Open Letter to Democrat Voters

No, not you embarrassing “journalists” who serve as nothing other than flaccid propaganda organs for this administration.  You go fuck yourselves.  I mean really?  You don’t know how to spin horrific events in Libya until Jay Carney sends you a sext?

Think about that you MSNBC hacks.  You get your talking points from Jay fucking Carney.  No one expects more from MSNBC but the rest of you MSM bluenecks are all blatant shills, idiots and losers and you are pathetic at the trade you sorrily pretend to practice.  You please go ahead and vote for Obama because he makes you feel, unsuccessfully I’m guessing, like less of a old guilt-ridden condescending privileged racist.

This letter is also not intended for the other out-of-touch sneering warm-mongering Democrat-members of the 1% who pretend to care about the “little people”.

If you drive a Volt or a Prius, you’re very likely an idiot, a hypocrite and a smelly hippie.  Your electricity probably comes from coal you shithead.  Just ride a bike and put the $43k you save in your local Starbuck’s tip jar so that some poor 22-year old college-educated punk with no prospects of a real job in Obama’s economy can get some new tats.  You are all pretentious assholes and you’re also a lost cause.  Continue spouting off about the HOPE and the CHANGE.  “Four More of Whatever Lord Obama Ends Up Deciding Are Years”.

And please put another bumper sticker on your fucking car because when I’m driving to the store, the thing I want to know about the driver of the car in front of me is how they feel about every fucking thing ever.


*Oh I have a Bachelorette’s degree in early 1979 African Womyn’s LGBT Poon Studies from Harvard and I have a solar-paneled windmill shoved up my free-range chicken’s ass.  Please love me.”*

Stupid.  I have complete disdain for people who have hit the lottery of life and then deem to tell the rest of us how they love the poor and downtrodden while they summer in the Hamptons with the richest of the rich.  You people go fuck yourselves.

This letter is to the other people who vote for Democrats because they think that Democrats care about them and conservatives don’t.

Let’s start with this: Does the crack dealer who gives you the first three rocks for free care about you?  He knows you’ve had a rough go of it lately and he just wants to help out.  Those damn conservatives, they won’t give you free rocks.

Who is really on your side?  Who respects you?  And who is it that thinks of you as a born loser and a potential lifelong dependent benefactor?

I’m a conservative who believes in God but it’s okay with me if you believe in a dice-throwing quantum spaghetti monster.  I’m sure it makes me a bad Christian to say this but as long your lazy disbelieving eternal soul burning in hell doesn’t make me spill my drink, I really don’t give a shit.

You have free will to believe that a prehistoric fish-monkey fucking a much smarter prehistoric monkey-fish led to you choosing amongst 13 varieties of blue cheese at the grocery store with the aid of a human eye which the smartest scientists in the world cannot even begin to re-create.  Rods and cones and monkeys OH MY!  Point being that you need not believe in God to believe the following.

However you think you came into this world, you could have been born in Ethiopia as a baby who knows nothing but hunger, desperation, pain and flies biting you until you die.  Your life expectancy could have been the length of a season of The Daily Show but it wasn’t.  You weren’t born in Ethiopia as a child who knows nothing but hunger and pain and flies gnawing at you until some smug millionaire presents you with a “Moment of Zen”.

You were born in a country where YOU decide what happens to you.  You can choose to cede that power to someone else if you want but it’s an unavoidable fact that you were born with that power.  And you are special, different and blessed because of that.  And you’re so very fortunate.

Republicans recognize that fact and they want all of the kids in the picture below to grow up and be successful and wealthy and happy.  Democrats want to take everything from whitey and give it to the others because hey…the darker you are, the less likely you are to make it without the government taking care of you.

That’s how the Democrat party views people.  It’s by your skin color and the darker you are, the dumber and more hapless they believe you to be.  You’re a victim in need of a government program.  As a Democrat, how does it make you feel that your party views three of these kids as losers who can’t make it on their own without government help?

As a Republican it makes me sick.

You my Democrat friend cannot tell me a life story so sorry and sad that I cannot find someone with the same story that overcame the same adversity and claimed their right to this power.  The fact that someone else in this great country overcame the exact same issues that you and others may face – the same hardships, difficulties, joblessness and that insidious firing machine known as Bain Capital – means that you can overcome them as well and make a better life for yourself.

You know this!  You know you were meant for greater things and so are those that you want to help.  They weren’t born here to deserve nothing but the stupid handouts that the government tells them that they qualify for.  You know we were all meant to be the boss of our own life and the fact that some of us are not is irritating and infuriating.  We were not born to be a groveling failure, content with the cheese the government gives us.

Not only were we all born great, we were born in the only country that has ever existed that wants us to be great.  This country exists for the sole purpose of wanting to help you be part of the 1%!  There is nothing wrong with being in the 99% but there sure as hell isn’t anything wrong with ascending to greater heights.  Others like you have done it and despite what the Democrats want you to believe, there is no one preventing you from doing it.

I know from watching MSNBC that George W. Bush was a brilliantly diabolical election-stealing psychopath who was also a blithering idiot monkey Halliburton Cheney/Hitler-puppet but he said something a few months after he ordered planes to fly into the World Trade Center while he read My Pet Goat that I thought was well put.  He mentioned the “soft bigotry of low expectations”.  Think what you want about George W. Bush but the soft bigotry of low expectations does exist and it’s very real and it’s the official gas that fuels the engine of the Democrat party.

You think conservatives are mean?  The Democrat party pats you on the head like you’re a fucking retard.  “Oh bless your heart, dumb.  Put on your helmet you poor unfortunate loser and let us take care of you because you were obviously born unable to take care of yourself thanks to all these roving packs of wild Republican racists.”

Really?  Do you honestly believe that Republicans are racists and that’s why you should vote for Democrats?  If you’re a Democrat voter, don’t you find it offensive that your party leaders think you are that stupid?  It’s a terrible insult to you that somehow has gone unrecognized as a terrible insult.

“Hey loser, you keep voting for me and I will do my best to keep these racist people paying for your shitty life.  At least until these racist people with “jobs” (can you get more racist than having a job?) decide to stop paying for your shitty life and then you’re fucked but until then I’ll give you just enough to keep voting for Democrats like me.  And you shouldn’t even try to improve your station in life because you’re worthless and weak.  And the 1% who pay your bills would like to put you in a wood chipper so vote for us so we can stop the evil conservative wood chipping.  Listen….just shut the fuck up and vote Democrat.  If you don’t, Republicans will push yo momma off a cliff.  Just sayin’.”

That should just be the official slogan of the Democrat party because it’s all they have to offer their voters.  Thanks to them, good people like you probably think that Republicans want to kill you or “put ya’ll back in chains” but as a conservative with a heart who believes you have a brain, I respectfully ask you to please look past that bullshit.

The people you think are taking care of you and those less fortunate are actually robbing you and others of your birthright to freedom, happiness, independence and a better life.  It is the most subtle form of terrorism to steal freedom by making people in this country dependent on what the government can take from other people.

Conservatives want to help the poor to not be poor, the indigent to not be indigent and those who weren’t born lucky to miraculously become lucky through hard work and determination.  Conservatives try to do all that by giving to charities and supporting policies that help get people off of government support.

Democrat politicians give lip-service to wanting to help people out of poverty.  The problem with that is that Democrat policies are designed specifically to keep people poor, indigent and completely dependent on government.  That way they know they can count on your vote because without them, your poor dumb ass would probably starve to death.

Democrat politicians help the poor by keeping them poor and throwing them a free day-old ham sandwich that they stole from someone else.  Or they give them a nicer grocery cart in which to live.  Do you think that is any way to treat people?  Or do you think that’s better than the alternative because you really honestly believe that the 40% of the people in this country who call themselves conservatives want to kill the poor and take healthcare away from your granny?

Democrats “help others” by borrowing from a Chinese government that doesn’t know you or particularly like you and taking money from people like me and wasting it on wind farms and stupid cars that no one wants.   And that will go on until it doesn’t.  In the meantime Democrat politicians will treat voters like you as idiots and losers.

But because they give out free moldy cheese and heroin needles, birth control and Catholic-funded abortions, they think they can count on your vote.

Please don’t let that happen any longer.  It is Democrat politicians who want people in chains, subsisting on whatever the government decides to dole out to them.  It is conservatives who want everyone to be prosperous and free so they can realize their potential.

You were born in a country where you can read words written and then sent across miles and oceans with the push of a button.  If you can read this, YOU are the 1%.  You have been born of privilege and power and potential that the other 99% of the world cannot even imagine.  You can choose to deny this if you want and whine about the Koch brothers but if you can read these words, you are among the fortunate global few.   And in reality YOU are the part of what the Democrats consider the gluttonous, evil, thieving 1%.

The thing that breaks the hearts of conservatives like me (and yes, we have hearts that break just like yours) is that Democrat politicians have convinced so many good people like you that (1) there was no great fortune to being born in this country and that (2) the ability for most everyone to improve their station in life through hard work and self-reliance doesn’t really exist.  They think you can’t make it.  You can’t succeed and if it wasn’t for the nice people in government you would be totally fucked.

The Democrat party in this country has convinced too many good people that the only thing they are worthy of is a sorry life dependent on others to pay their way.  The Democrat party will give you stolen cheese.  They will provide you debit cards to buy diapers and bread and milk.  And all the plantation masters of the Democrat party ask is that you be their slave and continue to vote for them.  It saddens me that so many people take them up on that offer.

Condescending, elitist members if the 1% like Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid and Joe Biden will gladly throw you a bone if you will just appreciate the free bone and vote Democrat.  Actually they don’t care if you appreciate the free bone.  Just get on the fucking bus and go vote for who they tell you to vote for.  “Eat your free cheese and shut up you hopeless loser!”  That is what the leaders of the Democrat party think of you.

This is no way to live in the greatest country that has ever existed.  You were not born in Ethiopia knowing only hunger and flies.  You were born in a country where you decide what happens to you and the kind of life that you live.  You are one lucky person if you would only choose to accept that you’re lucky and that you can make your life not only better, you can make your life what you want it to be.

In this wonderful country, if you want a job you can get a job.  And if you don’t like that job, you can start a business and make yourself a job.  If you don’t like working for “the man”, become “the man”.  There are people who look like you, who grew up like you, who faced the same adversities that you faced and they made it work.  You can do it too.

The bottom line is this, Democrats: you and everyone else has an infinite number of ways to make your life better in this country without the government.  Do something you love!  Figure out what you’re great at and do that.  Make money by helping other people!  Get paid for doing something that other people want to pay you to do.  It’s not easy but nothing good ever is.  I did it and so have millions of other people.  People who are just like you did it.  People who didn’t think they could do it, just like you.  They did it.  Why don’t you?  What do you have to lose?  Moldy cheese and bullshit-covered hopenchange smeared on a teleprompter?

When you vote this November you need to remember that it is conservatives, Republicans and Mitt Romney who want to make it as easy as possible for you to improve your life.  Democrats want you to sit down, shut up, cast your vote and then fuck off until the next election.

You know how good it feels to take care of yourself and accomplish something difficult.  I’m sure you’ve done it before and you know how it feels.  The Republicans want that for you.  The Democrats don’t give a shit about you.  They care only about your vote and they will give you as little as they need to in order to get it.

Do you like beer?  It tastes the best when it’s ice-cold after a hard day’s work when you’ve earned it.  It doesn’t taste as good when some asshole steals it from someone else and gives it to you in a warm dirty glass.  The beer from a condescending nanny who thinks you’re too stupid to work for your own beer tastes like shit.  I know it and so do you.

Mitt Romney isn’t the answer to your dreams and he won’t solve all your problems.  The difference between him and Democrat politicians is that Romney won’t lie to you and tell you that he’s the answer to your dreams and that he’ll solve all your problems.  Because you and I both know that there is only one person who can do that and that person wears your shoes.

The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world that he doesn’t exist.  The greatest trick the Democrats ever played was convincing good people like you that they want to take care of you.

If you read this and like it, please link it elsewhere.  Word to your mother.


  1. I guess we know where Rosetta has been the last 6 months.

    Writing this post.

  2. This poat is racist.

  3. I appreciate the photoshop skills necessary to pull off that Hell/Dean Martin picture.

    Nicely done, Rosetta. You are not the total ass everyone says you are…and by everyone I mean me.

  4. So there is at least one good thing about Rosetta taking a life break from this joint. He comes back full of piss and vinegar.

    And I’m not gonna ask him how he got full of those things.

  5. At first, he was just full of vinegar.

  6. Ice-cold beer accounts for the piss.

  7. Are you fucking serious? I just knew this was a BiW poat and its the zombie Rosetta. Now, I guess I will read the thing. I LOVE a pissed off Rosetta.


  9. Rosetta:

  10. George Orwell on September 23, 2012 1:19 pm

    Well, that didn’t work. I must be a Democrat.

  11. I appreciate the photoshop skills necessary to pull off that Hell/Dean Martin picture.

    That was Hell? I thought that was just the DMV on a Saturday.

  12. I give this poat 3 of these thingies <<<

    I would have given it moar, but the government STOLE THE REST.

  13. Excellent screed. I’ll be in my bunk.

  14. I can’t read this on my phone. I scrolled for five minutes just to get to comments.

  15. My daughter’s team is getting spanked by a U-14 boys team. They’re U-13. And girls. Still it’s painful.

  16. I got one of these for my birthday:

    Trying it out now. It’s a temperature control for the grill/smoker. It’s taking a while to heat up.

  17. They really shouldn’t let those boys spank your daughter and her teammates.

  18. That doesn’t seem right. Kids spanking kids?

  19. They are a little more evenly matched, before the teenage years, aren’t they?

  20. My run sucked in case anyone was wondering. My sinuses are bugging me.

  21. That looks cool, Jay.

    *spanks Sean*

  22. At this age differences are there. Puberty is engaged.

  23. It’s good for the girls. Some of the parents are pissy. But it makes them play more aggressively.

  24. *Ignores spanking comments.

  25. >> My run sucked in case anyone was wondering.

    Oh darn.

  26. I’m pretty comfy here in my sportbrella. Husbands fancy army coat. Blanket. My chair has a footrest. All I need is a glass of wine.

  27. Dave, I know. I was tired. But I did it

  28. Anyone see the new Marine Officer commercial?

    It practically dares you to enlist.

  29. *spanks Sean*


  30. Maybe it’s Sean’s birthday, and he needs a few more.

    Happy Birthday, Michael!

  31. I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but I don’t think there’s been a Chess Thread for the last several weeks.

  32. I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but I don’t think there’s been a Chess Thread for the last several weeks.

    Oh Christ, now you’ve done it. You’ll get Rosetta started on the Ruy Lopez Opening or, God forbid, the Sicilian Defense.

  33. The Sicilian Defense = Never bet against a Sicilian, when death is on the line?

    *doesn’t play chess

  34. Bacon wrapped chicken breasts are at 99 degrees!

  35. R-money stop in Ohio:


    Looks like pupster’s got them all wound up! Nice job!

  36. Awesome poat, BiW!

  37. Speaking of things that are out of whack at the HQ…


    Today: “Heh. Good one, SNL.”

  38. Waiting for a haircut.

    *totally tweets that*

  39. I don’t think consistency is something to expect from AOSHQ. Just in-fighting, anger, temper tantrums and stern lectures. Just like a normal family.

  40. **Reads the post in awed silence.
    Offers Rosetta five heads of cattle and eight goats.

  41. Huh, so they made a joke about Dems this week. I wouldn’t know, since SNL isn’t funny anymore, even when they aren’t making fun of Republicans.

  42. >> Today: “Heh. Good one, SNL.”

    Would it make you happy if I deleted that?

    *continues wondering how that made the cut for the sidebar*

  43. Comment by Jay in Ames on September 23, 2012 2:31 pm
    Bacon wrapped chicken breasts are at 99 degrees!
    Perfect, leave them right there at 99 for a few hours, then enjoy! It’s a guaranteed weight loss food.

  44. Actually, it’s a pretty funny sketch. I guess someone just didn’t get the memo.

  45. Eh, the SNL thing is just a sidebar thingy. It’s not like ace himself turned around and praised them.

  46. Brilliant poat, Rosetta. I thought it was from Empire of Jeff, you guys related?

  47. *continues wondering how that made the cut for the sidebar*

  48. Pikachu is gonna get his.

  49. >> Dave, I know. I was tired. But I did it.

    Hands you a Solo cup of wine.

  50. Epic

  51. Bacon wrapped chicken? We are almost out.

  52. If you look closely, it’s Red Solo Cup stemware. And it’s real. Someone just gave it to my cousin:

  53. I got a postcard about an RR event here, directing me to their website for details and tickets. The website had nothing listed so it is either sold out or a great big hey girl tease.

  54. Only the best for Car in

  55. The Dems still have the best online infrastructure. GOP is catching up, but they have to make up some ground.

  56. Reblogged this on Jay in Ames and commented:

    Go read this excellent rant at The Hostages. Written by my friend Rosetta.

  57. Excellent rant, Rosie!

    I’ve been stuck on the other post for the past hour…… 😦

  58. All the above comments are real funny, assholes. I can’t wait to kill you all.

    I’ve been working on this for a couple of days and last night I thought to myself “My God this is longer than a BiW post.” Ha.

    Longrod von Hugenpost.

    This was my first and final attempt to be nice and reason with Democrats. In fact it makes me uncomfortable.

    I much prefer jamming a red-hot poker up their ass and mocking their tiny, malformed genitalia.

  59. Nice poat, Rosie. Needs moar of this, though…

  60. I, too, thought this must be a BiW rant.

    After I realized it was written by Rosetta, I began to wonder if he might, perhaps, be on the same deprivation “program” as the one that Ace is currently practicing……. 😛

  61. Very good rant.


  63. I cried teary tears reading this.

    *gives Rosetta 3.14 harumphs*

  64. Since I only looked at the pictures and didn’t read the words, my favorite picture is Bush eating the kitten. That meme makes me laugh, unlike the crap in Rosetta’s diaper.


    hahahahahaha….that’s a winner, pups!

  66. That’s hilarious, Puppeh. And for some reason, I hear it in my head as Harrison Ford’s voice.

  67. I don’t know about where you faggots live but the weather here this weekend has been outstanding. Sunny and 70.

    If fall was a chick I would eat its ass.

  68. Evidently it was super douche day at Trader Joe’s. Guess who I saw buying extra “green bags?” Yeah, that dumbass Rosetta.

  69. Mare, how many cheeseburgers do you have in your mouth RIGHT NOW?!?!!

  70. I was just remarking to the Mrs. that it is perfect outside. Per. Fect!

    Of course I can’t get the kids interested in going out there, and I’m enjoying it through the open window while I watch NFL Red Zone.

    But, still …

  71. Only sluts shop at Trader Joe’s.

  72. l looked up “fat, douche, with a mommy/latex/hose complex” and guess whose picture showed up.

  73. Rude, considering your mom was there (and mine).


  75. Shoot, got to turn on golf for Mom…


  76. Personal space, Mare.

  77. Looks like Mare had another run in with the police.

  78. I wonder why Mr. Mare is walking around with his shirt off.

  79. I didn’t know you could smell when stupid enters a room but you can.

    Ohai, Rosetta.

  80. Thanks to whichever one of you towers of douche added this to the side bar at the mothra ship.

  81. Don’t blame me I think you’re an idiot.

  82. Huh. I know you to be an idiot, yet this post is amazingly coherent.

    Who helped you with the big words? Mrs Rosetta, Henry, Floyd, or Hotspurs mom?

  83. What the difference between Dave in Texas and a monkey sucking a goat’s balls while getting sodomized by a douche cannon?

  84. Its all over facedouche now Rosieposie

  85. Rosetta, any home improvement plans today or is the new house maintenance free so far?

    Also, pictures of Henry would be nice.

    Also, DICK!

  86. >>What the difference between Dave in Texas and a monkey sucking a goat’s balls while getting sodomized by a douche cannon?

    Bore size of the cannon?

  87. Why in the hell do I have to watch the overtime game instead of the 4PM game? This is fucking Bullshit.

    *burns down a Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell*

  88. You all know I love animals, but would one of you PLEASE kill the three, small, nonstop yapping, asshole dogs that live next door to my mom?

    Thanks in advance.

  89. Huh. I know you to be an idiot…


    L to R: MJ

  90. You will watch the Jets win and you will enjoy it.

  91. Its all over facedouche now Rosieposie

    Nice. I was hoping it would be read by a lot of 13-year old girls.

  92. And when you do it, make it slow and painful.

    On second thought, forget the dogs do what needs to be done to the owners.

    Thanks again!

  93. Xbrad is on Facebook?

  94. >> What the difference between Dave in Texas and a monkey sucking a goat’s balls while getting sodomized by a douche cannon?

    Your mom?

  95. What the difference between Dave in Texas and a monkey sucking a goat’s balls while getting sodomized by a douche cannon?

  96. Rosetta, any home improvement plans today or is the new house maintenance free so far?

    I did a bunch of crap yesterday so I’m taking today off. The house is 90 years old so there will always be something that I can attempt to fix or work on thereby killing myself and setting myself on fire.

    Also, pictures of Henry would be nice.

    I know.

  97. Xbrad is on Facebook?


  98. This picture would have been totally appropriate:

  99. My 1 oclock game was Browns-Bills, then they showed the end of Dolphins Jets, then switched to Saints KC. Meanwhile, I haven’t seen the first quarter of Steelers Raiders and I’m pissed off about it.

  100. Hush now, we have to see who goes 1-2, and 0-3.


  102. So was Dallas and Tampa Bay.

    Goddamn we suck.

  103. Pupster.

  104. Texans are winning

  105. HAHAHA Miami missed the game winning kick.

  106. Now I get to see JETS DOLPHINS.

  107. 90 year old house? You won’t do that again.

  108. So unfair. Why would they show all these non regional feeds before switching to the afternoon game?

  109. HA HA HA Miami is cursed


  111. Rangers, magic numbah is 7

  112. 90 year old house? You won’t do that again.

    You’re correct because I’m never moving again.

    The house is actually in awesome condition. The big systems, the electrical, the windows, the kitchen and a couple of the bathrooms were all updated a few years ago. Plus the house is built like a tank.

    Better than all that though is that the former owner’s insurance paid for a new slate roof that was completed a couple of weeks before we moved in. Thank you, hail storm!!

    It’s a great party house for future meat-ups.

  113. >> What the difference between Dave in Texas and a monkey sucking a goat’s balls while getting sodomized by a douche cannon?


  114. >> Why in the hell do I have to watch the overtime game instead of the 4PM game? This is fucking Bullshit.

    You need NFL Red Zone. I may never watch another complete football game again.

    Well, except for when there’s only one game on.

  115. I just got two free chicken soft tacos from Del Taco, played “Vulvas” for a triple word score in Words With Friends, and now I’m gonna go take a nap.

    Peace out.

    *drops microphone*

  116. Vulva.

    That would be a good name for a girl.

  117. That would be a good name for a girl.

    Why? I don’t get it.

  118. Last week in the pick em contest I got 2 right. Two.

  119. Delores.

  120. I had a really bad week last week at pick-em, too. And my no-account FF team is 0-2.

  121. pup, try this

  122. brb

  123. Heh, I’m taking a pounding this week in Pick em. It was only a matter of time.

  124. Pups, how are you liking the Tundra so far?


    That bumperstickered car up yonder looks like my brother’s except his has more Bushitler.

  126. Bovary.

  127. It’s not that cold in Ohio yet.

    Is it?

  128. This poat needs more cowbell.

  129. Is that Uniballs car? He’s in Portland…

  130. Awesome link TGSG.

  131. Gipple.

  132. My favorite part:
    When you vote this November you need to remember that it is conservatives, Republicans and Mitt Romney who want to make it as easy as possible for you to improve your life. Democrats want you to sit down, shut up, cast your vote and then fuck off until the next election.

  133. Pups, how are you liking the Tundra so far?

    Still liking it Andy.

  134. Cool. I’m thinking about getting one. I really miss having a truck.

  135. Thanks for the link TGSGrandpa.

  136. I was wondering if my next vehicle should be a 4runner, and damn. 5 year old Landcruisers with less than 90k miles on them are selling for 25-30k. That beast easily has a 20 year, 500k miles life in it.

  137. I drove used, not new, Andy. I liked the Tunda best, but if you are going full sized the F150 is pretty sweet too.

  138. What the difference between Dave in Texas and a monkey sucking a goat’s balls while getting sodomized by a douche cannon?


  139. oh you fuckers of salt

  140. Reddit atheist group feeling the lurve from the religion of peace:

  141. Broncos are playing some dirty fucking football. DOUCHEBAGS!!!!!

  142. Other than the overused expletive within, this blog post is right on. I had to share it on my right-wing conservative gun blog.

    Thanks for saying everything that I have been trying to say for years!

  143. That was a really sorry hit.

  144. Fellas, seen this? In Toronto, and heading our way soon.

  145. The point being, see the airport symbols for men/women… in threes?


  146. I thought BiW was back

  147. Awesome rant.

  148. This is how our government will eventually deal with deficits.

    on Friday the Finance Ministry proudly announced its budget deficit for the first eight months was “just” €12.5 billion, versus a target of €15.2 billion, leading some to wonder how it was possible that a country that has suffered terminal economic collapse, and in which the tax collectors have now joined everyone in striking and thus not collecting any tax revenue, could have a better than expected budget deficit. Turns out the answer was quite simple. According to Spiegel, Greece was lying about everything all along, and instead of a €12.5 billion deficit, the real revenue shortfall is nearly double this, or €20 billion

  149. Greece: Playing the rest of Europe as mugs for 3000 yrs.

  150. Obama started this term with the fake Greek columns, and will start the next(God forbid) with the fake Greek economy.

  151. Oh goody, we get to hear Scott Pelley question Romney.

    And then Obama gets some softballs.

    Tonight, on 60 Minutes!

  152. Who is the prettiest grand daughter evah?

  153. Jay,
    How did your chicken come out?

  154. I’ll be watching football on NBC. I couldn’t even make it through the 60 Minutes previews.

  155. Chicken turned out great. My new toy worked quite well. I saved a lot of charcoal using it.

  156. Jay,
    Does that thing actually regulate the draft, based on the selected temp?

  157. Love the DG pics, MCPO!!!!

  158. Thanks, Crazy Bear. She is a sweet little one.

  159. Yes, it provides the only air intake. Depending on the temperature, a fan will blow air into the firebox. It even has a ramp up feature, that limits the rate of temp change to 10 degrees a minute, when it’s starting up.

    There was a lot of charcoal left, at the end of cooking for 2 hours at 250.

  160. Romney did well, I think, on 60 minutes.

  161. J’ames, it just doesn’t matter. By tomorrow, it will be all gaffes and TFG is the smartest President ever.

  162. True, Oso, but at least I will know their lies.

    Now let’s see if I can make it all the way through the Obama section.

  163. Heh, he’s still blaming Bush.

  164. J’Ames – Why would you subject yourself to listening to that lying C.S.?

  165. Taxes are lower on families than they have been in 50 years.

    I did not know that.

  166. Someone has to listen. I usually don’t, so I’ll just have to sack up and take it.

  167. I can’t do it! I’ve got a meteor game on TV and I can’t boycott NBC because of SNF.

  168. You know what people are craving? A smug, unaccomplished, douchebag that likes to golf.

  169. Haha, meteor game.

  170. Aaaand, now we blame Congress.

    And he did it to deflect a question. Pelley did a follow up. Any bets on if Kroft presses him?

    Nope, he didn’t. He let him get away with reframing the question.

  171. We have cut 1 trillion in spending.

    I did not know that.

  172. Heh, I won’t bomb you with any more comments.

    Suffice it to say that this is the interview that I expected. Not a hard question will be answered.

  173. You know what people are craving? A smug, unaccomplished, douchebag that likes to golf.

    So, people would vote for me? *rubs hands together* Excellent!

  174. J’ames, don’t you mean that “not a hard question will be asked? “

  175. Haha, meteor game.


  176. MJ said “Unaccomplished” You were a Navy Chief.

  177. Yay, Roamy!!! I love redneck rock!

  178. Oso – Resumes are “flexible”. If nothing else, Barry has proven this point.

  179. Lynyrd Skynyrd and .38 Special. WESTSIDE!!!

  180. What’s the difference, Jay? When the election is declared over next week, which by my bount is the eighth time, they’ll really, really mean it.

  181. Oso, I aim to please.

  182. MCPO, I enjoyed telling the story again of the Navy recruiter who said he’d had a phone call from God (you).

  183. Roamy – I’m not God, but I’ve had chow with Him a few times. . .

  184. Roamy, I have not heard this story involving the navy recruiter and God.

  185. I honestly tried to get through this but it’s just nothing but visceral hateful garbage, maybe he got to making a point in the last 1/3 of it but Jesus man. Even when he says he is cool with “dice-throwing quantum spaghetti monsters” it’s so shitty and condescending, it’s like saying “I don’t mind the stupid, ignorant, terrible, shitty, dumb, et’c et’c…things you may believe, but disagree with me POLITICALLY and I will get down right insulting.” See how he insults even when he is giving ground? And then he goes on some stupid tangent about a fish fucking a monkey, as if some cosmic superman creating something from nothing and leaving no evidence of it is some how more compelling? Mother fucker please, go peddle this divisive, mean, petty, nonsense else where. This guy is barely a conservative. He is a hard core republican with serious issues, towing the party line. Seriously, it’s like George Bush never existed in this crazy assholes world, and democrats just caused every problem this country has ever had, in the last 4 years. I feel like I am on an FBI watch list having gone to the site and reading it. I’ve seen dogs shitting pine cones that had better flow and Excuse me while I go purell my eye balls now.


    Thanks for the link!

    And that was the censored version.

  187. Oh dear. An unsatisfied customer.

  188. Yay, a troll!

  189. I’m BrewFan and I approve this poat

  190. HEY A TROLL!


    Actually…That one dude, are you a real troll or are you wiserbud?

    You sound stupid like wiserbud sounds when he’s trying to sound like a liberal douche.

  191. He might not be reading. I hear Purell is hard on vision.

  192. Oh dear. An unsatisfied customer.


  193. democrats just caused every problem this country has ever had, in the last 4 years

    Fixed that for you, loser.

  194. Bush? hahahahahahahaha gasp hahahahahahah

  195. I knew this poat was good but I didn’t know it was troll good.

    But I still think that might be wiserbud. I know his sock puppet retard style and that very closely resembles it.

  196. Obama just got done saying that, too. It’s not all the democrat’s fault! Bush did it!

    So he’s got that going for him.

  197. L to R: BrewFan, Rosetta

  198. I always pictured Rosetta more as the Burgess Meredith character.

  199. I always pictured Jay in Ames as the Talia Shire character.

    ‘sup BrewFan!

  200. Just got back from walking the dogs. Rosetta’s Rant is being shared on FB. I hope we get real trolls.

  201. Rosetta, I’m going to send you $27 in small, unmarked bills. Use it to payoff the Cardinals so they’ll throw the rest of their games. Thank you.

  202. I’m hitting the sack cool kids.

    Please treat all trolls with the love and respect they deserve.

  203. Maybe you should start winning games earlier, BrewFan. Scheduling is not our problem.

  204. I am happy to report that while you have Wash and Cin for your last six games we have Houston and SD. Bwahahahahahaha!

  205. Wash and Cin will be playing their AAA players, resting up.

  206. Comment by Jay in Ames on September 23, 2012 5:38 pm

    Heh, I’m taking a pounding this week in Pick em Prison. It was only a matter of time.


  207. We better not resort to AAA guys. We aren’t consistent with our starters and the stupid Dodgers have been giving us some trouble this wknd.

  208. Rosetta??

  209. Cincy is going to kick youse guys ass because they don’t like you 🙂

  210. I notice we have that relationship with most of the teams in the division.

  211. You have the devil (aka LaRussa) to thank for that

  212. I never really hated the Cards until LaRussa. I disliked them. I still hate the Dodgers, Giants, and Mets more than the Cards.

  213. I’d take LaRussa back in a second.

    Same with Jocketty.

  214. Wow. It’s almost like a blog with real content, instead of a chatroom.

  215. How did LaRussa not know that the Bash Brothers were juicing? Maybe it is my dislike of Bob Costas who was incapable of talking about LaRussa without calling him the “Smartest man in baseball”

  216. Did the Texans lose today?

  217. Oops, sorry XB.

  218. xBrad – WTF?! You trying to ruin this place?

  219. Wut?

  220. Not sure how he’s weaseling out of answering for the juicing. I’m sure he parses his words more skillfully than Obama.

    Right or wrong, he thought about everything in the game. 50-50 he was overthinking it. But his motivational abilities were top notch, and he got all the ability out of a player. He isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and he definately got along with older, more experienced players better than rookies. But if you could stand him, you wound up performing at the top of your game.


  222. I thought there was no crying in baseball.

  223. I know Andy thinks GA Tech is the root of all evil and imbecility, but there may be hope for them yet…

  224. I don’t cry, I curse. When Homer Bailey is pitching, I curse a LOT!!!

  225. Anita picked 5 of the Walla Walla Sweets that we started from seed, to put in the dehydrator. They are 6-7″ in diameter and weigh about 4 pounds each! I think she put pictures up on facechimp, where I’ve not logged-on in over a month(yeah me!).
    They are amazing!

    Just where is this beautiful little girl in the pictures?
    I’m asking, for a friend…

  226. Don’t fall in, Dave…

  227. tl;dr

    Oh wait, shit. There isn’t gonna be a quiz on this poat later is there??

  228. I liked Rosetta’s rant so much I read it for my Sunday School students. Those 5-year-olds loved it.

  229. I see your point oso

  230. Well, written by a five year old…

  231. Who has the rant of Faceboob? I’ll link it and piss people off.

  232. Never mind, found it.

  233. I have it. Several morons have it.

  234. I doubt anyone from FaceDouche will read it as there aren’t enough pictures.

  235. What do you mean? Bush is eating a kitten in one. Probably what made That One Dude read it.

  236. Ooo, you have a point. That happens to be my favorite pic too. We should make That One Dude an honorary Hostage. Heh.

  237. please, go peddle this divisive, mean, petty, nonsense else where.

    Duh, it’s the Hostages blog. You came *here*.

    democrats just caused every problem this country has ever had, in the last 4 years.

    While the Republican hierarchy sincerely needs to pull their heads out of their asses and grow a pair, you can’t blame them for Obamacare, half of the doctors ready to quit, stimulus spending at $1M per probably temporary job, $16T in debt, EPA shutting down 11% of electricity production for unicorn farts and wishes, racist card incessantly played, a dead ambassador and burning embassies, “smarter diplomacy” screwing over long-time allies, etc.

    I feel like I am on an FBI watch list having gone to the site and reading it.

    Speak clearer, the microphone’s not picking you up.

    Excuse me while I go purell my eye balls now.

    You should be here on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. We buy the brain-bleach at Costco.

  238. I think That One Dude is a hostage.

  239. Fixt my comment.

  240. I think he’s an actual hostage, in the classic sense.

  241. don’t think your comments needed fixteting

  242. He’s never been here before; may be just a lurker who had one tequila shot too many and decided to comment.

  243. Or… we actually got a REAL troll squeee!

  244. If he was a real troll he was pretty lame

  245. He didn’t even stick around to get thumped or nuthin. Sheesh.

  246. Well, crap.
    I just did a rant and it was lost, like tears in the rain.

    Oh well, time to die…
    /Roy Blatty

  247. That’s the way to be, Rosie. This rocked. And you will not read this because I am late. Late as a fuckin’ Democrat to a terrorist attack, amirite?

  248. Beautiful, Rosie.

  249. Very well said…couldn’t have done it better myself. To share a story, when I was a single parent trying to put myself through school as I worked six jobs, I had a friend of mine tell me that I could probably qualify for government help, foodstamps, et al. So I thought, what the hay, I’ll go down to our local DHS and apply, maybe it would make things easier. So I took a day off work, school, etc to head on down. I can tell you when I walked into DHS, before I even saw all the people waiting, I had a feeling of complete despair and hopelessness that overcame me, almost to the point of wanting to cry…but I forged on. I went in and grabbed my number and began filling out the paperwork. During that time, my spirit began to sink deeper and deeper…I couldn’t continue, I couldn’t fill out that paperwork…so I left. I got into my (borrowed car at the time) car and cried….I still cannot tell you how long I cried, but it was quite sometime. I turned the key and left, never to look back. I picked up extra shifts, another job, whatever it took to do it on my own….but I did it on my own and to this day would have done it no different. To rely on someone else for your subsistence is to give up your freedom and become a slave….I cried b/c I felt the American dream of freedom slipping away to one of government dependence and slavery… is something that I will never forget nor never get tired of sharing…

  250. This is perfect. It won’t change any minds, because progtards are the most polarized people on earth. But it’s still nice to read and know that there is still hope. We still have that…

  251. When you’re derp
    It’s a long way up
    When you’re up
    It’s a long way derp

    It’s all the same thing, no new tale to tell

  252. Nice one Rosetta. Link was sent to a few of my friends who will hopefully keep it going.

    I don’t know what’s bringing me down more: that grocery store sushi I had or the new department chief insisting on Monday meetings at 0715.

  253. I honestly tried to get through this but it’s just nothing but visceral hateful garbage, maybe he got to making a point in the last 1/3 of it but Jesus man. Even when he says he is cool with “dice-throwing quantum spaghetti monsters” it’s so shitty and condescending, it’s like saying “I don’t mind the stupid, ignorant, terrible, shitty, dumb, et’c et’c…things you may believe, but disagree with me POLITICALLY and I will get down right insulting.” See how he insults even when he is giving ground? And then he goes on some stupid tangent about a fish fucking a monkey, as if some cosmic superman creating something from nothing and leaving no evidence of it is some how more compelling? Mother fucker please, go peddle this divisive, mean, petty, nonsense else where. This guy is barely a conservative. He is a hard core republican with serious issues, towing the party line. Seriously, it’s like George Bush never existed in this crazy assholes world, and democrats just caused every problem this country has ever had, in the last 4 years. I feel like I am on an FBI watch list having gone to the site and reading it. I’ve seen dogs shitting pine cones that had better flow and Excuse me while I go purell my eye balls now.
    garbage. Maybe…


    condescending. It’s


    …watch list for having…


  254. I hate to push this down, but Rosetta posted it, and that’s what you do to fat chicks. (S)he taught me that.

    MMM in about 10 min.

  255. Well, at least people will know what the real H2 is like, then.

  256. Reblogged this on and commented:
    This pretty much says it all . . .

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