Lil Blitler

I was watching TV a few nights ago and stumbled across a new program centered on Henry VIII. I lurves me some period drama but got a bit confused when it turned out that Anne Boleyn was to be played by a black actress. There’s no reason to do that other than to compete in the woke olympics and to gin up a bit of fake press for an average production that everyone has seen a few dozen times.

I keep asking myself why? Why do something so stupid as to change the immutable characteristics of a historical figure? The stated reasons are so dumb that I won’t bother dissecting them however, I will try to put together an absurd argument that builds on their oh so brave accomplishment.

In the next WWII movie Hitler should be a black midget. Why not? I think it would make things more equitable. And why not make him a meat eater so the vegans don’t have to carry that heavy burden anymore? Why not flip the script and have Hitler lead the brave Nazi resistance against the aggressive, domineering, and blitzkrieg worshipping French? If only France had been treated more equitably after losing the Russo-Sino war of 1905 we never would have had this mess. But thank god Lil Blitler was able to exterminate the straight white men before they tried to take over Germany.

Remember that movie that was about the space program and it turned out that all of the super smart mathematicians were black ladies? Yeah, fuck that. In the next version they should be portrayed as disabled trans men. It’s only fair that they should make room for those lower on the stack and you can’t get any lower than a legless chick without a dick. Well, maybe you could but I’m not sure people can survive if they have less of a body. At some point it just doesn’t work out too well.

What about Pride and Prejudice? In all of adaptations I’ve seen, the women are played by, er, women. We need to open that up a bit and make everyone a gay man. Oscar Wildes all around! Wouldn’t it be awesome if the movie opened with the famous line, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good keister, must be in want of a 10 inch invasion of his bumhole.” I classed it up by using bumhole so Jane Austen’s language wouldn’t be thrown on the fire of good intentions.

And the grand daddy of them all…Gone With the Wind. I really think we need to change this so the slaves/servants are all white and the main characters are black. Scarlett and Rhett could be played by Beyonce and Jay Z or something like that. At the end, Jay Z could look over the plantation that’s just humming with activity and proclaim, ‘As god as my whiteness, I will never be hungry again.” And rather than telling Scarlett that he doesn’t give a damn, Rhett Butler can slap her and say “Who bitch this is?”

It’s all so fucking dumb and fits nicely with the idea that women, who are now a majority of college students, degree holders, and the workforce (also higher paid for entry level work) are somehow the victims. Everyone wants to be the CEO but no one wants to empty a condom filled septic tank.

Everyone wants to be the hero but no one wants to be the goat.


  1. If you want to change the characteristics of an historical figure, then you no longer have an historical figure, and should go full out writing something new. There’s nothing wrong with writing a show about a character loosely based on Henry VIII which allows you to use non-white actors.

  2. It’s funny because the woke have decided that only trans actors can play trans characters but anyone can play all the other types of characters.

    Trans woman can play a female lead! Doesn’t matter that no one believes that the “woman” is a “Womxn” or whatever.

  3. Pretty sure it was sorta “poon” that killed the singer of INXS.



    What’s this? The last sound he made?

  5. Henry VIII will be played by a woman, while Anne Boleyn will be played by Jeffrey Tambour.

  6. Yeah, agreed. A few years ago there was a trend of historical fiction that was centered around things we all know like Caesar or Henry VIII but told from the bishes point of view. I really liked it and thought it was a cool thought exercise.

    But now we’re taking the actual people and changing who they are to appease the woke monster. It makes no sense.

    Also, thanks for the explanation last night. I don’t think I considered that the cost of the good in the country where the currency was being devalued would stay constant. Makes sense now. I also see how China has been doing that FOREVER and why the Euro kinda fucked countries like Greece and Italy. I guess they devalued a lot, previously.

  7. Hitler played by the king of the zulus would be funny as hell.

    Giant wicker mask, skirt, bunch of little spears, and freezing his ass off in Berlin. LOL

  8. Makes sense now. I also see how China has been doing that FOREVER and why the Euro kinda fucked countries like Greece and Italy. I guess they devalued a lot, previously.

    *DING* *DING* *DING*

    That’s why the Euro was so controversial: it basically fucked over the Mediterranean countries in order to benefit Germany and France.

  9. I’m watching a Metatron video where he shows himself going out for groceries wearing a titanium breastplate and arming doublet under his street clothes.

    There’s a practical lesson for Amerika here.

    I bet I could weave sheets of titanium riveted mail into a duster and put a brigandine vest under it. Add a helmet and some good boots and you’re almost all set.

  10. Pretty sure it was sorta “poon” that killed the singer of INXS.

    his belt just wasn’t long enough Car in. If he was a FPOS, he would have had a longer belt.

    FPOS saves lives.

  11. Amazon has already pulled “IF I Ran the Zoo”.

  12. They still carry “If your mom ran a train”

  13. I’m waiting for the remake of Patton starring Jussie Smallett. Spike Lee can be Field Marshal Montgomery. Rommel should probably be played by Woody Allen.

  14. Patton was toxic masculinity.

  15. Yes, and Thank God.

  16. Obama should be played by RuPaul.

  17. We cannot allow humans to populate movies anymore. Too divisive; no matter what layer of the victimhood stack you draw from for cast, somebody’s gonna bitch. In the future, all movies will be CGI talking animals. That latest Cats movie, while a total flop, is actually a bellwether.

  18. Obama should be played by RuPaul.

    Too butch.

  19. you laugh, laura, but all CGI movies are already there. Makes a lot of sense, with the Screen Actors Guild and unions in Hollyweird.

  20. Voice actors have maybe another 10 years. Maybe.

  21. J’Ames, that guy’s not in trouble, he got pulled over for being too fuckin’ cool.

  22. HR1 passes the House, on to the Senate, where it will pass.

  23. So Trump and Melania got the Covid vaccine. They already had Covid. I guess I just don’t get it, anymore.

  24. do we get a vaccine for every single virus variant now? My arm is gonna be sore.

  25. Dude, everybody at work is doing the same thing.
    And they’re being told after vaccination that they still need to mask up and can possibly still get covid again and pass it to others.

    As I told a coworker last night, that just absolutely proves they really don’t know how well the vaccine works, and therefore this is a clinical trial using the whole public as the test subjects.

    I’ll be the ‘control,’ and you’re welcome.

  26. Shit, I just discovered my new retort for when a coworker gets heavy on me for not vaccinating. “I’ve been selected to be in the control group.”

    Won’t tell them I self-selected.

  27. “Sorry, I’m in in the Moronite Rite and we’re forbidden.”

  28. H2 control group solutions ™

  29. Ah, the joys of working a government job. I have one project, and was just told I might have to wait a couple months to get the answers I need to finish writing it.

  30. so, do they pay for training while you wait?

  31. No, although I do need to finish up some company mandated training.

  32. got a bit confused when it turned out that Anne Boleyn was to be played by a black actress.

    This reminds me of some dickaround show we started watching a few weeks ago. I can’t remember the name of it, but it was set in England during the Regency. The cast was hilariously full of blacks – not servants and whores, but actual society figures, and not here and there, but everywhere.

    I said to HotBride, “What is the purpose of this obvious mischaracterization of the period?” She said she thought it was more intended to portray the production as colorblind to the actors.

    I said, “This is stupid.” And turned it off.

  33. It’s to convince white people that they never had their own countries.

  34. A regiment of black redcoats fighting all white Zulus?

  35. Jefferson Davis played by Oprah. Why not?

  36. MJ, you’re not reading your kid any of that Dr. Zeuss racist shit, are you?

  37. I want a remake of Roots with whites in the black roles and asians in the white roles.

    It’s a metaphor.

  38. And the asian slaveholders don’t whip the white slaves they give them anal swabs instead.

  39. On this topic I saw a meme over the weekend with Gwyneth Paltrow (or some similar wypopo) playing Rosa Parks

  40. Cast Emma Stone. She’s sure to be a big box office draw after Cruella.

  41. Okay, out-of-the-box thinking here:

    There’s no reason at all to storm the fenced area around the Capitol. None.

    What you need are guards and roadblocks at the gates. Sieges work.

  42. And the asian slaveholders don’t whip the white slaves they give them anal swabs instead.

    In San Francisco they call that “Tuesday night.”

  43. Alex, have you made your own brigandine yet?

    Why not?

  44. Leon,

    No need and no space.

  45. So Leon – we don’t let them out?!??!!!

    Tell me more ….

    [slips into something more comfortable]

  46. Yep. Enclose. Get some wires to drape over the top so they aren’t tempted to use those awful, environmentally-destructive helos to get out, either.

    Green. New. Deal.


  47. why isn’t anyone learning to code any more?

  48. No need

    Better to have and not need than to need and not have.

  49. Walled cities get sieged. Been true for as long as there have been walled cities.

  50. why isn’t anyone learning to code any more?

    Fool’s game. My boss has been dressed down a few times for the fanciful notion of doing software development in North America. Too expensive to hit the quarterly earnings numbers.

  51. wtf, J’Ames, I just watched that clip at home a little over an hour ago, before this conversation even came up.

  52. *looks for hidden camera equipment*

  53. great minds

    *does the pointing two fingers at my eyes, then yours, then back

  54. we are going Salesforce here, too

  55. MJ, you’re not reading your kid any of that Dr. Zeuss racist shit, are you?
    No way. Nothing but tranny stuff and the Communist Manifesto.

    In all honesty I hate Dr Seuss books. I find them stupid and boring.

    There’s a zoot. A zoot in a suit that plays the flute.

    Fuck that noise.

  56. Green eggs and ham is a classic. Pretty sure that book taught me to read.

  57. Maybe it was fox in socks.

  58. I do not like them, Sam I Am

  59. I learned to read from Dick & Jane books.

  60. When my kids came along Dr. Seuss was all the rage. I hated them too, MJ.

  61. So Hotspur IS the grinch! I KNEW IT!

  62. Run, Dick, Run.
    See Dick run.
    See Dick chase Jane.
    Go Jane go.

    See Dick jump on Jane.
    Go Dick go.
    Watch Jane come.
    Come Jane come.

  63. Jane was little whore.

  64. My daughters loved Hop On Pop, actually.

    That was the book they asked for every night.

  65. I learned to read with Dick and Jane too, in Catholic school. My school must have been a bit more orthodox than Hotspur’s.

  66. Hotspur: What should we read tonight?
    Kristin and Angie: HOP ON POP HOP ON POP!!!!!!11!!1!11!!!1
    Hotspur: *groan* Again?
    K&A: Yeah, Dad!! HOP ON POP!!11!1!1!111!!!!!!!!!

  67. I went to Catholic school too. Am I misremembering something?

  68. I had a couple of Seuss books around when my kids were little. Only one I liked was The Grinch. Kids thought the Hop on Pop, fun. They did not learn to read from them though.

    While I didn’t care much for them, I dislike any banning more and will now hold on to any copies I do have. I’ll tell the daughter to hold on to them too, since she raided my bookshelf of children’s books when she moved out.

  69. Seuss was a hack who couldn’t rhyme so he made up gibberish words. Poor kid’s still trying to learn real English and real animals and I gotta tell her every time he stuck some bullshit in there to make the meter work.

    It’s crappy writing, but it’s not racist.

  70. Comment by Jay in Ames on March 4, 2021 1:27 pm
    why isn’t anyone learning to code any more?

    No need. The only program I ever use is Excel.

  71. Better to have and not need than to need and not have.

    My current project is to finish sewing a revolutionary war waistcoat, and then jacket and breeches. After that I may sew a pair of 16th century pants and a doublet and I’ll make a brigandine then.

  72. Comment by lumps on March 4, 2021 1:35 pm
    *looks for hidden camera equipment*

    Check the showerhead.

  73. My older daughter got on a Pinochio binge when she was about 18 months. She wanted me to read her Pinochio 3 or 4 times per day for weeks on end. I started using a Joe Pesci voice and accent, including multiple FBombs, just to keep myself from growing crazy. The wife put an end to that shit just as soon as she finally quit laughing maniacally.

  74. Hop on pop was good one too.

    From a learn-to-read sense, many of his books are great for that. You can hate him all you want.

    I didn’t love all his books, and it wasn’t as if I was his biggest fan. I generally like a whole lot of children’s books, etc.

    I loved yertle the turtle when I was a kid. I remember reading the Dr Suess books/LEARNING to read with them (at home).

    You guys can all suck a dick.

  75. For some reason, I really liked the Mary Poppins books. Read them many times as a kid.
    FF, the woke crowd got to those, too. Apparently over the same thing that the lefties are sitting their pants over with Seuss. In the 1st book, Mary took the kids around the world and met up with black characters in native garb. If I remember right, any new volumes will omit that chapter.
    I bought the set way back when the kids were little and have the original content.

    And don’t forget how they came after Laura Ingalls Wilder.

  76. …shitting their pants over…

    FFS, stupid spellcheck.

  77. Apparently over the same thing that the lefties are sitting their pants over with Seuss. In the 1st book, Mary took the kids around the world and met up with black characters in native garb. If I remember right, any new volumes will omit that chapter.

    “You need to expose children to the idea of other cultures!”
    “Ok, in this book Mary takes the children to Africa and they meet locals dressed in traditional garb.”
    “THAT’S RACIST! We meant that you nee to make Henry VIII a black, gay buddhist!”

  78. I enjoyed the Dr Seuss books.

    I learned how to read from Dick in Jane Books like Hotspur.

    It was a catholic school and they like to encourage procreation.

  79. I think I had dick and jane at school. But dr Seuss at home.

  80. I was highly motivated to learn to read.

  81. Carin?

  82. Car in….confession time….I really don’t like book banning or erasing our culture or woke bullshit. I went to Walmart dot com and Barnes/Noble, and bought Sneetches, Lorax, and Dr. Seuss Goes to War (I didn’t know he did political/editorial cartoons…I hope that one is interesting.)

    I can’t remember which other ones my daughter took off my shelf besides Grinch and Hop on Pop.

  83. Maybe I’ll have grandkids one day. It’s partly why I have a bunch if classic kid’s books.

  84. Honestly, what helped encourage me to read was The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings when I was in fourth grade, and that every Sunday my dad and stepmom would take my sister and me down to the local Powell’s branch and give us each $5 to buy a book.

  85. The growing Red Tide is why we all should save print books.

  86. CoAlex, I had no idea those books existed when I was a kid. City schools didn’t have a huge variety, my parents didn’t read books or desire to read to us, and the local library….best I could get was Nancy Drew.

  87. Hell, I didn’t even know about them when my son was young. That was remedied when the movie came out.

  88. Pretty sure there’s an evacuation tunnel out of the Capitol building, Cold War era.

  89. I loved to read as a kid. I was highly motivated to learn, and once I did I would hide in my rooms for hours reading whatever.

    My stepmother was a big reader and she bought me a LOT of books. She usually read them first.

  90. And you know who’s responsible.

    Dr Seuss.

    Maybe I exaggerate. But who knows? maybe it was the hop on pop stuff.

  91. Beasn, I was very lucky that my parents were both strong readers and so it was seen as normal to own and read books. To this day I feel weird if I don’t have a full bookshelf in my house.

  92. Monster Booty has arrived.

  93. With all the stories about Seuss books selling for $1000 on eBay what are the odds your local school librarian removed all Seuss books from the shelves to “protect the children”. When it comes time for the ceremonial book burning no one will be able to find them.

  94. eBay banned them, Jimbro. You can’t sell the Dangerous Books there anymore.

    You can still buy books by Farrakhan, Marx, and Hitler, though. Those are fine.

  95. My parents let me buy seemingly unlimited books from the Scholastic Book Services flyer our elementary school ordered from. I was always checking books out of the little library at the school. At some point in elementary school I was reading Guadalcanal Diary. I can’t imagine they’d let kids have access to that one these days. And Scholastic is probably giving discounts on Young Adult LGBT+ titles.

    Lemony Snickett’s Lemon Party
    Dick & Dick or Jane & Jane
    Encyclopedia Browneye
    Nancy Drew and The Trembling Strap On
    Oh the Glory Holes You’ll Go To!

  96. Dick is now Jane

  97. Hop on WAP

  98. /drops mic

  99. Horton hears a Ho

  100. Booty collage for Leon

  101. Harold and the Purple Dildo

  102. James and the Giant Buttplug

  103. I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed

  104. Thanks Pepe.

  105. The Complete Adventures of Bicurious George

  106. Roald Dahl’s The BFGTQQLPAG

  107. Where the Wild Sluts are.

  108. Comment by Jimbro on March 4, 2021 3:39 pm
    The Complete Adventures of Bicurious George

    This has to be an actual porno. No way they let that title go unused.

  109. Charlie and the Fudge Packery

  110. The Twats

  111. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Cunt

  112. Lord of the Nipple Rings.

  113. Little Whores on the Prarie

  114. “Holes”

    no change.

  115. If You Give a Mom a Cockie

  116. The Jungle Fever Book

  117. The Hard-On Boys

  118. Peter Pansexual

  119. Tom Saw Her

  120. The tale of Peter Rub it.


  122. 🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣

  123. Jamaica Plain was a location in Fallout 4. The bathrooms were mostly open concept, but that was because the buildings had been bombed to shit.

  124. Heh, Jamaica Plain (or JP) is a lefty haven. I did a 3 month rotation there at the Baptist Hospital and my brother worked at a psych hospital in JP — The Arbour. We often met at Doyle’s Cafe (now closed after a 137 year run) and the Brendan Behan Pub to share a pint of inspiration.

    9/10, would not shit in open bathroom

  125. That’s how it’s done.

  126. The dems are really going after Greene. She’s become Steve King of this congress.

  127. Greene gets attacked, Crenshaw gets yawns.

    This is worth noting.

  128. Wife took daughter to the local mall in Indiana. They walked by the little kid play area and daughter wanted to play on it, so she is.

    Her first act of civil disobedience against petty tyrants. I’m so proud.

  129. Buy her the Fisher Price My First AnarchoCapitalist Syndicate for Christmas.

  130. I like MTG. She has the same piss off the GOPe and the Lefties ability that Trump has.

  131. We’re using The Do-It-Yourself Gunpowder Cookbook for homeschool reading and science classes.

    We’re doing the “saltpeter from horse manure” procedure in lab next week.

  132. Oh, in case you’re wondering: no, you can’t get enough sulfur from chicken eggs.

  133. hmm, aftershokz came from Louisville KY and arrived in DSM today. Maybe get them tomorrow, since we aren’t Detroit.

  134. saltpeter has food preservation qualities, too, used in sausage. Cure #1 I think, but not food grade. It’s used in the danish lunchmeat you all like to make fun of the name, rullepolse.

  135. It’s just potassium nitrate, relatively common in organic wastes of all kinds, but dispersed. Given how handy the stuff is for all sorts of applications, I’m not surprised that techniques for concentrating it go back centuries if not millennia.

  136. I was wondering about a natural source that would be useful for natural preservation of foods.

  137. TSA Guy to Oso: You can’t wear gaitors. Oso: It isn’t a gaitor. It has 3 fabric layers and if I wear a filter it has 6 layers. TSA Guy: I was just trying to prepare you. (I have never worn the filter. At this time, I am not getting the vaccine. I work with people that have had the COVID and the vaccine and they continue to wear masks)

  138. Brew is in AZ for Spring Training. 2020 seems so far away.

  139. I was very lucky that my parents were both strong readers and so it was seen as normal to own and read books.

    I do remember my parents getting me Wind in the Willows and Wizard of Oz for one of my birthdays when I was a wee lass. Problem was, they were too advanced for me at the time. Don’t know what happened to them. I did become the reader of the family but again, not a lot of classics at our library. Was drawn to old timey illustrators and spent the other half of my youth, drawing.

  140. oso, did you see the Cardinals picked up Arenado?

  141. I spent 8th grade reading Barbara Cartland romances with a classmate who was bused down from the darker side of the city. LOL

    Oso and I would have been fast friends.

  142. Jay, based on my reading of it, you’ve got two historical sources. The easy way was to find a natural cave with a stone floor and a lot of bats or seagulls. Then you could “wash” the concentrated saltpeter out of the bottom layer of guano and let it crystallize out of the wash water as it evaporates. Alternatively, you take a BIG mass of any “green” (high nitrogen) inputs you’d ordinarily compost and pour boiling water through them to replicate the natural process at a less sedate pace.

  143. Oooo, yeah, and I LOVED getting Scholastic Books. I was weird in that the books with the most pages got my consideration because didn’t want to waste my money.

  144. J’ames, si.

  145. celery was supposedly a nitrate source

  146. I read EVERYTHING. Newspapers. Books. Magazines. Encyclopedias. I own all of the Julia Quinn’s. HS referenced the series on Netflix earlier. I didn’t even care that Netflix cast black actors in a Regency. I just don’t want to wait for all the seasons that I waited for the books. I have all the prequels as well. I’m older than Dr Seuss. My dad read Kipling, Tennyson, and Poe. By the time Dr Seuss rolled around, we were already tainted by colonizing white guys.

  147. My brother and sister aren’t readers. I would fill out their scholastic orders and get all the books. I was always a speed reader. I was given library privileges that other students didn’t get.

  148. Yeah, meat curing with nitrates was historically done with celery. Good article I just found:

    There’s a distinction there, though, in that “saltpeter” could mean sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate. The latter is what you want for fireworks.

  149. Just remember with the aftershokz – your brain has to get used to them. It takes a few weeks until you’ll really enjoy the sound.

  150. a natural source that would be useful for natural preservation of foods.
    I know you’re looking for a chemical but how about smoking/dry aging?

  151. Jimbro, in traditional preservation, you cured and then smoked.

  152. The packer my farmer uses does a salt cure and then smokes the bacon. Whole process takes like 2 weeks.

  153. It takes a few weeks until you’ll really enjoy the sound.


    Longer if it’s Gojira……..

  154. Hush. I am becoming the biggest Gojira fan. Their new album is going to SLAP

    (that’s the term the kids all use – I assume it’s appropriate)

  155. EVERYONE! Don’t forget to set your alarm for 12:01. New Chevelle released at midnight.

  156. nitrates change the protein structures and preserve red colors. you can make bacon without it, but color is different.

    smoking and salting (corning) are both preservation methods too

  157. EVERYONE! Don’t forget to set your alarm for 12:01. New Chevelle released at midnight.

    My excitement is inexpressible.

  158. I totally get it Leon. Samsies.

  159. Look, I don’t have concerts right now. no races – not that I can count on. New music releases is basically all I have right now, and I need you guys to understand what this is like for me.

  160. I’m happy for you. I look forward to basically nothing at this point, so I envy you even this much.

  161. Yea, well, it’s only a little thing so I’m really not that much better off than you.

    Right now, I’m looking forward to my spring planting.

    How pathetic is that?

  162. Are the Dr Seuss people lefties? Most assuredly.

    I say let ’em burn. Their rules, not mine.

  163. Did you ever paint the room off of the kitchen, Car in? Seems like you have A LOT of time on your hands.

  164. Are we not changing the header picture for a reason? I can’t remember.

    It used to be updated constantly.

  165. My current project is to finish sewing a revolutionary war waistcoat, and then jacket and breeches. After that I may sew a pair of 16th century pants and a doublet and I’ll make a brigandine then.

    I missed the SHIT OUT OF YOU, you dick!!!

  166. We only update the question/comment they are reacting to, those children are the H2. We are them. They are us.

  167. CT is opening up. Meet up with Wiser Margs and diner cheeseburgers?

  168. OK, but still waiting for the catch. You’ll probably have to be anally swabbed at the border. Just hold on a sec.

  169. Ok, when we travel, I have a tendency to have night terrors. Last night, I was screaming “Get Out” and “Dan”. There was an Asian woman in a seer sucker dress who sat on the foot of my bed. Told me she felt ill. I wanted her out of our room. She told me she needed to “Puke”. I saw the silhouette of the guy who killed her. My screaming actually woke up Dan. Being married to a psycho is good for laughs.

  170. Connecticut is opening. COVID is over.

  171. MJ on March 4, 2021 at 7:23 pm
    Did you ever paint the room off of the kitchen, Car in? Seems like you have A LOT of time on your hands.
    You mean the pantry?? Why should I paint that?

    Fuck off MJ

  172. Texas was predictable.

    Connecticut is the trial balloon for the rest of the Blue states and Democrat controlled cities.

  173. Hawaii will be the last.

  174. Flights to HI are ridiculous. I jumped into a conversation with a bartender recently back from HI. He and his GF. Kona. He is ready to go to Kauai. 349 round trip. Vaccine. I’m anti vax. Dan is threatening to travel without me. Bartender guy was BNB.

  175. Our lives have been trashed and our betters don’t give a shit.
    Family in nursing homes
    Of course our businesses
    Parties of all kinds

    A whole year was STOLEN from us. As you get older this means so much more. You only have so many years where physically and mentally you can do things and enjoy things. And the mental incompetent “President” is talking about getting back to normal MAYBE next year.
    Eff them all.

  176. Mare is right. I have been hiding behind the COVID from having conversations with mi familia.

  177. Flu season is what we had.

    It’s all bullshit.

    Fauci made millions.
    Big Pharma made billions.
    Enviroweenies couldn’t be happier.
    Teachers union got a year off with pay.

    A perfect scam.

  178. Variants will rule the future.

  179. Scott is always right. Always

  180. Oso, did you solve the mystery of her death with the help your dead therapist, and then help him move on to the next life?

  181. And rather than telling Scarlett that he doesn’t give a damn, Rhett Butler can slap her and say “Who bitch this is?”

    Literally LOL’d, then had to explain to Mr. RFH.

  182. Looked at the $900K place with the open bathroom. A mom would never, ever, ever have a single moment’s peace.

  183. Wow, kilt it good.

  184. Naw homes, just sleppin one off.

  185. Nope it’s dead. Sorry, my bad.

  186. Does Elizabeth read proficiently?

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