Big Dirty Pillow Friday

Hello and welcome to Big Boob Friday, gorilla face.  Hey, WTFFace Jenkins!

I just heard this for the first time today.  An excellent mash.

Today we are welcoming a new hot chick into da club.  The BBF Research Department searched, literally for minutes, scouring every nook and cranny of TittyWeb Jenkins for an undiscovered gem with whom God was very generous.  You’re welcome.

She is from – wait for it – the Ukraine.  When she’s not flashing her guns for money, she works as a manager at an internet company.  She was “discovered” earlier this year and just made her first booby appearance on TittyWeb in September.

She is 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighs 125 lbs and has a tasty locker combination of 42FF-27-38.  That’s all I could find out about her due to the fact she’s so fresh and so clean.

Please stop eating bowls of dick long enough to give a warm BBF welcome to my new best friend and your model for today, Friday, December 3rd, 2010, Valory Irene!!  YAY!!

Holy crap a lot of shit happened on this day.  For instance…

* in 1894, author Robert Louis Stevenson died from a cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 45.

* in 1896, composer Boleslaw Szabelski was born.

* in 1923, opera singer Maria Callas was born.

* in 1930, Andy Williams was born in Wall Lake, Iowa.

* in 1948, Ozzy Osbourne was born.

* in 1948, the first non-medical corps(e) woman was sworn into the Army.

* in 1952, Hawaii originated its first TV broadcast, Mare‘s 40th birthday party.

* in 1952, guitarist Duane Roland was born.

* in 1956, England and France pulled troops out of Egypt so she wouldn’t get knocked up.  Egypt, you slut.

* in 1960, Daryl Hannah was born.

* in 1961, ginger actress Julianne Moore was born.

* in 1964, “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer” aired for the first time.

* in 1965, Katarina Witt was born in Staaken Germany.

* in 1971, President Nixon commuted Jimmy Hoffa‘s jail term.

* in 1988, the 54th Heisman Trophy was awarded to Barry Sanders.


I have ZERO plans this weekend which is excellent.  When that happens it normally means a couple of movies, making fun of your giant deformed head and some to-do projects around the house.  To-do projects are good because I’m a danger seeker.

Whatever stupid crap you do this weekend, remember…there is plenty of room at the top because very few people care to travel beyond the average route. And so most of us seem satisfied to remain within the confines of mediocrity, much like you, you slack-ass roaring river of fail.


Come hither.


Here…let me help you with those.


  1. Firrrssstttt

  2. El Segundo!

  3. So Rosie’s cruising “Malformed Trannies R Us” for the BBF now?

  4. What is it with these large-bechested Warsaw Pact chicks all over the tittyweb? Was there some undisclosed nuclear accident over there that we need to research replicate?

    This calls for a thorough investigation.

  5. The fuck?

  6. Evidently black bread and vodka are good for you. Who knew?

  7. OMG!! WTF is she doing to her bewbs????

  8. And why is he turning his head to the side in all the pictures? Did he do a shitty job shaving before he put the makeup on?

  9. The fuck?

    Much more succinct than usual, eddie. Something bothering you?

  10. Evidently black bread and vodka are good for you. Who knew?


  11. I think I’m in spam….

  12. I think you got it wrong, she’s about 125 kilos.

  13. what holds more dicks, a bag or a bowl?

  14. Nice cans.

  15. we waited for this?

    Fuck you, man. Seriously. Fuck you.

  16. Boy, some of you asstrollops around this cesspool obviously get more pussy than the common man, cause I’m not complaining about Rosie’s girl picking skills a bit.

    You’ll notice that it’s only the closeted homos that bitch about the chicks.

  17. That last picture is frickin’ disturbing.

    WTF? There’s enough slack in her boobs to make a reverse-pocket to stuff her hands into?


  18. Rosie, Valerie Irene is really pretty in a “That face could scare a shit-eating dog out of a septic tank” kind of way.

  19. That last pic is full of Yikes…

  20. This guy had one hell of a doctor, that’s for sure.

  21. Another reason to give Government Motors the finger:

  22. what holds more dicks, a bag or a bowl?


  23. They’re not really bewbs.

    She’s got two humps.

  24. Yeah, what Dick said!

    What part of


    weren’t you clear on? I see total six sigma compliance with this.

  25. Fuck you, man. Seriously. Fuck you

    HAHAHAHAHAH!11!!!!1! Feeling abuse? Used? Disappointed?

    Welcome to our world, every Friday. Good thing we like Floyd and Mrs. Rosetta, because without them, pffffffffft!

    *makes cutting motion across neck*

  26. Comment by Anderson Cooper’s Penis on December 3, 2010 5:12 pm

    we waited for this?

    Fuck you, man. Seriously. Fuck you.

    Shut the fuck up and get back into some random male model’s colon.

  27. This guy had one hell of a doctor, that’s for sure.

    Hahahahahahahah! That is SO true!

    Okay, I’ve gotta drive. Thanks to everyone – especially the de-cloaked lurkers – for the fun today. 😀

  28. Hey Dumpty, how many Jaeger shots & martini combos have you had today?

  29. Trying without the website addy….

  30. What part of


    weren’t you clear on?

    There’s big boobs, then there’s grandma’s-tripping-on-her-tits-again boobs.

    The discriminating male recognizes the difference.

  31. If that guy is limber enough he should be able to tit fuck himself.

  32. I just too one more look at Valerie Irene. I think she just made me sterile.

  33. You’ll notice that it’s only the closeted homos that bitch about the chicks.

    Fuck off. I’d ride Erica Campbell like a fucking rented mule, but that is because the combination of that bod and smile could keep me toasty warm through a fucking ice age.

  34. what holds more dicks, a bag or a bowl?



  35. Oh come on, no fair. You can’t bring grandma into a boob post. I just had to use the last of the mind bleach!

  36. Shut the fuck up and get back into some random male model’s colon.

    You call this an inviting place to be? This is how you treat a noob?

    I don’t have to put up with this sort of abuse!

    Come, Rudolpho. We’re taking our leave of this vile place IMMEDIATELY!

    *flounces off in a huff

  37. Hey Dumpty, how many Jaeger shots & martini combos have you had today?

    I’m still fucking coasting on the last ones, you dick.

    *holds desk to keep it from spinning away*

  38. I’m gonna have to agree with Dick on this. You’re not dating these women – just oogling them. If you want smoking hot (that you wouldn’t even have a chance in hell to talk to), go look over at aggie’s place, or xbrad’s fapping collection.

  39. Ok, commenting from my iPhone

  40. And why is he turning his head to the side in all the pictures?

    He’s showing off the great job his surgeon did on removing his adam’s apple.

  41. >> Come, Rudolpho.


  42. *flounces off in a huff

    Only girls or homos flouce anywhere, especially in a huff. Here, don’t forget your boa.

  43. Again?

    Don’t make me smack you, bitch.

    Seriously, if I look at this BBF model in just the right light, I can almost see how he would be hawt.

    Too bad you can’t always count on that light.

  44. Thanks for the laughs, all. Gotta drive home, then make da pizza!

  45. Ok turned off wifi…

  46. I’m still fucking coasting on the last ones, you dick.

    Hahahahahaha. It’s amazing that sounded like a good idea at the time.


  47. Too bad you can’t always count on that light.

    Turn off the lights. If you can’t find your way around there in the dark, ….

    1) You’re doing it wrong.

    2) Open the car door to turn on the overhead light.

    3) Ask your mom.

  48. 3) Ask your mom.

    Maybe after you are done doing her in the ass….

    wait, that’s backwards….


  49. Dick, that song is almost as old as MCPO!

  50. Let’s cut the Chief in half and count his rings.

    Can anyone here count that high?

  51. scientific notation

  52. Who de-lurked today?

  53. Can anyone here count that high?
    I’m sure some vintage hostage has an abacus laying around.

  54. scientific notation


  55. Hi all, just catching up from the last post. If you look around long enough at the YouTube clips in the right-hand column of the clips you are sent to, you can find some gems. So in honor of the Tom Jones post, I give you Christopher Walken:

    Reading about Herr’s fellow co-workers playing with his son’s Christmas present, I remember thinking yesterday when ordering presents online how much fun the folks who work at ThinkGeek must have. You KNOW they can’t believe that they get paid to do what they do…..

    And I threw up in my mouth a little bit when I realized that Tom Jones is 2 years younger than my mother –

  56. Who de-lurked today?
    A few sock puppets. Possibly someone earlier.

  57. I wish Hotspur would re-lurk.

  58. Who de-lurked today?

    I did. The doc gave me this powder to spread all over the hobos I caught ….

    Oh, you said de-lurked – I thought you said de-loused

    My bad

  59. Let’s cut the Chief in half and count his rings.

    *looks around to make sure Jazz is gone…

    No one. It was all me. I was getting him to post the Donald Sutherland pic as often as possible to piss off HS.

  60. Some shithead named Dr. Drano.

  61. Can anyone here count that high?
    I’m sure some vintage hostage has an abacus laying around.

    I think I have the slide rule my father used to help put men into space lying around here somewhere…….

  62. So is this the new Hostage meme?

    i cannot deny if you were in front of me now i would ask you to sit on my face

    but first you will blow me.

  63. And then I will find $20.

  64. No one. It was all me. I was getting him to post the Donald Sutherland pic as often as possible to piss off HS.

    Hahahahahaha. Nicely done.

    But first you will shove this Mr. Potato Head up your ass.

  65. vintage? Who you calling vintage, goat chaser?

    Come over here and I’ll run over youe toes with Chief’s Scooter.

  66. I wish Hotspur would re-lurk.

    Things like this are why your wife talks shit about you behind your back.

  67. agile, what color assless chaps are you wearing right now?

  68. * sigh
    youe = your

    guess it’s time to head to the bar. If I’m gonna spell like a drunk, I should at least get the pleasure of getting drunk.

    Later, jackwagons and roamy and TiFW.

  69. agile, what color assless chaps are you wearing right now?

    Burnt sienna

  70. So is this the new Hostage meme?

    PJM dated Monty Python?

  71. Drive time ditty:

  72. Ever seen one of those stress-relief balls that’s just a balloon filled with sand? That’s what that third picture looks like.

  73. Roamy, I guess we aren’t jackwagons, huh? Sweet!

    I’m wondering how many of the people in this clip weren’t part of the original group, but had sung this song before and simply joined in? They say that once you have sung the Hallelujah Chorus, you never forget “your” part – I know that I can still sing it in my sleep…..

  74. Things like this are why your wife talks shit about you behind your back.

    You’re lucky she likes you or I would have killed you long ago.

  75. are why your wife talks shit about you

    She talks when you see her? Do you get a discount for having to listen to that crap?

    Okay, now I’m outta here.

  76. I know that I can still sing it in my sleep

    **issues earplugs to Mr. TiFW

  77. Dick, hahahahahahahaha!!!!

  78. Dick, grab yourself a Zero bar, an RC Cola and spend 4 minutes or so over at youporn, and that should help you regain your strength.

  79. Or come sit at the bar and bullshit with me.

  80. Then is when I wish we had a troll. I feel like ruthlessly mocking a stupid hippie.

  81. Trying a new addy…

  82. I was ok with the bbf model until the air started leaking out of her fun bags

  83. *shoots BrewFan in face with cannon filled with Obama dildos*

  84. Brew, what dumb shit did you do today?

  85. Brew, what dumb shit did you do today?

    Worked. Now I’m drinking. Things are looking up!

  86. Working is for sucks!

  87. Rosetta, have you gotten Floyd a brandy flask to wear around his neck?

  88. *Shakes head at poor Dick. Throws him a can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew.*

  89. She looks backwards in the red bathing suit pic…like a weird seal or something

  90. Tomato is a garnish for salad not dinner

  91. Roamy, I’ll have you know that I have a perfectly lovely coloratura voice. Mr. TiFW complains that I don’t sing to him enough. He needs the earplugs for when I snore…….

    *shoves Viking helmet on head, hoists “the girls” up in the plate armor, grabs spear, tosses long blond braids and stomps off stage*

  92. Rosetta, have you gotten Floyd a brandy flask to wear around his neck?

    Nah. His neck is too fat. Plus he’s too short to carry the flask I need.

  93. She looks backwards in the red bathing suit pic…like a weird seal or something

    hahaha! That’s what I thought!

  94. You people amuse me

  95. Dinner tonight is a tomato, sliced with Italian dressing.

    *Channelling the author of ‘Eats, Shoots and Leaves’*:
    I dunno Dick, that dressing may be past its expiration date if’n it can slice through produce like that……


  97. What do they do with the dicks they cut off the BBF models? It’s for a friend.

  98. Dick, I live alone at least ten days at a stretch. Put your big girl panties on.

  99. someone make me dinner

  100. Dick, I live alone at least ten days at a stretch. Put your big girl panties on.

    Being in jail doesn’t count the same as the wife being on vacation!

  101. FTR, I love the Donald “Lurker” picture.

  102. Is it wrong to throw away a bottle of wine? I just opened it, but it is WAY to yucky sweet.

  103. toss it

  104. What do they do with the dicks they cut off the BBF models? It’s for a friend.

    Put them in a sack and sell them to Hotspur for dinner.

  105. Is it wrong to throw away a bottle of wine? I just opened it, but it is WAY to yucky sweet.

    Save it for cooking!

  106. Let it turn to vinegar.

  107. Cook with it, Car In.

    You can freeze it until you need it.

  108. Is it plugged in? Try plugging it in.

  109. Is it wrong to throw away a bottle of wine? I just opened it, but it is WAY to yucky sweet.

    Throwing away Manischewitz during Hannukah is indeed wrong.

  110. Where is MCPO? Is there an early bird special at Golden Corral tonight?

  111. *hurls the woodchipper at Rosetta’s face*

  112. i cannot deny if you were in front of me now i would ask you to sit on my face

    but first you will blow me.

    that kinda ruins it.

  113. Dick, I live alone at least ten days at a stretch. Put your big girl panties on.

    Piker. Two years ago, Mrs. BiW was only home for 2 days in the month of October.

  114. that kinda ruins it.

    For whom?

  115. MCPO is on a hot date with his chick.

    I hope he does something stupid so we can laugh at him later.

  116. Rosie has … good …advice …

    I just don’t know where to go with this.

    Into the freezer it goes.

  117. He went to a movie.

  118. MCPO is in a theater full of pre-teen girls.

  119. I’m having sushi tonight.

  120. I am taking my teenager daughter to Harry Potter tomorrow

  121. Rosie has … good …advice …

    Hahahahaha. Don’t act surprised, Buttafuoco.


  122. I hope he does something stupid so we can laugh at him later.

    Can we just laugh now based on our assumptions?

  123. I was gonna change the tagline to “sitting on your face since …” but perhaps that crosses the line?

  124. MCPO is in a theater full of pre-teen girls.

    Pray. Pray VERY hard……

  125. I think we need to drop a couple of daisy cutters on Juarez Mexico.

    That will kill innocent people but they’re going to get killed eventually anyway.

    Seriously WTF.

  126. I was gonna change the tagline to “sitting on your face since …” but perhaps that crosses the line?

    What line? There’s a line?

  127. I’m having sushi tonight.

    I was gonna change the tagline to “sitting on your face since …” but perhaps that crosses the line

    Hmmmm…do I see a pattern developing?

  128. I was gonna change the tagline to “sitting on your face since …” but perhaps that crosses the line?

    This “line”…..can you be more specific?

  129. Did that last comment cross the line?

  130. *carefully wraps “California Roll” for BrewFan*


  132. I agree with Carin about the Bodysnatchers Lurker pic. Love it.
    I just binged up another cute pic to use for the same purpose.

  133. Look. I’ll do it, as long as sohos doesn’t yell at me.

  134. The line is between our moms and our wives. Don’t cross it or I will totally jack your shit.

  135. link fail, lauraw. That means you’ve gotta drink.

  136. I watched that documentary King of Kong last night. I recommend it highly.

    4.498 out of 5.114 bald heads.

  137. link fail, lauraw

    *points and laughs*
    *feels vindicated over that whole grammar thing*

  138. What lurker pic are you bastards talking about?

  139. Grammar are for faggots.

  140. I love the Donald “Lurker” picture.

    Is it wrong to throw away a bottle of wine?

    I was gonna change the tagline to “sitting on your face since …” but perhaps that crosses the line?

  141. Don’t tell him!


  142. Gives Carin the “Wasabi”….also I dont give a shit about that stuff

  143. Grammar are for faggots.

    I believe the plural of faggot is “fagoatse”

  144. believe the plural of faggot is “fagoatse”

    I thought we agreed not to talk about hotspur’s mom?

  145. Don’t tell him!


    Don’t make me come over there.

  146. Link works fine for me.
    You probably have a stupid computer.

  147. I believe the plural of faggot is “fagoatse”

    And I believe the collective is “mince”, as in “A mince of faggots”.

  148. Carin, come to Ann Arbor and keep me company. I’m in our favorite tavern.

  149. Grammar are for faggots.

    I believe the plural of faggot is “fagoatse”

    That’s alright. The dumb motherfucker tried to tell us in the last thread that Le Bewbs would be ready in a few minutes.

    Litlle did I know that he actually meant to use the masculine singular instead of the plural.

    Also, Rosetttabobettah, did you get that Underworld album yet?

  150. When you get to the bottom of the can and the beer is still cold you’re drinking too fast.

  151. Link works fine for me.
    You probably have a stupid computer.

    Or maybe we just don’t have your password to your aisian lesbian porn site cached in our memories.

  152. It’s a very cute pic so I try again with tinypic link.


  153. When you get to the bottom of the can and the beer is still cold you’re drinking too fast. need a bigger can.

  154. No such thing.

  155. It’s a very cute pic

    I’m pretty sure viewing that was a violation of my parole.

  156. Are you sure you couldn’t see the pic before BiW? Because if you couldn’t your reply is kind of nifty. Like, you have ESPN or something.

  157. How many bald heads did White Dog get?

  158. Also, Rosetttabobettah, did you get that Underworld album yet?

    Your taste in women is only exceeded by your impressive brevity.

    I did get the Underworld album a couple of weeks ago and I was underwhelmed on the first couple of listens.

    This must have been in their suck period. It doesn’t have a lot of mad phat beats like their other stuff. But I haven’t given up on it yet.

    It also may be one of those albums that if you listened to it way back when, you still like it. But as a new listen in 2010 it’s meh.

    I will report back after a few more listens and if it doesn’t get better I’m going to hunt you down and kill you.

  159. It’s a very cute pic so I try again with tinypic link.


    Look! She’s telling me about this week’s special (just ’cause she likes me). What’s that? I buy the “me love you long time” and I get to give you free poking in the rear?

    Are you sure you couldn’t see the pic before BiW? Because if you couldn’t your reply is kind of nifty. Like, you have ESPN or something.

    While I am psychadelic, it is a different pic. The two on the other link were asian girls with their heads cocked to the side like a cocker spaniel listening to a dog whistle.

  160. Carin, come to Ann Arbor and keep me company. I’m in our favorite tavern.

    Yea, I’m sure my husband won’t mind. I’ll just eat up that sushi he’s bringing home for me special and head right over!

  161. I will report back after a few more listens and if it doesn’t get better I’m going to hunt you down and kill you.

    So next Thursday then?

    Come early, and we’ll have lunch first.

    And if you don’t like my friends, that’s cool too. You can just eat the noodles.

  162. If you leave now it’s all the more for him.


  163. How many bald heads did White Dog get?

    It’s still in my queue. I have to be in the exact right mood for that.

    I know it’s going to suck balls as a movie and I’m sure the acting is horrific but taken as a piece of shit performance art and social commentary, I know it’s going to be good.

    I’ll watch it soon and write a review.

  164. If you leave now it’s all the more for him.


    If I leave now, you could be the owner of a second wife!

  165. I fell asleep watching Martyrs. Maybe I’ll try again tonight.

  166. It’s still in my queue. I have to be in the exact right mood for that.

    Ahhh , yes. That delicate state of mind where you are about as drunk as you can get without having your liver try to run out the nearest exit, but you aren’t so drunk that you pass out. Kinda like the release of your fifteenth chackra or some shit like that.

  167. If I leave now, you could be the owner of a second wife!

    Yeah, because he obviously has a few hours every day to himself where he isn’t being harrangued.

  168. Well, you know what they say about sailors. Girl in every port.

    The low hanging fruit is ripe.

  169. Okay, with the exception of the meat looking a bit weird, it actually looks like it does on the package.
    How fucked up is that?

    I wonder how many people put their pubes in that TV dinner.

  170. Image of pot roast on TV dinner box:

    What actually comes out of microwave:


  172. Frozen dinners are for fags.

    *wonders what’s in the freezer*

    *decides to order a pizza*

  173. That’s where the removed peens go!
    TV dinners.

  174. Alright. Drive time.

    I gotta go get toothpaste for number one son.

  175. If not the removed peens, at least the foreskins.

  176. I fell asleep watching Martyrs. Maybe I’ll try again tonight.


    Once you get past the first hour, you won’t ever sleep again.

  177. That would be an awesome name for Rosetta’s band.

  178. We’re having portabello mushroom sammiches. Because fungus is one of the major food groups in this house.

  179. Four, that I can identify so far.


  180. Image of pot roast on TV dinner box:

    What actually comes out of microwave:

    BiW comes out of the microwave? I don’t get it.

  181. core dump…
    love ’80s chicks
    wtf with hammerhead hamburger thing?
    new talent….. hhhmmmmm … nice
    Katarina Witt was the shit…. (for a fucking commie)
    Anderson Coopa’s penis…? seriously? it has one? does it fuck mommies swan?
    hump waxed?
    Rudolphs’ mom got shot (lead bullet wise) last week…
    de-loused – Agile duggs – showered this AM
    oh shit…… ADDHDD, fuck you, wasn’t payin’ attention to the plot… gotta go whatevah

  182. *gets a stepladder*

    *stands on step that says DO NOT STAND ON THIS STEP*

    *performs a flawless flying scissor-kick that devastates BiW’s chin and Rosetta’s taint*

  183. *shoots JAM2 with tranquilizer dart*

    Dickhead, where’s Kelly?

  184. *performs a flawless flying scissor-kick that devastates BiW’s chin and Rosetta’s taint*



  185. Dick, if’n you wanted pot roast, you should have come by the TiFW casa last night (you were invited). It was delicious – so delicious, in fact, that the leftovers were today’s lunch.

    Ya wanna come hang out with me, Mr. TiFW, and our friends at the Mama’s Pizza over here? We’ve been going to Mama’s Pizza almost every Friday night for more than 25 years – guests are ALWAYS welcome!

  186. Waddup, stank ho’s!

  187. Dick, Stouffers has pretty good frozen food. Don’t know about the pot roast, but the lasagna is great. I try to avoid anything claiming to be healthy or low calorie because I figure it won’t taste so good.

  188. Well if it isn’t my nemesis Cuffy.

    What are you doing right now? Riding on a pig?

  189. post rot…
    how could there be left overs? if’n it was that good…

  190. Katarina Witt was the shit…. (for a fucking commie)

    Dude, the one and only BBF I authored!

  191. Stouffers lasagna is great. It’s a good way to feed 10 people without any work.

  192. That was a great BBF, Cuffington.

    Lots of naked hot chick buttocks which is nice.

    + 13 Nobel Peace Prizes and an uncomfortable happy ending from JAM2.

  193. What are you doing right now? Riding on a pig?

    Backwards on a piiig, Baby Cuffy!

  194. Stouffers lasagna is great. It’s a good way to feed 10 people without any work.

    Without any work is my favorite way, Rosie!

  195. Without any work is my favorite way, Rosie!

    Agreed! Especially when it’s family that you don’t really care about.

    Lippy, what do you do? I forget.

  196. Backwards on a piiig, Baby Cuffy!

    HA! I’ve had that in my head since Rosie made that comment.

  197. I have to second the stoufer’s stuff. especially the lasagna

  198. Especially when it’s family that you don’t really care about.

    That should be a commerical and you should be on Mad Men.

  199. I love the Marie Callender’s frozen dinners. Very tasty.

  200. Miss Ukrania has fat boobs. Much like the Hostages (and I’m not talking about breasts).

    “what holds more dicks, a bag or a bowl?”

    pjm = funny

  201. Mrs. Cuffy just walked in the door from work and I cranked Baby Monkey up to 11.

    I think we’re about to make love now.

  202. Cuffy… i worked with a soviet block chick that kinda’ looked like Witt, however, her yunks were bigger…. I used to call her Katarina….
    she even skated…. (and laughed at my lame attempts at humor)

    ultimately enough shit piled up in her life, she decided to jump off a low bridge into on coming interstate traffic……

  203. Lippy, what do you do? I forget.

    Housewife for the past 5 years, which is a sweet, sweet gig when there are no kids in the picture and your husband isn’t picky.

    Before that, client service in advertising agencies. You?

  204. cuffy… don’t ready my post… mood killer and all….

  205. Stouffers lasagna and garlic cheese bread.

    That is some delicious sumbitch right there.

  206. Hahahaha Cuffy.

    Baby monkey FTW!

  207. she decided to jump off a low bridge into on coming interstate traffic……


  208. “I think we’re about to make love now.”


  209. Hey, Jam2, that is an awesome story.

    Now you must die.

  210. Housewife for the past 5 years, which is a sweet, sweet gig when there are no kids in the picture and your husband isn’t picky.

    WIN!!! That’s the best job ever.

    Before that, client service in advertising agencies. You?

    Investment advisor. Which explains the high alcohol tolerance.

  211. That new picture of wiserbud in the header is truly disturbing.

  212. As we speak there is a boxer kissing my face and it’s not Michael Spinxs.

  213. brb, got to relocate some indians from the bottle to my glass. I call it the Trail of Tears.

  214. I love the Marie Callender’s frozen dinners. Very tasty.

    I keep meaning to try those — good reminder. How are things Geoff?

  215. Speaking of your profession, Roseola, did you see the “just buy the dips” xtranormal that was posted in the comments here yesterday?

  216. That should be a commercial and you should be on Mad Men.

    There are a handful of people here that would make the BEST advertising agency ever.

    If Progressive car insurance hired us, I would kill off Flo in a commercial because she fucking bugs. The next commercial would be a gecko in a wood chipper.

  217. Miss Ukrania has fat boobs. Much like the Hostages (and I’m not talking about breasts).

    We should probably go to the kitchen and discuss this.

  218. mare – ooopppssss….
    (bummed me out too)
    hopefully cuffy …. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck…..
    guess i owe him a drink…. or ten

  219. “We should probably go to the kitchen and discuss this.”

    Yes, yes I think we should.

  220. Jam, there is no rule, I was just kidding. But you still must die.

  221. Mrs. Cuffy just walked in the door from work and I cranked Baby Monkey up to 11.

    I think we’re about to make love now.

    Hahahahahahahahaha. Best foreplay ever.

    Tell Mrs Cuffy that me and Mrs Rosetta said hi. Mrs Rosetta is a big fan of your woman.

  222. As we speak there is a boxer kissing my face and it’s not Michael Spinxs.

    Is it Michael Sphinx?

  223. Dick, if you’re INVITED somewhere, you’re not imposing…..

    And who got Rosetta for Secret Santa? I found the perfect gift for him (well, actually for Floyd…..):

    That’s a pretty funny site – right up this crew’s alley!

  224. And who got Rosetta for Secret Santa? I found the perfect gift for him (well, actually for Floyd…..):

    HAHAHAHAHA!!! That’s excellent.

    Floyd would like a stuffed squeaky Mare.

  225. “I know it’s going to suck balls as a movie”

    It might have been the mushrooms, but I found it to be very funny.

    I saw it 6 months ago and it still makes me laugh when I thing about it.

  226. The next commercial would be a gecko in a wood chipper.


  227. “Is it Michael Sphinx?”

    Yes, yes it is.

  228. It might have been the mushrooms, but I found it to be very funny.

    I saw it 6 months ago and it still makes me laugh when I thing about it.

    Please ship me some mushrooms.


  229. Investment advisor. Which explains the high alcohol tolerance.

    Is anybody investing nowadays? I swear, when we move and start making good money again I’m going to store it under the mattress.

  230. green hair is the in thing…. so i hare

  231. CUFFY!!!!

    I almost called you on Tuesday to find out if you had a boat. I could see the Flint River from my house.

  232. Mare, will you give me a piggy-back ride?

  233. Tell Mrs Cuffy that me and Mrs Rosetta said hi. Mrs Rosetta is a big fan of your woman.

    She keeps asking about you guys. STL HOSTAGE MEETUP!

  234. I almost called you on Tuesday to find out if you had a boat. I could see the Flint River from my house.

    Hey roamy! The rivers were quite fat around here indeed.


    Spring 2011!! I’m in charge.

    What could possibly go wrong?

  236. “Please ship me some mushrooms.”

    You shouldn’t have said that, 40 lbs of unknown miscellaneous fungi headed your way.

  237. Daggumit, my glass is as empty as an Ed Morrissey Show comment thread at HotAir!

  238. Is anybody investing nowadays? I swear, when we move and start making good money again I’m going to store it under the mattress.


  239. St. Louis is less than 8 hours from here. I’m there.

    Shuttle launch got delayed until February, which means my stuff gets delayed until June or so. My dance card just opened up.

  240. You shouldn’t have said that, 40 lbs of unknown miscellaneous fungi headed your way.


  241. Roadtrippin’ with Mr. & Mrs. RFH, FTW!

  242. “Mare, will you give me a piggy-back ride?”

    Yes, right after I finish my chores.

  243. I give The Deathly Hallows 6 7/8 hat sizes out of 10.

    I give the wings 9 burnt tongues out of 10.

  244. Grandma???

    Yep. And get off my lawn, you hooligan!

  245. “burnt tongues ”

    Great name for a band. Not a band I would listen to but something you freaks would.

  246. Roadtrippin’ with Mr. & Mrs. RFH, FTW!

    Excellent! It will be a fun weekend.

  247. Yes, right after I finish my chores.

    oh lordy, I haven’t seen some simian-feline hygeine in months!

  248. Rosetta did you see the awesome girl directions video Car in linked?

  249. Mrs. Cuffy just walked in the door from work and I cranked Baby Monkey up to 11.


  250. St. Louis is less than 8 hours from here. I’m there.

    Shuttle launch got delayed until February, which means my stuff gets delayed until June or so. My dance card just opened up.


    Bring an extra liver.

  251. Rosetta – You lost? This isn’t “” you know.

  252. Rosetta did you see the awesome girl directions video Car in linked?

    No I missed that. Linky?

  253. There are a handful of people here that would make the BEST advertising agency ever.

    I think Gene Wilder starred in that.

  254. “I haven’t seen some simian-feline hygeine in months!”


  255. I thought the spring meatup was at Carin’s place??

  256. Girl directions for those of you that missed it. Car in found it….

  257. Average age of Harry Potter movie audience pre-MCPO: 14

    Average age of Harry Potter movie audience post-MCPO: 49

    Gender of Harry Potter movie audience pre-MCPO: 79% female

    Gender of Harry Potter movie audience post-MCPO: 113% female

  258. “I thought the spring meatup was at Carin’s place??”

    She is moving to St Louis. We just haven’t told her yet.

  259. OMG, that was great.

    “…bed bath and beyond comprehension.”

  260. Rosetta – Send me all of your Blu-ray discs. Don’t bother to wrap them, K?

    Oh, also tell Mrs. Rosetta that a beautiful flower such as herself really shouldn’t surround herself with such loathsome,foul-smelling fertilizer like you.

  261. “I haven’t seen some simian-feline hygeine in months!”


    That was code. The Cuffy’s were about to get it on until a hot, disturbed Soviet factory chick landed on our car.

  262. scottw – Pick me up when you and lovely Laura drive by Carlisle.

  263. Interesting:

    One thing you can take to the bank is that Paul Ryan was on the right side of this.

  264. Girl directions for those of you that missed it. Car in found it….

    HHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! That’s awesome.

    If I had hair I would do it up like the guy with the blue Alfalfa.

    Also, the “singer” had a Jägermeister wrist band which I should probably have.

    That’s a great vid. Good job, Car In!!

  265. Rosetta should take note of the wristband.

  266. “The Cuffy’s were about to get it on until a hot, disturbed Soviet factory chick landed on our car.”


  267. D’OH!

  268. Rosetta, what size bottle of Jagermeister are you drinking from?

  269. Rosetta – Send me all of your Blu-ray discs. Don’t bother to wrap them, K?


    Oh, also tell Mrs. Rosetta that a beautiful flower such as herself really shouldn’t surround herself with such loathsome,foul-smelling fertilizer like you.

    Shut your flan hole. Where did you take Herself for dinner after your movie? Chuck E. Cheese?

  270. “scottw – Pick me up when you and lovely Laura drive by Carlisle.”

    Will do.

  271. That Girl Directions song brought this to mind, for some reason:

  272. True story: in high school we drank Jager hot, straight outta the bottle. We were also idiots.

    It makes you puke 3x as much that way instead of chilled apparently.

  273. Shut your flan hole. Where did you take Herself for dinner after your movie? Chuck E. Cheese?

    Yes. Who are you, Randy the Magnificent????

  274. Rosetta, what size bottle of Jagermeister are you drinking from?

    I just finished the bottle from last night’s party. Now I’m just drinking beer like some kind of faggot.


  275. Wow, St Louis is only 1078 miles from here!

    You might have to drive for about 2 1/2 hours MCPO. On bad days my limit is 900 miles.

  276. L to R: Rosetta; Reality

  277. I said “Big Ben? This here’s Rubber Duck, we ain’t gonna pay no toll.”
    Then I crashed the gate goin’ 98 and said “Let them truckers roll, 10-4”

  278. True story: at wiser’s birthday party, we drank Jaeger straight from the bottle at room temperature. Of course by “room” I mean his patio and by “temperature” I mean about 45 degrees.

  279. ScottW – No problem. I’m sure Laura will be pleased that I’ll be joining you!

  280. And enough of that shotgunning shit.

    Advance St Louis meetup footage:

  281. HAHAHA, Pupster – I love “Convoy”

  282. >> HAHAHA, Pupster – I love “Convoy”

    Yep. Had the C.W. McCall album. Saw the POS movie at the theater.

  283. Ohhh, Andy. We shall shotgun. We’ll shotgun like the wind!

    PS: this time I’ll construct a funnel.

  284. That whole late 70s-early 80s period of lawlessness on America’s highways was a very important part of my childhood. Cannonball Run, Convoy, Corvette Summer, The Smokey Triliogy.

  285. True story: at wiser’s birthday party, we drank Jaeger straight from the bottle at room temperature. Of course by “room” I mean his patio and by “temperature” I mean about 45 degrees.

    A pint of Jager is always a good idea. That one was gone in 60 seconds.

    Andy, thank you for getting me safely back to the hotel that night.

    And by “safely” I mean “with fewer than 40 wrong turns”.

    Hahahahahaha! This is Andy and I on the car ride after the party:

  286. It’s Laura’s turn for the next one so she would be flying. If I attend I will be driving and bringing the dogs, and maybe some stuff that needs delivering.

  287. Advance St Louis meetup footage:


  288. Baby Monkey, baby monkey, in the Christmas tree, baby monkey

  289. and maybe some stuff that needs delivering.

    They’re thirsty in Atlanta, and there’s beer in Texarkana!

  290. Wow, St Louis is only 1078 miles from here!

    If you drive 1078 mph you’ll be here in hour!

  291. Ok, my curiosity has finally gotten the better of me, and I have to ask. What does it mean to “shotgun” a drink?

  292. Heh. I’m drinking the last survivor from the CT Sam Adams 12-pack as I type this.


  293. Oh, and in regards to Wiser’s birthday party I really need to thank whoever drove us home.

    Most appreciated.

  294. Pup, will you make the trip to St Louis?

  295. >> They’re thirsty in Atlanta, and there’s beer in Texarkana!

    Best. Movie. Ever!

  296. Mrs Peel is twelve?

  297. Peel:

  298. Heh. I’m drinking the last survivor from the CT Sam Adams 12-pack as I type this.


    HAHAHA!! Nice work!

  299. *makes note in Secret Santa list*

  300. So, I decide to change my avatar for Christmas. A search for “fire hydrant christmas tree ornament” brought up this, no shit.

    One of the Hostage men is responsible, I’ll bet.

  301. Scott parking after Wiserdood’s party:

  302. “If you drive 1078 mph you’ll be here in hour!”

    HAHAHAHAHA…I like the way you think.

  303. Roamy – Works for me!

  304. So do I need to clear my cache to see your new avatard Roamy?

  305. They’re thirsty in Atlanta, and there’s beer in Texarkana!

    Sang that on the way to the TX meatup.

  306. That’s it. Peel is shotgunning a beer.

  307. Andy Nye the science guy.

  308. Mare, have you met any idiots from here yet?

  309. One of the Hostage men is responsible, I’ll bet.

    Too many clothes.

  310. Pup, will you make the trip to St Louis?

    Will I get to not meet Mare?

  311. scott, have you seen King of Kong?

  312. Andy, I just changed it. Might take a bit.

  313. Oh, and in regards to Wiser’s birthday party I really need to thank whoever drove us home.

    baby monkey


  314. Sang that when I bought teh sportscar and was driving it from Nashville to Dallas … through Texarkana, of course.

    West bound and down!

  315. Will I get to not meet Mare?

    Hell yes!

  316. Not meeting Mare is the highlight of any Hostage Meatup!

  317. *pops some smoke and a couple of flash bangs, sneaks in on my belly and jumps up from behind the sofa*


  318. I kinda sorta said I’d go to Ca Rin’s campout and chicken coop party.

  319. That, I wanna see.

    Hahahahahaha. Me too.

  320. *ears ringing*


    Oh, hi Dave.

  321. Last week Anita went to shop for “Girl Clothes” for the corporate Christmas party next week.
    Today, she had to go to ‘the city’ (Seattle) for a meeting at 0900 (leave here at 0700).
    When I got back from grocery-shopping at 1200, she was home!

    Wow,honey! Short meeting for a change.
    “Yeah, it don’t take that long to tell me I don’t have a job, anymore.”

    She can take the clothes back.
    Michael loses his title as the most recently unemployed hostage.


  322. Oh, hi Dave.

  323. Peel:

    Dunno about the rest of you, but my version of that vid started out with an ad for a Pilsbury Crescent Roll recipe idea and confused me greatly per the mechanics of shotgunning beers.

  324. Michael got fired?

  325. ChrisPy – That sucks. Makes me wanna beat the shit out of a Democrat.

  326. Shit, ChrisP. Sorry to hear that.

  327. Whoa whoa whoa whoa.

    Chris, your sweet woman lost her gig and so has Michael?

  328. “Will I get to not meet Mare?”

    Yes. And do you want your ass kicking now or later?

    Have you guys seen “The Sure Thing?” There is a great “shotgunning” scene in there. It’s her first time too, Mrs. Peel.

  329. OH NO!

    Sorry Anita. Sorry Chris.

  330. Those oldies but goodies. . .

  331. Not one, Rosetta.

    I may be one of the very few who hasn’t.

  332. Michael retired.

  333. Michael retired.

  334. Well, Michael IS old.

  335. JINX!

  336. Chris, I’m sorry about that. Really.

  337. Oooooh. The H2: Now In Stereo.

  338. Pool boy loses his sweet gig, though.

  339. “Yeah, it don’t take that long to tell me I don’t have a job, anymore.”

    Awww, I’m so sorry Crispy. That’s awful!!!

    Michael loses his title as the most recently unemployed hostage.

    are you kidding about that or being serious? Is he really unemployed or is this like his birthday every day joke?

  340. Peelio?? Drinking beer??


  341. Rosetta, click on my link above. Especially if you have been drinking.

  342. Thanks, Andy.

    Mrs Peel is twelve?

    Mrs. Peel doesn’t drink, especially not anything that looks like piss and smells worse.

    I also have very few friends who drink at all, much less to excess, so naturally I don’t know about any of that stuff. In fact, I’ve always wondered how people do know that kind of thing, especially about drugs. I can see why a cop knows, because he has to know to do his job, but how does an ordinary person know unless they’re doing the drugs? Like, Obama talking about doing “blow.” What the fuck is “blow” and how does one “do it”? Does he really expect me to know what he’s talking about? I don’t do drugs and I don’t (to my knowledge) know a single person who does, and I’m not a cop or a teacher or other profession that has to deal with drugs. So how would I possibly know?

  343. It’s like Jeff Ottoman, except it’s a real person. Sort of.

  344. I may be one of the very few who hasn’t.

    We’ll have to correct that come the spring.

    Sorry about Anita, Chris. That sucks and like MCPO, it makes me want to beat a Democrat.

  345. Well shit, ChrisP.

  346. Retirement.

    They still have that?

  347. Damn it ChrisP! That sucks.

    Michael retired Rosetta, he is officially an old fart.

  348. Hahahahahaha. Jeff Ottoman.

    How’s life, mesa?

  349. When the boss asks for coffee, the correct answer is not, “Go fuck yourself, you pencil dicked bug fucker”.

    The correct answer is, “Get it yourself, or I’ll pour the entire steamin’ pot on your crotch.”

  350. I’m so sorry, Chris and Anita. Best wishes to you.

  351. Busy, tis the season.


  352. Apparently I’ll be presenting at the NAI conf in April.

    And Chrispy, tell Anita that that sucks.

  353. It’s funny that it’s called blow.

    Should be called snort.

  354. Michael retired Rosetta, he is officially an old fart.

    Well that sucks for Cathy. She’s going to get sick of his ass in about a minute.

  355. >> and I don’t (to my knowledge) know a single person who does,

    uhm. *kicks dirt

    Chris, sorry to hear about Anita’s job.

  356. The correct answer is: Two sugars or should I just piss in it like always?

  357. Sorry to hear that ChrisP, crappy timing on their part.

    My old company did that to a few people to save flight and hotel money — shitty.

  358. Michael quit on his own terms.
    Anita got laid-off cause the electrical-engineering & design bidness is grinding to a halt.
    Thanks, Obama! You MotherFuckin’ Communist!

    I am ready to turn my SS, but she says; “Wait to see what happens.”
    I figure my SS will just about pay the insurance premium long enough to get my spine fixed. We’ll see how this rolls out. In the mean-time, I’m poisoning my liver.

    Our investments are enough to keep us going for a long time, as long as some brain-dead mofo in the fed does not do something completely insane, like inject 600 billion dollars in un-backed currency into the money-supply to crush the value of the dollar. Oh, wait…

    Don’t worry about Anita. She’s tougher than that and just might do something surprising. She’s gonna’ need an EE and a CAD guy.
    This is, perhaps, a bump in the road.

  359. Yes. And do you want your ass kicking now or later?


  360. She’s gonna’ need an EE and a CAD guy.
    This is, perhaps, a bump in the road.

    Wait, doesn’t Vmax do CAD?

  361. Mrs. Peel, my husband is like that and thinks using coke should immediately take you out of the running for President. He does drink beer and margaritas.

    I didn’t know you “smoked” meth until Rosetta showed me.

  362. Vmax can do CAD — and fall off your roof.

  363. “


    I had to take a breath before I laughed at that one.

  364. “Blow” (as in coke) makes me think of this, of course.

    (yes, Dr. Mengele, it’s safe)

  365. Apparently I’ll be presenting at the NAI conf in April.

    You’re presenting at the National Association of Idiots conference?

    Well that sucks, Tat. Tell Dave I said hello.

  366. I fucking hate this shit.

  367. Peel, it’s called stupidity. We have a bunch more of it that you do.

  368. You’re presenting at the National Association of Idiots conference?

    Well that sucks, Tat. Tell Dave I said hello.

    Umm Rosie, Dave goes to a “special” division of NAI just for texans.

  369. I didn’t know you “smoked” meth until Rosetta showed me.


  370. Chris, I was going to say, “something good will come out of this” but I didn’t want to get MY ass kicked. Now, it sounds like Anita is just that type of person. Well done!!

  371. This guy should be an honorary Hostage —

  372. Anita should run for office as a democrat, get elected and then switch.

  373. She’s gonna’ need an EE and a CAD guy

    vmax can do that! OH wait, so can PJD. We’ll be moving up into your house in a couple days.

  374. Chris, sorry to hear about Anita’s job. Dammit!

  375. Vmax can do CAD — and fall off your roof.


    I’m sick of all this motherfucking unemployment on this motherfucking blog.

    Obama needs to resign like, yesterday.

  376. So, after sitting in a movie theater seat for damned-near 3 hours, my left leg and foot were completely numb. Almost fell on my ass after leaving the movie. Herself says, “Do you need a new cane or just instructions?”

    I swear she was spending the insurance money in her head. . .

  377. Obama, you suck (and blow).

  378. This guy should be an honorary Hostage —

    Fucking. Awesome!

    I hereby second the nomination.

  379. Herself says, “Do you need a new cane or just instructions?”

    And another reason I love Herself.

  380. Herself didn’t run and get the Rascal for you? Not nice

  381. I here people talking about me!

  382. This guy should be an honorary Hostage —

    + 57,450 points

  383. Did anybody do donuts on anybody else’s lawn today?

  384. Sad news from Cubs land today, Mesa.

  385. Hey Sean. What’s going on?

    *sets Sean on fire*

  386. Well, while we’re commisserating, Mrs. Cuffy is employed … but the writing is on the wall. She’s actively looking before the hatchet drops.

    roamy, know any HR folks hiring around here?

  387. Dave goes to a “special” division of NAI just for texans.

  388. Did anybody do donuts poop on anybody else’s lawn today?

    **points at Rosetta**

  389. Very sad.

    It’s weird, there’s about ten people from Chicago where I work, topic of the day.

  390. We laid off 15% of our workforce this week.

    The plural of anecdote isn’t evidence, but it sure looks like ye olde double-dip may be in the offing.

  391. know any HR folks hiring around here?

    That’s not what they do…

  392. Nothing much going on here. Just looking for my fire extinguisher.

  393. >> Umm Rosie, Dave goes to a “special” division of NAI just for texans.

    We’re not national. We’re local.



  395. Those assholes in Cooperstown better damned well put him in the Hall posthumously.

  396. Cuffy, I don’t know of any HR jobs, but I’ll ask around.

  397. >> We laid off 15% of our workforce this week.

    Monday’s gonna suck here too.

    Third time this year we’ve had to cut.

    I’m almost numb now. I just can’t feel it anymore. I did manage to save a couple of people from another dept. cause I had two billable slots open. So I take some comfort in that, but I have 2 meetings Monday I ain’t lookin forward to.

  398. That’s not what they do…

    That’s the ironic part. She’s in HR and hires/fires all the live long day. Now they’re looking to shutdown/move her dept offsite.

  399. Hey! Will and I are an EE and a CAD guy! Not respectively.

  400. It sucks that Ron Santo never made it to the HOF.

    By the way, I have one of these in near mint condition.

  401. Democrats running the government = growth only in the government

  402. **points at Rosetta**


  403. Monday’s gonna suck here too.

    Third time this year we’ve had to cut.

    Sweet! More room for me. I still expect $9.50 an hour though

  404. I know the feeling, Dave. I didn’t sleep worth a shit for the last month knowing this was coming.

    It comes with the territory, but it sucks all the same.

  405. I have never done any Electrical CAD, Civil, Mechanical, Architectural and Survey.
    There is a place here that is advertising for Electronic CAD, I thought today (as I drove by) that I ought to apply and see if they bite.

    I have only been using AutoCad since Version 2, I think they are at V18 or so.

  406. What did Ron do to piss off the voters?

    They are lame (much like MCPO’s leg).

  407. Very nice, Sean.

  408. Yeah, we’ve been doing our best to find ways to carry contractors on our various projects. It’s getting harder. One of our major test areas doesn’t have enough funding to survive the year, which could mean a lot of contractors getting the hatchet by the end of the summer. (Well, more than just one test area is in danger, but this one is in my building and I just finished certifying a piece of hardware that works with the systems they primarily support.)


  409. There you go, hire Peel and Will as a team!

    Oh wait living together AND working together? Ouch!

  410. >> I still expect $9.50 an hour though

    You get that and dental.

    >> I didn’t sleep worth a shit for the last month knowing this was coming.

    That was true for me the first time. This is worse, I don’t feel anything. After 4 rounds of this, I’ve become.. well I don’t like it.

    At least I know with the current backlog, after this our overhead and G&A can stay where it is for at least a year. That’s about it, the only comfort I can take from it is I know we have enough to sustain this.

  411. They are lame (much like MCPO’s leg).


    This fucking around with the tax shit is proof the Democrats are still 100% oblivious.

    *hurry up 2012!!!*

  412. I ate an elk ribeye today.

  413. Dave, we’ve been treading water this whole year due to MiDAESS bullshit. Shit or get off the fucking pot, MDA.

  414. Ooooh, let’s talk all job-ee and stuff.

  415. >> What did Ron do to piss off the voters?

    Played for the Cubs (i.e., didn’t win a World Series).

    But in all seriousness, it’s a little more complicated than that. IIRC, there was a period where people who didn’t garner a lot of votes in the first couple of years they were eligible were dropped from consideration going forward. He (and some other players) wound up being made eligible again and even having their eligibity period extended to make up for it, but the moment was kind of lost.

    The Hall of Fame results for Ron Santo were an annual disappointment for Cubs fans that ranked second only to the month of October.

  416. The guy who invented jalapeno and cheese stuffed sausage should win the Nobel Sausage Prize.

  417. You get that and dental.

    and dental? Holy hell, where do I sign up?

    baby monkey, baby monkey
    I frigging hate cuffy.

    I had to send the video to my sister just now because if I have to suffer, so does she

  418. Frigging 3 to 5% on a government contract. Meanwhile, every cocksucker that got sent home after spending 4 years in the House and 6 in the Senate is a fucking millionaire.

  419. >> MiDAESS bullshit

    I know.

    The problem this time is we won the contract we needed to, but it was protested (they’re ALL fuckin protested now), which delayed the revenue (we won the protest). But we didn’t book it for 4 months that we planned on.


  420. >> The guy who invented jalapeno and cheese stuffed sausage should win the Nobel Sausage Prize

    I never heard of it till I moved to Texas.

    Good stuff, ain’t it? Try it in a kolache sometime.

  421. Thanks, Andy. I do remember about dropping out of eligibility after a couple of rounds.

  422. Besides PJM (who still has outstanding warrants in FL and UT), who lives in the state they grew up in??

  423. Besides PJM (who still has outstanding warrants in FL and UT), who lives in the state they grew up in??

    Grew up in, or were born in?

    Grew up in NE since 2nd grade. Born in SD.

  424. Who wants to play TSA Twister?

  425. Not me. Born in Alabama, been in Texas since 1969.

  426. baby monkey, baby monkey
    I frigging hate cuffy.

    Hey, I dint find that thing! I just happen to LOVE IT.

  427. I see Rosetta and Pupster are spending ‘quality time’ together.

  428. Besides PJM (who still has outstanding warrants in FL and UT), who lives in the state they grew up in??

    *looks down at shoes, raises hand*

  429. ry it in a kolache sometime.

    Please –Shipley’s.

    Extra jalapenos.

  430. The Header Pic sucks.

  431. Angel hair in an aribatta sauce with bratwurst and black olives.

  432. Pick me!!!!!


  433. >> who lives in the state they grew up in??

    Wicked pissah, y’all. Not me.

  434. Angel hair in an aribatta sauce with bratwurst and black olives.

    Angel hair in a garlic/butter sauce w/ baked chicken.

  435. >> Please –Shipley’s.

    Not bad. Now do yourself a favor, and find some little Czech or German bakery down there, and try one of their’s.

    You may trust me on this. Shipley’s ain’t bad at all.. look, just find one. Wear your boots.

  436. Rosetta – Now is the chance to tell everyone that Wiserbud is originally from Arkansas!!!

  437. Have any of you read Robyn Young’s Knight’s templar trilogy?

  438. Baby monkey, baby monkey, lining up his sights baby monkey

  439. Dave, how do you know kolache?

  440. Born in Ohio, left when the Cuyahoga River caught fire

  441. Dick – Yes, it counts. I find it interesting, because as an Army brat, and then a Sailor, I didn’t live anywhere for too long.

    Realized the other day, that I’ve lived here (central PA) as long as I’ve lived anywhere.

  442. Not only do I live in the state I grew up in, I live in the house I grew up in and the house my mum lived in as a teenager.

    Besides PJM (who still has outstanding warrants in FL and UT), who lives in the state they grew up in??

    I do NOT have a warrant in Utah.
    *totally ignores statement about Florida……..that ticket will get paid one day

  443. Rosetta, Texas is full of German and Czech families, goin back several generations. They got off the boats at Galveston, hitched up a wagon, and migrated throughout central and south central Texas. We gots towns like Gruene, and New Braunfels, and I have more neighbors whose last names I can’t spell than you have socks in your dresser drawers.

    Tejano music is an amalgam of Texas country and German polka like stuff. S’where it came from.

  444. I haven’t lived at the same address longer than a year since 2005.

  445. I’ve lived in one state my entire life.

    God, I wish I could afford to leave.

  446. Have any of you read Robyn Young’s Knight’s templar trilogy?
    Is it any good Mare?

  447. New Braunfels. Good meats.

  448. Rosetta, Texas is full of German and Czech families, goin back several generations. They got off the boats at Galveston, hitched up a wagon, and migrated throughout central and south central Texas. We gots towns like Gruene, and New Braunfels, and I have more neighbors whose last names I can’t spell than you have socks in your dresser drawers.

    Techno music is an amalgam of Texas country and German polka like stuff. S’where it came from.

    I doubt that last part.

    Mrs Rosetta is some part Czech and she can make kick ass kolaches and hoska.

  449. I haven’t lived at the same address longer than a year since 2005.

    Serial killer.

  450. Serial killer.

    Puts Floyd on the list.

    Has the peeing situation improved?

  451. Now what should we talk about?

  452. I needs to get me to the hill country.

  453. God, I wish I could afford to leave.

    well…….at least you don’t live in the fecal part of the United States like I do

  454. The longest I’ve lived in any one place was IN, the place I’ve hated most.

  455. >> I doubt that last part.

    Dummy. You think Mexicans invented accordions?

  456. Vmax, I had the trilogy in my hand to buy but thought I should ask before I invest.


  457. Techno music is an amalgam of Texas country and German polka like stuff. S’where it came from.

    I doubt that last part.

    Mrs Rosetta is some part Czech and she can make kick ass kolaches and hoska.

    I don’t. The German-American detainees at the camps like Crystal City and others in the Second World War used to compose it when they brewed beer.

  458. Dummy. You think Mexicans invented accordions?

    No, but they did invent the zebraburro

  459. In my part of Ohio we had a lot of Hungarian immigrants, and lots of hunky sausage….wait that sounds….bad.

    But it tastes good!

  460. Has the peeing situation improved?

    Yes. But he’s going through that rebellious phase you told me about.

    The place he went to school has a free puppy “play date” once a month and we took Floyd last week. The guy that trained him told Mrs Rosetta that Floyd was being a douche and that we’re not doing a good job of keeping up his training. Hahahahaha.

    So we’re trying to do a better job of correcting him when he doesn’t do what we tell him.

    And he pouts a lot when he gets in trouble which is every 12 minutes.

    He’s kind of a rat bastard which he gets from Mrs Rosetta.

  461. Pjm, that fb letter was strange, in a funny, funny way. And Laura is right, how does sitting on his face make you faster?


    That guy was a bigger douchehole than, well, just about anyone.


  463. xbrad, where have you been?

  464. baby monkey
    hooo hooo

    baby monkey

  465. *reivews Floyd’s age*

    Rosie honey, you haven’t hit teenage rebellion/stupidity yet. But you do have to reinforce training every day.


  467. Cold peanut M&Ms are better than crack.

  468. >> English Bulldogs are one of the most stubborn/dumbest breeds around?

    Second to beagles, but yeah.

  469. If I could get a Floyd, I’d get on of these —

  470. Cold peanut M&Ms are better than crack.

    Eww! no nuts!

  471. Is it fantasy Mare? I used to be into that, but lately SciFi or 200 year old sea stories.

  472. The quality of mercy is not strain’d,
    It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
    Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
    It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

  473. You do realize English Bulldogs are one of the most stubborn/dumbest breeds around?

    I know he’s not dumb, at least compared to you, but he’s a stubborn jackass for sure. Actually he’s 97% fun and sweet and 3% jackass.

  474. Second to beagles, but yeah.

    Beagles are brilliant, but like a lot of geniuses they get so focused on their nose they can’t function.

  475. And Laura is right, how does sitting on his face make you faster?

    Apparently, you didn’t read that thread all the way through. Or you’re giving my comments all the respect you normally do.

  476. I took a nap, and I’m eating dinner (homemade bean soup) and it takes a while to catch up with the comments…

  477. Heh. MSNBC hardest hit.

  478. “Cold peanut M&Ms are better than crack.”

    I love you in a way that cannot be described.

  479. Yeah, but they sure are good-lookin’.

  480. The article sucks Mare but read the comments
    Yes I must be gay

  481. I think LauraW told me, years ago when I was still dealing with this stubborn mofo, that the only thought that goes through a beagle’s head when he’s outside is “what’s that smell?”


    He’s not dumb, he is stubborn, and sneaky motherflocka. He’ll take a half hour to nose his way over to you on the sofa, but he will do it.

  482. What the fuck is this shit.

  483. Beagles are brilliant, but like a lot of geniuses they get so focused on their nose they can’t function.

    *tries to focus on nose*

  484. biw, get your meds. I was reading comments on my phone and ran out of power. I don’t know what you are talking about and when don’t I respect your comments?


  485. Just fiction, Vmax.

  486. I love you in a way that cannot be described.


  487. When I don’t respect comments I will say something like, “this comment is the dumbest piece of crap I’ve ever read.” Or, “Only a jackass or Rosetta would say something that stupid!”

  488. What the fuck is this shit.

    Wow. Rosetta, punch yourself in the face until I get tired.

  489. Amazing video about bulldogs —

  490. >> I love you in a way that cannot be described.

    Sounds like someone’s up for teh buttsecks.

  491. BUM FIGHT!!!

  492. Heh. MSNBC hardest hit.

    Hahahahaha. That little Piper Firestarter Palin is the shizz.

  493. We need to do a Steam Punk theme for the next meatup!

  494. *tries to focus on nose*

    *pretty sure pups isn’t a beagle*

    *pretty sure pups is a barbie-diva-golden lab*

  495. Rosetta, that is a big 10-4.

  496. MCPO, Holly Graf will not be retained:

  497. Hahahahaha. That little Piper Firestarter Palin is the shizz.

    Hahahahaha. No shit. The liberals better get their final affairs in order before she gets into politics.

    It’s gonna be a blood bath.


    Wow. Rosetta, punch yourself in the face until I get tired.

    Why do you hate African children?

  499. MCPO, Holly Graf will not be retained:

    she sounds like the last girlfriend I had before I got married.

  500. Have we done a joke thread on the most inappropriate job interview questions?

    That would be a good one I think.

  501. MCPO, Holly Graf will not be retained:

    About. Fucking. Time.

  502. Is your name Rosetta?

  503. “BUM FIGHT!!!”


  504. BANGLAR face sitter!

  505. xBrad – I would have preferred a BCD and a reduction to LCDR for retirement, but she is gone.

  506. Why do you hate African children?

    Because no matter how you cook them, they just don’t taste very good.

  507. I’m thinking more along the lines of a drunk theme for the next meatup.

    Anybody got the number for the St. Louis mobile dialysis unit? We’d better go ahead and put them on standby. And if they have an iron liver, that needs to be reserved as well.

  508. Does this hurt?

  509. What are your thoughts on NAMBLA?

  510. So, are you planning on having any more children?

  511. Does your wife still have that cute devil tattoo on her inner thigh?

  512. We have a no bra policy, do you have a problem with that, Xbrad?

  513. Whose turn is it to poat?


    Hurry up.

  514. Does your wife still have that cute devil tattoo on her inner thigh?


  515. Do you have a problem wearing a red bracelet every 28 days?

  516. Rosetta, I screwed up my password and for at least 10 months have not been able to post. NOT THAT ANYONE WOULD NOTICE.

  517. Are you a vegan?

    What if I told you I was a vegetable?

  518. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a whore?

  519. I am pulling another Golden Girl out of a local kill shelter tomorrow. I think she is young. But 4 dogs?

    I will keep her for the weekend, or until Wed. Then I can drive her to Naples for her medical evaluation. (speaking of that, will she give my dogs kennel cough?)

    Pictures menyana. (or however you spell tomorrow in Spanish)

  520. If you were a whore, how much would you cost?

  521. Rosetta, I screwed up my password and for at least 10 months have not been able to post. NOT THAT ANYONE WOULD NOTICE.

    You’re the laziest Hostage ever.

  522. That guy was a bigger douchehole than, well, just about anyone.

    Yeah, it’s prolly good we’re not dating anymore

  523. Is that an Adam’s apple?

  524. If I kissed you right now and you had a boner how would you handle that?

    (For those wondering that is for the innappropriate job interview questions.)

  525. Here’s a picture of seven men, which one would you fuck?

    And why?

  526. Rosetta, I screwed up my password and for at least 10 months have not been able to post. NOT THAT ANYONE WOULD NOTICE.


  527. Rosetta, KISS MY ASS AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY!!!


    whistles quietly

  529. This thread is slower than Dick closing a gay porn pop-up.

  530. Rosetta the Interviewer: “How do I look in this thong?”

  531. I once said, “kiss my ass” to my husband and he said, “anytime, anywhere.” That took the edge off my anger.

  532. >> (For those wondering that is for the innappropriate job interview questions.)

    *discards response.

  533. discards response.

    HAHAHAHAHA….I knew that would happen.

  534. Here’s a picture of seven men, which one would you fuck?

    And why?


  535. Is that a kolache in your pocket?

  536. Interviewer: Here’s a picture of seven men, which one would you fuck?

    Dave: Can I fuck all seven?

  537. What kind of farm porn do you enjoy? If not, why not?

    (again, an interview question)

  538. Here is some Texas Hunky sausage, Jalapino Cheddar Smoked sausage

  539. Interviewer: Here’s a picture of seven men, which one would you fuck?

    Xbrad: Can I bring Dolly?

  540. If we have to downsize, are you willing to sleep with me to keep your job?

  541. Mare, check your pippomail.

  542. Ok, good interview so far. It’s time for the inappropriateness test, turn off the light please and stand perfectly still…

  543. Rosetta, KISS MY ASS AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY!!!

    I don’t have that much free time.

  544. New [old] poat.

  545. Interviewer: Here’s a picture of seven men, which one would you fuck?

    No. I like Afghan Dancing Boys

  546. Follow up question:

    What STD’s are you currently dealing with?

  547. $250?!?!?!

    dream on

  548. You are naked, blindfolded, you hear a goat.

    What’s the goat’s name?

  549. Do you intend to enroll in our group health plan? Are you affected by any sexually transmitted or other communicable diseases we should be aware of?

  550. Interviewer: Here’s a picture of seven men, which one would you fuck would you guess is your real father?

  551. What STD’s are you currently dealing with?

    That’s not inappropriate if you’re hiring a hooker.


  552. >> Dave: Can I fuck all seven?

    If they work for me, on Monday they will be.

  553. If a poat dies cold and alone at The Hostages, was it ever really there?

  554. PJM – Offer them $100

  555. >> If a poat dies cold and alone at The Hostages, was it ever really there?

    Worst. Interview question. Ever!

  556. How do feel about wearing undergarments woven from the hair of virgin aardvarks every Wednesday?

  557. You are walking down a hallway, you see a hundred dollar bill on the floor.

    Will you have sex with me?

  558. Given the choice between watching Glee and listening to a political speech by Lady Gaga, which caliber of bullet would you put in your brain pan?

  559. Andy, you are a man among men.

  560. .45 auto

  561. We here in the Navy are very serious about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

    Bend over.

  562. >> Andy, you are a man among men.

    How YOU doin’?

  563. Interviewer: Are those real? They look spectacular!

  564. Interviewer: Are those real? They look spectacular!

    Wow. I guess I’ve been interviewing women for years.

  565. PJM – Offer them $100

    It’s hideous.


  566. PJM – It’s going to smell like puke and Lysol in a month. . . what have you got to lose?

  567. true

    Ok, interviewer question

    Why did Dave fuck all 7 guys?

  568. I’m drunk, old, and tired. Thanks to you all. See you tomorrow.
    Hugs to the hostagettes, and “Fuck you” to the hostages.

  569. does BiW really expect us to read that monstrosity he poated?

  570. night crispy.
    God Bless you and I need tuh pee!

  571. that’s where eddybody went?

  572. hy enjoy the xxxMAS:) great post really!!!

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