Saturday Night Speshul

Howdy, Morons. C’mon in. Wipe your feet. The beer’s free and don’t cost nuthin.


L to R, Mare, Cyn, Carin, Sohos, Roamy. 😛


  1. My god! It’s brilliant!!!

  2. Best New Poat! since the last one.

  3. Do you think it needs bewbs?

  4. Whhhooooooo Hah!
    +1000000 plus to the Cyna-Buddy!

  5. Best New Poat!

    And that is why you will always be my favorite Hostage, Andy.

  6. Lemme find that pic XBrad linked earlier.

  7. Comment by Cyn on May 5, 2012 11:14 pm

    Do you think it needs bewbs?

    Are you insane, OF COURSE IT NEEDS BEWBS
    and i volunteer yours

  8. heya Roamy, whats doin, how dey hanging?


  10. Better mine than yours, Dunn.

  11. They’re talking about the Blazer melt down over at the mothership. Wasn’t that what caused KKA to go on an epic rant?

  12. Cyn, let me update the poat, please.

  13. Please do, Roamy.

  14. yours are real and spectacular, Cyn

    mine are just cheap rosetta style surgery

  15. There, that got it that time. Thanks.

  16. Comment by daveintexas on May 5, 2012 11:18 pm

    You really should think about switching to Direct TV.

  17. Can I just have one more more dance with you, my love?

    shit, Van Morrison was hotter than me.


  19. Veddy nice update Roamy, but didn’t we have a pact not to put our secret POL pics out on the blog?

  20. Van Morrison is hotter than the sun

  21. Chrispy, apparently, WP got a little carried away at a non-AoS group on FB. Which, that’s what he does, it’s who he is. So the FB AoS moderator booted him. I didn’t see the kerfuffle at the Quit Yer Bitchin’ page, as I’m not a member.

    At any event, the only thing I did was point out on the AoS thread that WP had a disturbing tendency to get himself banned at just about every group he joined.

  22. From the dead-thread:
    Wait, DH was WP? WTF did he do on Facechimp? I was just crusin’ over there and saw JD/Uncle Facts announce the ban. Xbrad, what happened?

  23. Look up, Chrispy.

  24. Well, yeah, he was pretty strongly ‘oppiniated’, but I wasn’t prive(sp) to anything viciously anti-semitic. If JD said it was, I’m gonna believe it.

  25. are we talking Me or this wicked pinto?

  26. >> And that is why you will always be my favorite Hostage, Andy.

    Awwww, shucks Ms. Cyn.

    *stuffs hands in pockets, looks down, shuffles feet*

  27. At any event, the only thing I did was point out on the AoS thread that WP had a disturbing tendency to get himself banned at just about every group he joined.


  28. I haven’t banned you yet, Krow.


  29. wpdunn74136,
    This is “Mo Debbinly” ( inside joke) NOT you. This goes WAY back…

  30. And we try to avoid saying the name….

    to name is to summon.

    Or, Beetlejuice3x!

  31. i was kinda serious Xbrad, i dont play the Anti Semite stuff

  32. Dunn – “WP” almost always refers to Wicked Pinto

  33. i may have to change my nick on here

  34. This poat has boobs. Just the backside of ’em, which I like just fine.

    Any new faces from the ‘Other place’?

    I scored seven on the man card – not too shabby. If anybody thinks I can qualify as 1/10 as manly as Steve Mcqueen, then eight.

  35. That would not hurt one bit.

  36. I just watched TEH RISE OF TEH SOOPERMOON!!!!!

    It was pretty big, I guess.

  37. Cynnabuns says the forbidden phrase.
    Doomed, we are, doomed…

  38. Eureka Cyn, No wonder everyone avoids my initials

  39. need to rest the eyes..

    nite people that I love

  40. I thought Andy owned H2, are you telling me this is some sort of co-op? Lousy commies.

  41. No wonder everyone avoids my initials

    Bingo, hot stuff

  42. Hello, Ben.

    Feel free to stick around. And suck Chrispy’s balls.

    Technically, Pajama Mamma started H2.

  43. Nite to you, too Dave.


  44. Sweet nighty dreams, Dave.

  45. That’s f’in commies around these parts, Ben.

  46. I’m thinking figuring out the avatar gizmo hurts about as much as getting your nuts cut off and set on fire right in front of you . Good thing I’ve only had to endure one of those two . Yet .

  47. Billdcat – haven’t figgered out the avatar gizmo yet, huh?

  48. BdC, howdy. And the effort was worth it to get THAT avatard pic.

  49. Hiya Ben & Bill.

  50. Took a while but the results are obvious and may I say, spectacular .

  51. >> Technically, Pajama Mamma started H2.


  52. BdC, sorry, but of all the cat avatards here, Cyn’s is still the best.

  53. Hey Cyn

  54. smooches west (ick) and Cyn (hot!) nite

  55. The Goddess of the goats

  56. ERRRRRP!

  57. *slides Andy a shot of Jameson’s down the bar*


  58. cyn, you could have warned me!, and thanks for sayin i was hot stuff

  59. I said spectacular , not best .

  60. Dave thanks for saying I was ick. Restores my faith, that does.

  61. *puts the drops in my eye and crashes

  62. MIne is the best actually TYVM

  63. Well REALLY Andy’s the the very bestest

  64. Ben, like that line from Apocalypse Now goes, “there’s no fucking CO here.”

  65. Sohos YOURS is always the bestest

  66. Howdy Kraka and other lurkers!

    I love it when we get visitors!

    *uses back of hand to clean front teeth, begins removing curlers from hair, dumps a shit ton of Little Smokies in into crock pot and pours in bottle of BBQ sauce for hors d’oeuvres*

  67. Thank Goodness Cyn is so classy! *straighten bewbs, pulls shirt down over my mid-drift, Hey Yall!*

  68. Sohitasweety, I said of all the “cat” avatards here.

    That reminds me, where did I put that X-rated Snow white pic….?

  69. Hold on a second . Why are the rest of you allowed caps in your names and the lesser folks like me and Mr in Texas being discriminated against .

  70. sohos and cyn give the term Back Scatter a positive spin

  71. *tapes stupid eye sheild on my face*

  72. “Howdy Kraka and other lurkers!”

    Thanks. Good to visit again. I see you’ve kept the place in order.

  73. HAHAHA! So very classy! That’s me

    *sets out those toothpicks with the fancy fringe on the top for pokin’ the BBQ Smokies*

  74. Hotay, folks, I’m off, got some roads to burn up early tomorrow. Carry on.

  75. Do I have to put my bra back on?

  76. >> Do I have to put my bra back on?


  77. Sweet nighty dreams, West.

  78. I didn’t.

  79. I said of all the “cat” avatards here.

    Seriously, I can no longer see (sorry Dave & Vman) I have got to get my eyes checked. It is getting terrible

  80. Me neither.

  81. Sohos.. they’re purty eyes, you should get some specs or something. Cause that’s .. cute (ok hot). But mostly so you can see

  82. Hi guys!

  83. I see a bit more outta my eye today.. that was encouraging. Could make out a shape (pool)

  84. I’ve seen Cyn’s naughty librarian glasses. I can bet Sohos’ would look nice as well.

  85. Where you been hooker?

  86. Me neither.

    Do you have a favorite color Manzier?

  87. OSO!

    Look both ways before crossing the street.

  88. ok really time to rest the peepers

  89. Evening Osogirlie

  90. Good. Today’s been bad enough. I am 7/32 Indians.

  91. Watched supermoon tonight while burning up a bunch of deadfall, leaves, and the trees I chopped down in December.

  92. Basic black, Cyn.

  93. Supermoon is being shy and hiding behind clouds. G’night DiT. So very happy you got your eye diagnosed right away!

  94. Thanks, XB. We’ve had 3 bear sightings in town already. I’ll watch out for tranq guns too!

  95. night Dave-O

  96. #ObamaDerbyNames on Twitter was funny. Proletariat. Dogmeat. Seattle Stew Spectacular Bailout. Downgrade. Man of War on Women. Corpse Man O’War.

  97. I’ll watch out for tranq guns too!

    **slips a roofie in Oso’s drink**

  98. Basic black

  99. I’m told bear is quite tasty. Why are we tranquilizing them? Takes people and fuel to move them to woods, and then we’ve got nothing. Add a butcher and a grill, and we’ve got a picnic.

  100. Oso that question was to you 😉

  101. there cyn, is this better?

  102. Bear is greasy

  103. Bear is greasy

    So is lamb. Never stopped me.


  104. Gets out strap calls Oso’s name sweetly

  105. It’s all up to you Krow. You are the mastah of your own avatard!

  106. Sorry, Sohos. I’ve had 3 straight closing shifts. How was the cool refreshing beer?

  107. Sweety dreams, Leon.

  108. well I am 5 deep now so I’d say pretty fucking tasty

  109. Sohos, are you doing ok today? Thinking about you.

  110. translations??

  111. is it broken? someone plug the blog back in please

  112. may be just my frontal cortex

  113. Still working just fine for me Sohos, maybe just a pinch slow.

  114. Bouncing between here and FB.

  115. Today was a difficult day but all in all I’m doing as well as can be expected.

  116. Laughing at Peej and XB.

  117. Sorry we weren’t around to distract you.

  118. I think I’m done for the night.

    Smooches to all the hotties, and backslaps to all the others.

  119. cyn check yer gmail
    sohos, just be cute

  120. Hugs, Sohos

  121. Smooches, XB.

  122. Oh I stayed busy the entire day. In fact my apt looks amazing.

  123. Sweety dreams, Xbrad. Catch you on the morrow.

  124. Its all good. I will try Krow

  125. did you get a Julokee for it Sohos?

  126. STFU, Krow. You can’t make me!



  128. Sohos, sweet!

  129. I think Carin is going to get mad that her fake butt in the pic up there is bigger than my fake butt… should we switch the names? hahaha Damn it feels good to be a gangster

  130. dear sohos, you will always be my Belle Guiness

  131. Sohos, at least you have a butt and get to be in the picture *runs from blog crying*

  132. East Germany, then and now.

    I went across right after the wall fell. It was incredible the difference between E and W Germany.

  133. Heh. I had to scroll back up to look at that Sohos. And naturally Roamy gave herself the cutes panties of them all.

    Chick Fight!

  134. Dont make me kill you Krow. *serial killer joke*

  135. oso, now now, havent you ever heard of Maeve O’donnell, she was a beauty that men would die for, so much so that there were no paintings or photos of her, “because her looks were otherwordly that she could never be depicted”

  136. I wanted to drink bourbon today for the Derby. Then, I thought Tequila for the Cinco. Meh…drinking box wine. Soon, I won’t care that I have no butt. Drink. (No reason to lose a good drinking game)

  137. are you calling me her krow? hahahaha

  138. sohos, excellent! you get one whole week of my pretend internet friendship

  139. hahahaha Excellent!

  140. well she was a vegetarian and loved kittens

  141. Oso, Good point–we ARE going to need another drinking game.

  142. So we drink whenever someone mentions the word “butt”?


    Am I doing this right?

  143. butt cyn, where would all the asses go?

  144. I started lobbying for a DRINK anytime someone went OT or threadjacked. The ‘ettes are worried we’d be drunk all the time.

  145. can i ax a question
    did i miss the memo
    when did horror movie morph into torture porn?

  146. Saw. FYNQ.

  147. *drinks at 1:15 comment*
    *drinks at 1:16 comment*
    *begins to think she’s going to have to put Krow’s body into a dryer and bolt the door closed*

  148. Totally OT. DRINK! Whenever people bitch at the mothership about the dead links and blogs on the sidebar, I get sad. I like knowing that Andrew Olmsted lives on in the AoSHQ sidebar. I would be totally depressed if it were ever updated. I keep my dad’s phone number on my contact list too. DRINK.

  149. Actually, my favorite panties are the ones on the left. Best booty up there…. hard to tell. It’s like a Golden Corral Buffet. Where do you start?

  150. you know i miss vincent price and American International Pictures

    thanks crazy heart

  151. and a delightful FYAWMG

  152. *begins to think she’s going to have to put Krow’s body into a dryer and bolt the door closed*

    what did i DO now???

  153. That was a preemptive strike, Krow; you know you’ll deserve it sooner or later.

  154. Buffy/Vampire is on VOD yay!

  155. I’m out cool kids.


  156. you know me SO WELL!

  157. Time for bed goodnight friends

  158. night cyn

  159. Krow, I loved VP movies. His son is a local writer and he was a guest speaker at my History/Film class: The American Horror Movies. (Early 80s)

  160. Night, Cyn. Night, Sohita!

  161. good night soho-lita

  162. Krow, it’s abbreviated BtVS.

    And I HOPE you’re talking about the series, not the movie!

    **hugs 7 season collectors edition DVD set**

  163. Oso, there is a old kenoscope of VP doing a Playhouse 90 of “Life of Vincent Van Gogh” that VP did, AMAZING

  164. this is the first season tv show all episodes for 48 hours

  165. holy moley, “F is for Fake” is on for 5 bux!

  166. XB, Buffy is preggo! Her hubby is from ABQ. Same HS as NPH (Doogie Howser) and Doug Zembiec. DRINK.

  167. Instead of drinking, can I just derp?

  168. Freddie Prinze Jr. is from ABQ?

  169. Yes, he is. Attended La Cueva HS. (The Cave)

  170. Derp away, Sean. The ‘ettes created a drinking game every time WP would go OT or threadjack on FB. Now that he is banned, we were lamenting our fun times drinking game.

  171. Heh. I saw something Treacher posted on facechimp last week (it might have been when Steyn mentioned him on NRO) and the comments were full of WP talking about how he used to be a Marine.

  172. After what he called Cathy on FB, I could give even less of a F___ about WP. True Story.

  173. Guy’s got a knack for burning bridges.

  174. There are still people making excuses and defending him. Cathy is one of my best FiF.

  175. I try to stay out of these things, but he has a really bad habit of acting like a jackass toward his friends.

  176. Me too. I hadn’t even delurked when he had his meltdown. On FB, I avoided him. Only sent out the H2 signal one time when he was going all WP on Cathy. Sohos and Cyn were great.

  177. Kilt it. Going to read more Elvis Cole. G’night.

  178. Stupid ass hotel noises!!!

  179. Ass Hotel; Asses check in, and then get checked out.

  180. wakey wakey

  181. I think Carin is going to get mad that her fake butt in the pic up there is bigger than my fake butt… should we switch the names? hahaha Damn it feels good to be a gangster

    Humn. I think I need to work out a bit more.

  182. Woke up to hail banging on my window. I’m skeert to go look at the car parked outside.

  183. Bigger butts are not necessarily less good butts.

  184. Unless the stones are really big or the wind was really hard, the car’s probably okay.

  185. Good morn.

  186. I think this is very cool, but then I’m a nerd.

    If nothing else, skip to 3:40 or so and see water dance to ZZ Top’s, “TV Dinners”.

  187. Obama did really well in Ohio yesterday, didn’t he?

    Ha ha ha … I may have to start liking Ohio State.

  188. Butt test:

  189. Gettin’ my geek on with this one. I measure infrared properties of materials, though I’ve never measured plants.

    Carin, I didn’t watch him yesterday. I thought it was funny that the NY Times compared him to an aging rock star. Maybe that cascade preference is happening.

  190. I – of course – didn’t watch. There are pictures out of it.

  191. The Buckeye fans that came to UM games were the most polite, IME.

    That was neat, Roamy, thanks.

  192. My Ohio State opinion was more formed by being a Miami of Ohio student.

  193. So are they still pushing the Julia story, or did it disappear like Hillary Rosen?

  194. Age 1: Julia disappears because Republicans don’t understand her and make fun of her. Republicans are mean!

  195. Damn straight I’m mean. This morning’s Fox & Friends bit about how people are scamming the gov’t by claiming up to 12 kids as dependents pisses me off. But the IRS goes after Herr instead. I’m sure I’m raaaaacist for that.

  196. I’m shocked, shocked that an ill-enforced system that rewards deceit would be used for fraud.

    Also, I’m pretty sure it’s racist to check when someone says they have 14 kids and they don’t happen to have the surname Duggar.

  197. * adopts 27 Mexicans *

  198. I need to have a chat with my wife about my List.

    Subtract Charisma Carpenter. Add Lindsey Stirling.

    She’s over 18, right?

  199. Good morning scum.

    I am pleased to report that today’s Meat the Pressed Slacks is 100% David Brooks AND Tom Friedman free.

    That’s a good start to the week.

  200. It’s a two coffee pot kind of day.

  201. Wow, Rosie, you’re life must have started sucking if you’re back hanging here.

  202. Also, whoever did the header photo and caption:

    + 93,629 points

  203. Wow, Rosie, you’re life must have started sucking if you’re back hanging here.

    I missed you and your tight buns.

  204. Every muscle in my body is sore. I’m thinking it might be a half gallon of grassfed milk kind of day.

  205. I didn’t work out yesterday. I cleaned the workroom. Then soccer, then gardening, then a new recipe.

    I ran out of time.

  206. I didn’t work out yesterday. I cleaned the workroom. Then soccer, then gardening, then a new recipe.

    I ran out of time.

    What was the weather like?

  207. good morning Hostages!
    Yeah, I’m making pot 2 right now.

  208. So people are surprised that crybaby terrorist scumbags are acting like crybaby terrorist scumbags? Color me shocked!

  209. Yesterday was sunny and 70F, with 7-9mph wind out of the north. I’ve got it here in my notes.

  210. Yesterday was sunny and 70F, with 7-9mph wind out of the north. I’ve got it here in my notes.

    Hahahaha. Well done.

  211. Mornin’ Rosetta. I’ll add to your Sunday am show update with a report that Tapper is hosting This Week.

  212. Hahahaha. Well done.

    I’m doing some field work this weekend. I really did have that in my notes 🙂

  213. Did Layra jjust tell us she is going number 2 in a pot? *slightly hungover*

  214. Yall do know it is Sunday right *holds nose at poat*

  215. yes it is a 2 mug morning

  216. Making whole wheat bread and yogurt right now. Daughter is making a cheesecake. I’m about to go gardening and it’s sunny and beautiful out.

  217. Good morning

  218. Making whole wheat bread and yogurt right now. Daughter is making a cheesecake. I’m about to go gardening and it’s sunny and beautiful out.

    Overachiever I hate you!

    Cheesecake? For a slice I can turn hate into love.

  219. Cheesecake killed it?

  220. Cheesecake kills. This should be news to no one.

  221. Got a house showing at 11am. I’ll be back for cocktails and tales of adventure later.

    *punches Cyn in the balls*

  222. Update from Portland: people are weird, but it is absolutely beautiful. We’re going out to the gorge today!

  223. MJ, my niece lives in The Dalles. It’s a beautiful drive from PDX to The Dalles, and pretty much all of it is right next to the Columbia.

  224. Morning Duck Fuglers
    my transmutation is complete

  225. and here I glow!

  226. Good morning, super lunatics.

  227. Cheesecake? For a slice I can turn hate into love.
    Made by my daughter- so that’s extra sweet.


    Cheesecake kills. This should be news to no one.


  228. dickhole

  229. MJ,
    Anita and I grew-up there. Going out the gorge, the old-highway was always more scenic than the freeway, but very winding, so more work to drive. We used to race motorbikes out there in the ’60s.

  230. Car-In, i found your pasties please pick up

  231. h8ter.

    What can I say? I’m a republican.

  232. As nice as the gorge is, I’d HIGHLY recommend anyone drive the PCH along the Oregon coast. It is some of the most fantastic scenery in America.

  233. It’s a gorgeous day. Gonna repot another batch of tomato seedlings. Sunday puttering time is almost over.

    Got 150 mussels scrubbed and sitting in a pot of cold brine, cleaning themselves for my family.

    Oven layer full of zucchini noodles, drying.

    Coil of linguica in the fridge.

    Gonna go to the farmer’s market near Mom’s today for the rest of the produce, and make a nice feast for her and my sister & sis’s kids.

    *Fonzie thumbs*

  234. Car-In, i found your pasties please pick up

    I wondered where I left those.

  235. You can skip all the crappy pics I took at Tillamook, at the bottom of the gallery are some nice pics of the coast.

  236. Drive-by comment here:

    Here’s Obama’s latest hashtag for the cool kids on our side to have fun batting around:

    Do our side proud, boys and girls!

  237. Mostly seein ok out of the good eye, this depth perception thing is kind of annoying *looks at the cigarette I just lit in the wrong place*

  238. DaveiinTexasonFire?

  239. stupid depth perception

  240. This is a ‘tinky old poat. Let’s play on the NEW POAT!!!

  241. Okay, I added three tweets to the pile.

    I also saw tweets from SpaceX and Orbital Sciences re: jobs available. Hmmm.

  242. drive the PCH along the Oregon coast.


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