Muscular Monday Motivation

One more day. Work today, vote tomorrow.

Pray, if you’re the praying type.

Make sure everyone you know who’s even thinking of voting for Romney is getting to the polls tomorrow. No one gets to stay home on Tuesday.

If ever motivation was needed, it’s now. MMM is here, fighting the SCOAMF in the way only MMM can. Pictures of hot chicks.









Now go kick some ass. Tomorrow, we defeat the worst officeholder to ever be called “Mister President”.


  1. Well hello there.

  2. Yea, I don’t think this one is going to go over well.

    I don’t even want to begin to point out the tuckers.

  3. There aren’t any, so shut yo’ face. They are all wimmens.

  4. Ga. Debby Dingle is on WJR. The stupid that emanates from that woman burns.

  5. Ab veins on women isn’t a good look.

    It’s a bridge too far.

  6. A few of these chicks probably have giant fun buttons. From teh roids.

  7. Feature, not a bug.

    And Debbie Stabenow is possibly the lowest IQ in the senate now that Biden’s out of it.

  8. Thank you Leon. #1 belongs on Tight Tush Tuesday/Thursday, though.

    Only two days of campaign commercials left!!!

  9. Is Paul W. Smith asking her math questions, because I really want her to say “I was told there would be no math” without a hint of irony.

  10. Pepe, I like to throw in one that no one complains about, but who’s obviously taking care of herself. Sets the tone.

  11. This poat reminds me of my attempts to get laid in HS. A cascade of no’s.

  12. That would be so fricken sweet.

  13. I think the first miss’s last name is Pasche.

  14. Good morning, cool kids.

  15. If Mitt wins MI, OH is just a “nice to have”.

  16. Trying to get Mrs. Caruthers motivated so we can take the truck in for a rear differential repair. She’s not morning people.

  17. xbrad’s kitten links are soothing. I just might make it through this election cycle. Yeah me!

  18. #1, 2 & 6.

    And that leetle girl in the header is adorable

  19. More Bootyful, less Wistful. Poised is a nice mix, though I’d like to see the gif of her jumping rope in those heels.

  20. Ab veins on women isn’t a good look.

    No problem then.

  21. That cat is just great. The owner and the cat were on some show and the host said, “that’s the mellowest cat I’ve ever seen.”

  22. The header pic is teh awesome.

    Well done!

  23. 11/3/80: Reagan – Carter, too close to call.

  24. Haha, Soylent Green has a good picture up, Sky Rocket Gasoline.

    NSFW on stuff on that site, not this particular post.


  26. What does it mean when Outlook has to reindex? I’m asking for a friend who clicked on that when search stopped working and has been staring at an animated magnifying glass moving in a clockwise circle for 20 minutes or so.

  27. It means you’re fraacked, Pup.

  28. I think it might have something to do with the injury to my Index finger. HOW DOES IT KNOW?

  29. Howard Fineman reporting from HuffPo: Ashley Judd for KY Senate (no pun intended, but it works, doesn’t it?).

    This is how McConnell will stay in power.

    Oh, how I laughed when I thought of the campaign, and the debates for this oen.

  30. You can change the first line from “Jews” to “Catholics” or “Protestants” or “Atheists” or “Agnostics” or “Hindus”.

  31. #1 and #6 are lovely; the rest of ’em are ladies I wouldn’t want to see walking towards me in a dark alley 😛


  32. Leon, I don’t know about you, but I have been struck by the lack of Obama yard signs. Even in Ann Arbor, where you would expect to see them everywhere, they are quite sparse. I just took a drive out to a jobsite off North Territorial near Mast Road, and I did not see one Obama sign. I did see one Stabenow sign.

    Carin, what about your area?

  33. There are some O signs in Sumpter/Belleville, but you have to look for them. Anywhere away from a busy corner and it’s nada. Might just be that folk here think it’s not worth it with the sparse population, but I see 6 Romney signs on my drive in, all in people’s yards or in the median on I-94. Obama signage is roughly the same in number, maybe slightly higher.

    Of note: more Hoekstra signs than Stabenow.

  34. I can’t wait to vote tomorrow. I’m thinking of wearing my McCain/Palin shirt.

    But I can’t cross out the McCain part, so I won’t.

  35. I saw an empty chair surrounded by Romney signs this weekend, so that’s still going. Pretty funny on a street with mostly Obama signs.

  36. The only houses in Tampa with Obama signs also have bars on the windows.

  37. There are just a few homes with obama signs, and they were ones with signs last time. A few Romney signs, but I’m thinking that just about every house w/o a sign is a Romney voter, and they are simply so convinced of their vote – and their neighbor’s vote – they are completely unconcerned about a sign on their lawn.

    But I expect robust lines tomorrow.

    I don’t interpret the lack of signs as a lack of interest.

  38. I’m going to wear my SCOAMF shirt.

  39. I share 50′ of driveway with a UAW family, so I declined signage. Like I’ve said before: I drive a Toyota in Wayne county, the Romney signs/stickers are implicit.

  40. I think that even more than repub enthusiasm, a huge difference in this election will be made by the lack of enthusiasm for the dims. Maybe I have too much faith in the electorate, but some folks must see that this isn’t a harmless choice whereas in ’08 some can be forgiven for being suckered by the whole messianic blank slate horseshit the msm and his campaign were shoveling. I am so glad it’s almost over. Just Vote!

  41. No Obama signs here either.
    They know he is a failure and are embarrassed to show their support.

  42. There are a couple of big Obama signs in the town near me. The stupid is strong in New Mexico.

  43. Wow, Glenn Beck, professional pessimist, is predicting a big Romney win.

  44. I agree, doc. I think it was a stroke of genius on the part of the dems to get marijuana legalization on the ballot here in Colorado – I think that’s the only thing that may keep Colorado from going red, as we are seeing some voter mobilization just on that issue – and when those voters show up they will unfortunately be voting for Obama. Otherwise there’s quite a bit of apathy on the part of Democrats here.

    I’m glad personhood didn’t end up on the ballot this year – while abortion is an important issue, personhood has been taken to such an extreme here (and painted as even more extreme) that it ends up mobilizing the left.

  45. Heh. We’ve had people doing the Hawai’i thing and standing in medians waving handmade Romney signs. It started in September and they are there during the morning and evening commute.

  46. They know he is a failure and are embarrassed to show their support.

    But they will still vote for him.

  47. So Obama is going to blow out Romney, but they are set to pick up or lose house seats. Ok, got it.

  48. Good morning, y’all.

    Been praying, and hoping, and pic #1 is the best one.

  49. MJ, which news sites to you hit daily?

  50. I suspect Leon included the first one to soften the impact.

    *scrolls up*


  51. I suspect Leon included the first one to soften the impact.

    Yeppers. You know, sad fact is, I’m much better at finding hookers than he is 😉

  52. Looks like a landslide is developing, pic #1 gets my vote also.

    The last one is intriguing, never saw a b-button shaped like the Star Trek uniform symbol.

  53. Her tummy muscles are trying to bounce it offa her I think.

  54. A couple of these women will need prostate exams in the future.

  55. But they will still vote for him.

    But not in the same numbers as 4 yrs ago.

  56. I’m prepared to take my lumps tomorrow. If voters decide what we really need is four more, we’ll have to face permanent decline.

    Of course, it’s easy to be an eeyore when you’ve been dead since 1950.

  57. Perched is just straight (hahaha) up gross. For me, it’s her forearms.

  58. Yeppers. You know, sad fact is, I’m much better at finding hookers than he is 😉

    Untrue. I’m not looking for hookers. If I were, this would look very different.

  59. Yes, I prefer girls who look a bit less like Arnold Schwartzenegger.

  60. Gym time, see you slackers later.

  61. If I were, this would look very different.


  62. MJ, which news sites to you hit daily?
    Just the basics, Hot Air, RCP, some dude named Ace, Weasel Zippers, Weekly Standard, Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, Mediate, Drudge, Townhall, Vice, Le Monde, and Dirty Al’s Porn Barn.

    Ok, maybe not that last one.

  63. “Ok, maybe not that last one.”

    Too late, we know the truth!

  64. I usually have 4-8 hours of conference calls a day, so I have plenty of time to skim articles while I loosely pay attention to the exciting world of project management.

  65. Perched is just straight (hahaha) up gross. For me, it’s her forearms.

    It’s “her” penis that’s creeping me out.

  66. I could probably just record myself saying the following things and play it on an endless loop:

    That is going to be very difficult.

    I’ll have it done by Friday.

    Sounds expensive.

    Are we checking a box or should I put some effort into this?

    Just take however long you think it will take and then double it. Also whatever you think it will cost—double that too.

  67. Dirty Al’s Porn Barn has surprisingly good coverage on local elections.

  68. Just take however long you think it will take and then double it. Also whatever you think it will cost—double that too.

    Wow, someone went to the same estimating school that I did.

  69. Dirty Al’s Porn Barn has surprisingly good coverage on local elections.

    I bet you read the articles, too.

  70. Why wasn’t I informed of Dirty Al’s Porn Barn’s political section?

  71. I heard that Dirt Al’s was owned by the Huffington Puffington Post, a fully owned subsidiary of Time-Warmer!

  72. That should be “Dirty” (Not liking my new keyboard!)

  73. Do you know how hard it is going to be to work tomorrow?

  74. “Trying to get Mrs. Caruthers motivated so we can take the truck in for a rear differential repair.”

    Leon- Is that a euphemism for dirty buttsecks? Cause that’s how I read it.

    Happy Monday, Fuckers of Hose! Now get out there and disenfranchise some filthy hippies before election day.

  75. I took the day off to be a poll watcher.

  76. David Barton just predicted 320-330 EV on the Glenn Beck show a bit ago.

  77. >> I bet you read the articles, too.

    There are quite a few good writers there.

  78. I heard

  79. I was going to, MJ, but I couldn’t. Other things going on at work.

    Wednesday, I better see frickin tigers in my bathroom.

  80. I took the day off to be a poll watcher.

    Hopefully not at a strip joint…

  81. ” I took the day off to be a poll watcher.”

    So, just another Saturday night for you then?

  82. xbradtc on November 5, 2012 at 11:23 am
    Dirty Al’s Porn Barn has surprisingly good coverage on local elections.

    I think that letter L wants to be an R.

  83. Good morning, more than likely voters.

  84. As the Dems say,”Vote Early and Often!”

  85. Huh. The RINO line seems to be that the hurricane stopped Romney from winning. What a bunch of dipshits.

  86. The day after Election Day, 2008, I was walking back home after taking Rebecca to her (then) school, and one of my neighbors (kid’s friend’s mother) said, “I’m so proud of America!”. I said, “Why?”

    She was honestly taken aback – I don’t think she understood that there were people she knew who weren’t part of the hive.

    She doesn’t live there anymore – chances are, though, that she has an Obama sign in her yard, wherever she is……

  87. Car in, guess where Obama is going to be for his final campaign stop!

    That’s right, Des Moines, IA. With Bruce Springsteen.

  88. Then again, one of her kids is the one who had sex in our bed while we were on vacation, so I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.

  89. This is surreal. I’m watching Meet the Press and they are going full blown for Obama.

    In the past few minutes I’ve heard that the economy is improving (false) and that the president is a bipartisan leader.

    I don’t generally watch normal teevee but this devoid of reality.


  91. This is surreal. I’m watching Meet the Press and they are going full blown for Obama.

    Actually, it would be surreal if they all talked about what a fuckup teh SCOAMF has been and implored their viewers to pull the lever for Romney. As it is, a bunch of MSM jagoffs tossing Obama’s salad is just regular-real.

  92. But in their minds, the economy is getting better and Obama is bipartisan.

    They think like children do – whatever they want the world to be, that’s what it is. They literally cannot deal with reality, because they have no way to understand it.

    That’s why we can’t ever change their minds – when they are ready to hear the unvarnished truth, they become conservatives.

  93. Oh crap. I didn’t realize Wisconsin was a same day voter registration state.

    I wonder how busy I-94 is going to be tomorrow?

  94. we need brewfan to throw up a roadblock, starting tomorrow morning.

  95. I know it’s Althouse, but they expect 30k for an Obama rally, and 15k show up? That could be something:

  96. A young lady at Baylor University (TX) made up this bumper sticker:

  97. J’ames, that makes Althouse’s vajayjay sad and weepy.


  98. I know it’s Althouse, but they expect 30k for an Obama rally, and 15k show up?

    Maybe he should’ve had Sandy Fluke show up with him – I hear she brings in huge crowds.

  99. Leon- Is that a euphemism for dirty buttsecks?

    No, sadly. $275 rear differential repair, and $225 to fix the power locks.

  100. “Do you know how hard it is going to be to work tomorrow?”


  101. The other 15K obviously haven’t made it back yet from The Million Muppet March, J’Ames.


  102. The “Million Muppet March.” Actually about 400 cartoon puppets, each with someone’s hand up their ass.

    A pretty good metaphor for liberals.

  103. Does anyone else think John Cusack is only doing the Rush biopic as an excuse to get fat(ter)?

  104. On second thought, I do know. I’m a poll worker Tuesday, so my day will start when I get up at about 3:30 am, be at the site sometime before 5 and stay until at least 8 pm. But I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

  105. Haha, pupster. Well done!

  106. Why 5am cb? do they start exceptionally early? 7am to 9 pm in Iowa.

  107. 0630 in OhiO, I’ll be there when the doors open. Been waiting for tomorrow with great anticipation since 2008.

    I’ve got that tight feeling in my chest, like when you are next in line to get on a carnival ride. Stoked.

  108. I stole that for my place, Pups, but “forgot” to give you a hat tip.

  109. I may be late linking/mentioning this, but fuck you fucking CBS:

  110. Yeah, sure. They put up TV cameras after I’m dead.

    And they aren’t even pointed at me.

  111. I used to care about hat tips, then I took an arrow to the knee.

  112. Someday, someone’s gotta explain to me how having Richard Trumka campaign for you is a good thing. He’s every single stereotypically bad thing about a union boss in one fat, belligerent package. If I saw him in a movie, I’d fault the director for making him one-dimensional.

    But there he is, campaigning in PA for TFG.

  113. Haha, Jamie Gertz is Load Heat! Looks like xbrad watched Less Than Zero this weekend.

  114. You would have to pay me to watch poles.

  115. He’s every single stereotypically bad thing about a union boss in one fat, belligerent package. If I saw him in a movie, I’d fault the director for making him one-dimensional.

  116. No way, man, Tony Soprano had more depth than Trumka. And a better waistline.

  117. ” He’s every single stereotypically bad thing about a union boss in one fat, belligerent package. If I saw him in a movie, I’d fault the director for making him one-dimensional.”

    This is why I love Leon even though he enjoys transvestites.

  118. Jay, when the plan rests heavily upon college kids…the plan sucks.

  119. Mare?

  120. But there he is, campaigning in PA for TFG.

    Clinton is making 4 stops in PA. But Romney’s in trouble, and his campaigning in PA proves he is gonna lose Oiho, because shut up!

    /Axelrod’s bare upper lip

  121. Yeah MJ, they know more about the battle between Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey than they do voting.

  122. Mare?

    Yes, until after the election and Romney is OUR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!1111EKEVENTYTYTYTYTY

  123. The theory in the Hot Air comments is that he’s there to rally union guys to vote SCOAMF, but if I’m in UMW, I don’t think I’m all that afraid of getting kneecapped by AFL-CIO thugs.

  124. “Yeah MJ, they know more about the battle between Nicki Minaj and Mariah Carey than they do voting.”

    Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?

  125. 11/3/1980: Reagan – Carter, too close to call.

    Posted by: Dave in Texas at November 05, 2012 01:04 PM (pUqSw)

    You should tweet that.

  126. Here mare:

    Now you are afflicted with knowing it, too.

  127. Seriously, what the hell are you talking about?
    I actually don’t know. Regardless, college kids are some of the most detached people on the planet. Sure, there are a small group that are into politics, but most could give a fuck. 2008 was a big flippin’ deal, but this time around it’s not. No one cares as evidenced by drawing 15K people in Madison–with some guy that their dad listens to. What’s his name?

  128. Someday, someone’s gotta explain to me how having Richard Trumka campaign for you is a good thing.

    It’s probably just a good idea to know where he is at any given moment. I wouldn’t want that sneaking up on me.

  129. Sean, how’s a 300 lb man that smells like horseradish and rancid butter sneak up on anyone?

  130. hahaha…MJ using my “what the hell are you talking about”

    I don’t know either so I’m linking this:

  131. “Sean, how’s a 300 lb man that smells like horseradish and rancid butter sneak up on anyone?”


  132. It’s either Trumka or Michael Moore. Either way, it’s bad.

  133. Jay, Johnson County polls open at 6 am for presidential elections. JoCO Kansas that is.

  134. Why I love Ace’s commenters:

    94) Stand back bitchez.
    We’re about to drop the house on a mo-fo.
    Posted by: The Catholic Church. at November 05, 2012 01:14 PM (lnvhI)

  135. I’m enjoying the header picture cutie. She’s really adorable. He enthusiasm is contagious.

  136. I’ve beeen laughing at the header pic all day. I keep scrolling up to chuckle with the little tyke.

  137. I keep scrolling up to look at Girl #1. Chuckling? no. Drooling just a little, maybe. She looks pretty tasty.

  138. yeah this is cool

  139. yeah this is cool

    what, no ab veins?


  140. Do all of us here think that Romney is going to win tomorrow? Are any of you having doubts?

  141. Jay, yes you inspired the choice of Jami Gertz.

    No I didn’t watch Lt0 this weekend.

    But I did watch Twister a couple weeks ago, and that is what first got me thinking of her. Then she popped up on Warming Glow and another place or two, and voila!

  142. Sam is a half-Japanese ginger. She doesn’t need ab veins. She will steal your soul and you will thank her.

  143. Do all of us here think that Romney is going to win tomorrow? Are any of you having doubts?

    Let me answer that question with the following…

  144. Anyone know the over/under on the number of times the word “racist” will be used during MSNBC’s election coverage tomorrow night?


    Sorry, honey. I never fuck crazy and from the look in your eyes, sweetie, you are totally bug-fuck insane.

  146. Do all of us here think that Romney is going to win tomorrow? Are any of you having doubts?

  147. My hope is that they’ll be saying it a lot, since it will mean they’re losing.

  148. I intend to be glued to MSNBC tomorrow night. I wouldn’t miss that for the world.

  149. I could see being kind of drunk and thinking the talking vagina bit was kind of funny.

    But when you are sitting at the sewing machine, trying to determine whether the light pink or dark pink is a better representation of the labia majora…you are fucking insane.

    *holds up two different kinds of pink felt.

    “Honey? Which of these looks more like my inner lips?”

  150. Are any of you having doubts?

  151. “Honey? Which of these looks more like my inner lips?”

    “woof. woof woof woof. woof.”

    “okay, thanks, honey.”

  152. VA might be closer than I previously thought.

  153. I’m confident Mare. My only worry is the cheating and the election worker incompetence to disguise or enhance the cheating.

  154. Hey Wiser, are you driving CT Republicans to the polls in the Olds? You might have to make 2 trips. Need gas $$?

  155. Gallup had the race 49-49 in 2004. Bush won with 51% of the vote, and Kerry went back to pretending to like his wife.

  156. Hey Wiser, are you driving CT Republicans to the polls in the Olds?

    too chilly for the convertible. I was gonna take the Mini Cooper instead.

  157. But there’s no compelling reason to stay with Obama.

    IIRC in 2004 we were in the middle of a war in Iraq, not on employment or personal income.

  158. Evangelicals?

    Haven’t heard that word too much.

  159. I’m as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

  160. Obama time:

  161. Obama won’t be alive in 25 years anyhow. The slims are gonna get him long before then.

  162. Pupster?

  163. No worries Mare. Romney wins big. I think the democrats are going to get a bigger whoopin than they did in 2010 and Mathews and special Ed will cry.

  164. This (which I found by taking a look at what Amateur Gynecologist Andi Sullivan was up to today) is actually quite good:

    In short, see the little kid in the header.

  165. Okay then, I knew you guys (always to include gals) wouldn’t let me down.

    I’m confident! I had a brief moment of, “but 52% voted for him once, could a majority be that stupid again?” I got a little weak kneed. But I’m good now.

    I almost linked that vagina video yesterday but honestly couldn’t figure out if it was a joke. Again, that whole, “how can they be that stupid?”

  166. I for one am not underestimating the stupidity of the voting public. I’m ready for no clear decision tomorrow night, then the GOP ultimately refusing to contest anything for very long. Because of teh bipartisanships.

  167. Has anyone seen my pearls?


  169. Has anyone seen my pearls?

    I was gonna make a joke about Wiser using them as anal beads, but that’s to gross even for me.

    Maybe Leon wants to give you a pearl necklace?

  170. *barfs

  171. I think I’ve found the problem.

    Why Sex Doesn’t Gross You Out When You’re Aroused

  172. At Urgent Care with Pogo. Abdominal pain. Could just be bad gas, could be gallbladder, could be she’s sick of Obama.

  173. Prayers up, XB.

  174. Hope everything’s OK, XBrad –

  175. Comment by xbradtc on November 5, 2012 4:37 pm

    I was gonna make a joke….


    Oh… wait…. you were serious?


    Go ahead then.

  176. who’s pogo?

  177. Sorry Wiser, forgot you were traveling this weekend. I told WiserGoddess that if the meal was good enough we would make up a doggy bag for you to have when you get back.

  178. Also Cyn, if you’re around please check your vag-mail.

  179. Best wishes for Pogo, Xbrad.

  180. Sorry Wiser, forgot you were traveling this weekend.

    No worries. I just found out I was traveling about 2 hours ago. Didn’t know what the plans were yesterday.

  181. Best wishes for Pogo, Xbrad.


  182. His Mom, I think.

  183. I told WiserGoddess that if the meal was good enough we would make up a doggy bag for you to have when you get back.

    Actually, I expect to land around 2:30pm on Sunday. Maybe I stop by on the way home?

  184. What problem?

  185. His Mom, I think.


    best wishes for pogo then.

  186. I guess that helps us decide what day to do this, then! Sunday it is.

  187. Pogo is Xmom. It’s a childhood nickname that stuck.

  188. Pogo is Xmom.

    How the hell did I not know that?

    Seriously, hope it’s nothing serious and all is well.

  189. So kids jump on xbrad’s mom for fun? That’s fucked up.

  190. *cough

  191. **puts PD on the Secret Santa list**

    **mails him a letter bomb**


  193. star light, star bright
    first star I see …


    this afternoon.

  194. The late Neptunus Lex’s birthday is Friday. Looks like I’m going to the party in SD.

  195. **Gets PO Box**

  196. Something mare something semper fi something.

  197. New poat.

  198. […] The H2 has some Monday Motivation (Rule 5) and says pray today […]

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