Big Boob Friday™

Hello feces-slinging baboons.  Welcome to Big Boob Friday.

If you’re trying to change a social norm, a sense of humor is more effective than whining like a baby, crying like a bitch and yelling like a fucking asshole by a factor of 1,000.

Hahahaha.  I personally support civil unions over gay marriage but I would listen to that chick’s point of view.  I like the cut of her jib.

This is a good song to listen to while getting your freak on and/or slapping a fat hippie.  It’s also the only song on YouTube that we can still embed here.

Today is an exciting day as we have yet another brand spanking *ahem* new model.  This is the best research department in the world!

Your fantasy girl for today was born in Saginaw, Michigan on October 29, 1972.  When she was growing up she worked at a gas station and also sold Grit door-to-door.  She was discovered at the age of 20 while waiting tables at Cracker Barrel.  She has been modeling on and off ever since.

She’s 5’4″ tall and weighs 137 pounds of hotness.  She won the lotto of bodily perfection with 38D-31-34 .

Her turn-ons are fun, computer programming and role playing.  Her turn-offs are mirrors, judgmental people and group anal sex.  When she’s not modeling she is an accountant for Dollar General.

Please stop buying me gifts for Valentine’s Day for a second and say hello to your smoking hot model for today, Friday, February 11, 2011, Tracy Murphy!!  YAY!!!

Hey Corky, did you know that some things happened on this day in history?  Like for instance, on this day…

* in 1650, philosopher René Descartes died.

* in 1794, for the first time, a U.S. Senate session opened to the public who immediately fell ill, wretched and then vomited blood.

* in 1847, Thomas Alva Edison was born in Milan, Ohio.  He held 1,200 patents.  How many do you hold?  Lazy.

* in 1921, Eva Gabor was born in Budapest Hungary.

* in 1926, Leslie Nielsen was born in Saskatchewan.

* in 1934, Tina Louise was born in New York City.

* in 1936, Burt Reynolds was born in Waycross, Georgia.

* in 1941, Sergio Mendes was born.

* in 1962, Sheryl Crow was born in Kennett, Missouri.  Seven years, 4 months and 6 days later, I was born in Kennett, Missouri.  Coincidence?  FFFFFUUUUU!!!!

* in 1975, Margaret Thatcher defeated Edward Heath for Conservative leadership.

* in 1990, Nelson Mandela was freed in South Africa after 27 years.

* in 1993, Janet Reno was selected by Clinton as Attorney General.


The is the official Valentine’s Day weekend so do something nice for the one you love like shutting the fuck up for once and stop with the nagging and quit being a douche and buy something nice and go out to dinner and put on some pants and take a fucking shower.  You stink.

Have an excellent weekend and remember, if you can’t be with the one you love, it’s probably because they ran away because you suck.


Hahahahahaha.  I came across that earlier picture a couple of days ago and I was laughing my fucking ass off.  I thought it would be equally funny to inflict it upon you.  You’re welcome.

To make up for it, here’s some sweet Erica Campbell.

How hot is Erica Campbell?  Seriously.  I mean it.


If she was any hotter, I would have to kill all of you just on principle.


This has nothing to do with anything but it makes me laugh and laugh and laugh because I’m a dick.


  1. I’m pretty sure I just won the future.

  2. Erica seems nice.

  3. This poat is so awesome I give it 4 of these thingies: !!!!

  4. NO!

  5. WTF is this crap?

  6. I’d hit Miss Campbell like Chixulub on the Yucatan.

  7. Yea, but can she suck the cork out of an unopened wine bottle?

  8. Poor Tracy her boobs don’t match. That’s why she’s not wearing a bra, it’s hard to find one that fits.

  9. 38D-31-34

    For some reason those measurements crack me up but I have no idea if they’re even close.

    Mare, looking at today’s non-Erica model, what would you say her measurements are?

  10. I would say her left breast is a 38 D and her right is a 38 C.

    I’m too busy wanting to rip that stupid scarf off her neck to notice anything else.

  11. Tracy Murphy!! YAY!!!

    D’oh! hahahahahahaha! You’re a fucking douche. A funny fucking douche.

    I give Erica Campbell two thumbs up! One up my butt and one up hers. Woohoo!

  12. I guess it’s physiologically possible for a woman’s measurements to all be the same number but I don’t think I’ve ever seen that.

    I predict that would be funny.

  13. D’oh! hahahahahahaha! You’re a fucking douche. A funny fucking douche.

    Hahahaha!! I knew you would appreciate that.

  14. This woman’s measurements get bigger as you move down….DO NOT WANT.

    If her boobs were fatter her measurements would be the same.

  15. HA! I forgot the link……..douchette!

  16. HA! I forgot the link……..douchette!

    That picture used to make Millard Fillmore laugh.

  17. Like The Prodigy tune. Here’s a good one for mare:

    That song makes me want to drop acid and kill everyone in the mosh pit.

  18. *pinches self*

    *verifies time with atomic clock at the National Institute of Standards and Technology*

    Win The Future? A BBF not of the late afternoon and/or Saturday variety?

    I’m impressed.

  19. Riots in the streets!

  20. So I watched that new show Chicago Code. Meh. Not bad. Not good enough to put into the regular rotation though.

    I’ll say this though, Jennifer Beals looks pretty fucking good for a woman that I was fantasizing about over a quarter century ago…

  21. That song makes me want to drop acid and kill everyone in the mosh pit.

    The mosh pit at 0:00 is fucking intense.

  22. I can hear B. Hussein Obama telling us:

    “This is how you do it. I just accomplished regime change without invading a sovereign nation and bankrupting our own.

    What? Why are you looking at me like that? Do you need some bottled water? Fainting is rather common in my presence.”

  23. Hey, ass, it was meant to show a woman with the same measurements. There isn’t a fat woman link that you douches haven’t seen.


  24. So what your saying is that Kennett, Missouri is a steady source of asshole that will be inflicted on the rest of us?

  25. It’s a damned shame you couldn’t find more pictures of Tracy. She’d look pretty damned good after a liter of Jack.

  26. *settles in chair, undoes pants button and opens poat*


    *jumps in shower with hog-bristle brush and tries to scrub eyes clean*


    *screams as one eyeball hits tiles*

  27. I knew a girl once whose measurements were all the same. Unfortunately for Rosetta, she was only 10 years old.

  28. No, I think ten years old is about Rosetta’s speed.

  29. The mosh pit at 0:00 is fucking intense.

    hahahaha! Loved how the roadie came out to check the amp, as if that was going to make fuck all difference.

  30. This woman’s measurements get bigger as you move down

    I resemble that remark…..

  31. Dirty sweet, Cadillac, don’t look back

  32. And Rosie, dear – when I saw that first picture up there (before I scrolled further down), I thought to myself, “The riots in Egypt are gonna look like a kitten fight compared to what’s gonna happen when the Hostages get a load of her…..”. 😉

  33. I accept your Erica Campbell apology.

  34. submitted without comment:

  35. Budapest is one of Fort Worth’s Sister Cities (we won out over New York City and Chicago, among others). DD#1 got to go visit there as part of a student exchange through her HS – they went to our Sister City in Germany (Trier) first, then rode the train over to Budapest to spend some time there as well.

    And the city’s name is actually a combination of “Buda” and “Pest” – the two cities that are across the river from each other, but which joined forces to become one city. I thought that was pretty cool…..

  36. Kind of the way Detroit’s name was a contraction of Shit and Hole?

  37. I want those white strappy shoes in Erica’s last pic.

  38. I accept your Erica Campbell apology.

    Hahahahaha. She would make up for a lot.

  39. Who is gonna fix my eye?

  40. Did anybody see this from the Mothership last night? Advice for whores.

  41. Who is gonna fix my eye?

    Rub some Erica in it.

  42. Maybe you can borrow one of Floyd’s balls.

  43. Laura – Insipid trash written by someone who not only lacks a soul, but is as ugly as a mud fence too. I wouldn’t hit that with Sean’s johnson.

  44. Mama and baby home now, so my racing mind is free to ponder the question:

    What the fuck have I done?

  45. Hey, Rosetta, did you get your computer fixed?

  46. Congratulations Herr!!! Is the new deduction a boy or girl?

  47. Congratulations Herr!!! Is the new deduction a boy or girl?

    It’s a bit early to be imposing roles on it, don’t you think?

  48. Who is gonna fix my eye?

    *running as fast as possible*

    *scrambles, collects MCPO’s eye and places it gently in a cup of ice*

    *working quickly, measures out two shots of scotch…*

  49. It’s a bit early to be imposing roles on it, don’t you think?


  50. >> What the fuck have I done?

    Always asked in hindsight. Always!

    Seemed like a good idea at the time.

  51. Little girl, Rosie. So no balls to cut off this one. You. Wanton. Bastard.

  52. I chose Walt Whitman for my biography report because Mr. Farlow said that if I wasn’t going to take this class seriously and pick a real poet I might as well not come to class anymore. Walt Whitman was an awful child molester who was born in ancient Hong Kong. He is over 3,000 years old and remembers the names of all the forgotten Gods.

    Walt Whitman is 90 stories tall, and his adventures are legendary. With his blue ox, Emily Dickenson, Walt Whitman traveled across young America and helped the nation greow into the angry powerhouse it is today. He dropped his mighty axe, forming the Grand Canyon; the apple cores he would spit from his mighty mouth planted apple treees all acoess the country; and the stomp of his mighty boot caused the stock market to crash. He and his friend, Huck Finn, traveled down the Mississippi river and freed the slaves. Walt Whitman believed that the only good Chinaman was a dead Chinaman, so he went to Tiananmen Square and gave them all candy. Except instead of candy he killed them.

    Walt Whitman’s might seem like a real cool guy, but in reality he’s a whiny. His Livejournal, which he doesn’t think anyone knows about is full of whiny goth poetry. His Current Mood is always “Apathetic” and his music is always some obscure punk band that no one has ever heard of. SOme people who pretended to be his friend so they could get access to his “friends only” posts grabbed some of poetry and made a book from them, and called it “Ode to Faggotry.” When tehy found out other goth kids would actually read it, they changed the name to “Leaves of Grass” and it sold like gothcakes. Walt Whitman to this day doesn’t know they’re selling his poems andmaking a fortune off him. They still don’t invite him to any parties though, because no one likes him.

    Walt Whitman died a lonely man in Walt Disney Land. He was on the gondola ride, and he fell out because he wasn’t fastened properly to the restraint. Thanks to his dumb, now none of us can ride it anymore. Thanks a lot Walt Whitman.

  53. Little girl, Rosie. So no balls to cut off this one. You. Wanton. Bastard.

    I’m happy for you buddy. I’m glad momma and baby are healthy and home.

  54. Damn girl!!

  55. >> What the fuck have I done?

    I could take care of this for you.

    *warms up car

  56. I could take of this for you.

    *warms up car

    I’ve distributed your picture to the sheriff and the neighbors. I’ve surrounded the house with concertina wire and claymores. My 3 attack dogs, Bruce, Roger, and Quentin, are having tea and discussing fashion while they wait for you.

    Bring it woman!

  57. Thanks, Rosetta. Our family is now complete, constrained primarily by the fact that I can’t afford a bus, and a minivan really only does hold so many.

    That and the fact that we don’t have sex, but mostly the car thingy.

  58. Heh!

  59. That and the fact that we don’t have sex, but mostly the car thingy.

    Talk to the baby’s Daddy. Maybe he can contribute to the bus fund. Besides, who needs a house?

  60. constrained primarily by the fact that I can’t afford a bus

    So, Morgenholz is Teutonic for Partridge Family?

  61. So, is Rosetta planning on wearing his heart-covered unitard all weekend?

  62. So, is Rosetta planning on wearing his heart-covered unitard all weekend?

    Those are hearts? I thought they were stains.

  63. Those are hearts? I thought they were stains.

    Crap! *reaches for glasses*

  64. Whew, glad I finally made it in today. I ‘ve been in a meeting with a nice young lady looking to build a house – – please excuse me for being tardy, but you’ll understand..!

  65. Those are hearts? I thought they were stains.

    I don’t care who you are, that’s funny, right there!

  66. please excuse me for being tardy, but you’ll understand..!

    Lower the windows in the bathroom. Thanks.

  67. It’s Friday, everybody’s home, and I’m full of steam to let off. I ask your forgiveness in advance for anything I might say in the next several hours which you find offensive, but there’s a whole line of Injuns on yonder hill that are just beggin’ fer a killin’. I hope you understand.

  68. I dunno….

    I thought Tracey was sorta cute……

  69. Hahahaha, Time Magazine Joins In Repeating Fake Sarah Palin Story

    AFTER Us Weekly is burned for it. Morons (not the good kind).

  70. Hey.
    Where’s Snowshoe?

  71. GML – Nice lady?

  72. AFTER Us Weekly is burned for it. Morons (not the good kind).

    They just soooo want it to be true, but since it isn’t, they hope the story will stick like the “I can see Russia from my house” stupidity.

    This is not a mistake. This is calculated to make Palin look stupid. They know exactly what they are doing. The truth will be forgotten and the idiot left will only remember the quote.

  73. Yes, very nice. Former Miss TN who is now the host of CountryRadio – this may be one of those projects that just gets drug out for a looooonnggg time.

  74. MFM beclowns itself, Exhibit No. 12,324,588

    They should work in the Obama administration, “Intelligence” division.

  75. MFM beclowns itself, Exhibit No. 12,324,588

    I think they know that they are doing this, but they don’t care. They have given up trying to appeal to the entire country and seem perfectly satisfied to simply playing to the “50% +1” that they need to remain in power.


    At least someone has a sense of humor.

  77. so true Chief – better to take my time and make sure its done right!

  78. They have given up trying to appeal to the entire country and seem perfectly satisfied to simply playing to the “50% +1″ that they need to remain in power.

    I think you are exactly right on this. However, I don’t think it will work out well for them, as that ratio is slowly slipping, and they get shriller and shriller. It is gonna drop below that 50% threshold.

  79. I know this isn’t most of your taste is music – but the lead singer of this band is a client of mine right now as well. He is a HARD CORE conservative and we have a great time talking politics every time we get together. His humor (or lack thereof) would make him a good hostage as well… The name of the band is: Flight Case for Sushi – (it is some sort of movie reference.)

  80. oops, forgot to take of the http: – I owe Mcpo a shot of single malt for the error!

  81. It is gonna drop below that 50% threshold.

    Oh, no doubt, which is why they are getting more shrill and idiotic. They are rapidly losing the average middle-of-the-road, non-“drooling, mindless, vile, obnoxious moonbat” contingent that simply voted Democrat because that’s what they’ve always done.

    So they put these stupid little stories out to keep them on the reservation.

    Scenario: Someone who always voted for Dems has been watching the Democrat party get taken over by the lying, socialist, extreme far-left since the mid 80s and starts considering giving the Republicans a chance. they hear what Sarah is saying and they like it. So they start taking her seriously.

    Then something like this comes out and these same people take a step back and say “wow. The Dems made be kinda offensive and wrong now, but those Republicans are crazy!”

    So they vote Democrat again.

    I admit it’s not a great long-term strategy, but it could very likely get Obama elected again, which is all they really want.

  82. What’d I miss?

  83. What’d I miss?

    I haven’t really been paying that much attention.

    I think Sophia Loren had a baby and GMLand is working as a DJ on a country music station now.

  84. Revvy – I think Egypt won some sort of soccer match or something. The coach resigned and turned over the running of the team to the security detail. . . odd that.

  85. I think I read something at Kos a while back where one of the stupid little turds was trying to start a whole bunch of lies about Sarah for just this exact purpose.

    Problem was the idiot stated his intentions too clearly and publicly for the KosKids.

    That strategy only works if you keep the truth under wraps.

    Just like socialism and every other wet dream of the left only works when you keep reality away from the masses. Lie, lie, lie. It’s what the left must do to remain in power.

  86. So Mrs. BiW was officially RIF’ed from her job today.

    Asshole CFO had the nerve to ask her if she would at least “help them out” by working to the end of the day so she could finish showing other people what it is that she does.

    That went over well.

    And she has a copy of every email she sent or received. LOTS of interesting reading in there. LOTS.

  87. What’d I miss?

    Seems mare can suck-start a Harley.

    And Lauraw has a foot fetish.

  88. Asshole CFO had the nerve to ask her if she would at least “help them out” by working to the end of the day so she could finish showing other people what it is that she does.

    That sucks, Blackie, but if that’s the way they treat people, she’s better off out of there.

  89. I think I read something at Kos a while back where one of the stupid little turds was trying to start a whole bunch of lies about Sarah for just this exact purpose.
    Problem was the idiot stated his intentions too clearly and publicly for the KosKids.
    That strategy only works if you keep the truth under wraps.
    Just like socialism and every other wet dream of the left only works when you keep reality away from the masses. Lie, lie, lie. It’s what the left must do to remain in power.

    Actually Wiser, I went to a thread once where they were Sarah bashing, and trotted out the old lie that SP said ‘I can see Russia from my house!’.
    I let about 5 people laugh and thank me for reminding them of that gem before pointing out that she never said it, and that all I really proved was that these guys were willing to believe anything that made her look bad. Best response I got was from the OP, who claimed that I really didn’t prove anything because she just ‘didn’t expect LIARS to come into her thread!’

    When do you EXPECT a liar? Besides buying a new car or talking to a politician?

  90. I think that this has its roots in her refusing to to not list a GAAP/FASB liability on the financials that were being prepared for bank loans last year.

    It was made known that she wasn’t being a team player.

  91. I think Sophia Loren had a baby and GMLand is working as a DJ on a country music station now.

    – – –

    Cripes – get your facts straight! I nailed a DJ while listening to country music and Sophia Loren is the BBF model today.

  92. What does RIFd mean?

  93. What does RIFd mean?


  94. “A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.” ~ Thomas Paine

  95. RIF = Reduction In Force = Laid off.

  96. It was made known that she wasn’t being a team player.

    I love it.

    “We need you to lie for us.”


    “Gee, I guess you’re just not a team player, are you?”

    “Gee, I guess not. I do, however, know enough about you to bring you down.”

    I have cost my previous company numerous sales, simply by telling people in the industry the truth about them. In fact, I spoke to someone yesterday who will probably make sure they never sell another system in Illinois again.

    Revenge is the sweetest dish EVAH!

  97. because she just ‘didn’t expect LIARS to come into her thread!’


    Yeah… ’cause she’s different. Let’s simply ignore that her entire ideology is based on a lie. She’s the one honest person at Kos. Riiiiiiiight…….

  98. So, since you were a “liar”, were the people that thanked you for bringing the sound bite (byte?) to their attention also called out for being “liars” also?

    Never mind, now that I read it to myself, it’s a rhetorical question.

  99. Hahahahaha

    My lefty acquaintances are out in full force sobbing about funding being cut for NPR and PBS.

  100. Sorry to hear about the RIF, BiW. Sounds like she’ll be happier somewhere else, anyway.

  101. >> I think that this has its roots in her refusing to to not list a GAAP/FASB liability on the financials that were being prepared for bank loans last year.

    *Andy, CPA’s ears perk up*

    Say WHAT?!

    She should run from that place as fast as she can.

  102. Did they actually cut it, Hotspur? Or are they still talking about it?

  103. No, they’re just talking about it. As I understand it Demint has proposed that it be cut from the budget.

  104. My lefty acquaintances are out in full force sobbing about funding being cut for NPR and PBS.

    Fuck’em! They still have MSNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, CNBC, NBC and THC for their “reality”.

  105. >> My lefty acquaintances are out in full force sobbing about funding being cut for NPR and PBS.

    Waitafuckingminute!!! Just wait.

    I thought only a small part of their budget came from the government. So what’s the problem with cutting out these mere crumbs?

  106. Don’t forget BBC.

  107. Speaking of the lying MFM: HotAir: Wolf Blitzer: I wonder if Obama’s Cairo speech had something to do with this

    Now it’s time for damage control.

  108. I thought only a small part of their budget came from the government. So what’s the problem with cutting out these mere crumbs?

    That’s the problem. The funding is hidden by virtue of the fact that NPR and PBS get most of their funding from programming fees they charge to the local affiliates. But the local affilliates get grants from the Federal Government, so they need to stop the grants as well.

    Make the lefty bastards pay for their propaganda, not me.

    Yeah… ’cause she’s different. Let’s simply ignore that her entire ideology is based on a lie. She’s the one honest person at Kos. Riiiiiiiight…….

    Yeah, I had a good long laugh about that too. Though honestly, I think she really believe that. You have to understand, most of these people don’t KNOW that their entire ideology is a lie, they just buy it.
    I really wanted to say ‘So you’re ADMITTING then that you’re the most gullible sap in the world, right? Just to be clear.’

  110. Andy, their response to her objections and threats to quit was to take the project away from her and cut her completely out of the loop. And then do it anyway.

    She found out months later when someone accidentally included her in an email.

  111. Right, HS. To hear the left tell it, they simultaneously get virtually no money whatsoever from the feds but are wholly dependent on this teeny, tiny amount for their very survival.

    They’re going to have to pick a position and defend it.

  112. They’re going to have to pick a position and defend it.

    What’s that you say? You have a Skittle-shitting unicorn in your backyard?

  113. I imagine the FDIC, OCC, etc. would find that very interesting.

  114. Sorry to hear about Mrs. BiW. Now she can coast on unemployment while she finds more suitable honest employers.

  115. That really is a hell of a money-laundering operation the feds set up with respect to NPR.

  116. I imagine that they would, Andy.

    And in completely unrelated news, Mrs. BiW asked the CFO about some help with COBRA payments, since we gave up much, much, much cheaper payments in December when she became eligible to enroll with the the ex-employers.

    He was going to “look in to it”.

    I hope he looks really, really hard, cause while he isn’t the CFO and the current Controller weren’t there when the decision was made, they DID know about it, and the topic had come up again not too long ago. I’d hate to see it become an issue…

  117. But who doesn’t love Prairie Home Companion?

    That program is the shit.

  118. Right. I just don’t know how serious Congress is. If they don’t stop the grants, they accomplish nothing.

  119. But who doesn’t love Prairie Home Companion?

    Don’t make me stomp on your reg.

  120. >> That program is the shit.

    If they love it so much, they should marry pay for it.

  121. Yeah, it’s the shit alright

  122. If we don’t have the balls to completely eliminate the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, given our current fiscal situation, we’re doomed.

    Translation: “We’re doomed”

  123. I’m sorry to hear about the Mrs, BiW.

    Hopefully something better comes along soon. It sounds like not having those assholes in her life will be a good thing.

  124. They have to defund the National Endowment for the Arts, and the CPB.

    I doubt they have ball anymore useful than Floyd’s.

  125. If they love it so much, they should marry pay for it.

    Heh. We’re talking about children liberals here. If they want something, they should simply get it and let someone else pay for it.

    See: Healthcare

  126. That really is a hell of a money-laundering operation the feds set up with respect to NPR.

  127. If they have the balls to force us into entering a contract or face penalties, we’re not serious about self government anymore.

  128. Don’t make me stomp on your reg.


    Obviously I was kidding. Prairie Home Companion sucks an infinite number of cocks.

    I would rather listen to Fran Drescher read “The Audacity of Hope”.

  129. Just watched, “Ichi” streamed on NetFlix. Pretty good movie, if you are into Samurai operas.

  130. Just watched, “Ichi” streamed on NetFlix. Pretty good movie, if you are into Samurai operas.

    Was it as good as “Scrachi”?

  131. Rosie-Posie – “Ichi” means One in Nipponese, stupid gajin!

  132. Just watched, “Ichi” streamed on NetFlix

    He was great with Scratchi on the Simpsons.

  133. He was great with Scratchi on the Simpsons.


  134. MCPO likes opera? You should check this out and report back


    Just channeling my inner Carlos Mencia.

  136. Rosie that poor model in the heels was hysterical! I cried laughing so hard!

  137. If any of you are considering renting Stone, take my advice and gouge your eyeballs instead. You’ll feel better.

  138. Fucking plebes!

    *motions for another drink*

  139. Lauraw, thanks for the Professional Left link. Good article.

  140. I’m always talkin’ baby talkin’ too much
    I love that little girl and I just can’t get enough
    It takes a lonely night with nowhere to go
    Just call Rosanna, it’s a hell of a show. . .

  141. Just watched, “Ichi” streamed on NetFlix. Pretty good movie, if you are into Samurai operas.

    I’ve seen the prequel, Scrachi.

  142. Kristof is an uninformed idiot. Obviously, he hasn’t read any of the opinion polls coming out of Egypt.

    NSFW – NYT link!

  143. Rosie that poor model in the heels was hysterical! I cried laughing so hard!

    Hahahahahahaha. You’re a dick like me!

    I would like to know if the model was drunk or if the shoes were shit.

    If it was the shoes, I would have shoved them up the designer’s ass after that.

    Cuffy needs to add the monkey-washing-cat music to that video.

  144. I’ve seen the prequel, Scrachi.



  145. Just channeling my inner Carlos Mencia.

    Well done then!

  146. Who is drinking what tonight?

  147. Who is drinking what tonight?


  148. I will be drinking my usual chardonnay SYWM then switching to Mount Gay SYWMA rum later.

  149. Got a call from DD# 2 right before I left the house to pick up Becca from school – she’s coming home to visit for the weekend, so if someone else wants to do the summaries for the next couple of days…..

    Or not.

    I won’t be doing them, though!

  150. Hotspur proves my theory that any man who drinks chardonnay first will eventually mount gay.

  151. Glass o red wine, MCPO.

  152. I will be drinking my usual chardonnay SYWM then switching to Mount Gay SYWMA rum later.


  153. I will be drinking my usual chardonnay SYWM then switching to Mount Gay SYWMA rum later.

    While watching One Tree Hill and dreaming of Xbrad’s toothless maw.

  154. Does anyone else watching the mob in Egypt have a bad feeling that it could turn into mass violence in about 1 nanosecond?

    That is a shitload of VERY excitable people.

    I hope it stays all celebratory and joyous about their new-found freedom but damn. That is a LOT of people high on emotion.

  155. Can’t make up my mind. . . either the 18 y/o single malt or the 12 y/o blend.

  156. >> Who is drinking what tonight?

    What is this, some kind of half-assed Abbott and Costello routine?

    Around here, I’d think it would be Who’s on Fist?.

  157. Who is drinking what tonight?

    Well, hopefully that bag of potatoes I stored in the boiler room have fermented….

  158. Hotspur proves my theory that any man who drinks chardonnay first will eventually mount gay.

  159. Fuck you is on third.

  160. Around here, I’d think it would be Who’s on Fist?.

    I dunno.


  161. Wiserbud, do you guys own land in New York?

  162. <I hope it stays all celebratory and joyous about their new-found freedom but damn. That is a LOT of people high on emotion.

    I think the hangover they are all gonna have in a few days is gonna suuuuuuuck…….

  163. I didn’t say this in the post but I think the non-Erica Campbell model in this post was in a porn.


  164. Wiserbud, do you guys own land in New York?

    not exactly. But yeah, I heard that today too. Pretty fucked up, huh? It will be interesting to see what happens to the real estate market out on the island.

  165. I didn’t say this in the post but I think the non-Erica Campbell model in this post was in a porn.

    At least she has Dollar General to fall back on.

  166. I didn’t say this in the post but I think the non-Erica Campbell model in this post was in a porn.

    But it’s the illegal animal pron, so I think only mare would have potentially seen her before.

    By the way, you can post pictures of Erica every single day and Iwould never get tired of her. She is probably the most beautiful woman you have ever introduced to us.

    + eleventy gajillion nobels, my friend.

  167. Around here, I’d think it would be Who’s on Fist?.

    Leave Robert Gibbs out of this.

  168. New York, and their thieving government can go fuck themselves. Unrepentant, confiscatory, leftist asswipes. I hope everyone who owns vacation property in the state walks away.

  169. By the way, you can post pictures of Erica every single day and Iwould never get tired of her. She is probably the most beautiful woman you have ever introduced to us.

    This. The bikini pic is simply awesome. Well done, sir!

  170. What’s up in NY?

  171. + eleventy gajillion nobels, my friend.
    Second that. I’m racking my brain to come up with a porn title the first model would be in…

    GAAPing Accountants Seven.

  172. By the way, you can post pictures of Erica every single day and Iwould never get tired of her. She is probably the most beautiful woman you have ever introduced to us.

    + eleventy gajillion nobels, my friend.

    Thanks brother. If you didn’t like her then I would definitely know something was wrong with you.

    Heidi Klum has been number 1 on my “list” for at least the last decade but Erica Campbell has replaced her.

    She makes me feel butterflies in my swimsuit area.

  173. The bikini pic is simply awesome.

    I prefer her in the little red thing. Her smile is amazing.

  174. I don’t believe that she’s only 120 lbs. She’s not fat, but she’s not skinny either.

  175. I prefer her in the little red thing. Her smile is amazing.

    She’s smiling? Well, I’ll be darned! Hadn’t got up that high, yet.

  176. I’m racking my brain to come up with a porn title the first model would be in…

    Edward Flaccidhands

  177. I just googled her and am amazed that Rosetta was able to find 3 pictures of her partially clothed.

  178. I prefer her in the little red thing. Her smile is amazing.

    I’ve seen hundreds of pictures of her doing BBF and there isn’t a bad picture of her.

    Only different kinds of good.

  179. The first pic of her looks like a Waffle House waitress I banged. The rest of them? Not so much.

  180. Howdy, y’all!!

    Rosetta, I must be a dick too, because I was laughing at that last video, hard enough to make the dog bark.

  181. Okay, friend just posted this on FB. He’s pissed off about it (comment ‘Keep it classy GOP’, cause yeah, THIS is the most tasteless political stunt conceivable). I personally think it’s fucking hilarious.

  182. Does anyone else watching the mob in Egypt have a bad feeling that it could turn into mass violence in about 1 nanosecond?

    Rosetta, last time I saw something like that in the ME, it was 1979.

  183. Revvy, I sent a shitload of those a few days ago 😀

  184. One indian, hos.

  185. Rosetta, I must be a dick too, because I was laughing at that last video, hard enough to make the dog bark.

    Hahahahaha. Everyone that hangs out here is at least partially a dick.

    That’s why we all get along.

  186. Keep it classy GOP

    Yeah, I agree with him. Why can’t the GOP ever live up to the high standards set by the Left?

  187. *gives Wiser a case of Mexican Corona*

    I have been so damn remiss….

  188. Wiser, I’m resisting the urge to leave that image as a comment on the post. I’d be a social pariah, but my point would be made.

  189. Aggie, honey, has hubs left yet? If so, is he gonna be near any of this craziness? I’m already praying for him, but if he (and you) needs extra knee time, let us know!

  190. That NY story is utter tyranny.

    The fucking state of Michigan owes me over ten grand, and the Treasury phones are set up so that you cannot talk to a real person.

    The state is out of money, so they’re just not sending refunds.

  191. There are no Indians chasing this train!

    I want … no demand! … some old west action now!

    /Edward JoeBidenhands

  192. Teresa, he is still in Benning, but has been told to be in “full gear” at formation on Sunday, which probably means they are leaving for Tel Aviv then. From Israel they are flown into MNFO North Camp, which is in the Sinai.

    Mubarak is hiding out near the South Camp, so I doubt Hubby will be near the craziness. Even so, he has begun to prepare the area in the event of medical emergencies.

  193. Aggie + Thread = ( X X )

  194. I don’t understand why Limbaugh even broadcasts from NYC. Just shut the studio down. Broadcast from FL where he lives.

  195. DAMN YOU ASCII DEAD CLOWN FACE!!!!!11!1!!1!

  196. If I get drunk and stupid tonight, y’all will delete emails that include pics of my genitals, right?

  197. I’m back.

    I was unable to procure the baby.

    Stupid attack dogs.

  198. Okay, friend just posted this on FB. He’s pissed off about it (comment ‘Keep it classy GOP’, cause yeah, THIS is the most tasteless political stunt conceivable). I personally think it’s fucking hilarious.

    Young lady, I don’t know how to say this other than to just say it. Your friend is a giant yeast infection.

  199. Herr, don!t you have to do the two o’clock feeding?

  200. I have decided that, yes, I will be drinking tonight.

  201. I was unable to procure the baby.

    Stupid attack dogs.

    But you got swatches, right? I told them to give you swatches.

  202. Herr, don!t you have to do the two o’clock feeding?

    Oh no. I’ll be far too fucked up for that.

  203. Hotspur Rush severed all ties with NY a year or two ago.

  204. This isn’t over, Herr.

    I’m just going to have to be smarter.

  205. Aggie + Thread=

    ( X X )

    Better?? 😛

  206. Good for Rush. I knew he was too smart to let some bureaucratic shitstain shake him down.

    Wonder how many jobs he took with him.

  207. I’d be a social pariah, but my point would be made.


    You don’t need to be nasty about it. Just point out that politics is a rough game and class has nothing to do with, as evidenced by the lovely couple in the picture.

    I think the point will be made and the idiot who made the “stay classy” comment will understand.

    The leftards need to be shown that they can’t have it both ways. They want to play nasty, they need to be able to take it as well as they give. And if they think those little greeting cards are beyond the pale, they really need to grow up.

  208. *gives Wiser a case of Mexican Corona*

    Hugs to my little Aggie.

  209. Young lady, I don’t know how to say this other than to just say it. Your friend is a giant yeast infection.

    I’m a college student. At an art school. What do you expect?

  210. The sad clown needs a shave.

  211. Just got off the phone with a new client down in Texas, a Vietnam vet, suffering from Parkinson’s and a few other debilitating maladies – and he was sharing with me his stories of returning from Vietnam, having blood poured on him and being spat on as he was WHEELED out of the airport in a full body cast. I was doing the best I could to offer apologies and such when he switched gears on me and started telling me how he was a gear head and had bought a brand new ’71 Challenger with his payoff cash and went to the Sear’s near downtown Houston to buy some tools – he was still in casts and sporting injuries and was escorted into the manager’s office who wanted to meet with him privately about his new credit card. The manager asked him how he received his injuries and he proceeded to tell him about being in battle, the manager took the application, tore it in half, threw it in the trash and told him that no baby killers would be getting credit inside his store. I about fell out of my chair, because he was talking about the very Sears that I worked a summer in during high school! The man is wheelchair bound and is fighting plenty of ailments that he fights daily and still reflects on those injuries cast on him by his fellow countryman more so than those done to him by the enemy.

    We talked for over an hour and all I could really do is listen and offer as much apology and encouragement as I could, it seemed he was deeply troubled yet, willing to pursue his dream of getting his first custom home built to suit him and his new life in a wheelchair…

    sorry for the run on.

  212. Hugs to my little Aggie.

    Yay! He called me “little”!!!

    Oh, and I’ll have you know, I like you better than the rest of the fuckers that give you Corona, because I go to fucking Mexico to get the stuff they won’t import, which is better than what we get.

  213. Rev,
    You don’t need to be nasty about it. Just point out that politics is a rough game and class has nothing to do with, as evidenced by the lovely couple in the picture.
    I think the point will be made and the idiot who made the “stay classy” comment will understand.
    The leftards need to be shown that they can’t have it both ways. They want to play nasty, they need to be able to take it as well as they give. And if they think those little greeting cards are beyond the pale, they really need to grow up.

    But see, I’m not just dealing with leftards. I’m dealing with COLLEGE leftards – the ones that either just get quiet and sullen when their views are questioned, or just straight up call you a racist/ a fascist/ an idiot and never look at you the same way again.

  214. Those folks in the 70’s have a lot to be ashamed about.

  215. Oh my word, GML. That just makes me cry, while my blood boils.

  216. Both of my daughters got a shitpot of junk mail from RIT. A local doctor’s wife told my wife that their daughter went there and got an aerospace engineering degree and is now working at the JPL out in California .She raved about the school and encouraged my wife to take our daughters up there for a college visit. Neither of my daughters were much interested in engineering, much to my chagrin, and I couldn’t stand to send them up north to go to college anyways.

  217. by the way, for anyone who has Sprint and has difficulty get a decent signal in their home, I suggest calling Sprint and telling them that. We just did (we had to call them about something else and we mentioned it) and they sent us a free Airave Access Point.

    Supposedly it routes your cell calls through your internet connection if it can’t get a regular cell signal.

    I’ve just set it up. I’ll let you know how it works.


    The one with Biden saying ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ cracked me up pretty good.

  219. …the ones that either just get quiet and sullen when their views are questioned, or just straight up call you a racist/ a fascist/ an idiot and never look at you the same way again.

    That pretty much describes the ones who are older, too, Revvy. They’re all emotionally stunted, regardless of their age…..

  220. The Indians WANT me to dance with them, but alas I cannot. Not yet. Still have a kid run.


  221. That pretty much describes the ones who are older, too, Revvy. They’re all emotionally stunted, regardless of their age…..

    My mom and my sister (both libs) just get up and walk out of the room.

    And pout.

  222. Those boobs up there aren’t real.

  223. Don’t ask me, I was serving in the 70’s. I chose to ignore the dirty, ignorant, smelly hippies.

  224. I’m dealing with COLLEGE leftards – the ones that either just get quiet and sullen when their views are questioned, or just straight up call you a racist/ a fascist/ an idiot and never look at you the same way again.

    But those are the best kind!! And someone needs to slap them upside the head once in a while! Who better than someone right in their midst?

    Come ON, young lady!! You need to do this for US! You have a perfect opportunity to try to squeeze a little learning into those idiot’s skulls! Don’t let this chance slip away!

  225. told him that no baby killers would be getting credit inside his store.

    Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

  226. I’d like to find that Sears manager and beat his ass until he required a full body cast.

    On a similar topic, I talked to the son of my first boss right out of college. The old fart is about 70 now. I asked the son how his father was doing and he said fine except that he’s scared of global warming and constantly wearing all his kid’s asses out about changing their lifestyle to prevent the coming apocalypse. I asked him where he’s getting all that shit from and he replied “Time Magazine”. Make me sad. When I worked for him 25 years ago, he was as level headed as anybody I knew.

  227. I was changed in college, Revy. It can happen.

    Just keep at it.

    I was a lib. Birkenstock and patchouli wearing lib. Go with reason and facts.

  228. PG, as you may know, DD#1 just graduated from there, and DD#3 will be going there, starting this fall. We’re die-hard Aggies, but we were both extremely impressed with the school and its philosophy – ESPECIALLY in regards to Engineering. DD#1 got her degree in Mechanical Engineering, and DD#3 is going into their Video Game Design and Development program, which is considered one of the better ones in the country.

    We hated sending them away as well, but it sure did make DD#1 realize how much she loves Texas….

  229. I wonder what happened to Richard Blumenthal when he returned from Nam.

  230. I asked him where he’s getting all that shit from and he replied “Time Magazine”

    I’m sure someone in their 70s remembers when Time was not an arm of the Democrat Socialist Party and still gives them the benefit of the doubt.

    Which makes them the perfect example of what I was saying earlier about holding onto the almost -independent fringe with their propaganda. Time knows it;s lying. But they don’t care, because it keeps people like your old boss voting Democrat.

  231. I wonder what happened to Richard Blumenthal when he returned from Nam.

    I’m sure he was very sad. I mean, every vacation with family and friends has to end sometime, amirite?

  232. Rosetta! Watch this!!!!

  233. I asked him where he’s getting all that shit from and he replied “Time Magazine”.

  234. …he’s scared of global warming and constantly wearing all his kid’s asses out about changing their lifestyle to prevent the coming apocalypse.

    I wish that someone would come up with some sort of 3-D scaled model that shows the Earth in terms of volume and the Earth’s atmosphere in terms of volume. Then find the teeny-tiny little speck that represents the volume of carbon that these whackos are so concerned about and drop that in there.

    THEN ask the people who are so worried about global warming how much of an impact something that small is going to have on the Earth’s temperature/climate.

    These people are VISUAL thinkers – give them abstracts, and they come up with a “Chicken Little” vision of the world……

  235. Wiser! Your prayers have been answered. There’s a solution to that little “problem” you’ve been dealing with all these years:

  236. Also. . . . that the Icelandic volcano put out more CO2 then the combined efforts of every human that ever lived.

    Fucking children!

  237. Teresa hasnever been treated to the “lalalalalalalala, I can’t hear you” response. Don’t waste your breath.

  238. Oh, untwist your boxers Wiser, I left a comment. The entirety of it was “Really? *link to picture* Yes, obviously snarky Valentines are just beyond the pale. Politics isn’t supposed to be nice.”

    Oh, and yeah, that Sears manager can go to Hell. Dad says he caught a lot of flack back then because he was in military academy, and most of those idiots couldn’t tell a cadet uniform from a real one.

  239. “patchouli”

    Worst smell ever!

  240. Cadet uniform from a real uniform? What the hell are you talking about?

  241. Hotspur – You know, like Brookline Military Institute. BMI uniforms are almost identical to USMA.

  242. Wiser! Your prayers have been answered.

    Wow, that reporter was HO… I’m done….

  243. Teresa has never been treated to the “lalalalalalalala, I can’t hear you” response.

    That’s very true – I don’t suffer fools, so libs tend to stay away from me, and vice versa……

  244. Oh, untwist your boxers Wiser,

    On the other hand, I hope they shun you with extreme malice.

  245. Mare – Sorry, but you are incorrect. I would rather be in a room of Moroccans covered in patchouli, than in a room full of them without it! Trust me on this.

  246. I made it to Friday, barely. Nearly fell asleep at my desk this afternoon.

  247. Revvy, here is one of my favorite quotes of all time. I don’t know who said it but I use it constantly, “screw ’em, I didn’t come here to make friends”.

  248. Such a thin skin Wiser =P

  249. Such a thin skin Wiser =P

    i hate you

  250. I think I’ll go put my flannel jammies on.

  251. The only flannel I own is a set of sheets.

  252. I think I’ll go put my flannel jammies on.

    I think I’ll join you, though not in your jammies.

  253. . . . though not in your jammies.

    Damn the bad luck!

  254. I think I’ll join you

    Why? Is he coming apart?

  255. Why? Is he coming apart?

    Well, yeah….

  256. Four indians.

  257. This is cool

    I beat the bastard 43 to 9

  258. Where did everyone go? How dare you have actual lives!

  259. Hey all

  260. All? All two of us.

  261. I’m still here, but I’m sober and don’t have a lot to say.

  262. Hey Jen!

  263. Hey all

    sup, baby?

  264. so this place isn’t a hotbead of sexual innuendo and profundity?

  265. Hey guys.

  266. Jenn, where the hell have you been?

    I *thought* you were gonna start blogging again.

  267. Hotspur, when you get to 7 indians deploy this guy

  268. As much as I hate linking to the NYT twice, and as much as I could care less about American Idol……. this is a really good article

  269. wow. haven’t seen Xteeth all day and as soon as Jenn shows up…. whoomp, there he is.

    so damn cute it makes me shiver.

  270. Also, somebody loan me a shovel. I need to bury my mom’s corpse.

    XBradTC Home Theater- Picture Hanging Edition

    Mom: Help me hang this picture

    XBrad: Sure, gimme a minute, I gotta use the bathroom


    XBrad: What the hell was that?

    Mom: I dropped the picture and the glass shattered…

    XBrad: What part of “give me a minute” was unclear to you?

    Mom: Quit being so mean to me. And hurry up and clean this broken glass.

  271. i was but the new job is kicking my ass.

  272. Wiser – Put the crack pipe down and back away from the NYT!

  273. Floyd could totally kick that dog’s ass.

  274. Score! Wings!

  275. You’re back in engineering, and not sales, right?

  276. XBad, is there more or did you forget the fin?

  277. Floyd can’t lick his own balls.

  278. He found $20 Leon

  279. Scott, there isn’t a Hostage that can do that either.

    We shouldn’t hold it against the little feller.

  280. I would actually go to Detroit to see this.

  281. There’s more, but I’m too lazy to write it.

  282. Floyd can’t lick his own balls.

    Tough shit. I can’t lick mine, and I’m sure I’d be happier if i could.

  283. Getting old sucks. I planned on getting window-licker drunk tonight. I’m too tired. I can’t even get Obama-voter drunk. The best I can do is I-vote-for-the-man-not-the-party drunk.

  284. I’m getting up to make another drink, would anyone like anything from my bar?

  285. You can lick Floyd’s balls, Leon.

    Rosie’s got ’em in a jar.

  286. Fudge it, I’m having a drink. I’ll be sober by bedtime.

  287. Chief, if you have a spot of brandy, I’ll join you. In case you’re coming apart.

  288. There are only two balls in all the world that I care about the licking thereof, and I promise they aren’t in Rosetta’s jar. Or Mrs. Rosetta’s jar, for that matter.

  289. Baby monkey! Baby monkey!

  290. Winning the Future; One student at a time. . .

  291. Don’t be a quitter Herr. YOU CAN DO IT.

  292. Yes you can!

  293. No Pain, No Court Appearance!

  294. Hotspur – Lepanto de Jerez?

  295. It wa-was….Ch…Chi…Cheeeeeeefff…….

  296. Yup, one student at a time. . .

  297. Me niego a aceptar la responsabilidad.

  298. No Pain, No Court Appearance!

    Hey! Quit trying to lower my income, you ratbastard!

  299. What’s everyone talking about?

    The price of wheat?

  300. What’s for dinner?

    I’ll kill the first motherfucker that says “steak.”

  301. Steak!

    HA! I’m out the door. . .

  302. Steak.

  303. I had steak, but I’m hungry again. I might have some chicken. Possibly some egg yolks as well. Or some ground beef. Or all three.

  304. You two homos gonna 69 for tubesteak?

  305. Really?


  306. Yeah, back in engineering. Working on a cpuple of wireless projects that are requiring multiple visits to an RF test facility.

  307. I had steak, but I’m hungry again. I might have some chicken. Possibly some egg yolks as well. Or some ground beef. Or all three.

    leon, what’s funny about that comment?

  308. The word “gipper” means as much to that slackass as the word “guppy”.

  309. Yeah, back in engineering. Working on a cpuple of wireless projects that are requiring multiple visits to an RF test facility.

    *wrestles jenn to the ground*

  310. I’m thinking that nobody has every said, “No.” to Barry in his entire life.

  311. leon, what’s funny about that comment?

    You have to picture me drinking beaten egg yolks out of a teacup while I fry burgers and eat chicken thighs to really get the humor.

  312. Barry is sorta my muse. I’ve never wanted to wedgie the president before. Hell, I’ve never wanted to wedgie anyone before, it seemed barbaric and cruel, but that’s all changed. I’m pretty sure this is how I help win the future.

  313. I had Ribs for dinner Rosie
    Teh dogs lurved the bones.

  314. Obama is to Reagan as:

    (A) Justin Bieber is to Led Zeppelin

    (B) Crying is to laughing

    (C) IB is to H2

    (D) Elton John is to Billy Joel

    (E) All of the above

    (F) Your mom

  315. Corn on the cob

  316. Brad!

    If it helps any, I had tomatoes and cottage cheese for dinner.

  317. Did anybody do a roundhouse kick on anybody else today?

  318. Jenn
    What kind of engineering?

    We attract all kinds of engineers here for some strange reason. Maybe we are a smart engineer blog.

    Or not

  319. (G) Kathy Griffin is to Richard Pryor

  320. You have to picture me drinking beaten egg yolks out of a teacup while I fry burgers and eat chicken thighs to really get the humor.

    Hahahahahaha. Okay that helps.

    leon, if you had to pick a last meal on earth, what are you picking?

  321. Andy, I haven’t been able to eat corn on the cob since before I graduated high school.

  322. Sean – No, but I verbally bludgeoned a retail clerk today.

  323. We attract all kinds of engineers here for some strange reason. Maybe we are a smart engineer blog.

    Worst smart engineer blog ever.

  324. I thought this was a recipe blog.

  325. Worst smart engineer blog ever.

    Well there are always the Accountants and Economists that are regulars here.

    Teh math it warps ten brainsssss!!!!!!!!!!!!

  326. Weather blog. Get it right.

  327. Worst smart engineer blog ever.

    Could be worse, it could be a smart poetry blog.

  328. leon, if you had to pick a last meal on earth, what are you picking?

    Erica Campbell.

  329. Wait!
    We have Lawyers here too. Are they math Lawyers or ambulance chasers?

  330. Jimmy Crack Corn and:


    (B) Say no to crack.

    (C) Mom?


    (E) I don’t care.

  331. *SHARTS*

  332. Me being good at math is part of why I dislike Obama. I have no proof the douchenozzle’s ever done any, which makes it hard to respect him, no matter what Oprah demands.

  333. (F) Cook up that cracked corn and make booze!

  334. Sprinkles cayenne pepper on Rosie’s pretzels.

    So I can sell more drinks of course…

  335. Could be worse, it could be a smart poetry blog.

    Or a smart art criticism blog.


  336. leon, if you had to pick a last meal on earth, what are you picking?

    Erica Campbell.

    *lowers head in tribute*

    You are full Jedi. Serve the Force as you will, Obi-Leon.

  337. (G) Shirlena?

  338. Oprah can kiss my sweaty Irish taint.

  339. (H) Why am I handcuffed to the be……………WHOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!

  340. (H) FUCK YOU, ICE!!

  341. (i)

  342. Hahahahaha.

    (i) Sex ed diagram.

  343. Now what happens?

  344. The innerwebtubes are weak tonight.

  345. We could talk about favorite childhood toys.

  346. It’s so cold…

  347. It is clear to me that it is a math blog.

    Leon and Brew are programmers with math background.

    BiW is Taxes, Michael is was a numbers lawyer

    Rosetta is in finance, again math as well as Xbad.

    Peel, Romy? Math

    Heir? Math

    GMLand Architect = math

    um ?

    Ok it is a hypotheses

  348. Not a lot of math in my finance job, Vman. More “read the trust document”

  349. It is clear to me that it is a math meth blog.

    So close!!

  350. >> It’s so cold…

  351. Vman – I did my math on a slip stick until 1982.

  352. Meth is one of those drugs that makes me think coca leaves should be legal, just so people won’t do meth.

  353. Xbad
    Finance = math
    Might be lawyer math, but math is involved is it not?

    Did you take calculus? calculus warps teh brain. Or maybe it is algebra.

  354. I’m sad that I forgot how to use a slide rule. My MatLab skillz aren’t bad these days, though.

  355. Oh, I also taught statistical process control and analysis.

  356. I always liked Bender’s version:

    “Leela cracked corn and I don’t care.
    Fry cracked corn and I don’t care
    Bender cracked corn and I don’t care

  357. I’m outta here. You punks have a great night.

    And it’s okay if you set each other on fire. It’s only fire.

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!

  358. STFU Rosetta!

  359. I used a slide rule too. Temporally while calculators became normal.

  360. HEY LEON!!!


  361. I took the AP calculus test in 1994, got a 5, and promptly forgot everything I knew about math.

  362. …Oh, I also taught statistical process control and analysis.

    See I told ya!

    We are a warped math humor blog.

  363. My first calculator was so clunky that I did math by hand instead. I only used it for square roots. Had to be plugged in, had red LEDs for display. It was a beast.

  364. I was told there would be no math at this blog.

  365. Reading this poat made me aware of the fact that Tina Louise is 7 months older than my dad. She was one of the first women to introduce the concept of boobage in to my young male brain. I may or may not have rubbed one out whilst thinking about her at one time. Makes me feel dirty. And old. But mostly dirty.

  366. calculus does warp the brain. I can’t tell you how many conversations i have stopped when i throw in something about looking at the average rate of change or telling some one it is a simple min max problem.

  367. Aggie,
    How many math classes did you take?

  368. A new poat will require me remembering my wordpus password. Ein moment, bitte.

  369. I flunked Math 100 in college.

  370. But I did get a 27 on the math part of the ACT

  371. I went all the way up to engineering calculus, Vmax.


  372. My problem is every time someone says, “on average” to me, I ask, “Are you talking about the mean, median or mode?”

  373. toldjya

  374. I made the mistake of taking Calc I the same semester that I made the traveling team. We had 7 road games that fall which meant I missed 7 Fridays due to travel. I was lost as a goose in a hailstorm. The profesor let me drop passing the Monday after the season was over and I retook it in the spring. Made pretty decent sense when I attended every class. Never took a math class in the fall after that. Loaded up in the spring.

  375. See Jen, MCPO, Aggie, and Leon concurs!
    Xbad is the outlier. With Sean.

  376. My problem is every time someone says, “on average” to me, I ask, “Are you talking about the mean, median or mode?”

    Chief if they fuck up and say “mean” then the follow up question should always be, “Are you talking arithmetic, geometric, or harmonic mean?” That’ll really spook ’em.

  377. my comment was eaten mid stream
    Sorry my bad

  378. New, shitty poat for you to opine on.

  379. for jenn69:
    Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
    Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
    All the kings horses and all the kings men,
    said “F*ck him, He’s only an egg.
    f = m c skee weared

  380. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the […]

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