When the Cockroaches Come Out, It Is Time To Put On Your Stomping Shoes


Rosetta keeps talking about his desire for a troll.  This should get us some, and if it doesn’t, we can always register at this site and leave a trail of breadcrumbs.

A friend of mine sent me a link today to a website called “AMERICAN NETWORK MONITORINGANTI-OBAMA ACTIVITIES“.  I clicked on it and was sent to a homepage decorated in the reds and browns that would have made the SA, feel right at home, and stated a purpose that would make any veteran of the NKVD, KGB, Stasi, or any other fine civic organization charged with protecting the image of any “Dear Leader” who is too busy beneficently toiling away for working class to maintain their image, and punishing those who dare to sully it swell with pride.  The ‘community’, set up by “Brook David”, who shall heretofore be known as “Skippy”, is closed to non-members.  If you click on any tab, you are brought to a screen requesting that you sign in or register to become a member.  It made me question whether Skippy has the courage of his convictions, since most people I know who have real truth on their side prefer a stand up fight in the open to slinking in the shadows as if they have something to hide.

The statement on the front page should stir even the most apolitical of morons to action, as we already have stupid roaming the corridors of power, untamed and unchecked, and there is no reason to allow it to flourish in our own neighborhoods, so to speak.  I quote:

A site dedicated for American citizens monitoring and reporting all anti-obama activities taking place on the world wide web.
A site dedicated to the preservation of truth, justice and the American way. Where true American citizens can monitor and report all anti-obama activities taking place on the world wide web.
This is a place where one can post and report on all activities, web sites and or blogs that would be considered erroneous, slanderous or detrimental to the newly elected President of the United States.
There are those who go under the disguise of patriotism who seek to undermine the President by reporting false allegations as truth and there by starting a incendiary viral campaigns based on lies and innuendo.
This site is dedicated to exposing all of them. Bringing those guilty of playing with the fire of deceitful comments out of their secret little lairs, the forums where they think they are safe to discuss their hate mongering and racist ways and expose them to the light of day for all the public to see.
They are extremely scared of this, so please for the sake of the American way, join our cause and root out these sites and post them for all the world to see.

Stupid this rich needs to be savored, bit by bit:

“A site dedicated for American citizens monitoring and reporting all anti-obama activities taking place on the world wide web. “

Yeah, because all real Americans think it is vitally important to monitor and report on others freely exercising their First Amendment rights.

“A site dedicated to the preservation of truth, justice and the American way. “

“Preservation of truth, justice, and the American way?”  Really???  I think someone is taking that photo of Lord Zero in front of the Superman statue waaaaaaayyyyy too seriously.  Lord Zero and his retainers wouldn’t recognize truth if it was nailed to the backs of their hands.  Their attempt to filter everything through the filter of the agenda of failed nation-states everywhere pretty much guarantees that any incident of truth from the O crew is purely accidental.

“Where true American citizens can monitor and report all anti-obama activities taking place on the world wide web.”

Which “true American citizens” are these?  Celebrities and entertainers who will cuddle up with dictators and thugs heading turd-world shitholes all over the world, and freely gush into any open microphone about how much better those nations are than their own, which allows them the freedom to become wealthy and famous, and speak in ways that they could not if they were citizens of the tyrants they support?  Or is it the ‘true American citizens’ who believe so strongly in their cause and candidates that they will subvert the true action of the Marketplace of Ideas and commit all manner of vote fraud under the guise of ‘community organizing’?  Or is it the ‘true American citizens’ who are not citizens at all, but are endowed with the rights and privileges of citizenship by laws making it ridiculously easy to register to vote and that prevent election workers from confirming citizenship at the polling places?  Is it those “true American citizens”?  It is?  Great!  Please keep congregating in one place so it is easier to find you later.

“This is a place where one can post and report on all activities, web sites and or blogs that would be considered erroneous, slanderous or detrimental to the newly elected President of the United States.”

“Erroneous”?  Determined by people who actually believe what he says?  I’ll have to challenge that, Skippy.  Despite the best efforts by your comrades in the Fourth Estate, not everyone is willing to prescribe to newspeak, and the doctrine of truth as dictated by The One’s teleprompter.  “Slanderous”?  You’re kidding, right?  From the same people who have bypassed the candidates like Sarah Palin and gone straight for her children, with the most vile and inexcusable of unsubstantiated accusations, but gasp in horror and react with indigence anytime someone dares to state something about the false messiah that might direct our attention to the man behind the curtain?  The irony threatens to crush us.  “Detrimental”?  What are you huffing, Skippy?  For eight long years, any malcontent with an axe to grind engaged in dialogue that painted the then President as a war criminal, a racist, a moron, an evil genius, and the greatest threat to liberty since Adolph freaking Shicklegruber.  The “Dissent is Patriotic” meme was repeated ad nauseum, and used to justify publication of information that was classified and impaired our intelligence gathering capability in the meantime, not to mention endangering the lives of Americans working to keep us all safe from very real foreign threats who view tools like you as invaluable aids in their quest to destroy us, Skippy.  After the temper tantrum thrown by the left for the last eight years, you simply do not get to play that card.

“There are those who go under the disguise of patriotism who seek to undermine the President by reporting false allegations as truth and there by starting a incendiary viral campaigns based on lies and innuendo.”

Skippy, all we do is take note of what they do, and as patriots, proclaim our shame and disgust with them.  Really.  When the First Sasquatch proclaimed on the campaign trail that she had never been proud of this country until her husband ran for office, no one had to make any part of it up to make it shameful.  When he proclaimed that anyone making $250k a year was rich, or that we can’t keep enjoying the fruits of our labors and exceptionalism, or drive what we want to drive, or that his agenda will redistribute wealth, the truth of his Politics of Lowered Expectations™ were clear for all to see.  The fact that he clearly does not understand history, appreciate the power of the American economy when it is not hamstrung by onerous regulation and idiotic tax policy, and does not love this country, a fact laid bare by his unashamed drive to fundamentally alter it into something it has never been by mandating the equality of enforced mediocrity, is obvious to anyone actually paying attention instead of worshipping at his altar.

“This site is dedicated to exposing all of them. Bringing those guilty of playing with the fire of deceitful comments out of their secret little lairs, the forums where they think they are safe to discuss their hate mongering and racist ways and expose them to the light of day for all the public to see.”

Says the wanna-be community organizer from behind the gates of a restricted forum.  Skippy, you sound like a pimple-faced Daily Kos diarist, frantically typing away in the basement of your Mother’s home instead of living in the real world, where real men and women work hard to provide for themselves, and have become numb to the left’s fevered cries of “Hate mongering” and “racism” whenever anyone dares to challenge its flawed dogma.  Here in the real world, we have dictionaries and know what these words actually mean, and refuse to be cowed by your incorrect invocation of them whenever your special mix of madness and stupidity is opposed.  You get points for hyperbole, but that’s pretty much it.

“They are extremely scared of this, so please for the sake of the American way, join our cause and root out these sites and post them for all the world to see.”

Scared?  Of you?  Listen, Skippy, the only thing I find remotely scary about you is with the current state of cranial-rectal inversion afflicting fifty-two percent of the voters in the nation, some of them might glom on to your public display of foolishness, and confer on you a degree of legitimacy that you do not deserve and that would only lead to the type of tragedy that always is the result of small-time tyrants like yourself drinking more than you can handle from the nearest flagon of power.  Scared of you?  Ha!  Skippy, we love it when people like you step out into the light and try to go toe-to-toe with us.  We kick your ass every single time in the Marketplace of Ideas.  Because I think you are the worst kind of coward, the kind who lacks the courage to stand up on your own two feet and live like a man, and therefore is only too eager to assist the usurper in his quest to rob us all of our birthright, which has made us the envy of the world, in the words of my blogfather, when met with a particularly vexatious prick, “I’m gonna make you famous.”  Enjoy your fifteen minutes of ignominy.  It will make you long for the anonymity that has up to this point concealed your moral failings.



  1. I’m thinking about registering and then really messing with this prick. Who’s with me?

  2. Too much reading. I’ll check back in on it like Monday or something.

  3. That’s a lovely wall of text. I bet it says real purty stuff.

  4. *Standing ovation!

    Absolutely fantastic, Justin.

    I’m proud to call you my friend.

  5. I was toying with that idea, BiW. But I fear what they would do to get back at us when they find out.

  6. I know!

    I have the solution!

    Sic Dicentra on them!

  7. I would pay money to see Dicentra take them on.

  8. Whoops. Sorry, I mean BiW.

    Still…. awesome, dude.

    I’ll register and make them miserable.

  9. Brava !!!

    see what I did there ?

  10. Seriously, this needs to be spread far and wide.

    “There are those who go under the disguise of patriotism who seek to undermine the President by reporting false allegations as truth

    Gee, where have we seen this before…..

  11. A site dedicated for American citizens monitoring and reporting all anti-obama activities taking place on the world wide web

    That’s some scary shiznit there.


  12. I bet that dude has a fleshlight with lips painted purple.

  13. I gotta say, the bit about anti-obama activities taking place on the world wide web is maybe the creepiest part.

    Last time I checked our President was elected as first among equals. We don’t have a sovereign.

  14. Jewstin, just shut up and get in the oven…

  15. Last time I checked our President was elected as first among equals. We don’t have a sovereign.

    Unless your President is a retard who is in way over his head. Jeebers, we elected a teleprompter, not a “first among equals.”

  16. The ultimate arbiters of what’s right and wrong. What gall.

  17. I was toying with that idea, BiW. But I fear what they would do to get back at us when they find out.

    M’oon, these hosers are too craven and cowardly to engage in effective revenge, and if you let the fear of what they might do stop you, then they win, and I for one hate hate hate losing to a loser.

  18. BRILLIANT! Idiots.

  19. Sounds like some astroturf to me.

    Hey, I could play a troll for a bit. I’m new here.

  20. Could be someone just fucking with David Brooks. Someone’s just going to have to sign up to see if it’s a legitimate (crazy) dealo.

  21. Huh. I signed up; now I’ve got to await ‘approval’.

    Your membership to AMERICAN NETWORK MONITORING ANTI-OBAMA ACTIVITIES is pending approval

    Hello, Serr Serr8d

    Your profile details must be approved by the Administrator before you can become a member of AMERICAN NETWORK MONITORING ANTI-OBAMA ACTIVITIES. You will receive an email once your profile is approved.

    I don’t think I’ll be approved. Once Brook David checks out my site, I’ll go right to the top of the anti-Obama ‘slanderous AND detrimental’ list.

    Maybe if I’d chosen a different user pic? )

  22. Serr8d, you should have gone with the Obama dashboard Jesus.

  23. Good Lord. That’s the scariest thing I’ve seen in a long time. When the hell did I move to 1933 Germany?

  24. What? I’m, I’m sorry, I don’t speak Spanish.

  25. **APPLAUSE!!!**

    OUTRAGEOUS find, and SUPERB rant. Holee shit what a great post.

    From the same people who have bypassed the candidates like Sarah Palin and gone straight for her children, with the most vile and inexcusable of unsubstantiated accusations, but gasp in horror and react with indigence anytime someone dares to state something about the false messiah that might direct our attention to the man behind the curtain? The irony threatens to crush us.

    Skip the lube and vibrator. I’m done.

    Though I think the word you needed was ‘indignance’ not ‘indigence.’

  26. Ooooh Lauraw is getting all ‘moony on BiW GO Laura!

  27. Recap of the Hostages April 9, 2009
    I am having problems getting into the page editor today. Says connection reset by server. If one of the other hostages wants to cut and paste this into the summary page, I would appreciate it. If not I might remember to do it when I get home from work tonight.

    10.PJM runs, intending to hug*trips*falls on ass*breaks couple of teeth KKA asks Lemme get this straight….you fell on your ass and broke your teeth. You built like LauraW or sumptin? sOhOs tries to remember reminds me of something…what is it?

    9. PJM Ignores DiT.
    >>I ignore Michael too.

    yeah. that makes it so better.
    I’m writin a letter to the Pope.

    8. We are affectionate here Michael shows us how much he likes Xbrad
    There’s a pic somewhere of PJ and I. And I’m resting my head on her lovely sweaterpuppies. Heh.
    Fuck you, Brad.
    Not that I’m jealous or anything. But fuck you.

    7. Is Annie riffing on Bart? Who are all you people and why are you in my house?

    6. PJM says “KKA!!! I’m a drunk like that too. Touchy feely, loves the whole world, gives blowjobs by the pool table. You know, standard drunk.”

    Sean immediately asks “Can I buy you several drinks?”

    5. Xbrad asks “If you touchy me, can I feely you?”

    4. sOhOs said “Wow your knitting has gotten great PJ!”

    Pjm said “awww, thank sohos. RIght now I’m trying to make you some sort of legplug.”

    3. Sean asks BMAC “Where you been, bmac? Working to earn a living or something gay like that?”

    2. Bart / whateverheisthisweek this ω looks like a bum-bum
    PJM said wrong! boobs
    Bart yeah, if they were squeezed together in a really tight tanktop

    Xbrad there goes 90 seconds of Darling’s life…

    1. PJM Do you have life-alert? My kids think I need that. Apparently I look as old as the old bag on that commercial in their mind.

  28. Excellent post. I hang out here mostly to stay away from political sites because Obambi and his filk disgust me but, in this case their exposure, even at this “special” school is warranted.

    They can come and get me if they so choose. But, be forewarned, you had better come armed.

  29. This thread sucks ass…except JC on the horse.

    But then again I didn’t read it. Not only is it 100 pages long, but it is written by that douche BiW

  30. I hate Illinois Nazis.

  31. How do you know those are brownshirts? The pic is in black n’ white. Answer that mr. cockroach h8ter.

  32. My wife is from Illinois, but she’s not a nazi. As far as i know. Come to think of it, she did wear a brown hat yesterday. Hmmm…

  33. I hate Illinois Nazis

    One of the best lines in all cinema.

  34. Ben – It’s a well known fact that everyone from Illinois, outside of progressive Chicago, is a Nazi. Get with the program, son.

  35. Illinois Nazi’s are worse than the Indiana Khmer Rouge

  36. or the Islamic Jihad of Greater Columbus, Ohio Chapter

  37. Comment by MCPO Airdale on April 10, 2009 10:15 am
    Ben – It’s a well known fact that everyone from Illinois, outside of progressive Chicago, is a Nazi. Get with the program, son.

    It wouldn’t be so bad if they were American nazis.

  38. The Kalamazoo Kalashnikov Brigade are some mean bastards

  39. So…does anyone else find dial-up kinda…oh, I dunno, slow? I blame the economy, because that’s what trolls do. And I’m a troll, in case you guys didn’t know. And I heard you needed one. BTW, Do you validate parking here?

  40. Ben – See LauraW. . . she’ll give you validation.

  41. ^first, you have to go into a stall with this one bald guy with a goatee.

  42. My comment was aimed at Ben.

    For chief:

  43. The Hawaiian Hezbollah started some shit up, but Mare and her friends took care of it

  44. Where does it say, specifically, we have a right to be anti-Obama in the Constitution?
    See, right there your entire argument falls to pieces. So I don’t even hafta read the rest of your hate speech rant.

  45. Comment by MCPO Airdale on April 10, 2009 10:29 am
    Ben – See LauraW. . . she’ll give you validation.

    Comment by eddiebear on April 10, 2009 10:29 am
    ^first, you have to go into a stall with this one bald guy with a goatee.

    LauraW is a bald guy with a goatee? No wonder no one takes Conservatives seriously.

  46. Ben?


  47. Ben after getting “validated” by lauraw

  48. Ben:


    Never mind.

  49. Hey, the pony that Jennifer is ridin’ is movin’. Told ya dial-up is slow. That’s some sick shit right there. What did she do to deserve this kind of treatment and why is she wearin’ a bra? Is she a Conservative? Do you think that proves your point? Or is she a Jooo?


  51. Okay Buddy of Mine, who ain’t my buddy, ’cause I’m a troll, I don’t know how you got that pic, but I’ll have you know tequilla is perfectly legal in these parts. Your feeble attempt to blackmail your only troll will not work.

    Know why? I have innertegrity. That’s why. Google it!

  52. And that’s not a horse it’s a pony! You Rethuglicans are delusional!

  53. Hey Ben…Calvin Coolidge wants a word with you

  54. Very mature, TBOM. You do realize Calvin Coolidge IS DEAD! Right? Sleepin’ with the fishes in the hudson, if they have any fishes left. You would know that if you were a Perfessor of History at Berkolly like me.

  55. Ben – You are cracking me up. You are teh bestest troll evah!!!11

  56. Very mature, TBOM. You do realize Calvin Coolidge IS DEAD! Right? Sleepin’ with the fishes in the hudson, if they have any fishes left. You would know that if you were a Perfessor of History at Berkolly like me.

    wisdom never dies

    good luck on the dial up, shit stain

  57. Well, it looks like all else is failing.
    Maybe we can just buy a good troll?
    Mare, do we have any points left?

  58. If you want trolls, just go to DU and start some shit then link it to here.

  59. “Wisdom never dies.” Yes, now if only you could find some.

    Jest remember, TBOM (better write it down), there ain’t no cure for stupid.

    “good luck on the dial up, shit stain”

    Right. Have you ever been in “the shit?” When you’re in the shit you ain’t worried about shit stains, you just keep firin’ and movin’ and hidin’ until you get through the shit.
    Lose your arm or leg? You don’t stop. You jest keep goin’ and take a right at shit river and whatever you do you don’t breath, or Charlie will land a mortar on your left ear!
    Don’t tell me about shit stains, I wrote the book bub!

  60. Right. Have you ever been in “the shit?” When you’re in the shit you ain’t worried about shit stains, you just keep firin’ and movin’ and hidin’ until you get through the shit.
    Lose your arm or leg? You don’t stop. You jest keep goin’ and take a right at shit river and whatever you do you don’t breath, or Charlie will land a mortar on your left ear!
    Don’t tell me about shit stains, I wrote the book bub!

    hahahahaha..what ever Lee Marvin

    USS Ben – Unstably Shell Shocked Ben

  61. Ben – Remember this is a joust, not an exchange of field artillery.

  62. TBOM – I’m not sure you’re getting the humor here.

  63. USS Ben – Unusually Small Sack Ben

  64. TBOM – I’m not sure you’re getting the humor here.

    No, I get it…this is how retired military cooks talk about their “war” stories

  65. Hey Ben, pull my finger…

  66. military cocks?

    what are you, gay?

  67. USS Ben is alright with me.

    Lose your arm or leg? You don’t stop. You jest keep goin’ and take a right at shit river and whatever you do you don’t breath, or Charlie will land a mortar on your left ear!

    I was there, man! Shoe sale at Filene’s back in ’98!

    I lost a lot of friends that day…
    *shakes head meaningfully and looks off into distance*

  68. Burt – Trolling for a date??

  69. …but I still have the bitchinest black slingback pumps you’ve ever seen. Cost me a finger, but I can’t lecture anybody about sacrifice.

    Some gave all.

  70. “There was this one time man. . . all we had were four #10 cans of stewed tomatoes and 400 lbs of frozen sea gull in the walk-in. I’m telling you man, it was hairy. What ever you do, don’t go into the goat locker, man!”

  71. I was there, man! Shoe sale at Filene’s back in ‘98!

    I’m pretty sure that’s where she got the hump.

  72. Ha! Dial up is how we oppress the masses.

    I’ve been in the shit too man. I’ve seen things. terrible things. Tax audits where you couldn’t tell where the agent’s notes started and the accountant’s PSR ended.

  73. military cocks?

    what are you, gay?

    You know you are not allowed to ask that Bart, and he cannot tell you till The Zero repeals it.

  74. “There was this one time man. . . all we had were four trannies and a 400 lbs BBF. I’m telling you man, she was hairy. What ever you do, don’t go into the meat locker, when Rosetta is in there!”


  75. Ben – Come back! You haven’t been here long enough to let PJM start stalking you!

  76. Cook? You ever eat c-rats, son? That crap will make a cook outta ya real quick! Some BBQed leeches (bigger than yer arm…or maybe it was an arm, I dunno), roasted cobras (we would use the fangs as toothpicks, cause there ain’t no dentist out there in the shit, and monkey pies. That’s all good eating in…the shit.

    Incidentolly, you can join my organizashun if’n you want. VATS- Veterans Against The Shit. ‘Cause if we don’t stop the shit who will?

  77. I know I post a ton of stupidity, but this bit of amateur hour is ridiculous.

    Imagine if anybody in Team Bush did this.

    And if only Ace still cared about his site….

  78. USS Ben – Utterly Sick Saucier Ben

  79. eiddie, of course we worked together…

    Of course, the first thing the Army did in WWII was invade Morocco as well. And fight the French.

  80. Man I miss c-rats. That there was some mean cuisine.

  81. Where the hell is the BBF????

  82. DiT – Ham & lima beans!!!!

  83. That’s “Ham & Motherfuckers” to you, squid.

  84. Brad:
    her laughing was a bit annoying.

  85. Xbrad – keep your tongue off my taint when you say that!

  86. Eddie, the fellow next to her, who I presume was some Moroccan bigwig, seemed a little nonplussed.

    MCPO, that’s TBoM. Put your glasses on.

  87. Brad:
    He was confused as to whether he should be aroused or afraid.

  88. MCPO and DiT – c-rat fruitcake

  89. Eddie,

    Who? The Moroccan or MCPO?

  90. both

  91. Eddie – Here is one for you and one for the horse you rode in on!

  92. “I was there, man! Shoe sale at Filene’s back in ‘98!
    I lost a lot of friends that day…
    *shakes head meaningfully and looks off into distance*”


    PattyAnn, I told you I used all my points for Jenny Craig.

  93. YAAAAAH!!!!

    FedEx guy just delivered the new computer!!!

  94. If you want trolls, just go to DU and start some shit then link it to here.

    Or applaud the great leadership of the honest generals in charge of the Alaskan National Guard. They have integrity or something. Or so I’ve been told.

  95. this is the best song you’ll hear all day


  96. It is funny how you manage to find some real loons, Cuffy, and we can’t get one to save our collective asses…

  97. I’m trying to help y’all out, xbrad. That fucker’s Google will eventually find this thread and here’s some more search fodder for him/her “Alaskan National Guard generals are TEH AWESOME!”

  98. Truth be told, Cuffy, there’s something a little weird there. AFAIK, Alaska is the only state to promote their AG to LTG. And it sure looks like it was only his AKARNG commission. Looks like his USAR commission is stil MG.

  99. linking over to the Silent Cal page gives an idea of how many lurkers there are…there are a bunch of them

  100. What’s obvious to me, is the complete lack of schooling for these true believers. How is it possible that any American citizen can say;

    “Where true American citizens can monitor and report all anti-obama activities taking place on the world wide web.”

    and be completely clueless to the implications. These clowns are always the first to say that conservatives are fascists or are involved in some conspiracy. You know, always looking for ways to “keep the man down.”

    I’m offended by their ignorance.

  101. I hear there’s a new man around these parts.

    Get a rope. I’m not lettin this one outta my site any time soon.

    Ohhhhh Beeeen! Beeeeeeeeeeeen! where are you pretty boy?

  102. Heh. How many, TBoM? 25? 50?

  103. Hey PJ…since there is no BBF today, and you say “Well hello TBOM” in a sexy voice while I think of Mare…

  104. If you guys could find a way to lure Thor away from Protein Wisdom … there may be some money it for you.

  105. For all I know, this is a spoof site. It’s hard to tell sometimes. This douchenozzle, on the other hand, is entirely serious…


  106. 23

  107. What a moron this guy is. He is probably about 22, just in the prime of being an ideologue.

    What a strange group, these Obama cultists, or are they fetishists?

  108. Uni, go ask him if he likes cucumbers…

  109. xbrad,
    Ha! If he is serious he deserves all he gets.

    Welcome back, did you receive a vision or a visit from a saint for giving up The Hostages for lent?

  110. xbrad,
    It is too early for the carrot story, but it is Friday.

    Has anyone started drinking yet?

  111. Is it noon on the east coast? If it is, I started drinkin’ already.

  112. Truth be told, Cuffy, there’s something a little weird there.

    Yeah, but the funny thing is: I could give a shit about AK generals and some provincial pissing match.

    In a post about a failed HuffPo sleuth targeting Palin, I still get some crazy shut-in showing up to bitch about AK generals. Repeatedly. As sockpuppets.

    Then I discover he/she prowls the web for any and all mentions of “Alaskan National Guard generals.” Here’s the search that he/she uses to keep tabs on his/her many, many trollings which kept showing up in my inbound link stats.

    Fucking weird.

    So yes. A quality troll for The Hostages!

  113. Has anyone started drinking yet?

    Sadly, just coffee so far. I’m ushering at Good Friday services, and us Presbyterians are the kind of folk who don’t like the ushers to smell like a saloon…

  114. PJM,
    Welcome back, did you receive a vision or a visit from a saint for giving up The Hostages for lent?

    I did. He was on USA Network all morning.

    Oh wait, you said “a saint” I thought you said, “The Saint”

  115. *holds up picture of Mare

    Well helooooo T-bone.

  116. *holds up picture of Mare

    Well helooooo T-bone.


    *cleans up*

    Thanks PJ…you’re the best. I missed you

    *squeezes PJ’s boobs*

  117. Hey, quit touching PJ’s boobies.

    That’s my job.

  118. And someone needs to look in the gutters of STL and find Rosetta. It’s time for BBF for fucks sake.

  119. Hey, quit touching PJ’s boobies.

    That’s my job.

    Brad, there’s enough for all the hostages nestled in that bra of hers

  120. TBoM, I’m more of a leg and ass man, than a booby fetishist. You can have the rest of the boobs on the sight. Even MCPOs.

  121. TBoM, I’m more of a leg and ass man

    yeah, Jewstin said that about you

  122. time to arm wrestle biznitches

  123. I’m not gonna arm wrestle you, PJ, no matter how many times you ask.

  124. the only one I’m scared to arm wrestle is Musli

  125. Xbrad – CHECK YOUR SPELLING!!!!

    (sight v. site)

    Spelling FAIL!

  126. I’m not gonna arm wrestle you, PJ, no matter how many times you ask.

    What if I beg?

  127. PJ, there’s a pretty good chance that if we arm wrestle, I’ll turn the lights off and you’ll end up giving me an handy. Still wanna beg…?

  128. Nobody noticed I was on my slick new laptop??

  129. Nobody noticed I was on my slick new laptop??

    Pull your pants up, old man.

  130. I know this is off the topic of Pajama Momma’s spectacular boobs.

    I just had to calculete 5% of the total parking spaces on my plan and add “HYBRID CAR PARKING SIGN” to it next to my handicap parking spaces.

    Wonder what the fine is?

  131. If I ran my diesel on peanut oil would I qualify for hybrid parking spaces?

  132. I recommend you guys get a troll that has broadband. And a very obsessive one. Besides, I was just an emergency substitute. I didn’t expect to keep havin’ problems getting back on which definitely put a crimp in my TER (Troll Efficiency Rating).

    Looks like my fifteen seconds of troll fame is at an end. But don’t weep for me. Weep for the millions of Conservatives who have never seen a quality troll. But sadly, in todays turvy tipsy world, quality trolls are an endangered species.

    They have a severe irony deficiency too. Some even require seeing irony dogs. Others are too far gone, and have already committed cluelesside. And 98.2% of trolls wouldn’t know a sense of humor from their own pathetic asses, often getting the two mixed up, and punchlines or timing? Fergeddaboutit.
    Good luck finding that rare troll that is at least accidently funny.

    In the meantime, I shall cherish the memories we have shared, the war stories, the shoe sales, the tasty recipes. Good times. Good times.
    And since I’m not one for sayin’ long and drawn-out goodbyes, I’ll simple bid you all adoo. Oui oui. Nyet, and all those well known funny sounding foreign words.

    But someday, somewhere, who knows, perhaps in another dimension (if you master the speed of lite), there’s certainly a very slim possibility I’ll be back in these here parts. Until then, oh wait, I already said goodbye didn’t I? Give ’em hell Master Chief. Have fun with the new ‘puter.

    Now i really better get going before my nazi wife from Illinois, who wears these very sexy jackboots, gets uber mad. That’s Illinoisian for really pissed in case you were wondering.

  133. I’ll turn the lights off and you’ll end up giving me an handy

    Oh I’ll give you “an” Handy all right.

  134. Brad…you got to see this

    aircraft bringer inner dude

  135. Gear up for fun?


  136. Is PJM the BBF model for today?

    I would love that.

  137. PJM,
    We got nine inches of snow two nights ago and still have near mid-winter conditions yet they are closing the PC resorts this weekend.
    The second half of this season has been epic.

  138. Thanks PJ…you’re the best. I missed you

    *squeezes PJ’s boobs*

    I missed that!! SLAP!!!!!!

    uniball, why you gotta hurt me like that?

  139. BBF is still on a flexible schedule this week so feel free to make fun of TBoM’s ugly face or pajama momma’s fat head until I have a chance to git-r-done.

    Here’s a picture of TBoM’s face.


    Here’s a picture of pajama momma trying to hold up her giant fat head.


    In case you’ve forgotten, here’s me.


  140. heh. I’m movin’ on up! To da East Side!!

    Main page cartoon at Ace’s, muthafuckas!


  141. Main page cartoon at Ace’s, muthafuckas!

    *puts wiserbud’s coloring of a moo cow up on the fridge*

  142. Rosetta = A legend in his own mind.

  143. I IS somebody™!

  144. Ace is getting desperate.

  145. new video up commemorating Good Friday

  146. YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! *clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap….

    *Runs around and around in a circle, then runs up to fridge to see the picture hanging there, can’t stop and smashes full speed into the fridge, denting the door and knocking myself unconcious.

  147. new video up commemorating Good Friday

    Who said there was anything good about it?

  148. Speaking of Ace, I borrowed these from alexthechick.

    Where’s the cockroaches?

  149. I’m really starting to like RFH.

    Just saying.

  150. MCPO = Mobility Scooter Spokesman

  151. Skip the lube and vibrator. I’m done.

    What? No Chris Mathews “tingle up the leg”?

  152. Wisers cartoon made a post at Aces, This post made the main page too!
    Who does that make BiW?

  153. The main page where, Vmaxx?

  154. Yeah but, wiserbud refuses to put our address in his name at AoS so it really doesn’t matter.


  155. A whole post about it.

  156. http://minx.cc/?post=285789

  157. Yeah but, wiserbud refuses to put our address in his name at AoS so it really doesn’t matter.

    I don’t refuse. I just forget after clearing my cache and cookies to type it back in.

  158. Wisers cartoon made a post at Aces, This post made the main page too!

    And what have the rest of you low-life’s done for this place, huh? You think posting some dumbass youtube vids or lame music videos gonna get you recognized?

    I don’t THINK so!

  159. TBOM and PJ meet for dinner

    *thanks Wiser!*

  160. I registered and am waiting to report for duty. I can’t wait to tell them about this guy who has been funding the illegal war in Iraq and Afghanistan. His name is Barry. He has been doing some very anti-obama activities.

  161. I’m really starting to like RFH.

    Just saying.

    Damn, I’ve been replaced by a newbie.

  162. Folly, dear, she’s a rocket scientist. And she likes the stompy boots.

  163. Folly, dear, she’s a rocket scientist. And she likes the stompy boots.

    You haven’t seen my boot collection, Xbrad. DId I mention Yoga?

  164. You haven’t seen my boot collection, Xbrad. DId I mention Yoga?

    Don’t tell him about the other collection. I don’t think his heart could take it.

  165. Don’t tell him about the other collection. I don’t think his heart could take it.

    Oh, that….you’re probably right.

  166. MCPO, I answered your email.

  167. Hi Folly!
    Hi PattyAnn!

  168. Hey VMAX!! I sent you a note earlier. You showed up on my messenger just like magic! Did you get it?

  169. Hi Vmax. Hi KKA. Hi Patty Ann.

  170. Hi Folly! Hi Vmax!

  171. Hi V, hi PatyyAnn, hi Folly, hi korm, hi Darlingadriufrfndong.

  172. Hi bDarlingdingdong!

  173. I knew you’d wanna play with him, old man. Just save some for the rest of us. 😉

  174. link fail!!! numbnuts

  175. I just went on the site and there is a google ad for ImpeachObamaStore. I’m laughing so hard I’m crying.

  176. i was going to write something important, but when i got to the bottom of the page, i saw that gif of jennifer connelly riding a hobby-horse, and so now i have to go rub one out.

    you know, springtime and all.

  177. i see u found a new home blackiswhite! LOL

  178. You guys rock!(But then,what do I know;some of my best friends are Liberal Arts majors.)

  179. Hilarious! I’m gonna provide these moonbats with the link to my blog. As much as I ream Obamster and his socialist policies, they’ll have an aneurism!

  180. Here are some wise thoughts from the late Dr. Adrian Rogers, and I quote:

    “You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
    You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom.
    What one receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
    The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.”

  181. I just registered. Look for my name over there and say hello.

  182. Nigel! When did the powers that be let you go free?

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