Eroding Confidence in Your Mom


So i was looking up oil change guidlines for new engines…

I’m on truck number 3 in just as many years…

Tundra – ok but some service issues. Expensive when shit goes south. (had it for 4 years?)

Decided to downsize to a Tacoma…. whoa… what a piece of shit (no offense). Underpowered and too small for me. You can clock the acceleration with a calendar and you can’t haul much of anything, let alone your mom.

Decided to try a colorado zr2... it’s peppy (not le pew) and a lot more comfortable. Fuel economy is not… but it gets out of it’s own way quickly.

It has really nice ground clearance and actually corners ok for a truck. Best truck ride since i had a heavily modified Avalanche.

kinda hoping to keep this one for a few..

Had a horrible buying experience but the truck seems ok

The sales turd told me the first oil change should be done at 7500

Went down the oil change rabbit hoe… go figure… walmart oil and filters are top tier.

I just did an 800 mile change with mobil1.

yur mom is Ph.D. level



  1. Tribology: The study of trilobites?

  2. I’ve lucked out with my Tacoma. It had a few recalls for airbag and similar but I’ve owned it since 2007. The biggest recall was on the frame – Toyota lost some class action lawsuit about rusting frames and ended up having to replace every frame in some model years including mine. That was my last trip to the dealer and now I use a local place for service. It’s just now approaching 200,000 miles and long since paid for so I plan to keep it going as long as possible.

    A friend remarked the other day that he was looking at the Tundra but heard there were some issues with them so he’s continuing his search. I did see a Kia pick up truck looking thing the other day that caught my eye but it’s neither a truck or an SUV. I think it was this one:

  3. Good morning! Last few gorgeous days before our first stretch of hot weather in the 90s (Southerners/ Westerners please suppress your derisive laughter). I need to get out there and plant the next succession of various plants and also mulch a bunch of stuff.

    For one reason or another, I haven’t had a full day of gardening in weeks and I really need a few of those to take care of things around here. Hoping Saturday is finally for me.

    Usually the weeds get ahead of us in July/August or so but it has been a pitched battle from the start this Spring, in the kind of plant-friendly year we have had with all the rain.

    I love Charles Dowding, but I think climate has a lot to do with his success at weed-free living. And, of course, that it’s his full time job. And, of course, he has the labor of employees and students.

    ..shit, I need students. Oh man how awesome would that be. It would be like The Paper Chase but one where I make them turn my stinky compost pile.

  4. Last year I saw an old aa gent in the food store parking lot emerging from an ’03 Ranger 4WD just like the one I had and I complimented him on his great truck. He lit right up and told me how many years he’s had it, almost no service on it, runs great, etc.

    I’m like, I know. I had one for 18 years. I will never stop raving about that terrific truck. Last time I saw her, a guy at the dealership was driving her off the visitor parking lot…sniffles

  5. sugar beets in Texas and north Dakota. uniting America, and ireland

  6. wakey wakey

  7. Yesterday our little punkins were delivered at 35 weeks. One is 5.6, the other 4.9.

    Daughter calls me at noon a tad scared saying she went in for her scheduled fetal stress test and blood draw at 9am, and wound up admitted as they discovered she had developed pre-eclampsia sometime in the last 2 weeks. Surgery at 1:30. So mama hightailed it there and didn’t get home until 10…and dinner. They both looked like they wanted to cry when the team took them back.

    They settled on the names William (middle name my husband’s) and Jamison (Jamie..middle name a grandfather on his side) but not sure who will get what name. They’re going to need a LOT of help. Those babies are widdle…and long

    I’ve only had 3 hours of sleep due to all the schmootz in the air giving me a headache and not one flippin Tylenol in the house because someone uses them all and never tells me so I can replace them.

  8. The oil analysis guy is good. My wife is on her third RAV4, but the first two were not lost to engine issues. When I bought this one, her BIL, who used to work at a Toyota dealership said you only need to change the oil every 10k miles. I said let’s do it every 5k. So far, so good.

    I try to change the oil on my Ford every 3.5k. It’s fast approaching 300k miles, so fingers crossed.

  9. COngrats grandma!

  10. Trebuchet being used by IDF on northern border with Lebanon

  11. Twins. Ah yes. Mine were born on New Years Eve 1998, a few weeks premature. That following year is the year I don’t remember.

    We had 4 year old, a 2year old, and the newborn twins.

    We moved from Michigan to Vermont. (So wife could be near her mom.)

    Started building a new house while living with my mother-in-law.

    Started a new job.

    Give them all the help you can. They could surely use it. And congratulations.

  12. grandma beasn is gonna cause a stir in H2

  13. well Candace Owens being fired from Daily Wire certainly is ginning up controversy.

  14. My chemical engineering masters degree was research on certain additives to lube oils, and I worked for one of the renowned lubrication experts, Dr. E. Klaus at Penn State. We were testing different additives for Pennzoil, Quaker State, and Mobil, among others.

    The old rule of thumb about oil changes every 3000 miles was 1950’s/1960’s technology.

    With modern synthetics, I suspect most people could make that 7500 miles now. If you don’t use synthetics, make that 5000. The additive packages put in modern motor lubricants have gotten a lot more sophisticated. But I would use the synthetics whenever possible. They really are a step up in performance, because they degrade much slower than non-synthetics.

  15. *eats paste

    Anybody want some? Its gud.

  16. VW recommends 10k with recommended synthetic. Been having good luck with that, but 95% of miles are highway/interstate for me.

  17. It takes me two years to drive 10k miles, so I get mine changed annually just in case. I want the Tundra to outlive me.

  18. With older engines, I’m not sure more frequent oil changes is what you want. Maybe a thicker viscosity oil or a high mileage additive? The older engine has wear that makes tolerances looser and it will start to burn more oil as a consequence. Check your oil level more frequently.

  19. working in an auto shop, it is usually recommended to change the oil when you span seasons, especially in the north with wild swings.

  20. My 2018 F150 has 83k and has never spent a day in the shop other than a brake job. I run Mobil 1 synthetic and change at 6500-7000.

  21. by seasons, I mean an annual change, not a seasonal one. If that isn’t clear.

    Small engines by the same rule.

  22. Three Year Letterman with coverage of the Climate Defiance attempt to take over the Congressional Baseball Game

  23. Hehehehehe this makes me chuckle in my underoos. I hope more start taking this approach

  24. Even James “Cryptkeeper” Carville knows what the source of Democrat crazy is

  25. Garland found in contempt of Congress, is he arrested yet?

    Why not?

  26. Garland is aggressively seeking to take custody of Garland at this very moment.

    Suspect to be released on his on recognizance.

  27. Sounds about right. The DOJ says they can’t prosecute Garland for this.

    Nanny Nanny Boo Boo! They say through the fence.

    Time to punch the fence, and bloody that nose.

  28. ^seemed on topic

  29. Congratulations, Grandma Beasn!

  30. Sounds like good advice rural. How do you like the Tundra Leon? If I ever have to replace the F-150, I’d like to go full size, bigger than the Tacoma or the Ranger.

    And Congrats Beasn.

  31. Govern Gaza with a Council, US military to have a role

    No. Fucking. Way.

  32. My RAM is really nice, and runs a LOT less than the other trucks. In my testing, V8 fords were really expensive. Tundras were more than anyone except GMC (which was my first choice), but the Toyota seems indestructable.

  33. I like my Tundra a lot, Markie. I can haul a 2 horse trailer or a hay wagon no problem, and the cabin noise is a lot quieter than the F150s I’ve owned.

    My only complaint is hopping up into the cab. It really needs a hand-grab on the driver’s side for someone my height. I don’t like having to grab the seat or the steering wheel to climb in.

  34. Daring the IDF to fire on US soldiers to get at the fucking terrorists they’re protecting.

    I fail to see any part of that sentence that’s in my interests as an American.

  35. This is what I thought when i saw Faux News board member and former Speaker of the HOuse Paul Ryan spouting off about Trump’s character, and why he’s not voting for him. Same applies for everyone else opposing, for whatever reason. it’s too late in the game, we don’t have anyone else.

  36. this weekend is setting up to be a huge dumpster fire at work.

    Servers moving to new environment. Oh, we will be done by Monday morning, when SE Asia starts logging in.

    Um, we have processing on sunday night, some locations starting at 7am sunday, becuase you wanted information sooner.


  37. Are they cheaping out and not doing dual-residency with a cutover date for exclusively using the new servers?

  38. exactly, leon

    we can just move the servers, then restart when everything is done, right?

  39. hell, we didn’t hear about it until yesterday

  40. Was that the congressional baseball game that Steve Scalise was shot at years ago? IIRC that game was in a public park looking field. This was a genuine stadium and, given the history, I’m not surprised their demonstration was quickly thwarted.

  41. Whoever made that decision deserves punishment they are unlikely to receive. Doubling up on your EC2s for a week isn’t going to break the bank. Explaining to customers why they couldn’t get to their shit for 3 days will.

  42. that was a softball game Scalise was shot at. This is the one in a stadium (Nationals?).

  43. I worked for one of the renowned lubrication experts, Dr. E. Klaus at Penn State.

    We heard from another lubrication expert at PDT’s SDNY scam trial with testimony by Stormy Daniels.

  44. That’s right, softball. I’d imagine their security is a little more alert these days.

  45. Congratulations Grandma Beasn. ❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼

  46. Are these the first Beasn grands? I lose track sometimes. Congrats either way, hope the twins stay healthy and mom and dad get some rest.

  47. So construction begins next Monday for 6 miles of taking up asphalt and laying down new. They already have all the signs up for the length of the project. I’m hoping they wrap it up quickly, like before Independence Day. That road gets a ton of traffic year round and even more when you add the tourists.

    Question for our civil engineers or other smaht people: They created 1 x 1 foot holes in the middle of the lane on both sides at different intervals which were left unfilled – any idea what those are for? My theories include asphalt depth assessment, underground pipe locating or fossil hunting. Thoughts?

  48. leon, we don’t have customer visibility for these apps, only internal. But they drive everything behind the scenes. All new infrastructure that doesn’t know how our antiquated systems run.

    at least they are secure, since no one can get to them, until they can

  49. I didn’t have a Kia truck, but I had a bad enough experience with the dealership here that I will never buy another Kia. Plus 400,000+ Tellurides are under recall for fires. They are telling Telluride owners to not park in a garage or near other cars. At the rate the dealership here deals with recalls, you might be able to park in the garage in 2038.

  50. They have been working on our road at home for months, shutting off the whole thing then working on a small section. It’s the 3 Stooges running it.

    Now work contruction is starting, shutting off traffic going one way on a busy street. Plant across the street with tons of truck traffic.

    But we have to be in the office, increasing traffic.

    Make this make sense, since others can’t be trusted to work remotely.

  51. The Scalise shooting was at a practice.

  52. I love the trebuchet video, will have to share that with the team.

  53. Jeezum, I read ”at a practice” as practice and my mind immediately raced to “practice for assassinating who?!”

  54. Scalise was shot at a practice event for the Republican softball team in Arlington. When I rode the Metro into Arlington for work, it went right by that field. I don’t know that they ever held the R vs. D game that year. I kind of doubt it.

  55. GOP was down to 8 players, so probably not.

    Probably where the dems got the idea to arrest Trump before the election.

  56. gah, this testing and moving stuff just has me pissed off at work.

  57. My 2018 RAM 2500 diesel is pretty nice. Bought it used, so it probably came off lease. And a lot quieter than my old F-250 turbodiesel, which was a beast. I just object to the need for DEF fluid now in all diesels. Such a PITA.

    The RAM gets pretty good highway mileage when not towing … I’ve seen it up to about 24mpg. The Ford was lucky to 19.

  58. yeah, I can get 20-22 with the v8 Gas.

  59. Comment by Jay in Ames on June 13, 2024 10:10 am

    Garland found in contempt of Congress, is he arrested yet?

    Why not?

    . . . . . . .

    How many divisions does Congress have command of?

  60. Tundra’s not great on mileage at all, but it’s a giant truck with a V8. I think I get 15 in town and 17-18 on a highway.

     They created 1 x 1 foot holes in the middle of the lane on both sides at different intervals which were left unfilled – any idea what those are for?

    Stress sensors for the new road, perhaps? “Smart bricks” like they use in some new building construction?

  61. How does hormonal birth control affect women? I thought this was common knowledge.

  62. So did I, Jay. Then these have recently popped up.

  63. The other thing they won’t tell you is that fertility doesn’t always bounce back after that shit. I had friends go well over a year before ovulating again, and some didn’t get regular, predictable cycles back for much longer. Wasn’t our particular problem, thankfully, but it happens a lot and never gets talked about.

  64. My wife was on birth control the first 3 years we were married. We decided to start a family at that point. Our first child arrived almost exactly 3 years after she got off the pill. I attributed it to my short barrel and poor aim at the time but now I wonder if it wasn’t the leftover hormones running amuck in her body. There were starting to be some really impatient future grandparents by the time we finally found the sweet spot.

  65. Unanimous decision as SCOTUS says abortion pill must be distributed.

  66. well PG, if you got to fail at something that made you try over and over, you got the right one. worked out in the end!

  67. i have really enjoyed Jordan Petersen’s podcast lately.

  68. Full size Dodge trucks are big here, people love them. I think the pricing is a big factor. I could have bought two of my first houses for what a new F-150 costs now. Jeeps of all kinds are big here too, I’m surprised to have never seen a Gladiator around.

    Sometimes, they do core drilling to check the depth of asphalt and aggregate, but they usually do it just off the driving surface. Test pits in the middle of the road would be pretty dumb, some I’m clueless. They had some pavement design questions on my PE test, but I pretty much skipped over those in favor of the stuff that I knew.

  69. another incompetent Brandon meme. Or is it?

  70. I don’t understand why they haven’t assigned a minder for Brandon yet. Someone to move him in the right direction as needed. It could be a rotating cast of characters to make it less obvious.

  71. It’s possible that they had such a minder and have decided to withdraw the service so more of these will leak out.

    Or the minders are just as competent as everyone else in the admin so they don’t catch these things at the rate they now need to catch them.

  72. Worth remembering that these folks think Pete Bootyjuice is smart and capable.

    And he’s so bad that people know who SecTrans is.

  73. Ha ha ha haa, I love the ever changing names for that guy.

  74. I don’t see any obvious BS in this. I’ve known people who can do this job with just a file sitting on a log out in the woods. I am not that person.

  75. I’m sad to report that, unbeknownst to me, my tea bag ripped when I separated it from its mate. My afternoon tea bliss was shattered when I took a sip from near the bottom of my mug and got a mouthful of tea leaves.

  76. I get really tired of all the Tiger BS at the tournaments he choses to play in. Before 9/11, the Payne Stewart plane was a glued to the TV moment for me. Watched Waco. Watched OKC. The Payne Stewart statue at Pinehurst makes me sad. I loved seeing his silly outfits.

  77. thoughts and prayers, jimbro.

  78. You need a tea ball. Sayin

  79. I should be out of X jail by Monday. Unless my account gets suspended again.

  80. There is a local tea company here that makes some marvelous tea, but the spices are fine enough to make it through a tea ball.

  81. What? Cheesecloth activated

  82. I can be such a dumbass. I broke down this morning and bought some OTC generic nasal spray, tried it in the parking lot of the store, that shit works.

    The only food grade funnels I had until a couple of years ago were canning funnels. Bought a set of regular funnels for the kitchen, use them all the time now. No transmission fluid in these bad boys.

    I’ve had an issue with auto-cucumber (thanks Leon) lately. I don’t think my typing is as bad as what shows up sometimes.

  83. I’ve used the loose tea/tea ball combo before but lately I’ve been on the bag IYKWIM.

    A corollary with this found in my cigar and pipe smoking. I read while smoking a cigar or pipe outside. A pipe needs a lot of fussing over it to keep it lit and smoking properly hence I tend to stick with the stogies.

    Admittedly, loading loose tea in a tea ball takes a minute or two to set up and the same amount of time to dispose of the leaves in the eater but, c’mon people, my time is valuable!

  84. Just curious, really don’t know, can you make tea in a coffee filter stye coffee maker?

  85. Dude, you’re retired. Watch Fallen and listen to Time is on my side.

  86. So, Jimbro got teabagged?


  87. You absolutely can make tea in a coffee maker. I used to, my dad did too.

  88. Tea in a coffee maker is heresy. My tea mug is the size of some tea pots

    Boil water in the kettle, add a tea bag and honey and just add water for hot tea heaven.

  89. I brew tea in a french press for extra protection.

    Belt AND suspenders.

  90. I remember when we’d be out working in the yard and my mom would come out with tea and cookies for the old man and us kids. That’s when I learned the wisdom of the Irish that drinking hot tea on a scorching hot day cools you off (similar to asking if a hot dog is a sandwich). I’ve seen that mentioned elsewhere a couple of times but it really strains credulity. I remember the mug my dad had his tea in outdoors seemed like a huge mug but it was probably no bigger than my favorite coffee mug is now.

  91. I grew up on Taiwan. Drinking tea. Chinese tea. Cold tea. Hot tea. Mostly green tea. Dan is a tea acolyte.

  92. Dan is a communist lesbian space witch who creates babies by the power of scissoring?

  93. You’re thinking of Téa Leoni.

  94. Pretty much 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have been trying to introduce him to the tea cult for over 30 years.

  95. That doesn’t sound right, but you are wise in the ways of science, so I shall defer to your assertion.

  96. BBF 2024 winner right here Pupster: Carisha Maja

    Image search on safe please if you’re at work

  97. She’s perky.

    And willing to be recorded doing some things that really ought to be private.

  98. Yah, she’s cute and qualifies, but there are not any gifs or video clips that I can use.

  99. That’s a damn shame. She’s really put herself in a career niche.

  100. Looked up Fallen, I will follow up because Denzel is one of my favorite actors. I didn’t make the Rolling Stones song connection until I read the search results.

  101. tea balls sound sorta gay.

  102. local demonic killer was singing the song at his trial. 8% humidity today. Swamp Cooler works at this level.

  103. I live in a hot swamp, at least today. AC is on.

  104. Weather predicts HOT weather for my Ragnar next weekend. Which means? I’ll be walking a LOT. Two years ago it was hot like this and there was a LOT of walking by a LOT of teams- especially on the 8 mile loop in the heat of the day. It has a really long stretch out in the open/ full sun.

  105. LOL Lea Thomas just got schlonged.

  106. Lia. Diminutive of WilLIAm

  107. I’d schlong Leah Thompson. One way trip to 1986, please.

  108. After reading that debate story and mulling it over I think the odds of a debate happening in June just plummeted.

    It happens, Jimbro. But Trump shows up with 2 two packs of Fabreeze “spring air” or what ever it’s called. I call it shit repellant at work, between the guy I have to work with and the UPS driver that’s obviously single, given the results of his dietary preferences.

  109. Also, the people who can’t come up with a bid of their own and just say $1 more than the person next to them, they are assholes.

  110. The French haven’t schlonged anybody since Napoleon beat Wellington at Waterloo.

  111. WWI killed off a lot of the boldest Frenchmen. By WW2 they still hadn’t recovered, thus all the dropped rifles.

  112. That’s how you can identify French rifles – the mud.

  113. I’m at the boat stoking a smogie. Sun is setting. Water is like glass. Temp is dropping fast.

  114. does signal drop off when you get far out?

  115. Dudley’s experiment reduced pathogens.

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