holy crap breasticles” would have been satisfactory too.

  24. She has an ethnically-Russian face. My German ancestry is telling me to invade her, but not in Winter.

  25. Glad the kids are okay, Carin.

    Niiiice work, Buffaronii!

  26. She looks like she might be mentally disabled. But I know that’s a turn-on for some of you.

    You mean she has a head? Wait, lemme go check again.

  27. She has an ethnically-Russian face.
    Do you suppose she has the equine tastes of Catherine the Great?

  28. Inalienable was used in the older drafts.
    Hotspur is an older draft.

  29. Cold and clear in Taos this morning.

  30. She looks like she might be mentally disabled. But I know that’s a turn-on for some of you.

    Perhaps not so much a turn-on but more a love of all things retarded in general. Thus our affection for you.

    In any case, she’s far too young for my taste. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

  31. Hotspur is an older draft.
    In his instance, carbon-14 dating might be useful.

  32. She’s two kids and a bottle of vodka away from babushka-hood.

  33. The lead singer in that band has really nice teeth.

  34. That’s still 5-6 fun years, CoAlex. That’s not nothing.

  35. I really like that song. The acoustic is my favorite.

  36. “My collection of infectious diseases! Violated! My dinosaur droppings! Painted like Easter Eggs!”



  37. I have been buying jeans from the same store 35 years. I have never received an email from them.

    I buy a pair of jeans at and within a month get my very first email from the jeans place.


  38. And this is an example of why Bill O’Reilly is a friggen moron:

    Bill O’Reilly calls Born-Again Christianity ‘disturbing,’ compares to Islamist extremists

    Watch the video it’s only 1:15, the video is dumber than the headline.

  39. I blame The Google.

  40. HEY, HEY!

    As the only person on this blog who speaks Russian, I vaguely resemble that remark.

    Also, a great pick up line:
    ‘У тебя красивые глаза’

    That’s the google translate version of ‘you have beautiful eyes’. Not the way I would phrase it, however.

    ‘глаза’ is singular. In this case, it means you have a beautiful eye.

    Interesting that google goes for the ‘У тебя’ formation right out of the box. That is normally a conjugation only used among family/close friends. A more natural verb choice would be ‘y bac’, which means ‘you have’.

    Never rely on google translate.

  41. And he says this to a woman who has been forcefully circumcised.

    Riiiiiiight, Bill. Dumbass.

  42. I have been buying jeans from the same store 35 years. I have never received an email from them.

    I buy a pair of jeans at and within a month get my very first email from the jeans place.


    Jeans are a scam.

  43. Bill O’Rly is an embarrassment. I get scared when I meet his fans.

    Most of them are 20 years older than he is, though, so he doesn’t have long.

  44. Saying you’re going to hell is disturbing? Off mainstream thought? Hey, Bill, Mr. History Writer, ask the Founding Fathers if they believed in hell. I’m sure you would be disturbed.

  45. Most of them are 20 years older than he is, though, so he doesn’t have long.


  46. Matthew 7, verse 13: Enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby.

    That’s Jesus speaking. Couldn’t be more clear. Bill is an idiot.

  47. I mean, if you live in western civilization, and you thought “I’m an educated person, and whether I believe it or not, the NT informed much of the culture I live in”, Matthew is the first book of the new testament, and that’s chapter 7. It’s not even far into the 25 or so pages that Matthew takes up in most bibles.

    This isn’t mysterious, occult teaching by any standard.

  48. Believing in hell is disturbing? I think his meter needs adjusting.

  49. “I want to take my banana out of its hammock and put it in your bunker.” — whispered by Bill O’Reilly to Barack Obama, White House Kwanzaa Dinner, 2014.

  50. First time ever had a moment of panic searching for my eyeglasses on all the flat surfaces around my office, while they rested on top of my head.

    It’s official.


  51. Hi Compos! Nice to see you around. I hoped was dismayed that Wiserbud might have banned you.

  52. heh, compos

  53. In Russia, boobs loot at YOU

  54. Lauraw, lets scare him off with gardening talk.

    You go first.

  55. Hello Hostages

  56. *gives SRG a sweet shoulder squeeze with a little nod; hands him a cookie and a glasses chain*

  57. Hoola, Vmax! Are you and MJ going to be close enough for a mini-meat-face?

  58. I am unaware o MJ’s location Cyn.
    How are you?
    Have you heard of Kevin Hearne?

  59. Buenas dias, morons and hawt chicks.

  60. OK, Carin.

    I think the cardboard dividers in my homemade seed flats are stunting the tomato seedlings. The ones grown without the dividers are 6″ tall, hearty-stemmed, and bushy.

    With dividers, half the size and also puny leaves.

    I buried the dividers and am keeping everything moist (SYWM), so I know it’s not the dividers wicking away moisture. I think they are leaching something (tannins, probably) into the soil.

    The peppers are puny and not growing, too, and they are all in the same dividers. I just don’t have a control group for them so I can’t be sure that’s the real cause.

    But later today I will repot a bunch and see what happens.

    How was that? Is he gone yet?

  61. OK, seeyalater, I have to write a couple papers in the next two days and I’m slackin’.

    Back to vierckt

  62. Mmmm, moist.

  63. *tackles MCPO*

    *gets up and scampers off again*

    ok now I’m really outta here

  64. OK, Carin.

    I think the cardboard dividers in my homemade seed flats are stunting the tomato seedlings. The ones grown without the dividers are 6″ tall, hearty-stemmed, and bushy.

    With dividers, half the size and also puny leaves.

    I buried the dividers and am keeping everything moist (SYWM), so I know it’s not the dividers wicking away moisture. I think they are leaching something (tannins, probably) into the soil.

    The peppers are puny and not growing, too, and they are all in the same dividers. I just don’t have a control group for them so I can’t be sure that’s the real cause.

    But later today I will repot a bunch and see what happens.

    How was that? Is he gone yet?

    Tomatoes are the devil’s man-berries.

  65. I like ’em hearty-stemmed and bushy. And I’m all about keeping everything moist.

    Gardening talk is dirty 🙂

  66. I think my tomatoes have a virus

  67. Time for lunch. Who is making me a lovely turkey and Swiss sammich?

  68. Whoever makes C3PO’s sammich, be sure to use Vmax’s tomatoes.

  69. All out of lovely turkey.

    How ’bout some fucking ham?

  70. It’s okay, I’m taking antibiotics already.


  72. Easter pranks gone wrong:

  73. It’s Good Friday, you should be fasting!

  74. Effinfasting

  75. Don’t try to force your religious beliefs on us. You probably hate fags too.

  76. My little guy has been reading a book in middle school called “The Sign of the Beaver”. I’ve been laughing at my efforts to keep a straight face every time he tells Paula the book’s title when she asks what he’s reading. She read it as a kid too.

    I’m surprised they still assign it given all the SJW complaints about how it portrays (Feather) Indians.

  77. Memories Pizza people. These folks seem like really humble and sweet people. The gofundme is around $650k. It ends tonight. The Blaze is sending a financial planner to them on Monday to get them set up.

  78. Make it $678K.

  79. And yeah, where in hell are the religious leaders? Catholic bishops? Evangelicals?

  80. Notre Dame is in Indiana. *Crickets*


  82. “Home of the Flaming Hearts”

  83. Most of the “religious” leaders are looking out for their own asses. Who wants a bunch of angry queers showing up on Sunday waving signs and chanting “God loves fags!!!”

  84. It’s Good Friday, you should be fasting!

    There are all sorts of outs for the fasting, though. In particular, both Hotspur and MCPOld are well past the age where it’s required. Other exceptions include those younger than 14, pregnant women, those whose jobs are highly physically demanding. You’re also not bound by the fast if anyone in your household isn’t bound by it.

    I have not abused this last aspect, though I have wanted to.

  85. Ageist!

  86. Notre Dame is as Catholic as Nancy Pelosi these days.

  87. Ageist!

    Well. Past.

  88. Notre Dame is as Catholic as Nancy Pelosi these days.


    Nailed it. And screw them for keeping quiet.

  89. The gofundme is around $650k.

    And reported for fraud by a CBS travel reporter. Cucking Funt.

  90. It hit $750,000.

  91. Utah is one of those places I half expect to pass a nullification at some point.

  92. Rush spent a lot of time talking about the pizzeria and the nice, religious people who run it. He stated several times he’d love to see the support for these people hit “a quarter of a million.”

    Done and done.

  93. These bigot haters of discrimination will probably just use the money to buy guns and white sheets. That money needs to be taxed at 99% so the 1% rich Haliburton that are oppressed by the pizza Koch brothers get what they deserve for equality.

    *adjusts $400 hipster glasses and goes back to watching pegging videos on iPhone that’s made in America by union labor

  94. The pizzeria has a sign inside that says (paraphrase from Rush), “If you have a need for prayer just let us know.”

    They pray before opening every day.

    hahahahaha….Like Rush said, “These mean bastards!!”

  95. Have any of you ever seen this?

  96. Seriously, could this shit be more crazy?

  97. hahahah….I don’t know what that video means but I dance just like the gal in it.

  98. This video is my friend now.

  99. Well, dolt that I am, I searched pegging because I forgot what it was, thank goodness my safe search was on.

  100. I found MJ’s Youtube channel.

    I may or may not have subscribed.

  101. I think it was Mesablue who used to link that Get on my horse video all the time.

    Miss ya, blue!

  102. I may or may not have subscribed.



  103. Sure you did, Mare.

  104. I couldn’t remember if it was a gay thing or not.

    Not all of us keep up to date on this crap, MJ.

  105. Also, your mom!

  106. Hey!!! You leave our dear sweet mother out of this!!

  107. That reporter chick Alix is totally screwed.

    Plus she clearly hates blacks.

  108. Alix, is in waaaaaaaay over her head. Thought she was being cute, oops she’s a dumbass.

  109. That coma looks stupid. Not me, that coma.

  110. hahahahaha….ooops

  111. Stupid is as stupid does.

  112. *eats a box of chocolates*

  113. I’m in a coma.

  114. What in the heck is going on here?!?

  115. What in the heck is going on here?!?



    I’m scared too.

  116. Canine blackface

  117. Coma coma coma coma coma Comeleon!

    What do you think he meant when he wrote “you come and go”?

    I have an idea*

    Buenos fin de semana to all of you.

    * it’s dirty

  118. Oh, my, perfect response:

    From Twitchy

  119. Remember the other day when I said that God doesn’t strike people with lightning for lying anymore?

    Alix Bryan is trying to prove me wrong, and I am humbled and in awe.

  120. As my mom says, God helps those who help themselves. He gave us doctors, lawyers, police, and firemen to help.

  121. That was awesome, Jay.

    I was thinking that guy was a lefty. Wow.

  122. Who, Crowder? No, not a leftist at all, though he has said some crap Catholics would find offensive about Mary in what I thought was a pretty needless non sequitor.

  123. He was trying to insult Muslims, I suppose, but swung wide and hit Catholics, Orthodox, and Martin Luther, if not Lutherans.

  124. Regardless of left or right or muppet, he seemed to attack the issue pretty fairly.


  125. As Canadians go, he’s not too bad. He did get punched at a union rally while standing in opposition, so I gotta credit him bravery.

  126. Kinda hard to hit the issue unfairly if you stick to the facts.

    This law would rightfully protect those Islamic bakers, too.

  127. Easter animal cruelty

  128. This law would rightfully protect those Islamic bakers, too.

    Why… that’s Crazy Talk!!11ty!1!

  129. Also, I may have squealed a bit on your Easter video linky. Ha Ha!

  130. Greetings, people who have already bit the heads off all the chocolate bunnies in the house.

  131. Tattletale

  132. I don’t bite the heads off of chocolate bunnies; I go for other parts.

  133. Hey, what was the catchphrase in the Crowder video?

  134. I’d love to see Tim Cook go to Saudi Arabia, gather the religious police, talk about his gay sex life, and then lecture them about tolerance.


  135. What is Tim Cook’s position on raking in profits from a nation that beheads people for homosexuality?

    /questions never answered

  136. Genius idea: We start a Gay Wedding Service Providers’ Union. Since participation is about to become mandatory, we can rake in a shit-ton of money in those states that don’t have those pesky “Right To Work” laws.

    (Fucking Scott Walker. Hate that guy.)

  137. We saw people still walking to Chimayo today for the pilgrimage, returning from Taos.

  138. *subscribes to Sean’s newsletter*

  139. Unless this has already happened, some fags will soon sue a church for refusing to perform a fag marriage. Legally absurd?

    Since when did laws matter in Obama’s satrapy?

  140. “pesky”

  141. Catchphrase, Mare??

  142. Geo – do you guys fly to NM, or just drive right thru my state without so much as a bird-flip in my direction?

  143. Ace mentioned a catchphrase in the Crowder video. I didn’t catch it either. Unless he’s talking about the “They still execute gays in Iran” thing.

  144. That could be it, Sean.

  145. Geo – do you guys fly to NM, or just drive right thru my state without so much as a bird-flip in my direction?

    He took a left turn at Globe.

    (My kids still talk about the cool pizza place.)

  146. Today, I was driving down Southlake Blvd (Andy PBUH) and I saw a guy carrying (in the fashion of Christ) a life sized cross, dressed as Jesus (long white robe) with appropriate blood splatter and crown of thorns. Beard, longish hair.

    I’m assuming he was associated with a local church, regardless, it was very moving.

    Looked very realistic.

  147. Everything is pretty awesome in Texas….except the weather. And lack of gorgeous beach, but other than that…cannot beat it.

  148. He took a left turn at Globe.

    Ha ha, poor Alex. Globe is the new Albuquerque.

  149. Sounds dreamy, Mare. Did you guys look at houses when you were in FL?

  150. See if the guy with the cross, robe, crown, and blood spatter is still doing it next Thursday.

    Maybe then it’s time to be concerned.

  151. On it, Sean.

    Cyn, this was really just a quick 4 day, “mare needs to get to the sunshine and beach or she will go postal” type of deal. My husband worked most of the time.

  152. Cyn, we fly, and boy are our arms tired.

  153. Salmon salad for dinner.

  154. Didn’t see any people in robes and thorny crowns dragging crosses to Chimayo. But I’m pretty sure if we stay in Santa Fe long enough we’ll see hysterical lesbians in vagina costumes pour stage blood over themselves. Because Indiana.

  155. Hello weirdos.

  156. Salmon here tonight too. Plus Black Mesa wine from New Messico.

  157. That sounds like it was a nice quicky recharge, Mare. I’m about due for one of those here soon. And when I say “soon”, I mean yesterday.

  158. Hello, felt candy bar Muppet.

  159. So if Bruce Jenner gets fake lady parts and calls himself a woman, and then starts cross-dressing as a man, what does that make him and which bathroom does he use?

  160. A Democrat.

  161. So if Bruce Jenner gets fake lady parts and calls himself a woman, and then starts cross-dressing as a man, what does that make him and which bathroom does he use?

    Is this a new SAT question?

  162. Still not sure which outhouse he uses.

  163. what does that make him
    A very confused man.

  164. GSAT. Gay Scholastic Attitude Test.

  165. Yay! I survived another retail Good Friday…YAY!!!! (I’ve been to Chimayo several times, but I’ve never made a pilgrimage)

  166. Bean burritos. I H8 fish.

  167. Eating at Shake Foundation mañana.

  168. If anyone was interested, “Killing Jesus” is re-airing on FNC right now.

  169. I went with grape leaves, sadly, not homemade. Maybe I’ll crack a can of tuna later.

  170. Janet Reno.

  171. So if Bruce Jenner gets fake lady parts and calls himself a woman, and then starts cross-dressing as a man, what does that make him and which bathroom does he use?

    Jenner would get to use the potty inside the preschool classroom at any Christian church of his choosing. FOR GREAT TOLERANCE.

  172. GO Are you getting a green chile double cheeseburger?

  173. I can’t eat beans. Too many carbs. Eggs for breffast and salmon for dinner.

    I’m neutral to slightly negative on seafood in general. I’ll never choose it over beef, but I might pick it ahead of chicken.

  174. I like white fish

  175. What’s the music at the brewery downstairs?


  176. Easter cartoon courtesy of Hanna and Barbera

  177. Huh. OKC and Memphis have a basketball team. I had no idea.

  178. They’re playing RIGHT NOW.

  179. If anyone was interested, “Killing Jesus” is re-airing on FNC right now.

    I saw the last half-hour when it first aired. Meh.

    So what does H2 consider the best Good Friday movie? Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ? King of Kings? Jesus of Nazareth? Greatest Story Ever Told? The Miracle Maker?

  180. Just don’t say Godspell.

  181. This is my favorite Beck tune, MJ:

  182. We always watched Ben-Hur. Mel’s Passion makes me too emotional.

  183. Beck & Beer Bar

  184. I’m not sure I can watch The Passion again yet.

    I’m watching old episodes of Doomsday Preppers.

  185. I’m watching All in the Family.

  186. Hello, felt candy bar Muppet.
    OHAI! Dead guy commie libertarian fag.

    Or as Archie Bunker would say, ‘Feg.’

  187. This is my favorite Beck tune, MJ:

    I’ve only listened to Mutations once. I’ll have to try it again.

  188. Well, shit.

  189. Comment by osoloco11 on April 3, 2015 8:07 pm
    GO Are you getting a green chile double cheeseburger?


  190. So what does H2 consider the best Good Friday movie? Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ? King of Kings? Jesus of Nazareth? Greatest Story Ever Told? The Miracle Maker?


  191. OHAI! Dead guy commie libertarian fag.

    I am no longer a commie. *harumph*

  192. History of the World Part IX.

  193. Any movie with OJ Simpson in it.

  194. Animal House

  195. The Towering Inferno?

  196. Was someone cutting down Passion of the Christ to make it PG-13 or am I thinking of another R movie?

  197. Mutations is kind of an underrated album, seeing as how it came right on the heels of Odelay, which was a huge hit. My other favorite songs of his are “Satan Gave Me a Taco,” “Debra” (wiser’s favorite), and “Chemtrails.”

  198. It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

  199. I considered watching Flash Gordon. It’s allegorical.

    Flash dies and is resurrected, then saves every man and every woman on Earth.

  200. Either “The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T,” or “The Sorrow and The Pity.”

  201. Was someone cutting down Passion of the Christ to make it PG-13 or am I thinking of another R movie?

    I remember that too, never saw the PG-13 version.

  202. I need to watch it again. I don’t think Flash actually kills anyone. He hits some guys football-style, and has some fights, but he mostly shows mercy and encourages others to fight Ming and liberate themselves.

    How did I not see this before?

  203. Flash dies and is resurrected, then saves every man and every woman on Earth.

    Bullcrap. You’re watching it for Ornelia Muti.

  204. He might kill Klytus. I have to check.

    I could make an argument that Klytus is actually a demon.

  205. Ornella, GO.

    And it’s true, at least some of my motivation is less than virtuous.

  206. Mutations is kind of an underrated album, seeing as how it came right on the heels of Odelay, which was a huge hit. My other favorite songs of his are “Satan Gave Me a Taco,” “Debra” (wiser’s favorite), and “Chemtrails.”
    Completely agreed.

    I’ve been listening to ‘Chemtrails’ a lot lately and I think it has that weird haunting sound that gets dropped into a lot of Danger Mouse songs. You can tell he produced it.

    I haven’t listened to Debra or ‘Satan Loves Your Taco, Butch,’ but I will soon.

  207. No, Klytus is accidentally impaled on the spiked battle platform.

    What a nerd.

  208. I got Suadade and Radio Retaliation on vinyl today. Thievery Corporation and I’m enjoying it. I don’t know these albums as well as their others, but it’s pretty cool.

  209. Ornella, GO.

    Hotspur I’m not.

  210. What a nerd.
    Do you, or have you ever possessed a mirror?

  211. Flash accidentally impales Ming on the tip of war rocket Ajax, so it’s interpretation whether Flash kills anyone. Besides, Ming is likely immortal.

  212. A British tar is a soaring soul
    As free as a mountain bird
    His energetic fist should be ready to resist
    A dictatorial word
    His nose should pant and his lip should curl
    His cheeks should flame and his brow should furl
    His bosom should heave and his heart should glow
    And his fist be ever ready for a knock-down blow. . .

  213. I have a mirror but I see nothing. It’s weird.

  214. Suadade

    You will not be disappointed.

  215. ha ahaaa ha – re: rabbit raping a chicken – awesome metaphor for this shit hole of a chat room


  217. His nose should pant and his lip should curl
    His cheeks should flame and his brow should furl
    His bosom should heave and his heart should glow
    And his fist be ever ready for a knock-down blow. . .

    …And furthermore, it’s my belief
    That he should only have a few rotten teeth
    So when the nights are lonely and cold
    He can give his mate a hummer down in the hold…

  218. Watched Revenge of the Nerds last night. I love that movie. We’ve been watching a lot of our 80s DVDs.

  219. Wait, wait, just got here and just read the first few comments.

    “Butter Face”? I think she’s really cute, plus her boobs look real — They look squishy.

  220. Squishy is good.

  221. Motorboatable boobs

  222. Her boobs do look real. And she’s not inflatable. This puts her out of bounds for most of us.

  223. Squishy is good.


  224. MJ ♥ Jeb Bush?!?

  225. You couldn’t make Revenge of the Nerds today. The sorority invasion alone would get those guys in jail and on national news now, along with the university disbanding all Greek organizations on campus and mandating 3 credit hours of “rape prevention” for all male students.

  226. Caddyshack would be probably be Rated X – to protect the chirrens.

  227. Leon, yep. I hate SJW. They ruin everything.

  228. Cyn, we still quote Caddyshack all the time!

  229. Oso, we visited Ojo Caliente hot springs today. Will return to stay a night next time.

  230. I’m glad you are enjoying the Land of Entrapment.

  231. The best part is the miles of trashed mobile homes and crumbling shacks that line the highway.

  232. At any rate, Santa Fe spanks the pants off of Los Angeles squalor. Plus, I love the prairie dogs living at the railroad crossing downtown.

  233. Did anybody refuse to bake a wedding cake for anybody else not because of anything to do with sexual orientation but because they look like they’ve “had enough cake already” today?

  234. So MJ,
    Are you, or are you soon to be in Houston? Cyn mentioned something this AM and I was clueless as usual.

  235. Did anybody refuse to bake a wedding cake for anybody else not because of anything to do with sexual orientation but because they look like they’ve “had enough cake already” today?

    I almost refused to bake a wedding cake because the client demanded one gluten-free. So I did it anyway but put 6 oz of marijuana in the batter.

  236. Brad Whitford is in that, right?

    I worked with him (well, he was star, I was crew, also dead girl) for a few months a couple of years before his West Wing fame. Nice guy, treated everybody well, funny.

    He played a practical joke on, oh crap, can’t remember name, Spielberg’s wife. It involved a large dill pickle stuffed down his pants during a love scene.

  237. The wife and kids just landed from FL.

    The dogs and I have about an hour to get our stories straight.

  238. My comment didn’t post until long after the Revenge of the Nerds mentions.

    Phat: Snausages

  239. It involved a large dill pickle stuffed down his pants during a love scene.

    You say that like it’s not normal.

  240. “Worked with”

  241. You say that like it’s not normal.

    Heh. The dill was not dipped into the denim during the scene, but before, so that when they embraced she got gobsmacked by the gherkin.

  242. I saw Gobsmacked By The Gherkin open for Toad The Wet Sprocket at Burning Man in 2003.

  243. Been home alone today and totally geeked out on my old favorite High School bands.

    The wife would never allow me to blast Husker Du like I did ALL DAY.

    For a farm kid from Texas in the early ’80’s it’s hard to describe how earth-shattering Husker Du were for me.

    I eventually liked the Replacements more, but that was only because Husker Du broke up.

  244. Toad is cool


  246. Phat, I was listening to this while driving around earlier in the day. It’s one of those songs that always makes me happy.

  247. “Worked with”

    Hey, I didn’t gargle his gherkin.

  248. Hi lips!

  249. Hi Vman! How are you and the doggies?
    -I’m about to be away from the computer for a bit, but ANSWER ME young man!

  250. Zeke is fine Lips,
    I adopted Gabriel a few weeks ago.So I have 2 wonderful Goldens one who is 6 and one who is 12ish

  251. In case nobody has told you lately, Vman, you’re a helluva good person.

  252. Why thank you Sean
    but I am quite normal.

  253. Zeke and Gabe tell him daily.

  254. Was Gabriel a failed foster? Still loving your job?

  255. I can’t derp without you, I love everything about you
    I can’t help it if I feel this way
    Oh, I’m so glad I found you, I want my arms around you
    I love to hear you call my name
    Oh, tell me that you feel the same

  256. Slackers.

  257. If you image search “gargle the gherkin” you get a picture of Obama.

  258. 38 degrees and raining here. It was in the 50’s yesterday and people were (like me) were driving around with the car windows open.

  259. subtract a were from my comment to make gooder grammer

  260. I fell asleep while watching Passion of the Christ last night. Paula got home at 11 after work, woke me up to climb the stairs to bed then woke up at 5 to drive to a basketball tourney with the boys. I tried napping on the couch after they left but the dogs would not leave me alone. Now I’m up, drinking coffee and reading the internet and the gherkin-gargling dogs are fast asleep on their backs, legs in the air. Assholes.

  261. Ha. Ha. Ha.

    Dogs are such jerks.

  262. Wakey wakey.

    Listening to Beck already this morning because you guys brought it up. My fake double would be better if I could listen to Beck.

  263. Carin! Do you know anything about Hugelkultur gardening?

  264. Totally thinking I might do that in my garden area. Should be able to do 7, maybe 8 small beds.

  265. Yes, I’ve got one.

  266. With all the fallen wood around here, it’s a no-brainer.

  267. Mine is ornamental, not food producing. I should do more though. Along the driveway.

  268. Did you see the link to the hoop houses I’m doing? VERY cheap.

  269. Yeah, I was thinking the same. So much deadfall, manure, and brush available, all the inputs will be free. I need to find some other reason to us the rototiller I inherited if I do that, though.

  270. I did TWO of my beds (they are big) for under $30.

  271. There is always stuff to rototill. ALways.

  272. What I wish I could inherit is a bush-hog.

  273. I was actually thinking of just doing a series of them in the space I’ve got allocated for gardening rather than tilling the whole area and raking out the grass.

    I saw the hoop houses, I’m not sure I’m going to get an early enough start to worry about them this Spring, but it might be a good way to grow some late-season greens.

  274. What else would I rototill?

  275. Well, the first year there was a lot of settling of material. It made it challenging to get things to grow.

  276. Last year, I tilled for news beds. To improve areas that had bad grass. I’m going to till an area to put some more raspberries in. etc.

    Always stuff to till.

  277. I’ve got plenty of worms and roots in my bed, but that’s probably because it’s six feet under.

  278. >>>What I wish I could inherit is a bush-hog.

    You and me both. I’ve done the math and it’s cheaper to hire it out based on buying a tractor big enough to haul the bush hogger on my hilly yard. The problem is the local guys who leave their cards at the store are unreliable. We end up playing phone tag every year and then it’ll rain and the ground gets too soft to or it snows.

  279. We get it done every few years and it’s always a new guy who says “This would be a lot easier if you did it yearly”. When we call them next year it’s the same old song and dance of excuses.

  280. I asked Paula if I could just buy a bush hogger for her dad who owns several tractors for his farm. He could use it all he wanted for the price of doing the fields here. Hell, I’d even pay for the diesel.

    She didn’t like the idea for some reason or another that I’ve forgotten. Maybe I’ll just ask him.

  281. Highly recommend Suadade.

    Really cool bossa nova stuff from Thievery Corporation.

  282. I have no brush hog. I have an axe, a machete, and masochism, though.

    1) planting seed trays
    2) prepping potato trough and planting seed potatoes
    3) clean chicken coop
    4) nap
    5) vigil mass

  283. The hardest part of planting the seed trays is clearing the dining room table.


  285. I should also do the dishes and my laundry at some point.

  286. Rent it, Jimbro.

    Brush hog is probably less than $100 per day.

  287. I should go to the gym. Or I could screw around on the internet.

  288. Hey-ho mornin’

    Nuu Poot:

  289. I have to go to the grocery store. How bad can it be?

  290. I just looked and there’s a few places to rent walk behind brush hogs. I’ve got just under 8 acres of rolling fields with some vigorous poplar saplings that growth with a vengeance. My kubota tractor is a gentleman’s tractor suitable for digging a little trench or pushing dirt piles. I’ve got it stuck in the gullies between the hills. This is a job for a full size tractor with a brush cutting deck run off the PTO.

  291. Comment by scott on April 4, 2015 10:40 am
    I have to go to the grocery store. How bad can it be?

    It’s been nice knowing you. We’ll try to say nice things at your funeral.

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