Big Boob Friday

Good day miscreants, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.



Your model is from Louisiana and slid down the slippery slope from exotic dancer to porn star. She is 5’4″, 38-26-36 with Donald Duck cups. Please stop destroying the fantasy long enough to welcome Miss Noelle Easton!





noel charades









  1. I like big bewbs and I cannot deny.

  2. Grointacular!

  3. Groinilicious!

  4. She seems nice.

  5. If I tilt my head just right I can see areola on the last one. Or maybe a freckle.

  6. Groin.

    Time to head to zumba.

  7. Stayed up to watch Bama-OSU. That was not worth it.

  8. BBF Thud!

  9. My fave Honeymoon Suite tune.

  10. ghey

  11. Hahahaha, from Jimbro’s link, I saw this

  12. Doug Flutie played a brief stint as a Patriot. I still remember him doing a drop kick and being amazed by it.

  13. Have I mentioned I hate identity thieves? Another $80 charge for diet pills I never ordered.

  14. Little too much cushion for me but I wouldn’t kick her out of bed.

  15. No birthday? No zodiac sign? We hardly get a chance to know this filly without googling her……….oh my……..oh motherfucker.

  16. Thanks Jay, you just reminded me to check my credit report/score.

    It’s exceptional, btw. When I told your mom my score… well, you know what happened next.


  18. *time to take my diet pill.

  19. Gag. I tried one of those “workout” drinks. I didn’t have time for breakfast, and thought it might help. You’re supposed to drink it before, or during.

    I almost threw up on the way home.

    I’m throwing that shit out.

  20. Which one? I tried one with a bunch of anhydrous caffeine and felt too jittery to get anything done.

  21. Off to see my dad and stepmom. Someone please feed the hobo and water the tree while I’m gone.

  22. GNC’s AMP – amplified N.O. Loaded.


  23. Sounds like Harry Reid got beat up.

  24. *tries to shed tear

    Nope. It’s not happening

  25. I saw anhydrous caffeine open for hydrogen sulfide at th Texas Jam in ’81.

  26. Broken face and ribs from a fall?

  27. “injured while exercising”. Is that like “fell down the stairs”, or “he had it coming”?

  28. Treadmill probably broke, and he took a nosedive. Pretty plausible, actually. Kinda feel sorry for the guy.


  29. I bet the real story involves booze, a hooker and a car wreck.

  30. Heh, probably right. Or a labor union “representative”.

  31. or a union guy with a bat.

  32. She seems nice groin.

  33. I bet this gal doesn’t use a pre-workout.

  34. Who was injured while exercising?

  35. I got out of bed for this shit?

  36. I bet this gal doesn’t use a pre-workout.

    I think those dudes’ hairstyles violate the Geneva Convention.

  37. I bet the real story involves booze, a hooker and a car wreck.

    All real stories do.

  38. I go hot and cold on cops. Stuff like this makes me go cold.

    The purpose of a police force is to police, not raise cash for city hall.

  39. Shit, wrong link.

  40. *wonders why Leon has Honeymoon Suite videos handy*

    *not really*

  41. George, I’m with you on the outrage over the insty link and using the PD as a revenue stream.

  42. It’s like the rant Adam Carolla has on cops along Forest Lawn Drive. They’re only there to pull over drivers in nice cars to give them tickets for doing 46 in a 45 zone and collect cash for the city. But the habitual road side vendors selling flowers and fruit, without licenses and leaving their trash on the side of the road? The cops never hassle them. Because they have no money and wouldn’t pay anyhow, being illegals.

  43. George, I linked it at 851. Was still stuck on my clipboard.

  44. Come now Leon. There is no shame in being obsessed with bad eighties bands.

    Not much, anyway.

  45. ok those are big ones

  46. You would need four hands to really handle them things.

  47. Yay, snow. Grrrr. Taking MiL out for early birthday lunch. Snow was in the forecast for tonight.

  48. I’m hoping to see snow today in Santa Fe. But hay fever is bothering me.

  49. After New Year’s Report:

    I think I’ve had six hours of sleep over the last two days. D and I hung out which means drinking heavily, hurling crude, tasteless insults at each other, and laughing at fart jokes. He would be Hostage material if he realized computers do stuff that isn’t MyFaceTwitch.

    Now I can’t tell whether I’m still drunk or hung over, but I do know that Apple Crown Royal is evil.

  50. Now I can’t tell whether I’m still drunk or hung over, but I do know that Apple Crown Royal is evil.

    It’s not evil, that’s just your bigotry. You haven’t learned the culture and traditions of Apple Crown Royal. You wouldn’t want to be responsible for a backlash against innocent flavored liquor just because you have a jingoistic, privileged white American hangover.

  51. I’m pretty sure you even drinking ACR is cultural appropriation.

  52. If you’re white and hungover on Apple Crown Royal, it’s pretty clear evidence you are a racist.

  53. I like to flex my white privilege from time to time. It makes me feel privileged.

  54. In fact, being white and hungover on anything proves you’re racist for the simple indisputable reason that being hungover doesn’t stop racism.
    Neither does being sober, dressed nor employed. So, short version: you’re racist from the outset.

  55. UPS and FedEx jacked up their rates.

  56. UPS and FedEx are just enjoying hope and applying change.

  57. Wow. A box 19 x 19 x 29 shipped to the west coast is

    $96 at the UPS Store and $38 at the post office.

    This is huge.

  58. I wonder if the taxpayer is picking up the $58 difference at the post office.

  59. Good news, everyone:

    And by “good news” I mean our enemies have nothing to fear.

  60. I thought James Tiberius Kirk was from Riverside, Iowa:

    Working toward a warp drive: In his garage lab, Omahan aims to bend fabric of space

  61. J’ames, click on the link in my name.

  62. Jay, you’re thinking of the wrong guy:

    Nerd fail, buddy. Nerd. Fail.

  63. Shhh, I was going with location humor, not concept.

    Try to keep up.

  64. Oh, sweet hyperglycemic Jeebus, Leon. Why the hell would anyone want to serve in this military?

  65. You know who really liked James Tiberius Kirk?
    Your mom.

  66. Wow, 1967 series. Still can’t believe that Star Trek is that old.

  67. You might say your mom was green with envy.

  68. $96 ?! Are you shipping an orphan?

  69. There’s a Klingon joke in there somewhere.

  70. Klingons around Uranus.

  71. Let’s leave Uranus out of it!

  72. $96 ?! Are you shipping an orphan?

    He said “west coast”, not Harry Reid’s house in Nevada.

  73. Good news, everyone


  74. GO the view from your coffin looked like a lot of sage and juniper.

  75. Racist!

  76. He said “west coast”, not Harry Reid’s house in Nevada.

    Nancy Pelosi might need a new handbag.

  77. There seem to be a lot of pine looking things too, Oso

  78. Plus rabbit tracks in the snow


  80. Busted

  81. Fisthead!

  82. W.

  83. New resolution for 2015:

    Get so ripped that abs become fists.

  84. Plane crash recorded from 4 different angles.

  85. I think Fisthead broke the internet.

  86. Not so ripped that they look like fists.

    So ripped that they become fists.

  87. The plane crash was truly frightening and kind of interesting.

    Ditto for Fisthead.

  88. MJ likes the rogue butt fucker gif, but Fisthead is frightening?

  89. Sylvester Stallone has confirmed there will be a 5th installment in the
    Rambo line of films called Last Blood. I honestly didn’t know there was more than two.

  90. Police are searching a lake for a woman’s body.

    She went kayaking last night around 8:30 and didn’t come back. They found her overturned kayak.

    I call bullshit.

    1) It was dark and about 20 degrees at 8:30 last night.
    2) It’s not easy to flip a kayak.

    I bet this becomes a murder investigation.

  91. Rambo will find the killer and bring him to a bloody and gory form of justice

  92. “This time he goes up against a Mexican cartel. Stallone describes the new Rambo as his version of No Country for Old Men.”

  93. I like Rambo movies. I hope he kills the shit out of those cartel people.

  94. I just hope the film production company isn’t hacked by Zapatistas.

  95. I always go kayaking when it’s pitch dark and 20 degrees.

  96. 1) It was dark and about 20 degrees at 8:30 last night.
    2) It’s not easy to flip a kayak.

    Meth. As in, she might have been a) on it or 2) transporting it via kayak.

  97. Good thinking. Meth and kayaks go together like cocaine and Ferraris.

  98. She wasn’t wearing a wet suit or a life vest.

    Her friend reported her missing at 5:30 AM.


  99. BTW, Jimbro, my new avatar is a reaction to your new avatar.

  100. Just trying it on for size. Do the ears make my skull look fat?

  101. Not as fat as Your Mom.

  102. I still say meth. Murder’s just as likely.

    Murder for meth?

  103. Technically you have an ass around your face.

    Assuming that’s a donkey, not a rabbit.

  104. Yo mama so fat that even Dora couldn’t explore her

  105. I can’t believe that it took 3 years for Fisthead to get discovered.

    HA Fisthead is on twitter!


  107. Greetings, people who are already sick and tired of this year’s bullshit.

  108. Close to far: MJ….Jimbro.

  109. Dick Butt always makes me laugh.

  110. Comment by pendejogrande on January 2, 2015 10:13 am

    No birthday? No zodiac sign? We hardly get a chance to know this filly without googling her……….oh my……..oh motherfucker.

    Whoops. Looks like PG got fired. Sorry dude.

  111. Pfffft….like he had a job in the first place.

  112. L to R: Jimbro::MJ

  113. on H2 again.


  115. The FBI concludes that North Korea had nothing to do with the Sony hack.

    Obama places sanctions on North Korea.

    The truth doesn’t matter.

  116. Hands up, don’t shoot
    UVA rapes
    War on Women
    Global warming
    North Korea hack

  117. Obama taking credit for lower gas prices

  118. I can’t breathe
    Angry about a youtube video
    Religion of Peace
    Workplace violence
    Lone Wolf
    Culture of corruption

  119. The “truth” is just a construct of the White Supremacist Heteronormative Cis-Partiarchal Power Structure.

  120. Someone use the Google to see if the Prince Andrew pimp is the same guy as the Menendez pimp or was Billy Jeff being ferried around by 2 different under age sex providers?

  121. Dude, Trig stepped on his dog to wash dishes.

  122. I H8 Belichunk, Brady, and the Cheatriots. He took the team to watch American Sniper. He’s a sneaky MF

  123. Man, it would have been awesome if they had secretly replaced all the DMV workers in California with ICE agents today. But that’s not the world we live in.

  124. Sean, that DL for illegals is a bunch of shit. We have felons challenging their convictions because of illegals on their juries. Thanks Motor Voter. Thanks Gov FatAss for making illegal DLs identical to citizen DLs.

  125. They had lines around the block at DMV offices around the state today. This, we are told, somehow makes it less likely for the rest of us to be killed by some borracho in a hit and run accident. Because they’ll have licenses and a newfound respect for the law or some junk.

  126. We were fed that line of BS as well. Hasn’t changed a thing. They can apply for credit cards and vote and get benefits. Documents change everything. Still illegal and FSA.


  128. LOLOLOL


  130. I’m too lazy to learn to link stuff. MJ, have you seen the Richard Dawson South Park episode?

  131. There’s an RD, SP episode?


  132. Dude. South Park Studios. Gay butt sex FTW.

  133. Evolution is a scam.

    At least in the sense that Dawkins et al use it as a proxy argument for atheism, which is intellectual laziness of the highest order.

    Possibly in more senses, but I no longer care.

  134. Fantasia puts me to sleep. (Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies) Then I woke up during Rite of Spring. SCIENCE! I’ve tried to watch GotG 4 times. I keep falling asleep during the prison break out.

  135. Dawkins Dawson shrugs. Brits.

  136. Interesting court case here. The state snatched a 17 YO from her family and is forcing chemotherapy treatments. She had decided against them.

    The only medical decisions she can legally make at that age are about abortion.

  137. If she was 75, there would be no chemo.

  138. Did anybody feel ill after seeing where anybody else’s “artisan” cheese was made today?

  139. FACK! I don’t even eat artisan bread!

  140. Spent 4 hrs with MiL today. It is so emotionally draining. Dan is so patient. Writing everything down. Repeating it again and again. Coming home and spending 30 minutes going over everything again. We’re off Monday. Getting new stove. I expect another day with the MiL. SiL is cleaning out everything. Not unexpected. Dan is starting to get pissed. Not good. He’s like the most easy going person.

  141. I own four pair of khaki pants.

    Only one pair fits.

    It’s been so long since I’ve worn pants I have no idea which pair it is.

  142. Slackers. Menendez procurers are totes different than Prince Andrew. They both have the Clenis in common.

  143. Dresses?

  144. Xbrad,
    I own no khakis. I own only Levis 505s, and Levis denim shirts.
    I have no decisions to make when getting dressed in the morning.
    Denim, top-to-bottom.
    Easy Peasy.

  145. Denim is not permitted in the clubhouse.

  146. Okay, I was watching this guys imprisonment, but “something” happened.
    He was no longer imprisoned in Cuba.


    The SCoaMF is Pissing me off…

  147. Jorts?

  148. Ok. MJ wins the internets.

  149. Oh well. No snow in Santa Fe tonight.

  150. Xbrad,
    I have no intention of entering your “Clubhouse”, nor being within 50 miles of it.
    You’ve been out here, horses, cattle, and dogs. MT Rainier and the Olympics in the background, don’t fuck with me and “Get Off My Lawn”.

  151. I was a Levis guy forever. I just tried Wrangler because Walmart sells them for about 40% of what Levis cost.

    I’ll report back.

  152. You guys with small penises and no scrotums can keep your jeans. I need a little more space for my junk.

  153. Did anybody feel ill after seeing where anybody else’s “artisan” cheese was made today?

    We’re going to the farmers market in town tomorrow so there will be opportunity to contract all sorts of intestinal disorders.

  154. Groin kilt

  155. That explains the dress.

  156. Scott,
    Getting the last pants and Levis shirts has been very confusing. You get two shirts, one from Viet Nam and one from Puerto Rico.
    Get two jeans, from Nicaragua, and one from China.
    I liked it better when they were all from San Francisco, and the sizes were consistent…

  157. GO we are at the 90% precip stage right now….nada. If your inlaws watch KOB, Nicole Brady is a cousin.

  158. Levis are okay, but I can’t quite find a pair that fits me right. I just started buying Lee, and their regular fit straight-leg jeans are close to perfect.

  159. I get jeans at the Goodwill for $2.50. And belts. Nobody wears a 28×36 except in skinny jeans and there’s no chance in hell I will wear skinny jeans.

  160. I just got a pair with tiny pockets.

    Part of the reason I tried $17 Wranglers.

    I am impressed so far, it’s early though.

  161. I used to wear wranglers. Decent jeans. Switched to cargos after I got a smartphone because I wanted to carry it in a pants pocket. I’m not going back.

  162. Back when I used to wear jeans I wore wranglers cause they were cheap. All the Nancy boys wore Sedgefield and Jordache and looked down their noses at me. Also they got laid by the superficial chicks who thought that jean branding was a social marker. I’m still scarred by it.

  163. Sorry, Oso, KOB?

  164. NBC news. She’s cute. Familia.

  165. Hard to find jeans that fit right. Rustlers are cut about the same as Wranglers and cost around $11 at WalMart, hard to beat. If you want to see crazy prices, look at selvedge denim. Some jeans are north of $300.

    Snowing (about 3″) and 23 here tonight. Really hoping it starts warming up, the cold is tough on the animals (and me!). Maybe it will head north toward Santa Fe, I don’t want to deprive GO.

  166. I worked in a Gap as a teenager. Back when it was all funky and seventies pop… Tv slogan: Fall into the Gap.

    I still remember lots of the model numbers for Levi’s. The 501s had to be sold larger to accommodate shrinkage. Every Gap had to carry one pair of 50×36 501 Levi’s. Not that we ever sold one.

  167. I think it’s Klingon GO.

  168. Outlier sizes can be found online. Free shipping. But hey, whatev. 42/34 is totes avail. (Harder sizes at Sam’s are anything waist smaller than ’32)

  169. Kakawa Chocolate. Pretty damn good stuff off of Paseo de Peralta.

  170. Believe it or not, occasionally someone would pee in the dressing rooms at the Gap. Disgusting.

    Also, the local biker/low rider types had this habit of wearing big bell Levi’s until they wore out… Wore them without washing them. So they would stay dark. Once a dude bought a new pair to wear them out of the store. He handed me his old ones to toss in the trash.

  171. I worked in a Gap as a teenager. Back when it was all funky and seventies pop… Tv slogan: Fall into the Gap.

    Ah, yes, I remember reading about it in your book Down and Out in London and Paris and The Glendale Galleria.

  172. Ah, yes, I remember reading about it in your book Down and Out in London and Paris and The Glendale Galleria.

    Everyone knows the workforce in the casual clothing retail market was a hotbed of anarchists and impoverished discontent. The names of Bakunin and Trotsky will forever be linked to corduroy flares.

  173. Snowing (about 3″) and 23 here tonight. Really hoping it starts warming up, the cold is tough on the animals (and me!). Maybe it will head north toward Santa Fe, I don’t want to deprive GO.

    Just saw the local TV weather. Lots of sky cocaine in Albuquerque, none due in Santa Fe.

  174. My grandpa only ever owned two pairs of jeans at any time. He had a work pair and a nice pair. When the work pair wore out he would wear the newer ones and buy a new nice pair.

  175. Gap wouldn’t have lost so much of its edge in the retail market to Miller’s Outpost but for Stalin’s purge of Tukhachevsky from his position as Regional Manager.

  176. Gap wouldn’t have lost so much of its edge in the retail market to Miller’s Outpost but for Stalin’s purge of Tukhachevsky from his position as Regional Manager.

    Fortunately when Khrushchev took over he aggressively expanded Soviet fashion into third world countries to exploit their fabric resources, effectively creating a Banana Republic.

  177. Gah, just put the dog up. 6 to 8 inches of snow and still coming down.

  178. I’d make an Old Navy joke, but I don’t know much of anything about Soviet sea power.

  179. I’d make an Old Navy joke, but I don’t know much of anything about Soviet sea power.

    All I know is “things in here don’t take well to bullets, Ryan.”

  180. What I know about the Soviet Navy

  181. I know I shouldn’t want to derp you
    If you don’t want to stay-ay
    Until you go forever
    I’ll be holding on for dear life
    Holding you this way
    Begging you to stay

  182. wakey wakey.

  183. Already at work toots

  184. Cat woke me up for breakfast. I wanted more sleep.

  185. Puppy woke us up at 0700. It’s been go time since then. He’s finally napping now after being outside 3 times, having breakfast and running around the living room biting on chew toys.

  186. Benny’s 10 months now, so he can keep a schedule. Unfortunately he keeps a mix of my schedule and my wife’s, and that means he wants to get up at 4 and go outside. He’s usually good until 930 after that.

  187. 4 1/2 months for ours now. He makes it through the night now but when we start stirring in the morning he’ll begin shifting in his crate reminding us he’s there. He’s getting better at not peeing indoors but we need to keep a close eye on him still. How old was your pup when he got neutered Leon?

  188. Good baby prep, Leon.

  189. Girl at work just had her second. She came back to work and seems a bit in shock. #2 is HARD. Wants to be held all the time, etc

    I laughed a little inside.

    #1 is often easy because you don’t CARE that you hold the baby constantly. Often you can’t bear to put ’em down.

    #2, though, shit gets real.

    I told her to come and tell me when she’s on # 3 or 4 or 5 and then we’ll talk.

  190. Already at work toots

    Whatever, when I’m still at work after 12 hours, tonight at midnight, can I call you?

  191. Off to get some shelves and totes.

  192. >> Whatever, when I’m still at work after 12 hours, tonight at midnight, can I call you?


    Let me know when you’re headed in and I’ll call and say hidy too.

  193. Benny was snipped at 4 months, and he’s tiny, so you should be good to go if that’s the plan.

  194. Some serious shifts are about to happen in manufacturing.

    If you work on the line in an auto plant, it’s time to look for an exit strategy.

  195. 9+ inches of snow here last night. The next few days are gonna suck.

  196. We don’t have snow, it’s actually icing right now. Not sleet or rain, exactly, we’re getting ice right at the ground level. Weirdest thing.

  197. No snow in Santa Fe, but as a consolation prize I get a hay fever sore throat.


  199. That was quite the cooch-grab. Bailey must like her.

  200. No football until 4:30?

    This is bullshit!

  201. People are already partying here. I guess the Panthers are playing today.

  202. I’m watching I, Frankenstein, and it’s just plain silly.

    So carving a symbol onto a weapon makes it holy and able to kill demons, but they still using hand to hand combat as opposed to marking bullets?


  203. Holy Hand Grenade.

  204. I was similarly disappointed, Alex. It was atrocious and I was embarrassed for the actors.

    Also laughable that you can have demons, real demons, from Hell, serving Evil, and their good counterpart is… gargoyles?

    Just give up, Hollywood, you can’t tell this story, and shouldn’t have tried. Koontz’s Frankenstein “fan fiction” was perfectly written for Hollywood scripting, and they managed to foul that up so badly that his name isn’t even on it.


  206. Who would you have cast for Victor Frankenstein in Koontz’ adaptation, leon? i could see that being a pretty good series of movies. It would be kinda of like Underworld, except with the main characters being mostly human looking.

  207. Big 12 basketball kicks off this weekend, so the no football effect is lessened here.


  209. I thought you were a buffalo, not a donkey.

  210. Probably Neal McDonough, Jay.

    And if he were still young enough, I’d beg Clancy Brown to play the Monster again.


  212. Oooo, good call, leon!

  213. My dash looks a bit like that.

  214. Should’ve skipped that cheap gas.

  215. New poat.

    Board with Sanctions for Stupidity

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