HHD – Eye Candy Edition

Yesterday I learned that our President is “eye candy.”

News to me.

AACK. First, we need a nice, cleansing, long look at a crowd favorite. It’s been here before, it’ll probably be back in the future. I give you – Bond, James Bond.

^Eye. Candy.^ If those hags on The View think Obummer is “eye candy” then it’s time they be let out to pasture.

President Eye Candy has a very busy day today, spending the entire day traveling to give two, TWO speeches in Ohio (do college students), because nothing is more important then campaignin at this moment.

Moving on. To REAL eye candy.


You don’t HAVE to be in the military to be eye candy, but it helps. Here’s some eye Candy relaxing.

(PSA – SAFE SEARCH STRICT when googling “military men” … unless you want to be … distracted…)

Eye candy can also be found at the beach.

And, of course,at the pool.

Here’s some rock and roll (red-headed) eye candy. He may not be in the military, but he’s shown something President Eyesore never has – COMPETENCE IN HIS CAREER.

Nothing sexier than doing your job well.

In conclusion, let me be clear, there is no way our sophist, lying, arrogant, mom-jeans, do-nothing, campaigner-in-chief president is EYE candy.

This is eye candy.

Thank you all for your attention on this matter.

Update: Since he’s going to be endorsing Romney, Mike Rowe needs a place at the table:


  1. This is just awesome.

  2. Car in with the HHD! Well done!

  3. Since Mike Rowe is now going to endorse Romney, can we get a cameo? He needs a place, and I don’t think he’s that hard on the eyes.

    I’m a guy, though.

  4. Thanks J’ames.

    You can put Mike Rowe up there if you want.

  5. I’m more of a Friday guy, IYKWIMAITYD

  6. I’m googled out.

  7. Carin, put your google back in please.

  8. Update added, Car in. I overcame my innate GOP homophobia and found a pic for HHD.

  9. Very, very nice, Carin! You can never go wrong with Daniel Craig. Never.

  10. Is he actually endorsing? That Discovery Channel gig is probably gone.

  11. Well, Quantum of Solace was kinda wrong, but Craig apologized for trying to play a writer for the screenplay already.

  12. Yes, leon, it was in the Morning Jolt today:

    Politics can be a muddy business. Enter “Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe.

    The Discovery Channel personality and Ford Motor Co. pitchman will offer his support Wednesday to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney at a public event in Bedford Heights.

    Romney’s campaign announced the Rowe endorsement late Monday when confirming Romney’s Cleveland-area itinerary for the final day of a two-day bus tour through battleground Ohio.

    Rowe made headlines this month for an open letter he wrote to Romney, seeking a “national conversation” on skilled labor and “about what we value in the workforce.” Rowe opened the letter by pledging to vote for Romney if he read the whole thing. A campaign aide later Tweeted a photo of Romney reading the letter.

    (Rowe closed the letter by saying he wrote to President Barack Obama four years ago but received no response.)

  13. Not too shabby of an addition there, Jay. Happy coming-out.

  14. I need to find that tweeted photo.

  15. And the tweet:

  16. I like Mike Rowe; he seems to have a good head on his shoulders.

  17. And Rowe’s response:

  18. I always thought Rowe had a nice voice for TV shows. Later I found out he was an opera singer, like tmi3rd at AOS, and I knew why.

    Plus his constant use of dick jokes in Dirty Jobs appeals to my 3rd grade sense of humor.

  19. Also, your Very Busy Day link is broken, Car in. I can fix it, iffin you tell me where it was supposed to go.

  20. Thanks! fixt.

  21. YES! CARIN!! Military studs = eye candy. Obama = let down/disappointment in every way.

    Based on his comments ABOUT HIMSELF, are we pretty sure he shouts out his own name during sex, has a cigarette, then pats himself on the back? Michelle’s weeping long into the night. Community organizers aren’t known for getting the job done.

  22. Sorry, I thought it was Roamy for a second there.

  23. Why don’t we see his waffle eating time logged in that schedule??

  24. Jay can your Iowa connections save us from the coming bacopalypse? Is bacon cheaper in bulk?

  25. What a great, uplifting article:


    I’m afraid we might get complacent, though, so someone post one of the “other” polls.

  26. Looking at that puss on the bike sickens me. How is it possible the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, has that weasel as a “leader.”

  27. I don’t think the baconocalypse is gonna hit us as hard in the US, as Europe. Corn prices are up, but I haven’t heard that pig production is down.

    I don’t think you need to worry, vmax. I’ll keep you updated, since I live in the #1 pork producing state in the US.

  28. He’s gripping the handle bars so tightly he probably crapped his pants.

    “what if I swerve??”

    “did the SS check to make sure the sidewalk was cleared??”

    “If I fall, at least with a girls bike my vagina won’t get hurt!”

    “did anyone check the tire pressure, I’ve heard that’s important!”

    “I can’t go out without a helmet! What if I fall?? I don’t care what it
    looks like, what if I fall????”

    “Just a sec, I have to tuck in my shirt? It’s hard to see the zipper on my jeans, it’s so close to my chest!”

    “Tell Malia, I promise I won’t crash her bitchin’ bike!”

  29. That Reagan pic isn’t fair, mare. You need a comparison pic of a president on a bike with a helmet:

  30. In conclusion, let me be clear, there is no way our sophist, lying, arrogant, mom-jeans, do-nothing, campaigner-in-chief president is EYE candy.
    Hahahahaha. That’s a great string of pejoratives.

  31. True Jay!

    I almost used a Bush picture but Reagan was a stud on a horse. (your whore mouths, shut them). There are a few great pics of Bush rounding sharp corners, going fast, kicking butt.

  32. Oh, and Jay, we don’t care if you’re gay.

  33. Best Daniel Craig movie that no one has ever seen: Flashbacks of a Fool. There’s some pretty good sex.


  34. Do you know the level of, drink thrown in your face, jackass, douche you have to be to call yourself, “eye candy?”

  35. I’m sure someone saw it, MJ, since it’s on youtube.

  36. Holy crap!

    Romney knows how to work an iPad.

    Alert the media!

  37. And, to say it in front of your wife, mare? Saw a highlight of that, and M’Chle didn’t look happy.

  38. Other than our noted pole-smoker-in-chief, today’s edition of HHD seems uncharacteristically low on the ghey.

  39. That was just the trailer, Gay in Ames. It’s kind of shitty and doesn’t really convey the gist of the movie.

    It has one of the best closing scenes of recent memory.

  40. Chaps with no shirt = gheytarded.

  41. BTW, RIP Andy Williams, 84.

  42. Did you guys see this from last night. It makes me sad our troops have leaders that don’t fight for them…ASSHOLES


  43. My mom loved Andy Williams.

  44. I like this idea:


  45. Andy Williams was my aunt and uncle’s favorite, when they went to Branson. Makes me miss my uncle.

  46. http://tinyurl.com/8qpm677

  47. I remember those Christmas specials every year. He was always wearing a sweater.

  48. When I was a young adult, the only Christmas record I had (Yeah, I know; what’s a record?) was an album by Andy Williams.

    I still love those songs when I hear them every Christmas.

  49. Damn, can’t somebody say something snarky? Even Hotspur is being nice……………

  50. WTF is wrong with you people?! Don’t you know Obama and the Mooselimb Brotherhood of Camel Rapers are going to outlaw Christmas?!

  51. Just got my first door knocker for Romney.

  52. The Andy Williams Christmas album is still excellent. Though you’re unAmerican if you don’t also have the Gene Autrey Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer album.

  53. I thought they were goat rapers, MCPO????

  54. I have heard many theories about why Obumbles has been ignoring the terrorist attack on the anniversary of Sept 11. I have yet to hear what I consider the most obvious:

    The Obumbles admin is loathe to call terrorism, terrorism. Remember “man caused disaster”

    George Bush protected America from terrorist attacks successfully for the rest of his term. The fact that we were attacked on Sept 11 shows what a miserable failure Obumbles is.

    He owns Libya. He bombed it. He put boots on the ground when he said he would not. He encouraged this. This terrorist attack is the result of his epic failure, his incompetent foreign policy, and his misguided world view.

    If it was a Republican in office the nightly news would show the body of US ambassador being dragged through the street on an endless loop. Talk about a October surprise.
    Carry on /rant off

  55. Well done, Car in – a most delectable selection of gentlemen.
    I’ll take one of each, please…..

  56. Vman….I think you’re on to something. I never thought of it that way.

  57. Thank you Mare
    To restate in simpler form
    There is no such thing as terrorism, when terrorism happens it is not terrorism it is spontaneous muslim rage about a movie not terrorism. Lastly it makes him look bad so blame someone else and show the muslims how decisive he is by arresting the filmmaker.

    Not Americans he could give a crap about them or the 1st amendment, his press dog lackeys will sweep the facts under the rug until after the election.

  58. The Libya (an Obama caused disaster) situation is going to blow up in Obama’s face. The lying and attempted cover up is just too much even for the presstitutes. As with the economy, once the focus shifts back to it, the events will outpace the rhetoric.

    I hope.

  59. Yeah, but they’ve bungled it – too many facts are coming out, so much so that they moved from “spontaneous response to a film” to “terrorist attack but not planned” to “ok yeah it was planned” and are about to get stuck with “and we had warnings prior to the attack”

  60. Obama lied, people died.

  61. Things that make you go “hmmm….”


  62. Holy smokes, xbrad.

    I think Michelle and Barack need to send their two daughters to a Muslim country (pick any one) to go through their teenage years. I think that would be a wonderful, cultural learning experience. Then, I would like to hear Obama spout off on those who blaspheme the “prophet mohammed.”

  63. Hmmmmmm!

  64. I think sending their daughters to a muslim country would ultimately prove that muslim countries are peace loving, women loving, progressive places…..Any parent would want their daughter to live in a country where women are protected, revered and free to express themselves by wearing a hajib, prevented from driving (dangerous) and get mutilated so they don’t have to deal with those pesky orgasims.

    Barack and Michelle, I think that for world peace progress you should, as a token, send (or go with) your daughters to live in a muslim country. It would also show your respect for the “prophet mohammed.”*

    *BONUS…the future belongs to those who honor the “prophet mohammed.”

  65. Good morning, enthusiastic Obama supporters.

    (The polls don’t lie, right?)

  66. Oh right, like girls have orgasms.

    Ninja please.

  67. Knockers for Romney!

  68. Exactly. Women don’t have them anyhow, so the cutters are really just wasting time and risking infections. The whole thing is just an evil conspiracy by Western women.

    Muslims, don’t be taken in by American lies!

  69. I’m seeing no downside sending the Obama daughters to say, Iran.

  70. Good morning, enthusiastic Obama supporters.
    (The polls don’t lie, right?)

    I just gave my undying support for Demotard Rep. Raul Grijalva. Bwahahahahahaha!

    Oh, there’s no lying. Not one bit.

  71. The more I read about Harry Reid the more I think he’s a 12 year old girl.

  72. Senate Minority Leader, Harry Reid? Yeah, he’s a fuckstain on the sheets of the senate. Most likely the sheets worn by the democrats during their annual Klan rally.

  73. I’m sensing a shift in momentum. The bullshit from every angle is just too much.

    Now, if Obama would do something totally stupid and call this latest terrorist attack a ‘bump in the road’ or a ‘fly in the ointment,’ I think the narrative would fall apart.

  74. The more I read about Harry Reid the more I think he’s a 12 year old girl.

    Why? Because he’s sexually attracted to boys who are about that age?

  75. Long, but this is the letter I just got from Obama. They “forwarded” this – @@

    I’m writing to tell you about the $15 my family just donated to your 2012 campaign.

    It was $15. That’s really all we could give.

    My husband Steve is currently a student at Temple University. Since starting his degree, three years ago, we’ve been living considerably below the poverty level (I keep forgetting which percent … does it matter?). But we aren’t complaining. Two healthy daughters; dusty, well-travelled backpacks in the basement; a house full of memories — a future full of hope. We’re the lucky ones.

    So — we’re currently “poor on money — rich in life” (as we like to say). It hasn’t always been like this. My husband spent most of his life doing what he loved — playing or coaching basketball. Born in SE Iowa, he was an Academic All-American and once-upon-two-good-knees-ago, the “local town hero” of his small town — after bringing home the State Championship during high school, followed by NJCAA National Championship years later as a coach. He’s a big a fan of yours by the way … as a player, father and president … not necessarily in that order.

    But this really wasn’t supposed to be a letter about him.

    It’s about this year’s campaign. It’s about wanting to say that $15 means something these days and deserves a moment of pause (and some words on paper) for this girl and her family of Obama fans.

    — $15 is a special pizza dinner at our local pizza stop (Poppi’s in Wynnewood).
    — It’s 1 1/2 tickets to see the newest film at the old-school cinema we walk our daughters to.
    — It’s getting fresh fruit, instead of frozen; fresh veg, instead of canned.
    — It’s tickets to the Franklin Institute in the heart of Philly. (We’ve never been.)

    It’s all these things to a family like ours.

    I’ve listened with curiosity, mostly frustration, as the nation debates Citizens’ United and the string of new laws that now allow the bellowing voices of private interest to drown out the sounds of tiny voices (like ours/mine). Our pebble-in-the-ocean support feels almost pointless. “Leave the campaigns to the rich,” I think to myself, “Get your daughters a pizza instead.”

    But I refuse to allow new laws to stop us/me from being A PART of this campaign. After all, I will never be a “player” (in the political sense), but I still want to believe I can play a part.

    Then, out of the blue, there you are — shooting a jumpshot on my (Facebook) wall — and asking for “players” to join you on your home court. I had to smile, and then I couldn’t resist. And so, I have relinquished those $15.

    Please know that they count. To us. Please stay in Washington. Do, in this second term, what you were not assisted/supported to do during your first term. Get this country moving/working/hoping again.

    Please continue being a champion for the middle class — I’m hoping the next pizza will be on you.

  76. “Why? Because he’s sexually attracted to boys who are about that age?”

    That’s one of the reasons.

  77. Please stay in Washington.

    Pffffft. Don’t you know that you can’t change that particular place from inside that particular place?

  78. I’m hoping the next pizza will be on you.

    Boy, that Mitt Romney sure is a rotten jerk for pointing out that a bunch of people who are going to support Obama no matter what are okay with being dependent on handouts.


  79. I just ate the meatloaf I made from my meatball recipe, with a little bit of marinara. It works perfectly, and it’s a hell of a lot less labor intensive. I may never bother with meatballs again.


  80. You can’t move a couch from inside the living room. It’s science.

  81. “He’s a big a fan of yours by the way … as a player, father and president … not necessarily in that order.”

    hahahahaha….Yeah, Obama is a real baller. This woman sounds like an idiot and she sickens me. They need to spend MORE time talking about her husband’s high school successes. Grow up, dicks!

  82. “You can’t move a couch from inside the living room. It’s science.”

    Speaking of 12 year old girls…I LOL’D.

  83. “We’re the lucky ones.”


  84. Yea, I like that she sent along her $15, going w/o dinner or whatever, while Obama probably tosses away that $15 with in a millisecond of his spending.

    That’s a danish and coffee for his highness before lunch, while Michelle’s not looking.

  85. For Obama, $15 is that first bite of Kobe beef at dinner.

  86. Someone help me:

    What is slang for yes?

    What is a cheer for someone?



  87. Talking to a customer in Italy this morning: Brusque,direct, confrontational. Extracts what he needs and is off the phone in one minute.

    Talking to a customer in Paris, France just now: wheedling, sweet, wants to talk about the weather. Flirtatiously suggests that I jump in the box that I’m shipping to him and ship myself to him, too. Chuckles suggestively like motherfucking Maurice Chevalier.

    No, there’s no such thing as national character.

  88. Slang for yes, yea or yeah

    Cheer, yay

  89. When I called Ireland, the guy was slurring his words and wanted to bum a smoke.

  90. When I called Iran, the guy called me a whore and threatened to throw acid in my face.

  91. Oui, lauraw, Si.

  92. >> Flirtatiously suggests that I jump in the box that I’m shipping to him and ship myself to him, too

    You can do that?

  93. We need Pepe for a definitive decision. He seems sweet AND confrontational.

  94. Jay, are you sure about the yea, yeah, yay deal?

    I’ve wondered for awhile.

  95. Coincidentally: customer I was just talking to originally hails from Massachusetts and has to be one of the biggest assholes I’ve had to deal with in quite a while.

    Oh well, it’s good to be busy.

  96. Mare’s on her game today.

    Or on crack.

  97. Yea=Hooray
    Yay=Internet made-up spelling shit

  98. Jay, are you sure about the yea, yeah, yay deal?


  99. That letter is so touching. It makes me want to donate $15 right now, and switch my vote to a giant fucking narcissistic pussy that has driven the infamous economic car deeper in the ditch. All while having the self-perception to give himself a solid B+. The blind have stronger vision than Obama.

  100. Crack is for closers.

  101. When I called Iran, the guy called me a whore and threatened to throw acid in my face.

    You have to dial the country code first.Otherwise you get Rosetta.

  102. Really, we’re being pedantic about slang now?

  103. I can’t believe Rameriz hasn’t done a cartoon of Obama driving us into a ditch in the middle east.

  104. That letter is so touching.

    Where by “touching” you mean “contrived and probably fabricated by Jim Messina and a room full of interns,” I would guess.

  105. I almost feel bad about not sending in my pizza money.


  106. No ditches in the middle east, Car in.


  107. No cars, either. Just shitty pick-ups with about 35 A-rabs and an old Soviet machine gun.

  108. You have to dial the country code first.Otherwise you get Rosetta.


    Thread winner!

    Pork chop dinner.

  109. Just shitty pick-ups with about 35 A-rabs and an old Soviet machine gun.

    With the top cut off, like in Black Hawk Down.


  110. Of course, if you actually look at the Poppi’s menu, you’ll that their “$15 special pizza dinner” can only be one of their medium pizzas or a large cheese pizza @14.99. No drinks.

    This sounds exactly like people with no families trying to sound like a family of 4. Feeding a family of 4 with $15? That’s the cold fusion of dining.

    And anyone with kids knows that you have to buy 2 – 3 pizzas when you go out, because invariably one kid wants plain cheese, one wants a one-topping (sausage or pepperoni), and the adults want something decent. We buy pizzas for the gymnastics team every once in a while. The order is always the same: 4 cheese pizzas & 1 pepperoni pizza for the kids, and a sausage & mushroom w/extra cheese for the coaches. Even if you split the pizza, you can’t get by with 1.

  111. That’s some expensive pizza. We’ll deliver 2 12″ 1 toppings for $12.80, after 9pm.

    We aren’t the cheapest, but we aren’t the most expensive, either.

  112. Leon, Hotbride and I went to Red Rock BBQ in Ypsi Friday night. I recommend that you and your bride give it a try.

  113. And geoff is correct for 95% of families that come out to eat pizza.

    You forgot the crying part, though.

  114. I shall take that under advisement, Hotspur. It’s been on a coworker’s list of Friday lunch ideas for awhile now.

  115. Yay for cheer and Yeah has been shortened to Ya. Lately, I’ve just been getting Y for Yeah.

  116. Since I have 5 kids, there is no such thing as a $15 pizza dinner.

    I’m with geoff about the letter being fabricated.

    Or at least “massaged.”

  117. “customer I was just talking to originally hails from Massachusetts and has to be one of the biggest assholes I’ve had to deal with in quite a while.”


  118. Also, the ticket prices at the Franklin Institute are $16.50 for adults ant $12.50 for children. No way she’s buying more than one ticket.

    She’d know this if she was real and actually suffering like she says she is.

  119. I write a ton of letters that go out to thousands of people. Its’ fake. It’s so packed full of buzz words and content imagery my head hurts.

  120. he was an Academic All-American and once-upon-two-good-knees-ago, the “local town hero” of his small town — after bringing home the State Championship during high school

    He didn’t make that happen.

  121. Chores done and the last load of laundry is in the dryer.

  122. The husband’s bio in that letter can only refer to a handful of people. If no such person exists, I’d think someone at Fox or Blaze might be interested.

  123. Well kiss my grits. The cataract that was supposed to show up within two years (a near 100% probability, a side-effect of my retina surgery) showed up this week. Sonsabeetches.

    The upside is I get to schedule getting it fixed in a month or so, and I can get one of those fancy vision correcting lenses.

    With a frickin laser beam.

  124. Dave has single handedly increased the nation’s insurance premiums.


  125. Chores done and the last load of laundry is in the dryer.

    Yay? Yea? Yeah.

  126. Dave, all you have to do is stop going to the doctor.

    Then all these problems will clear up.

  127. MJ, are you coming to the next meat-up, if we ever have one?

  128. He’s gonna hang out with mare.

  129. “customer I was just talking to originally hails from Massachusetts and has to be one of the biggest assholes I’ve had to deal with”


    Hey! I resemble that remark.

  130. Hey! I resemble that remark.

    Are the crickets in here deafening, or what?

  131. I’d really like to see everyone again, so I’m going to make it to the next one, if we ever have it.

  132. If Obama wins, I trust I’ll see you all at the Montana Compound.

    Except for Mare.

  133. 🙂

  134. Are the crickets in here deafening, or what?

    I just thought it was the ringing in my ears drowning out the voices in my head.


  135. Well I didn’t have any trouble hitting my max out of pocket this year… sheesh.

  136. I just thought it was the ringing in my ears drowning out the voices in my head.

    Sounds like a great self-help book:
    “Fighting Mild Schizophrenia with Self-Induced Tinnitus”

  137. So, I hear last night’s Sons of Anarchy was…. intense. I’m almost afraid to watch it tonight.

  138. If Obama wins, I trust I’ll see you all at the Montana Compound.

    What part of free pizza do you not understand?

  139. What part of free pizza do you not understand?

    All of it. Heinlein’s rule applies to the first part, and “wheat is murder” to the second.

  140. Hey! Someone told me the compound was in Idaho!?

  141. oooo… I forgot SoA was on last night. Something to do tonight!

  142. Hey! Someone told me the compound was in Idaho!?

    That Vicar is not to be trusted.

  143. Hey! Someone told me the compound was in Idaho!?

    It’s okay, we told your son where the real one was. Your job is to lead the pursuers astray. Godspeed. We told Mare that’s where it was too, so you probably won’t meet her there.

  144. Watching some really bad anime on Crackle. So bad that it’s unintentionally funny.

  145. My husband Steve is currently a student at Temple University. Since starting his degree, three years ago….

    My husband spent most of his life doing what he loved — playing or coaching basketball. Born in SE Iowa, he was an Academic All-American and once-upon-two-good-knees-ago, the “local town hero” of his small town — after bringing home the State Championship during high school, followed by NJCAA National Championship years later as a coach.

    “Leave the campaigns to the rich,” I think to myself, “Get your daughters a pizza instead.”

    Should be easy enough to find out who this person is (or isn’t).

    But I’m wondering why this “husband” of hers didn’t do better – I mean, why is he going BACK to school in the first place? If he was an Academic All-American way back when, that implies that he is smarter than the average college athlete, right?

    Dude sounds a little long in the tooth to have YOUNG daughters (unless this is a second marriage), especially given the fact that he was a COACH at a Junior College.

    This letter sounds like one of those badly-written fiction pieces that turn up in Ladies’ Home Journal (Spice it up a bit, and it could be a Penthouse Forum letter – she’s on her knees already)

    And guess what, lady?
    Your kids would rather have the pizza.

  146. What series, Chief?

  147. Spice it up a bit, and it could be a Penthouse Forum letter

    I never thought it would happen to me…
    …and then I found $15.

  148. I never thought it would happen to me… and I was right!

  149. I’m pretty sure that letter would actually end with the corespondent waking up sticky and short fifteen bucks.

  150. I’m looking forward to the H2 compound.

    It’s gonna be kinda fun.

  151. Leon – KITE- Avenger

  152. Hope Leon’s chickens get along with mine.

  153. I’m sure the TiFW’s outside cats will get along with both Leon and Car in’s chickens.

  154. But the film is a saddening bore
    ‘Cause she’s lived it ten times or more
    She could spit in the eyes of fools
    As they ask her to focus on. . .

  155. The banana slicer, comments are great (from the sidebar at AOS)


  156. I’m looking forward to the H2 compound.
    How many people are we allowed to bring?

  157. MJ – Ne. Two if one is a cute baby.

  158. How many people are we allowed to bring?

    One man per family, and as many hot chicks as you can con into it.

  159. …as many hot chicks as you can con into it.

    We’re going to need more capture bags.

  160. I thought it was understood the letter was fabricated. The letter hit Obama stuff.

    Being all Presidential and crap
    Middle class poor
    going back to school
    Student at Temple (code for black)
    campaign pac reform
    cinema not movies
    eating fruit and vegetables (NOT FROZEN)

    I’m mad just typing this crap.

  161. Here is my letter.

    I have $15 and I am keeping it because you are a douchebag.

  162. I hope her pussy falls off.

  163. Here is my letter.

    I have $15 and I am keeping it because you are a douchebag.


    Here’s my letter … I write it as I eat pizza.

  164. MJ – Ne. Two if one is a cute baby.
    Can someone lend me a baby?

  165. You could contact Mrs. Peel. I don’t think she uses hers.

  166. ———————–
    Can someone lend me a baby?

    Perhaps you could dress up one of my chickens in a onsie?

  167. Perhaps you could dress up one of my chickens in a onsie?
    Dual purpose. Food and companionship.

  168. You would do WHAT with my chicken?


  169. Are any parts of Dave’s body original?

  170. How many people are we allowed to bring?

    Twelve feet total height, so in your case, 3.

  171. So, H2 has a compound and no one told me. Uh huh, typical.

    Screw you, douches. I’ll make my own clubhouse with a card board box!

  172. You would do WHAT with my chicken?
    Its a solution of last resort. Same rule applies to children.

  173. So, H2 has a compound and no one told me. Uh huh, typical.

    Screw you, douches. I’ll make my own clubhouse with a card board box!

    Look, if you’d come to any of the meet-ups, we would have given you one of the secret maps.

  174. H2, left….mare, right:

  175. *online ordering several refrigerators

  176. >> Are any parts of Dave’s body original?

    unfortunately, yes.

  177. Mare doesn’t remember the hugely long H2 compound thread we had. “Alcohol is a hell of a drug!”

  178. unfortunately, yes.
    Yeah, but you’ve got that pump to help out with that, correct?

  179. Wait, are we talking about the H2 apartment complex, the H2 dorm or a new complex?

  180. My clubhouse is a bunch of chairs tipped sideways with a blanket over them.

  181. It’s a compound – kinda like the one the Kennedys have in Hyannisport.

    More booze, no douchebag liberals allowed.

  182. Wait, are we talking about the H2 apartment complex, the H2 dorm or a new complex?

    Criminy Mare. It’s our bug-out compound. For when the shit totally hits the fan. Should Obama win.

    You need a skill or something to be admitted. What have you got?

  183. Ooooh – want:

    They also have one with a Sherlock Holmes cover…..

  184. No skills, just my sparkling personality and an awesome cat. Oh, and a husband and a couple of kids. I can delegate…I’m an excellent delegator. Also, I’ll kick hotspur’s ass when he gets out of line, that ought to be worth something.

    MCPO, was I around for that discussion? Alcohol IS a hell of a drug.

  185. It’s more of an understanding, Mare, versus per any discussion.

  186. Idaho and Montana are too cold. I’ll bug out on Kaua’i.

  187. Leon’s in charge of property acquisition.

  188. Well, if it all goes to crap, I still have my card board box club house. But what do I do with these 9 refrigerators?

  189. >> Yeah, but you’ve got that pump to help out with that, correct?

    cattle prod works way better.

  190. You can never have too many beer fridges in the garage. Even if the garage has a Black Widow that your husband hasn’t killed yet.

  191. What a minute. We have responsibilities at the H2 compound? You guys are like Hitler.

    I’ll help with the gardening, if we have to volunteer something.

  192. I like the way Oso thinks.

    Black Widows need to die!!!!

  193. Lauraw / CaRiN have the topless gardening covered MJ. You’ll have to be in charge of latrines.

  194. Ahem.

    I think I should help with the gardening.

  195. We’ve had an infestation!!!! this summer. Ok, 3. He killed the 2 that the dogs would encounter right away. The one that has a web by the ice cream freezer is still taunting me!

  196. I can take the chrome off of a trailer hitch.

    Does that count? 😛

  197. http://www.landwatch.com/Park-County-Montana-Land-for-sale/pid/149169128

    Reasonably priced, a little small though. Access to fresh running water is a plus. Looks like we could pasture cattle/sheep/chickens.

  198. I’m site security. http://tinyurl.com/bnhy4nm

  199. If MJ doesn’t want that job, Teresa, I guess it could be yours.

  200. TiFW, we need someone who can put chrome on a trailer hitch. I’m afraid your skillset isn’t what we’re looking for.

  201. But, my trailer hitch will get all rusty!

  202. I’ll be in charge of discipline:

  203. Although, I can see where “discipline” at the H2 compound might have a whole different meaning.

  204. If MJ doesn’t want that job, Teresa, I guess it could be yours.
    Hahahahaha. I’m eating your chicken/baby!

  205. You guys are like Hitler.

    Godwin’s Law. Thread over.

  206. I found out today that you can take an Obama bumper sticker off a car with a little gasoline and a rag. You simply wet the rag, break a window, light the rag on fire and throw it in. Eventually the Obama sticker will burn right off.

  207. That seems like a lot of money for 60 acres in Montana. Can’t we just shoot somebody and take their ranch?

    *furtive look at Pepe*

  208. Hotspur, put any framing up that should be 16 inches apart but you decided to be a bitch and put them at 18?

  209. “Can’t we just shoot somebody and take their ranch?”

    Pups just moved to discipline head.

  210. Hahahaha. Timing is everything.

  211. Comment by pepelp2 on September 26, 2012 5:59 pm

    HAHAHA….for a split second I thought you really had an Obama sticker…..hahahaha

  212. I saw End Of Watch this afternoon. INTENSE, GRITTY, VIOLENT and damn good.

  213. MOM!!! CLINT SAID DAMN!!!!

  214. I know it seems high, but most of the price for that 60 acres is the year-round creek. That’s important, and tough to find at that price.

  215. “He’ll have less time than we anticipated to sharpen and cut down his tendency to give long, substantive answers.”
    Is that not one of the funniest sentences you’ve ever read?

  216. Yes.

  217. You got a creek, Pepe?

  218. Nope, too dry. Years ago, the canyon next to the house ran half the year. But, since the Forest Service has been fighting fires, the forest above us has gotten too thick and the trees suck up all the water. Plus, it’s a lot dryer than it used to be.

    Have been thinking of getting a solar pump for the well so if the power goes out, we’ll still have water.

  219. I know, that I know, that I know, that Obama considers himself one of those guys that can “wing it.” I’m sure he walked into his classrooms and just went for it (because besides being “eye candy,” “the most interesting person in the room” he’s also, “the most intelligent President ever elected.” Of course toward the end of his teaching days, he was ranked poorly by students. (I’ll give someone a dollar who can remember who just recently wrote about this, as in, last week).

    As President I’m sure he thought he could hire a couple of political hacks to do the work and he’d be the “head of state” (hand shaker, bringer of peace). I think that too has been proven out. “Hey, where’d my putter go?”

    Also, can someone for crap’s sake find his grades and let us know how this incredible genius prepared for his own school work? Remove grade inflation for affirmative action and his whining about being too wasted to finish his papers. Thanks.

  220. CHOOM GANG!!!

  221. You should get that solar pump Pepe. Leon can help with financing.

  222. I know these Hitler deals are played out, but this one works too. Love the propaganda lines:

  223. It’s not just the pump, have to put in a large tank on top of the hill next to the house. Then you get gravity flow, and water at night when the sun don’t shine. Too many $ to do right now.

  224. Oh, my, gosh, go look at Drudge…everyone is winking. He nailed it.

  225. Leon can help with financing

    Say what now? I’m po’ these days, at least by my standards.

  226. Leon – If we could get 2 adjacent parcels of equal acreage, it could work.

  227. I get why people mock Romney for being a robot, but the crowd is pretty into it.


  228. Water politics in the Southwest suck. At least we aren’t Oregon and can still have cisterns.

  229. For MJ from Ace’s sidebar:


    Robot or not, he’s done more than Obama. Also, the robot premise doesn’t work for me.

  230. My legs are sore from sprinting yesterday. Also my core. Made it four miles though. Take that old age.

  231. One small thing that I’m not sure people are getting at when looking at the polls is that it’s the trend that matters. Otherwise it’s just a small snapshot of a few days.

    If you do the same survey over and over, day after day, you’ll get a good read. The trend for Obama has actually been down from the convention, and the race is basically in the same position as it was before either convention. They seem to be trading a point here and there, but no real decided shift.

    The reason Rasmussen is slightly different from Gallup is simply because they are using a likely voter, not registered voter model.

    Or I’m totally wrong.

  232. “Or I’m totally wrong.”


  233. Registered voter polls don’t mean jack shit nor do all the legacy media polls which are insanely weighted toward a historic dimocrat turnout.

  234. I think Madonna’s threat of nudity should be good for at least a half percent.

  235. hahaha…you dicks are funny!

  236. I’ll be bringing my “special” skills to the H2 Compound!


  237. Chief is log cutter, then?

  238. MARE! Did you drop something?


  239. There is a quiet anger out there that isn’t being polled by LV or RV standards. Gas prices are going up every day and food prices are ridonkulous. Even the SNAP crew is noticing that their “Free Shit” isn’t going as far.

  240. HA! I wish, MCPO!

  241. Mare – I always picture you as a Dita Von Teese type when I read your comments. .

  242. Okay, this cough is turning shit-tastic on me. I might have to do something drastic.

  243. Leon, Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Honey in your hot tea?

  244. Meijer’s Nyquil knockoff. It’s only 2 years expired, which tells you how often I get sick, or at least how often I medicate. I think I bought it before McCain lost.

  245. Hello, Bear.


  246. Leon – TheraFlu Maximum. But, be forewarned, you’ll be required to produce ID by the racist behind the counter!

  247. Awww…Pups has the best gifs

  248. Great….I kill the thread AND I have to feed starving overweight wiener dogs.

  249. Crap. I may never get home. I’m never gonna leave the compound. Mare can run my kids around.

  250. I’m still here Oso.

  251. Where is here?

  252. Yay! car in, did you see the driver free smart cars in Cali?

  253. *how I picture MCPO when I read his comments*

  254. Comment by Car in on September 26, 2012 6:57 pm
    My legs are sore from sprinting yesterday. Also my core. Made it four miles though. Take that old age.
    I did sprints last week. I was sore for two days afterward. The jog the next morning was a bitch. Old age told me “Take that!”

  255. Pupster – Entirely too cheerful.

    Oh, and FYNQ!

  256. Did anybody lock anybody else in the trunk of a car today?

  257. Today?

    No, not today.

  258. Well, never mind, then.

  259. Dave – From the smell, I’d say it has been in there for about 2 weeks.

  260. Sean – Hows by you today?

  261. 30 episodes in 11 days Dave.

  262. And just how do you know by smell that’s 2 weeks? Hmm? Hmm?

  263. Sean, what did you think of Petco?

  264. Scott, does your Breaking Badapalooza make you want to visit NM?

  265. It’s pretty good ain’t it Scott?

  266. Only if I have free time and extra money.
    Not looking good right now.
    It’s Bush’s fault.

  267. It’s good. Sopranos good.

  268. Pollos Hermanos.

  269. Chicken Brothers?

  270. I have no skills. I’ll make Dan kill spiders and cook chile based dishes.

  271. I think chile based dishes can kill spiders.

  272. If you gave our dog chile, geese would fall from the sky,

  273. Chicken Brothers. You’ll get the whole story pretty soon.

  274. Scott, chile or chili? Two separate things.

  275. Oso – You need to send me some of your tias’ recipes so that I may eat well this winter. Sabe?

  276. I assumed they were similar.

  277. Chili is what you get in Cincinnati. Chile is NM. Pretty sure my parents’ 43 year marriage ended because of the Chili/Chile debate.

  278. Chief, do you want posole, chile, or tamale recipes?

  279. Posole is for duck season.


  281. oso,

    Definirtely post your chile recipe!

    Winter is around the corner.

  282. I don’t like menudo. I’d rather eat posole. My mom raised chickens when my dad was in VN. I hate chickens. Sorry, Little Jerry. I’m sure you’re nice.

  283. Herro Mike Rowe. RAWR!

    *wonders if nice Mr. Rowe needs the dirt scrubbed off his back*

  284. I think spiders cooked in dishes would kill spiders.

  285. I just read a headline that says Romney is falling farther behind in swing states.

  286. Oso – Chile and posole, please.

  287. swing state polls in FL, PA and OH are oversampling Dems by 7 to 11 percentage points.

    read tis.. it’s happened before..


  288. I’m convinced he’s fine. People think Obama is a SCOAMF, but their not sure of this Romney fellow either. Only one of these opinions is changeable.

  289. Ok, Chief. We have two new babies for my tamale party pics in Dec on FB. I’ll get the recipes for you.

  290. Oso – Thank you, sweet girl!

  291. No problemo.

  292. Florida seems to inspire a lot of MILF on teen…actually, that’s it. MILF on teen.


  293. Ni una cosa grande.

  294. Obama polls well with short people.

  295. no cerveza no trabajo

  296. No trabajo, no comida.

  297. Stupid shorties.

  298. The turnaround story kind of writes itself if Romney pulls this out.

  299. What the el fucko?

  300. He is promising a 30″ vertical.

  301. So the door knocker told me that my whole neighborhood was pretty much all Romney voters. Only two Obama fucktards and two that wouldn’t say. This settled a longstanding argument with Mrs MJ.

  302. MJ is a one percenter.

  303. SoA.. intense

  304. Door knocker took his car after eating his dog.

  305. Door knocker

  306. Visited w my boss last night after some alcohol consumption……he advocates that O will win cause the majority of America is more in tune with a brown skinned candidate w white skinned candidate w Mormon in the back ground. Can’t say I disagree, but it is scary to think about. Course he’s all independent and shit.

  307. Door knocker


  308. PG, I had a “member” screaming at me that this was the “most important vote in my lifetime” and he told me I needed to risk my job to get the word out that we “Can’t survive 4 more years of the commie” It was awkward.

  309. Oso, I presume you saw the George Strait tour news?

  310. Tushar,

    Dot mutherfucker,


    Hell No!!!!

  311. Yep, just finished watching SoA. Intense, but just about what I expected. Little not enough Ashley Tisdale though.

  312. Andy, I did. I need to check out tour dates to make sure I see him one last times. I saw him twice in bars before he became King George and 3 times after.

  313. I’ll have to watch Pure Country again.

  314. He’s in Hartford 2/23. That’s the only announced date that’s close to here.

  315. Hola Muchachos como esta?

  316. When do tickets go on sale? I bet he’ll do the Houston Rodeo.

  317. 10/9 for fan club members and to the general public on 10/12. Houston Rodeo (w/Martina McBride & Randy Rogers) is one of the dates.

  318. Martina is great in concert.

  319. Reports of my demise have been vastly overstated.

  320. Vman – How are things in the sunshine state?

  321. The humidity is up now MCPO but for 3 days it was wonderful weather for September.

  322. I have a DVD of George at the Houston Rodeo. I really want to see him one last time.

  323. The Mrs. and I saw him in Atlanta in … 1997? Definitely going to one of these shows.

  324. Thanks, Andy. I have a thing for Romney. Paul Ryan is cute for a Pol. Mitt is an attractive man

  325. Oso Killed it.

  326. *Throws lit M-80 into room. Stands back to watch the hillarity.*

  327. Do you realize that the new season of Person of Interest starts tomorrow night and Fringe’s new season starts Friday night? Is this a great country or what?

    And Obama smokes poles and eats dogs!

  328. I just woke up. I didn’t realize I’d killed it. Stupid dogs needing walking.

  329. I only watch live sports on TV. All your episodic chatter flies right past me

  330. Just got home from work and the pup is curled up on my pillow.

    I have a bit of reading to do before I disturb him.

  331. Under my derp
    The girl who once had me down
    Under my derp
    The girl who once pushed me around

  332. Occupy airport.

  333. wakey wakey

  334. Today is going to suck.

  335. Shut up, whore.

    Wait, today is Thursday?
    How the Hell…I’m missing a day.

  336. Who has the coffee?

  337. *pours coffee in a shoe and hands to Vman*

    *still wondering about that missing day*

    *still telling MJ to shut up*

  338. *Runs up behind lauraw, gives her a wedgie and a dutch rub. Runs to courthouse to file last will and testament.*

  339. Nyquil knockoff worked like a charm, fell asleep by 930, was out until 5. Then I couldn’t get back to sleep because of the wife’s nightlight, so I came down to the couch.

  340. What’s a dutch rub?

  341. I’m still sore from the sprinting the other day.

  342. Lauraw, can you bring me some coffee? It hurts to walk.

  343. Sounds like the day after deadlift/squat day. Try stretching, a little extra water, and possibly foam rolling if you have one.

  344. *still shutting up

  345. *still

  346. *fills a clamshell with coffee and hands it to Carin*

    *ceases telling MJ to shut up*

  347. Thanks Laura! You are so nice.

    *Looks at stinky shoe; rethinks nice*


  348. What’s up Vmax?

  349. We should play ‘laura says’ some day.

    Laura says, put your hands above your head.

    Laura says, bend over from the waist.

    Laura says, bring scott a 5 liter round bottom boiling flask and don’t ask any fucking questions.

  350. Still filling out this application it wants to know every job I have ever had.

    I have 3 pages of jobs and am working on filling the 4th. I also have lived in many different places. They want to know them too.

  351. Sounds like fun. Just put down, I worked a lot all over the place. That should be good enough for the state.

  352. >> *fills a clamshell with coffee and hands it to Carin*

  353. It is a horror show MJ

  354. Catamites.

  355. Crap, super-gonorrhea in Japan. There go my vacation plans.

  356. It is a horror show MJ
    My guess is that no one will ever check it past the last two or three.

  357. Runs to courthouse to file last will and testament.

    Erm, you can’t actually file a will at the courthouse until you are dead. Then your executor can file it with the probate court.

  358. New poat!

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