October Surprises bring November Tsunamis

Yes, the talk around the blogosphere (among other places) has been about all of the possible “October surprises” possibly around the corner. What will the Democrats pull to try and make themselves look better?
Barack in a box

Will they bomb Iran? Bring some huge, fake scandal out implicating Republicans? What will the big surprise be?
october surprise

The more important question, in my opinion, is not what the Democrats will do. The question is, what CAN the Democrats do? Sure, they can pretend to get big on defense (bomb Iran), pretend to become fiscally conservative (extend Bush tax cuts). They can attempt to throw Republicans under the bus (not that there’s any room left under there with all the Dem bodies) and provide some fake scandals. But honestly, at this point, is there a large enough majority of Americans who would be willing to fall for it and actually believe them?

I’m thinking, in the past…yes. In the past there were enough gullible people who were Independents and would believe any shit the Dems flung and got to stick to the walls. This year? Not so much. This election is different than any of us have ever seen in our lifetime. It isn’t just you and I and conservatives that realize it. It’s Independents and even some Democrats who realize that the fate of this country may certainly rely on the results of November 2nd. I don’t think that the liberals, even with the help of the media, can come up with anything big enough to stop the tsunami that is coming. With the exception of suspending elections…which I can’t even fathom at this point because that, my friends, would be the start of the second revolution.

And this…just because it made me giggle.


  1. KAPOW!

  2. And then you found $20?


  4. Hello, Hostages!

    Despite it trying to be a Monday, today was a kick-ass day.

  5. Who wants meatloaf and mashed taters?

  6. If the Democratic Party was serious about hanging on to Congress, the October Surprise would be the resignation of Obama, Reid and Pelosi.

  7. What happened, Roamy?

  8. xbrad, only in my wildest dreams. Those three punk-asses are way too cocky, arrogant and selfish to ever consider such a thing.



    This is awesome.

  10. Mare – How are YOU doing?

  11. Superfantastic.

  12. mare, among other things, I got a report back on some samples that had been in space for a year and a half. The replacement for barcodes is called UID, for unique identification, and it’s a bunch of little squares. http://tinyurl.com/28se5ps I see them in lieu of postage sometimes. The ones that were clear-coated were still legible, and even the ones that weren’t coated ended up okay. I can measure lots of things, but I don’t have the UID reader, so I was kind of stymied until these other guys did their part.

    Though they were pissed that their RFID didn’t make it on board. It was shitty plastic that would have never held up, and the ones that weren’t shitty plastic were either on paper or had the copper exposed.

    I am told that UIDs would save a lot of weight and help track payloads for orbit.

    And then I found $20.

  13. Time to link this again:


    Why, because it represents all that is good.

  14. Pretty soon, we’ll all have out UID tattooed on our forearms.

  15. What will the Democrats pull to try and make themselves look better?

    Stage a mass suicide, kinda like the Hale-Bopp idiots?

    I know I would have more respect for them if they did.

  16. Good job on the $20 Roamy!!

  17. I mean finding it.



  19. The ExtenZe commercials are horrible. Deal with your small penis without me hearing about it.

  20. http://tinyurl.com/3yunklc

    For Mare only!

  21. I’d better hear this song blasting from every loudspeaker across the nation on November 2nd/3rd:


    But first, you will blow me……(or is that over at Ace’s place?)

  22. HAHAHAHAHAHA….I love that picture, xbrad!

  23. Deal with your small penis without me hearing about it.

    I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

  24. Hahahahaha!

    Okay, time to get dinner started. Y’all keep making teh funneh.

  25. I just saw a SofA promo and it made me think of Hostage meat-ups.

  26. I want Nancy Pelosi to hear this on Nov. 3rd:


  27. The TV in my room doesn’t get FX, so none of you goatlovin’ bastards say anything about SoA until I get a chance to download it tomorrow and then watch it tomorrow night.

    Or I’ll have Mare sit on you.

  28. HAHAHAHA…..I liked the version you chose, xbrad.

    Someone commenting at Ace’s reminded me that Arlen Spector is out too. He’s the definition of “complete, self absorbed ass.”

  29. Mare, MGM seems to have a hard-on for clips from the movie.

    I remember meeting a chick in a bar one time who was just being a real bitch.

    I told her, “It’s a shame about that house landing on your sister.”

  30. Mare, click to enlarge

  31. Oh, its a then and now thingy

  32. Want. Nao.


  33. Hartford made the Drudge Report!
    Yeah, it does suck living here http://tinyurl.com/3a7a5bx

  34. I was gone for 3 days. Who missed me?

  35. Also, like Krauthammer, I treat my dog a lot better than I treat Obama.

    Full disclosure: my dog only poops in my house, not on my whole country.

  36. Brad they sell conversion kits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zikWPmHWJUg

  37. Now, see, scott, that is so precious my teeth hurt.

  38. Scott, the city council is begging for a lawsuit.

  39. Dick it’s 4 weeks away, that’s like 6 Ace years.

    If he were to go, it would be a decision he makes on the morning of October 1st.

  40. This looks fun:

  41. In the Hartford public school system you can’t say Christmas, we have winter celebrations instead. Yeah Brad, I think they can count on some racist to bring about a lawsuit.

  42. I think they can count on some racist to bring about a lawsuit.

    I sure hope so.

  43. So…..muslim prayers but no Christmas…..huh?

  44. Oh, and WTF????????????????????????????

  45. No one is home right now and it’s been a while and I love it!

  46. 1. Nice pic you linked, Mare. M777 155mm howitzer. Good stuff.

    2. Awesome comment at Ace’s:

    hahaha, if it wasn’t for the Tea Partyers & Sarah Palin prodding the Republicans along, the GOP wouldn’t gain 5 seats in the HOUSE OF FUCKING PANCAKES you dumb bimbo.
    Posted by: i got a gal in kalamazoo zoo zoo zoo at September 07, 2010 06:46 PM (UQjUb)

  47. I correct my statement from yesterday. Liberals don’t bend over backward to Islam because they are wimps. They must be insane or have some sort of death wish. I’m at a loss about the Hartford city council.

  48. I’m guessing that if they wanted to start saying Christian prayers before city council meetings, there would be a huge outcry and at least five lawsuits.

  49. What thread was that xbrad?

  50. mare:


  51. It’s the one at the top of Ace. There’s a pretty good battle going on between those who like the tea party and those who see it’s candidates as losers.

  52. Mare, it was in the Murkowski thread.

  53. They must be insane or have some sort of death wish.

    It’s just another expression of the guilt they feel for being US citizens.

  54. MJ, there’s always a debate as to the validity of Tea Party endorsed folks, but Average Joe and one other are pretty obviously playing “concerned Christian conservative” and probably clicked over directly from HuffPo.

  55. xbrad, in that video you linked, where the trucks are in the circle and kaboom, what is actually happening? Compression, shrapenel, what?

  56. Hartford doesn’t have a big Muslim population. The only one I have ever known converted while in prison.

  57. Xbrad: Yeah, you’re probably right. Some of it is very funny and it doesn’t seem to be the normal ‘pile on’ thread. Mockery seems to be winning the day.

  58. The “true conservative concern trolls” always crack me up.

  59. Hartford is out of it’s damn mind!

  60. Mare, give me a few minutes. I didn’t actually watch the video.

  61. its?

  62. What is a conservative concern troll? Are these folks who want to win rather than put up a true conservative? Who will take what they can get?

  63. MJ, it’s the guys that claim to be “rock-ribbed republicans” but are “concerned” about the “shrillness/violent imagery/inherent racism” of any conservative tactic that appears to be working.

  64. If you can replace it[‘]s in your sentence with it is or it has, then your word is it’s; otherwise, your word is its.
    I keep fucking this up for some reason. My writing is so rusty and can hardly comment.

  65. Who wants meatloaf and mashed taters?

    Don’t I wish!

  66. Oh, OK. Just saw it. That’s actually test footage from a GPS guided projectile. It’s an airburst. Most of the dust is from the shockwave, but you can see where shrapnel kicks up some.

  67. “concerned” about the “shrillness/violent imagery/inherent racism”
    So, all of their kids get trophies just for playing? Got it.

  68. I might go to the council meetings and exercise my constitutional right to burn some Korans.

    Seriously, I hope they get a ton of crap for this lame idea.

  69. That thread is pretty damn funny.

  70. If the council had regularly been opening meetings with an invocation from anyone, I’d just shrug and say “meh…” but this is a de facto endorsement of a religion.

  71. Thank you, Mr. xbrad.

  72. BTW, I’m halfway through downloading the first 3 resident evil movies.

  73. Really, liberalism is a mental disorder. That’s why I don’t hang around too many. They are well and truly nuts.

  74. Why are they treating the muslims like they aren’t practice a Religion? Could it be in fact they are not?

  75. Whew, rotten sentence.


  76. *shakes fist at sky*


  77. BTW, I’m halfway through downloading the first 3 resident evil movies.

    Is it true, that there’s a 4th movie coming out?

  78. Yes, tat, they are playing previews in theaters.

  79. Cool.

    One thing w/o TV, I don’t catch any previews.

  80. Hey tat. How are the ass antlers?

  81. Tat, even better, it’s gonna be in 3D.

  82. Hey tat. How are the ass antlers?

    Sore. 😛

    Our school programming started today, so I spent 6 hrs on my feet. Everything’s sore.

  83. Lamest Instapundit Amazon pimp-job evah!


  84. Tat, even better, it’s gonna be in 3D.

    Yay, guaranteed motion sickness.

  85. TAXI!?

  86. Oh, it isn’t like I’m ever gonna see it in the theater.

    But I am a fan of Milla. Tho I think the only thing I’ve ever seen her in are 5th Element and commercials for makeup.

  87. Wanna solve the national deficit? Hold a lottery at $10 a ticket.

    The winner gets to beat Judd Hirsch to death with the weapon of his or her choice.

  88. Democrat agrees to open, honest debate- as long as no one gets to hear about it:


  89. What’s the fat ass afraid of?

  90. Great. Everyone left me again.

  91. EXCUSE ME!

    *add sassy black lady head motion

  92. Nah, I’m here xbrad, but y’all just aren’t very interesting. Or at least, not as interesting as my choco ice cream.

  93. I’m back. Pork ribs, corn, and peaches for dinner, yum.

  94. It was the Judd Hirsch comment. Way over the top.

    Incidentally, I’d use a tarantula stuck to the end of a three foot saber.

  95. Roamy, quick, be interesting!

  96. That sounds like a nice, balanced meal, Romy.

    I had beef and lemon water.

  97. To be completely accurate, I had beef accompanied by lemon water. Not “beef and lemon water” which sounds gross even to me.

  98. I had beef and broccoli and water

  99. Leon are you leaning up? I know Sohos is.

  100. I was planning on beating Judd Hirsch to death with Danny DeVito.

  101. mare, “On this day in 1947, the United State Air Force was established. Commemorate this event by destroying enemy forces on the ground, on the water, and in the sky; rescuing downed aviators; airlifting supplies to famine-stricken areas; and generally freeing the oppressed. SIERRA HOTEL!!”

  102. I fried home made chicken strips and Mrs MJ made mashed taters.

  103. leon, there are rolls for Mr. RFH and the kids. Not me.

  104. Can you stick a tarantula on Danny DeVito first. Then they both suffer.

  105. Leon are you leaning up? I know Sohos is.

    Some, just a couple of pounds since I started cutting. Labor Day was a setback 🙂

  106. Dear Hostages,

    For only the second time in my adult life, I am not ashamed of my country. I want to thank the hard working American people for paying $242 thousand dollars for my vacation in Spain. My daughter Sasha, several long-time family friends, my personal staff and various guests had a wonderful time. Honestly, you just haven’t lived until you have stayed in a $2,500.00 per night suite at a 5-Star luxury hotel. Thank you also for the use of Air Force 2 and the 70 Secret Service personnel who tagged along to be sure we were safe and cared for at all times.

    Air Force 2 only used 47,500 gallons of jet fuel for this trip and carbon emissions were a mere 1,031 tons of CO2. These are only rough estimates, but they are close. That’s quite a carbon footprint as my good friend Al Gore would say, so we must ask the American citizens to drive smaller, more fuel efficient cars and drive less too, so we can lessen our combined carbon footprint.

    I know times are hard and millions of you are struggling to put food on the table and trying to make ends meet. I do appreciate your sacrifice and do hope you find work soon. I was really exhausted after Barack took our family on a luxury vacation in Maine a few weeks ago. I just had to get away for a few days.


    Michelle Obama

  107. This reminds me, I haven’t blogged last week’s workouts yet.

  108. and someone please tell me what SOA / SofA is

  109. Sons of Anarchy.

    Should be restarting soon.

  110. I’m not touching a tarantula.

    The Air Force’s b’day, huh?

    I’ll bet they celebrated by building another golf course.

  111. Roamy, you ARE interesting!

    Well done!

  112. Good job, Romy. Rolls and I broke up for good, I think. Brownies my mom made still make booty calls, though. I’m a total slut for brownies.

  113. Clint, that was really good! Really good.

  114. I’m a total slut for brownies.

    Makes note.

    Not touching a tarantula Xbrad? Pansy.

  115. Thanks, Mare. I wish I could claim but it came to me in an email today.

    The new season of SOA starts tonight!

    I’m waiting for Fringe and Justified to start their new seasons!!!!!

  116. I’m waiting for Fringe and Justified to start their new seasons!!!!!

    Fringe had a wicked ending last season.

  117. leon, now that I’ve decided that I’m going to the TX meatup, I want to lose some weight and look good.

  118. I could only watch SoA on the computer because I didn’t want to explain to my girls and my husband that, “it really isn’t porn but there is porn in it.”

  119. OK, Tat, just for you, this one time, I’ll touch a tarantula.

    **stomps on a giant fuckin’ spider**

    There, happy now?

  120. **stomps on a giant fuckin’ spider**

    There, happy now?

    No. A spider is not the same thing as a tarantula.

  121. I love Justified.

  122. Big Dick actually has an interesting post!


  123. “No. A spider is not the same thing as a tarantula.”

    Yeah, and a tomato is fruit.

  124. Tat, I used to spend a lot of time in southern Colorado, and there were a ton of tarantulas there. They were a nuisance, but never really bothered me. I left them alone, and they usually left me alone. Or got set on fire. One or the other.

  125. As long as it isn’t the ham and Lima beans. That shit was nasty!

  126. Yeah, and a tomato is fruit.

    Yes, tomato is botanically a fruit.

  127. Member of the nightshade family, no less.

  128. Okay, “family” is a misnomer there, not to be taken as Family in the taxonomic sense.

  129. No less.

  130. A answer on Cash Cab the other day was Tarantula hair was used as itching powder. I bet shaving them was fun.

  131. So if I use Ketchup, that counts as a serving of fruit, right?

  132. Not really MCPO, b/c the entire FDA food pyramid is bullshit.

  133. Must have http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCJADv2shNE

  134. MCPO, as bad has ham and motherfuckers were, it still beat the first generation MRE chicken a la king.

  135. Also, nightshades that you eat are trying to kill you. They mostly fail, but they ARE trying.

    This is why animals are better food. They generally stop fighting back after you’ve killed them.

  136. b/c the entire FDA food pyramid is bullshit.

    You mean the ADM/Monsanto food pyramid?

  137. Okay, “family” is a misnomer there, not to be taken as Family in the taxonomic sense.

    Actually, Solanaceae is commonly known as nightshade or potato family.


  139. “Yes, tomato is botanically a fruit.”

    So is brad.

    Cut the tarantulas some slack. So they need a little dental work, you want them kicked out of the class for that?

  140. Neat, I thought “nightshade family” was an archaic thing.

  141. You mean the ADM/Monsanto food pyramid?

    That science fiction pyramid.

  142. Cut the tarantulas some slack. So they need a little dental work, you want them kicked out of the class for that?

    Tarantulas are in the same Class as spiders. They’re just not the same thing.

  143. If you feed a pig according to the Pyramid, it gets fat for slaughter. I read that somewhere, true fax.

  144. I was talking school room class.

  145. Tarantulas are in the same Class as spiders. They’re just not the same thing.

    Does this mean my “lobster = giant sea cockroach” equation is wrong?

  146. I was talking school room class.

    Spiders don’t go to class.

  147. Does this mean my “lobster = giant sea cockroach” equation is wrong?

    Nope, still solid connection. All are Arthropoda–>jointed legs, segmented body plan, exoskeleton.

  148. They are close enough.
    And I know a tomato is a fruit but that too is BS. My taste buds say vegetable and my taste buds rule.

    Screw you wordpress! It just told me that Mare was commenting to quickly.

  149. What the fuck is this shit?

    Back to weather and recipes, people.

  150. When I was a lowly co-op, I lived in a boarding house to save money. The landlady had a son who was in the Army. He came home on leave and got mixed up on which refrigerator was his mom’s and which was the boarders’. He ate four meals’ worth of my chicken casserole. He apologized and gave me a couple of MRE’s to make up for it. Not a fair trade.

  151. My taste buds say vegetable and my taste buds rule suck.


  152. hahahahahaha…..Scott be honest, doesn’t that tick you off?

  153. Scott, green peppers are fruit too. All bell peppers are berries. So are eggplant.

  154. Back to weather and recipes, people.

    Excellent stuffed tomato recipe.

    Cheese–whatever makes you happy
    Sea insect meat of your choice
    Spices that make your tongue giggle
    Maybe some shrooms

    Stuff and enjoy.

  155. Tomatoes are teh debbil!!!!

    Unless they are on a BLT.

  156. Send me your giant sea cockroaches! Yum.

    I had Carrabas Calamari and Mussels for dinner tonight. Curbside is ok, but they need to deliver.

    What nothing on the tarantula hair? Really

  157. leon, I still use the old school four food groups. Screw the pyramid.

  158. We had winds up to 40mph here today. And I made butter chicken again yesterday.

    Also, frozen blueberries in a bowl with whole milk is like a dessert.

  159. These kids kick ass!


  160. Vmax please tell me you had Carraba’s calamari Ricardo…..THE BEST!!!!!

  161. Cucumbers are squash. So are zucchini. All fruits.

  162. Scott, Laura, Wiser … how’s things in Connecticutistan?


  163. Aren’t tarantula hairs the basis for a good itching powder?

  164. Scott, Laura, Wiser … how’s things in Connecticutistan?

    To be truly inclusive, all religions should be represented and all prayers should begin at the same time. After all the mumbo jumbo then you can get started.

  165. Andy needs to occasionally read the threads at H2.

    but not the poats.

  166. We’ve killed off Judd Hirsch. What other sitcom stars would you like to kill?

  167. What other sitcom stars would you like to kill?

    The entire cast of Friends.

  168. You know how it is Andy. We have “winter vacation” and “winter concerts” because that “c” word is just so damned offensive.

    I trust that there will be a backlash. I don’t want to have to do it, but if needed I will start exercising my constitutional right to start their city council meetings with a a Koran burning……no wait…….a Koran fueled pig roast.

  169. Funny tarantula story:
    Daughter #1 was in the pool at a friend’s house (she was about 11 or 12 at the time), and all of us adults were sitting around shooting the breeze. We look over just as Rachel is coming out of the water, reaching blindly for the goggles that she left on the side of the pool. We all notice this great big black thing by her hand, and we tell her to watch out.

    She flips her hair out of her face, opens her eyes, and screams at the top of her lungs because the big black thing is a tarantula. Her screaming scares the tarantula to the point that it lifts 4 of its legs up in the air, as if to say, “Make it stop! Make it stop!”.

    We all still laugh about that – well, everyone but Rachel……

  170. No way, Tat.

    The men, sure. But I always thought Lisa Kudrow was kinda cute.

  171. The men, sure. But I always thought Lisa Kudrow was kinda cute.

    No amount of “cute” can overcome the craptastic banality that was that show

  172. (((hugs Teresa))) so sorry about your aunt.

  173. And I’d give Aniston a roll in the hay just to see what Brad walked out on.

  174. Lisa:


  175. I had appetizers for dinner Mare. On your recommendation I will make it a priority.

    The dude at 0:55 is lucky as hell

  176. I do that, xbrad, when I’m not occasionally working or on vacation.

    Who the fuck do I think I am, Obama?

  177. Lisa Kudrow looks like a gawky bird next to the near-perfection that is Mira Sorvino.

  178. Andy, I’m funemployed. If you pay me a modest weekly sum, I’ll read all the threads for you.

  179. Lisa Kudrow looks like a gawky bird next to the near-perfection that is Mira Sorvino Sam Elliott.

    Much better.

  180. Ok for mindless drivel with lots of smoking hot bikini clad hoty’s, I recommend Rehab Party at Hard Rock.

  181. >> The entire cast of Friends.


  182. Leon, of course Mira made an appearance as well:


  183. You know, for a wussed out tropical depression, Hermine is kicking some pretty stout wind and rain through central Texas tonight.

  184. So you’re saying Hermione could kick Bob Earl’s ass?

  185. Holy cow, it’s bad.


  186. I do believe dinner tonight will be mini pizza/bagel appetizers.

  187. Recovery Summer explained: http://www.businessinsider.com/david-rosenberg-depression-2010-9

  188. No Hasselhoff will be watched in the eating of my dinner.

  189. William Shatner would have kicked that songs ass RFH.

  190. >> So you’re saying Hermione could kick Bob Earl’s ass?

    Rhode Island could kick Bob Earl’s ass with one hand tied behind it’s capital.

  191. And what kind of fucking name is Hermine??

  192. Rehab

  193. Huh. V8 Juice claims to be 100% vegetables.

    You should sue them Tat.

  194. You should sue them Tat.

    I would, except that gastronomically they’re considered vege. Apparently chefs are fucking stupid.

  195. >> And what kind of fucking name is Hermine??

    My recommendations for hurricane names is already on record.

    Hows the e-smoke?

  196. I actually thought this thread was about Hermine when I read the title.

    The Supreme Court ruled that tomatoes are vegetables. So that settles that.

  197. The Supreme Court ruled that tomatoes are vegetables. So that settles that.

    Yeah. No comment on their IQ.

  198. We need to settle this with a biologist/chef death match.

  199. Today is the first day that at work I did not think of my thumb. I noticed it a few times, but am moving on.

  200. DinT – Not as tobacco tasting as I had hoped. But I’ll get used to it. Have you purchased any of the e-liquid yet?

  201. If you fry diced tomatoes in butter with cinnamon, you’ll know they are fruit just by the smell.

  202. “The Supreme Court ruled that tomatoes are vegetables.”

    Seriously Peel?

  203. Good to hear Vmax. Is the nail cooperating?

  204. >> But I’ll get used to it. Have you purchased any of the e-liquid yet?

    Yeah. It makes a very bracing aftershave.

  205. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nix_v._Hedden

  206. Good evening, malcontents.

  207. Yeah Scott, they did.

  208. MCPO is on ecstasy now?

  209. DinT – Do you recommend the 30 ml size?

  210. No Scott, however I have trimmed the pieces back so they do not interfere.

    I am doing crown molding for the rest of the week. No worries unless I hit my thumb with a hammer.

  211. Wow. What do you know. I put stuff up on my blog, and traffic increased.

    It’s almost like there’s some strange correlation…

  212. Yes, Scott. IIRC, it was a case of tariffs on vegetables – tomato growers argued that tomatoes are fruit and therefore not subject to tariffs on vegetables. The Supreme Court ruled that traditionally, tomatoes are used as vegetables (canned, very rarely eaten raw, etc.) and therefore subject to the tariff.

    I, like Tats, fall into the TOMATOES ARE FUCKIN’ FRUIT, DAMMIT category.

  213. “The Supreme Court ruled that tomatoes are vegetables.”

    I learned in school that ketchup is a vegetable, so it stands to reason.

  214. Can you live with it or do you need to get it removed?

  215. >>What do you know. I put stuff up on my blog, and traffic increased.

    That was me.

  216. Thanks for the hugs, Roamy! I’m just there for moral support at this point – my cousin’s sons are flying in tonight, and her brothers and their families will be straggling in over the next few days. The hardest part is going to be telling their dad that Gloria is gone. He’s been in a nursing home for a couple of years now, and his mind is kinda gone, but he still remembers Gloria, and she went to see him almost every day.

    Fortunately, the nursing home has a counselor on staff who knows how to deal with this type of situation, so they are planning on discussing the best way to handle this on Thursday morning before they go in to tell him (Gloria had plans to be away on Tuesday and Wednesday, so he wasn’t expecting to see her until Thursday anyway).

    I told my cousins I would “tag along” and hang out in the background just in case any of them needed moral support…..

  217. The Supreme Court ruled that traditionally, tomatoes are used as vegetables (canned, very rarely eaten raw, etc.) and therefore subject to the tariff.

    It was all about the money.

  218. As I suspected, it was all a plot by the revenooooers!

  219. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nix_v._Hedden

    That’s the Supreme Court Tomato case.

    I didn’t just post the link for shits and grins, people!

  220. Until and unless I start actually blogging again, my blog will get no traffic.

    Which is fine with me.

  221. I didn’t just post the link for shits and grins, people!


    Damn, I thought you were all about the shits and giggles.

  222. giggles? yes

    grins? no

    He’s a li’l girl like that.

  223. Princess is a refund!

    Meh I will whip her into shape.

    By By Sadie!

  224. Actually, Tats, I’m all about shits and grins and busty lesbian pron. And weather and recipes. And kittehs.

  225. Wow. What do you know. I put stuff up on my blog, and traffic increased.

    It’s almost like there’s some strange correlation…

    Traffic on my little crapbloghas exploded (by my puny standards) over the last few days. That picture of Milla that I put up the other day comes up on page 2 of Google Images.

  226. >> DinT – Do you recommend the 30 ml size?

    Yes. Bongs require a lot of fluid.

  227. Princess is a refund!

    Meh I will whip her into shape.

    By By Sadie!

    Translation please?

  228. I’m glad for you, Sean.

    I’m out. I’ll see you fine folks tomorrow.I

  229. He’s a li’l girl like that.

    I know.

    Xbrad, I shared a recipe tonight. I could tell you about the weather, but I got nothin’ on those other categories.

  230. MCPO,
    I mentioned the infamous “Ham & Lima Beans” in my comment at Dicks.

  231. “Yes. Bongs require a lot of fluid.”

    He will respond when the rave ends.

  232. Tattoo,
    My latest foster dog Princess, was adopted last week.

    Then Returned.

    I was going to get Sadie in a few days. Oh well.

  233. Eddie,

    I watched this bitch at the DMV ridicule this guy for coming in to ask questions when I reregistered. He wasn’t sure when his registration was due, or how much it was going to be. So instead of being a deadbeat dumbass he was proactive and went in to ask questions. She was the worst of the stereotypical gov’t employee. He was still talking to that bitch when I got done so I made a crack about loving how our tax dollars pay for bad attitudes.

  234. Tattoo,
    My latest foster dog Princess, was adopted last week.

    Then Returned.

    I was going to get Sadie in a few days. Oh well.

    What kind of asshole returns a rescue dog?

    And wordpress’s asinine logout policy can fuck straight off.

  235. Longbows!
    Heheh Eddie.

  236. My homage to WP.

  237. Why did they return her Vmax?

  238. What kind of asshole returns a rescue dog?

    Better to return than to keep and mistreat, I suppose. Someone who’d return a dog shouldn’t have one.

  239. Hey Vmax,

    Opposite end of the country, but sounds interesting


  240. I made a crack about loving how our tax dollars pay for bad attitudes.

    Oh no you di’i’nt!

  241. Better to return than to keep and mistreat, I suppose. Someone who’d return a dog shouldn’t have one.

    Agreed, but usually w/ these rescue groups, adopters are fairly well vetted.

  242. “I made a crack about loving how our tax dollars pay for bad attitudes.”

    I think that’s awesome Tat. I would have loved it if you would have thrown in a “bitch” or two.

  243. Tattoo
    Princess was a true terror. I taught her a little, but she is truly a evil dog. I would guess I need to have her for a year to get her in shape.

    It was a hippy couple, while I think she was a match, she was also a liberal, no discipline, no consistency, no soul.

  244. Yikes, Vmax. she sounds like she should not be up for adoption. Gotta be real on this one.

  245. Evil how?

  246. Mark Steyn on Dennis Miller today: http://www.dennismillerradio.com/pg/jsp/charts/audioMaster.jsp?dispid=318&pid=11684

    I’ve been suffering from an absence of Steyn, but … he’s baaaaack.

  247. Night.

  248. Sweet dreams, Tat.

  249. Mare, and Tattoo.

    She attacks every dog she sees. She hates females, and beta males. Charges, and barks at every dog she sees. Not to mention biting them.
    My picts of ‘Cissy

  250. tats: I had to go and register my new car today. Amazingly, while I am upset at what I had to pay (fucking taxes!), the workers were pleasant and professional.

    I had to do a doubletake and make sure I really was at the DMV.

    OTOH, fuck the tire and auto place I took my wife’s car to today. Fuck them with a hydraulic wrench.

  251. I’m going to assume the person who adopted her knew that. That dog would need a special kind of parent. Kind of like Cesear Milan.

  252. Wow. Marcu Rubio, on the passing of his father, this past weekend.


  253. And Tattoo,
    I called her Cissy from the Lt Leary books!

  254. Vmax if there is a last resort I will take her.

  255. Mare,
    It was a provisional adoption. They knew she was trouble. She started off good, because I had trained her well. She went down hill from there. (No discipline, no consistency). (stupid Hippys)

  256. Marco.. I kin typesze

  257. Honestly Vmax, I was thinking she needed an Alpha not a couple of stupid Hippies. Even though I don’t have a dog I’ve read his books and watch his show. It’s comment sense for people who have it.

  258. I will keep that in mind Scott, but I will keep her and train her up.

  259. Scott just earned 100,000,000 points.

    (To be used for dog food, a new van, booze, and breakfasts of Laura’s choice for 10 years.)

  260. Vmax, you know I’ve been gone so if you said this before sorry but, how can you keep her with your male dogs? Did you get them neutered?

  261. You are correct Mare,
    She thinks she is Alpha, but she knows I am. Her new family? Definitely beta.
    The male is a college professor. Her mom is a new age pastor.
    No Alphas there.

  262. meat’s meat and a man’s gotta eat.


  263. Probably nice people but dipshits.

  264. Yup Mare.
    After Zeke and Bear bit my thumb off….Snip, Snip.

  265. comment sense? What the hell is that?

  266. You did the right thing, Vmax. Out of control dogs are not happy dogs. Plus I would have to kick their butts if they bit you again.

  267. You guys know I don’t have an comment sense.

  268. Anyone watching Covert Affairs?

    I Like.

  269. Ha! Vmax, that is exactly what I’m doing. Then SofA.

  270. This BMW commercial with the douche and meagan is stupid.

  271. HHD is ready to go.

  272. Me Too Mare!

  273. Roamy, THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT!!

  274. Hey, Vmax, when we meet let’s go to Carrabas (my favorite) get their happy hour special two for one (several) then order calamari Ricardo, then eat stuff until we can’t think, then have all of their mini desserts.

    Just a thought.


    I buy the stuff, you cook for me.

  275. I’d like to do mare on a SofA.

  276. HAHAHAHAHA…..bring the wine, Wiser.

  277. I am buying for you and Mr Mare, if you make it east of the Mississippi Mare. Or all of your family.

  278. HAHAHAHAHA…..bring the wine, Wiser.

    You got it, baby.

    Red or white?

  279. Mr. Mare will be our designated driver.

  280. White.

    Wiser, when we meet, you must have your (25 year garage) car ready. We’re going for a ride (again Mr. Mare will be the driver).

    This is gonna be great.

  281. Mr. Mare will be our designated driver.

    He sounds pretty easy-going. Cool.

  282. Seriously, Mr.Mare is awesome, he would actually do that. He “knows” most of the Hostages and thinks the meat-ups are great. I showed him the pictures and he thought it was a classic good time (the CT meat-up). At our house, for him, if I’m happy he’s happy. And If he’s happy I’m happy.

  283. “Scott just earned 100,000,000 points”

    Yep thats 50,000,000 points for each time I have been bit in the face
    Thumbs I got..

  284. I am thinking about changing some plans to make the TX meat-up but it would change his plans too. I know he’d do it but in a way I hate to ask him. We’ll see.

  285. What’s up you racists, anti-intellectuals, and general bigots?

  286. Mare is just afraid that she’ll want to run away with me.

    I don’t poach younger women, Mare.

  287. the TX meat-up

    Okay, now I definitely need to reconsider my plans to give that a pass…….

  288. *tackles Mare, gives her “The Tootsie Pop”*

  289. I don’t poach younger women, Mare.

    I only poach eggs.

  290. Scott, my daughter was bit in the face by a dog, (20 stitches, great plastic surgeon, no scars) and if that dog had been close I would have twisted it’s neck and killed it.

    Child + my heightened perspective = your dog better behave or the big crazy happens

  291. thinks the meat-ups are great.

    we will have to plan next year’s summer meat-up around your travel schedule.

  292. BiW, you know damn well I”m older than you. I’m older than wiser and Vmax too.

  293. So, blackie, when do you plan to give HP his well-deserved bitch-slapping?

  294. I was bit in the face by our black lab when I was a kid. I have an awesome scar on my face. It doesn’t match the awesome scars on my leg and on my wrist, but you can’t have everything.

  295. BiW, you never linked HP earlier.

  296. Mare, every gentleman knows that beauty knows no age, but beautiful women stop aging at 29, which makes me 9 years older than you. At least that’s what those gentlemen tell me, and I believe them. 😉

    Wiser, it may be awhile. I’ll start it tonight, but I plan to do a good job on it, and since I’ll be distracted for awhile tonight, I don’t see myself finishing this for another day or two.

  297. I did last night, Mare. That’s why he was complaining about my cowardice over not going to say it to his face.

  298. I don’t see myself finishing this for another day or two.

    Hell, by that time, he will have moved on to a discussion about whether Lady Gaga is worthy of being considered the next Britney Spears.

  299. Tthe worst part is, it will be a wasted effort, because I always try to make things simpler than they are, and I just don’t know as much as he does, or so he says.

  300. and I just don’t know as much as he does, or so he says.

    Well, he does have a PhD in Animal Psychology. How can anyone expect to compete with that?

  301. “Lady Gaga is worthy of being considered the next Britney Spears.”


  302. >> BiW, you know damn well I”m older than you. I’m older than wiser and Vmax too.

    Me too.. OOPS

  303. In the 70’s version of the Hostages, Spear Britney gave me her number when we were on tour. Yeah, I did her. What can I say? It was the 70s!


    Aren’t you like 3 seconds older than me?

  305. You should go read this now, but prepare to shed a few tears.

    Also, prepare to want to make Charlie Crist taste the curb.

  306. 9.2.59.

    It’s like, 12 years older.

  307. I done tolja all about the 70s Hostages, right?

  308. hahahahaha……Deep.

    Well, it might be giving him too much credit to expect him to consider that proposition without resorting to the use of a “rape” joke.

    Here’s the thread, mare.


  309. I done tolja all about the 70s Hostages, right?

    When disco was in and Dave was thin.

  310. Dave is two days older than dirt.

  311. Actually wiser, I figured that our intellects weren’t well matched when he posted “Let’s Play Nazi Word Association”.

  312. Actually wiser, I figured that our intellects weren’t well matched when he posted “Let’s Play Nazi Word Association”.

    It is rather frightening to imagine he is responsible for teaching the next generation of animal psychologists.

  313. Bedtime. I pray I’m asleep by midnight.

  314. >> When disco was in and Dave was thin.

    Saturday Night Vato.

  315. Who said 70’s


  316. Going to read the thread now, was reading Sean’s link which was excellent…now I’m crying and thinking Rubio’s father is a lot like mine.

    Charlie Crist is a two faced ass.

    Thanks for that link Sean.

  317. I had to do a doubletake and make sure I really was at the DMV.

    In my neck of the woods, eddie, the DMV has been farmed out. Gubmint workers don’t run it.

  318. “It is rather frightening to imagine he is responsible for teaching the next generation of animal psychologists”

    Another sleepless night.

  319. Dave, 8/9/1960

    I’m so old, I’m actually from the future. Ask Stephen Hawking.

  320. Another sleepless night.

    C’mon, Mare! I’m sleepy.


  321. aw crap. did I miss your bday?

    I suck.

  322. Dave, 8/9/1960

    mare, 11/20/1960.

    hitting the big 50 soon.

    (hopefully, not too hard.)

  323. I suck.

    That’s what was written on the wall in the men’s room at the Doubletree!

  324. I feel better at 51 than I did at 41.

    Take that how you will.

  325. So Chief, who’s your date for the Texas meat-up?

  326. *also, it’s 9/2/59

  327. I feel better at 51 than I did at 41.

    Better painkillers.

    That’s what was written on the wall in the men’s room at the Doubletree!

    Still? I really expected them to have washed that off by now.

    I should probably give them a call.

  328. I’m going to be 39 in December. 9 years of not being able to trust myself.

  329. see mare, this is how you comment with pacing.

    Please practice this.

  330. Mare’s finding out how unenlightened she is.

    Or something.

  331. You know, wiser, I toyed with asking Lauraw to write a guest post answering HP. Then I realized that I’d NEVER get the bloodstains out of the carpet.

  332. 10/18/1960 – lots of us hitting the half-century mark this year, huh?

  333. Gee! I link one Wings’ song and Mare vamoosed?!?

  334. You act surprised, Chief.

  335. Bambi doubles down on stooopid; ensures a Democratic bloodbath in 53 days:

  336. BiW – It was part of the 70’s joke.

  337. Then I realized that I’d NEVER get the bloodstains out of the carpet.

    I would consider those “souvenirs.”

  338. 10/24/1948, You young punks! Get off my lawn!

  339. Xbrad kicked ass on the Murkowski thread as a “Concerned Christian Conservative” at the mothership!

  340. Shoot, I wrote a long comment and deleted it.

    Long story short: Wiser he was in over his head with you and I think he knew it. You murdered him with the pedophile questions and facts seem to be too much to deal with for him. He got distracted with some idiot saying you were all being well behaved and I think he needed the time out.

    He’s silly, likes to hear himself type and is no more an intellectual, or intellegent than Puka is.

  341. 10/24/1948, You young punks! Get off my lawn!

    Holy CRAP!!!!!


  342. Charlie Crist is a two faced ass.

    Thanks for that link Sean.

    You’re welcome. And Crist can eat a bag of dicks.

  343. mare, where is Puka?

  344. ” And Crist can eat a bag of dicks.”

    That’s a great saying. I gotta use that more around my parents.

  345. Mare, my best time taking HP to the woodshed so far was this:

    A Leftist Parable Rebutted

  346. You murdered him with the pedophile questions

    Yeah, it was really fun watching him dance around that. I notice he doesn’t like answering questions very much. Just asking loaded ones.

    He got distracted with some idiot saying you were all being well behaved and I think he needed the time out.

    The funniest part was, at the end, when masteroftheunivers showed up, it was like the rest of the discussion just….. never happened. And then he starts questioning his credentials.

    Truly a more arrogant person does not exist on the interwebs.

  347. BiW, you know damn well I”m older than you. I’m older than wiser and Vmax too.

    No shit? How do you know that?

    I’m not sure I believe you.

    At least I know for sure you’re younger than me.

  348. Wiser, ChrisP is old, but I say we don’t put him on the “other” ice floe just yet.

  349. And for some reason, the Time magazine on Jews had me depressed all day.

    Then I got pissed on the way home from work, when I switched on Hannity and they were debating the BAD BAD evil Christians for wanting to hold a koran burning party. WHO THE F*CK CARES? You make it a bigger issue by paying attention. How many times is our flag and our Judeo Christian heritage shat on? Good grief, I wanted to smack Hannity for showing what a nice fair boy he is. GAG.

  350. Plus if it is their our korans………WHO CARES!!

  351. beasn: that may explain why they were decent DMVers.

    Mare: while I generally want to see Democrats lose, Charlie Crist is one of the few people I truly want to see humiliated, especially after the shit he pulled after the death of Mr. Rubio.

  352. Beasn, with my mother, who happens to adore her. Sometimes because of my mother’s age related dementia she thinks Puka has been there since kitten hood. She loves her and asked the other day if she could keep her.

    I said, “as long as she keeps you company and makes you happy, Mom.” Inside I was sad and missed my baby. But I can’t take her from my mom. Plus I’m living in a household of dogs. Big ones who hunt.

  353. our = own

  354. Eddie, what the hell did he do after Rubio’s dad died? Holy crap, I might go ballistic.

  355. mare:

  356. Goodnight! I shall dream of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on squishy, white Wonderbread.

  357. Michael, how old are you? We’re pretty close aren’t we?

  358. Wiser, ChrisP is old, but I say we don’t put him on the “other” ice floe just yet.

    That reminds me…. I’ve been meaning to make another ice floe pic.

    Damn, it’s gonna be crowded this time.

  359. Sweet dreams, MCPO.

  360. Make it a panorama pic, wiser.

  361. You make it a bigger issue by paying attention.

    I think that’s the point. It exposes the left for the idiots they are, when they get crazy about it.

    It’s okay to burn anything in protest, except a koran. I wonder if that was the point all along and they really weren’t planing to do it in the first place.

  362. You, Charlie Crist, are a complete and utter ass douching scumbag.

    (But I mean that in a nice way.)

  363. Awwww, mare, you are a good daughter. I’m sorry you are sad and missing your sweet fatty. Sounds like she is good tonic for mom and perhaps vice versa just a smidge…not like her momma mare, but grandmomma mare is pretty darn close.

  364. That and fat kittehs are like pats of butter for big dogs. You made a good decision for the moment.

  365. Make it a panorama pic, wiser.

    I wonder who’s gonna be the first to be offended by my choices…..

  366. Yeah, I have to agree with Beasn. Why are we worked up about burning a Koran? Flags are burned everyday and the flag has represented a lot more good than the koran EVER will.

    HEY, MUSLIMS, you come to this country FIGURE OUT OUR FREEDOMS, we have the freedom to burn your koran. GET THE FLIP OVER IT. Why did you come here if you don’t get that? To convert us? Screw you.

  367. Thanks Beasn. She follows my mom around like a puppy. No more kitties for me until I can have Puka back. Unfortunately that means *in a low, whispering, sad voice,* my mother is gone.

  368. wiser, my daughter asked me….because she is becoming a contrarian like her father….what if a bunch of muslims threw a Bible burning party, what would you say?

    Durrrr….they probably do like they do our flag. I don’t care, it’s just a book. Christians put up with commie abuse of our heritage every damned day and noone says BOO. I DO have a problem when they blow up, behead, genocide, People of the Book, which they do on a regular basis in the name of their religion. And then we have to apologize?


    It’s okay to burn anything in protest, except a koran. I wonder if that was the point all along

    See, but you are a thinking man. There are too many who can not. There are too many zombies.

  369. Read up thread what scott said about Harford CT having Islamic prayer before their city council meetings in September (october?). It will make you sick. You realize Islam is the only really protected religion in this country.

  370. Unfortunately that means *in a low, whispering, sad voice,* my mother is gone.

    Then you have given her great comfort….and possibly more time. Critters do wonders for the elderly.

    How old is Puka? Do you foresee your mom spending any of her remaining years with you or are there other siblings watching over your parents?

  371. I saw that mare and showed my daughter. She is sort of grouchy with me because she says I make it seem like ALL muslims are bad…and she is friends and classmates with a very nice muslim girl.

    I tell her that I never said any such thing but the ‘religion’ dictates that we are and must submit or be killed. The kid is too soft hearted.

  372. When Barry says that ‘critics talk about him like a dog’, sounds like something his low-life mother would say.

    *I know and am related to some low-lifes and that is the sort of thing they say*

  373. My mom is with my dad at home. My sister, who is a certified care giver is being paid to be there 8-10 hours a day. My dad is wheel chair bound and my Mom is losing her faculties. Puka is eight. I would love to have my mom live with me. But I cannot take care of my dad too. We are all very close, I’m visiting them after the 16 of September.
    The hardest thing about my folks getting older is my sister who is emotionally ill equiped to deal with it. IT’S ALL ABOUT HER. Had a crumby conversation with her tonight, yikes.

  374. Untill your daughter’s friend is outraged by stuff muslims do she is no moderate and someone I conside a piss poor American. Are her parents (or her) outraged by the ground zero mosque? Are they outraged by the 99% of all terrorism committed by Muslims? If not, I don’t give a shit if your daughter or her friend are bummed by being thrown into an “all muslim” group.

  375. The hardest thing about my folks getting older is my sister who is emotionally ill equiped to deal with it. IT’S ALL ABOUT HER.

    then maybe she shouldn’t be the caregiver caregiver? Have an objective caregiver, and sister can watch teevee with dad all day. Doing the actual intimate motions of caring for members of the family you love so well……..some folks can’t get a grip.

  376. Beasn, that’s a different sister. I have two.

  377. If not, I don’t give a shit if your daughter or her friend are bummed by being thrown into an “all muslim” group.

    My daughter and I have no doubt, the majority of high school kids do not give any of this stuff a second thought. That is probably why the daughter has her back up. Sometimes, she will quietly listen to what I’m telling her and other times, I get the eyeroll and the drawn out breath.

    I sent her a link to Baldilocks, who wrote about the ‘other black genocide’ that has been going on for 1400 years, courtesy of islam. I worked later tonight, so I wasn’t able to ask her her thoughts.

  378. Beasn, that’s a different sister. I have two.


    Well, I’m glad you are going to go see them and I’m glad you are close. It is a great thing when families like each other.

  379. *Peeks into room. Notes enraged, albeit beautiful Hostages wimmens all around. Ponders whether he should mention the fact that his nuts itch right now.*

  380. It’s getting late and I meant to be in bed two hours ago. And speaking of elderly, I better go tuck the pigs in. I worry about George, who is now five. He is losing weight again and seems to whine/cry/fuss more often. The life span of a guinea pig, on a bell curve, is five.

    I’ll probably take him to the vet tomorrow and start hand feeding him some critter care.


    Poor little pig.

  381. clintbird, just scratch ’em like most guys do, wherever they are.

    *hands clint some sand paper*

  382. beasn, all kidding aside … take care of that little critter. It’s so sad when they die. They get so needy and clingy toward the end.

  383. TTFN

  384. *Grabs sandpaper from beasn. Aims same in general direction of sorta aroung the knees. Thinks to self: Old age is a bitch.*

  385. aroung = around

  386. Wiser, you have the same birthday as my mom. She’s older than you, though. I won’t say how much older because she might kill me. (Plus, she looks younger.)

  387. It’s dead, Jim.

  388. (Plus, she looks younger.)


    love you too, fidget.

  389. Huh. People are rioting in Los Angeles about something the cops did. Never seen that before.

  390. Since nobody else seems to be here anymore, I won’t have to duck any flying bottles or rotten vegetables when I say this…I’m against the idea of burning Korans on 9/11 or any other day.

    First of all, I find book-burning repugnant in general. I hate Nazis, but I wouldn’t encourage the burning of copies of Mein Kampf. You can learn a lot from reading your enemies’ ideas, after all. Also, behaving in the same manner as the people you’re condemning is hardly a good way to take the high ground.

    Secondly, if you find the Koran objectionable, why not scan it for some of the more repugnant verses and hold a protest where you read them out loud on a day like 9/11? That would seem like a more educational experience.

    Third, while the guy who’s doing this has every right to do so, it’s an attention-seeking dick move pure and simple. Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD do it.

    Does that last point sound anything like something else that’s been in the news as of late? Hm?

  391. I hate Nazis, but I wouldn’t encourage the burning of copies of Mein Kampf.

    I read Mien Kampf in college when I was taking a Political Science course. Interesting book, for exactly the reasons you said, Sean.

  392. Fascism is actually a remarkably romantic political philosophy, which hooks back to Jean-Jacques Rousseau and his notion of a “general will.”

  393. Powerline was arguing that Petraeus was infringing on free speech – I think that’s nonsense. He’s asking people to be responsible for their free speech. If they truly believe that burning the Koran supercedes the increased difficulty and danger faced by the troops, then burn away.

    Me, I’ll let the troops decide when it’s time to burn them.

  394. Thank you, Bruce. I take back all of those nasty things I said about you behind your back.

  395. Just sayin’, it’s a short step to go from the concept of “general will” to the idea of a Leader (Fuehrer, in German) who is the embodiment of that will.

    Or a “Dear Leader” in North Korea, like Kim Jong Il.

    They are all messianic figures.

    Is anybody else here getting that vibe from Obama?

  396. Powerline was arguing that Petraeus was infringing on free speech – I think that’s nonsense. He’s asking people to be responsible for their free speech.

    The man is a public figure and has a right to his own opinion, not to mention the right to express that opinion. I don’t see anywhere that Gen. Petraeus is calling for this activity to be banned.

    Me, I’ll let the troops decide when it’s time to burn them.

    Um, no. That’s going in the wrong direction.

  397. Um, no. That’s going in the wrong direction.

    I look at it this way: if the military feels that burning Korans will further the nation’s objectives, then burn away. I doubt that they would find that to be the case, but I’m open to the prospect.

  398. I mean, jeebers, Barack thinks that he is the reason the oceans will stop rising, because “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

    [The oceans aren’t really rising to any material extent, and the arctic sea ice is doing just fine, and polar bears are not drowning, but that’s another issue.]

    See? He thinks he is the embodiment of the general will.

    No, Barack, you are not that important. You are an incompetent Chicago community organizer.

  399. I look at it this way: if the military feels that burning Korans will further the nation’s objectives, then burn away.

    That’s my policy on DADT as well. If the military decides they want an environment where people are open about their sexual preferences, then have at it.

    Personally I preferred the environment where ideally everybody was treated as an asexual unit of military protoplasm – I think it was an effective approach. In that environment nobody cares about your preferences.

  400. Thank you, Bruce. I take back all of those nasty things I said about you behind your back.


    FYI, I’m not taking back any of the nasty things I said about you behind your back.

  401. OK, I should not have said our President is just an incompetent community organizer. That is disrespectful.

    I meant to say: Obama is a dog!

  402. asexual unit of military protoplasm

    Geoff is the only person on the planet who could write that phrase.

  403. They are all messianic figures.

    Is anybody else here getting that vibe from Obama?

    Yeah, I’ve been getting that vibe since the presidential campaign. And the fact that he still uses his campaign logo bothers me. Also, the fact that the man wrote two highly successful autobiographies before really accomplishing anything smacks of megalomania and a bunch of people willing to buy into a Cult of Personality.

    There are obstacles, though.

    First, especially in an age where information spreads so rapidly, an apparatus of repression is tough to set up. Remember how fast they had to shut down their e-mail snitch line about Obamacare?

    Second, he doesn’t really have a large-scale group to convincingly scapegoat for the nation’s troubles. He can talk all he wants about “tax cuts for the rich,” but thanks to point one, conservatives have done a pretty decent job of making the case that people affected by the repeal of those tax cuts are small business owners. And if he played on any sort of racial resentments (more than he’s done so, Re: Arizona) it would be political suicide.

  404. The thing that has always put me off about Obama is that he speaks like a revivalist preacher. I think he thinks like one too – he figures that all he has to do is deliver the Word on a weekly basis, and his job is done.

  405. FYI, I’m not taking back any of the nasty things I said about you behind your back.

    Awright, then, I guess I’ll keep spreading rumors about how you were getting gay with Dick in the cave.

    (Puns SO very much intended.)

  406. The thing that has always put me off about Obama is that he speaks like a revivalist preacher.

    Of course he does. The fascist and/or socialist belief in a “general will” is really a surrogate for god.

  407. The thing that has always put me off about Obama is that he speaks like a revivalist preacher.

    I never really liked listening to Clinton’s speeches, but I can’t fucking stand listening to Obama.

    This is, of course a racist reaction to the fact that he has no Inuit blood.

  408. Conservatives basically operate on the principles of Locke and Hobbes. We surrender individual autonomy in exchange for peace and prosperity.

    It is a deal we can revoke, if the sovereign does not deliver.

    Hence, the Tea Party movement.

  409. Hey, has anyone noticed a single story about Barack attending church since he arrived in D.C.? Or Martha’s Vineyard?

    Me neither.

    He seems to be much more interested in golf.

  410. Everyone in this great nation is welcome to worship in their own way, Bruce.

    His Nibs is, I’m sure, just taking in the grandeur of the foliage planted by golf pros but designed by God.

    This doesn’t strike me as a comparatively bad way to worship, considering the previous twenty years where he spent his Sundays, though I’m an agnostic, so I’m not all that qualified to comment.

  411. Wakey wakey.

  412. I meant to say: Obama is a dog!

    I can’t let this stand.

    Dogs are completely without artifice. If they want something, they’re usually pretty open about it.

    Dogs also don’t completely lie to you.

  413. The thing that has always put me off about Obama is that he speaks like a revivalist preacher. I think he thinks like one too – he figures that all he has to do is deliver the Word on a weekly basis, and his job is done.

    That’s because he’s patterned his speech after MLK. He does it on purpose.

  414. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703720004575478200948908976.html#

    from the “No Fucking Shit” files

  415. This story http://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local-beat/Council-Meetings-to-Begin-with-Muslim-Prayers-102387499.html
    is not mentioned in the Hartford Courant.

  416. The October surprise is in Africa. Remember when Clinton discovered the need to divert attention to the humanitarian crisis in Bosnia? Maybe not this year, he might not pull that stunt till the impeachment proceedings are under way, but imagine one of the dozen or so effed up African countries with tribal and or mooslim factions killing each other, now imagine American troops on the ground assisting the wrong side of the conflict.

  417. I pulled out the good parts of an Atlantic article by Jefferey Goldberg that are pretty big WTF moments from Castro.


    This is big in South Florida.

  418. Kinda nasty out there this morning

  419. No u.

  420. Hotspur, are you awake and incoherent, or commenting in your sleep?

  421. Yes.

  422. New post is up.

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