The Chief is a Grandpa!!!!!

The world’s luckiest granddaughter was born this afternoon –

So the Chief is now a grandfather – time to update the makeup, old man:

Herself will take care of the important stuff:

And for a price, we can keep this our little secret:

Congratulations to The Chief and Herself – I hear that being a grandparent is THE BEST!!!!!

Welcome to the world, little one –

[Ed. Cyn/with permisssion]

Welcome and Happy Birthday D.G!


  1. Comment by MCPO Airdale on May 12, 2012 8:14 pm
    Jeez, Carin! I left it up long enough

    Well, I didn’t birth a baby or anything today, but I’ve been a bit busy . I’m trying to catch up.

  2. You disappoint.

  3. Man! I look G-O-O-D in latex!

  4. Comment by scotw on May 12, 2012 7:16 pm
    You need one of those coolers with wheels that doubles as a chair.
    Sitting in a field with ice cold beer is so much better.

    That would help. It’s not so much the games that I dislike. It’s the drive… And this is some huge deal with games all weekend. Tomorrow I have a game at 11:45 and then the next at 4:45. Whole time spent up there. Ugh. Tomorrow is going to suck.

  5. You disappoint.

    What’d I do wrong this time?

  6. Barley straw like that will provide tremendous surface area for bacterial colonies, but good aeration and water flow are important. If you get anaerobic areas in the filter medium Very Bad Things will happen.

    Who knew pond-keeping and fish-keeping were so similar?

  7. Jewstin – You into fish farming?

  8. I can put together a schmaltzy sweet, serious post if’n you want –

    Or someone else can put one together for tomorrow, since it’s Mother’s Day.

    (I was gonna say that it’s late and I’m tired, but I figure Miss Julia has me beat on the “tired” part…..)

  9. I used to have three salt water fish tanks. I loved them. They were more entertaining to watch in the evening than television.

  10. You disappoint.

    What’d I do wrong this time?

    Looks like that was directed at Carin. Relax Ajax.

  11. Man! I look G-O-O-D in latex!

    Smokin’ hawt! Raaawwwrrrr!

  12. Congrats. on the baby!

  13. Yea I think I was the disappointment . Honestly, though, you should have seen me with that baby. It was like I knew what I was doing.

  14. A viable pond is a septic tank, you cultivate the good aerobic bacteria so that it keeps up with the biological contaminants. Jew is right it is a big aquarium or a stagnant mudhole. CuSO4 kills bacteria and invertebrates. Buy a submersible pump, a couple of kiddy pools line pools with rock and pea gravel filtering pump outflow through pools back into pond.

  15. Jewstin, anaerobic pockets are pretty common in ponds and nothing to be afraid of as long as there is adequate filtration. Usually it’s the small soil areas that certain underwater plants are rooted in. But a large bale of straw half-submerged at the edge of a pond, getting ripe, is no cause for alarm. Indeed, much of the crappy edges of it will get infested with bloodworms, and the fish will tear into that pretty happily.

  16. I suspect ponds are a little more forgiving than fish tanks. Anaerobic sand in a fish tank usually means a buildup and release of hydrogen sulfide. Every living thing in the tank is fucked at that point and the water smells like Alkali Flats.

  17. If Leon really has a problem with nitrates, I’d recommend a small upflow filter pond with water hyacinths. They are heavy feeders, two will become two hundred by the end of the season, and when pulled they produce a great heat in the compost pile.

  18. this entire poat is wrong

  19. Forgiving indeed! Jewstin, I control my pond pH and give soluble calcium to my fish by making plaster of paris. I pour it into molds, let it harden and dry, then throw chunks of it in there after it rains too much.

    Keeps the water nice and hard.

  20. Can we get back to talking about ME?

    *puts on best PJM whine*

  21. See Laura agrees with me on the ponds upstream

  22. Sorry grampa!
    Got a cigar?

  23. This poat has been updated like a boss. A Baby Girl Chick Boss!

    (m’wah MCPO!)

  24. Why do I suspect that girl is gonna be spoiled by G’paw?

  25. Awesomeness.

  26. hey xbrad, smoke a White Owl

  27. Congrats to Oldy and the entire Olderson family!!!

  28. There’s an active minnow population in addition to some bass and a massive number of frogs. It is also, unfortunately, a shared pond. I took responsibility for the copper sulfate this year. One shot killed the algal overgrowth entirely last year, and it’s pretty simple to use. I’ll research the other methods before I try to sell my neighbor on anything else for next year.

  29. I had to set up an IV drip system to maintain the calcium levels in my reef tank. The chemistry for all of that stuff was heaps of fun.

  30. Wait ’til I get the pic of her in her Star Wars onesie and Yoda hat!!

  31. Yeah – I didn’t want to put that pic in there w/o permission; glad you put it up there!

    Looks like that was directed at Carin. Relax Ajax.

    Oh, I was just messin’ around…..
    I’ve been “the reason” for everyone’s angst this weekend.
    I think DD#3 and Mr. TiFW have PMS….. 😛

  32. What kind of fish did you have Jew?

  33. *buys new toy for baby*

  34. No love for the Star Trek?

  35. Vmax, I had a reef tank with some corals, sponges, and a mandarin fish, a micro tank with a pair of jaw fish, and an aggressive tank with a snowflake eel and some type of Hawaiian trigger fish (I called it the koala oompa loompa because I couldn’t pronounce the Hawaiian name)

  36. TiFW, nice song choice. Always loved that one.

  37. Cyn –

  38. My little brother has a saltwater tank. Big chunk of live rock in there, all this cool shit grew and crawled out of it after he got it going. Unfortunately most of it died during a cold power outage and he had to pay beaucoup to restock.

  39. Yeeeewhaw!!!!
    and a Beautiful one at that!

    Congrats Master Chief!!


  40. Laura, it was a toss-up between that and “You Are So Beautiful” (which I’ve always considered an acceptable “baby” song, even though that’s not what it was meant for).

    But ya gotta go with Stevie – even if he is a liberal pinhead…..

  41. When we had rolling black-outs in California I had to stay home and stir the water to keep it aerated.

    Wooden Spoons: Not just for the kitchen.

  42. *buys new toy for baby*

    HA! Awesome Sean. Back when SNL was great.

  43. ‘Tweren’t me, Krow – the Chief is the one who kept us all updated….

  44. Nothing beats a Bass-O-Matic!!

  45. I tried the reef tanks too Jew corals are awesome if difficult.

  46. Cyn –

    Awwwww. Okay, I take back my “Pffffft”.

  47. Not only am I drinking whiskey, I’m eating wholewheat crackers too. (Man! Imma pay for this next week!)

  48. Reef tanks are difficult to set up, but once the water chemistry is stable, they practically maintain themselves.

  49. I am so happy right now, babies do that
    after the crappy day ive had

  50. ok chief where do we send tribute?

  51. Chief, I’m stupid, what’s the baby’s name again?

  52. congrats Grandpa!

  53. DinT – Debbie Grace.

    Krow – Your prayers were gift enough, my friend.

  54. Count – Thanks, buddy!

  55. *takes shot for debbie grace then lights a smoke and pretends it’s a cigar.

  56. Congrats Chief Gramps. Plus there is a bonus, New Grandmas magically become 100% better cooks somehow.

  57. MCPO, when she’s old enough you have to take her Trick or Treating dressed like this:

  58. Debbie is named for her maternal grandmother, who, unfortunately, died in a car accident last year.

  59. say hello gracie!

  60. How awful for Julia – one thing that I have always been grateful for is that my Mom has been around all these years….

  61. That’s really sweet that the kids did that, Chief. Where does Grace come from?

  62. MPCO, tell momma thanks for the wonderful gift she and daddy gave to us

  63. Cyn – Grace comes from the Holy Spirit – of course!

  64. >> Debbie Grace.

    Oh my. I love that.

  65. Grace is actually #1 son’s Grandma’s name.

  66. Of course indeed! A beautiful name for a lovely little girl. You’d better get that little finger ready for her.

  67. My Grandmothers were named Grebbie and Dace, so it’s almost like a coincidence or something!

  68. SeanM – How’s the Diet Dr. Pepper supply holding up? I had one yesterday. . . Mmmm!

  69. Congratulations, MCPO, awesome news! Hope the NICU nurses spoil her rotten and can send her home soon.

  70. My loving Father, thank you for bringing little Debbie Grace into this world. I know you love her. You made her.

    Give her mother rest and peace, and the joy of being a mother.

    Give her father strength, to do all he must do.

    Warm this little one. And thank you God that we can all surround our friend closely. and let him know we rejoice with him.


  71. Amen.

  72. So, it is Saturday, right? Wanna bet Rosetta is in a tutu dancing to this right now?

  73. Congratulations to the wonderful couple, MCPO. Praise to God in the highest!!

  74. Gracias, mi amor!


  76. got to rest eyes.. hey Master Chief, I’m happy for you and your kids.

  77. Aaaaaaaaaaagie!
    great airport post!

  78. hmmmmm Henry and Gracie, Prom Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  79. Lovely prayer; amen

  80. I think Rosetta has graduated from the tutu and moved on to teaching Henry a few things about the interwebz.

  81. SeanM – How’s the Diet Dr. Pepper supply holding up? I had one yesterday. . . Mmmm!

    I’ve got the better part of a 32 pack, and it tastes more like Regular!!!

  82. Now you’ll get to teach your granddaughter cool stuff now, too, that you’d have never done with your own kids, Chief.

  83. Gah, one of my FB friends is a Ronutard. It’s early days yet, but seriously, you’re going to waste your vote and let Obama get re-elected?:

  84. I wanna mess up kids like my dad did!

  85. Wanna bet Rosetta is in a tutu dancing to this right now?

    You’ve had a big, exciting day, so I’m not gonna deduct any points for that not being “Duke Lion” or “Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.” Just this once.

  86. How to eat/suck the pudding out of a pudding cup without using a spoon to eat it.

  87. How to spit watermelon seeds machine gun style, with bonus points for distance.

  88. Heh:

    In other words, I don’t think we are going to be reading stories about anything like Romney getting a B- in math in college, or not telling us that on his released medical report that he might have had asthma, or that as a Bain CEO he didn’t publish an annual report, and for obvious reasons . . .

  89. pudding!

  90. How to get that really cool reverb when you belch.

  91. Off to pick up pizza. Try not to dirty the good towels while I’m gone.

  92. I’ll assume you’ve directed that at Dave, TYVM.

  93. “Indeed, much of the crappy edges of it will get infested with bloodworms”

    Sooo…………..kinda like Hotspur.

  94. How to hang a spoon from your nose and play 52 pick-up.

  95. We have good towels?

  96. Cyn – “How to eat/suck the pudding out of a pudding cup without using a spoon to eat it.”

    You must be a fun date……….

  97. I suspect that Ronulons are more damaging to Obama than the GOP. They seem to be the pot-smoking crowd and the Sheehan crowd. Democrats unhappy with the drone strikes prefer Luap Nor to Obama.

  98. How to make fart noises with your armpit. How to get nightcrawlers. . .

  99. How to get that really cool reverb when you belch.

    Made Rocketboy snort milk through his nose when I said, “You can’t belch the Chinese alphabet.”

  100. Ewwwww. Haha!

  101. How to carry a beer without jiggling it too much so it gets all foamy.

    No, wait… that’s something an Uncle teaches you. Scratch that.

  102. How to pee in the shower.

  103. You are such a cool mom, Roamy.

  104. Pepe – yes.

  105. Pull my finger! Games like Where are my glasses? Help find my teeth! What’s that smell? Who wants to drive with Grandpa? (nobody!!!)

  106. How to strafe bomb at the grocery store AND keep a straight face.

  107. How to drink milk out of the carton.

  108. Meh. I still make him clean his room.

    Let’s see, what else do grampas do? Mr. RFH sneaked a sip of Scotch from his grampa. Mine taught me how to shell purple hull peas.

  109. How to drink milk out of the breast.

  110. Pull my finger! Games like Where are my glasses? Help find my teeth! What’s that smell? Who wants to drive with Grandpa? (nobody!!!)

    Now you’re just being cruel.

  111. Heh. I never had a grampa. I had an Orville who taught me how to chew tobacco.

  112. How to make sure you have good current to a LAU-7 pylon. . .

  113. Chief,
    What else are you gonna do with that Sidewinder?

  114. How to keep a baseball scorecard…

  115. ChrisPy – You don’t miss a trick!

  116. How to shell peanuts.

  117. How to sleep in a boat go fishing.

  118. How to dismember a midget hooker…

  119. After snorting blow of her (his?) ass.

  120. Now, that was just crass, b-rad. We’re talking about the man sharing quality time with his granddaughter.

  121. Sigh…. the deceased midget hooker’s ass.

    I thought I’d made that clear.

  122. Wow, Saturday Night Live begins with a Bush sketch, starring Will Ferrell.


  123. Wish I could remember more about my maternal grandfather. He wanted me to write books and dedicate one to him.

  124. You made that abundantly clear. But MCPO is the type to give the little one some hard candy, not nose candy.

  125. What I should have said is thank you, Cyn. I don’t feel like a cool mom, but I am a unique one.

    Mr. RFH bought dim sum from my favorite Chinese restaurant today because it will be super-crowded tomorrow. We said fuck it and ate it for supper tonight rather than wait until tomorrow. I’ll figure out something for him to grill tomorrow. I’ll get a funny card for sure (no sappy cards here) and my car washed, if it doesn’t rain all day.

  126. Chinese is yummy–good call Roamy.

    Heh; my grampa got me to like Chinese food.

  127. My grandpa used to sing Mairzy Doats to me. DG is going to get links to Steely Dan, The Gipsy Kings, and the Stones. Chief is going to be a great grandpa!!!

  128. I just watched 5 minutes of Boondocks. It may be the most blatantly liberal piece of shit pablum I’ve ever seen.

  129. Comment by Sean M. on May 12, 2012 11:27 pm

    How to dismember a midget hooker…

    C’mon, you gotta work up to hookers. Start her out with small animals and fire starting… Don’t mess with tradition.

  130. I’ve just finished being subjected to Warhorse. It’s everything you expected from a movie about a horse in World War I.

  131. I just watched 5 minutes of Boondocks.

    You’re not getting that back.

  132. My grandpa beat me with a stick.

  133. Mine flew radio-controlled airplanes.

  134. But. . . but. . . but I need those five minutes. I was going to cure herpes.

  135. Boondocks is a comic strip, too. They run it in the Montgomery newspaper despite the complaints about how awful it is.

  136. But. . . but. . . but I need those five minutes. I was going to cure herpes.

    From now on, if anyone mentions Boondocks, I’ll inform that it’s the reason they still get chancres.

  137. “No, really, you wouldn’t even need your Valtrex if it weren’t for that stupid, racist comic strip.”

  138. Boondocks was one of the first shows to go negative about JEF. I was shocked.

  139. From the left? It had to be from the left.

  140. I seem to recall BOTH Chicago papers carrying Boondocks.

  141. It was a mix. It was just so weird to see any criticism at all. Season 3 Episode 1.

  142. Bed time.

  143. Y’know, if they want to have a comic strip with a black family, why don’t they run Jump Start?

  144. I had to go see what Jump Start was. I read a few panels. Cute.

  145. I’ve been reading that one online for a long time, going back to dialup days. It is cute and only rarely annoying during Black History Month.

  146. I used to like Fox Trot and Pearls Before Swine. I still haven’t gotten over Larson retiring. I have the Far Side DVDs.

  147. I have all the Foxtrot books. Zits and Pickles are a little too close to home but still funny.

  148. Time for me to hit the hay. Good night and squishy hugs.

  149. i love pearls before swine

    but i am a Daybyday fan

  150. I haven’t read those since we stopped getting the paper. I loved the tribute comics to Charles Schulz. In my Pearls anthologies, Pastis does a great job explaining what he was thinking and what motivated certain strips.

  151. G’night Roamy. Happy Mother’s Day!

  152. Dave’s post at Ace’s on the O! speech to dozens got picked up by Memeorandum.

  153. The look of derp is in your eyes.
    A look your hurr can’t disguise.

  154. MJ?

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