Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Your model for today was born December 26th, 1994 in San Diego, California. She stands 5′ 5″ and measures 392636 and 136 lbs. Please be brave for Miss Selena Elena.


  1. Selena Elena … sure

  2. Completely missed the speech. I started reading Ace’s take and then discovered I was tired and went to bed soon after.

  3. She’s pretty. Her face looks like one of my coworkers, who besides being pretty also has glorious hair and accessorizes really well. (I’ve never looked at her bosom, though, so I’m not sure where she is on the scale from teacup to G-cup.)

  4. Is bosom plural or singular?

  5. Well Allahpundit’s last post at Hot Air did not disappoint.

    Biden was perfectly right to use a prime time speech as a political stunt because Trump is a fascist. Oh and you’re a semi fascist for supporting him.

    And if you don’t agree you’re a mindless drone because it’s so obvious.

  6. 9/10 would smash

  7. Peel is not a biologist

  8. Or a lexicologist

  9. AFAIK

  10. Men can have a bosom

  11. “have” is a loaded word in that sentence

  12. It’s the same as breast or Brust (in German) – it can mean either chest in general (how I was using it) or a singular bazonga, in which case I would have said bosoms. E.g. “She clutched the purse to her bosom.”

  13. A few folks in the OT went to Abraham’s Bosom, so singular.

  14. About time we had us a Latina Caliente.

  15. Thanks, Pupster. You are truly gifted.

  16. looking at picture 5, she wants to counterbalance Drag Queen Story Time at the local library.

  17. twitter: AZ semi-fascist destroys another journalist

    She’s right. The very act of questioning the election is central to free speech. Somebody tell Adolf Brandon from his perch.

  18. I almost hope Trump wins the election, so we can see DeSantis/Lake in 28 and beyond.

  19. I’ve heard of Ms. Lake. First time I’ve taken a good look at her. She’s kinda hot.

  20. pretty good at the verbal end, too!

  21. Red Yawn

  22. Trampoline GIF’s, dammit!

  23. Wait a min…

    They actually put him in front of a red eerie background. Jesus, even normies see that and think of nazis.

  24. “and fuck you for putting the military front and center”


    Yesterday, Mare did something about the background for his speech being awful, but I didn’t care enough to go searching. But dude.

  25. This can’t have been meant for general consumption (just the fact most folk wouldn’t have seen it should say that much). This was a message to his SAntifa troops.

    Balloon’s up and the terms are clear: No quarter.

    I find those terms acceptable.

  26. Oh, and effective today fuck the USMC.

    And that’s as someone who knows marines.

    Fuck the Corps.

  27. Oh by the way, Greta Thunberg seems autistic or something. As in, really autistic. Not the kind of kid that’s just weird like most these days.

    I doubt she’ll ever kiss anyone, ever, let alone much a rug. And isn’t she like 25 now?

  28. So a Major Thing for my organization has a date where volunteers have to pick up stuff they ordered. We send out schedules well in advance saying when and where. We sent out reminders last week and twice this week, including an extra I sent before heading out last night.

    This morning I get a message from a volunteer asking “Is X today?”

    The very subject they got an email about last night detailing when and where.

    It’s…it’s not that I hate people, it’s just that I have no respect for them.

  29. Heh, I wonder if Jesse Kelly is steaming about the Marines today.

  30. Happy birthday, Dave!

    And Michael.

  31. this fucking guy:

    Dan Rather
    After President Biden’s speech last night, it seems like a lot of people are unhappy that they got the shoe, and it fits.

  32. I see where MJ is sharing his pronouns. I guess that’s what all the cops ol kids are doing.

  33. Well fuck….it’s not gonna let me share mine. That’s Rayciss!!!

  34. Cops ol = cool.

    This fuckin phone…….

  35. Got the lawn mowed which took longer than usual. Ben got it 2 weeks ago and he does a barely passable job. I don’t mind though, gives me a break. Since then we’ve had a lot of rain which has allowed the lawn to recover. I’m guessing it’ll need cutting 2 or 3 times more this year.

  36. My pronouns are gofuk/yosef.

  37. 39

  38. Holy moly

  39. She could easily have a role on a Univision telenovela.

    Alternatively, I wonder if she can convincingly talk about clouds and warm fronts.

  40. I’d like to talk to her about my warm front.

    In Other News, Nordstream 1, scheduled to resume limited operations this weekend, has sprung a leak and will remain shutdown for days, perhaps even weeks. Maybe even months? Who knows, leaks are funny things.

    In Other Other News: the growth of my horn not only stopped, but receded a bit.

  41. twitter: Last night didn’t happen

    Doocy: “Do you consider all Trump supporters to be a threat to the country?”

    Biden: “I don’t consider any Trump supporter a threat to the country.”

  42. Not what he said yesterday

    Better screen cap this, because Twitter is going to have a “server incident”.

  43. Does today’s “Biden” have attached earlobes or detached? Could have been the other guy talking last night.

  44. he looks completely different today

  45. Is Allah really going to the dispatch, or is that a joke? I’m dying here.

  46. Isn’t that an Ace bit? but I could see it happening.

  47. I read it on instapundit.

  48. twitter: Car in called it

  49. ALLAHPUNDIT IS LEAVING HOT AIR to join Jonah Goldberg, David French, et al., at The Dispatch.
    Posted at 12:40 pm by Glenn Reynolds Link to Article

  50. I was set to hoof it over to Substack and start rattling my cup for subscriptions, hoping to make enough to cover rent. But after I posted the news on Twitter that I’d be leaving Hot Air, I got a call from Steve Hayes at the Dispatch. Would you be interested in writing for us, he asked? Uh, yes, I’d be interested. I’ve enjoyed the Dispatch since it launched and was reading Steve, Jonah Goldberg, and David French for years before that. You can count on one hand the number of successful right-of-center sites willing to hold populism to account for its excesses and the Dispatch is a very distinguished member of that distinguished group. Of course I’d be interested in writing for it.

  51. This is going to be an EPIC post at AOS

  52. This is how Allah sees “us”:

    Never forget, it’s not the 30 percent of Trump worshipers within the party who brought the GOP to what it is. It’s the next 50 percent, the look-what-the-libs-made-me-do zombie partisans, who could have said no but didn’t. I said no. Put it on my tombstone.

    He’s so … PURE. /wipes away tear. STAY STRONG ALLAH.

  53. But read it all for yourselves :

  54. Here’s a thought … has anyone seen Allah and Gab together?

  55. David Hines
    2006 ME. “so what’s new?”
    2022 ME. “Allahpundit’s leaving Hot Air for Jonah Goldberg’s new website”
    2006 ME. “Eh, not like there’s any real political distance between Michelle Malkin and Jonah Goldberg”
    2022 ME. “oh boy”
    2006 ME. “what”
    2022 ME. “you’d better sit down”

  56. I’m not clicking that

  57. Jazz shaw wished him good luck.

    I want to quote tweet him with “you misspelled good riddance”

    I’m sure it would not go over well at all, and I just don’t want the headache for a one liner.

  58. Just dropped the extended family off at the airport, Casa de Pupster is once again pantaloons optional.

  59. Selena+Chef on HBOmax is pretty awesome.

  60. Bye bitch.

  61. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday […]

  62. Got tired of news. so I swapped channels to a local station just in time to catch the end of “Jeopardy”. Sheldon Coopers girl? friend congratulates a 6 day winner and promises him a “wonderful weekend”. How does she/it know? Gonna spend the weekend bobbing up and down on his rod???

  63. There are other ways to have a wonderful weekend besides getting blown.

    Not many, but there are some.

  64. I’m willing to spend a weekend having that so I can properly gauge it against the alternatives.

  65. Don’t forget your chapstick this weekend, Hotspur.

  66. Mr. RFH and I watched the episode of “Derry Girls” where Bill Clinton visits, and Mr. RFH commented that he never thought he’d wish for Clinton as President.

  67. It has been a helluva week. Launch attempt tomorrow at 2:17 pm Eastern time. Weather is meh.

  68. I’d give a lot for the steadfast leadership and wise discernment of Jimmy Carter about now.

    And comparisons to Hitler are unfair… to Hitler. Hitler at least loved Germany and its people. Most of them, anyhow.

  69. Those Marines had no choise…

  70. wow, dead for a long time

  71. i don’t blame the marines themselves, chrisp. I blame the choreographer, which is what this was

  72. Dalton experienced river parasites.

  73. Hopefully Dalton didn’t get one of those pesky penis fish up his ding-a-ling.

  74. Penis fish sticks

    Alert MJ.

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