Hello, and welcome to Big Boob Friday.

Your model for today was born August 20th, 1999 in Tampa, Florida. She stands 5′ 9″ and measures 342435 and 134 lbs. Get some Sushi for Miss Skyler Simpson. 


  1. She is booty-licious, as the kids say these days.

  2. Whoa, Jackson. Me likey. We could share jeans.

  3. Good morning! Three days of cold temperatures will be followed by the resumption of a Mild Winter, the oracle has foretold.

    I am picking up the big new shelving unit for my seedlings today and I bought little ratcheting devices for raising and lowering the plant lights. No more taking over a whole room, no more chains and S hooks. Can’t wait to get it set up.

  4. When the plants and lights are all stacked like that, heat is going to be an issue. I have a little tiny computer fan for my regular plant setup but I think I’m going to need at least one or two more.

  5. I need to replace some fluorescent tubes…

  6. Actually, no. I’m going to add a new LED strip instead. I need to start phasing out those big tubes anyway.

    My hobbies keep my brain happy and buzzing along. Or it might be this coffee. Whatever, it’s working.

  7. Good God!

  8. I know! Hobbies are great!!

  9. Wakey wakey

    Its cold because of the weakening of the polar bla bla bla and the cold is leaking down from the north pole. DO YOU CLIMATE DENIERS UNDERSTAND THAT???

  10. Not sure, but I’ll take 2

  11. …china virus….smarm….I- I- china virus!…mumble…

  12. Damn. That looks good Lumps.
    Now I’m gonna have to order a pound or two of crab meat and a few soft shelled crabs…

  13. Skyler is a nice catch, Pupster. Well done.

  14. Hop Jimbro (my usual early morning buddy here) is just catching up on his lost sleep.

  15. Maybe his dogs ate him?

  16. Casey Hendrickson played that bit with Dimon while I was doing school pickup. He had two takes: either Dimon is cynically saying this to hedge his bets about the next administration, or he’s so worried about the state of the country that he genuinely believes it, and was able to push the words “Trump was right” through his teeth in a genuinely incredible act of humility.

  17. I’m alive. My GI flora hasn’t got the message that the procedure is over and, much to my disappointment, I STILL can’t trust a fart 100%. I slept from just past 8 last night until 5 AM and have been sipping coffee and navel gazing which means willing my GI flora to get back to normal. I’m off to the grocery store to grab some yogurt and kefir in the hopes that it will help. Not ready for the kimchi challenge yet. I’ll get some meatloaf ingredients for a Sunday loaf.

  18. BTW, nice model, she looks dumb which is perfect

  19. I’m halfway through the three loafs of meatloaf I made on Monday. I thought I might need to freeze one or two, but between gorging the evening they were made, giving the puppers bites, and meatloaf sandwiches on Italian bread for lunch two days in a row, I don’t think I’ll need to freeze any.

  20. 1) Well-proportioned
    2) low IQ
    3) She’s got a pretty smile that she needs to use more

    Excellent work, pupster.

  21. RC – I’ve got these low carb soft taco wraps, I put some cheese and salsa and a sliced piece of meatloaf in it, microwave for 20 seconds, BAM meatloaf taco. I’m a dang genius.

  22. So, everytime I sorta go down the rabbit hole on facebook checking out people I sorta kinda knew – the MOST establishment-raised kids … Brooks Brother wearing, mommy bought me this car types … are the most liberal useless people ever.

    The one I just looked into – he’s a YOGA instructor. that’s his job. I mean, awesome. But… /scratches head.

    I guess he was/is also a “DJ”.

  23. That’s been my observation as well, Carin. I don’t know that any of my old acquaintances are any where as useless as yoga instructors, but overall, the kids who got a brand new Cutlass or Grand Prix or Camaro as soon as they turned 16 have struggled as adults.

  24. another olympic athlete dead at 29.

  25. heh, ain’t that the truth, PG

  26. These are grosse point kids too. Parents were executives at the car companies or family money or doctors. Probably all sent to college on their parent’s dime.

  27. BBF girl is adorable. I hope her good looks don’t prevent her from developing a modest, unobjectionable, and un-entitled attitude toward men, like seems to happen to so many with similar physical blessings. Otherwise, she’s likely to become a lonely cat lady with a lot of STDs.

  28. I feel like genuinely beautiful women are being removed from the gene pool by market forces. As in, if she’s an actual 10, the money vanishes the moment she gets knocked up. Before Instabook, TokTik, and Faceborg that shit didn’t happen.

  29. but, getting knocked up doesn’t remove them from the gene pool, instead it adds additional characters.

  30. No. What I’m saying is that they’ll avoid pregnancy until they hit the wall, and maybe, maybe push out one kid with fertility interventions.

  31. ah, avoiding, got it

  32. Like Amouranth. Whatever might be wrong with her brain, gal’s a legit knockout, and she’s gotta be mid-30s by now and childless. That’s a genetic dead end, and her beauty is part of the reason she won’t have kids.

    The future is plain.

  33. Is that really market forces, or a massive failure of priorities on her part? Because what I’m taking from that is that somewhere, somehow, her moral compass has gone wrong and it’s leading her on a sad path, whatever the bank account may say.

  34. The cultural incentive structure, I guess. I’m calling it “market forces” but it’s really that the culture wildly rewards childless attractive women until 35 or so if they’re willing to abuse their gifts, then spits them out like Fruit Stripe after the flavor is gone. Before social media, or even mass media in general, a beautiful woman might land a wealthy suitor, but she could at best get hooks into one man. As bad as the Sexual Revolution was, without social media I think it would have died on the vine after a generation or two of filtering.

  35. I think I had Shawn Barber as Carin’s redhead in an HHD. Sorry to hear that, he was much too young.

  36. Market forces is accurate enough. The money is keeping them from reproducing. Incentivizing staying single and childless through their most productive years.

  37. If you’re allowing market forces to dictate your life, the market ain’t the problem.

  38. That’s not the point. The point is what is the market incentivizing.

  39. The market can incentivize all sorts of things. Either you have the moral compass and agency to say “no, that is not a good way to live my life” or not. Blaming the market is a cop-out.

  40. It’s not really about blame. The culture at large didn’t hold their parents accountable for raising thots either. The rot goes deep now.

  41. Bullshit. When we are discussing societal shifts and trends, the market forces are what matters. It is important to recognize what they are and what they are doing. We are all subject to market forces, one way or another, even when you reject them. You sure aren’t going to change them.

    Feel free to buck the herd’s direction; you as an individual have no influence on that. What direction you swim is your business, but that doesn’t mean the current is irrelevant. Nobody is offering you tens of thousands of dollars a month for you to live a certain lifestyle. It’s a valid theory for what will happen to those OF girls. Whether you like it or not.

    So I don’t understand what point you are trying to make.

  42. Last comment was replying to Tim.

  43. Many moons ago when Mini-me was a leetle girl, she took a year of ballet lessons. I don’t remember what started it, but she was cute in her leotard and her feathery outfit for Swan Lake. Usually it was me sitting there through the lesson, sometimes Mr. RFH. We thought it was wholesome and wonderful, until it came time for the dance recital with the other classes. There were three actual ballet dances and the rest were hootchy mama shows. Mr RFH commented that they were missing the pole on stage and that he was really uncomfortable watching these young girls strut their stuff. That was our last ballet with that school. I still can’t get over that that many parents PAID someone to turn their daughters into thots.

  44. Cell phones and social media have turned a huge portion of the population, especially women, into narcissistic retards. Even the plain and the trollish use filters and live in a pretend internet world. Our country might be doomed because its women decided to live their best lives on Instagram, and get their masters degree in gender studies.

  45. x: Barbara Lee has a Jussie Smollet moment in the Capitol

    Things that never happened for $1000 please, alex.

    Also, if it happened in the Capitol, remember that DC is 90% democrat.

  46. My point, such as it is, is that while yes, market forces have a very real effect, you still have a choice. Acting like a person will inevitably bend to them is to deny moral agency…although perhaps with any sort of real moral or ethical framework for so many now, rudderless people will tend to take that easy way out.

    Homo economicus, I think is the idea, that people will know and operate in their own best self-interests. It’s deterministic, morally bankrupt bollocks, and refusing to fight the fight is to accept defeat. (And it’s not even accurate, which anyone who pays attention already knows.)

    I’m sorry, but this is where I have to stand on this. Rudderlessly drifting on the currents of market forces is a choice, and there are alternatives, many of them much better, but the market is a cruel master, and does great damage to those without any other framework to live their lives in.

    Otherwise, why are we bothering?

  47. x: Measure Twice, Cut Once

  48. No one is immune to manipulation, sadly, and the only bulwarks we had against it (community, religion) are dead these days. I look at people who’re trapped in substance addiction and I know that it was only providence and Nancy Reagan that kept me from it, not any values instilled directly by parents.

  49. I will yield this much–the fallen nature of society bears a lot of blame. It punishes virtue and rewards vice, it thwarts any sort of moral or ethical framework, and creates an illusory landscape that switches right and wrong. It’s the triumph of evil. If I sound harsh, bear in mind that I don’t assign sole blame to the THOTs. But neither do I consider them “blameless victims”.

    You have a choice. Not always a great choice, but it’s there.

    I’ve screwed up those choices many times myself. But I know I had the choices, and I’m trying to get it right, hard as it may be. I don’t accept anything less, from myself or others.

  50. x: Measure Twice, Cut Once


  51. I’ve got some kind of sinus bug. I didn’t realize it until too late to head it off with rinses and gargles. Not coughing a lot but every time I do a bomb goes off in my head.

    Of course this happens when the wife is away for the weekend and I’m a solo dad. Always like this. No NyQuil for this guy.

  52. Nobody said you don’t have a choice. But different people will make different choices, and market forces generally determine what looks like survival and what doesn’t for most people. And it isn’t necessarily a moral versus immoral choice (excuse me, but I think that is way too simplistic dogmatic thinking); the choices are infinite and all of them require some sort of compromise.

    Leon’s original thesis, if I understood him correctly, is that immediate financial success (which includes internet and social media fame and all that assorted narcissistic nonsense that provides us with our BBF girls) will beat out a more mature, long-range viewpoint (like family and marriage) that most of those girls don’t even acknowledge, let alone comprehend (and most won’t until it’s too late). It is a well disguised trap for women who are just leveraging their good looks. And the prettiest ones will be the most “successful,” which leads most of them into a evolutionary dead end.

    If the most attractive immediate flight path leads you into a narrow dead end canyon that your climb rate won’t allow you to clear the mountain in front of you, you are dead before you realize it.

  53. That’s pretty much where I was going with that. In raw genetic terms, beauty is being actively selected against in ways it never was at any time in history. I wasn’t assigning blame or making a judgment, just noting that it has consequences for the future. Between that, AI porn, and ubiquitous Moloch worship, there’s a lot of filtering either happening or about to happen. If there are any Westerners left in 2100, I expect them to be modestly attractive, sober, family oriented, and highly religious.

  54. On another topic:

    The washout rate for realtors is normally like 80% in the first year. It’s higher for ’23 but I don’t know how much higher. Trying to encourage the wife to stay in the game but it’s been a rough go thanks to FJB.

  55. Leon, you should get a dehydrator for your cicada harvest this Summer. Seal them up in mylar with oxygen absorbers, chicken treats for years!

  56. Evil hates beauty. So no surprise.

    I do see your point, and it certainly has validity. But bear also in mind how such arguments get used and abused these days. It’s why so much is blamed on “late stage capitalism” instead of “progressive nihilistic entropy”, as it truly should be. It grates. I don’t mean to offend, but I draw my lines where I draw them.

  57. I have one. I have mixed feelings about drying out bugs in the jerky machine.

  58. Anyway, enough about that. This is why I try not to go on about these things very much anymore.

  59. I mean, I’m going on about “Anchors Aweigh” vs “Anchors Away” elsewhere, so I may have Tendencies.

  60. Tim, I’m the guy who thinks literal Canaanite ‘deities’ rule over much of the modern world, and that only seeking God’s grace is any protection therefrom.

    I was just throwing out a Dawkins-level assessment of the secular facts. There’s been a fair amount of discussion over video games and the like as possible answer to the Fermi Paradox.

  61. I mean, it’s a take, and there’s truth to it, but it’s incomplete, so it leads to dead ends in problem solving.

    …shit, I said I’d lay off. Don’t mind me.

  62. Sports Illustrated is now a dead magazine walking …

  63. We’ll always have the Kathy Ireland years.

  64. Never flying again.

  65. Cargo plane.

    Landed safely.

  66. How do I do I know it was a cargo plane?

    Lots of pockets.

  67. Well I’m definitely not riding on any cargo planes.

  68. It landed safely. That’s what you want.

    Flying with a show.

  69. Someone must have had a full sized tube of toothpaste or bottle of shampoo.

  70. Drugs enhanced Rudy’s paranoia.

  71. […] H-2 has Big Boob Friday […]

  72. Yesterday???

  73. […] H2 has Big Boob Friday. And some Rule 5 for the […]

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