Big Boob Friday™

Hi fuckface.  Welcome to Big Boob Friday.  As a vulgarian, I find that some days I feel the need to swear more than other days.  Today is one of those days you cocksucking piece of shit motherfucking asshole dickweed cowboy-fisting son of a douche.

David Bowie falls in the class of legendary artists that I’m like meh.  He always seemed like a Nancy boy,  cross dressing, weirdo sissy.  He does have some good songs but not what I think of as “RAWK”.  Until I heard this song.  If you don’t like this song, well that’s just one more reason why your mother sucks cocks in hell.

For some reason there are 20 seconds of STFU at the beginning so you can skip that part, stupid chicken fucker. Turn it up, dirty whore.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

I do think that the fact that Bowie has one blue eye and one green eye is pretty cool so there’s that.

How about we look at some boobs now you scum-sucking pig, you sons of a motherless goat, you lowly sluttery plague of the earth?

And now, boob quiz.  Guess the models and win a PRIZEZOMG!!


Today’s history lesson is in video form. And it has nipples. Lots and lots of nipples.  And naked boobies.  If you don’t like history, nipples or naked boobies or you’re offended by history, nipples or naked boobies then you better not watch this.

Safe for work if you work at Cinemax.
Vodpod videos no longer available.

Happy Easter to you all. I hope when you go on an Easter egg hunt that your Easter eggs are filled with money and jelly beans and not explosives and hippo porn which is what would happen if I was the Easter bunny.






  1. This post has tiger blood shooting out of its warlock hole.

  2. I am second.

  3. Well hello, hot second.

  4. Rosetta, I just mentioned to my husband that we use terms here we used as kids. HA! I was trying to remember one in particular to tell him and you used it today….DICKWEED!

    Thanks, you douchehole!

    (but I mean that in a loving way)

  5. Hey Rosie. Got the Dallas Mini Meatup pics posted… take a lookie.

  6. Thanks, you douchehole!

    (but I mean that in a loving way)

    No problem, skag.

  7. It’s skank to you!

  8. Hey Rosie. Got the Dallas Mini Meatup pics posted… take a lookie.

    What the hell. I know the password to the meat locker. Does the link to the Dallas mini meat have its own password?


    Please email me the password, lovely Cathy.

    *kills drifter*

  9. Really, Rosie, “skank” is the past-perfect plural tense, and we all know mare is “perfect”.

  10. It’s skank to you!

    Hahahahaha. Skank was the Sesame Street of girl insults in junior high.

    Skag was the Electric Company version.

  11. Rosetta, Cathy and I have been having problems with the Dallas mini meat-up password too.

  12. I need to get this off my chest.

    Did anyone else watch that video that was bold-faced in red on Drudge this morning of those two pieces of shit girls nearly killing another girl at a McDonald’s?

    I watched that and it started my day off on the wrong fucking foot.

    I so badly want to be locked in a room with those two pieces of human trash for an hour, I can hardly stand it.

    With a non-Mom’s-jeans-wearing President, if we saw a video of one of our soldiers being beaten like that by foreign enemies, we would fucking bomb some shit.

    And this is all over the news in St. Louis today:

    I’m a lover, not a fighter but today I’ve wanted to do bad, really violent, heinous things to bad people.

    Okay. That’s off my chest.

  13. You could hide Easter Eggs in that chic’s (see what I did there) Bush in teh boobie video

  14. I’ve been in this mood all day.

  15. I do think that the fact that Bowie has one blue eye and one green eye is pretty cool so there’s that.

    That’s not true. Both his eyes are the same color. It’s just that one of his pupils is non-functional, so it is always much larger than the other one, which gives the impression that he has two different color eyes.

    post sucks, by the way.

  16. I mean, what kind of prancing little fairy puts a picture of Alvin Greene over the beautiful face of Erica Campbell?


  17. I do think that the fact that Bowie has one blue eye and one green eye is pretty cool so there’s that.

    That’s not true. Both his eyes are the same color. It’s just that one of his pupils is non-functional, so it is always much larger than the other one, which gives the impression that he has two different color eyes.

    Sorry David Bowie’s optometrist.

  18. Rosie, I felt the same way and I wasn’t even able to watch the video. I just read about it.

    Human pieces of garbage.

  19. be careful wiserbud Fairy Rosette is in a mood

  20. Look, you may be okay with coming across as an uninformed moron, but I would hate to see this bastion of truth and knowledge be sullied by your ignorance.

  21. you guys think a chocolate chip cookie is the proper post-workout snack?

  22. Why would anyone even think that would be fun? I mean what kind of serious mental defect would you have to have to think: Ooooh let’s do that!

  23. I mean, what kind of prancing little fairy puts a picture of Alvin Greene over the beautiful face of Erica Campbell?


    Hahahahaha. I was trying to think of what would piss me off if I was reading someone else’s BBF and that’s what I came up with.

    Also, + 1 point.

  24. I’m not in a great mood either. I’ve been waiting for over 90 minutes for a guy from Italy to get on-lone for this demo he requested.

    Seems he can’t seem to figure out how to click on a simple little link.

  25. you guys think a chocolate chip cookie is the proper post-workout snack?

    No, but fudge brownie is

  26. I was trying to think of what would piss me off if I was reading someone else’s BBF and that’s what I came up with.

    Worked for me!

  27. Rosie, I felt the same way and I wasn’t even able to watch the video. I just read about it.

    Human pieces of garbage.

    I didn’t link it because I don’t want anyone that hasn’t seen it to watch it.

    It will kill part of your soul.

    Hulk smash.

  28. Rosetta. I’m already in a foul mood. I simply can’t watch a video of it right now. Maybe later. But maybe not. The rest of my day and evening are kinda packed. But I’m aching inside about what is happening to our communities, states and nation.

    I hear ya. Hugs.

  29. I was trying to think of what would piss me off if I was reading someone else’s BBF and that’s what I came up with.

    Worked for me!

    The fact that you thought it sucked and it pissed you off makes me feel better.

    Let me know if you want me to kill the guy from Italy.

  30. I didn’t watch it either just read it. Disgusting.

  31. I played around with meatup stuff… and think maybe I can get in the front door now… but my nice captions look like crap.

    *back to the drawing board… sulking*

  32. I didn’t link it because I don’t want anyone that hasn’t seen it to watch it.

    It will kill part of your soul.

    Hulk smash.

    Indeed. I watched it first thing this morning and have felt sick all day. I hope they get the guys who filmed it too.

  33. Let me know if you want me to kill the guy from Italy.

    He’s trying. Probably drunk on red wine or something.

  34. See yall later

  35. I thought the women with big boobs and the alvin green heads looked great.

  36. CATHY!!!

    YOU DID IT!!!!

  37. what really pissed me off the most was that the gentleman killed by those animals had just left Vietnam a couple of years ago to escape the shithell over there.

  38. CATHY!!! YOU DID IT!!!!

    *does happy dance*

    There’s hope for me yet… but the cryptic-captions are bothersome.
    May try to fix them another time.

  39. Cathy, I just showed my husband the pictures of the pool re-do too. Can you post one with the water in it?

    I know I’ve been asking for lots of computer crap….sheesh.

  40. I haven’t checked Drudge since this morning. The McDonald’s story is now the headline story.

    As much as I hate for other people to see that, I want those fucking scumbags convicted of attempted murder.

    And all the “men” standing around that did nothing…I want them to be known as well.

    As human beings, they’re scum.

  41. And all the “men” standing around that did nothing…I want them to be known as well.
    As human beings, they’re scum.

    Dr. Walter Williams was discussing the lack of moral fiber in our nation with Mark Levin on his radio program the other night. I agree. And it does not help that our nation’s leader has not one filament of moral fiber either.

  42. Where’d you learn your PhotoShop skills? K-Mart?

  43. He’s trying. Probably drunk on red wine or something.

    Plus it’s almost midnight there. He’s probably with some hookers or something.

  44. Where’d you learn your PhotoShop skills? K-Mart?

    I got a C – in Microsoft Paint, bitch.

  45. For the record, the only thing I will ever remember David Bowie for is Labyrinth. Both for cheese factor and…. yeeeeeah. If you saw the movie you know what the second memorable bit was.

  46. I got a C – in Microsoft Paint, bitch.

    More like finger painting, I think.

  47. I saw the movie and I don’t know what you’r referring to.

    David Bowie is awesome, though.

  48. David Bowie is awesome, though.

    Further proof that your tastes in music is a complete mystery to me…

  49. Dr. Walter Williams was discussing the lack of moral fiber in our nation with Mark Levin on his radio program the other night. I agree. And it does not help that our nation’s leader has not one filament of moral fiber either.

    Normally that sort of evil makes me sad because there are more good people in the world than bad and the bad people make me doubt the divine nature of man. But today for some reason it just makes me very, very angry.

  50. Seriously Car in? You might be the only person I’ve ever met who can watch that movie without snickering to themselves the minute Bowie shows up then.

  51. More like finger painting, I think.

    *makes macaroni-on-construction-paper picture of AD licking a donkey’s ass*

  52. Evening, you sub-sapient arthropods.

  53. I don’t remember it Revvy. Maybe I was drunk.

    Bowie was ahead of his time musically. Panic in Detroit, Ziggy Stardust, Ashes to Ashes. He was great up until that disco shit.

  54. makes macaroni-on-construction-paper picture of AD licking a donkey’s ass*

    Don’t eat too much of the paste there, Rosie. You know how constipated it makes you. You’ll be shuffling round like Floyd…

  55. I can’t view that video right now, but my curiosity is killing me. Where did it happen, what state and town? Does anyone know why? Was the girl hospitalized? Was it a girl?

  56. The girl started seizing.

  57. Oh, Lord. I always think, “what if that happened to one of my girls?” I would surrender my life of freedom and kill those bitches.

  58. I don’t get it, I like the Alvin Green heads.

  59. Baltimore, Maryland. A filthy, corrupt exemplar of generational control by Democrats. Nancy Pelosi’s father was mayor there once. I do my best to avoid Maryland at all costs.

  60. Have a good weekend folks, especially those of you for whom this is a Holy weekend.

    Me, I get to deal with almost all of my immediate family Sunday – not looking forward to it. Drinks will be needed…

  61. Car in, just look at this image and tell me what the first thing you notice is.

  62. I would kill the biches too. Those animals don’t deserve to live among civilized people.

  63. I’m a lover, not a fighter but today I’ve wanted to do bad, really violent, heinous things to bad people.

    The primary role of government is NOT to re-distribute wealth in an effort to make nice and try to play fair for everyone. THE PRIMARY ROLE OF GOVERNMENT IS TO KICK VIOLENT LAWBREAKERS IN THE ASS, TAKE NAMES, AND EXECUTE THOSE WHO ARE HOPELESSLY VIOLENT MURDERERS, and in so doing protect and encourage those who obey the law.

    If the people in government will not do their job, then they all need to go. Fin.

  64. It will be interesting to see how the “justice” system deals with them. I hope they get serious time.

    Drudge indicates that an employee was taking the video, didn’t they immediately call the police?

    I just can’t watch it now, I’ll go into a funk.

    When I think of Baltimore I think of a high % of blacks, is that wrong?

  65. Hahaha. See I guess I had acleaner mind when I was young.

    Now, i’m thinking,”how YOU” doing?

  66. I will not watch it. It would merely confirm that the disgusting filming of a horrific attack somehow qualifies for my attention. I’m not a voyeur by nature and it disgusts me that young men would sit and video this rather than intervene.

  67. Don’t watch it Mare. You can’t unsee it once you watch it and you will want to unsee it.

    I’m gong to make some new stock pot of love for dinner and maybe that will calm me.


  68. Yeah, I saw that movie when I was 18, sooo… yeah. Kinda hard to miss. Pretty much everyone I’ve ever met who has seen that movie can’t help but mention it.

  69. Deer are back Again.

  70. I’m probably going to pass on the video. I’ve seen videos before where people just watch while someone gets killed or seriously injured. I don’t need it. But folks, we can all find some ways to help to restore civility and decency. I promise you all that I will do as much as I can.

  71. Okay, no video, I know that’s right. I was trying to have a holy Good Friday but I blew that this morning being angry about some political stuff and in turn wanting to kill people. I think I’ll sit outside, have a glass of wine and think some thoughts.

    Cathy, would consider linking a picture of your revamped pool with water in it? I showed pictures to my husband earlier and would love to see the surface with water in it.

  72. Alvin looks hot in that last pic. I’m a half mast brah

  73. I’m a David Bowie fan. He’s a bad boy who has always been ahead of his time. Enjoyed the movie Labyrinth and — yea — the crotch shot is pretty obvious.

    But the story is awesome and has a redemptive value that I really like. The essential message… “You do not have any power over me” is a good one for little kids who need to know they have personal power and inner strength and don’t need to be swayed or influenced by evil.

  74. man that md video his pathetic. I’d love to get a hold of those punks filming it

  75. I can’t watch the video either. Just reading about it and reading about Mr. Nguyen makes me sick. I agree with Cathy. Time to cull the government entities that refuse to enforce the law.

  76. BBL.

    Looking forward to a major attitude adjustment after Good Friday worship and then an annual viewing of “The Passion of Christ” upon return home.

    Later Lovelies.

  77. Y’all have a wonderful weekend. Supposed to rain like hell all weekend here, which is gonna make standing outside at the sunrise service an absolute joy.

    hugs and cuddles to the ladies, high-fives and fanny-pats to the guys.

    And three pats to Lauraw.

  78. Best part of the movie, MCPO.

  79. Oh… Thanks Chief.

  80. Bows slightly.

    You are welcome.

  81. (((Hugs))) Cathy and Wiserbabe

  82. *whirls around*

    Strange. Thought I felt…something.

    Time for some vitamin C, everybody.

    *opens big foam cooler full of vodka-injected oranges on ice*

  83. Hi everybody! *waves*

    Here is your algebra quiz for today; solve for x:

    Alvin + x = Rosetta

    No cheating!

  84. I don’t know why she bugs me so much, because there are plenty of other annoying people.

    Uh huh. You got that right.

    *points at Dave*

  85. I was told there would be No Maths!

  86. I’m gonna hang out with Laura–I like oranges and vodka. What could go wrong?

  87. X=Floyd’s balls

    *opens champagne bottle to celebrate math win*

  88. I’m gonna hang out with Alvin Greene

  89. Excellent job on the new Meat page Cath…well done. I might be able to fix your captions, if so desired.


    BTW: Payson weather update–breezy sunny awesome.

  90. Isn’t there a law against defiling boob pics with pics of bewbs?

    Fuck it. That’s just how today is going.

  91. This is the worstest BBF evar.

  92. X=Floyd’s balls

    That is correct! However, I forgot to mention this is postmodern algebra so there is more than one correct answer.

  93. Deer came back again. I sent Zelda out by herself and the deer said so what.

  94. I got the results of my sleep study from the doc today. She says I stop breathing so often when I sleep she is suprised i don’t have dain bramage.

  95. Today, I decided that I want to be a ninja when I grow up. I Googled “Ninja School” to see where I can be professionally trained in the art. I followed a link that said Ninja School, and the page could not be found.

    Well played, Ninja School.

  96. HA! We still love you Brew!

  97. seriously, any of you morons have to do the CPAP thing? I need some advice if’n you’re willing to share.

  98. Time for some vitamin C, everybody.

    I’d take her if she didn’t sing.

  99. Brew, I don’t, but my Boss does. He said the soft piece going over the face rather than the hard one is a MUST.

    Other than that, I got nuthin’.

  100. HA! I love crap like that, WIser.

  101. wiserbud, did you put your former employer out of business today? WHY NOT?

  102. “Well played, Ninja School.”

    Hahaha, that’s awesome, but I’ll have to explain it to SoHos

  103. seriously, any of you morons have to do the CPAP thing?

    My advice: try to never need one.

  104. I think I need one too Brewfan but the odds of me doing a sleep study are pretty slim.

    I hope I enjoy brain damage.

  105. soft is better than hard? *rethinks CPAP*

  106. Dangit, I burnt the shit out of my left ring finger making chocolate tree bark.

  107. “I hope I enjoy brain damage.”

    It’s not so bad.

  108. It’s been so busy lately, I feel brain damaged and my body hurts.

    Will be racing the clock, tomorrow, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and then on Wednesday I get to pick up about 2000 lbs of crap from a 4th floor apartment in Boston with no elevator.

  109. scott, I’ve obviously had this all my life but it only started bothering me the last few years. When I wake up in the morning now I feel like I haven’t slept at all so it was time to do something. If it wasn’t for that I wouldn’t bother with it.

  110. soft is better than hard? *rethinks CPAP*

    It’s sleep, not a lemon party.

  111. I will be like Homer after they pull the crayon out of his brain.

  112. I love Labyrinth. One of my favorite movies. There’s a lot more to it than you might think – it’s a hero myth and a coming of age story in addition to everything else. Jareth represents Sarah’s fears as a girl trying to become a woman, and that critical line, “You have no power over me,” is when she realizes that she doesn’t need to be bound by the comforts of her childhood or the fears of her girlhood, and can step boldly into her adulthood.

    Also, I always describe the actors as “David Bowie, a very young Jennifer Connelly, a bunch of Muppets, and, in an important supporting role, David Bowie’s codpiece.”

  113. *dozes off*

  114. Scott, if you need any help on Wednesday

    *checks calendar*

    Awww, shit. I’m all booked up.

  115. Haven’t destroyed them yet. . Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  116. Labyrinth is okay. I could have used fewer musical bits, though.

  117. Get on with it already.

    We have a funeral to plan.

  118. Andy it’s on Mass Ave, did I see that last Saturday?

  119. Oh c’mon Leon! The music bits are what propels it into the world of awesome 80’s cheese!

  120. If you went home on the Mass Pike, you probably got on at Mass Ave.

  121. I zone out when music starts in a movie and it’s unaccompanied by combat.

    It’s an atavism.

  122. Hey Brew–I have a cousin that has teh apnea and she did not like the mask. I have seen many commercials for a product that looks to be an excellent alternative for many people. The website is “”. You’ll probably feel like a million bucks once you start getting some air at night. *devil horns flashed*

  123. Brew, relax about the brain damage. You don’t really have to be very smart to go fishing.

  124. But… but… cheesy musicals are the best! Repo! the Genetic Opera? No?

  125. Iowahawk’s tribute to Gaia is a true masterpiece:

  126. Haven’t seen it. Oh, I do like montages.

  127. Repo is amazing. The only time Paris Hilton has been a part of anything worthwhile (no seriously). Definitely a B-movie, but in the best possible way. It’s a sci-fi/horror musical. And it’s AWESOME.

  128. Thanks Cyn! *devil horns!*

  129. Alright, the little guy is in bed and the womenfolk went to see “Wicked” in NYC.

    Ohai, 12-pack and remote control.

  130. Rosettaballs – if you do not want to meet this weekend for beers, then continue to ignore the email that I sent… Corksoaker.

  131. Brew, relax about the brain damage. You don’t really have to be very smart to go fishing.

    Not true. What if one aspires to become a Master Baiter™?

  132. Hahahahaha. Rosetta checks his email, like, once a decade.

  133. Rosetta checks his email bathes, like, once a decade.


  134. Going to watch the Brewers kick Astros. See youse guys later.

  135. I think the only way you’ll get Rosetta is by phone, which I don’t think he ever answers anyway.

  136. Because it’s my mission in life to make everyone watch at least this clip:

    Mildly NSFW, but it makes Revvy very happy.

  137. Later Brew.

  138. dammit, I cut out that http bit.

  139. He will give you shit next week for not letting him know gmland.

  140. There. I’m done jamming for Jesus. Please to excuse me while I go back and read this POS post.

  141. Astros FTW!

  142. Dave, I worked a “booger” in for you.

  143. Thanks Andy.

    -10,000 Nobel Peace Prizes for no history links. You’re just phoning it in now Rosetta.

  144. I have looked through the entire phonebook in St.Louis for ‘Rosetta’ and I only get numbers for rehab centers and male escorts.

  145. Damn, GML. Where to begin …

  146. Maybe he just hates you.

  147. I know, right!

  148. GML – Try, “Man-lesbians with seriously hawt wives”.

  149. Oh man, there are like 10 new anime series on netflix instant.

    See you guys in 120 hours.

  150. “Awww, shit. I’m all booked up.”

    What about Mrs Andy? Her legs are strong.

  151. I just realized, I won’t need a gym anymore, I’ll have a barn!

    (WP keeps eating my link to the Rocky IV training montage)

  152. Yeah, but she lacks upper body strength.

    *Does another 12-ounce curl*

    Put us together, and we are strong like ox!

  153. Did anybody bogart anybody else’s joint today?

  154. Sean – No. But my knees are aching and they are joints.

  155. SEAN!!

    Your bit still makes me laugh everyday…..

  156. Sadly, no.

  157. Last Friday fish dinner for a while. . .

    Tomorrow our friends are gathering here and I plan to eat and drink without remorse.

  158. I underestimated him, OhBambi is a full-on Marxist:

  159. Did anybody bogart anybody else’s joint today?

    ’bout to. Does that count?

  160. ’bout to. Does that count?


  161. I do it all for you, Mare.

  162. You dirty filthy liar……but I like that.

  163. There are very few men who will not lie to please a lovely woman.

  164. -10,000 Nobel Peace Prizes for no history links. You’re just phoning it in now Rosetta.

    I made the history of boobs video!! All by myself. I didn’t steal that from no one.

    My original work. Something that I did on my own.

  165. Rosetta – How is your lovely bride? Glowing and happy I hope. And how goes the house hunting?

  166. We have tornado sirens going off here like a pajama momma tabernacle choir.

  167. Ahh, perfect for teh bachelor pad evening … To Live and Die in L.A. is coming on. A classic.


  169. >> We have tornado sirens going off here like a pajama momma tabernacle choir.

    Hide your head between the boobs.

    It won’t save your life, but you’ll feel better about it.

  170. Rosetta – How is your lovely bride? Glowing and happy I hope. And how goes the house hunting?

    She has a bit of a cold but she’s doing good. I cooked her ass some posole tonight so that made her feel better.

    Floyd is snuggling with her and all is well.

    The house hunting is on pause. Until we get a contract on our trailer, we’re not really looking. The real estate market here is a goofy motherfucker.

    Are you enjoying some single malt this evening?

  171. Mare is commenting too quickly, and why does Rosetta hate gmland?



  173. Now that I ponder my advice, I think maybe it could save your life. Boobs are pretty amazing.

  174. Ahh, perfect for teh bachelor pad evening … To Live and Die in L.A. is coming on. A classic.

    Excellent flick. Well done, ignorant slut.

    For some reason I own the soundtrack to that movie. Wang Chung.


    Nobody’s falling for that one, Chief.


  176. Here’s a weather map of St. Louis from 5 minutes ago. Not pretty.

  177. I believe I too owned it way back in the cassette tape days.

  178. I believe I too owned it way back in the cassette tape days.

    I owned it on a 78 rpm record.


  179. Here’s a weather map of St. Louis from 5 minutes ago. Not pretty


  180. Sean, what size of hail did you have today:

    (A) Weezer tiny

    (B) Parker Stevenson testicle size

    (C) Heirloom tomato

    (D) Jew

  181. This batch of bark came out pretty good. Two blocks for dinner.

  182. Rosetta, you got cows?

  183. hi Mare!
    hi Sohos!
    and the rest of you sausages.

  184. Rosetta, you got cows?

    Good luck milking that.

  185. VMAN!!!

    What color poodle skirt are you wearing right now?

  186. Everyone have an excellent night. I’m going to go watch some silent movie on celluloid.

  187. To live and die in la. Awesomely great flick. I think it is awesome we have the same taste in movies.

  188. I come from the future.

    Rosetta had a great time at the STLSTFUMU

  189. I think that was the same cow.

  190. Vman, when you show up it classes up the place and all the recipes taste better with a chef around.

  191. Wiserguy!!

    How are things in Connect-the-cuts?

  192. I’m starting to worry about living this close to Dearbornistan.

  193. Leon – Buy some hogs.

  194. TLaDiLA was indeed a fucking awesome movie.

  195. I have a feeling I could say anything and Rosetta would still ignore me right now.

    Rosie, please don’t be this way baby..!

  196. This movie’s a good reminder that I need to work my way through the Arsenal of Freedom™ with some gun oil and a cleaning rag.

    This is gonna take a while …

  197. Don’t know. On my way to the in-laws for a weekend of fun and frustration. This one should be a good ‘un

  198. Wiser – Want I should sacrifice a goat or something?

  199. >> I think it is awesome we have the same taste in movies.

    This finishing each other’s sentences part is a bit ghey, though.

  200. Leon – Buy some hogs.

    I was considering it anyhow. I’m a little nerve-wracked about raising meat animals, though. Hunting is one thing. There’s something a little less than empathetic about killing an animal you raised, fed, petted, and so forth. I’m not opposed, I’m just not sure I’ve got it in me.

  201. It is settled, Rosetta hates you.

  202. purple rosetta, where did all the comments come from?

  203. It’s probably too late for this advice Wiser, but I avoided a MiL by marryin a gal whose mom had already left this world.

    Granted, that narrowed the field but I like to think it was a big WIN for Dave

  204. Alright, Jeopardy time. See alls y’alls later.

  205. I avoided a FiL by him walking out on my MiL 20 years before I met my wife.

  206. Leon, killing pigs/cows/chickens etc is easy.

    As long as you don’t name them.

  207. As long as you don’t name them.

    That’s what I’ve heard. That’s why I’m not naming the kids until after I’m sure they’re worth keeping.

  208. What? I have to catalog my weapons? Never!
    I have to many!

    Check out my mushroom pasta Mare.
    With whiskey mushrooms in olive oil garlic sauce.


  210. It is settled, Rosetta hates you.

    No, just you Scott.

    I actually think he likes me.

  211. Leon,
    Pigs and dogs.

    And I will buy a pig for bacon from you. Every year!

  212. Wiser, I’m hoping you have (what I consider hilarious) stories about your niece and her douchebag parents.

  213. Leon – Then just put up a sign – “Leon’s Hog Farm and Shooting Range”

  214. Vmax, mushroom pasta???? I would LOVE that.

  215. leoncaruthers says:
    April 22, 2011 at 10:05 pm
    I avoided a FiL by him walking out on my MiL 20 years before I met my wife.

    FiL is cool. MiL is okay. Rest of the clan…… Not so much.

  216. FiL is cool. MiL is okay. Rest of the clan…… Not so much.

    So, no goat?

  217. Leon, there are people that will come to your “farm” and do that for you. They will even process the meat (name your spices) and deliver it to you.

    But I’m the same way, hunting is great and as we speak there is a wild pig cut up in my freezer but I’m not sure I could do it myself with a “pet” unless my kids were starving.

  218. Leon
    MCPO’S “Leon’s Hog Farm and Shooting Range”

    Smoke your bacon in something,I will buy it.

  219. Hi sweet baby VMax!

  220. Leon – Then just put up a sign – “Leon’s Hog Farm and Shooting Range”

    I could put up a sign, but that would spoil the surprise.

    It does remind me that I could easily keep a 6 foot hole out in the woods. Just in case.

  221. mare says:
    April 22, 2011 at 10:08 pm
    Wiser, I’m hoping you have (what I consider hilarious) stories about your niece and her douchebag parents.

    I know how much you enjoy those, mare. I’ll be sure to suffer as much as possible for you.

  222. Mare
    Mushroom, garlic, lime, linguine!

  223. I’m so excited about Rosetta and the Mrs’s Baby I can’t stand it. Mrs. Peel and Will too.

    I don’t have friends that are having babies and it’s just the greatest thing in the whole world.

  224. Time to visit now. Nytol.

  225. Hi Sohos!

  226. ” I’ll be sure to suffer as much as possible for you.”

    Thanks, Wiser and sweet dreams!

  227. “I actually think he likes me.”

    You would be wrong. Rosetta hates everyone.

  228. Mare, yeah, I looked into that in case we ever kid the goats and get bucks. Chickens I’m a lot more confident on, but I’m mostly planning to keep chickens for the eggs. The goats will be mostly for milk, maybe mohair.

    Vmax, I know I’ll have at least once fenced area that can hold a pig. I’ll have to look into a smoker, I’ve never had one.

  229. She is commenting again?

  230. Nytol shots?

    Ok takes 14th shot, and passes out

  231. Cathy’s family is frustrating.

    I attend family events, eagerly waiting to see who will kill who, and fully prepared to duck out of the line of fire.

    Never happens. Seems like they all love each other, and me.

  232. Remember when England was a British country?

  233. *buys Leons smoked pork bellys sight unseen*
    *Hopes for applewood* but maybe pear? cherry? or peach? Grape? Black pepper?

  234. Our host this summer did some amazing things with a smoker, Leon. It takes time and attention but the results are fantastic and he says he really enjoys the process.

    After buying a house cash is low but go for a good one. Smoker that is.

  235. You guys just like To Live and Die in LA because you get to see William Peterson’s weezer at the beginning.

  236. You would be wrong. Rosetta hates everyone.

    No, Scott, Rosetta loves almost everyone. That’s why he is hosting the STLMU and will do a great job, I am sure.

    He just hates you, Scott. That’s why Laura was invited, but not you.

  237. MCPO, did you see (or link) the article about John Cleese (lib douche) who chooses to live in Bath because London is no longer an English city?


  238. Most of the immigrants we met in London were Indian. I didn’t see any obvious muslims, but maybe they don’t let their women go outside there.

    I did see a couple of yobs making racist cat-calls at an asian chick in a tight dress, though.

  239. WHen were you there, Leon?

  240. So I guess what I’m saying is, if London falls, at least some of the English had it coming.

  241. June, 2009.

  242. I was also mostly in touristy places, so it’s entirely possible I just wasn’t near them.

  243. Fuck, if you get out of the tourist destinations in London, you will be tripping over Muslims all the time.

  244. Maybe they hid from you, since you smell like pork.

  245. She commented again?

    This place needs filters

  246. Mare – I read it and wasn’t surprised. The last time I was in London (2002), the population resembled that of Karachi more than the London I knew in 1982.

  247. Maybe they hid from you, since you smell like pork.

    By day 3, I was sweating curry and pork fat, so yes.

  248. I was appalled. I was doing some “stuff” by the U.S. Embassy. Riding the tube and trains was nasty. You’d think the Brit Immigration Service would at least explain the plentiful water and the availability of soap to the hordes invading their shores!

  249. She commented again?

    “She” is the cat’s mother. To whom are you referring?

  250. Only time I experienced riding the subways in London was in the summer heat wave of 2003.

    I do not recommend this.

  251. We only rode the train once in London, and that was the express from Gatwick. We mostly walked in London, and only really took the Metro in Paris. I’m not sure if it was because we were tired of walking by then, or because it was easier to use. We did have to walk a lot farther to see things in Paris that weren’t Eiffel Tower. That was really close to the hotel, so we went over there at night a few times just to watch the light show.

  252. German trains in August…

    Apparently, now that they can’t render Jews into soap, they just don’t use it anymore.

  253. Dave – I was riding in from West Ruislip everyday.

  254. We stayed in West Hampstead, would take trains out in the mornings to go places, by the end of the day we were beat so I’d pay for a cab ride home (back then the exchange rate was 2:1). It was hotter than hell there, and I live in Texas. Only we have A/C and they pretty much don’t.

    I remember at the Tower they were changing the guards every 45 minutes cause those poor men were wilting in those heavy uniforms and bear hats.

  255. duh, I meant the trains in the Tube. Stifling, even in the morning.

    Mind the Gap!

  256. This came today. It’s next on my reading list after I finish the 17 books I’m (not) reading.

  257. I’m on this one, bout 2/3s through

  258. Took the BIL and SIL to see “Atlas Shrugged” this evening. It was good, and everyone really enjoyed it.

    I did my senior research paper on Ayn Rand’s novels (way back in the Stone Age), but my perspective as a 16/17-year-old still sheltered from sleazy politics was much less nuanced than it is today, 30+ years later.

    I will say that Ms. Rand’s writings spoke to me as a teenager, and had some bearing on my conservative leanings…

    The theater was full tonight – we were glad that we purchased our tickets ahead of time! And we can’t wait to see the rest of the movies –

  259. I’m on the fence about seeing Shrugged. I keep thinking I oughtta read it first.

  260. Atlas Shrugged was directed by a cast member from One Tree Hill.

  261. G’night, commentors and lurkers. I hope you all have a marvelous weekend.

  262. G’night, MCPOld.

  263. ‘Sup, douchebags?

  264. Not much, douchenozzle.

  265. I refuse to believe that this place has lurkers.

  266. My daughter volunteered us to spend the night at the Church to supervise the All Night Vigil, so I’m surfing midget porn in the library. It’s the least I can do.

  267. Sweet! Churches have the best pr0n.

  268. Better than surfing for it in the sanctuary.

  269. Perhaps I’m enjoying fondling the Arsenal of Freedom™ a little too much, but this is taking forever. No way I get to the long guns tonight. I’m only halfway through the sidearms.

  270. You’re rubbing one out to each piece, aren’t you?

  271. How else do you do it?

  272. I’s been almost 8 years since I’ve fired any of my guns. /sigh

  273. I kinda gave that approach up when I was a company armorer. There were only about 200 odd weapons in the arms room…

  274. Just got done with my pride and joy. A 20-year old Colt S.A.A. that’s never been fired since it left the factory.

    Other than that one, I shoot ’em all. But it’s been a while.

  275. Last thing I shot was a 25mm from the commanders station at 1600m at night, while on the move.

    4 shots, 4 hits,

  276. Youngest is home for the weekend and we intend to go fire rounds tomorrow afternoon. Bringing the .45s and the commie SKS

  277. My Norinco SKS had a bad sear. It fired full auto.

  278. Very nice, Dave. Those .45s are sweet.

    Ooh, there’s my Kimber right there.

  279. That’s just awful, XBrad, I hope you fixed it. I mean, it’d be terrible to have a full-auto gun just laying around when the zombies come.

  280. I can do that with a belt loop but the range discourages it.

    So I go to my friend’s 20 acre place when I want to make war sounds.


    Also I would almost, ALMOST give my left nut (retired) to fire one of those 25mm things

  281. I may just have to haul the youngster to the gun store tomorrow. I’m sure there’s something I need.

  282. I love my Kimber .45. First gun I ever bought, still my favorite, though my ultralight .38 is a close second.

  283. Andrew, you and I need to match up with the Springfield 1911A and the Kimber CDP and make holes in bad people paper sometime.

  284. Oddly, Dave, the 25mm was not nearly as much fun to shoot as a .50cal. M2.

    It’s almost like a video game. But a Ma Duece is hands on, rock and roll.

  285. Dave, if I still lived down there, we’d be shootin’ my Barrett .50 cal.

    There’s a 1,000-yard range somewhere around Waco, IIRC.

    But I dropped plans to buy it when I found out we were moving up here, since there’s really nowhere to shoot one at that kind of distance.

  286. Leon,

    I got a refund on it. Last thing I needed was a visit from the friendly folks at the ATF.

  287. Yes. Yes we do.

    This is the Kimber model I have, FYI:

  288. That was the smart but less badass choice, XBrad. I approve while being somewhat disappointed.

  289. Andy, that’s my gun. Same right down to the trigger.

  290. Leon, at the time, I had, and thought I would continue to have, access to a large number of automatic weapons.

  291. Meatup, hell. We should have a ginormous shoot-up somewhere.

  292. **has fond memory of the day I had to fire off 17,000 rounds of 5.56mm in an hour or so**

  293. I still want to add a tube extender to my 870, but I have one of the models with dimples that have to be drilled out so nothing snags.

  294. TiFW I would like to know your adult take on AS

  295. I bought an older, kind of beat up 870 at a gun show a long time ago and had it parkerized, put a Pachmayr pistol grip and forend on it and added a mag tube extender.

    Sweet little piece.

  296. Teh Kimber

    Teh Springfield.

    Incidentally, if I can brag a little on Geoff’s kid, his boy shot lights out with that Springfield a few months ago.

  297. They both shoot really nice, Dave.

    IIRC, I shot the Springfield a little better.

  298. me too.

  299. LAKERS WIN!!!!

    /fairweather playoff fan

  300. I’m not the greatest shot. I can reliably hit a 5″ ring at 20 feet, but that’s about it.

  301. It occurs to me that the whole “Beat LA” chant doesn’t really work when those are also the letters in your state’s postal abbreviation.

  302. Leon, I fired Expert on every weapon I touched.

    and I’m a lousy shot.

  303. Am I a morbid person for being totally fascinated by the TV show Air Crash Investigation?

  304. I hope those of you who are going to the STL meat-up are driving, seeing as how a tornado fucked up one of the area airports pretty badly.

  305. Ok maybe not tonight? Goodnight All

  306. Am I a morbid person for being totally fascinated by the TV show Air Crash Investigation?

    Seeing as how your father was an aviator, only a little bit.

  307. Or, on the other hand, a lot.

    I’m not a mental health professional.

  308. Yeah, but he never had an accident.

    Except that one time he flew through a pine tree.

    And that was before I was even born.

  309. Had a friend who was killed at Hobby in 1979 in a commuter crash. If I recall there were 7 survivors and 13 killed. Twin engine, one engine failure on take-off roll and the pilot couldn’t correct.

  310. Dave, during the good old days of the Carter era, the A-6 and EA-6B community had a rash of awful accidents, including 2 at Whidbey, and several from Whidbey based squadrons.

    Quite a few of my classmates suddenly lost Dad. It was horrible.

  311. Damn xbrad. I’m sorry to hear that.

    Life on life’s terms is a stone-cold bitch, isn’t it?

    wow.. didn’t mean to go all moribund, apologies all.

  312. Man, the BBF model must have been a serious butter face to be putting Alvin Greene’s mug over it.

  313. Don’t sweat it, Dave.

    It was what it was. And as bad as it was, it wasn’t nearly as bad as the 50s and 60s were.

  314. PJ was the BBF model?

  315. Not sweating it then. I haven’t forgotten your friend either, and how much I admired you for your remembrance of him. That was a good thing you did.

  316. Dave, I’m tired and so is my brain.

    Which rememberance?

  317. I’m tired too. I worked 9 1/2 freaking hours straight with the school district’s I.T. dept.

    and I LOVED every minute of it. I’m going to learn everything there is to know about computers if it kills me!

  318. Don’t worry, peej. The computers will become sentient and kill us all soon enough.

  319. Best of luck, PJM. When you know it all, tell me. I’ve been programming them for 12 years and I know exactly enough to accomplish that task.

  320. Sean, the best part is that sentience isn’t remotely necessary for that, just a bad mistake.

  321. Good night, ladies.

  322. Yeah. “Mistake.”

  323. *sets Sean’s house on fire*

    *disappointed to learn that it was already on fire*

  324. Sean, when I program SkyNet to eliminate all my enemies, I may make some slight errors. There may be collateral damage. I hope you’ve visited Oregon, just in case it ends up a radioactive wasteland for a little while.

  325. Don’t worry, peej. The computers will become sentient and kill us all soon enough.

    I shall die happy.

    Best of luck, PJM. When you know it all, tell me. I’ve been programming them for 12 years and I know exactly enough to accomplish that task

    Let me rephrase that. I’m going to learn everything I can know about them………

  326. I’m not saying I’m considering designer viruses and vaccines, either, but it’s way easier than AI.

  327. Anybody have a suggestion for my crapblog’s Friday nite gal? I’m drawing a blank.

  328. It’s Saturday, Seen, you’re too late.

  329. I’m livin’ in the past, leon. Past Daylight Time, specifically.

  330. I forgot you were in Calibonedya.

  331. Crap. Just read that a tornado ripped through St. Louis’ Lambert air port and tore the roof off one of the concourses.

    Evenin’ Lovelies.

  332. The past was wonderful here. Used to be the land of opportunity. The Golden State.

    I expect it to be a real-live Mad Max sequel within less than a decade.

  333. Still could use a babe suggestion.

    *taps foot*

  334. ^ Don’t look at me…

  335. Emma Stone? Might have trouble finding cheesecake photos, though.

  336. I need to get to bed soon, but I’m practicing my face-painting images for tomorrow’s Easter Egg party in the park.

    So I’m lurking here…

    C’mon, can’t you folks entertain me?

  337. I’m busy watching anime, Cathy, I can’t help.

  338. Hm. Emma’s not really my type, and there aren’t any cheesecake pics, but thanks for the suggestion.

  339. I like the ones that border on homely. It helps me feel like I have a chance.

  340. Sasha Alexander?

  341. C’mon, can’t you folks entertain me?

    *performs rockin’ solo before setting clarinet on fire, smashing it on stage*

  342. Carla Gugino?

  343. I’m off to bed. Time to get my nightly dose of wifely radiation.

  344. Thanks Sean, you cook up some hot music.

    *roasts marshmallows over fire to make s’mores*

    I need sleep. Not sure what to expect tomorrow. I’m nuts for offering to do this.


  345. Thanks Sean. That’s some hot music!

    *roasts marshmallows over embers for s’mores*

    Need to get to sleep too. Don’t know what to expect tomorrow, and wondering why I offered to do this face-painting thing. I’m nuts.


  346. You gave me a good (but indirect) idea, leon. Thanks.

  347. Dang, this is one slow-poat.

  348. *also sets fire to oboe*


  349. NEW POAT!!!!!!

  350. Oooh, gonna leave the last comment on the old thread.

    Tackles lauraw and discusses Mormon fundamentalism.

  351. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the ladies (last […]

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